





2. 运用“讨论式”的英语教学模式,采用“任务型”英语教学途径,突出阅读和写作学习策略的培养和实践,使学生领会语言信息的输入与输出、阅读和写作之间的内在联系,引导学生独立思考,并以讨论、合作学习的方式练习英语听说读写的各项能力。


1) 研究篇章结构引导学生通过阅读把握文章的框架结构,揣摩作者的写作意图,掌握谋篇布局的能力。因为文章的结构往往也是很重要的设题线索,如:主旨大意题,推理判断题等。

2) 关注transitional words, 正确有效地使用它们能使文章更加流畅,结构更加严谨,逻辑性更强。

3) topic-related vocabulary拓展学生的有效词汇,准确进行话题表述。


4. 本节课由三部分构成:

Presentation部分的Passage One ,Practice部分的Passage Two以及Consolidation部分的Writing Practice。

在选材上考虑到两篇阅读文章题材( homestay )及体裁 ( essay )的一致性,并兼顾作文话题的相关性,阅读部分为写作部分的进行提供outline和词汇支持;这样,学生在写作时会感到有具体内容可写,有具体框架可仿;这种设计的目的在于降低文章结构、内容方面的难度,增强学生写作信心,但仿写作文在本课并不以完整形式呈现,留作assignment。5.导入部分

观看北京电视台关于老外home stay北京的视频以及北京奥运人家与上海世博人家两组共八张含有home stay内容图片,激发学生兴趣,也使学生了解更多的背景知识,为加深对材料的理解做了铺垫,同时也提高了学生的文化素养。

6.Part One Presentation

借助所给表格抓住文章中心大意以及文章的脉络,解码文章的顺序是篇章到句子到词汇。Part Two Practice


Part Three Consolidation Part





任务布置:1、课前观看Foreigner在中国homestay 的短片




教学目标:1、与主题相关词汇的积累与使用,如:language travel students




2) 任务型阅读与写作



教学过程(Teaching Procedures):

第一部分:Part One Presentation

Step 1: Lead-in导入( 2 minutes )

谈论课前观看的北京电视台关于homestay的短片,展示北京奥运人家与上海世博人家两组共八张含有host familiy内容的图片,了解背景,激发兴趣,自然地过渡到关于home stay的两篇阅读材料。

Step 2: Reading Passage One( 12 minutes )



Task 1: Skimming to complete the following form according to the example given in italicized (斜体) words. (6 minutes )


Task2. Read Pa.3 again and underline the transitional (过渡的) words. (3 minutes )

Get them to pay attention to the function of transitional words

Step 3. 师生共同活动: (3 minutes )

Have a closer look at the form and analyze the structure of the passage. Instruct students to grasp the structure of a passage.

Part Two Practice ( 11 minutes )



1.Underline the topic sentence of the passage and then decide the title.

Title 与Topic sentence相关,同时处理

2. Can you guess what will be talked about in Pa 4 ?

根据文章结构及transitional words —however,so推理判断该段的内容

3. We can conclude that the author takes a _______ attitude towards homestaying in Australia.

A. negative

B. positive


Step 4. Get them to read through the passage to handle the three tasks and discuss the answers to the three questions and then report.

Step 5: Group discussion: 分组讨论并汇报( 4 minutes)

Have a discussion about how to write a similar essay and present tips on it Task: Tips on how to write a similar essay:


Students will strengthen the ability to take all the elements concerning writing an essay into consideration.

Part Three consolidation ( 15 minutes )

Writing practice

Go through the following detailed information and discuss the outline in groups of 6 and write down the results and then present.


针对越来越多的优秀高中毕业生选择去香港、国外读大学的现象 ( phenomenon ),谈谈你的认识与看法。

Task : Write An outline for the essay in class

Step 6. Write their own outlines and then have a discussion to share their ideas and present them in class to get a clear outline of the essay.

Step 7: Assignment (1 minute)

Complete the essay (120 -150 words) and present it in class next period.



青岛开发区一中李亭Learner’s sheet

Part One presentation

Passage One

⑴Host family accommodation,or living with host families, remains popular among language travel students for its unique advantages. These days, host families are trying to offer more in terms of quality, for they still have something to worry about.

⑵Host family accommodation is often seen as the No.1 choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living. Staying alongside host families enables students to get enough practice for the short time of their studying so that their language acquisition(习得) is likely to become faster. Living in host families also has the advantage for students of being able to spend a lot of time communicating with their “host parents”, and get to know the local way of life, people and culture.Another advantage is that host family accommodation can sometimes be the least expensive. It attracts students for it ensures them a family type of living at a low cost.

⑶The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying. On one hand, some host families are losing their unique selling point. The problem is that the majority of hosts in big cites, now generally single and young, have less time available for students but the selling point for host family accommodation is communication practice. On the other hand, students’ expectations have risen. They are becoming more demanding and asking for more than ever from their accommodation, as they come mainly from high socio-economic groups in their own countries.

