

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart, Barack Obama, agreed here Thursday to deepen China-U.S. cooperation in various fields while controlling differences in a bid to consolidate and expand their countries' common interests.

The latest sign of a closer relationship between Beijing and Washington came as the two leaders met on the sidelines of the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), discussing an array of issues ranging from macroeconomic policies and nuclear security cooperation, to maritime issues and Korean Peninsula stability.


In their first meeting this year, Xi and Obama agreed to strengthen communication and coordination in international affairs and to push for the healthy and steady development of bilateral relations.

Xi said that with the concerted efforts of China and the United States, the bilateral relations have seen important progress in recent years.

In 2015, the China-U.S. bilateral trade, two-way investment and personnel exchanges all hit a record high. The two countries have maintained effective coordination and cooperation in addressing major regional and international issues including climate change, Iranian nuclear negotiation, peacekeeping, public health and development.

"These outcomes have demonstrated the huge potential of the China-U.S. relations and highlighted the importance and necessity for them to strengthen coordination and cooperation," Xi said.

Xi reiterated China's commitment to reform and opening-up and peaceful development, stressing his country's resolution to safeguard and improve the current international system and order.

There are broad areas where China and the United States, the world's largest developing and developed countries, should and could cooperate, Xi said.

"Our common interests are much bigger than our differences," the Chinese president said. "Through cooperation, we can score many major accomplishments that will benefit both the two countries and the world at large."

Xi noted that on the basis of respecting each other's core interests and major concern, the two sides should actively seek solution to disputes and

differences through dialogue and consultation, and control sensitive issues in a constructive manner to avoid misunderstanding, miscalculation and escalation of conflicts.

"China stands ready to step up communication with the United States, focus on cooperation, control differences and enhance mutual trust in a bid to build a new model of major-country relationship featuring no confrontation, no conflict, mutual respect and win-win cooperation," Xi added.

Commenting on the sluggish recovery of world economy and financial market turmoils, the Chinese president said that no country should stimulate exports via competitive devaluation of its currency.

China became the biggest trading partner of the United States last year, with the trade volume at nearly 560 billion U.S. dollars.

Regarding the coming G20 Summit in the Chinese city of Hangzhou this year, Xi said that he hopes the United States can continue its support.

The Chinese president also stressed that his country and the United States should enhance their cooperation in a host of areas, including nuclear security and climate change and continue to make the cyber-security issue a bright spot in the bilateral cooperation.


Talking about the Korean Peninsula issue, Xi stressed that all parties concerned should fully and strictly carry out UN resolutions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Pyongyang started off a new year with the testing of what it claimed was its first hydrogen bomb in January and followed up with the launch of a string of short- and medium-range projectiles.

Xi called on all parties concerned to refrain from any rhetoric and act that could escalate regional tension and any move that might impair the security interests of other countries and the strategic balance in the region.

Although the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue is not on the NSS agenda, the recent flare-up of tension in Northeast Asia in the wake of the nuclear test and satellite launch by the DPRK has caused widespread concern.

Xi told Obama that his country is adamant on realizing denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, on safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula, and

on solving relevant issues through dialogue and negotiations as well.

Addressing the South China Sea issue, Xi vowed that his country will not accept any act under the disguise of freedom of navigation that violates its sovereignty and damages its security interests.

Xi reaffirmed that Beijing respects and safeguards the freedom of navigation and overflight other countries are entitled to under international law in the area, one of the world's busiest waterways.

China, he stressed, is resolute both in defending its sovereignty and related rights in South China Sea and in safeguarding peace and stability in the region, and sticks to the principle that the disputes should be settled in a peaceful way by relevant claimants through direct consultations and negotiations.

Beijing hopes that the United States will abide by its commitment to not taking sides on the sovereignty and territorial rows in South China Sea and play a constructive role in maintaining regional peace and stability, said the Chinese president.

Xi also urged the United States to stick to the one-China policy. Reaffirming China's stance on the Taiwan issue, Xi demanded that the U.S. side continue taking concrete moves to help maintain the peaceful development of the relationship across the Taiwan Strait, which he said will also benefit the China-U.S. relationship in the long run.


