


Chengdu snacks are popular for their unique flavors and cooked with various seasonings. They have a particular style in color, smell, taste and shape.


Most of Sichuan food are quite spicy. You should be sure to order non spicy (不要辣; búyàolà),little spicy(微辣; wēilà) food or very spicy(老辣; laola). If you are not accustomed to it yet, a small dish of soy(bean) sauce works much better than water to quell the spicy taste. However, if you are used to authentic Indian or Thai food, the level of spiciness in Sichuan food should be no problem at all. But I must mention that Sichuan food also makes heavy use of Sichuan pepper (花椒; huajiao), which looks like but is not a true peppercorn干胡椒, and causes your mouth/lips to become somewhat numb. Sichuan pepper is added in most spicy dishes. If you can eat/prefer spicy food but do not like Sichuan pepper, you need to order so (不要花椒; bu yao huajiao). However, authentic Sichuan tastes commonly used both Sichuan pepper and chili peppers in proportion, so I strongly recommend you to try the authentic versions with the Sichuan pepper before making your decision.


seasame oil[?ses?mi]芝麻油/香油sesame paste

soybean sauce/milk/curd Stinky tofu 臭豆腐oyster['?ist?] sauce耗油knead [ni:d] vt. 揉合,揉捏dough [d?u] n.生面团

flour ['flau?]n. 面粉vt. 撒粉于;把…磨成粉

To sprinkle a pinch of spring onion/ a spoon of chili pepper powder on……Heavy taste I dislike the food with strong flavor.

garlic大蒜ginger生姜slice [slais] n.薄片vt.将…切成薄片

Pork ribs排骨sweet and sour 糖醋sugar and vinegar ['viniɡ?] Hotpot

The spiciest food in Chengdu is hotpot (also called steampot or steamboat), although its tradition originated in Chongqing, yet it is quite popular in Chengdu. Sichuan hotpots are basically a big pot of spicy soup and spices simmering in a hole in the middle of your

table. While the hot pot keeping simmering, ingredients have already placed into the pot. Patron s['peitr?n]choose from a large selection of meats, vegetables and other add-ins(beverage ['bev?rid?];alcoholic drink;liquor烈酒). Most popular includes: lamb, mushrooms, beef, tofu, quail [kweil] eggs鹌鹑蛋, potatoes and various others (pork , fish balls, carrots, and even pig's brain!) You can choose spicy pot or non spicy pot. With spicy hot pots, unlike eanstern hot pots, the soup is NOT for drinking; instead, fish out捞出your cooked items with chopsticks (do not fish the liquid out with a spoon, it is too spicy even for locals to drink; the fished out vegetables are spicy enough), dip them in the small dish/bowl of oil provided to each person, and just enjoy.


There are also a lot of weird/marvellous local snacks, such as spicy dragon prawns麻辣龙虾(look like very small crayfish['krei,fi?]小龙虾), spicy snails (香辣田螺), Chongqing duck neck (九九鸭脖子), Bangbang chicken(棒棒鸡), spicy rabbit meat(二姐兔丁). All of them are so delicious and you must try them. But you need to ask a local to take you to the right place. Quite often you may find that some small restaurants and shops offer the most delicious and cheapest food. If you want to find even cheaper food options, street venders 小摊贩(food trail美食之路sidewalk snack booth)are the way to go. Serving everything from barbeque (烧烤) / steamed buns/ steamed breadrolls(馒头), they are a cheap and offer a great option for a quick bite to eat.


Chenmapo soybean curd豆腐

Chenmapo was created in 1862 at first. The store which was called Chen Xingsheng Restaurant firstly was set near the North Wanfu Bridge outside Chengdu.

And then,the small hotel was conducted by his wife (the wife of shop-owner)because the storekeeper early died. The boss was called Chenmapo because of the pock-marks on her face. She was good at cooking the domestic dishes of Sichuan, particularly make the bean curd and she had a set of special cooking technique.

The color and flavors of the bean curd are completed, it was outstanding and deeply got people fancy. Therefore,so many people came to try it. It was listed as the famous delicious food of Chengdu at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is also famous now and is apart more than 140 years from now. The other dishes of Sichuan taste also get the people to approve. It also spreads its fame from home to the outside world and gets both domestic and international hearties’/gourmets’complement.

词汇:gourmet ['ɡu?mei]美食家

hearty['hɑ:ti] n. 朋友们;伙伴们adj. 衷心的;精神饱满的

client ['klai?nt] n. [经]客户;顾客;委托人

habitue [h?'bitjuei] n. 常客;有毒瘾的人

Patrons ['peitr?n] n.赞助人,主顾

赖汤圆Lai tang yuan

Lai tang yuan sticky rice dumplings

Lai tang yuan was named after the boss of the the Old Store老店Laiyuanxing赖源鑫. And it was created firstly in the period of Guangxu at the end of Qing Dynasty and it is apart from now for more than 100 years.

Firstly, people picked the load to walk a lane of street and sell Lai tang yuan by hawking, and then set the store management. In order to achieve the anticipating goodness, the manufacture pays attention to its quantity and quality.


hawk [h?:k]vt/vi.①兜售,沿街叫卖;②捕捉;③咳嗽,清嗓

n. 鹰(派成员);掠夺他人的人

lane [lein] n. 小巷;航线;车道;[篮球]罚球区

钟水饺Zhong dumplings

The Zhong dumplings

The Zhong dumplings were created firstly in the 19th year of Guangxu. It is famous in and outside the world because of its special skin—excellently thin and soft, and its stuffing is quite delicate with fresh pork and green vegetables , and the salty and sweet flavor of the the soup makes it even better. A bowl of Zhong dumplings looks lusterous red and bright. It has been gotten the pride of its Old Store in Sichuan China.