⑷To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service. They are trying to make living conditions better, including broadband Internet service, private bathroom, and access to plenty of hot water for long showers. They are also providing students with structured family activities.

⑸It is believed that host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with language travel students. (311 words)


Task1. Complete the following form according to the example given in italicized (斜体) words. Task2. Read Pa.3 again and underline some transitional (过渡的) words.


Title: (1) ______________________

Part Two Practice

Passage Two

Title : __________________________

⑴Homestaying with an Australian family during your time there can be not only a memorable experience, but also a very rewarding one, for both the student and the host family. It's a unique chance to see what life in Australia is like for ordinary people, and it also gives you the chance to share your own culture and ideas with them. It's a much easier option than deciding to stay at hotels etc., because you don't have to worry about finding a place to stay, preparing your own food every day. So, it gives you more time to let yourself be immersed totally in the Aussie culture and the people.

⑵If you decide to stay with a homestay family, you're able to live and study in a comfortable environment, without the usual issues you might have if you decide to stay in a school dormitory / youth hostel, such as noise, crowding, and having to fight over the bathroom etc... If you get a

little lonely, being in a family atmosphere can make it a lot easier for you to get over these feelings, because there's always someone around to talk to.

⑶Being with a host family also allows you to get involved with Aussie people and culture immediately. If you are introduced to other friends and family, you know that your host is already comfortable with them and even though these people may be strangers to you, they are more welcoming. Introductions are easier, and the language barrier is overcome because they already know your background, which they have most likely heard from your host family.

⑷However, _____________________________, …………

⑸So, like everything, homestay has both the good and the bad. But if you come to Australia with an open mind, and a positive attitude, your homestay experience will undoubtedly be one of the most memorable of your life.


2.Underline the topic sentence of the passage and then decide the title (within 3 words).

3.Can you guess what will be talked about in Pa 4 ?

Pa. 4____________________________________________

3. We can conclude that the author takes a _______attitude towards homestaying in Australia.

A. negative

B. positive

Group discussion:

Tips on how to write a similar essay:


Part Three Consolidation

Writing practice


针对越来越多的优秀高中毕业生选择去香港、国外读大学的现象 ( phenomenon ),谈谈你的认识与看法。

高中英语 定语从句教学设计优质课

T e a c h i n g D e s i g n Grammar — The Attributive Clause (I) (who, whom, which, that, whose) 淅川二高贾丽君 I. Teaching aims: 1. Help students understand what the Attributive Clause is and its function. 2. Enable students to use relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that, whose) in the Attributive Clause properly. 3. Encourage students to express their love to fathers using the Attributive Clause. II. Teaching important and difficult points: Enhance students’ proficiency and accuracy in using the relative pronouns to write the Attributive Clauses. III. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching method; Audio-lingual method; Cooperative learning; Group discussion IV. Teaching steps: Step I:Lead in 1. Guess a riddle. This is a man who loves us very much. This is a man whose love is as great as a mother’s.


高一英语教学工作反思 任教以来学校安排我任教普通班17班和音乐9班。经过这段时间的教学,有很多方面值得总结和反思。下面我就根据平时的教学和其他方面分别对高一和高二两个班级的工作实行简要地阐述。 一、高一英语教学工作反思 总的来说,感受最深的两点是:高中英语教学要一气呵成,不能忽视其中任何一个环节;要注重与学生的交流,密切注意学生的思想变化。下面从教学和备课两方面谈谈所积累的经验和发现的不足。 1、教学方面:常规教学中求创新 一、注意高一年级与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期伊始,我们通过入学考试了解学生大致水平,即时给学生补充初中的缺漏知识。利用一月左右的时间从语言、词汇、语法、句型等方面协助学生系统复习。尽快使学生适合了高中英语教学,具体做法是:培养学生课前预习、课后复习的良好学习习惯;尽可能用英语授课,要求并鼓励学生用英语思考问题、回答问题;根据高考要求,从高一年级开始就培养学生的阅读水平,教会学生一些阅读技巧,养成良好的阅读习惯;另外,课后还增强了与学生接触,尽快和学生熟悉起来。 二、高中英语教学要始终贯彻交际性原则,强化学生主体意识 “让游泳者到水中去。”这是交际语言教学理论的思想核心。贯彻交际性原则亦就是要把教学活化为实际,我的做法是: 1.建立“课前五分钟会话”,培养课堂交际氛围。如一进课堂我说:“It’s nice to see you again./It’s fine today, is n’t?/How are you today?”星期一上课问:“Did you have a good time in the weekend?”学生会作出不同的回答,引出更多的对话,从而达到交际的目的。 2.尽量坚持让学生作duty report。这个做法在一些初中学校就经常采用,不过到了高中我仍然坚持让学生继续做,实践证明duty report是锻炼学生开口的好方法。具体是让当天值日生在讲台前向同学们介绍当天日期、天气、出勤等情况,也能够让他们讲故事,并允许他们随意挑选同学回答问题。 3.适当让学生表演对话或课文内容。针对近期所学内容,布置学生课后实行讨论排练,然后再搬上课堂表演。 4.定期举办英语课外活动,充分调动学生开口参与交际的积极性。 三、培养学生的自学水平 只有通过辅导学生掌握一套科学的学习方法,并培养学生的自学水平,才能使学生的学习积极性和主动性得以发挥。我的具体做法是:培养学生的预习水平、各种方法掌握英语基本知识的水平、学生自己整


