


Part One: Essay Writing

1 An Introduction to Writing

Activity (Point and Support in a Paragraph), pages 5–6

Point:There are drawbacks to moviegoing.

Support: 1. Inconvenience

b. Long time to find parking spot and long walk to theater

d. Sticky floor

3. Other moviegoers

a. Running kids

b. Laughing, shouting teenagers

Activity (Introductory Paragraph), 8

1. c

2. b

3. a

4. a. Inconvenience of going out

b. Temptations of the theater

c. Behavior of some patrons

Activity (Body: Supporting Paragraphs), 9–10

1. To begin with, I just don’t enjoy the general hassle of the evening.

2. b. Parking lot is always jammed

d. Tickets may sell out, and theater is crowded

e. Tickets cost up to $8 each

3. Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really don’t need.

4. b. 2) chocolate bars

3) Milk Duds

5. Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem than the concession stand.

6. a. Little kids race up and down the aisles

b. Teenagers talk back to the screen, whistle, make funny noises

Activity (Concluding Paragraph), 10

1. a

2. c

Review Activities, 18–20

Answers will vary.

2 The Writing Process

Activities (Freewriting, Questioning, Making a List, Clustering, Scratch Outline), 25–31 Answers will vary.

Activity (Writing a First Draft), 33

1. thesis 5.


2. first 6.


3. equiped (other answers are possible)7. conclusion

4. second and third

Activity (Revising with a Second Draft), 36–37

1. Second 5. watching what I keep in the house

2. however 6. comfortable seats

3. unity . . . My friends are as bad as I am. 7. As

4. support . . . snacks like celery and carrot 8. jump into my hands

sticks . . . no ice cream in the freezer . . . 9. disgusted

dripping with butter . . . risk pulling out

my fillings as I chew

Activity (Taking a Writing Inventory), 39–40

Answers will vary.

Activity (Prewriting), 41–43

L, Q, SO, C, F

Activity 1 (Outlining), 43–45

1. Thesis:My high school had three problem areas.

a. Students

(1) Involved with drugs

(2) Formed cliques

b. Teachers

(1) Unwilling to help after class

(2) Much too strict

c. Buildings

(1) Leaky ceilings

(2) Ill-equipped gym

2. Thesis:Working as a dishwasher in a restaurant was my worst job.

a. Working conditions

(1) Heat in kitchen

(2) Noisy work area

b. Hours

(1) Ten-hour shifts

(2) Hours changed every week

c. Pay

(1) Minimum wage

(2) No bonus for overtime

3. Thesis: Joining an aerobics class has many benefits.

a. Social benefits

(1) Make new friends

(2) Meet interesting instructors

b. Mental benefits

(1) Reduces mental stress

(2) Improves self-image

c. Physical benefits

(1) Strengthens heart

(2) Tones muscles

4. Thesis: My favorite times in school were the days before holiday vacations.

a. Lighter workload

(1) Less work in class

(2) Less homework

b. Friendlier atmosphere

(1) Teachers more relaxed

(2) Students happy about vacation

c. Special events

(1) Pep rallies

(2) Holiday concerts

Activity 2 (Outlining), 45–47

Thesis:More and more, the inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.

First topic sentence:The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating us.

Support: 2. Workers’ salaries are automatically credited to their bank accounts.

3. Personal banking is becoming a detached process.

a. Customers interact with machines rather than people.

b. Some loans are accepted or rejected by computers, not loan officers. Second topic sentence: Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Support: 1. For many people now, music is a solitary experience.

2. Fewer people go out to watch movies.

Third topic sentence:Education is a third important area in which technology is separating us from others.

Support: 1. Students sit alone in front of computers.

2. Students use software at home instead of interacting with others.

3. Videotapes are replacing class instruction.

Activity (Revising), 47–48

2, 1, 4, 3

3 The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing

Activity (Writing a Good Thesis), 50–51

List 1 List 2

2 Teachers

3 Bicycles

l Education 4 Dangers of bike riding

3 Math teacher l Recreation

5 My high school math 2 Recreational vehicles

teacher was incompetent. 5 Bike riding in the city is a

4 High school math teacher dangerous experience.

List 3 List 4

1 Retail companies 3 Camping

2 Supermarkets 4 First camping trip

4 Dealing with customers 2 Summer vacation

3 Working in a supermarket 5 My first camping trip was a 5 I’ve learned how to handle disastrous experience.

unpleasant supermarket customers. l Vacations

Activity (Common Errors in Writing a Thesis), 53

A. 1. TB

B. 6. 2

2. TN 7. A

3. TB 8. 2

4. TN 9. A

5. TB 10. 2

Activity (Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence), 54–55

Answers for this activity will vary; a possible third point for each outline is listed below.

1. c. Learning new rules and procedures 4. c. Save money

2. c. Sense of humor 5. c. Long hours

3. c. Too cold in the winter 6. c. Worry about finances

Activity (The Importance of Specific Details), 57

S 1. The paragraph lists specific precautions: getting a permit and buying

pressure-treated lumber.

X 2. What kinds of things did the writer do wrong? What specific rules were enforced?

How did this parent punish the writer?

S 3 The paragraph lists specific examples of items that should not be improved:

cheesecake and jeans.

X 4. What kinds of problems does the dog have? How does the dog misbehave when the owners are away? How did the owners try to train the dog?

Activity 1 (The Importance of Adequate Details), 58

Answers are given in the text after the activity.

Activity (Identifying the Parts of an Essay), 61

Thesis statement: 4

Topic sentence of first supporting paragraph: 5

Topic sentence of second supporting paragraph: 15

Topic sentence of third supporting paragraph: 22

First sentence of the conclusion: 34

Activity 1 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 61–62 Activity 2 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 62

1. A a. 1. TN a.

OKb. OK b.

2. OK a. 2. TN a.

Ab. OK b.

3. OK a. 3. TN a.

Ab. OK b.

4.A a. 4. OK a.

OKb. TN b.

5.A a. 5. OK a.

OKb. TN b.

Activity 3 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 62–63 Activity 4 (Evaluating Thesis Statements), 63

1. TB a. 1. OK a.

OKb. 2 b.

2.TB a. 2. 2 a.

OKb. OK b.

3. OK a. 3. OK a.

TBb. 2 b.

4. TB a. 4. 2 a.

OK b.

OK b.

5. TB a. 5. 2 a.

OK b.

OK b.

Activity (Completing Thesis Statements), 64

Answers for this activity will vary; a possible third point of development for each thesis statement is listed below.

1. science. 6. coach

2. to be enthusiastic. 7. we were emotionally immature.

3. my boyfriend. 8. manners

4. money. 9. my relationships with others.

5. breaks down regularly. 10. the time I dented my friend’s car.

Activity (Writing a Thesis Statement), 65

Answers may vary slightly.

1. The cars I’ve owned have reflected the changes in my personality.

2. Attending a two-year college has several advantages.

3. I have tried several ways to give up snacks.

4. Halloween is not all fun.

5. Three factors contributed to my heart attack.

Activity 1 (Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis), 66

Answers will vary; a possible thesis for each limited subject is listed below.

1. Sharing an apartment with a roommate helped me adjust to a new city.

2. Deciding to be less critical of your spouse can help a marriage.

3. My mother’s tidiness drives us crazy.

4. Fast-food restaurants are cheaper, cleaner, and friendlier than other restaurants.

5. My cousin Myra has several bad driving habits.

6. Regular exercise can help ease emotional problems.

7. Do-it-yourself repairs always end up costing me more money than they’re supposed to.

8. The free-agent system has made baseball a big business, not a sport.

9. Being a single parent can be exhausting, frustrating, and intimidating.

10. Noise pollution is a growing problem in our city.

Activity 2 (Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis), 67

Answers will vary; some possible limited subjects and thesis statements are listed below.

1. Exotic animals as pets

People should not be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets.

2. Teens and birth control

Parents should be notified if their daughters visit a birth control clinic.

3. The new season’s TV programming

The new television programs are carbon copies of last year’s successful shows.

4. Computerized offices

Computers in offices are creating new health problems for employees.

5. Major fields of study

Choosing a major does not have to be done blindly.

6. House calls

Doctors should be compelled to make house calls.

7. Summer vacations

Summer is the worst time of year to take a vacation.

8. Barbecuing

There are three kinds of people who will be found behind a barbecue grill.

9. Children’s allowances

Getting an allowance teaches a child to be responsible, mature, and thrifty.

10. Christmas shopping

One year I made the mistake of doing my Christmas shopping months in advance. Activity (Providing Specific Evidence), 68–69

Answers will vary; some possibilities are listed below.