On his part, Obama reiterated that his country welcomes the rise of a peaceful, stable, and prosperous China. He said that the two countries share extensive common interests in the Asia Pacific and the United States stands ready to control differences with the Chinese side in a constructive way.

Obama voiced his support for the uphill efforts of the world's second largest economy to stage the economic transformation including its supply-side structural reform which was proposed by China's policymakers as the latest remedy for economic ills.

The two countries agreed to deepen cooperation in a host of areas including economy and trade, military, people-to-people exchanges, law enforcement and cyber-security and enhance coordination and cooperation in a slew of international and regional issues related to Iran and Afghanistan and on peacekeeping and development.

In a joint presidential statement issued by the two countries on Thursday, they said that they will sign the Paris Agreement on April 22, months after the historic pact on climate change was adopted during the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) in France.

The two leaders have also agreed to issue a joint statement on nuclear security cooperation and work to make the fourth NSS a success.


1分钟短篇英语新闻[英语新闻报道短篇] 中至少包括其中三个要素:who,what和when,这些是新闻报道中最具价值的三要素. (二) 倒金字塔结构所谓倒金字塔结构,也称为倒叙法,即按新闻事实重要程度由要点到细节逐步扩展,安排全文.倒金字塔结构 英语考试的时候,最让我们的同学们头疼的事情就是短文阅读了.我们要想在英语考试中拿到一个比较高的分数,我们就需要在阅读方面尽可能的不要失分.所以,为了帮助大家能够得到更高的分数,为大家了做阅读的一些技巧,大家自己看看. (一)整体阅读,预测主旨通过预测文章的主旨,学生能迅速有效地整体理解全文,教学中我们要帮助学生学会运用不同的策略预测文章主旨.学生可以借助修辞图式来顺利地完成预测主旨的任务,因为一般阅读材料文章体裁、篇章结构都有一定的规律可循.例如有标题文章,学生要学会从标题入手进行预测.新闻报道文章大多有标题,标题又常常是全文的中心、主题,是文章内容的高度浓缩的精华,学生可通过阅读 8 题,每小题 1 分,对话长度不变. 5. 短文理解 ( 3 段 ) 题型不变,分值由原来的每小题 1 分调整为每小题 2 分.6. 考试时间由原来的 35 分钟减为 25 分钟. 二、新闻听力解题技巧新闻听力为六级听力考试新加题型,本部分新闻内容一般 voa、bbc 或 n 等国外知名传媒节目中为学生所熟悉的新闻报道或短评等,题材多样化,涉

及文化、教育、体育、人物、经济、自然、科技、生活等方面.考生在备考时,可以有针对性地拓宽自己的知识面和新闻敏感度. 新题型的加入增加了听力的难度,很多学生反应听不懂,其实,不管题型如何变,考查的知识点还是一样的,还是那句话,听力就是要多听多练,没有一定的量,很难有质的变化,所以,对于新题型同学们只有选择尽快适应,加紧练习. 对于要考四级的小伙伴们来说,了解出题的类型是很重要的.下面是我为大家准备的关于大学英语四级考试新闻听力的两大命题特点,希望可以帮到你们. 大学英语四级考试改革以后,在听力部分删除了短对话,增加了3篇新闻听力,而这3篇新闻短文一般国外知名传媒节目,一般新闻题材十分多样,涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、体育、灾难、自然、科技等方方面面.对考生的知识面和词汇的要求很高.因此建议广大考生,在备考时,可以有针对性地拓宽自己的知识面和新闻敏感度,在最后的冲刺阶段,每天坚持精听两到三篇新闻报道,多坚持多积累一些新闻词汇. (一)从题材上看,“坏事”考得尤其多.往往不好的事件更容易引起人们的关注,所以 .特别是对于一些常见的词汇要做到记准记牢,而对于一些词组要充分了解其使用要求和准确的含义,确保在考试过程中不出现歧 义.(3)要注重文化背景的学习,掌握西方文化的基本知识,在考试过程中能够有的放矢.特别是在新闻听力部分的考试中,要掌握西方文