词汇:lustrous ['l?str?s]adj. 有光泽的;光辉的

glossy ['ɡl?si] adj. 光滑的;有光泽的

luster ['l?st?] n. 光泽;光彩vi. 有光泽;发亮vt. 使有光泽

stuffing ['st?fi?]n. 填料,填塞物

夫妻肺片The chopped beef in chili sauce


Tasty pork ear slice

Choose carefully the pig ears without the blood and hairs to take as raw material.It is salty and sweet and takes tiny vinegar flavor,it makes your appetite increased greatly.

词汇:chewy ['t?u:i]adj. 柔软而会黏着的;有嚼劲的

affectionate remembrance [?'fek??n?t] adj. (充满)深情的 longing n. 渴望,憧憬retrospect ['retr?uspekt] n./ vi/vt回顾(想),追溯(忆)


The Liaoji red oil rabbit slice

Choose the first-class and white rabbit, and then chop the rabbit meat to be 1.5 CM

(centimeter) squar e,then adjust the right amount of soybean sauce, refined sugar, wild pepper powder, the red pepper oil, then puts the rabbit slices into the pan. The

prosperous dish would be decorated by spring onion and some shelled peanut. The

tender rabbit meat is tremendously delicate and tasty because of the fresh meat and lustorous red chili oil, and its spiciness is just right.

词汇:spiciness ['spaisinis] n.香馥,辛辣

prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s] adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的



Ma Po Do Fu (tofu topped with a bit of minced beef, floating in chili bean sauce)

mince [mins] vt. 切碎n. 切碎物


Gong Bao Ji Ding(a dish of spicy chicken known even overseas) come from Chengdu, where chili is as common at mealtime as rice across the rest of China.


Chuanchuanxiang is a kind of spicy hot snack in China, somewhat like hot pot. Sliced raw meats, edible offals (entrails and internal organs), and vegetables are impaled on bamboo skewers, and we should dip them into a pan with boiling spicy soup mounted above a heating device.

edible ['edibl] adj. 可食用的n. 食品(物)offal ['?f?l] n. 内脏;垃圾;碎屑;工业下脚impale [im'peil] vt. 刺穿;钉住

skewer ['skju?] n. 烤肉叉子;串肉扦;vt. 刺穿;串住

Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base

Mount Emei

Profound Buddhist Culture

Golden Summit

Devotion to the Country Temple (Baoguosi)

The culture relic of Sanxing Ruins Sanxing Site

The sun and immortal bird

Chunxi Road

Tianfu square

成都小吃攻略 (入川必看!!!)

成都小吃攻略(入川必看!!!) 俗话说少不入川少不入川!!四川的妹子靓,四川的菜 好吃,四川的自然风光多。很多人知道龙抄手,赖汤圆,陈麻婆... 但是很多街边市井的成都小吃却被忽略了。这里没有锦里的成都小吃一条街,没有春熙路的大牌小吃,试问您会去你所在城市的景点吃东西吗?谁都知道景点的吃 的就是烧卷外地人的。最美味的成都小吃就集中在地段好的一两个地方,你信吗?小猪不信.很多人问我春熙路,锦里有什么好吃的,说实话小猪除了有时候吃西餐到春熙路去吃饭,其他时间基本不去春熙路和锦里吃饭,难不成不跑来成都就为吃西餐,吃麦当劳,必胜客??这里不断在更新的 是成都街边发现的市井美食,地道,美味,巴士,性价比高!!推荐美食:北大铺盖面 上榜理由:价格也比其他的铺盖面贵一点点,但是味道的确是好,吃起有瘾。我一个在广州工作的朋友,每次来成都,下飞机要做的第一件事情,就是去吃这家的铺盖面,呵呵,也许各位看客觉得比较夸张了,但是真的就是这样的。个人比较推荐的是炸酱味的。 地址:北门大桥桥头推荐美食:袁记串串香 上榜理由:袁记在成都那是相当有名。串串味道好,分量足。尤其牛肉很赞,价格也相对便宜,一群老友边吃边喝酒,很

休闲。 地址:小猪酒店公寓对面推荐美食:甘记肥肠粉 上榜理由:久经考验的老字号。肥肠粉那是相当地道,麻辣鲜香节子超好吃,粉不软、不硬、不绵,一碗下肚保证你全身“暖洋洋”。怕吃不饱的话,再点个锅盔,“经典搭配”啊。难怪有那么多顾客“专门开车过来吃”。环境一般,服务态度“拽”得不得了,常要“自己交钱”、“自己端”。 地址:时代印象门口(步行三分钟)推荐美食:六婆串串香上榜理由:六婆串串算是成都串串里面的后起之秀,不过扩张速度却是超过了以往任何一家。六婆的干碟是非常出名的,我在其他串串店都不要干碟,六婆除外。他家号称干碟不上火,这个就无从考证了。脆肚、腰片、肫把、脆肠是六婆的四大菜品,都需要老板亲自动手来烫,否则很难掌握火候。地址:时代印象广场推荐美食:蓉城老妈火锅 上榜理由:谁再问我成都那家的火锅最好吃我真的就倒地吐血了,成都绝对没有哪家火锅称得上“最好吃的”成都好吃的 火锅其实有很多家,至于哪家最好吃,真不好说呀!能在成都开火锅店并且能开很多年的绝对不会差的。这家的饮料和啤酒好多是可以免费的,这家的底锅相当辣,菜品中的鹅肠,毛肚还是相当不错的,火锅最后就是涮这二样了。这里的香菜丸子味道一般,老豆腐和冬瓜吸饱了辣汤后也十分过瘾。他家的荤菜种类还是比较丰富:推荐比较有特色的比如河虾,


