

Unit 4 What time do you go to school

Section A 1a-2c

一.Teaching aims(教学目标)




二.Language points(语言点)


(1)-What time is it(将3b中的语言点前移)-It's…

(2)-What time do you usually…-I/we usually…

(3)What time does he/she…He/She usually….

2. 要求掌握以下词汇:

(1)名词:time, shower

(2)动词短语:go to school, get up, take a shower,

(3)副词:usually o'clock

(4)疑问代词:what time

三.Key points(重点):


“What time do you usually…I/We usually…”这个句型

Teaching difficulties(难点):


四.Teaching steps (教学步骤):

and revision(课堂热身和复习)




I have a nice clock. Do you want to have a lookSs: Yes.

教师指着此钟:What time is it nowSs:It's……(T help Ss)

T:(教师转动指针)What time is it nowSs: It's…(教师启发)

(教师板书:What time is it It's …)

T: Follow me :“What time is it It's…”

Read it in groups.

T:(教师转动指针并引导组之间对话)Ss: What time is itSs: It's…



T:Ok. The whole class, please write down time on the paper.

Are you ready

Ss: Yes

T: Well. Practise it in pairs. What time is itIt’s…

T:act (三四组)


“What time is it It’s…”

T:(每大组选一个代表,分别用What time is it 向教师发问,教师便用以下句子启发):You can ① have breakfast 复习以前的短语

② have lunch 复习以前的短语

③ have supper 复习以前的短语

④ go to bed …复习以前的短语

⑤ get up (做动作)为下面单词呈现作铺垫

⑥ go to school(做动作)为下面单词呈现作铺垫

⑦ take a shower(做动作)为下面单词呈现作铺垫



S3: It’s…

S4: It’s…


T:(总结上述游戏)Now let's look at the clock .(将时钟调整到六点钟)

What time is it

Ss: It's six o'clock

T: o'clock(板书). Read after me.

Ss: o’clock.

T:We will……(做“起床”的动作,并提供一男孩起床的照片)

Ss: get up(T helps Ss)

T:Follow me :get up(板书)

T: What time is it now(一边说一边将时钟调到七点)

Ss: It's 7 o'clock.

T: We will……(做“上学”动作,并提供一群孩子上学的图片)

Ss: go to school(板书)T:go to school. Together.

T: And what time is it(将时间调整到晚上十点)

Ss: It's 10 o'clock.

T: We will……(做“洗澡”动作,并提供一男孩洗淋浴的图片)

Ss: take a shower(板书)

6、Work on 1a (完成P651a)

T: Ok. Please open your book.

Look at 1a, listen and match the words and the pictures.

7、Work on 1b (完成P651b)

T: Now let's listen to the tape, match the times and actions.

T: Well, let's check the answers.


T:(当答案校对到九点钟时)But I often take a shower at ten o'clock.(一边说一边高举自己洗澡的图片,此图片上课前画好)I usually(突出usually)take a shower at ten o'clock

T:Read after me: usually

T:Please hold your pictures and tell me “I usually…”

(这些图片包括洗淋浴,起床、上学、跑步、吃饭等日常活动,并事先叫学生在课前画好)S1:I usually take a shower at nine o'clock

S2:I usually go to school at six o'clock

S3:I usually…


9、Work on 1c(完成P651c)

(1)T:(针对最后一个发言的学生说的句子,问其它同学 What time do you usually…)S1:I usually…at…(T help S1)

T:(再问另一学生)What time do you usually…

S1:I usually…at…

T:Read after me

What time do you usually …(板书)

I usually…at…(板书)

(2)T:Read it in pairs.

T: What time do you usually take a shower

S1: I usually take a shower at …


(1)Make a similar dialogue with the person you like.


11、变换人称练习What time does he/she usually …(板书)

He/She usually…at…

12、Listen1b and repeat(听音跟读)

T:Now let's listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. 13、Work on 2a.(完成2a)

T:But my friend Rick does the same thing with his family. Do you know

Ss: No.

T: Let's listen


T:Listen again and fill in the blanks.

14、Work on 2b.(完成2b)

T: What time do they take a shower Listen again and complete the shower schedule. T:(校对答案)

15、Work on 2c.(完成2c)

T:××,When does Alicia take a shower

S1: She takes a shower at 8:00

T : (Read after me)

When does Alicia take a shower

She takes a shower at 8:00.

Read it in groups.

T:××,when does Jerry take a shower


T: Look at 2b and make a dialogue like this.

16、Listen and repeat (听音跟读)

T: Now let's listen to the tape and repeat . Please try to read like the tape.



