六 年 级 英 语 情 景 对 话

六 年 级 英 语 情 景 对 话



()1. What did you do yesterday? A. My friends

()2. How did you go there? B. I went to visit my cousin. ()3. What day was yesterday? C. Yes, I did.

()4. Who did you go with there? D. I went by bike. ()5. Did you play computer game last night? E. It was Saturday.


()1. Where are you going on your holiday? A: my mom. ()2. Who are you going with? B: Hainan.

()3. What are you going to do there?C: This weekend. ()4. How is your family going to get there? D: By train.

()5. When are you going? E: I'm going to see folk dance.


()1. How did you go there? A: Yes, I did.

()2. Did you eat good foot yesterday? B: I went to Hunan. ()3. Where did you go on you holiday C: I am excited.

()4. How are you, Mike? D: I went by subway. ()5. When did you go there? E: I went there on July 4th.


()1. Where did you go? A. I see many kites.

()2. What did you do? B. Yes, we did.

()3. What did you buy? C. I went to the zoo.

()4. What did you see? D. I played basketball.

()5. Did you have fun? E. I bought a jacket.


()1. What's your favourite sport? A. Because it's boring. ()2. When does Amy do her homework? B. The No. 5 bus. ()3. Which bus do you usually take to school? C. No, I can't. ()4. Why don't you like math? D. She does her homework at seven. ()5. Can you cook the meals? E. My favourite sport is volleyball.


()1. What did he do last weekend? A. It's 8meters long. ()2. How long is the sperm whale's tail? B. He played ping-pong. ()3. What's the matter with you? C. Yes, I did.

()4. How does Linda feel? D.My throat is sore. ()5. Did you do you homework? E. She's very happy.


六年级上册英语期末试卷及答案 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman () 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t. Writing Part(笔试部分) 五、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把序号写到前面的括号里。 ()1. A. scientist B. worker C. coach D. count


班级_________ 姓名__________ 学号________ 成绩________ 1. Ben: Happy New Year, Lily. Let’s ________ a fruit salad now. Lily: Great! Ben: I ________ a pineapple and three ________. Lily: Do you have ________ mangoes? Ben: No, I don’t. I have some ________. Thery’re ________ the table(桌子). Here you are. Lily: Thanks. 2. Wang Bing: Do you have ________ bananas, Su Hai? Su Hai: Yes, ________ do. Wang Bing: ________ ________ bananas do you have? Su Hai: ________. 3. Danny: Do you have any sweets, Mum? Mum: Yes, I have many sweets here. Danny: Great! ________ I have some sweets for my friends? Mum: Sure. ________ ________ sweets would you like? Danny: ________. Mum: OK. ________ ________ ________. Danny: Thank you, Mum. 4. Do you have ________? Yes, I do. Look at that ________! He can ________. 5. I have ________ bananas. Do you have ________ bananas? No, I don’t. I have ________ orange. 6. This is a cute ________. Do you like ________? Yes, I do. I like ________ too.


( )1. The car is _______. A. Tom and Jim B. Tom’s and Jim’s C. Tom and Jim’s D. Tom’s and Jim ( )2. _______ girl is Mary? That girl. A. Whose B. Who C. What D. Which ( )3. It’s time _______ play games. A. for B. on C. to D. about ( )4. Which of the two _______ books Lil y’s ? A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )5. _______ school is big ,but _______ is small. A. Our, their B. Our, theirs C. Ours, their D. us, theirs ( )6. The boy _______ the bike is my brother. A. on B. by C. in D. about ( )7. The watch in my pocket looks like _______. A. you B. your C. yours D. him ( )8. This is _______ picture of _______ White family. A. a , a B. the , the C. a , the D. a ,× ( )9. They go to school _______ seven thirty. A. on B. about at C. at about D. about ( )10. _______ morning we read English. A. In B. Every C. On D. At ( ) 11. Look at your new clothes. Please ________. A. put it on B. put on it C. put them on D. put on them