中国菜的英文名 1.北京烤鸭roast Beijing duck 2.辣子鸡丁saute diced chicken with hot peppers 3.宫爆鸡丁saute diced chicken with peanuts 4.红烧鲤鱼braised common carp 5.茄汁虾仁saute fish slices with bamboo shoots 6.涮羊肉instant boiled sliced mutton 7.糖醋里脊pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce 8.炒木须肉saute shredded pork with eggs&black fungus 9.榨菜肉丝汤pork with Sichuan cabbage soup 10.生炒肚片saute fish maw slices 11.回锅肉saute pork in hot sauce 12.糖醋排骨saute chops with sweet&sour sauce 13.家常豆腐fride beancurd with sliced pork&pepper 14.醋溜白菜saute cabbage&pepper in sweet&sour sauce 15.鱼香茄子saute eggplant with fish flavor 16 麻婆豆腐stwed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce 17.韭菜炒蛋saute leek sprouts&eggs Ⅱ.面食与糕点Chinese Pastry&Cooked Wheaten Food 1.肉/鸡丝汤面noodles in soup with pork/chicken 2.担担面noodles with sesame paste&pea sprouts 3.龙须面saute fine noodles with shredded chicken 4.炒米线saute rice noodles with green bean sprouts 5.杂酱面soy beans in minced meat&noodles 6.酸辣汤面noodles in sour pungent soup 7.排骨面soup noodles with pork rib 8.阳春面noodles in superior soup 9.凉拌面cool braised noodles 10.肉包steamed meat dumpling 11.豆沙包bean paste dumpling 12.水晶包stuffde bread with lard&sugar 13.叉烧包stuffed bread with roast pork


Chendu cuisine includes many famous snack dishes, they are called “xiaochi”in Chinese. The predominant ingredient in the food here is CHILI! And, if you thought you could handle a Vindaloo curry, then try some of Chengdu's spiciest food, laced with chili from top to bottom. Locals argue that chili is beneficial both in summer to help cool you down, and in winter, as a warmer. According to Chinese legend chili also has medicinal properties and helps protect against illnesses which result from wet or damp conditions. For those unaccustomed to spicy food, Sichuan dishes can be hard to handle. Chili used correctly however, is not supposed to be overbearing, but to bring out the flavors of a dish. Once you get used to the spice, it becomes easier to enjoy Sichuan food. The most famous dishes from the region include Spicy chicken with peanut (Gong bao ji ding), and spiced tofu with chili(Ma po dou fu). Many dishes here are served in a fish flavored (Y u xiang) sauce which is made from vinegar, ginger, sesame and soy). Hotpot is also very popular here, and there are numerous restaurants and stalls serving up spicy pots to passers-by. There are over 10 varieties of Chengdu hotpot including hotpot with boiled mutton, and hot pot with beer duck and all are pretty spicy so beware! The best places to sample typical Sichuan cusine in Chengdu are the Chengdu Restaurant and Grandma Chen's Beancurd Restaurant. See our Restaurant Index for more information about where to eat in Chengdu! Bang Bang Chicken (Bang bang ji) is a traditional local dish that actually originated in Leshan, and was introduced to Chengdu in 1920. To prepare this dish a flaming stick is used to reheat a cooked chicken so that the meat becomes light and flaky. The chicken is served with sesame and soy sauce. This is one of the tastiest cold dishes in Chengdu and less spicy than many others which are popular here. Guoba Roupian (Guoba Roupian) is a special dish unique to Chengdu. This tasty dish arrives at your table in two separate parts; a golden crust of cooked rice in one bowl and hot sauce in another. The hot sauce is immediately poured on the rice which crackles at the sensation! Hot Pot Hotpot is very popular in Chengdu, and is known for its spicy and hot flavor which can make the tasters tongue go numb! Hotpot once was only served up at home to the family but is now hugely popular throughout Chengdu on the street and in restaurants. There are numerous different flavors available including lamb and fish hot pot. This is particularly