B2U5复习学案(话题10) By Cassie I. Fill in the blanks. 1. ___________v. 邀请; 招待 ___________ n. 邀请; 招待 2. _______________ v. 鼓舞;启发;激发____________ adj. 幽默的; 诙谐的 3. ___________ v. 组织 ____________ n. 吸引; 吸引力 4. ___________v. 表演;执行 ___________ n. 表演 ___________ n. 表演者 5. _______________ v. 行动;表演 ____________ n. 男演员/女演员 6. ___________ n. 音乐 ____________ n. 音乐家 ___________ adj. 音乐的 7. ___________v. 奉献;致力于 ___________ n. 投入;热爱 ___________ adj. 忠诚的;投入的15. ___________ n.成功;v. 打击;打 (did,done) 8. ___________ v. 吸引; 引起 ____________ n. 吸引; 吸引力 ___________ adj. 吸引人的; 有吸引力的9. ____________ adj. 自信的;确信的 _____________ n. 信心;信任; 秘密 ____________ adv. 自信地 10. ___________ adj. 诚实的 ___________ n. 诚实 ___________ adv. 诚实地 11. ___________ v. 依靠 ____________ adj. 可靠的 ___________ adv. 可靠地 12. ___________n. 传统 ___________ adj. 传统的 13. _______________ v. 广告;宣传 ____________ n. 广告 14. ___________ v. 系上;附加;连接 ____________ n. II. Fill in the blanks with given words. 1. Though he ___________ (invite) to the meeting, he refused the ________ (invite) because he was opposed to the programm. 2. Some famous ___________ (perform) will give a __________ (perform) at the concert this evening. 3. He ___________ (devote) himself to the protection of rare animals for years and his ________ (devote) will arouse people’s awareness of wildlife protection.

高中英语 公开课教案

珠海市第x中学公开课教案 课题Basic writing-- Introduce a place 课型writing 执教者班级授课时间 节次2/4 课时第课时授课地点教室 教学目标知识与技能 1.Have a general idea about basic writing 2.How to introduce a place 3. Put useful information together logically. 过程与方法For details please refer to the following steps 情感态度 与价值观 Get the students to be confident to write a basic writing. 重点Master the ways to write a basic writing: introduce a place 难点Enable the students to write a basic writing: introduce a place 教学方法Motivations, information processing, cooperative learning Step 1 Brainstorming What is a basic writing? Put the given information together in five setences. How to write a basic writing? Go through the given information Figure out the key words and phrases Write out the simple sentences according to the given information Put the whole information together in five setences using clauses , “with” structure, “-ing” form and so on Check the whole passage, adding conjunctive words if necessary. Step 2 Presentation: Introduce a place---Weifang 1.Go through the given information 2.Figure out the key words and phrases: ?位置be located in ?占地面积cover an area of ?平方公里square kilometers ?人口 a population of ?宜人的气候 a pleasant climate ?多风windy ?雨少little rain ?年平均气温yearly average temperature ?悠久的历史 a long history ?富饶的be rich in ?矿藏mineral resources ?水产seafood products ?旅游城市t ourist city ?举办城市host city


邀请信(一) 一、书面表达(满分25分) (2018·贵阳市高三摸底考试) 假设你是李华,你班将于本周日去红枫湖游玩。请你根据以下信息给外教Tom写信,邀请他参加。 1.出发及返回时间; 2.活动:骑车、划船、烧烤等。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Tom, ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 【范文赏读】 Dear_Tom, ①Our class is planning to go on an outing this Sunday,so I am writing to invite you to join us. ②We're scheduled to gather at the school gate at 9:00 a.m.,and take a bus to Hongfeng Lake,which will take about half an hour.③Varieties of activities will definitely appeal to us.We'll have a lot of fun riding bicycles,rowing boats in the lake and even barbecuing.About 3 hours later,we'll be back to school. I'm sure you will like this program.I sincerely hope you can come and enjoy a good time with us. Yours, Li_Hua