Unit 4 What time do you go to school

Section A 2d-3c


(1)掌握Section A对话2d中出现的短语和词汇from…to …at night ; in the morning ,be late for .


(3) 熟练掌握频率副词:never;always;often;sometimes的用法。



四、Teaching steps (教学步骤):

1、创设英语氛围和情景,对话导入。和同学一起热身。自编自导的一段课前热身操,通过网络视频“exercise song”这首歌,和同学们一起边唱边运动。为上课做准备。2.Read conversation 2d and answer the question : (1) Is Scott’ job interesting (2) Is Scott a good worker why

out the difficult drills and point then disscuss them

the converstion


频率副词:never;sometimes; always ; ever ; often ; usually 等词语的意思以及应用。

6. 拓展运用,能力提升

(1) Group work-- 谈论你总是做的事情,通常做得事情和从不做的事情。


(3)Make a report

T: Now I want to know something about what you do on weekends. You can go, ask your classmates and fill in the forms. Then you have a report.

T: You may begin it like this "Ma Li gets up at …"

Oral work:

(1)Read 2d and recite it.

(2)Go on making a survey to find out what your classmates do on weekends.(继续作一个有关你同班学生所做的调查)

Written work:

(1)Copy the new words and phrases in 2d twice

(2)Write down the survey about what your classmates do on weekends in your exercise book. You can do it like the reporters in class.

Unit 4 What time do you go to school





---I usually eat quickly.

---I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.

--- When I get home, I always do my homework.

2.熟练掌握词汇:either, lot, taste,理解和运用短语

either…or , lots of等。




(一) 热身导入:首先利用多媒体播放一段chant儿歌,教师带领学生一起边演唱边拍手。(二)设问导读温故知新:教师根据学生先前所学知识和自身生活经验,提出问题:What healthy activities do you know

学生通过上节课所学知识,结合自身的生活经验,快速的说出healthy activities








fast and answer three easy questions.

carefully and fill in the blanks.

again and try to find the details.

the whole passageand try to say the healthy and unhealthy habits that Tony and Mary have.


教师设计表格填空进行口语输出练习:Fill in the blanks then talk about your weekends’activities.(教师发挥示范引领作用,巡视指导,及时纠正学生出现的发音错误。)


----What time do you usually get up on weekends

----I usually get up at …

( 学生积极进行对话练习。小组合作,互相帮助,共同进步。)


此部分教师需要将学生的口语成果进行归纳,然后引导学生进行以“My weekends”为题,的写作练习。教师需要给予学生写作框架及写作方法的指导。




而后启发学生运用英语谚语表达感受,如:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。



T:Here is a picture about Lu Lilu What do you think about his schedule First tell us his schedule in English. Then give a healthy one for him. Do this part in pairs first. And then choose some best groups to speak in the front.

(你认为Lu lilu周末生活好吗请你看图与同伴一起为Lu lilu设计一个更有益健康的周末安排)

Unit 4 What time do you go to school

(SectionB3a-self check)



1) Master the new words in this unit.

exercise , at a quarter to twelve, healthy , clothes ,have a very healthy life, have time to do sth. ,radio station, be late for

2)Target Language: I have lunch at a quarter to twelve.

She always makes breakfast for me.

She is never late for the first class in the mo rning.

2、技能目标:By writing about your own daily routine复习本单元重点短语句型及时间的表达。



Step One: Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine and try to write about your own daily routine

Step Two: Make phrases with the words in the boxes. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences.

Discuss the important drills in groups (1)You need to brush your teeth after eating to have good teeth.

(2)I don’t have time to clean my room from Monday to Friday.

Step Three: Complete the conversations with questions and answers and act out them with your partner


Review the words and target language learnt in this unit.

Finish the exercises in the workbook.(配套P28 Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ)

选做配套 P30 VIII书面表达.