2014成都美食旅游攻略 刚从成都回来,希望此文能给初次去成都包着大吃一番的朋友一些帮助。 在品尝美食之前,首先要安排好住宿的地方。本人强烈推荐住在地铁线附近,因为主要的美食圈都在地铁一号线和二号线附近。我选择的地方是文殊院地铁口附近的一家店,离地铁口b口非常近。 对在成都寻觅美食的外地人来说,还有不可缺少的利器就是手机地图,基本可以做到问路不求人。还有就是,你可以买一份《成都观光旅游导图》,这样可以让你对重庆的美食圈有个全面直观的了解。那个手绘地图什么的就别买了,没啥用。 我的美食点选择主要借鉴的网上帖子和有关书籍。 下面说一下我的旅游行程: ●第一天文殊院、文殊院非物质文化遗产主题街、文殊院小吃街——天府广场—— 青石桥——宽窄巷子 上午步行15分钟到文殊院进行参观。文殊院非常的古朴幽静,据说里面还供奉着唐玄奘的头骨当然还有很多别的文物,这个有兴趣的朋友可以百度。文殊院进大门的左手边有个放生助刊的地方,可以免费请经书。 从文殊院出来以后,大门对面左手边就是“非物质文化遗产手工技艺主题街”街区。各个装修的古色古香的门脸里,摆设着蜀锦、蜀绣、漆器、银花丝、竹编、藏织羌绣……真是美轮美奂。个人感觉比宽窄巷子和锦里耐看,有底蕴。可以一家店一家店的慢慢看,还可以去看店里师傅进行制作的过程。在东边银丝街门口有这些技艺的宣传介绍。 看完这些店面,顺着胡同往文殊院的南边走,有一天美食街。里面有著名的龙抄手,钟水饺,麻婆豆腐,三大炮,兔头,钵钵鸡,肥肠粉什么的,基本成都有名的小吃都包括了。不过我感觉味道一般般,不止是文殊院小吃街,好像哪里的著名旅游地的小吃街都不如街边苍蝇馆子好吃。 中午,从文殊院地铁k口进,做地铁到天府广场,看看毛爷爷。有兴趣的可以在附近逛逛商场,有远东百货什么的。我是从天府广场直接往东走,走到东御街,然后往右拐来到顺城大街,大业路,然后进古卧龙桥最后达到青石桥(百度地图搜的路线)。其实打的也就才十来块钱,所以想去青石桥的可以考虑直接打的。 青石桥这有很多好吃的,第一天中午我是在青石桥海鲜市场的对面“周极品冒菜”吃的。真是物美价廉啊。选菜方式跟麻辣香锅一样是随便选,按照肉和菜分开放在两个筐里,分别称重。一锅装满毛肚,黄喉,鸭肠和各种蔬菜的冒菜,我以为起码要上百,最后一算,居然才七十多,简直不能相信。味道好的也是没话说,吃着香辣的冒菜,喝着店里的美年达汽水,真是好巴适。 然后打的回酒店休息一下。 晚上是去宽窄巷子。从文殊院直接做地铁到人民公园,从d1口出来,走到宽窄巷子。夜晚的宽窄巷子真是别样的妩媚。各家店面设计充满了创意,令人惊叹不已。相对来说窄巷子比宽巷子要有趣热闹。有兴趣的,有钱有闲的朋友可以在巷子里的酒吧坐一坐。不过吃的还是那句话,一般般。 一天总结:文殊坊和宽窄巷子是视觉盛宴,青石桥是味觉盛宴。 ●第二天锦里——玉林 上午去锦里。大家路线可以问百度地图。我的路线是手机百度地铁提供的,好像跟电脑百度地铁提供的不一样,是坐地铁到锦江宾馆站,然后往南走,见到红绿灯不过马路直接右拐步行到南门大桥站,坐公交到武侯祠站下,然后步行到锦里。从武侯祠到锦里大门的这段路两边有很多小店,我顺手买了一个半坡的包包。


中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例关键词:英语,范例,演讲稿,中国菜,主题 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例介绍:EnjoytherefreshingchangeByAubreyBuckingham(shanghaidaily)Updated:2006-12-0811:02ForalittlepeaceandtranquilityinthefinancialzonethatisLujiazui, ta 中国菜主题的英语演讲稿范例详情: [免费论文:] Enjoy the refreshing change By Aubrey Buckingham (shanghai daily) Updated:2006-12-08 11:02 For a little peace and tranquility in the financial zone that is Lujiazui,take some time off to smell the roses in an unlikely setting. Just by the looming Oriental Pearl TV Tower behemoth is a newly-installed plete with artificial waterways and resident geese.If this sounds cheesy,rest assured,it'shrfw.bid not. plete the other-worldliness of this verdant garden,a few classical European-style villas are being built within pound.One


D1宽窄巷子(2小时) →武侯祠(2小时) →锦里(3小时) D2金沙遗址博物馆(3小时) →杜甫草堂(2小时) →青羊宫(1小时) →九眼桥(2小时) D3成都大熊猫繁育研究基地(4小时) →文殊院(2小时) →春熙路(2小时) D4五龙沟(2小时) →龙隐峡栈道(1小时) →又一村(半小时) →望云亭(半小时) →飞泉沟(1小时) →泰安古镇(2小时) D5青城山前山(2小时) →都江堰景区(5小时) D6人民公园(2小时) 第一天 今天到达成都后,先去预定好的酒店办理入住,稍作休整。中午去宽窄巷子吃饭,下午逛武侯祠,感受一下悠远的历史。晚上到锦里体验成都的夜生活。 宽窄巷子(2小时) 公车30分钟武侯祠(2小时) 步行5分钟锦里(3小时) 交通攻略 成都市内各景点都有很多公交车,非常方便。目前大多数公交车为无人售票车,请自备零钞。普通车1元,空调车和高档车2元。 宽窄巷子到武侯祠需坐公交车约30分钟,从商业街口站上车,武侯祠站下车,再步行80米即可到达。 门票攻略 今日行程中只有武侯祠票需门票60元,网上买58元,建议提前在网上购买,其余景点均无需门票。 住宿攻略 推荐入住天府广场-春熙路,成都最繁华的商圈,吃饭、购物、娱乐俱全,美女也常扎堆出现。地铁一、二号线在此交会,交通便利。 第二天 上午去金沙遗址博物馆逛逛,参观一下文物。下午前往著名的杜甫草堂和青羊宫,晚上到九眼桥感受成都的夜生活。 金沙遗址博物馆(3小时) 公车30分钟杜甫草堂(2小时) 步行21分钟青羊宫(1小时) 公车40分钟九眼桥(2小时) 交通攻略 金沙遗址博物馆到杜甫草堂需坐公交车约30分钟,从金沙遗址东门站上车,杜甫草堂站下车,步行10米即可到达。 青羊宫到九眼桥需坐公交车约40分钟,从青羊宫站上车,望江路站下车,步行430米即可到达。 门票攻略 今日行程中金沙遗址博物馆门票80元,杜甫草堂门票60元,青羊宫门票10元。金沙遗址博物馆和杜甫草堂网上都有售票,价格比景区买便宜,建议提前购买。 餐饮攻略 中午在杜甫草堂附近吃当地最有特色的小吃,晚上去九眼桥喝喝小酒,看看夜景 住宿不变