人教版 高中英语 选修六 第二单元 热身公开课 导学案

编号:WHGZYYXX6-U2-001 高二英语选修6 Unit 2 Poems Period 1 Warming up and reading 班级_________ 组名________姓名_________ 【学习目标】 1.知识目标:初步了解中英文诗歌的异同,并能简单分析英语诗歌的特色。 2.能力目标:听辨录音,吟诵诗歌,翻译大义,鉴赏英语诗歌之美。 3.情感目标:诗以言志,歌诗合为事而作,方言儿歌的教育功能。 【重点难点】 重点: 把握中英诗歌异同中的同,并且学会分析欣赏英语诗歌的三美。 难点: 在中英诗歌对照的前提下欣赏英语诗歌的意象美、音乐美、视觉美。【学法指导】朗诵,吟唱,赏析,讨论,仿写。 【学习过程】 【知识链接】 1. 诗歌是由意象美、音乐美、视觉美构成的三维复合型艺术系统,其中音乐美 包含音韵美、节奏美、旋律美。 2. 王建(约767-830年),唐代诗人,字仲初,颍川(今河南许昌)人,享年约六十七 岁。家贫,“从军走马十三年”,出身寒微,曾任陕州司马,世称王司马。他写了大量的乐府,同情百姓疾苦,与张籍齐名。 3. 据南宋刘义庆《幽明录》记载:“武昌阳新县北山上有望夫石,状若人立。相 传昔有贞妇,其夫从役,远赴国难,妇携弱子饯送至此,望夫而化为石,因此为名焉。” 4. 英语修辞格(figures of speech):Alliteration(头韵) Assonance(双声/叠韵) Personification (拟人) Antithesis(对照/对偶) Repetition (重复) Allusion(典故/引喻) Step 1【自主预习】 1. poem ____________ 2. poetry ______________ 3. rhyme _______________ 4.rhythm __________ 5.repetition __________ 6. contradictory __________ 7. recite __________ 8. concrete ____________ 9. imaginative ____________ 10. nursery rhymes ________________________ 11. mockingbird ____________ 12. diamond ring __________ 13. brass__________ 1 4.billy-goat _____________ 1 5. transform into ________ 1 6. day by day ____________ 17. revolve _______________ 18. utter speech __________ Step 2【课堂导入】 Quiz for common sense of poetry (诗歌常识小测试)→ PPT Step 3【合作探究】 1.How to appreciate the beauty of poetry?(怎样欣赏诗歌的美?) _________________________________________________________________


《高中英语教学反思》 高中英语教学反思(1): 教学也是一种艺术,我也一向把这句广告词作为激励自我的座右铭。要想作到更好,就必需对过去的工作进行不断的反思,总结经验教训,查漏补遗。 (一)对英语教学的重新认识 1、学习外语与情意的关系。外语课堂教学既是一个掌握外语的认知过程,也是一个激励情意的过程。课堂教学中的情意因素包括情意和意志。情意包括动机、兴趣、态度、气质、性格和良好的习惯等。学生在学习、掌握外语的过程中伴随着传递情意的活动,学习外语和交流情意相互间紧密联系,相互促进,组成一个整体。情意的产生受学习外语认知活动的影响,学习外语的认知活动能促进情意由低级向高级发展,由低层次向深层次发展。学生初学外语时,会产生一种好奇心,好奇心不断获得满足,从而又产生了求知欲;求知欲不断获得满足,进而树立了自信心;自信心不断增强,并与崇高远大的理想相联系和强化,可使兴趣发展得更丰富,从而构成认知兴趣。因此,教师在外语课堂教学过程中,既要重视掌握语言知识和运用语言潜力目标的完成,又要重视情意目标的实现。但是,当前有些外语课堂教学还未把情意目标提到教学议事日程上来,或者有意无意地把它忽视了。 2、语言知识与交际潜力的关系。语言是重要的交际工具。学习英语的目的,不仅仅仅是掌握语言知识,更是为了提高运用语言进行交际的潜力。英语教学的最终目的是获得为交际运用语言的潜力,这种潜力只能透过实践训练才能获得。语言知识的传授不能代替听说读写技能训练和为交际运用语言潜力的培养,我们应在教学中将掌握语言知识、培养言语技能和为交际运用语言的潜力有机地结合起来,到达学以致用的目的。例如,在学习了天气预报这一课后,我除了在课堂上让学生用所学句型自由对话外,还找来多期China Daily,让学生参阅天气预报这一版进行对话。学生在自由交谈中既巩固了所学知识,又扩大吸收了书本外相关的语言知识,更重要的是,在交际活动中还提高了他们的听、说、读、写和语言交际的潜力,到达了多元培养目标。 (二)教学理念的反思 应对新教材,首先思想观念要转变,有了新的观念才能理解新事物。如果观念没有更新,新教材、新课程都只能是空谈,无非是穿新鞋,走老路,新课程的实施简单地被视为换一个大纲、换一套教材、调整一些课程资料。对生动活泼的课程资料进行肢解,使其成为不胜其烦的知识点的堆砌,把Reading当成讲解知识点的例子。教师的教育思想是在长期受应试教育的影响下构成的,很多人崇尚苦读、勤教,不以人为本,应试第一,分数至上,把学生基本上看成是挣分的机器,对学生乐学的潜能几乎没有开发,英语教学过程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用潜力的培养。这种教学观念与新课程的要求极不相适应。因此,为了适应新课程,要突出以学生为主体的思想,教师在教