1. Guests arrived two hours late; roast was burned; host and hostess got into a huge fight

2. Collects dead frogs, birds, and worms; loves to dunk pizza in his chocolate milk; combs his

hair with his toothbrush

3. Too tired; too hungry; too disorganized

4. Chose my friends for me; chose my clothes for me; chose my college for me

5. Baby-sitting, gardening, baking cookies

6. New ignition, new brakes, new heater

7. Cat got sick; kids got sick; roof started to leak

8. Slept at his desk; gave six hours of homework per night; had a nasty temper

Activity (Identifying Adequate Supporting Evidence), 69–70

AD 1.

U 2. What are specific examples of how people are thoughtless to pets? What are the particular needs of pets that may be ignored? Examples might include bathing animals regularly,

treating them for fleas, helping them stay cool in summer, exercising them, and

providing a nutritious diet.

U 3. What are specific examples of shows that are of little interest to people? Exactly how would commercials be changed? How would network news be made more interesting?

Examples might include the names of shows (situation comedies, game shows, and so

on) that aren’t popular. Commercials might be changed by eliminating repetitious

jingles or celebrity endorsements (using examples of current commercials).

AD 4.

U 5. What are examples of how the woman was set in her ways? What did she say about the kind of hairdo she wanted? For example, the woman might have rejected any suggestions

other than the style she was used to. What did the writer do that was unsuccessful?

And how did the woman seem to indicate that the writer was not doing what she

wanted? For instance, she might have shook her head or sighed every time the writer

attempted to please her.

Activity (Adding Details to Complete an Essay), 70–73

Answers will vary; possible supporting details are included in the paragraphs below.

First of all, with no television to compete for our time, we found plenty of hours for personal interests. We all read more that week than we had read during the six months before. Dad introduced Mom to his favorite mystery writer—Dorothy Sayers—and it was pleasant to see them sitting on the sofa together, each one absorbed in a book. Luella, serious as always, read novels by Charles Dickens, while I settled modestly for the daily newspapers. W e each also enjoyed some hobbies we had ignored for ages. Mom and Dad did crossword puzzles together, Lu dusted off her stamp collection, and I finished knitting the sweater I had started last September. In addition, my sister and I both stopped procrastinating with our homework. Instead of putting off our English and math assignments until our favorite shows were over, we tackled them right after supper and found that, without the sound of the TV blaring in our ears, we could do them in a couple of hours—far more quickly than we expected.

Second, we did chores that had been hanging over our heads for too long. There were many jobs around the house that had needed attention for some time. Mom fixed a faucet that had been dripping for weeks while Dad patched the cracked plaster in the dining room. Lu and I cleaned our closets, finding records, tapes, and magazines that had been missing for months. By the end of the week, the house was in tidier shape than it had been since we moved in. We also had a chance to do some long-postponed shopping. Mom and Dad picked out a new sofa for the den; Lu bought some new books, and I went through a whole stack of catalogs and finished all my Christmas shopping by mail. And each of us also did some letter writing or other paperwork that was long overdue.Mom and Dad struggled with this year’s income tax forms, Lu wrote to Johnny, a friend she met at Spirit Lake last summer, and I wrote a thank-you note to Aunt Elsie for letting me stay with her during my weekend in New York City last month.

Finally, and probably most important, we spent time with each other. Instead of being in the same room together while we stared at a screen, we actually talked for many pleasant hours. Mom told us about the programming project she has been doing at work, and we had fun planning the trip to Boston we are going to take this summer. Moreover, for the first time in years my family played some games together. We played several games of Scrabble, and we even got out the Monopoly set and played a game following the rules our family has made up over the years. And because we didn’t have to worry about missing this or that show, we had some family friends over a couple of evenings and spent an enjoyable time with them. We were glad to see how much the Overholt children had grown, and Joe and Sandy Ciprianni kept us laughing all evening with their stories about fixing up the old house they bought.

4 The Third Step in Essay Writing

Fill-ins (Common Methods of Organization), 75–76

The topic sentences in the essay use the words To begin with, Next, and Finally to help show time order.

The paragraph uses the following words to help show time order: Next, first, Then, After, and Finally.

The topic sentences in the essay use the words For one thing, In addition, and Most important to help show emphatic order.

The words Worst of all are used to mark the most emphatic detail in the paragraph.

Activity (Common Methods of Organization), 77

A. 1. time order

B. time; emphatic; time; emphatic

2. emphatic order

3. combination of time and emphatic order

Activity (Transitions), 78–80

1. Addition signals: One, Also, Another

2. Time signals:After,First, Next, Finally

3. Space signals:Next [to], To the right, Near

4. Change-of-direction signals:But, however

5. Illustration signals:For example, such as

6. Conclusion signals:Finally, therefore

Activity (Transitional Sentences), 81

Answers may vary slightly.

In addition to teaching me about the importance of family support, my parents taught me the value of hard work.

Along with the value of hard work, my parents emphasized the benefits of a good education. Activity (Other Connecting Words), 83

1. four times

2. he

3. iron range; throbbing swellings; frigid

Activity (Introductory Paragraph), 86-87 Activity (Concluding Paragraph), 89

1. B Starting with an opposite 1. P/R

2. F Quotation 2. Q

3. A General to narrow 3. S

Activity (Titles), 90–91

Answers will vary; examples of titles are given below.

1. Choosing McDonald’s

2. A Diner at Midnight

3. Audiences at Rock Concerts

Activity 1 (Organizing Through Time Order), 91–93

1. 1

2. 3

3. 1

3 1


2 2 2

Activity 2 (Organizing Through Emphatic Order), 95–96

1. 2

2. 3

3. 2

1 1 3

3 2 1

Activity (Providing Transitions), 93–94

First of all, there are the people . . .

For example, there are the ones . . .

Another type of nervous . . .

However, neither of these . . .

A second category of people . . .

On the contrary, they feel compelled . . .

As a result, no one hears . . .

After they have been to the theater . . .

Then they will start . . .

Last of all, there are the people who talk . . .

In addition, it is impossible . . .

But if ever I am granted . . .

Activity (Identifying Transitions and Other Connecting Words), 95–96

S 1. T 9.

P 2. RW 10.

T 3. S 11.

S 4. T 12.

P 5. P 13.

RW 6. RW 14.

P 7. T 15.

P 8.

Activity (Completing Transitional Sentences), 96–97

Thesis 1:

After making certain that your house conforms to state regulations, you must obtain legal permits . . .

Finally, once you have the necessary legal permits, you can begin to advertise . . .

Thesis 2:

In addition to saving me money, watching the game at home is more comfortable than sitting in a

stadium . . .

Even more important than cost and comfort, though, is the technology which makes a televised game better than the ―real thing.‖. . .

Activity (Identifying Introductions and Conclusions), 97-99

Pair 1:

D Incident or story

I Prediction or recommendation

Pair 2:

E Question(s)

G Summary and final thought

Pair 3:

F Quotation

G Summary and final thought

5 The Fourth Step in Essay Writing

Activity (Use Parallelism), 101–102

Answers may vary slightly.

1. The novelty store sells hand buzzers, plastic fangs, and fake insects.

2. Many people share the same three great fears: being in high places, working with numbers,

and making speeches.

3. To decide on a career, people should think closely about their interests, hobbies, and skills.

4. At the body shop, the car was sanded down to the bare metal, painted with primer, and

sprayed with red enamel.

5. In order to become a dancer, Lola is taking lessons, working in amateur shows, and

auditioning for professional companies.

6. Juan’s last job offered security; his new job offers a better chance for advancement.

7. People in today’s world often try to avoid silence, whether on the job, in school, or at


8. Because the dying woman was dignified and courageous, she won everyone’s respect.

9. The politician trusted no one, rewarded loyalty, and depended only on his own instincts.

10. If we’re not careful, we’ll leave the next generation polluted air, contaminated water, and

dying forests.

Activity (Consistency with Verbs), 103

1. arrive arrived 6. floated


2. asks asked 7. grabs


3. sliced slices 8.

swooped swoops

4. went goes 9.

recharged recharge

5. tips tipped 10. burns


Activity (Consistency with Pronouns), 104–105

1. your their health 6. you I can


2. you I never know 7. you her


3. youwe have if youwe 8. you we don’t dare

4. their its aggressive 9. we they can


5. one you should plan 10. one you should


Activity 1 (Use Specific Words), 106–107

Answers will vary; following are examples.

1. Potato chips, pretzels, and salted peanuts . . .

2. . . . papers, books, and magazines . . .