孟庄小学英语试卷分析本次期末考试已经结束,现对我所教的英语学科考试成绩进行分析: 一、基本情况 二、试题分析 本次检测试题难易程度中等,试题量适中,试题类型多样化:既考察了学生的语言基础知识,也考察了学生对语境的理解能力和运用英语交际的能力,特别是进一步加强了对语音的考察,非常好。 三、学生做题情况分析 从总体来说,试卷从教材教学要求和学生的实际水平出发,着重考查学生对基础知识的掌握水平。 1、四年级英语试卷共七道题,第一大题听录音选单词,85%的学生都能做对,15%的学生集中错在5、6、7、8、10。第二大题听录音错误率较高,几乎达到70%,集中错在4、5、6、7、8,第三大题听录音排序正确率50%,有一半学生都错在了 2、 3、4幅图的排序。笔试部分第四大题找出画线部分发音不同的单词40%的同学集中错在3、 4、5,说明学生对于语音发音规律没有掌握好。第五大题学生主要出现单词分类不完整的现象。做的最好的是第六大题抄写句子和第七大题选单词或句子。

2、五年级英语试卷共八道题,在四年级试卷的类型上又增加了单选、看图补全句子、连词成句、阅读理解等。听力40分,60%学生能够得到25分以上,40%的学生失分率较高并且各题都有错误出现。笔试部分单项选择选出画线部分读音不同的单词,错误率特别高,集中错在2、 3、4。五年级得分不高的主要原因在于第五和第七大题。第五大题看图补全句子90%学生得分都是零,学生不会拼写单词是主要原因,需要在下学期重点抓这一方面的内容。第七大题连词成句也是失分率较高的题目。50个学生19个学生得分为零,学生对于简单的句子不会背诵,平时需要这一方面的训练。 四、原因分析: 根据学生的答题情况,有以下几个原因可能导致成绩不高: 1、听力练习时间较短,仅靠课堂上几十分钟远远不够,需要学 生在课下加大练习量。 2、英语规范书写要加强。 3、基础内容单词和句子掌握不扎实,学生对于应该背会内容的停留在会读的层面。 4、课文中的固定短语没有及时总结并加以运用。 5、课堂用语的交流太少。 6、综合运用语言的能力急需提高。 五、今后教学改正措施 1、正确使用课堂用语,为学生提供有效的英语学习氛围。 在教学中注意情境教学,创设生活的情景为学生提供感悟、理解、模仿和运用英语的机会。


六年级上册英语期末测试卷 Listening Part(听力部分) 一、听音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 ( ) 1. A. science B. straight C. street ( ) 2. A. slow down B. on foot C. by bus ( ) 3. A. next week B. take a trip C. comic book ( ) 4. A. traffic light B. get together C. moon cake ( ) 5. A. puzzle B. hobby C. pen pal ( ) 6. A. worker B. head teacher C. reporter ( ) 7. A. angry B. sad C. afraid ( ) 8. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. pay attention to ( ) 9. A. turn B. stop C. visit ( )10. A. country B. gym C. grass 二、选出你所听到句子中含有的单词或短语。 ()1. Jim goes to Beijing ________ . A. by ship B. by subway C. by train ()2. _______ at a red light. A. Stop B. traffic C. Wait ()3.I’m going to see a film _______ . A. tonight B. tomorrow C. next week ()4.He is a ________ . A. post man B. factory worker C. businessman ( ) 5. You should_____________. A. see a doctor B. do morning exercise C. wear warm clothes 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 ()1.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where are you going? ()2.A.Turn left at the bookstore. B. Turn right at the bookstore. ()3.A. How do you come to school? B. How does she go to school ? ()4.A.I must pay attention to the traffic light. B. I’m going to see a film. ()5.A.When are you going? B. What does he do? ()6.A. Does he live in Sydney? B. Does he like doing word puzzles? ()7.A. He like reading stories. B. He works at sea. ()8.A.Don’t go at the red light. B. Don’t be sad. ()9.A. You should see a doctor. B. You should take a deep breath. ()10.A. They’re afraid of him. B. They’re happy. 四、听问题,选答句。 ( ) 1. A. Turn left then go straight. B.I go to the museum by car. ( ) 2. A. She works at sea. B. She goes to work by subway. ( ) 3. A. He likes swimming. B. He is a scientist. ( ) 4. A .The cinema. B. Next Wednesday. ( ) 5.A. Yes, he does. B. No, he can’t.