如何上好高中英语公开课 (1)

谈如何上好高中英语公开课 对青年教师来说,开一节公开课,如同完成一次蜕变,累掉一层皮,有着刻骨铭心的阵痛,但换来的是突飞猛进的专业成长。可以说,公开课是青年教师培训的有效途径,是名师培养的摇篮。下面,我将以自己的亲身经历和所见所闻为基础,从如何看待英语公开课、课前如何备课、课中如何实施、课后如何总结等四个方面,来跟大家谈一谈如何开设英语公开课。 一、理性看待公开课 当前对公开课的定位有点错位和异化,在一些教育行政领导和教师眼里,英语公开课是“面子工程”,它所代表的是一个学校,甚至是一个地区的英语整体教学水平,容不得有半点差错。 对于上课教师来说,公开课是一个崭露头角、获得关注、赢得荣誉的好机会。于是就有个别上课教师想借公开课一鸣惊人,毕其功于一役,成为“一课成名天下知”的教育明星。 在这种背景下,公开课已不是教师个人的教学或教研行为,而是一场经过反复演练、精雕细琢的“样板戏”,凝聚了当地专家、教学同行的集体智慧,体现着学校和当地行政领导的教育意志,教师和学生早被沦落为逢场作戏的演员。但是,作为青年英语教师,我们要对公开课要有客观理性的认知。 1.正确定位,凸出研究意识。 虽然教育界对五花八门、精心包装的公开课提出强烈质疑,褒贬不一,但是有一点是肯定的,那就是公开课作为评价和提高教师教学基本功的一个高效平台,在相当长的一段时间内都是无法替代的,很多青年教师正是汲取着公开课的营养,迅速成长起来的。 公开课具有展示和研究的双重性质,既可以用来赛课评奖,展示教师的课堂教学水平,也可作为一种研讨方式,用以同行之间切磋教学技艺,后者更有利于青年教师的专业化成长。 那种过分强调公开课的展示选拔性质的风气和做法,肯定会诱导和强化教师的外在动机,是造成公开课形式化、表演化和作秀的重要原因。我们要认识到,公开课的主要功能是探讨教学规律,研究教学方法,推广教学经验,提升教学质量。 青年英语教师要争取多上研讨课,强化对课堂的研究意识,彰显个性探索;另外一


最新高考英语书面表达优秀范文 书面表达(13) 1.假设你是李华,你的外籍同学John在英语学习上帮助了你.他 即将回国,请你再给John 用英语写一段留言,要求包括以下内容要点: 1.你在英语学习上曾遇到的困难; 2.John对你的帮助、建议及措施: (1)多听多读; (2)多看英语电影、多听英文歌曲; (3)自由发挥; 3.你的收获及对John的感谢和祝福. 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头结尾以为你写好,不计入总词数. Dear John, How time flies! It's time for us to say goodbye. ______ Yours sincerely, Li Hua ·You have offered me so much help that is beyond words.I still remember I had difficulties in learning English last year.It was very hard for me to memorize so many words and understand what people

were saying,let alone speaking and writing.【高分句型一】However,I am so lucky to meet you who are kind-hearted,wise and patient.Firstly ,you taught me to listen more and read more,which really helped me a lot.【高分句型二】Besides,you also suggested me that I should watch English movies and sing classic English songs.Your recommendation Titanic is still my favorite,Furthermore,you also advised me to form the habit of reading aloud in the morning and reading novels before going to bed.As a result,I finally made great progress.(自己在英语学习上曾遇到的困难,John对自己的帮助、建议及措施还有) Thank you for all your help and best wishes for you.(对John的感 谢和祝福) ·Dear John, How time flies! It's time for us to say goodbye. You have offered me so much help that is beyond words.I still remember I had difficulties in learning English last year.It was very hard for me to memorize so many words and understand what people were saying,let alone speaking and writing.【高分句型一】However,I am so lucky to meet you who are kind-hearted,wise and patient.Firstly ,you taught me to listen more and read more,which really helped me a lot.【高分句型二】Besides,you also suggested me that I should watch English movies and sing classic English songs.Your recommendation Titanic is still my favorite,Furthermore,you also advised me to form the habit of reading aloud