3. . . . a TV, a CD player, and a computer.

4. The comics, the sports pages, the obituaries, and the society page . . .

5. . . .my throat, my ears, and my lungs . . .

Activity 2 (Use Specific Words), 107–108

Answers will vary; following are examples.

1. The rusty old Buick sputtered, whined, and refused to start.

2. The mathematics final was filled with tricky, baffling problems.

3. Little Robbie was so exhausted that he could scarcely keep his eyes open.

4. My cluttered, jumbled, dusty bedroom needs to be swept out, scrubbed, and reorganized.

5. A broken-down city bus blocked Main Street

and stopped traffic for an hour.

Activity (Use Active Verbs), 109

1. The typical American diet includes many unhealthy foods.

2. Hundreds of biting ants invaded the family picnic.

3. Doctors use antibiotics to treat many infections.

4. A drunk driver caused the fatal traffic accident.

5. The instructor will determine final grades on the basis of class performance.

Activity (Use Concise Words), 110–111

Answers will vary.

1. I will conclude by summarizing my major points.

2. Every day, parents must control their children’s television watching.

3. I am shy.

4. Magazine advertising contains clever hidden messages.

5. My worst mistake last week was to hurt my brother’s feelings and not apologize.

6. In today’s uncertain economy, the middle class finds it hard to save.

7. We liked last night’s television show, but our parents didn’t.

8. The school district canceled classes because of the bad weather.

9. I regret not having studied word processing in high school.

10. People are harmed by emotional as well as by physical abuse.

Activity (Revise by Adding a Second Complete Thought), 112–113

1. . . . sandwiches, for he is allergic . . .

2. . . . sleep, but the thought . . .

3. . . . bakery, and it has . . .

4. . . . soggy, for rainwater had . . .

5. . . . present, so I offered . . .

Activity (Revise by Adding a Dependent Thought), 114–115

Answers may vary.

1. Because I had forgotten to lock the front door, I . . .

2. When the bear turned over the rotten log, fat . . .

3. After Kevin had sent away for a set of tools, he . . .

4. Because some people are allergic to wool, they . . .

5. Even though an older woman in my typing class can type almost one hundred words a

minute, she . . .

Activity (Revise by Beginning with a Special Opening Word or Phrase), 116

1. Reluctantly, Shirley signed the repair contract.

2. To improve their chances of promotion, the interns volunteered to work overtime.

3. During the trial, the accused murderer grinned at the witnesses.

4. Crowded with nervous pets, the vet’s office was noisy and confusing.

5. Trying to find something worth watching, Barry flipped from channel to channel.

Activity (Revise by Placing Adjectives or Verbs in a Series), 117–118

Answers may vary.

1. The baby toddled across the rug, picked up a button, and put the button in his mouth.

2. Brown, foul-tasting water dribbled out of the rusty metal tap.

3. By 6 A.M., I had read the textbook chapter, taken notes on it, studied the notes, and drunk

eight cups of coffee.

4. The exterminator approached the large, papery wasps’ nests hanging under the old wooden


5. Slim brown reeds bordered the stagnant green pond.

Activity (Proofreading), 120–121

1. 2 6.


2. 4 7.


3. 5 8.


4. 6 9.


5. 9 10.


Corrections (methods of correction may vary):

1. an ashtray which I made 6. my father, who


2. the pride I felt when I presented 7. bright purple, my

favorite color

3. a shelf; it is a remarkably 8. its rim; they are

colored neon green.

4. circle. Unfortunately, 9. love me, I


5. or cigar, so I made 10. ugly ashtray;

the answer

Review Test 1 (Using Parallelism), 122

1. filled with suspense suspenseful 6. selling toys toy


2. furniture for the office 7. food on the

table putting food on the table

office furniture 8. to cram cramming

3. my kitchen working in my kitchen 9. bags are put on them bagged

(or:put into bags)

4. preparing to prepare 10. with friendliness

as well and his friendliness

5. being kind kindness

Review Test 2 (Using Parallelism), 123

1. to buy buying 6. were

whispering whispered

2. shows on science science shows 7. to start starting

3. porch furniture that was rotted 8. pay that is good good


rotting porch furniture 9. was putting put 4. her shirt was torn a torn shirt 10. losing lost

5. takingtake (or:climbing . . . taking)

Review Test 1 (Using a Consistent Point of View), 124

1. is was taken 6. gets

got the chicken

2. are were not on the same shelf 7. realizes realized it


3. proceeds proceeded slowly. 8. transfers transferred

the groceries,

4. decides decided to pick up 9. notices noticed that the

barbecued chicken

5. parks parked his shopping cart 10. says said to the clerk, Review Test 2 (Using a Consistent Point of View), 125

1. you they work. 6. one I can


2. you I could hear 7. were to

you me.

3. you we are supposed 8. you I drive

4. one I must complete 9. you they have

turned in

5. you he could not tell 10. and asked to help

you her.

Review Test 1 (Using Specific Words), 126

Answers will vary; examples are shown.

1. . . . I felt sad, angry, and worried.

2. The lukewarm soup, stale sandwiches, and limp salads . . .

3. Ants, moths, and spiders . . .

4. . . . it rained nonstop, with a bone-chilling wind.

5. . . . a broken arm, two broken ribs, and a concussion.

Review Test 2 (Using Specific Words), 127

Answers will vary; examples are shown.

1. The haughty, scowling salesman told us not to waste his time with stupid questions.

2. Betty dug her fists into her eyes and shook with sobs.

3. The third game of the World Series was a tense pitchers’ duel.

4. The airport lounge was thronged with holiday travelers.

5. The woman in the front seat was muttering to herself and trembling.

Review Test (Using Active Verbs), 128

1. The health inspector closed the pizza restaurant.

2. The workers in the library sorted huge stacks of donated books.

3. A virus infected my computer.

4. Oil companies will not increase gasoline prices this winter.

5. Our airplanes dropped high-powered bombs onto enemy bases.

6. The telephone company placed an additional charge on our phone bill.

7. A group of vandals damaged the community center.

8. Physical activity, meditation, and relaxation relieve stress.

9. The federal government will raise taxes to pay for highway improvements.

10. Studies show that watching violent TV programs increases violent behavior.

Review Test 1 (Using Concise Words), 129

Answers may vary; examples are shown.

1. I finally decided to look for a new job.

2. Because her printer was out of paper, Renee went to buy some.

3. Tamika realized suddenly that her date had stood her up.

4. Our teacher does not yet know if she will return next year.

5. The salesperson advised us to wait until the price dropped before buying our computer. Review Test 2 (Using Concise Words), 130

Answers may vary; examples are shown.

1. Our company allows two fifteen-minute coffee breaks.

2. Your line of credit has been increased.

3. I prefer candy to fruit. (Or:I think candy tastes better than fruit.)

4. Lynn rarely admits that she has made a mistake.

5. Many people think that children should, by law, attend school until age sixteen.

Review Test 1 (Varying Your Sentences), 131

Answers will vary; examples are shown.

1. Sophie had repaired her broken watchband with a paper clip, but the clip snapped and the

watch slid off her wrist.

2. The physical therapist watched as Julie tried to stand on her weakened legs and they

crumpled under her.

3. Although there were parking spaces on the street, Richie pulled into an expensive garage

because he did not want to risk damage to his new car.

4. Speeding, the brown truck skidded on some ice and almost hit a startled young police


5. A sudden terrible rainstorm flooded our basement, knocked slates off the roof, and

uprooted a young tree.

Review Test 2 (Varying Your Sentences), 132–133

Answers will vary; examples are shown.

1. When a sudden cold front hit the area, temperatures dropped thirty degrees in less than an

hour. I was not wearing a warm jacket, so my teeth began to chatter.

2. Vern works as a model, so he has to look his best. When he gained ten pounds recently, he

had to take off the extra weight, or he would have lost his job.

3. As the ball game was about to begin, a dog ran onto the field and began nipping the

infielders’ ankles. The game had to be delayed until the dog was chased away.

4. The hungry lion watched the herd of gazelle closely. If a young or sick animal wandered

away from the group, the lion would move in for the kill.

5. Suffering from arthritis, my aunt decided to find a helpful form of exercise. She learned

that swimming is very healthful because it works every muscle group in the body without straining the muscles.

Review Test 3 (Varying Your Sentences), 134

Answers will vary; an example is shown.