The 14th "Chinese bridge" Chinese proficiency competition for Turkish university students opened in Middle East Technology University here on Saturday. "My Chinese dream," which is the topic of the contest, attracted 25 students, who have past the writing test in the morning, to give their own story about their connection with Chinese language and culture. "The world is so big, I want to go to china and have a look," the sentence which is quite popular on Chinese web, was used in Arad's speech about why he chose to learn Chinese. Dance of Little Apple, the most popular song in China in 2014, and the drunken beauty of leading Chinese opera performer Li Yugang, among other famous Chinese songs and dances, were included in the performance list of the competitors. The show of famous poetry "To the Oak Tree" written by Chinese poet Shu Ting helped Gullu from sinology department of Ankara University to win the first runner-up and gain a chance to go to China, a dream she has been trying to fulfill for a long time. "I love Chinese poem and songs and I wish to go to China to get my master degree," Gullu said. Zeynep, the girl who won the ticket to the world "Chinese Bridge" competition host annually by Hanban in Beijing, was very excited after the contest. "I am fascinated by Chinese culture and I could even touch the pulse of this dragon. Now I have a chance to improve my Chinese by communicate and compete with the students from other countries in China. What a dream come true!" she said. Wu Changqing, the headmaster of Confucius institute in Middle East Technology University which held this year's "Chinese bridge" competition together with the Chinese embassy to Turkey, said that "The quality of the competition is higher than last year because it is harder to choose better students through writing test and speech competition. The number of Turkish students interested in studying Chinese is increasing these years which force the competitors to learn harder to win the champion." "'Chinese bridge' is not only a contest among Turkish students but also an important pillar of the bridge of social, cultural and economical relationship between Turkey and China, which will definitely benefit Chinese and Turkish people," said Yu Hongyang, the Chinese ambassador to Turkey.


英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报


新闻写作习题练习库(夏玲) 新闻知识写作练习题一 一、名词解释 1、新闻真实性 真实性,最简单的定义是:新闻必须反映客观事物的原貌。真实性是新闻存在的基本条件,也是新闻传媒必须遵守的原则。 2、故意失实 指媒体或者新闻报道者事先明知报道内容不符合客观事实,具有虚假成分,但却出于种种主客观因素的制约和影响,而有意为之所导致的新闻报道失实。 3、非故意失实 指新闻报道者并无故意造成失实报道的动机,而是由于种种主客观条件的限制或影响,未能按照客观事实的本来面目如实做出报道所导致的新闻失实。 4、用事实说话 指通过客观地叙述新闻事实及其背景来体现观点、发表意见;或者说是把思想观点藏在精心选择的某些事实里,让受众通过事实自己领悟其中的道理。总之,是“事实”和“观点”的结合。 5、新闻的时效性、可读性、针对性 时效性——指新闻事件的发生与报道之间的时间差,时间差越短,则时效性越强。 可读性——指新闻便于阅读、吸引读者的特性,把新闻报道写得让读者愿意读、喜欢读、读的下去。 针对性——两层意思:一是指在写新闻时,你的心中要有对象感,二是要明确你为什么而写,你的报道针对的是什么问题而发。 6、新闻角度 指记者发现事实、挖掘事实、表现事实的着眼点或入手处。 7、“倒金字塔”结构 消息的倒叙结构,按照事件发生、发展的时间顺序来组织材料,把先发生的放在前面叙述,后发生的放在后面叙述。倒金字塔式的结构,其特点是头重脚轻地组织、安排材料,把新闻的高潮或结论放在最前面,然后按事实重要性递减的顺序来安排,借以突出最重要、最新鲜的事实。 8、“蒙太奇”结构 把新闻事件的情节、场面、细节写成镜头感很强的段落,利用跳笔省略过程的叙述,突出事物的主要特征,再组合和连接而成写作表现方式。 9、新闻语言 通过新闻媒介,向受众报道新近发生的事实,传播具有新闻价值的信息时所用的文字语言叫做新闻语言。 10、新闻白描 新闻白描,是指文字描写的具体方法,即不尚修饰,不用或少用形容渲染,以质朴的文笔,力避浮华、做作,简练而直接地勾勒出事物的特征 11、新闻背景 宏观意义上的新闻背景,是指对人物和事件起作用的历史情况或现实环境。狭义的新闻背景,是指新闻事实之外,对新闻事实或新闻事实的某一部分进行解释、补充、烘托的材