鲁教版六年级下册英语 全册重点

Unit 1 Good morning. 一.重点词组: 1.Good morning早上好 Goodafternoon下午好 Goodevening 晚上好答语相同。 2. Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克。 3. A: How are you? 你(身体)好吗? B: (I’m) fine/I’m OK, thanks. And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? A: (I’m)fine/OK, too. 我也很好。 4. thanks = thank you 谢谢 5. HB(铅笔芯)硬黑CD光盘BBC英国广播公司 Unit 2 What’s this in English? 一.重点词组: 1. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a/an + 单数物品 1) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么?2)What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s a ruler. (这/那是)直尺。It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。2. What’s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎么说? It’s a/an + 单数物品 What’s this in English? 这用英语怎么说?It’s a jacket. 夹克衫 What’s that in English? 那用英语怎么说?It’s an orange. 橘子。 3. a 和an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示―一‖。a用在以辅音音素 开头的单词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如: a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔(/p/为辅音音素) an orange /’ ?rind? / 一个桔子(/? /为元音音素) 4. P停车场;停车位NBA(美国)全国篮球协会kg千克;公斤 5. Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 请拼读它。 K – E - Y. Spell ―pen‖, please. = Please spell pen. 请拼读―pen‖。 P – E - N. Unit 3 What color is it? 一.重点词组: 1. What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? It’s V. 这是V。 V是字母,是专有名词,前面不必加冠词,但表示某一类东西,则在其单数名词前加a或an。 1) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么?2) What’s this/that? 这/那是什么? I It’s a ruler.这/那是)直尺。It’s an apple. (这/那是)苹果。 2. 问颜色:What color 1) What color is + 单数名词?2) What color are + 复数名词?


Unit 1Good morning. 一.重点词组: 1.Good morning 早上好 Goodafternoon下午好 Goodevening 晚上好答语相同。 2.Hello, Frank! 你好,弗兰克。 3.A: How are you? 你(身体)好吗? B:(I ’ m) fine/I ’, mthanksOK. And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? A:(I ’ m)fine/OK, too我.也很好。 4.thanks = thank you 谢谢 5. HB(铅笔芯)硬黑CD 光盘BBC 英国广播公司 Unit 2What’ s this in English? 一.重点词组: 1.What’ s this/that?这/那是什么? It’a/ans + 单数物品 1)What’ s this/that?这/那是什么?2)What’ s this/that?这/那是什么? It ’a sruler. (这 /那是)直尺。It ’ans apple. (这 /那是)苹果。2.What’ s this/that in English?这 /那用英语怎么说? It ’s a/an + 单数物品 What’ s this in English?这用英语怎么说? It ’ s a jacket夹.克衫 What’ s that in English?那用英语怎么说? It ’ s an orange橘.子。 3.a 和 an 是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示―一‖。a 用在以辅音音素 开头的单词前; an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如: a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔(/p/为辅音音素 ) an orange / rind’? / 一个桔子 (/? /为元音音素 ) 4. P 停车场;停车位NBA (美国)全国篮球协会kg 千克;公斤 5.Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 请拼读它。 K–E-Y. Spell ― pen‖ , please. = Please spell请pen拼读. ― pen。‖ P–E - N. Unit 3What color is it? 一.重点词组: 1.What’ s this/that?这/那是什么? It ’ s. V这是 V 。 V是字母,是专有名词,前面不必加冠词,但表示某一类东西,则在其单数名词前加 a 或 an。 1)What’ s this/that?这/那是什么?2)What’ s this/that?这 /那是什么? I It’s a ruler.这 /那是)直尺。 It ’ans apple. (这 /那是)苹 果。 2. 问颜色: What color 1)What color is + 单数名词?2)What color are + 复数名词?


鲁教版五四制第一学期期末考试 六年级英语试题 一、单项选择填空。(20分) (一)从A、B、C、D中选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 26. black A. father B. watch C. jacket D. tomato 27. come A. from B. mother C. photo D. dollar 28. name A. breakfast B. sweater C. please D. great 29. thing A. thanks B. that C. these D. brother 30. food A. look B. good C. room D. book (二)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的正确答案。 31. We like ice cream dessert. A. for B. of C. to D. at 32. The shoes are sale $25 each. A. on, for B. at, for C. for, at D. for, on 33. Jim’s are watching TV now. A. house B. home C. family D. families 34. Let’s go and have their new pants. A. look at B. the look at C. a look D. a look at 35. -Is that your sister? -No, . It's my aunt. A. it is B. is not C. it isn’t D. it’s isn’t 36. They are my good friends. I love and they love . A. they, I B. them, me C. them, I D. they, me 37. —Is this sweater? —No, it isn’t. It’s sweater. A. your, my B. my, your C. your, his D. her, her 38. your child, you can buy a lovely cat. A. Of B. On C. To D. For 39. —What color is your backpack? —. A. It’s good. B. It’s beautiful. C. It’s black. D. It’s new. 40. He doesn’t like apples, he likes oranges. A. and B. but C. or D. so