Book4 Unit 3 A Taste of English Humour Period 1 Reading Comprehension Teaching aims: 1. To master the fast reading skills to pick out useful information 2. To learn to analyse the structure of the rext, getting the main ideas of each paragraph as well as the main idea of the whole text. 3. To learn some moral qualities from Charlie Chaplin. Teaching procedure: 1. Students' self-study to finish the given learning guiding materials 2. Group work to discuss and conform the correct answers, meanwhile come up with and setlle more questions about the text. 3. Students^ summing up the text to learn some moral lessons 4. Summary and practice Step 1: Warming up 1. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chaplin was born in ________ o n April 16, 1889. His parents were both music hall __________ a nd he first appeared on the stage in a dance act at the age of eight. While making his short films, Chaplin created the character of the _____________ that audience laughed at yet sympathized with at the same time.Chaplirf s tramp appeared in such classic ______ as The Kid (1920) and The Gold Rush (1925). In Modern Times(1936), he combined comedy with social commentary . As World War II began, Chaplin made The Great Dictator(1940), which was intended to ridicule the German _____________ A dolf Hitle 匚 In 1972 he visited the __________ to accept a special film award,and in 1975 he was knighted by the queen of England. He died in Switzerland on December25,1977. 2. Chaplin wrote, directed, and produced many movies he starred in. He was given a special Oscar for his lifetime outstanding work. Please match the following pictures with the names of his famous movies. Step 2 Fast reading Scan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage. 1 ? Laughter can remove people's depression because _______ ? A. people enjoy it B. it makes people more worried about their life C. it makes people more content with their life A. 《大独裁者》1940 D.《寻子遇仙记》1920 B.《摩登时代》1936 E.《流浪汉》1915 C.《淘金记》1925 (i) ____________ (3) ___________ (4) ______________ CMAIUI CMAHiN 臥 D1KTAT0R <5) _________


高一英语教学反思 高中英语教学要一气呵成,不能忽视其中任何一个环节;要注重与学生的交流,密切注意学生的思想变化。下面从教学和备课两方面谈谈所积累的经验和发现的不足。 1教学方面: 常规教学中求创新 一、注意高一年级与初中的衔接过渡 高一新学期伊始,我们通过入学考试了解学生大致水平,及时给学生弥补初中的缺漏知识。利用一月左右的时间从语言、词汇、语法、句型等方面帮助学生系统复习。尽快使学生适应了高中英语教学,具体做法是:培养学生课前预习、课后复习的良好学习习惯;坚持用英语授课,要求并鼓励学生用英语思考问题、回答问题;根据高考要求,从高一年级开始就培养学生的阅读能力,教会学生一些阅读技巧,养成良好的阅读习惯;另外,课后还加强了与学生接触,尽快和学生熟悉起来。 二、高中英语教学要始终贯彻交际性原则,强化学生主体意识 “让游泳者到水中去。”这是交际语言教学理论的思想核心。语言学家毛鲁(K E Morrow)曾说过:“To learn it, do it… only by practising communicati ve activities can we learn to communicate.”意思是,要学,就得实践。贯彻交际性原则亦就是要把教学活化为实际,我的做法是: 1.建立“课前五分钟会话“,培养课堂交际氛围。如一进课堂我说:“It’s n ice to see you again./It’s fine today, isn’t?/How are you today?”星期一上课问:“Did you have a good time in the weekend?”学生会作出不同的回答,引出更多的对话,从而达到交际的目的。 2.尽量坚持让学生作duty report。这一做法初中就经常采用,然而到了高中我仍然坚持让学生继续做,实践证明duty report是锻炼学生开口的好方法。具体是让当天值日生在讲台前向同学们介绍当天日期、天气、出勤等情况,也可以让他们讲故事,并允许他们随意挑选同学回答问题。 3.适当让学生表演对话或课文内容。针对近期所学内容,布置学生课后进行讨论排练,然后再搬上课堂表演。


最新高中英语优质课听课心得范文5篇 听课是教师再学习和的一种方式,通过听课,教师可以取长补短和树立不断学习才能不断成功的信心,这里给大家分享一些关于高中英语优质课听课心得,供大家参考。 高中英语优质课听课心得1 暑期,我校全体高中英语教师去听了由优秀教师展示的公开课,使我们对新课程改革下的英语教材和英语课堂有了进一步的认识和了解,对我们今后的教育、教学工作有很大的帮助和启发。 首先是新课程的观念与创新,随着信息时代和知识经济的到来,国际交往频繁,国际理解变得更加的重要,而各国综合国力的竞争即人才的竞争。21世纪以来,各国着眼于教育的改革与创新,时代发展了对人才的培养也提出了新的要求,教育已成为国家的重大支柱,学会求知,学会做事,学会生存已成为时代的要求。而现阶段中国的基础教育还不够完善存在一些问题,如以知识为本的教育理念;学生缺乏学习兴趣和终身学习的能力 ;学习内容陈旧,缺乏与社会、科技和学生生活的联系 ;教学方法单一,死记硬背 ;评价方式单一,以升学为目的 ;重知识,轻能力的现象还普遍存在 ;各阶段不衔接,造成资源浪费 ;要求偏低,词汇量偏少 ;评价的手段单一 ;教学水平偏低。 针对这些问题教育部提出了基础教育阶段英语课程的基本理念即:教育要面向全体学生,注重素质教育;整体设计目标,体现灵活开