I. Give definition to the following jargons on Journalism. (5’ X 4 = 20’) 1. banner 通栏标题 2. jump 跳远 3. cutline 插图说明 4. tabloid 小报;小型画报 II. Write down the following column names in English. ( 5 X 2’= 10’) 1.国际新闻World News 2. 简明新闻NEWS BRIEF 3. 社论EDITORIAL PAGE 4. 体育版sports page 5. 一周回顾Weekly Review III. Answer the following questions briefly. (15’ X 2= 30’) 1. What are the advantage and disadvantage of a summary lead? a summary lead can outline the main point of the entire text. catch the main idea of the text . readers can have a proper and general idea of what the article contained on the short time through the summary. but the disadvantage is that we will not know the details about the article.Besides, a summary lead is A bstract and lack of lively.so, some


Upside-down house to open 德颠倒房屋将迎客(图) Updated: 2010-03-16 11:01 Upside-down house to open 德颠倒房屋将迎客(图) A bizarre upside-down house created on the grounds of a German zoo will be open to the public on March 30, the Daily Mail reported. The crazy house stands on a pointed roof and is supported by steel beams in the attic (see photo). Inside the front door, it has an upside-down kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. It was also built on a slight incline to challenge the viewer's perspective still further. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,德国一家动物园内有一座"颠倒房屋",将于3月30日对公众开放。整座"颠倒房屋"由尖屋顶和阁楼里的钢梁支撑(见图)。房屋不仅外部颠倒,屋内的厨房、浴室、客厅和卧室都是倒置的。房屋甚至微微倾斜,进一步挑战参观者的感官体验。

Zebra puts head in hippo mouth 斑马帮河马清牙齿(图) Updated: 2010-03-16 11:01 Zebra puts head in hippo mouth 斑马帮河马清牙齿(图) An extraordinary spectacle was captured by a photographer at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland when a zebra leaned into the gaping mouth of a hippopotamus (see photo), the Daily Mail reported Thursday. The zebra seems unaware of his precarious position. Despite appearing to be just seconds away from imminent death, the striped creature escaped unharmed. Much to the surprise of zoo visitors, the animal was merely cleaning the hippo's teeth. 据英国《每日邮报》11日报道,摄影师在瑞士苏黎世动物园拍摄到惊险一幕,一匹斑马竟将头伸进河马嘴里(见图)。但是,斑马似乎完全没有意识到危险。在看似离死亡只有一步之遥时,斑马毫发无损的逃脱了。事后,动物园游客们才明白,斑马是在帮河马清理牙齿。


一篇英语新闻稿的赏析 英语新闻无论是从结构方面还是从语言方面与国内的新闻相比都其自身的特点。力求在有限的时间和有限的篇幅内传播尽可能多的信息。这就要求新闻英语的文章结构和语言组织要做到短小精悍,言简意赅,重点突出。下面以一篇英语新闻稿为例,进行对英语新闻的赏析。Hundreds of people have been killed in a massive earthquake in Japan that triggered a devastating tsunami. The quake -- the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years -- caused massive damage and many people are missing and feared dead. The 8.9 magnitude quake struck Friday off Japan's eastern coast, and prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast. The Red Cross warned that the 10-meter high tidal wave could wash over some small islands entirely. In Japan, the tsunami swept away boats, cars and hundreds of houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo. The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires. All train and subway traffic in Tokyo has been stopped, and thousands of people there were unable to get back home. Authorities ordered the evacuation of about 3,000 people from the area around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant north of Tokyo. No radiation leaks were detected, but officials are concerned the reactor's core may overheat due to a system malfunction. A fire was also reported earlier in the turbine building of the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi. Addressing the nation, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government would do everything it can to minimize the effects of the disaster. And in Washington, President Barack Obama said the United States is ready to help the people of Japan. The U.S. military in Japan has opened up the Yokota Air Base to some commercial flights diverted from Japanese airports. 英语新闻消息中的倒金宇塔结构。新闻英语的导语就是用最简练生动的文字将新闻事实的精要和新闻事件的结果首先呈现给读者。让读者在最短的时间内以