关于复赛小学组“看图说话”环节的攻略 一. 评分标准 “看图说话”部分满分50分: ※对图片上的内容进行全面、正确的描述,35分; ※结合图片内容和自身经历,能谈及更多的内容,并抒发自己的感想,15分。 注:如不能独立对图片进行描述,但能回答评委针对图片内容进行的提问, 20分。 二. “看图说话”内容说明 总的来说,大部分图都包括角色(人物,动物,物品等),场景和角色行为几个因素,按语文上的说法也可以称之为时间,地点,人物,事件几个要素。 选手应当首先从以下这几个方面来观察一幅图: 角色 1. 图片中有(些)什么?——人物,动物,食物,生活用品,家具,… 2. 这些事物的特征?——数量,颜色,服饰,形状,位置,… 角色行为 5. 这些人或物在做什么?——发挥自己的想象力 6. 行为的结果和影响怎样?——好,不好,(不)可爱,(不)快乐,(不)累, 场景 3. 在什么地方?——海滩,公园,房间内,操场,教室,医院,商场… 4. 场景中所呈现的天气,时间怎样?——晴,阴,雨,雪,冷,热,早晨, 中午,下午,晚上 但是根据年级的不同,在各个因素设置上难易度不同,要求也不一样。下面我们分年级段按照例图进行讲解: 前言 口语本身不需要很严谨的语法结构和逻辑关系,大多是一些简单句的罗列。但是,作为网上的书面辅导,以下所写的范文例句还是不得不比较书面化,选手们看着也许会觉得比较难。我们的建议是:只抓思路和方法,不要过于关注语法和句式。

如图一 图片上有什么? 鸟 bird (表述公母对一年级选手而言过难,可以用自己会的boy, girl 表示)特征是什么? 数量:2只 two birds 颜色:1只红色 one red bird (one bird is red) 1只蓝色 one blue bird (one bird is blue)很漂亮 very beautiful 服饰:绿色的蝴蝶结 green bowknot (这个词可能有些难) 位置:站在树上 stand in a tree 行为,它们在做什么?(这个可以有很多种设想) 1. 他们站在树上,谈恋爱。 They stand on the tree. They love each other. 2. 他们在亲吻,他们相爱了。They are kissing. They love each other. 3. 他们在谈论… … 。(编一段对话) The blue bird says:“ My dear,I love you.” The red bird says:“ I love you too.” … 等等。选手们可能会有更丰富的想象。 行为的结果怎样呢? 他们很幸福 They are very happy 场景描述 这幅例图没有直接的场景,可以不描述。 但是为了得高分,可以设想一些简单的场景信息,加以叙述 比如:天气sunny and warm ,时间 Saturday morning

六年级上册英语试题-单项选择专练 人教(PEP)(含答案)

小学六年级英语单项选择题专练 () 1. We are going to the ______ to buy a postcard. A. library B. zoo C. museum shop() 2. Look here!________ nice kite! A. What B. What a C. How () 3. The park is ________ my home. A. in B. near C.next () 4. I like the ________ robot. A. talk B. to talk C. talking () 5. I want_______ a new pencil. A. buy B. buy C. to buy () 6. There _____ a post office near my home. A. am B. is C. are () 7. ---Is there a zoo______ your city? ---Yes, there is. A. at B. for C. in () 8. The zoo is _____ the park_______ Dongfang Street. A. next; in B. near; on C. next to; with() 9. Mary is new here. Can you help ______? A. she B. her C. we () 10. There is ______ Italian restaurant in my city. A. a B. an C. / () 11. Is the park far _______ here ? A. to B. from C. in