初一英语期末练习题 第一卷(选择题共55分) 一、单词辨音:找出发音不同的一项 1.A.bag B.table C.take D.game 2.A.good B.room C.school D.too 3.A.dictionary B.six C.dinner Dnice 4.A.seven B.meet C.pencil D.tennis 5.A.run B.under C.fun D.ruler 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1. —What’s this in English?—It’s ____________ eraser. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. —Is this your racket? —___________. It’s his racket. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, they are. D. No, they aren’t. 3. —Let’s play volleyball. —_______________ A. You are welcome. B. Thank you. C. Here you are. D. That sounds good. 4. —Do you like salad? —____________. A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I can C. Yes, I am D. Yes, I does. 5. —__________ are these shoes? —They are $30. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. What 6. —________________. —Yes, please . I want a T-shirt for my daughter. A. What do you like? B. Do you like a T-shirt? C. Can I help you D. Can you help me? 7. —What do you have ________ breakfast? —I have hamburgers. A. to B . in C. for D. under 8. The hat is too ___________, I want a big one. A. short B. small C. new D. long 9. Thanks ________ your pen. A. for B. to C. at D. with 10. —_______ they her brothers? —No, they _______. A. Are, aren’t B. Are, are C. Is, are D. Is, aren’t 11. Those _______ my aunt and uncle. A. are B. is C. am D. do 12. —__________? —It’s on the floor. A. What’s it B. Where’s the backpack C. What color is this D. How much is the sweater 13. Have a look ________Zig Zag’s Clothes shop. A. at B. to C. for D. on 14. For breakfast, Tom _________ eggs and bananas. A. like B. likes C. are D. is like 15. The green shorts _______ sale for 25 dollars. A. is on B. are in C. are on D. is at 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) I have a beautiful room. The color of the wall is 16 because I 17 blue very much. I also 18 lots of clothes 19 blue. The TV and video tapes are 20 the table. My table is orange and it 21 like one kind of 22 . My alarm clock, ID card and 23 are on the dresser next to 24 bed. My bed is 25 and it is blue. 16. A. black B. blue C. white D. red 17. A. like B. draw C. want D. take 18. A. has B. have C. sells D. am 19. A. on B. with C. for D. in 20. A. of B. with C. on D. for 21. A. watches B. sees C. looks D. look 22. A. fruit B. vegetable C. food D. drink 23. A. keys B. shoes C. chair D. beds 24. A. an B. the C. a D. / 25. A. yellow B. green C. small D. red 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) A Hello! My name is Sarah. Linda is my sister. My brother’s name is Jack. In my family there are three TVs, two computers, two DVDs and five telephones. I like my bedroom because(因为)there are many storybooks and video tapes in it. My brother likes his bedroom, too. He likes baseball, tennis, soccer and volleyball games on TV every day. My sister likes her bedroom, too. She can talk to her friends on the telephone. Mum likes the kitchen. There is a small TV in it. She likes music very much. Does Dad like our family? Yes, he does. He works on his computer at home. 26. There are ________ in S arah’s bedroom. A. two computers B. storybooks and video tapes C. five telephones D. A small TV.

鲁教版 五四制 六年级下册 英语教材全解

鲁教版五四制六年级下册英语教材全解 (本检测题满分:100分;时间:60分钟) 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ听句子选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分满分5分) A B C D E 1 _________ 2 _________ 3 _________ 4 _________ 5 _________ Ⅱ听对话及问题根据对话内容选择正确的答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分满分5分) 6 A Her bike is los t B There is something wrong with her bike C She doesn’t like riding 7 A He takes a bus B He rides a bike C He walks to school 8 A Thirty minutes B An hour C An hour and thirty minutes 9 A By ship B By air C By bike 10 A Less than two miles B More than two miles C Two miles Ⅲ听对话根据对话内容选择正确的答语。对话读两遍。(每小题1分满分5分) 11 How does Mr Li go to work? A He goes to work by bus B He goes to work by boat C He goes to work on foot 12 How does Mr Li’s wife go to work? A She goes to work by car B She goes to work by bus C She goes to work by boat 13 How does Mr Smith go to work? A He goes to work by car B He goes to work by subway C He goes to work by boat 14 How does Mr Smith’s brother go to work? A He goes to work by taxi B He goes to work by subway C He goes to work by motorbike 15 How does Tom go to work? A He goes to work by bike B He goes to work by subway C He walks to work Ⅳ听短文根据短文内容填空。短文读两遍。(每小题1分满分5分) Mr Brown has a car In the morning he 16 his children to school in his car Then he drives to work Mr Brown and his children do not have 17 at home but Mrs Brown does She does not go to work She stays at home She does some shopping and cleaning in the morning In the afternoon she 18 goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them Then she cooks 19 20 二、笔试部分(满分80分) Ⅰ单项填空(每小题1分满分10分) 21 —How does your sister go to school? — A Once a day B Two miles C By bus D Twenty