温州小吃 英语介绍

1.矮人松糕:像婚姻一样甜蜜糯软? 这松糕趁热吃时甜蜜糯软,待稍凉时再吃更有韧劲,而且越发的香。 松软绵糯,甜中有咸,清香可口。制作此点心的老师傅是个矮个子, 矮人 loose cakes: Equally happy glutinous is soft like the marriage This loose cake before it's too late eats when happy glutinous is soft, treats slightly coolly when again eats has the pliability ,moreover even more fragrance. The soft wadding glutinous, sweet center has salty, the delicate fragrance is delicious. Make this dessert the master crafts man is a short person, 2.长人馄饨:像婚姻一样丰富多彩? 皮薄如纸,馅以鲜肉,状如云朵,汤清味美,?形似花朵,美味爽口。长人 Wonton: equally richly colorful like the marriage stuffing by fresh meat, as if clouds ,the soup tastes great, takes the form of the flowers, the delicacy is tasty. 3.灯盏糕:像婚姻一样脆甜爽口? 一种形似灯盏的点心,形似灯盏,独具风味,便被称为“灯盏糕”。? 灯盏糕:Equally crisp and sweet is tasty like the marriage One kind takes the form of the lamp bowl dessert, takes the form ofthe lamp bowl, the alone flavor, is then called “灯盏糕” 4.温州鱼丸:像婚姻一样弹性十足。 唇齿间溢满一股淡淡腥味的鱼鲜味道,用力一嚼,还发现这“鱼丸”颇有劲道,弹性十足。 Fish pill: Is full like the marital same elasticity Between the lips and teeth overflows the full light fishy smell seafood flavor, makes an effort as soon as to chew, but also discovered this


赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville) (1819年8月1日—1891年9月28日) 一、图书馆资源: (一)图书 1、The Irony of Imperial Dream::a Postcolonial Study of Herman Melville's Billy Budd, Sailor 柯少芬著林斌副教授指导厦门:厦门大学外文学院英语语言文学系,2010 帝国梦的反讽:梅尔维尔小说《比利·巴德》的后殖民主义解读 2、The Cambridge introduction to Herman Melville Kevin J. Hayes著; 杨金才导读.上海: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2008. 3、The Cambridge companion to Herman Melville Robert S. Levine编.上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2001. 4、Herman Melville and Imperialism:A cultural critique of melville's polynesian trilogy (赫尔曼·麦尔维尔与帝国主义) 杨金才著南京:南京大学出版社,2001 5、Herman Melville :the tragedy of mind William Ellery Sedgwick. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1944. 6、《赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的白鲸》 (美)[L.麦克菲]Laurence MacPhee著王克非等译北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997 (一)相关期刊193篇 1、张晓毓:《同质异构异趣同旨—从《红字》、《白鲸》比较霍桑、麦尔维尔的罪恶观》,阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版),2002年第五期; 2、马庆霞:《麦尔维尔的悲剧倾向及其对小说<白鲸> 创作的影响》,文教资料,2007年7月号下旬刊; 3、杨金才:《异域想象与帝国主义—论赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的“波里尼西亚三部曲”》,国外文学( 季刊) ,2000 年第3 期( 总第79 期); 4、曾艳兵:《麦尔维尔与大海》,东方论坛,一九九九年第四期; 5、项伟谊:《求索于海上:< 白鲸> 与西方文明》,国外文学( 季刊) ,2000 年第3 期( 总第79 期);(三)学位论文16篇 (四)英文期刊 1、Stanley Brodwin,Herman Melville's Clarel: An Existential Gospel,PMLA, Vol. 86, No. 3 (May, 1971), pp. 375-387. 2、Ronald Mason, Herman Melville and "Billy Budd" ,Tempo, New Series, No. 21 (Autumn, 1951), pp. 6-8 3、Brian Way and David Corker, Herman Melville: Moby Dick ,Journal of American Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Dec., 1980), pp. 467-468. 4、Henry W. Wells, Herman Melville's Clare, College English, V ol. 4, No. 8 (May, 1943), pp. 478-483. 5、C. Merton Babcock, Herman Melville's Whaling Vocabulary, American Speech, V ol. 29, No. 3 (Oct., 1954), pp. 161-174. 6、Joyce Sparer Adler, Billy Budd and Melville's Philosophy of War , PMLA, Vol. 91, No. 2 (Mar., 1976), pp. 266-278.