小学六年级第一学期英语期末测试卷 Class_______ name______ mark______ 一、找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(5%) (D )1、A. name B. bag C. at D. and (D )2、A. ten B. desk C. bed D. me (B)3、A. live B. his C. five D. fish (C)4、A. on B. no C. shop D. not (A)5、A. use B. much C. but D. lunch 二、选出最恰当的答案,把序号写在左边括号里)(20%) ( A )1.How do you go to school? A. I go to school on foot. B. The school is next to the hospital. C.I am going to the cinema. ( A )2.What is your hobby? A.I like making kites. B.She goes to work by bus. C.Next to the hospital. ( A )3. Does she watch TV at night? A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she goes to school on foot. C. No, I go to the park at night. ( B )4.Turn left at the cinema, then __________. It’s on the left. A.our school B.go straight C.green light ( A )5. at the red light. A. Stop B. Go C. Wait


四年级英语看图写话 专项练习

四年级英语看图写话专项练习班级_________ 姓名__________ 学号________ 成绩________ 1. Ben: Happy New Year, Lily. Let’s ________ a fruit salad now. Lily: Great! Ben: I ________ a pineapple and three ________. Lily: Do you have ________ mangoes? Ben: No, I don’t. I have some ________. Thery’re ________ the table(桌子). Here you are. Lily: Thanks. 2. Wang Bing: Do you have ________ bananas, Su Hai? Su Hai: Yes, ________ do. Wang Bing: ________ ________ bananas do you have? Su Hai: ________. 3. Danny: Do you have any sweets, Mum? Mum: Yes, I have many sweets here. Danny: Great! ________ I have some sweets for my friends? Mum: Sure. ________ ________ sweets would you like? Danny: ________. Mum: OK. ________ ________ ________. Danny: Thank you, Mum. 4. Do you have ________? Yes, I do. Look at that ________! He can ________. 5. I have ________ bananas. Do you have ________ bananas? No, I don’t. I have ________ orange.


六年级英语单项选择题训练和连词成句-单项选择(总7 页) 本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March

六年级英语单项选择题和连词成句训练 题 姓名分数 一.单项选择题。 boy in a school. A. is B. am C. are a student yesterday . A. is C. are desks new. A. is B. am C. are I a cake A. has can English songs. girl big eyes . A. has B. have a picnic yesterday. A. has B. have at home last week . A. was B. were C. am is a bed . A..making

10. He is . A..runing 11. He is . A..swiming father to work an hour ago. A.. goes B. went C. going are big . A..monkey boys like singing . A.. don’t ’t ’t 15. The boy like singing . A.. don’t ’t ’t is ice cream . C. the the girl ball games . A..play you TV . A..watching can smell with . A..noses color are the kites Yellow. A.. It’s’re are is Easter .


2011——2012第二学期小学英语阶段性试卷分析 陈嘴学区后两连小学 9月21日,陈嘴学区全体小学英语教师在刘校长的组织带领下,就2011——2012第二学期小学英语考试情况进行了系统的试卷分析,分析内容结果如下:一.失分易错知识点: 1.听力部分:听力部分占整张试卷分值的50%,其中,学生对于听整段对话进 行排序和听一段对话找出相应答案这两道题失分情况较为明显 2.笔试部分:笔试部分占整张试卷分值的50%,学生丢分情况较为明显的两部 分是: 第一,阅读题,根据一段文章判断或者选择正确答案 第二,课外知识的拓展与延伸的题目上, 二.重点分析原因: 1.针对学生对于听整段对话找答案,排序,失分较多这一现象,我们认为,学生首先是在平时练习的量上有所不足,其次是在做题技巧上没有掌握,比如,做这样要从全文着眼的对话题,听力之前要通读题目,做到胸有成竹,在去听录音,而有部分学生却直接听,这样就造成了顾此失彼,一片混乱。2.针对笔试部分的阅读,这是整个学生阶段的难点,对于小学生来说也不例外,本次考试,文章中出现了不同程度的生词,给学生造成了理解困难,再有就是学生的平时阅读水平的高低,本题上使学生的分数上拉开距离。三.对于今后教学的要求和改进提高措施 1.提高学生的听力:在考试中听力所占的分值可以看出来,英语教学应该充分 的重视学生听力能力的培养,即要求教学中增大学生的输入量。让学生老师做到耳纳百川。而且,作为英语这一语言本身来说,大的输入量,才可能会