一、鲁教版英语六年级下册语法 1、情态动词 情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的观点,如需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等。在形式上,情态动词一般没 有人称和数的变化,有的情态动词没有时态的变化,如must。情态动词本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓 语动词,必须和不带“to”的动词原形连用。常见情态动词有can,may,must,have to,should,would等。情态动词一般有多个意义。情态动词的否定式一般是在其后面加not构成,一般疑问句通常将其提到句首。情态动词的肯定式一般不重读。 1)can (1)表示能力 We can speak a little English. Her sister can play the violin. I can play badminton but I can’t play volleyball. (2)表示许可 You can play basketball on weekends. We can’t run in the hallways. (3)表示请求 Can you help me with my Chinese? Could you tell him to call me back?(这儿的could比can更委婉。) 2)must表示“必须” Don’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. Molly must do her homework first when she gets home. 3)have to表示“不得不”,“必须” We have to be quiet in the library. She has to do her homework first when she gets home. have to表示“必须”时与must意义很接近,有时可与must互换。例如: We have to/must follow the rules. 但在以下方面有所不同: (1)must通常表示的是说话人的主观看法,语气比较强列,have to往往强调客观需要,例如: I must go now. It’s a little late and I have to go now. (2)它们的否定式含义大不相同。mustn’t表示“不准”、“禁止”,而don’t have to表示“不必”。例如:You mustn’t talk to your mother like that. You don’’t want to. (3)must一般只表示现在,没有人称和数的变化。而have to则可以用于不同的时态,有人称和数 的变化。例如: I/We/You/They must do something about it. I have to finish my work today. She has to finish her work today. They had to get to the station before 5:00. 2、现在进行时 1)现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。例如: The students are listening to the teacher. He is watching TV now. 现在进行时也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如: We are working on a farm these days. I’m reading a history book this month.


鲁教版六年级下册英语单词表中英分开 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

adv.(疑问副词)什么时候 n.月;月份 n.一月 n.二月 n.三月 n.四月 n.五月 n.六月 n.七月 n.八月 n.九月 n.十月 n.十一月 n.十二月 adj.愉快的;高兴的 生日快乐! adj.年老的;旧的 多大年纪?..几岁了? n.聚会;晚会 再见! num.第一 num.第二 num.第三 num.第五 num.第八 num.第九 num.第十二 num.第二十 n.测验;检查 n.旅游;旅行 n.艺术;美术 n.(音乐、戏剧等的)绘演节;节日adj.亲爱的 n.学生 n.东西;事情 n.学期 adj.忙碌的;无暇的 n.时间 (表示祝愿)过得愉快! adv.(在)那里Unit1Whenisyourbirthday? when?/wen/adv. month?/m?nθ/n. January?/'d??nju?ri/n. February?/'febru?ri/n. March?/ma:t?/n. April?/'eipr?l/n. May?/mei/n. June?/d?u:n/n. July?/d?u'lai/n. August?/'?:g?st/n. September?/sep'temb?/n. October?/?k't?ub?/n. November?/n?u'vemb?/n. December?/di'semb?/n. happy?/'h?pi/adj. Happybirthday! old?/?uld/adj. Howold...?.... party?/'pa:ti/n. Seeyou! first?/f?:st/num. second?/'sek?nd/num. third?/θ?:d/num. fifth?/fifθ/num. eighth?/eitθ/num. ninth?/nainθ/num. twelfth?/twelfθ/num. twentieth?/'twenti?θ/num. test?/test/n. trip?/trip/n. art?/a:t/n. festival?/'festivl/n. dear?/di?/adj. student?/'stju:dnt/n. thing?/θi?/n. term?/t?:m/n. busy?/'bizi/adj. time?/taim/n. Haveagoodtime! there?/ee?/adv. Unit2Myfavoritesubjectisscience. adj.&n.特别喜爱的(人或事物)


鲁教版六年级下册英语 单词 集团公司文件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-

Unit1 1.什么时候 2.月份 3.一月 4.二月 5.三月 6.四月 7.五月8.六月 9七月10.八月 11.九月12.十月 13.十一月14.十二月15.愉快的16.生日快乐17.老的18.多大年纪19.聚会20.看见 21.再见22.第一 23.第二24.第三 25.第五26.第八 27.第九28.第十二29.第二十30.测验31.旅游32.艺术 33.节日34.亲爱的35.学生36.东西 37.学期38.忙碌的 39.时间 40.过得愉快