Lena and Miles wanted a nice, quiet, relaxing vacation, so they rented a small lakeside cabin. Their first day there was very peaceful, but the situation quickly changed when a large family moved into a nearby cabin. They played music at top volume and raced around in a speedboat with a loud whining engine. Lena and Miles, no longer very relaxed, packed up their things, drove off, and returned to their quiet apartment.

6 Four Bases for Revising Essays

Activity (Revising for Unity), 138

The following sentences should be crossed out:

Paragraph 3: We are close now, though. In fact, Eddie recently painted my new apartment for me.

Paragraph 4: Now I realize that teenage drinking is dangerous. I read recently that the number one killer of teenagers is drunk driving.

Activity (Revising for Support), 141

Answers will vary.

Activity (Revising for Coherence), 144

Answers will vary.

Activity (Revising for Sentence Skills), 147–148

1. In word group 14, are should be is to make the verb agree with way.

2. In word group 19, quite should be quiet.

3. In word group 22, 5 should be spelled out.

4. In word group 22, began should be changed to the correct form of the verb, begun.

5. In word group 23, there should be quotation marks around ―Bugs.‖

6. In word group 23, an exclamation point is needed for an end mark.

7. In word group 24, Dumping the food in the disposal is a dangling modifier. It should be

changed to They’ll all dump their food in the disposal, jump into the car, and . . .

8. In word group 24, make a beeline is a cliché. It should be changed to head quickly.

9. In word group 24, mcdonald’s should be capitalized.

10. Word group 29 is a run-on. It can be corrected thus: . . . simple. Coworkers, . . .

Activity (Revising an Essay for Unity), 148–150

―Playing on the Browns‖—Irrelevant sentences: 15, 24, 28

―How to Con an Instructor‖—Irrelevant sentences: 11, 19, 24, 33

Activity (Evaluating Essays for Support), 156–158

―Formula for Happiness‖—Supporting details needed after sentences 7, 13, 16, 20, 21

―Problems of a Foreign Student‖—Supporting details needed after sentences 12, 17, 24 Activity (Revising Essays for Coherence), 152–155

―Noise Pollution‖

1. sentence 6 5. sentence 19

2. canned music 6. rubble

3. sentence 12 7. six times

4. sentence 18 8. 4, 2, 3

―Weight Loss‖

1. sentence 8 5. sentence 16

2. sentence 9 6. fat

3. sentence 12 7. four times

4. my best friend’s family 8. 3

Activity (Revising Essays for All Four Bases), 155–158


Paragraph 2: a (―I am definitely . . . and concrete.‖)

Paragraph 3: c

Paragraph 4: d (―Mainly . . . summertime.‖—fragment; ―I will . . . red speck.‖—run-on) ―The Hazards of Being an Only Child‖

Paragraph 2: a (―Some only children . . . writing or drawing.‖)

Paragraph 3: d (―And who . . . morning.‖—fragment; ―After all . . . secrets.‖—run-on) Paragraph 4: b (―. . . family decisions, either.‖)


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新视野大学英语第四册答案(第二版) 《中国近现代史》选择题全集(共含250道题目和答案) 《电工学》课后习题答案(第六版,上册,秦曾煌主编) 完整的英文原版曼昆宏观、微观经济学答案 《数字电子技术基础》习题答案(阎石,第五版) 《电路》习题答案上(邱关源,第五版) 《电工学》习题答案(第六版,秦曾煌) https://www.360docs.net/doc/db14502494.html,/viewthread.php?tid=112&fromuid=164951 21世纪大学英语读写教程(第三册)课文翻译 《生物化学》复习资料大全(3套试卷及答案+各章习题集) 《模拟电子技术基础》课后习题答案(共10章)ewthread.php?tid=21&fromuid=164951 《概率论与数理统计及其应用》课后答案(浙江大学盛骤谢式千编著)《理论力学》课后习题答案(赫桐生,高教版) 《全新版大学英语综合教程》(第四册)练习答案及课文译文viewthread.php?tid=78&fromuid=164951 《化工原理答案》课后习题答案(高教出版社,王志魁主编,第三版)《国际贸易》课后习题答案(海闻P.林德特王新奎) 大学英语综合教程1-4册练习答案 read.php?tid=1282&fromuid=164951 《流体力学》习题答案 《传热学》课后习题答案(第四版) 高等数学习题答案及提示


第三章作业及答案 一、单项选择题 1. 标志着以慈禧太后为首的清政府彻底放弃抵抗外国侵略者的事件是() A .《南京条约》的签订 B .《天津条约》的签订 C .《北京条约》的签订 D .《辛丑条约》的签订 2 .清末“预备立宪”的根本目的在于() A .仿效欧美政体 B .发展资本主义 C .延续反动统治 D .缓和阶级矛盾 3.1903年6月,()在上海《苏报》发表《驳康有为论革命书》,批驳康有为所谓“中国之可立宪,不可革命”的谬论 A.陈天华 B.邹容 C.章炳麟 D.梁启超 4.1903年邹容写的()是中国近代史上第一部宣传革命和资产阶级共和国思想的着作 A.《猛回头》 B.《警世钟》 C.《革命军》 D.《驳康有为论革命书》 5.中国近代第一个资产阶级革命的全国性政党是( ) A.强学会 B.兴中会 C.同盟会 D.国民党 6. 孙中山民权主义思想的主张是( ) A.驱除鞑虏 B.恢复中华 C.创立民国 D.平均地权 7.1905年11月,孙中山在《民报》发刊词中将中国同盟会的政治纲领概括为() A.创立民国、平均地权 B.驱除鞑虏、恢复中华、创立合众政府 C.民族主义、民权主义、民生主义 D.联俄、联共、扶助农工 8.武昌起义前同盟会领导的影响最大的武装起义是( )

A.浙皖起义 B.萍浏醴起义 C.镇南关起义 D.黄花岗起义 9.中国历史上第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典是() A.《钦定宪法大纲》 B.《中华民国临时约法》 C.《中华民国约法》 D.《试训政纲领》 10.南京临时政府中占领导和主体地位的派别是() A .资产阶级维新派 B .资产阶级保皇派 C .资产阶级立宪派 D .资产阶级革命派 11. 辛亥革命取得的最大成就是() A.推翻了封建帝制 B.促进了资本主义的发展 C.使人民获得了一些民主自由权利 D.打击了帝国主义的殖民势力 12.清帝被迫退位,在中国延续两千多年的封建帝制终于覆灭的时间是()。 A、1911年10月10日 B、1912年1月1日 C、1912年2月12日 D、1912年4月1日 13.中国第一次比较完全意义上的资产阶级民主革命是指()。 A、辛亥革命 B、国民革命 C、北伐战争 D、抗日战争 14.1915年,()在云南率先举起反袁护国的旗帜,发动护国战争 A.黄兴 B.段祺瑞 C.蔡锷 D.孙中山 15.资产阶级革命派开展护国运动的主要原因是 ( ) A.袁世凯指使刺杀宋教仁 B.袁世凯强迫国会选举他为正式大总统 C.袁世凯解散国会 D.袁世凯复辟帝制 16.袁世凯为复辟帝制不惜出卖主权,与日本签订了卖国的() A.中日共同防敌军事协定 B.承认外蒙自治


《训诂学》试题 一、单项选择题(每题的四个选项中只有一个正确答案,将答案写在题后的括号内,每小题1分,共20分) 1、以下着作,兼注音义的是() A、《尔雅》 B、《经传释词》 C、《经典释文》 D、《释名》 2、解释正文,同时解释前人注释的训诂术语是() A、疏 B、笺 C、音义 D、释文 3、柳宗元《捕蛇者说》:“苛政猛于虎也”,句中“政”指() A、统治 B赋税 C政治制度 D统治者 4、对原文的误字误读进行更正的术语是() A、之言 B、当为 C、读若 D、析言 5、训诂学史上,“浑言”、“析言”两个术语开始使用于() A、东汉 B、唐代 C、宋代 D、清代 6、提示同义词间内在联系及区别的术语是() A、读若 B、谓 C、如字 D析言 7、“盗,逃也”。释义的方式是() A、互训 B、直训 C、义界 D、推因 8、《陈情表》:“而今刘氏,日薄西山,气息淹淹。”句中“薄”的读音是() A、bá B、bà C、báo D、pā 9、“肥,多肉也”释义的方式是 A、互训 B、推因 C、摹写 D、义界 10、“百丈山怀海禅师始立天下禅林规式,谓之清规。”“清规”指() A、佛寺所定的规则和戒律 B、满清规矩 C、清真规矩 D、繁琐、不合理的成规 11、下列词语,属于佛教词汇的是() A、庄严 B、庄重 C、严肃 D、威严