放;突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;倡导积极学习,采用活动途径;改进评价体系,促进学生发展;开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道等。以提高学生的综合语言运用能力,促进外语教学的发展。 第二,课程理念的变化,教学方式由原来的讲解、传授为主转换成启发、发现、探究的过程;办学方式由封闭式转换成开放型;教学模式由原来的以教师、课本、课堂为中心转换成以学生、活动、任务为中心;学生的角色由被动地听、死记硬背到主动参与、自主学习、主动学习;教师的角色由知识的传授者转变到课堂的组织者、参与者,学习的倡导者、促进者。 第三,新课改也对教师的教学方法提出了一些教学建议,在教学过程中,教师要面向全体学生,鼓励学生大胆使用英语,对他们的mistakes采用宽容的态度;提高学生自主学习与相互学习的能力;关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围;倡导“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,以学生的兴趣为出发点,尽量真实,这样既有助于学生英语知识的学习也有助于学科间的相互促进;尊重学生个性,以学生为主体,拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们的跨文化意识;利用现代教育技术,拓展英语学习与运用;组织生动活泼的课外活动,促进英语学习;不断更新知识结构,适应现代社会的发展;遵循课时安排的高频原则,保证教学质量和效果。 两位老师两节精彩的展示课,给人以耳目一新的感觉, 两堂课都从课堂预设到动态形成.,一环扣一环, 通过师生互动, 生生互动,学生活动高潮迭起,


公开课教案 Xxx Model 1 How Good Are Your Social Skills? Lear ning Aims: 1. Learn some words related to social manners. 2. Get a gen eral un dersta nding of social skills using differe nt readi ng strategies 3. Be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their own social techniques Step 1 lead-in What kind of book is it from? A. a bus in ess course

B. a how-to book teach ing social skills Step 2 while- readi ng Skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. Lear n how to do small talk Develop your liste ning skill. Lear n the rules. The gen eral idea is _____ . A. social skills B. liste ning skills C. talk skills D. social rules Step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed in formati on. 1. We will not be shy if we have good ____________ . 2. Accord ing to paragraph land 2 ,We should ______ . A. avoid talk ing to some one whom you know B. lack the con fide nce to talk to a stra nger C. talk con fide ntly to a stra nger 3. Communication is a __________ process」t invoIves _______ and ________ . Step 4post- readi ng


题型特点 感谢信是重要的礼仪文书,是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体或个人表示感谢的书信,有感谢和表扬 双重意思。其结构为: 点名写信目的 感谢信 描述事情经过 常用句式 1. 开头常用语 (1) I am writing to extend my thanks/convey my gratitude to you for ... 我写这封信是因为 ?? 表达我对你的感激。 (2) I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for... 在信中我要为 ?? 向您表达我诚挚的谢意。 (3) Thank you so much for the gift you sent me. It's one of the most wonderful gifts I ever got. 非常感谢你给我寄来的礼物,这是我收到的最好的礼物之一。 (4) I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your timely help and assistance. 我谨借此机会表达对您给予我们及时的帮助和支持的感激。 (5) On behalf of my whole family, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for... 我谨代表我全家对 ?? 表示真诚的感激之情。 (6) I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness by ... (7) Many thanks for all the things you have done in helping us to ... 非常感谢你为帮助我们 ?? 所做的一切。 2. 结尾常用语 2020 届高考英语二轮复习书面表达书信提升 练习 感谢信