41.(在)那里 Unit2 1.特别喜爱的 2.学科 3.科学 4.体育 5.音乐 6.数学 7.语文8地理 9.历史10.为什么 11.因为12.星期一 13.星期五14.星期六 15.无疑,肯定16.空闲的 17.酷的18.星期二 19.星期三20.星期四 21.星期日22.上午 23.下午24.说,讲 25.有用的26.从。。。开始 27.从。。。到。。。28.太太,夫人29.完成30.课 31.小时 Unit3 1.吉他 2.唱歌 3.游泳 4.跳舞 5.画 6.国际象棋 7.下国际象棋8.说(某种语言)

9.说英语10.参加 11.俱乐部12.擅长于 13.讲述14.故事 15.写作16.演出,节目 17.或者18.交谈 19.跟。。。说20.(中国)功夫21.鼓22.敲鼓 23.钢琴24.弹钢琴 25.小提琴26.拉小提琴 27也,而且28.人们 29.家30.善于 31.使成为32.结交朋友 33.在今天34.在某方面帮助某人35.中心,中央36.周末 37.(在)周末38.教,讲授39.音乐家 Unit4 1.向上 2.起床 3.穿衣服 4.穿上衣服 5.刷 6.牙齿 7.淋浴8.洗淋浴 9.通常地10.四十 11.哇12.从不,绝不


鲁教版(五四学制)六年级上册英语单词表Unit 1 good [ɡ?d] adj.好的;令人满意的 morning ['m??(r)n??] n.早晨;上午 Good morning! 早上好! hi [ha?] int. 嗨(表问候或打招呼) hello[h? 'l??] int.喂(表示问候) afternoon [.ɑ?ft?(r)'nu?n] n.下午 Good afternoon! 下午好! evening ['i?vn??] n晚上、黄昏 Good evening! 晚上好! how [ha?] adv.怎样;怎么;如何 are [ɑ?(r)] v是 you [ju?] pron.你;你们 How are you? 你好吗? fine [fa?n] adj. 好的 thanks [θ??ks]n.谢谢 OK [???'ke?] adj & adv好,不错 HB (铅笔芯)硬黑 CD 光盘;激光唱片 NBA (美国)全国篮球协会 kg 千克;公斤 P 停车场;停车位 S (尤指服装的尺码) 小号的 M (尤指服装的尺码) 中号的 L (尤指服装的尺码) 大号的 UFO 不明飞行物 CCTV 中国中央电视台 Alice['?l?s] 爱丽丝(女名)

Bob[b?b] 鲍勃(男名) Cindy['s?nd?]辛迪(女名) Dale[de?l] 戴尔(男名) Eric[er?k]埃里克(男名) Frank[fr??k]弗兰克(男名) Grace[ɡre?s]格雷斯(女名) Helen['hel?n] 海伦(女名) Unit 2 what[w?t] pron&adj.什么 is[?z] v.是 this[e?s] pron.&adj. 这;这个 in[?n] prep. 用(表方法、媒介、工具等) English['??ɡl??]n.英语 in English 用英语 that pron. 那;那个 map[m?p] n.地图 cup n. 杯子 ruler[?ru?l?r] n.尺;直尺 pen[pen] n. 笔;钢笔 orange[??r?nd?] n.橘子、橙子 jacket['d??k?t] n.夹克衫;短上衣 key[ki?] n.钥匙 dog n. 狗 it[?t] pron. 它 a [?,e?] art.(辅音音素前,用于单数可数名词前,表示未曾提到的)一(人、事、物)an[?n] (元音音素前,用于单数可数名词前,表示未曾提到的)一(人、事、物) kite n. 风筝 cake n. 蛋糕;糕、饼类食品 bike n. 自行车;脚踏车