12、《上林赋》:“仁频并闾”仁频即槟郎。句中“仁频”来自() A、朝鲜语 B、日语 C、爪哇语 D、马来西亚语 13、下列着作郭璞作注的是() A、《诗经》 B、《论语正义》 C、《孝经正义》 D、《尔雅正义》 14、孔颖达撰《五经正义》,包括《尚书正义》、《毛诗正义》、《礼记正义》、《春秋左传正义》和() A、《周易正义》 B、《论语正义》 C、《孝经正义》 D、《尔雅正义》 15、《孟子正义》的着者是() A、陈奂 B、马瑞尘 C、刘宝楠 D、焦循 16、汉朝人注释经籍鉴定了训诂学的基础,代表人物有() A、毛晋 B、郑玄 C、孔颖达 D、邢岗 17、训诂学发展的中落期在 A、先秦 B、两汉 C、魏至唐 D、宋至明 18、《诗经·南周·桃夭》:“之子于归,宜其室家。”“归”指() A、出嫁 B、回家 C、偿还 D、行礼 19、古籍在刻印、传抄过程中出现的失落字现象称为() A、衍文 B、脱文 C、讹文 D、倒文 20、利用他书来校勘本书的校勘法叫做() A、对校法 B、他校法 C、文物校书法 D、理校法 二、多项选择题(每小题列出的五个选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,将代码填写在题后的括号内,少选、错选、多选均不得分;本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1、章炳麟《国故论衡》认为,“训诂”包含() A、通论 B、驸经 C、绪论 D、略例 E、概说 2、训诂的方法包括 A、据文证义 B、依境别义 C、因声求义 D、以形索义 E、析词审义 3、萧统的《文选》在唐代主要的注体有() A、李善注 B、五臣注 C、郭璞注 D、范宁注 E、孔颖达注


最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 课后练习答案 Unit1 Ways of Learning Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by oneself. 7. He means that this incident pointed to important differences in educational and artistic practices between China and the USA.


1、怎样理解鸦片战争是中国近代史的起点? 鸦片战争是中国近代史的开端,原因有四: 第一,战争后中国的社会性质发生了根本性变化,由一个落后封闭但独立自主的封建国家沦为一个半殖民地半封建社会。 第二,中国的发展方向发生变化,战前中国是一个没落的封建大国,封建制度已经腐朽,在缓慢地向资本主义社会发展;而鸦片战争后中国的民族资本主义不可能获得正常发展,中国也就不可能发展为成熟的资本主义社会,而最终选择了社会主义道路。 第三,社会主要矛盾发生变化,战前中国的主要矛盾是农民阶级与封建地主阶级的矛盾,而战后主要矛盾则包括农民阶级和地主阶级的矛盾及中华民族与外国殖民侵略者的矛盾,也就是社会主要矛盾复杂化。 第四,是革命任务发生变化,原先的革命任务是反对本国封建势力,战后则增加了反对外国殖民侵略的任务,革命的性质也由传统的农民战争转为旧民族主义革命。 2、怎样认识近代中国的主要矛盾、社会性质及其基本特征? (1)近代中国的主要矛盾 帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾;封建主义和人民大众的矛盾是近代中国的主要矛盾。 (2)社会性质:半殖民地半封建的性质。 中国社会的半殖民地半封建社会,是近代以来中国在外国资本主义势力的入侵及其与中国封建主义势力相结合的条件下,逐步形成的一种从属于资本主义世界体系的畸形的社会形态。(3)基本特征 第一,资本——帝国主义侵略势力日益成为支配中国的决定性力量。 第二,中国的封建势力日益衰败并同外国侵略势力相勾结,成为资本——帝国主义压迫、奴役中国人民的社会基础和统治支柱。 第三,中国的自然经济基础虽然遭到破坏,但是封建剥削制度的根基——封建地主的土地所有制成为中国走向近代化和民主化的严重障碍。 第四,中国新兴的民族资本主义经济虽然已经产生,但是发展很缓慢,力量很软弱,且大部分与外国资本——帝国主义和本国封建主义都有或多或少的联系。 第五,由于近代中国处于资本——帝国主义列强的争夺和间接统治之下,近代中国各地区经济、政治和文化的发展是极不平衡的,中国长期处于不统一状态。 第六,在资本——帝国主义和封建主义的双重压迫下,中国的广大人民特别是农民日益贫困化以致大批破产,过着饥寒交迫和毫无政治权力的生活。 3、如何理解近代中国的两大历史任务及其相互关系? (1)近代中国的两大历史任务: 第一,争取民族独立,人民解放;第二,实现国家富强,人民富裕。 (2)近代中国的两大历史任务的相互关系: 争取民族独立,人民解放和实现国家富强,人民富裕这两个历史任务,是互相区别又互相紧密联系的。 第一,由于腐朽的社会制度束缚着生产力的发展,阻碍着经济技术的进步,必须首先改变这种制度,争取民族独立和人民解放,才能为实现国家富强和人民富裕创造前提,开辟道路。第二,实现国家富强和人民富裕是民族独立,人民解放的最终目的和必然要求。 第一章 1、资本-帝国主义侵略给中国带来了什么?


浙江省2018年1月高等教育自学考试 训诂学试题 课程代码:00819 一、解释下列训诂术语(每题3分,共15分) 1.形训 2.互训 3.犹 4.读曰 5.当为 二、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.我国的传统语言学(旧称小学)大体上包括三个部分,即:__________、__________、 __________。 2.所谓义疏,也是一种传注形式,其名源于六朝佛家的解释佛典,以后泛指__________。 3.学习和研究训诂学,应该采取正确的态度,它要求实事求是、无征不信。具体说来,应注 意如下三点:一曰__________;二曰__________;三曰__________。 4.谓和谓之不同:使用谓之时,被释的词放在谓之的__________;使用谓时,被释的词放在 谓的__________。 5.《一切经音义》有两种,一种的编者是__________,凡__________卷;另一种的编者是 __________,凡__________卷。 6.王念孙、王引之,世称高邮王氏父子,称他们的四部主要著作为高邮王氏四种,即: __________、__________、__________、__________。 7.读破又称破字或易字,这个术语包含两个意思:其一是指用__________来改读古书中的 __________。其二是指改变一个字原来的读音以表示意义的转变。 8.训诂的中心内容是释词,因此所谓__________,主要就是释词的方法。 三、辨识下列各题解释的正误(判断下列各题,正确的在题后括号内打“√”,错的打“╳”。 每小题2分,共10分) 1.诸将微闻其计,以告项羽。( ) 微闻:略略听到。 2.若跨有荆、益,保其岩阻。( ) 保:依恃,凭仗。 3.察笃夭隐,孤寡存只。( ) 1


大学物理实验教材课后思考题答案 一、转动惯量: 1.由于采用了气垫装置,这使得气垫摆摆轮在摆动过程中受到的空气粘滞阻尼力矩降低至最小程度,可以忽略不计。但如果考虑这种阻尼的存在,试问它对气垫摆的摆动(如频率等)有无影响?在摆轮摆动中,阻尼力矩是否保持不变? 答:如果考虑空气粘滞阻尼力矩的存在,气垫摆摆动时频率减小,振幅会变小。(或者说对频率有影响, 对振幅有影响) 在摆轮摆动中,阻尼力矩会越变越小。 2.为什么圆环的内、外径只需单次测量?实验中对转动惯量的测量精度影响最大的是哪些因素? 答:圆环的内、外径相对圆柱的直径大很多,使用相同的测量工具测量时,相对误差较小,故只需单次测 量即可。(对测量结果影响大小) 实验中对转动惯量测量影响最大的因素是周期的测量。(或者阻尼力矩的影响、摆轮是否正常、平稳的摆动、物体摆放位置是否合适、摆轮摆动的角度是否合适等) 3.试总结用气垫摆测量物体转动惯量的方法有什么基本特点? 答:原理清晰、结论简单、设计巧妙、测量方便、最大限度的减小了阻尼力矩。 三、混沌思考题 1. 精品文档

有程序(各种语言皆可)、K值的取值范围、图 +5分 有程序没有K值范围和图 +2分 只有K值范围 +1分 有图和K值范围 +2分 2.(1).混沌具有内在的随机性:从确定性非线性系统的演化过程看,它们在混沌区的行为都表现出随机不确定性。然而这种不确定性不是来源于外部环境的随机因素对系统运动的影响,而是系统自发 精品文档