成都详细旅游攻略 交通 成都双流国际机场距离市区大约16公里左右,乘出租车由机场到市内,讲价大约50元(含高速路费)左右。 前往:公交车303路是从火车北站始发前往双流机场,303路区间车是在人民南路二段民航售票处(岷山饭店旁)上车,均根据航班时间提前2.5小时发车,6~10元/人;303B是金沙车站与双流机场对发的,每天7:00出车,19:00收车,2元/人。机场乘车点在机场出站前。行程约40分钟。 特别提示:成都至九寨沟等四川省内及重庆的航班在双流机场的老候机大厅登机,离新候机厅有一段距离。 火车 成都火车北站是西南地区最大的铁路客运中心,市内的2、9、区9、11、16、24、27、28、34、36、44、52、区52、54、区54、64、65、70、85、区85、303路 市内交通 成都市的公交车四通八达,大多数地方都可坐公交车到达,特别是市内各景点。现在成都市内的公交车多数为无人售票车,需自备零钞投币。不论远近票价一般是上车1元,空调车和高档车2元。 成都市区内的各大路口人群较为集中的地段还设有“成都通”信息亭,可自助查询公交线路,成都地区主要景点、宾馆、酒店、票务等信息都可自助查询。

出租车 市内的出租车多为夏利和捷达,绿顶黄身或蓝顶黄身。每天7:00~22:00起步价5元/3公里,超出3公里后1.4元/公里;22:00~7:00起步价6元/3公里,超出3公里后1.7元/公里。而且成都市区比较小,横穿市区也就二三十元。如果路程较短,你也可以试试三轮车,成都的三轮车是正规公司经营的。 成都的出租车司机一般不会宰客,且多数可算得上是一张“活地图”,好吃的,好玩的地方他们都知道,接受他们的建议多半不会错。请打表计费,下车时一定要记得索要发票。 人力三轮车 三轮车已成为成都的一个特色,多在一环路以内,市中心最多。三轮车夫有统一的工作服,胸前挂有统一的工作证,起步价5元/辆/次,总价按路程远近与三轮车夫协商而定。 景点 自古诗人多入蜀,地灵人杰的巴蜀大地既是文化之邦,又处处展现着绚丽的自然风光,到处是淳美的风土人情……成都位于西南地区最大的平原——成都平原东部,是一座景色秀丽、气候宜人的城市,同时也是一座具有两千多年历史的文化名城,历代留下来的名胜古迹十分丰富。这让游人在感官和心灵上都能得到双重的满足。 春熙路众多“中华老字号”的成都名小吃:钟水饺、赖汤圆、夫妻肺片、韩包子、龙抄手都聚集在春熙路上、还可以购物 一日游路线是文殊院--武侯祠--锦里--青羊宫--宽窄巷--春熙路(文殊院到武侯祠是1路,武侯祠到宽窄巷是57路,宽窄巷到春熙路是43路) 青羊宫:是川西第一道观5元门票开放时间:8:00 — 18:00


MENU 冷菜Cold Dish 白切鸡Boiled Chicken with Sauce 川北凉粉Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce 夫妻肺片Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 酱香猪蹄Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce 老醋泡花生Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar 泡椒凤爪Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 五香牛肉Spicy Roast Beef 盐焗鸡Baked Chicken in Salt 炸花生米Fried Peanuts 酱猪肘Pork Hock Seasoned with Soy Sauce 凉拌黄瓜Cucumber in Sauce 糖拌西红柿Tomato Slices with Sugar 糖蒜Sweet Garlic 热菜Hot Dishes 东坡方肉Braised Dongpo Pork 鱼香肉丝Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork 糖醋排骨Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs 毛家红烧肉Braised Pork,Mao’s Family Style 红烧狮子头Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce 回锅肉片Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili 京酱肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce 酸豆角肉沫Sautéed Sour Beans with Minced Pork 杭椒牛柳Sautéed Beef Filet with Hot Green Pepper 青椒肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper 水煮牛肉Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil 葱爆羊肉Sautéed Lamb Slices with Scallion 红焖羊排Braised Lamb Chops with Carrots 烤羊腿Roast Lamb Leg 手扒羊排Grilled Lamb Chops 烤羔羊Roasted Lamb


现在的英语越来越普及,随着英语的不断深入,英语作文变得越来越重要,下列是一些英语作文供大家参考。 四川成都英文介绍(Joozone Note:英文版见下方) 人们平时有了出门的欲望,如果你产生了出门旅游的欲望,成都是你可以考虑的目的地,成都是四川省的省会城市,位于中国西南的成都平原,到此一游可以让你领略到成都的快乐的生活方式,成都人以他们的悠闲著称,成都是一个文化和历史名城,有许多著名的传统建筑,漫步其间就相当于上了一堂历史课,而城市中心商业区是一个鳞次栉比的高楼大厦,告诉游人成都也是一个现代商业城市,成都最著名的街道是春西路,它位于市中心,是一个购物天堂,成都作为一个美丽天堂而闻名遐迩,来自各地的人们汇集到此品尝著名小吃和火锅,成都以其历史悠久的文化为特色,如果长时间购物或街头漫步感到厌倦,可在街边随处可见的菜馆休息放松,四川是大熊猫的故乡,成都有一个著名的熊猫主题公园,美丽的景江伸展着穿城而过,两岸优美的景色使人大饱眼福,美丽的成都敞开心,迎接来自世界各地的幼儿,没有人回带着失望离开这里! The people usually had the desire which goes out, if you produced have gone out the traveling the desire, Chengdu was the destination which you might consider, Chengdu is Sichuan's provincial capital city, located at the Chinese southwest Chengdu plain, one toured to this may let you understand Chengdu's joyful life style, the native of Chengdu by theirs leisurely and carefree being famous, Chengdu is a culture and the historical famous city, during many famous traditional construction, strolled quite in a on hall history lesson, but the urban center business district was tall buildings row after row, told the tourist Chengdu is also one modern commercial city, the Chengdu most famous street is the spring west road, it is located at the town center, is a shopping paradise, Chengdu takes a beautiful heaven, but is known far and wide, collects this from the regional people to taste the famous snack and the hot pot, Chengdu take its historical glorious culture as the characteristic, if the long time shopping or the street corner stroll to feel are weary, may the restaurant rest which finds at everywhere in the street relax, Sichuan is panda's hometown, Chengdu has a famous panda theme park, beautiful Jing