浅谈高中英语阅读课课堂教学设计 发表时间:2013-01-21T11:23:15.637Z 来源:《新校园》学习版2012年第9期供稿作者:杨彩红 [导读] 高中英语的阅读课文的选材丰富,是渗透着思想情感的教育,对学生的身心发展会产生较强的感染作用。 张圆 (兰州市六十中,甘肃兰州730060) 摘要:高中英语阅读材料贴近现代生活,许多阅读课文渗透着思想情感的教育,是高中英语教学的一个重要环节。本文对高中英语阅读课教学设计进行初步探讨,提出一种新的阅读课的课堂教学设计,强调学生在阅读教学中的主体性和参与性,重视学生的参与以及学生用英语获取信息、运用信息、处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力,同时也注重学生的知识拓展以及对英语文学作品的审美能力。 关键词:阅读课教学;教学设计 英语阅读课是扩充学生词汇量、丰富学生语言和提高学生语言运用能力的重要课程和途径,是学生拓宽视野,获取知识和信息的重要渠道。新课程标准指导下的Senior Englishfor China 新教材阅读课教材内容十分广泛,包括人文地理、科学发明、历史与文学、体育与健康、宇宙空间、新闻媒体、报刊杂志、旅游与休闲、人权等各种题材。体裁则更加丰富多彩,有记叙、说明、议论、小说、书信、戏剧、游记、幽默等。这样就具有话题广泛、信息量大、语言知识丰富等特征。它是各单元教学的核心,是培养学生阅读能力的经典范文,也是学生吸收和运用信息的主渠道。以高中英语阅读课文为例,对高中英语阅读课文课堂教学设计进行初步探讨,大致分为以下四个环节进行课堂教学设计,每个环节在教学中的侧重点不同,但又缺一不可。 一、导入(Leading in)———引出话题 课文导入环节是为了对阅读作教学准备,引起学生对阅读的兴趣和求知欲。设计好导入环节能有效地激发学生的学习兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯。采用启发式教学方法,激活学生思维,让学生对文章所给的信息产生好奇的心理,给学生独立思考、大胆想象和自我发挥创造了思维空间,从而激发他们去捕捉文章中的信息。在教学中根据不同的内容可以使用的导入方式有以下几种: 1.背景介绍式(the way to introduce background information) 这种导入模式可以启发学生对有关话题的思考,常用于涉及西方文化的背景知识,比如外国的政治、历史、文学、地理、风俗习惯等题材的文章,我们可以利用PPT 来进行背景展示,也可以通过录像、文字资料、旅游指南、音乐、视频等进行介绍,目的是提供背景信息,启发学生的思维和想象,提升课程周边知识量。在阅读课The British Isles (高二Unit5)的教学中,让学生了解其历史、文化、自然风光等知识,还可以通过世界地图或者教学挂图来让学生了解the British Isles 的地理位置及其它的组成部分。 2.提问式(the way to ask questions) 这是一种常用的导入模式,教师通过教学参考资料或者课文中的重点和难点提出问题,让学生根据自己的常识进行回答,或者带着问题去阅读。提出的问题不仅与本单元的主题有关,而且与阅读材料关系密切。此任务型活动需要学生根据问题的启发,发表自己的见解。学生找到文章中的有关章节并不难,难点在于要求学生用自己的语言将答案概括出来。例如,在进行课文Table manners at a dinner party (高一Unit6)的教学时,笔者要求学生先讨论以下问题: (1)What table manners does the text about? (2)How does the text develop, in the order of content or in theorder of time? 3.讨论式(the way to discuss) 高中英语教材大多数内容都与我们的日常生活密切相关,比如,饮食健康、旅游、自然灾害、疾病与急救常识、环境保护等。在上课前先组织学生讨论与课文有关的话题,能激活学生头脑里的生活体验,启发学生预测课文的内容,展开简短的讨论,以便通过阅读验证自己的推测,让学生在阅读文章时有身临其境的感觉。例如,让学生例举平时在身边发生的紧急情况,比如溺水、交通事故、房子着火、出血、哽住、煤气中毒等,要求他们分组讨论如何自救,从而为阅读课文The rescue(高一Unit5)作好铺垫。 二、课文教学———课文呈现(Presentation) 课文教学是阅读课教学的核心部分,它是学生从文章中吸取信息而进行加工处理的一个阶段,学生要从所给的篇章中找出文章的细节描写、归纳出文章的中心思想,找出文章的主题句和主题段、归纳文章的语言知识,培养学生对获得信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别是注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。在课文教学时,打破传统的授课模式,不再逐字逐段地为学生翻译句子或者向学生“满堂灌”或“满堂问”,而是要指导学生进行篇章分析,找出每段的中心词和中心句(key word and sentence),理解文章的体裁,掌握每个段落的大意(general idea),归纳出整篇文章的主题,最后让学生欣赏文章。课文阅读教学应该分为以下两步来进行: 1.快速浏览(Skimming)———初步感知 快速浏览是为了获取特定的信息而阅读,要求学生在限定的时间内找到问题的出处,并迅速找到问题的答案。在进行课文Kwanzaa(高一Unit14)设计与课文有关的的几个问题,要求学生通过快速浏览来回答: (1)What is the name of the festival? (2)What is the festival about? (3)When do people celebrate Kwanzaa? 教师要让学生养成正确的阅读习惯,训练学生“Z”字型的阅读方式,避免一个词一个词地逐行阅读,而是要快速用眼、用心、用大脑去扫描文章,集中精力用大脑去捕捉每段文字所传达的信息并对信息进行简单的加工和处理。 2.详细阅读(Careful reading)———深化理解 详细阅读是课文教学的重要环节,是学生掌握课文内容的关键。首先要引导学生仔细阅读课文,了解课文的主要情节和细节,可以让学生分析段落、段落大意以及段落之间存在的内在逻辑联系。在详细阅读这一环节还可以给学生设计多项选择题或者正误判断题让学生讨论。分段细读,注意细节,帮助学生深化理解。例如,进行课文Chuck’s friend(高一Unit 1)的教学时,设计划分文章段落大意的题,目的在于教会学生理清文章的层次,进一步理解阅读材料的内容。 详细阅读之后,在学生基本掌握课文内容的基础上,教师通过播放录音,要求学生在听的过程中注意英语的语音语调和句子的停顿,