精品文档 产生的 (2).混沌具有分形的性质(3).混沌具有标度不变性(4).混沌现象还具有对初始条件的敏感依赖性:对具有内在随机性的混沌系统而言,从两个非常接近的初值出发的两个轨线在 经过长时间演化之后,可能变得相距“足够”远,表现出对初值的极端敏感,即所谓“失之毫厘,谬之千里”。 答对2条以上+1分,否则不给分,只举例的不给分。 四、半导体PN 结 (1)用集成运算放大器组成电流一电压变换器测量11610~10--A 电流,有哪些优点? 答:具有输入阻抗低、电流灵敏度高、温漂小、线性好、设计制作简单、结构牢靠等优点。 (2)本实验在测量PN 结温度时,应该注意哪些问题? 答:在记录数据开始和结束时,同时都要记录下干井中温度θ,取温度平均值θ。 (3)在用基本函数进行曲线拟合求经验公式时,如何检验哪一种函数式拟合得最好,或者拟合的经验公式最符合实验规律? 答:运用最小二乘法,将实验数据分别代入线性回归、指数回归、乘幂回归这三种常用的基本函数,然后求出衡量各回归方程好坏的拟合度R 2。拟合度最接近于1的函数,拟合得最好。 五、地磁场 (1)磁阻传感器和霍耳传感器在工作原理有什么区别? 答:前者是磁场变化引起材料阻值变化,最终使得电桥外接电压转变为对应的输出电压;后者是磁场变化引起流经材料内部的载流子发生偏转而产生电压。 (2)为何坡莫合金磁阻传感器遇到较强磁场时,其灵敏度会降低?用什么方法来恢复其原来的灵敏度? 答:传感器遇到强磁场感应时,对应的磁阻材料将产生磁畴饱和现象,外加磁场很难改变磁阻材料的


1.怎样认识近代中国的主要矛盾、社会性质及其基本特征? (1)近代中国的主要矛盾 帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾;封建主义和人民大众的矛盾是近代中国的主要矛盾。中国近代社会的两对主要矛盾是互相交织在一起的,而帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾,是最主要的矛盾。 (2)社会性质:半殖民地半封建的性质。 中国社会的半殖民地半封建社会,是近代以来中国在外国资本主义势力的入侵及其与中国封建主义势力相结合的条件下,逐步形成的一种从属于资本主义世界体系的畸形的社会形态。 鸦片战争前的中国社会是封建社会。鸦片战争以后,随着外国资本-帝国主义的入侵,中国社会性质发生了根本性变化:独立的中国逐步变成半殖民地的中国;封建的中国逐步变成半封建的中国。 (3)基本特征 第一,资本--帝国主义侵略势力不但逐步操纵了中国的财政和经济命脉,而且逐步控制了中国的政治,日益成为支配中国的决定性力量。 第二,中国的封建势力日益衰败并同外国侵略势力相勾结,成为资本--帝国主义压迫、奴役中国人民的社会基础和统治支柱。 第三,中国的自然经济基础虽然遭到破坏,但是封建剥削制度的根基--封建地主的土地所有制依然在广大地区内保持着,成为中国走向近代化和民主化的严重障碍。 第四,中国新兴的民族资本主义经济虽然已经产生,并在政治、文化生活中起了一定作用,但是在帝国主义封建主义的压迫下,他的发展很缓慢,力量很软弱,而且大部分与外国资本--帝国主义和本国封建主义都有或多或少的联系。 第五,由于近代中国处于资本--帝国主义列强的争夺和间接统治之下,近代中国各地区经济、政治和文化的发展是极不平衡的,中国长期处于不统一状态。 第六,在资本--帝国主义和封建主义的双重压迫下,中国的广大人民特别是农民日益贫困化以致大批破产,过着饥寒交迫和毫无政治权力的生活。 中国半殖民地半封建社会及其特征,是随着帝国主义侵略的扩大,帝国主义与中国封建势力结合的加深而逐渐形成的。 2.如何理解近代中国的两大历史任务及其相互关系? (1)近代中国的两大历史任务: 第一,争取民族独立,人民解放;第二,实现国家富强,人民富裕。 (2)近代中国的两大历史任务的相互关系: 争取民族独立,人民解放和实现国家富强,人民富裕这两个历史任务,是互相区别又互相紧


第十章 曲线积分 一、证明题 1.证明:若函数f 在光滑曲线L:x=x(t),y=y(t)(β≤≤αt )上连续,则存在点()L y ,x 00∈,使得,()?L ds y ,x f =()L y ,x f 00? 其中L ?为L 的长。 二、计算题 1.计算下列第一型曲线积分: (1) ()?+L ds y x ,其中L 是以0(0,0),A(1,0)B(0,1)为顶点的三角形; (2) ()?+L 2122ds y x ,其中L 是以原点为中心,R 为半径的右半圆周; (3) ?L xyds ,其中L 为椭圆22a x +22 b y =1在第一象限中的部分; (4) ?L ds y ,其中L 为单位圆22y x +=1; (5) () ?++L 222ds z y x ,其中L 为螺旋线x=acost,y=asinr, z=bt(π≤≤2t 0)的一段; (6) ?L xyzds ,其中L 是曲线x=t,y=3t 232,z=2t 2 1 ()1t 0≤≤的一段; (7) ?+L 22ds z y 2,其中L 是222z y x ++=2a 与x=y 相交的圆周. 2.求曲线x=a,y=at,z=2at 21(0a ,1t 0>≤≤)的质量,设其线密度为a z 2=ρ, 3.求摆线x=a(t -sint),y=a(1-cost)(π≤≤t 0)的重心,设其质量分布是均匀的. 4.若曲线以极坐()θρ=ρ()21θ≤θ≤θ表示,试给出计算 ()?L ds y ,x f 的公式.并用此公式计算下列曲线积分.

(1)? +L y x ds e 22,其中L 为曲线ρ=a ??? ??π≤θ≤40的一段; (2)?L xds ,其中L 为对数螺线θ=ρx ae (x>0)在圆r=a 内的部分. 5.设有一质量分布不均匀的半圆弧,x=rcos θ,y=rsin θ(π≤θ≤0),其线密度θ=ρa (a 为常数),求它对原点(θ,0)处质量为m 的质点的引力. 6.计算第二型曲线积分: (1) ?-L ydx xdy ,其中L 为本节例2的三种情形; (2) ()?+-L dy dx y a 2,其中L 为摞线x=a(t-sint),y=a(1-cost)(π≤≤2t 0)沿t 增加方向的 一段; (3) ?++-L 22y x ydy xdx ,其中L 为圆周222a y x =+,依逆时针方向; (4)?+L xdy sin ydx ,其中L 为y=sinx(π≤≤x 0) 与x 轴所围的闭曲线,依顺时针方向; (5)?++L zdz ydy xdx ,其中L 为从(1,1,1)到(2,3,4)的直线段. 7.质点受力的作用,力的反方向指向原点,大小与质点离原点的距离成正比,若质点由(a,0)沿椭圆移动到(0,b),求力所作的功. 8.设质点受力的作用,力的方向指向原点,大小与质点到xy 平面的距离成反比,若质点沿直线x=at,y=bt,z=ct(0c ≠) 从M(a,b,c)到N(2a,2b,2c),求力所作的功. 9.计算沿空间曲线的第二型曲线积分: (1) ?L xyzddz ,其中L 为x 2+y 2+z 2=1与y=z 相交的圆,其方向按曲线依次经过1,2,7,8卦限; (2) ()()() ?-+-+-L 222222dz y x dy x z dx z y ,其中L 为球面x 2+y 2+z 2=1在第一卦限部分的边界线,其方向按曲线依次经过xy 平面部分,yz 平面部分和zx 平面部分 .