![收稿日期]! ""#"#$$! [基金项目]湖北省教学研究项目(!""$$##)。![作者简介]张立玉($ %&$),女,$%’!年大学毕业,硕士,副教授,现主要从事应用语言学的教学与研究工作。从麦尔维尔的反超验主义看!白鲸"的主题思想 !!张立玉!(中南民族大学外语学院,湖北 武汉!"##$! )#摘要$介绍了麦尔维尔反超验主义形成的历史背景及反超验主义文学的社会基础!讨论了麦尔维尔作品"白鲸#的主要思想和从中受到的启迪$认为浪漫主义文学是不成熟的现实主义文学%是现实主义文学的萌芽$它所包括的现实主义的成份必然会随着人类社会的政治&经济的发展而发展%随着人的认识能力的提高而逐步发展%逐步过渡到现实主义文学阶段$ #关键词$美国文学!浪漫主义!超验派!反超验派!"白鲸##中图分类号$()$!*+)+ #文献标识码$,!#文章编号$$""%""$"%!""#&"!""’+"# !! !!赫尔曼!麦尔维尔是$ %世纪美国的小说家"他以自己独立的思想观察社会#理解人生$参与独立的美国文学的创建"然而他的文学见解$他的创作思想和他的作品所反映的主题都不能为当时的文坛所接受"他的文学巨著%白鲸&被$%世纪美国文学的大潮所淹没"!"世纪$文学评论家在他那里得到了许多论题$得到了许多创作的灵感"麦尔维尔重新受到!"世纪美国文坛的关注" 一、麦尔维尔反超验主义形成的历史背景 !! $%世纪的美国人有理由乐观向上"他们看到$没有费特别大的力气$便摧毁了英国人在北美的统治’不过几十年的功夫$他们就将自己的领土从!""多万平方公里扩展到%""多万平方公里’辽阔的国土为他们的经济发展提供了丰富的自然资源’大西洋的阻隔使他们远离欧洲各国的纷争$顺利地实施( 门罗主义)$保护既得利益$推行区域霸权主义$发展经济$增加财富**"他们相信$上帝特别恩惠美国人$上帝是仁慈的$大自然是美好的"这便是$%世纪美国文学创建之初的浪漫主义和作为美国浪漫主义文学思想基础的超验主义产生 的背景"超验派浪漫主义文学思想所反映的是$%世纪美国社会积极向上的一面$人性善良的一面$大自然美好的一面"而麦尔维尔让读者看到的是它的残缺#险恶和阴暗的一面$自然不被当时(蒸蒸日上)的潮流所重视" 麦尔维尔正视人生与社会的创作思想实际上推动着浪漫主义文学向现实主义文学的转化’他的作品中的人物怀着坚定的信念#勇于冒险#执着奋进#敢于与大自然中的各种艰难险阻抗争到底的精 神在!"世纪许多作家的作品中得到再现$并为全社会所接受$演化成为一种(美国精神)’麦尔维尔小说中的故事惊险曲折又不乏浪漫情调$这已成为当代许多畅销小说共同的写作特点’更重要的是$他在超验主义十分盛行的年代$高举反超验主义的旗帜$对社会#人生#自然等这些当时人们普遍关心的问题提出自己独到的见解"面对社会#人生和大自然的残缺#险恶和阴暗仍然浪漫乐观$奋斗向上"在他的一些作品中这种反超验主义精神得到充分体现$这些都表明麦尔维尔具有!"世纪美 国作家的许多气质"二、反超验主义文学的社会基础 !!赫尔曼!麦尔维尔生于$ ’$%年$由于家庭经营的生意破产$青少年时期他不得不辍学"为养 家$他曾做过海员#律师等$最后从事写作"丰富的生活经历$扩大了他的创作领域"他曾说海上生活的经历是他的(哈佛)和(牛津)"麦尔维尔从事创作之初$声誉很高"他擅长描写海上生活$尤以反映富于浪漫色彩的南方海域奇特的冒险生活著名"他的海上传奇小说虽然充满幻想$但却具有生 活的真实性$因为他把故事背景置于他的生活时代之中"与同时代的心理小说分析家爱伦!坡相比$他的故事更加可信"麦尔维尔的作品在文学技巧方面虽然不如% 红字&的作者内森尼尔!霍桑娴熟$而对人物性格的刻画却比霍桑更加深刻"他的作品反映的反超验主义思想在当时受到了众多非难"特别是他的巨著%白鲸&$在当时倍受冷落$使他的文学地位每况愈下"$’%$年$他实际上是在贫困 和被遗忘之中死去+$, " ! +’!江汉石油学院学报(社科版)!""#年&月第-卷第!期 !"#$%&’"(!)&%* +&%,-.$"’-#/0%1.).#.-(2"3)&’23)-%3-45*)./0*!""#!123*-!42*!