有大的输出量,即能够进行口语表达,语言学习的最终目的是为了用,进行交流,,所以。教学中可播放小电影动画,网络上的大耳朵英语,或者其他的版本的教材和录音磁带。 2.提高学生阅读能力:阅读能力要通过平常的常规训练,培养学生对文章的理 解能力,同时还要注意阅读文章要能调动孩子们的兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师。 3.对于孩子们的课外知识拓展,既要从考试的角度出发,进行针对性练习,又 要注意拓展孩子的事业,调动孩子们的好奇心,让孩子们主动学习,探究。 4.重视孩子们的口语练习,让孩子们多说多练,让学生把课堂当成自我展示的 平台,完成输出的过程。 5.亲其师信其道,正是因为小学英语的重要性,所以,教师不但要给予同学们 知识上的引导,也要用自身的人格魅力来吸引学生,进一步是他们爱上英语。 6.英语作为一种重复性的语言,平时的听说读写的训练时不能丢的,同时也需 要进行语言点的重复性练习和巩固,所以不论是教材的设计还是日常的教学,我们都应该重视知识点的反复出现和练习。 7.对于小学英语来说,虽然新课改上只要求六年级毕业时,英语水平达到二级 即可,但是,由于学生知识掌握层次和能力的大小,教师要适当渗透语法知识,满足好学生的求知欲,逐步总体提高英语语法的掌握与应用。 8.教师教学时多用口语进行交流,开始时候也学有些不适应,出现听不懂,跟 不上的情况,但是,随着时间和反复的重复,有利于孩子们的听力与口语能力的提高,同时也创造了良好的英语学习氛围。 9.狠抓基础差的学生,因为对于孩子本身而言小学英语为启蒙阶段,不能丢, 其次,从小大好英语学习的基础,养成良好的英语学习习惯是关键;对于英语教学质量来说,提高差生成绩,是提高总体成绩的关键。


关于六年级英语期末考试试题 一、词组互译。(10分) 1.与……一样冷 2.pickstrawberries 3.去钓鱼 4.playbaseball 5.参加…… 6.planttrees 7.昨天下午https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf4984537.html,kcows 9.进行一次野餐10.aphotoofmyfamily 二、根据首字母和句意将句子补充完整。(10分) 1.Anelephantish_____thanamonkey. 2.T_____rightatthefirstcrossingandyoucanfinditonyourright. 3.Whatareyoug_____todothisweekend? 4.Iamgoingtotakepartinthesingingc_____。 5.CanIhavesomew_____paper? 6.Tomismyp_____,weoftenwriteletterstoeachother. 7.IwouldliketoseeaBeijngO。 8.LiuTaolikesmakingm_____planes. 9.Theboysrunf_____thanthegirls. 10.Canyout_____methewaytothepostoffice? 三、情景匹配。(10分) III

1.What‘stheweatherlikeinsummer?A.No,Ican’t. 2.Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow?B.Theyaregirls. 3.Areyouastudent?C.Idon‘tknow. 4.Where’sLucy‘sbike?D.Sheismyfriend. 5.AretheyAmericanorEnglish?E.It’samapofChina. 6.Howoldisyouruncle?F.TheyareAmerican. 7.Arethetwinsboysorgirls?G.Yes,Iam. 8.WhoisKate?H.It‘sunderthetree. 9.What’sthatonthewall?I.It‘susuallyveryhot. 10.Canyouseethecaronthehill?J.I’mgoingtowatchTV. 四、选择。(10分) 1.Whosebagisbigger,_____or_____? A.your,I B.yours,my C.yours,mine 2.Thecapisn‘tmine.It’s_____,Ithink. A.Mary‘s B.Mary C.Marys 3._____yourkitehighinthesky! A.Put B.Let C.Fly 4.Howmany_____canyouseeinthepicture? A.man B.child C.people D.woman 5.A:_____theweather_____inNanjing? B:It’sveryhotinsummer. A.What‘s,like B.What,like C.What’s,is D.What‘s,/