怎样听懂英语新闻的技巧 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《怎样听懂英语新闻的技巧》的内容,具体内容:怎样提升自己的英语听力水平呢?下面是我收集整理的听懂英语新闻的技巧以供大家学习。了解内容刚到ICRT 国内新闻中心上班的外籍记者,虽然多半中文程度并不差,... 怎样提升自己的英语听力水平呢?下面是我收集整理的听懂英语新闻的技巧以供大家学习。 了解内容 刚到ICRT 国内新闻中心上班的外籍记者,虽然多半中文程度并不差,但是有时候"新闻中文"并不强,在翻译或阅读一些中文的新闻稿时,虽然可以查单字,但要完全了解整体的意思,往往有些困难。 发生这样的状况,我会建议他们先去看英文报纸的同样一则新闻,透过自己的母语,了解其中的来龙去脉,再回来看中文稿时,本来以为很复杂的内容,就变得简单多了。 同样的,在进行当天的英文新闻学习前,先从中文的媒体了解当天主要的国际或国内新闻内容,在听英文新闻时,就容易多了。当然,这是在学习期间,过了入门的阶段,就不需要了。 掌握英语的有限单字 世界之广,事件之多,大部分的人一定认为,要掌握新闻英语的相关单字,恐怕好几千个,要背完一整本的新闻字库,才有办法听懂。这个想法似乎很合逻辑,但是其实有个极大的错误,从政治新闻到娱乐新闻,当然

很可能有几千个单字,但是相关的单字每几个月,甚至每几年才出现一次,就是所谓的rarely used vocabulary(罕见单字),例如:multilateral currency realignment(跨国货币调整)或planned obsolescence(计画的陈废),如果连这些也要背,那可真是不得了。 幸好,每天新闻会遇到的单字,八成五以上,都是我们称为的commonly used vocabulary (常用单字)。换言之,只要你能掌握这五、六百个重复出现的单字(也就是本书所介绍的字汇),就可以听懂八成五以上的新闻。其它一些较专门的财经或科学等新闻字汇,等主要的单字会了之后,再慢慢的增加难度。 继续听下去 你一定有个经验,在听英语新闻或英语节目时,遇到一个你不会的字或没听清楚的段落,就开始想它的意思,往往造成接下来的内容全都没听清楚。所谓"一心不能二用",绝不可以在听的同时,边想前一句的意思,要养成一个习惯,那就是遇到不太懂的地方不要停下来思考,专心听下去。某个段落没听懂,可能的原因有几个,也许有个没学过的单字,或有较特殊的句型,也许主播播报的速度一时加快,甚至自己分心没听好。无论原因是什幺,不管它就继续听下去,还是有可能将主要内容听懂,因为九成的时候,漏掉一点,不会是关键到让你无法连接下面的意思,但是如果思惟卡在前一句,肯定全军覆没。 但如果另外那一成确实是关键呢?要是有空,可以上网找相关内容的新闻,了解一下是否有关键单字或内容较不熟悉,如果是重要新闻,一般来


Listen to the BBC news recording and complete the following exercises. Item 1. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 1.David Cameron said the United Kingdom takes this irresponsible action extremely seriously. 2.Iranian offices in Tehran were smashed and flags torn down in the attacks. 3.The Iranian foreign ministry described the incident as the unacceptable behaviour of a small group of protesters. Item 2. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The US doctor 1 ending the life of Michael Jackson has been given the 2 of four years in jail. The judge said Doctor Conrad Murray had 3 and was caught in a cycle of 4 that violated 5 as a doctor. He was found guilty earlier this month of 6 . Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 41. Who read a statement to the court? a. a lawyer of the Jackson family b. a friend of the Jackson family c. the Jackson family d. a lawyer and friend of the Jackson family 42. Conrad Murray is NOT convicted of _____________. a. providing a dangerous drug to a vulnerable man b. not caring for him once he stopped breathing c. not caring for him after his death d. trying to cover up what he'd done Item 3. Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 43. Laurent Gbagbo is on a plane heading for ____________. a. Ivory Coast b. Korhogo c. the Hague d. Abidjan 44. ____________ has been keen for Mr Gbagbo to be sent to the International Criminal Court. a. The former president b. The government of President Alassane Ouattara c. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups d. the International Criminal Court 45. presence on Ivorian soil caused tension. a. President Alassane Ouattara’s b. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups’ c. T he country's national prosecutor’s d. Laurent Gbagbo’s 46. Around 3,000 people died in . a. April b. National Assembly elections c. a post-election crisis d. the International Criminal Court Item 5. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The measure: Purpose of the measure: President’s demand: Item 6. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 47. Two psychiatrists spent 36 hours talking to Anders Breivik and checking his diaries and police

