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As the season is rapidly approaching,```由于季节很快来临,·······We shall be very much obliged ```原义是“我们将非常感激”。在商业信函中,意思相同的套语有好几个,目前多倾向于用We shall appreciate it very much```.There is a brisk demand for these goods.对这些的需求很旺盛


1.Could you please``` This company specializes in student exchanges between Europe and China.Could you please send us a copy of your summer calendar of forthcoming cultural and educational events? 本公司专门举办中欧学生的交流活动,敬请寄送暑假文化教育活动日程表一份。

You have previously supplied us with cotton piece goods.Could you please now quote for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed form? 贵公司曾向我们提供过棉匹布,现在请提供所附表格上列举的货物的报价。

2.Will you please```

Will you please quote inclusive of transportation and insurance, and inform us the delivery time.烦请贵公司提供包括运输和保险在内的报价,并告知装运时间。

Will you please send us your completed/general/latest/current catalogue and price-list? 请寄送贵公司总的、普通的、最新的、最近的目录和价格表。

3.We will be interested in```

We will be interested in discussing terms with you.When the final decision has been made, would you please tell us what discounts you offer on bulk purchased?请告知贵公司对批量购买提供的折扣率,待我方做出最终决定后与贵方洽谈具体事宜。

We will be interested in importing American furniture and would be pleased to know the specifications or details of your display cabinets together with prices and the terms of payment.我公司愿意进口美国家具,请寄送有关鬼子的价格和付款条件的详情。

4.```we are interested in```

We have been importers of shirts for many years.At present, we are interested in extending our range and appreciate your catalogues and quotations.多年来,本公司经营衬衫进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围,盼能惠赐商品目录和报价单。

Please send us your keenest quotation for snooker tables.We are interested in purchasing them but we need to have further details of the costs before making a final decision.请寄给我们贵公司台球桌的最优报价,我们有兴趣购买,但需要进一步


5.```interest us```

Your ad in today’s China Daily interests us, and we will be glad to receive samples with your lowest prices FOB Huston.我们对你方刊登在今天的《中国日报》上的广告很感兴趣。如能寄来样品并附上最低的休斯顿离岸价格,我们将不胜欣慰。

Your corduroy cap in assorted colors interests us very much, and we confirm the order we placed with you by telephone this morning.我方很喜欢你方的杂色灯芯绒帽子,现确认今天早晨与您电话联系的订单。

6.We intend to/ want to/would like to ```

We intend to purchase two Sony TV sets before the end of the fiscal year, and we should appreciate your offering us the best price.我们有意在本财政年度购买2太索尼电视机,敬请贵方报出最优价格。We would like to inform you that we will be accepting orders for the new 100A and 101A models beginning March and expect to e-mail you new prices within this week.我方从三月起接