六年级英语上册 Unit 1 第一单元单词 good adj.好的;令人满意的 morning n.早晨;上午 Good morning! 早上好! hi (表示问候)嗨 hello (表示问候) 喂 A,a 英语字母表的第一个字母 B,b 英语字母表的第二个字母 C,c 英语字母表的第三个字母 D,d 英语字母表的第四个字母 E,e 英语字母表的第五个字母 F,f 英语字母表的第六个字母 G,g 英语字母表的第七个字母 H,h 英语字母表的第八个字母 HB (H=hard,B=black)(铅笔芯) 硬黑CD (=compact disc)光盘 BBC (=British Broadcasting Corporati on)英国广播公司 afternoon n.下午 Good afternoon 下午好 evening n.晚上;黄昏 Good evening 晚上好 how adv.怎样;怎么;如何 are v.是 you pron. 你;你们 How are you? 你(身体)好吗? I pron.我 am v.是 I'm (=I am)我是 fine adj.好的thanks n.谢谢 OK adj. & adv.好;不错 name n.名字 list n.名单;列表 Alice 艾丽斯(女名) Bob 鲍勃(男名) Cindy 辛蒂(女名) Dale 戴尔(男名) Eric 埃里克(男名) Frank 弗兰克(男名) Grace 格雷斯(女名) Helen 海伦(女名) Unit 2 第二单元单词 what 什么,什么样的人(或事物) is 是 what's (= what is)是什么 this pron. && adj.这,这个 in prep.(表示表达方式,手段等)用,以English n.英语 it pron.它 it's (= it is)它是 a art.一个(只,把...) an art.(元音前)一个(只,把....) map n.地图 orange n.橘子;橙子 jacket n.夹克衫 key n.钥匙 quilt n.被子 pen n.钢笔 ruler n.直尺 I,i 英语字母表的第九个字母


一、动词(verbs) 1、情态动词 情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的观点,如需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等。在形式上,情态动词一般没有人称和数的变化,有的情态动词没有时态的变化,如must。情态动词本身词义不完全,不能单独作谓语动词,必须和不带“to”的动词原形连用。常见情态动词有can,may,must,have to,should,would等。情态动词一般有多个意义。情态动词的否定式一般是在其后面加not构成,一般疑问句通常将其提到句首。情态动词的肯定式一般不重读。1)can (1)表示能力 We can speak a little English. Her sister can play the violin. I can play badminton but I can’t play volleyball. (2)表示许可 You can play basketball on weekends. We can’t run in the hallways. (3)表示请求 Can you help me with my Chinese? Could you tell him to call me back?(这儿的could比can更委婉。) 2)must表示“必须” Don’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. Molly must do her homework first when she gets home. 3)have to表示“不得不”,“必须” We have to be quiet in the library. She has to do her homework first when she gets home. have to表示“必须”时与must意义很接近,有时可与must互换。例如:We have to/must follow the rules. 但在以下方面有所不同: (1)must通常表示的是说话人的主观看法,语气比较强列,have to往往强调客观需要,例如: I must go now. It’s a little late and I have to go now. (2)它们的否定式含义大不相同。mustn’t表示“不准”、“禁止”,而don’t have to表示“不必”。例如: You mustn’t talk to your mother like that. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. (3)must一般只表示现在,没有人称和数的变化。而have to则可以用于不同的时态,有人称和数的变化。例如: I/We/You/They must do something about it. I have to finish my work today. She has to finish her work today. They had to get to the station before 5:00. 2、现在进行时 1)现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。例如: The students are listening to the teacher.


Unit 1 good [ɡ?d] adj. 好的;令人满意的 morning ['m??(r)n??] n.早晨;上午 hi [ha?] int. 嗨(表问候或打招呼) hello[h? 'l??] int.喂(表示问候)afternoon [.ɑ?ft?(r)'nu?n] n.下午 evening ['i?vn??] n晚上、黄昏 how [ha?] adv.怎样;怎么;如何 are [ɑ?(r)] v 是 you [ju?] pron. 你;你们 fine [fa?n] adj. 好的 than ks [θ??ks] n.谢谢 OK [???'ke?] adj & adv好,不错 name [ne?m] n.名字 list [l?st] n.列表;名单 Alice['?l?s] 爱丽丝 Bob[b?b] 鲍勃 Cindy['s?nd?]辛迪 Dale[de?l] 戴尔 Eric[er?k]埃里克 Frank[fr??k] 弗兰克 Grace[ɡre?s] 格雷斯 Helen['hel?n]海伦 Unit2 what[w?t] pron&adj.什么 is[?z] v.是 this[e?s] pron.&adj. 这;这个 in[?n] prep. 用(表方法、媒介、工具等)English['??ɡl??] n.英语 it[?t] pron. 它 a [?,e?]art.(辅音音素前)一个(把,台…)an[?n] (元音音素前)一个(把,台…)map[m?p] n.地图 orange[??r?nd?] n.橘子、橙子 jacket['d??k?t] n.夹克衫 key[ki?] n.钥匙 quilt[kw?lt] n.被子 pen[pen] n.钢笔 ruler[?ru?l?r] n.直尺 spell[spel] v.拼写;拼字 please[pli?z] v.请 Unit3 color['k?l?(r)] n.色;颜色 red[red] adj.& n.红色(的)