China daily 新闻 中英对照 突发事件2

>Two mine managers died of asphyxiation in a copper mine in Nanning, Guangxi Wednesday when the head of the mine and 2 managers were underground inspecting a shaft, Xinhua reported Thursday. 据新华社报道,13日,广西南宁市某铜矿广一名矿长带领两名管理人员下到矿井查看设备时,发生窒息事故造,成两人死亡。 >The aluminium plant responsible for a huge toxic spill in Hungary will resume production by Friday, according to government officials. The government says a new dam is now ready in case of a 2nd spill. 匈牙利官员表示,该国一家发生有毒废水泄漏事故的铝厂将于当地时间15日恢复生产。政府表示已经新造了一座大坝以防止毒水再次泄漏。 >Australian federal police seized 464 kg of cocaine worth AU$160m from a yacht in a Brisbane marina Tuesday, the Australian Broadcasting Corp reported Thursday. 据澳大利亚广播公司14日报道,澳大利亚联邦警察于12日在布里斯班码头一小艇上截获464公斤可卡因,价值1.6亿澳元。 【Highlights】 >Civil servant exam tougher 国考'千里挑一'岗位现身 >Stars face jail for fake ads 虚假广告明星或究刑责 >British spies apply to ASIS 英军情六处遭澳挖墙脚 >Prince Harry in love again 曝哈里王子恋上'卡米拉' >Groom delivered to bride 新郎把自己快递给新娘 >Venice plans tourist tax 威尼斯计划开征'进城税' 【Cover Story】 >Megi to hit South China Sea 超级台风'鲇鱼'即将登陆 Super typhoon Megi is expected to enter the South China Sea Tuesday, meteorological authorities said Monday. Fishing vessels in the area have been returning to harbors for shelter. Torrential rains have already forced the evacuation of almost 140,000 people in Hainan. Megi made landfall in the northern Philippines at 11:25 am Monday local time and caused landslides, Reuters reported. 中央气象台18日预计,超级台风"鲇鱼"将在19日进入中国南海海面,当地渔船已开始回港避风。连日暴雨已经迫使海南近14万人转移。据路透社报道,"鲇鱼"于当地时间18日11时25分在菲律宾北部地区登陆,并引发山体滑坡。 >The final death toll from a gas leak in a pit in Yuzhou, Henan, which is owned by locally based Pingyu Coal & Electric Co, has risen to 37, after the bodies of the last 5 miners trapped underground were found, rescuers said Tuesday.


China vows zero tolerance for GM rice BEIJING, July 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities have vowed zero tolerance and harsh punishments for illegal sales and growing of genetically modified (GM) crops days after media exposure of GM rice on sale at a supermarket in central China. "The ministry will punish any companies or individuals who illegally grow or sell GM grains, and there will be no tolerance for these practices," said a statement sent to Xinhua on Tuesday by the office in charge of GM food safety with the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA). China Central Television (CCTV) found GM rice, which is illegal to sell or grow commercially in China, on sale in a supermarket in Wuhan, capital city of central Hubei Province, the broadcaster reported on Saturday. CCTV commissioned tests on five packs of rice picked at random from the supermarket's shelves. Three were found to contain a GM variety. CCTV also found evidence that GM rice was being sold in neighboring Hunan, Anhui and Fujian provinces. While working to develop modern biotechnology, China has taken a wary approach to GM crops, fearing possible risks. It has allowed several GM crops to be grown, including cotton, peppers, tomatoes and papayas, and has authorized imports of GM soybeans and corn. However, it does not allow commercial production or sale of GM grains, including rice, although the authorities have approved the experimental planting of two strains of pest-resisted GM rice. The safety certificates issued for this experimental planting in 2009 expire this year, and commercial production is yet to be started. Authorities have stressed that this approval of experimentation does not equate to a broader official favoring of GM grains. "The granting of safety certificates for GM food is not equal to allowing commercial production," Tuesday's statement quoted an anonymous official as saying. Approval is needed for GM crops, be it production of seeds, testing or growing, the official added. The ministry has ordered all provincial agricultural authorities to strengthen oversight