小学四年级看图写话三篇 【篇一】送给老师的花 教师节就快到了,小云想送些礼物给老师,来表达她对老师的感谢,送什么呢?贺卡、钢笔、笔筒……这些礼物似乎太没新意了。于是,小云决定要送一份与众不同的礼物给老师。 鲜花*能表达对老师的赞美了,就送鲜花给老师吧!记得那一次,成绩一向很好的小云,因为粗心在一次测验考砸了。老师居然没有批评她,而是耐心给她补课,使小云成绩有了很大的提高。小云打心底里感激老师。 想着想着,不知不觉就来到了学校。现在时间尚早,同学们还没到校。小云就悄悄溜进教学楼,来到办公室前。菊花插在哪里好呢?小云再一次扫视老师的桌面,啊!有了!就插在笔筒上吧!小云想:菊花代表顽强、无私的精神,老师看见了一定喜欢! 阳光照了进来,照得菊花发亮,窗外的牵牛花好像正在歌颂这个庄严的节日,正在赞美全世界老师的辛勤劳动呢! 老师,祝您节日快乐! 【篇二】我是好孩子 一天放学回家的路上,我忽然看见邻居张爷爷家的玻璃碎了,原来是邻居家的小孩儿用足球踢碎的。我想:如果张爷爷家的玻璃老是不修,那刮风下雨的时候该有多冷啊!于是,我匆匆忙忙地往家跑。到了家以后,我从我的存钱罐里拿出了我辛辛苦苦攒得的十元钱,又

急匆匆地向张爷爷家奔去。 我气喘吁吁地来到了张爷爷家门口,敲了敲门,开门的是张爷爷,我有礼貌地对他说:“张爷爷,您家的玻璃碎了,您拿这十元钱去把玻璃修好吧!”张爷爷惊讶地摆摆手说:“孩子,你真好。这玻璃又不是你踢碎的,我怎么能叫你赔呢?”我坚持着说:“爷爷,天越来越冷了,再不把玻璃修好,您会冻病的。这是我的一点心意,您就快收下吧!”张爷爷激动地拉着我的手说:“孩子,你真懂事!来,爷爷也是个老球迷,我这一直收留着一个足球,虽然旧了,但还能踢,就送给你玩吧!”我推让着说:“老爷爷,这是您的纪念品,您还是收留着吧!您什么都不用给我,这是我应该做的。”说完,我就往家跑去。 回到家,我把这件事从头到尾讲给了妈妈听。妈妈一边竖起大拇指一边夸赞我说:“好孩子,你长大了!” 【篇三】胜似亲人 生活中,关爱的事像是天上的星星一样,多得数不清。有的让你感动,有的让你开心,有的让你后悔,甚至有的让你悲伤。下面,让我来给你讲一讲。 那一天晚上,狂风怒号,寒风呼啸,外面冷极了,我走在回家路上,路上已经没人了,有一位搭客司机也匆忙地骑着摩托车回家。他走着走着,车子突然不动了,也许是天气冷;也许是车子没油了。只见他一直尝试开动车子,但也无济于事。正当他绝望时,一位路过的搭客司机看见了在发愁的他,坐在车上一动不动。他赶紧上前问,