2018年自考《训诂学》试题及答案 填空题 □“训”和“诂”两个字连用,最早见于汉代毛亨所作的《毛诗诂训传》。 □孔颖达认为:“诂者,古也。古今异言,通之使人知也。训者,道也。道物之貌以告人也。”“诂”是解释“异言”的,“训”是“道形貌”的。 □《毛诗诂训传名义考》的作者是马瑞辰。 □黄侃先生认为:诂就是故,本来的意思。解释词的本义。训就是顺,引申的意思,解释词的引申义。训诂是用语言来解释语言,包括词的本义和引申义。□训诂工作是以扫除古代文献中语言文字障碍为实用目的的一种工具性的专 门工作。 □训诂工作主要有三种:注释工作、纂集工作、考证工作。 □训诂材料包括:随文释义的注释材料,跟注释工作相对应;纂集类训诂专书,跟纂集工作相对应;考证材料,与考证工作相对应的材料。 □前人所称的“传”、“说”、“解”、“诠”、“疏”、“证”、“微”、“诂”、“注”、“义证”、“正义”等,都是随文注释的名称。 □纂集类训诂专书有:依物类分篇汇集同训词的《尔雅》;依照据形说义原则用部首统帅文字的《说文解字》;专门纂集声训以明语源的《释名》;沟通方言词与标准语音义的《方言》等。 □考证专书包括:孔颖达《五经正义》;顾炎武《日知录》;王念孙、王引之《读书杂志》与和《经义述闻》;钱大昕《二十二史考异》与《十驾斋养新录》;赵翼《陔余丛考》;沈家本《历代刑法考》;李慈铭《越慢堂日记》; □训诂体例指训诂工作中所运用的训诂体式和条例。它包括对训诂现象的科学解释,对训诂方法科学依据的理论说明和从程序上加以分解,对文献词义的存在形式、运动规律、特点性质的科学论述。 □黄侃说:“训诂者,用语言解释语言之谓。若以此地之语释彼地之语,或以今时之语释昔时之语,虽属训诂之所有事,而非构成之原理。真正之训诂学,即以语言解释语言,初无时地之限域,且论其法式,明其义例,以求语言文字之系统与根源是也。” □训诂是用语言解释语言的材料,训诂学是研究语言意义的理论。 □训诂学三个时期是:早期训诂学、晚期训诂学、现代训诂学。 □文字学、音韵学和训诂学(字的形、音、义)古代合称“小学”。 □训诂学在具体实践中所面临的两大任务是:应用训诂学和理论训诂学。 □应用训诂学侧重于实际应用,主要是解读和注释古代文献。 □理论训诂学侧重于理论探讨,如词和义之间的关系等。□应用训诂学和理论训诂学二者的关系是:理论探讨以实际应用为目的,实际应用以理论探讨为指导。 □训诂的产生期在先秦两汉;训诂的深入与扩展期在魏晋隋唐;训诂的更新与变革期在宋元明;训诂实践的兴盛与训诂理论的探讨期在清代;训诂学科学理论的创建期在近现代。 □训诂的萌芽期在先秦,训诂工作的系统化期在两汉。 □训诂发展的标志主要表现在以下三个方面:再度注释的出现、训诂范围的扩大、集注、集解的出现与字书、韵书、义书的分立。 □再度注释的代表是孔颖达奉敕所作的《五经正义》。 □郭璞注《尔雅》和《方言》。


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《古代汉语专题》(基础汉字学教程)形成性考核册作业答案提示 作业一:(涉及绪论、第一章内容) 一、填空 1、公元100年,著名学者许慎完成了《说文解字》,此书是汉字学的奠基之作,它的面世,标志着汉字学的创建。 2、所谓“字原”,有两个不同的概念,一个是从文字产生的时间顺序上说的,“字原”就是最初产生的字,它们是派生出其它字的字,因此,又被称为“字母”、“母字”。今人或称之为“初文”。一个是从文字构成的逻辑顺序说的,“字原”就是构成整字的基本部件,有了这些基本构件,才能构成整字,因此,被称为“字原”,今人或称其为“字素”、“汉字构件”。 3、古文字,指小篆以前的文字,具体包括甲骨文、金文、陶文、大篆、小篆,还包括秦汉时期的简帛文字。 古文字学是以古文字为研究对象的汉字学分支。 4、汉字改革从甲午战争之后研制拼音文字开始,代表人物和著作主要有卢戆章《一目了然初阶》、王照《官话合声字母》、劳乃宣《增订合声简字谱》、《重订合声简字谱》。 5、关于汉字的来源主要有以下说法汉字神授说;汉字西来说;汉字自源说。 6、汉字主要来源于原始绘画。 7、汉字产生分为两个阶段:一是创制期,约在距今10000年至5500年前后,这个时期的汉字属于当时华夏文字的一种。一是汉字体系形成阶段,约在距今5500年至4000年前后,这一时期的文字是商代文字的直接源头。 8、商代文字指的是公元前1600---前1046年间商代使用的文字。按其载体分有甲骨文、金文、陶文。 9、商代文字的主要特征是殷商文字的形体保留着明显的图画特征;表意方式属于象形表意。 10、周代代表性文字是金文。 11、简帛文字指书写在简牍与缣帛上面的文字。 12、秦文字,指秦统一后的文字;小篆是秦朝制定的标准文字,它是在大篆的基础上改进的文字。 主要特点是小篆保留了大篆“引书”的基本特点,安排疏密均匀,但单字所用的笔画要比大篆省减得多。小篆的象形程度进一步降低,符号性进一步增强。字形结构开始统一化、定型化,规整化,在同一处写的文字,大小完全一致,字的外形呈长方形,汉字的方块型特征基本形成。 13、今文字属于符号表意文字;主要特点是形体已经与它所表示的那个词所代表的事物形象脱离了关系,而仅仅作为该意义的符号而存在。 14、今文字的发展主要是字体的变化。 15、今文字字体的种类有主要是隶书和楷书,另外还有两种辅助性字体:草书和行书。 16、隶书是在篆书的基础上发展起来的一种字体,其特点是把篆书圆转绵长的线条变成平直方正的笔画。 17、秦代的官方标准文字是小篆;汉代官方标准文字是隶书。 18、东汉隶书的发展主要表现在形体益加方正,笔画更为匀称,且增加了波势和挑法。即运笔时横、捺等笔画有如波浪起伏之状,某些笔画在收笔时,作向上挑起状。 19、和隶书相比,楷书的不同之处主要在笔势方面。楷书取消了波势挑法,变


P31 第一章 习题答案 3. 一质点沿x 轴运动,其加速度a 与位置坐标x 的关系为 a =2+6 x 2 (SI) 如果质点在原点处的速度为零,试求其在任意位置处的速度. 解:设质点在x 处的速度为v , 62d d d d d d 2x t x x t a +=?== v v ()x x x d 62d 0 2 ?? += v v v () 2 2 1 3 x x +=v 4.有一质点沿x 轴作直线运动,t 时刻的坐标为x = 4.5 t 2 – 2 t 3 (SI) .试求: (1) 第2秒内的平均速度; (2) 第2秒末的瞬时速度; (3) 第2秒内的路程. 解:(1) 5.0/-==??t x v m/s (2) v = d x /d t = 9t - 6t 2 v (2) =-6 m/s (3) S = |x (1.5)-x (1)| + |x (2)-x (1.5)| = 2.25 m 5. 一质点沿半径为R 的圆周运动.质点所经过的弧长与时间的关系为2 2 1ct bt S + = 其中b 、c 是大于零的常量,求从0=t 开始到切向加速度与法向加速度大小相等时所经历的时间. 解: ct b t S +==d /d v c t a t ==d /d v ()R ct b a n /2 += 根据题意: a t = a n 即 ()R ct b c /2 += 解得 c b c R t -= 6.由楼窗口以水平初速度0v 射出一发子弹,取枪口为原点,沿0v 方向为x 轴,竖直向下为y 轴,并取发射时刻t 为0,试求: (1) 子弹在任一时刻t 的位置坐标及轨迹方程; (2) 子弹在t 时刻的速度,切向加速度和法向加速度. 解:(1) 2 02 1gt y t x = = , v 202/2 1v g x y = (2) v x = v 0,v y = g t ,速度大小为: 2 22 02 2 t g y x +=+=v v v v 方向为:与x 轴夹角 θ = tg -1( gt /v 0) 222 02//d d t g t g t a t +==v v 与v 同向.