新闻写作试题库(共287题) 一、填空题:(56题) 1、狭义的新闻指(消息)。 2、广义的新闻包括(消息、通讯、述评及其所属品种)。 3、没有(事实)就没有新闻。 4、(真实)是新闻的生命。 5、(言之无物)是写新闻的大忌。 6、新闻写作的原则是(用事实说话)。 7、新闻写作的要求是(真、短、快、活、强)。 8、新闻的快应以(新闻的新鲜和真实的事实)为前提。 9、新闻报道要快的表现是一(及时)、二(适时); 10、新闻的思想性是指(一条新闻在思想上给读者教育、影响和启迪)。 12、新闻写作要求强的(思想性强、政策性强、针对性强)。 13、“新闻是新近发生的事实的报道”这个实义的作者是(陆定一)。 14、新闻六要素是(何时、何地、何人、何事、何因、何果)。 15、新闻的要素说的是(构成新闻不可缺少的事实材料)。 16、新闻背景从内容分为(人物、历史、地理、事件背景)。 17、新闻背景从作用分为(对比性、说明性、注释性); 18、背景材料可用于(新闻的导语、正文、结尾)三个不同部分。 19 、新闻的主题应从(新闻事实挖掘)中来。 20、提炼新闻主题应注意两点:一是(一条新闻一个主题);二是(新闻主题一定要从新闻事实中挖掘、提炼出来)。 21、选择最佳角度是表现(新闻主题)的好办法。 22、几家新闻单位同时报道同一新闻应注意(错开角度)。 23、新闻语言的特点是(具体形象、准确鲜明、简练生动、通俗易懂)。 24、动态新闻(叙述)为主. 25通讯重于(叙述、描写); 26述评新闻兼有(新闻和评论)两种作用。 27、新闻和消息的结构一般由(导语、正文、结尾和标题)组成。 28、新闻通常有金字塔(倒金字塔、倒正混合结构)三种结构形式。 29、倒金字塔结构的特点是(把高潮或结局排在开头,把最不重要的材料排在后面)。 30、金字塔结构的特点是(将事实的结果、最重要的材料安排到最后一段)。 31、倒金字塔结构的开头部分称(导语)。 32、倒、正混合结构的特点是(有一个好的新闻导语和有一个重要的新闻结尾)。 33、新闻导语的“导”字有(开始、启发、引导)三个涵义。 34、新闻正文是(导语之后的展开部分),对新闻事实作充分的具体的报道和说明。 35、简明新闻是新闻报道中(最简练、最短小)的一种新闻体裁。 36、消息一般分为(简明新闻、动态新闻、综合新闻、述评新闻)。 37、综合新闻有两种,一是(横断面综合报道) ,二是(纵深度的综合报道)。 38、通讯《中国的西北角》的作者是(范长江)。 39、通讯《谁是最可爱的人》的作者是(魏巍)。 40、通讯《西行漫记》的作者是(埃德加·斯诺特)。


——每日英语新闻——12.1 新年贺岁电影 With an unprecedented 600 stars in attendance, the just-concluded 28th China Golden Rooster & Hundred Flowers Festival has become a hot topic on China's social media platforms. 刚刚结束的第28届中国金鸡百花电影节史无前例地吸引了600多名明星到场,成为中国社交媒体平台上的热门话题。 Fans were excited to see their idols, including blockbuster directors such as Xu Zheng and Peter Chan and top box-office draws including Tang Wei and Hu Ge. 粉丝们看到他们的偶像很兴奋,包括徐峥和陈可辛等大片导演,以及汤唯和胡歌等票房大咖。 Along with the glamour on the red carpet, a string of upcoming films was announced at the festival, which was held in Xiamen, Fujian province from Nov 19 to 23. 除了红毯秀,11月19日至23日在福建厦门举行的本届电影节上还公布了多部即将上映的影片。 其中有几部热门影片将加入今年元旦春节贺岁档的票房大战。一起来领略一下这些影片的精彩看点。