鲁教版六年级下册英语单词1.什么时候 2.月份 3.一月 4.二月 5.三月 6.四月 7.五月 8.六月 9七月 10.八月 11.九月 12.十月 13.十一月 14.十二月 15.愉快的 16.生日快乐 17.老的 18.多大年纪 19.聚会 20.看见 21.再见 22.第一 23.第二 24.第三 25.第五 26.第八 27.第九 28.第十二 29.第二十 30.测验 31.旅游 32.艺术 33.节日 34.亲爱的 35.学生 36.东西 37.学期 38.忙碌的 39.时间 40.过得愉快 41.(在)那里 Unit2 1.特别喜爱的 2.学科 3.科学 4.体育 5.音乐 6.数学 7.语文 8地理 9.历史 10.为什么 11.因为 12.星期一 13.星期五 14.星期六 15.无疑,肯定 16.空闲的 17.酷的 18.星期二 19.星期三 20.星期四 21.星期日 22.上午 23.下午 24.说,讲 25.有用的 26.从。。。开始 27.从。。。到。。。 28.太太,夫人 29.完成 30.课 31.小时 1 favorite 2 discipline 3 Sports 4Science 5 music 6 mathematics 7 Chinese 8 geography 9 why 10history 11 for the 12 Monday

13 Friday 14 Saturday 15 undoubtedly, sure 16 free 17 cool 18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 Sunday22 morning 23 afternoon 24 said, speak 25 useful from 26.Start From 27... To... 28 wife, Mrs. 31 hours Unit 3 1.吉他 2.唱歌 3.游泳 4.跳舞 5.画 6.国际象棋 7.下国际象棋 8.说(某种语言)9.说英语 10.参加 11.俱乐部 12.擅长于 13.讲述 14.故事 15.写作 16.演出,节目 17.或者 18.交谈 19.跟。。。说 20.(中国)功夫21.鼓 22.敲鼓 23.钢琴 24.弹钢琴 25.小提琴 26.拉小提琴 27也,而且 28.人们 29.家 30.善于 31.使成为 32.结交朋友 33.在今天 34.在某方面帮助某人35.中心,中央 36.周末 37.(在)周末 38.教,讲授 39.音乐家 Unit4 1.向上 2.起床 3.穿衣服 4.穿上衣服 5.刷 6.牙齿 7.淋浴 8.洗淋浴 9.通常地 10.四十 11.哇 12.从不,绝不 13.早的 14.五十 15.工作,职业 16.工作 17.电台 18.广播电台19.。。。点钟 20.晚上 21.奇怪的,滑稽好笑的 22.锻炼 23.在周末 24.最好的 25.组,群 26.一半 27.晚于,过去的 28.一刻钟 29.家庭作业 30做作业 31.跑,奔 32.打扫 33.行走 34.散步 35.很快地 36.或者,也 37.要么。。。要么 38.大量,许多39.有时 40.品尝 41.生活Unit5



Unit 1 34 num.第二十 1 adv.(疑问副词) 什么时候;何时 2 n.生日35 num.第三十 3 n.月;月份36 n.日期 4 n.一月;正月37 adj.愉快的;高兴 的;满意的 5 n.二月38 n.出生;出世;诞 生 6 n.三月39 n.生日 7 n.四月40 生日快乐 8 n.五月41 n.年龄;年纪 9 n.六月42 adj.年岁的;年老 的;年长的 10 n.七月43 多大年纪;几岁 11 n.八月44 n.演说;讲演;说 话;言论

12 n.九月45 n.竞争;竞赛;比 赛 13 n.十月46 n.晚会 14 n.十一月47 n.旅途;观光旅行 (通常短程) 15 n.十二月48 篮球赛 16 num.第十49 排球赛 17 num.第四50 学校上课日(指非 假日) 18 num.第十五51 n.艺术;美术;艺 术品 19 num.第二52 n.(音乐,芭蕾舞、 戏剧等之)节;节 日 20 num.第三53 adj.中国的;中国 人的n.中文;中国 人 21 num.第五54 n.音乐

22 num.第六55 n.年龄;年纪 23 num.第七56 …岁(年龄) 24 num.第八57 维拉(女名) 25 num.第九58 杰夫(男名) 26 num.第十一59 莉拉(女名) 27 num.第十二60 罗伯特(男名) 28 num.第十三61 约翰(男名) 29 num.第十四62 维廉(男名) 30 num.第十六63 蒂娜(女名) 31 num.第十七64 约翰逊(男名) 32 num.第十八 33 num.第十九