六年级英语单项选择专题训练 一、选择。 ( )1.—How does she go to school ?— A.At 8:00. B.By foot. C.On foot. D.In the classroom. ( )2.—How much is it ? — A.It’s 60kg. B.It’s 60cm. C.It’s 60. D.It’s 60 yuan. ( )3.—How is your sister ? — A.I’m fine. B.She’s OK. C.He’s OK. D.You’re fine. ( )4.—How do you do ?— A.I’m fine,thanks. B.How do you do? C.OK. D.Very well. ( )5.—How old are you ? — A.Eleven B.Fine C.There D.First ( )6.—Would you like some soup ? — A.Yes, please. B.Yes, I am. C.No, I’m not. D.Yes, I can. ( )7.—Can you make the bed ? — A.Yes, I can. B.Yes, I am. C.No, I didn’t. D.No, I can. ( )8.—What day is it today ? — A.I t’s Sunday. B.June 1st. C.I t’s sunny. D.It’s in May. ( )9.—Does she teach English ? — A.Yes, he does. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she does. D.Yes, she is. ( )10.—What’s he like ? — A.He likes rabbits B.He’s tall and thin C.He’s a teacher. ( )11.—Happy birthday ! — A.Thank you B.Great C.Happy birthday D.Goodbye ( )12.—Help yourself — A.Yes, please. B.Thank you. C.Great. D.OK. ( )13.—What’s her name ? — A.I’m Ann B.She’s Mike. C.She’s Ann D.He’s Mike ( )14.—See you in the morning.— A.See you. B.OK C.Good morning D.Good idea. ( )15.Mike and Ann classmates. A.is B.are C.am D.do ( )16.—Welcome to our school !— A.Thank you B.Yes C.OK D.See you ( )17.—What does your father do? — A.It’s a driver. B.He’s doing housework. C.He’s a doctor D.He’s at home. ( )18.Li xiaobin is engmeer. Yuan yuan is policeman. A.a. a. B.an.an. C.an.a. D.a.an. 二、单项选择 ()1.—is the weather like in Beijing? —It’s windy. A. What B. How C. When D. Where ()2.You’re two than me. A. year older B. years older C. year old D. years old ()3. A: are you going to Shanghai? B: This summer holiday. A. When B. What C. How D. Where ()4. You must when the light is red on the road. A. stop B. go C. wait D. walk ()5.Let’s clean the window. A. Good idea! B. Yes! C. No ! D. It’s nice ()6.I have many books, English book ,a story-book, and…。 A. a B. the C. an D. / ()7.Can you spell “pencil”?—。 A. Yes. p-e-n-c-i-l B. OK. C. Great ()8.What’s name? B. He is Tom. A. your B. his C. her D. my ()9.My friend music. A. likes B. like C. do like D. to like ()10. you play the violin? A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I can’t. C. No, I can. D. No, you can’t. ()11.What color is it? A. It’s orange. B. It’s an orange. C. It’s a orange. ()12.你想介绍你的朋友John,你可以说: A. Hi, John. B. This is my friend, John. C. He is John. ()13.I my English teacher.


小学六年级英语试卷分析 第一单元试卷分析 (一)、试卷命题特点 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,试题比较全面地检测学生对听、说、读、写综合知识掌握及实际运用能力,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容(如动词的时态的运用,重点短语等),一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容。 (二)、试题分析 试卷共分听力、笔试二个部分、十大题,着重考查了学生的基础知识和基本技能,试题比较全面地检测学生对听、说、读、写综合知识掌握及实际运用能力。 1、听力部分 听力测试满分为50分,分别为:一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。二、听录音,标序号;三、听录音,判断正误。四、听录音,连线。五、听录音,选择正确的选项。整体来看,听力部分得分率相对来说比较低,失分较多的是第四题与第五题,其原因可能在于听力测试不同与其它学科的笔试,不允许有丝毫的随意性,学生必须全神贯注,跟上录音才能顺利完成考试,然而相当一部分同学在听力测试时注意力不集中,而四、五两题听力多为长句子因而导致失分,再者较多学生不能认真审题,理解判断能力较差。 第二单元试卷分析 笔试部分主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,包括语音、词、词组、语法等方面的考查。现分述如下: 一、选择正确的答案。是属于基础知识,主要考查学生对基础知识的掌握。失分率较低。 二、把图片与所对应的单词连线。这一项是考查学生认单词情况,较简单,失分率很低。 三、计算下列算式,并写出相应的数字的英语单词。这一项是考查单词掌握情况, 且完全是四会单词。本题失分较少,可以看出大部分学生对基础的掌握还是很牢固的,错的较多的是eleven, twelve。 四、根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 学生在本题扣分很多,主要原因可能是学生练得太少或者说没有重视四年级的阅读训练。 五、据图画所给的情景,选择与图画相符的描述,将编号写在括号里,并将句子抄在图右面的横线上。 本题主要考查学生对句子意思的理解,较为简单,学生多数完成的不错。部分学生在抄写句子的过程中出现错误,而且有些学生书写不规范,应该加强书写练习。 三、存在问题的原因: 通过对失分题型的分析,发现存在如下原因:一是在课堂教学中重视了对学生语言输入的能力的培养,但对学生语言输出能力的培养方面做得不够。二是教