近代史纲要 上篇综述 习题及答案

上篇综述作业及答案 一、单项选择题 1.中国封建社会的基本生产结构是:() A.手工业 B.农业经济 C.工业 D.小农经济 2.19世纪初,大肆向中国走私鸦片的国家是( ) A.美国 B.英国 C.日本 D.俄国 3.中国近代史上的第一个不平等条约是:() A.《望厦条约》B.《南京条约》C.《辛丑条约》 D.《马关条约》 4.《南京条约》中割让的中国领土是:() A.香港岛 B.九龙 C.新界 D.台湾 5.第一次鸦片战争中,美国强迫清政府签订的不平等条约是() A.《黄埔条约》 B.《虎门条约》 C.《望厦条约》 D.《瑷珲条约》 6.中国近代史的起点是:() A. 第一次鸦片战争 B. 第二次鸦片战争 C. 中日甲午战争 D. 八国联军侵华战争 7. 第一次鸦片战争后,中国逐步演变为:() A. 封建主义性质的国家 B. 半殖民地半资本主义性质的国家 C. 资本主义性质的国家 D. 半殖民地半封建性质的国家 8.标志着中国半殖民地半封建社会起点的事件是() A.英国的鸦片走私 B. 林则徐的虎门禁烟 C.1840年第一次鸦片战争 D.第二次鸦片战争 9.鸦片战争后,中国社会最主要的矛盾是:() A.地主阶级和农民阶级的矛盾B.资本—帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾C.封建主义和人民大众的矛盾D.清朝统治和汉族的矛盾 10.鸦片战争前,中国社会经济中占统治地位的是:() A.商品经济B.封建经济C.半殖民地经济D.资本主义经济 11.近代中国的历史表明,要争取争得民族独立和人民解放必须首先进行:() A. 反对帝国主义侵略的斗争 B. 反帝反封建的资产阶级民主革命 C. 反对封建主义压迫的斗争 D. 反对资产阶级的社会主义革命 12.在近代中国,实现国家富强和人民富裕的前提条件是:() A. 反对帝国主义的侵略 B. 争得民族独立和人民解放 C. 推翻封建主义的统治 D. 建立资本主义制度 13.中国工人阶级最早出现于:() A.十九世纪四、五十年代 B.十九世纪六十年代 C.十九世纪六、七十年代 D.十九世纪七十年代 14.近代中国产生的新的被压迫阶级是:() A农民阶级B工人阶级C资产阶级 D民族资产阶级 15.中国的资产阶级出现于:() A.十九世纪四、五十年代 B.十九世纪六十年代 C.十九世纪六、七十年代 D.十九世纪七十年代 单项答案1. D 2.B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7.D 8. C 9. B 10. B 11.B 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C


习题 1.验证下列等式 (1) C x f dx x f +='?)()( (2)?+=C x f x df )()( 证明 (1)因为)(x f 是)(x f '的一个原函数,所以?+='C x f dx x f )()(. (2)因为C u du +=?, 所以? +=C x f x df )()(. 2.求一曲线)(x f y =, 使得在曲线上每一点),(y x 处的切线斜率为x 2, 且通过点 )5,2(. 解 由导数的几何意义, 知x x f 2)(=', 所以C x xdx dx x f x f +=='= ??22)()(. 于是知曲线为C x y +=2 , 再由条件“曲线通过点)5,2(”知,当2=x 时,5=y , 所以 有 C +=2 25, 解得1=C , 从而所求曲线为12 +=x y 3.验证x x y sgn 2 2 =是||x 在),(∞+-∞上的一个原函数. 证明 当0>x 时, 22x y =, x y ='; 当0


《训诂学基础》期末试题A卷附答案 试题部分 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共5分) 1.?训?和?诂?两个字连用,最早见于( ) A. 《毛诗诂训传》 B. 《毛诗诂训传名义考》 C. 《说文解字》 D. 《尔雅》 2.魏晋隋唐时期是() A. 训诂的产生期 B. 训诂的深入与扩展期 C. 训诂的更新与变革期 D. 训诂实践的兴盛与训诂理论的探讨期 3.《说文解字注》的作者是() A. 许慎 B. 梅膺祚 C. 段玉裁 D. 戴震 4.《墨子间诂》属于() A. 传注 B. 章句 C. 义疏 D. 集解 5.《释名》的作者是() A. 许慎 B. 段玉裁 C. 刘熙 D. 黄侃 二、填空题(每小题2分,共10分) 1.三种不同性质的训释是:、、。 2.训诂考证的三种方法:、、。 3.黄侃先生认为:诂就是,本来的意思。解释词的。训就是,引申的意思,解释词的。训诂是用语言来解释语言,包括词的。 4.声训的作用主要有两个:、。 5.从训诂的体式来看,专门解释古书正文的叫,既解释古书的正文,又解释前人的传住的一般叫。 三、名词解释题(每小题3分,共18分) 1.乾嘉学派: 2.《经籍纂诂》: 3.以形说义: 4.义训:

5.同源词: 增字足义: 四、说明下列各例属何种训诂方式(每小题1分,共10分) 1、宫谓之室,室谓之宫。(《尔雅·释宫》) 2、党、晓、哲,知也。楚谓之党,或曰晓;齐宋之间谓之哲。(《方言》) 3、二足以羽谓之禽,四足而毛谓之兽。(《尔雅·释鸟》) 4、邑外曰郊,郊外曰野。(《诗政训传》) 5、天,颠也。(《说文解字》) 6、福者,备也;备者,备百顺之名也,无所不顺之谓备。(《礼记》) 7、采,采取也,从木从爪。(《说文解字》) 8、庸也者,用也;用也者,通也者,得也。(《庄子·齐物论》) 9、乱,治也。(《尔雅·释诂》) 10、黑与青谓之黻,五色备课之绣。(《诗政训传》) 五、简答题(每小题5分,共25分) 1.义界的实质、原则是什么?它的局限性是什么? 2.通释语义与随文释义的区别是什么? 3.解释?望文生训?的含义,并说明产生这一训诂弊病的主要原因。


中国近代史纲要课后习题答案 1怎样认识近代中国的主要矛盾、社会性质? (1)近代中国的主要矛盾 帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾;封建主义和人民大众的矛盾是近代中国的主要矛盾。中国近代社会的两对主要矛盾是互相交织在一起的,而帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾,是最主要的矛盾。(2)社会性质:半殖民地半封建的性质。 中国社会的半殖民地半封建社会,是近代以来中国在外国资本主义势力的入侵及其与中国封建主义势力相结合的条件下,逐步形成的一种从属于资本主义世界体系的畸形的社会形态。鸦片战争前的中国社会是封建社会。鸦片战争以后,随着外国资本-帝国主义的入侵,中国社会性质发生了根本性变化:独立的中国逐步变成半殖民地的中国;封建的中国逐步变成半封建的中国。 2.如何理解近代中国的两大历史任务及其相互关系? (1)近代中国的两大历史任务: 第一,争取民族独立,人民解放;第二,实现国家富强,人民富裕。 (2)近代中国的两大历史任务的相互关系: 争取民族独立,人民解放和实现国家富强,人民富裕这两个历史任务,是互相区别又互相紧密联系的。 第一,由于腐朽的社会制度束缚着生产力的发展,阻碍着经济技术的进步,必须首先改变这种制度,争取民族独立和人民解放,才能为实现国家富强和人民富裕创造前提,开辟道路。近代以来的历史表明,争得争取民族独立和人民解放,必须进行反帝反封建的民主革命。第二,实现国家富强和人民富裕是民族独立,人民解放的最终目的和必然要求。 第一章反对外国侵略的斗争 3.中国近代历次反侵略战争失败的根本原因是什么? 第一,近代中国社会制度的腐败是反侵略战争失败的根本原因。 在1840年以后中国逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会的过程中,清王朝统治者从皇帝到权贵,大都昏庸愚昧,不了解世界大势,不懂得御敌之策。由于政治腐败、经济落后和文化保守,一方面使清朝统治阶级封闭自守,妄自尊大,骄奢淫逸,盲目进攻;另一方面又使统治者和清军指挥人员在战争面前完全没有应变的能力和心态,不适应于近代战争,不少将帅贪生怕死,临阵脱逃,有的甚至出卖国家和民族的利益。清政府尤其害怕人民群众,担心人民群众动员起来会危及自身统治,所以不敢发动和依靠人民群众的力量。 清朝统治集团在对外战争中妥协退让求和投降的一系列做法,已经使他失去在中国存在的理由,不推翻他是不能取得反侵略战争胜利的。 第二,近代中国经济技术的落后是反侵略战争失败的另一个重要原因。 当时的英国已经历过工业革命,资本主义生产力获得突飞猛进的发展,而中国仍停留在封建的自然经济水平上。经济技术的落后直接造成军事装备的落后,军队指挥员不了解近代军事战术,从而造成军队素质和战斗力的低下。 经济技术落后是反侵略战争失败的重要原因,但并不表明经济技术落后就一定在反侵略战争中失败。正是因为当时的中国政府不能很好地组织反侵略战争,不能发动和利用人民群众的力量,甚至压制人民群众,其失败是不可避免的。 第二章对国家出路的早期探索 4、如何认识太平天国农民战争的意义和失败的原因、教训? (1)太平天国农民战争的意义 太平天国起义虽然失败了,但它具有不可磨灭的历史功绩和重大的历史意义。 第一,太平天国起义沉重打击了封建统治阶级,强烈震撼了清政府的统治根基,加速了清王