成都小吃的现状研究 摘要 成都小吃作为成都饮食文化的代表,在中国饮食文化中占有十分重要的地位,但近年来,成都小吃的发展似乎遇到了瓶颈,一些有名的小吃因为其品牌意识淡薄而导致仿冒者众多,拉低了小吃的质量,导致消费者受众减少;而另一些有名的小吃做出了自己的品牌,但由于自己的经营不善,而或是消费者的味觉品味提高,或者是因为其销售价格过高,种种原因导致了其销售状况日渐衰微。 关键字: 小吃发展现状产业升级 一、“成都名小吃”概述 “成都名小吃”品种繁多:以各色小面到抄手包饺;从糕团汤元到筵席细点;从凉抖冷食到热饮羹汤;从锅煎油烙到蒸煮烘烤,堪称花色品种琳琅满目,甜咸酸辣各味俱全。 (一)成都餐饮业概述 成都餐饮味特别多是其它城市所不能比拟的,常用的口味就有香甜、咸甜、椒麻、红油、怪味、家常、麻辣、咸鲜、糖醋、芥末、蒜泥等十余种,而每一种口味针对不同的品种又各有不同的使用方法和变化。 (二)“成都名小吃”在餐饮业中的地位 “成都名小吃”在餐饮经营中占有重要地位,并且与百姓日常生活紧密相关。成都的餐饮业零售额目前连续15年保持两位数的增长,2006年全国餐饮业零售额实现一千万的跨越,人均餐饮消费支出将增长17.6%,达到600元,中国居民的个人消费占全国餐饮业零售额的比重在35%左右。其中小吃餐饮占餐饮业的营业额百分比目前还缺乏确切的统计数据,有人估计小吃零售额至少以百亿计。 (三)“成都名小吃”经营现状 1. 成都餐饮业的现状 餐饮业不同于商业,又不同于工业,也不同于纯服务业,在现代社会里它属于第三产业,具有生产加工,饮食品零售和劳动服务的综合性。改革开放二十多年来,我国餐饮业发展迅猛,日新月异,各种风味特色,各种经营形式,各种组

常用中国菜 中英文菜单对照表格模板

欢迎阅读 MENU 冷菜Cold Dish 白切鸡Boiled Chicken with Sauce 川北凉粉Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce 夫妻肺片Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 酱香猪蹄Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce 老醋泡花生Peanuts Pickled in Aged Vinegar 泡椒凤爪Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 五香牛肉Spicy Roast Beef 盐焗鸡Baked Chicken in Salt 炸花生米Fried Peanuts 酱猪肘Pork Hock Seasoned with Soy Sauce 凉拌黄瓜Cucumber in Sauce 糖拌西红柿Tomato Slices with Sugar 糖蒜Sweet Garlic 热菜Hot Dishes 东坡方肉Braised Dongpo Pork 鱼香肉丝Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork 糖醋排骨Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs 毛家红烧肉Braised Pork,Mao’s Family Style 红烧狮子头Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce 回锅肉片Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili 京酱肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce 酸豆角肉沫Sautéed Sour Beans with Minced Pork 杭椒牛柳Sautéed Beef Filet with Hot Green Pepper 青椒肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper 水煮牛肉Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil 葱爆羊肉Sautéed Lamb Slices with Scallion 红焖羊排Braised Lamb Chops with Carrots 烤羊腿Roast Lamb Leg 手扒羊排Grilled Lamb Chops 烤羔羊Roasted Lamb


1.他提出的论据相当不充实。 The argument he put forward is pretty thin. (词) 2.我们确信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。We are confident that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.(短语) 3.他七十岁了,可是并不显老。 He was 70, but he carried his years lightly.(句) 4.他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。 He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious.(词) 5.调查结果清清楚楚地显示病人死于心脏病。 The investigation left no doubt that the patient had died of heart disease.(短语) 6.这类举动迟早会被人发觉的。 Such action couldn't long escape notice.(句子) 7.有利必有弊。 There is not any advantage without disadvantage. (双重否定) 8.我们在那个城市从未因为是犹太人而遭受歧视。 In that city, we had never suffered discrimination because we were Jews.(否定转移)

《英语国家社会和文化》教学大纲 一、课程说明. 1. 课程代码:307052281 2. 课程中文名称:英语国家社会和文化 3. 课程英文名称:The Society and Culture of Major English Speaking Countries—an Introduction 4. 课程总学时数:36 3. 课程学分数:2 4. 授课对象: 商务英语专业高职二年级 5.本课程的性质、地位和作用 本课程是商务英语高职专业的一门语言类专业任选课,主要以英语为媒介系统地向学生介绍和阐述世界主要英语国家的基本概况。本课程的教学能够提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,改善学生的文化修养,使他们的跨文化语言运用的得体性和跨文化语言转换的准确性得到加强,以适应未来所从事的国际商务活动。 二、教学基本要求 1.本课程的目的、任务 本课程的教学目的在于让商务英语专业学生了解和熟悉主要英语国家的社会与文化概貌,掌握其地理、历史、政治、经济、社会生活与文化传统等方面的基本知识,扩大知识面,丰富文化修养,加深对语言和文学的理解,提高分析判断能力。 2.本课程的教学要求 本课程的基本要求是让学生掌握英美两个典型英语语言国家的历史与社会文化背景、民族特点、当前现状及发展前景。通过本课程的学习,学生除了掌握有关英美两国的社会基本构成、文化传统、经济科技发展等基本知识外,同时也提高自身对英文社科类书籍的阅读能力,从而进一步提高自己的英语水平。 针对本课程的特点,教师也可适当向学生推荐一些优秀的且能反映英美国家文化的电影,以提高学生的综合语言能力。
