高中英语 BBC听力10月合辑(文本+翻译)1004素材

高中英语 BBC听力10月合辑(文本+翻译)1004素材
高中英语 BBC听力10月合辑(文本+翻译)1004素材

BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.

The Spanish cabinet has unv eiled new spending cuts which it hopes will reduce the b udget deficit by a total of 50 billion dollars, but at the same time officials said pensions will rise using money drawn from reserves. Tom Burridge reports from Madrid.

The Spanish government says the economy here is expected to remain in recession throughout next year, and it predicts unemployment will keep rising. It's in that context that three senior government ministers announced Spain's budget for next year. It includes a cut to government department budgets of 12% and a freeze on public sector?ˉs salaries for a third consecutive year. The Spanish finance minister said this budget would make Spain's debt more sustainable. But the figures and the reforms published today made the chances of a second Spanish bai lout all the more likely.

Burma?ˉs reformist President Thein Sein has praised the opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a speech at the United Nations. In front of the U.N. General Assembly he referred to Aung San Suu Kyi for the first time as a Nobel laureate, and congratulated he r on the honours she recently received in the United States. She was detained for 15 years by the previous military government. Barbara Plett has more from New York.

The president told the U.N. that Burma had left behind its system of authoritarian government, but he said the democratic transformation would be a complex and delicate task that requires patience. He paid tribute t o the longtime dissident Aung San Suu Kyi for her efforts to promote democracy. And he said the government placed high priority on ending arme d conflicts with its ethnic minorities through peace talks and confidence-building measures.

The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has accused Israel of following a deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly, Mr. Abbas said Israel was demolishing Palestinians' homes in the occupied territories and preventing construction of new ones while continuing to build and expand Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.

Also at the U.N. the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has told the General Assembly that what it called the Iranian nuclear threat puts the future of the world at stake. Mr. Netanyahu said a red line must be drawn.

Scientists in the U.S. say they've developed a new kind of electronics which can dissolve naturally. They believe it could have a major impact on medicine. Our science correspondent Malcolm Grary reports.

The conventional approach to developing electronics is to build devices that last as long as possible. This new method seeks to produce circuitry made from silicon

magnesium and silk that physically vanishes in a controlled manner. The researchers believe the new technology can be used to create medical implants that could monitor organ activity and deliver drugs. After a set period they would dissolve with no ill effects.

This is the World News from the BBC.

The Nigerian senators called on President Goodluck Jonathan to make a personal call to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to try to end the crisis between the two cou ntries over the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj. The Saudi has deported more than 170 Nigerian women who had arrived without (a) male escort. A further 1,000 women were under detention until they can be sent home.

Police in Brazil are looking f or the killers of the former leader of a death squad in Sao Paulo who was shot a month after being released from a lengthy jail ter m. The man, a former Brazilian policeman known as Corporal Bruno, had served nearly 30 yea rs for murdering at least 50 people as wel l as numerous cases of extortion.

The former England football captain John Terry has been found guilty of racially abusing another player during a match. The Football Association's Disc iplinary panel has fined him and banned him for four matches. Mr. Terry said he was disappointed that the panel had reached a different conclusion to the lower courts which cleared him of the same offence. Paul [Motima] is a former footballer and now works for the organization show racism the red card. He says it is about time that the footballer (in) authorities took action about the language used on the pitch.

We have to comment the FA for showing that it take(s) it seriously. There is no place for racism or any kind of that kind of language within football. As for those? you know, what was said, [you know,] there is a lot of allegation about it. The simple fact of the merits, especially with the FA, it is about the words being used. Players have a duty to conduct themselves properly.

Prosecutors in Germany have charged two Russians with espionage, alleging that the pair had been operating in the country as spies for more than 20 years. The Germans say the man and woman entered the country with false Austrian documentation and led a middle-class existence to cover up their activity. Prosecutors claimed that, in return for annual salary, they were collecting intelligence on the European Union and/or NATO, and on Germany's relations with both.


2020年7月bbc英语听力材料 A judge in the United States has ordered the release of Albert Woodfox, the last of the so-called “Angola Three” still in prison. Woodfox has been in solitary confinement for 43 years after the killing of a guard at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in 1972. Richard Hulls reports. “Campaigners for the ‘Angola Three’ have always maintained there was no physical evidence to link them to the crime and all convictions have been overturned on numerous occasions. In his ruling, the judge said Albert Woodfox's poor health and the length of the time spent in solitary confinement had contributed to the decision to free him. No man in the US has ever spent as much time in solitary confinement as he has. With the exception of a six-month period in a secure dormitory in 2008, Albert Woodfox has spent all of the past 43 years incarcerated on his own.” World news from the BBC. 【key point】 confinement n. 限制;监禁;分娩 exception n. 例外;异议 solitary n. 独居者;隐士 adj. 孤独的;独居的

高中英语 BBC听力03月合辑(文本+翻译)BBC0307素材

BBC英语听力2012年03月合辑(文本+翻译):BBC0307 The Red Cross says the first seven p eople ha ve been evacuated from the Baba Amr district in the Syrian city of Homs to a local hospital. An official in Geneva, Carla Haddad, said a joint team of the International Red Cross and Syrian Red C rescent had begun rescuing those in urgent need of medical assistanc e. 红十字会称已将第一批的7个人从叙利亚胡姆斯市Baba Amr区撤离并送至当地一家医院,日内瓦官员Carla Haddad说,一个由国际红十字会和叙利亚红新月会组成的联合团队已开始营救继续医疗救助的人。 "The ICRC teams and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers have been in Homs since the afternoon, negotiating with the Syrian authorities and the opposition to enter Baba Amr and evacuate the wounded and sick. What happened just a few moments ago is that the operation of evacuation started, and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent team entered with three ambulances inside Baba Amr and just evacuated seven women a nd children to, I mean, hospitals in Homs." “国际红十字团队和叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会的志愿者们从下午开始就在胡姆斯市忙碌着,他们与叙利亚当局和反对派协商进入Baba Amr并撤出伤病员。就在刚才,撤离行动开始了,叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会开了三辆救护车进入Baba Amr,将7名妇女和儿童撤离送至胡姆斯的医院。” The city of Homs has been under heavy bombardment for several days. As well as countless Syrians, two seriously injured foreign journalists are among those needing urgent help. 几天来,胡姆斯市一直遭受强烈轰击。除了无数叙利亚人,还有两名受伤严重的外国记者也急需援助。 The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the day-long international conference on Syria held in Tunis has agreed a series of measures that should help provide more humanitarian aid to the people of the country. Mrs Clinton said the 60 countries involved would increase the pressure on the Syrian government and prepare for a dem ocratic transition. 美国国务卿希拉里称,在突尼斯举行了一整天的叙利亚问题国际会议已达成一系列措施,将为该国人民提供更多人道主义救援。希拉里说,与会的60个国家将对叙利亚政府施加更多压力,准备进行民主过渡。 "Today the friends of the Syrian people sent a strong and unified message that the Assad regime's escalating violence is an affront to the international community, a threat to regional security and a grave violation of universal human rights."


剑桥少儿英语 剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。 剑桥少儿英语分为:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。 预备级:适合5-6岁,经过大约80小时的英语学习,掌握约280个词汇的学生参加,预备级考试只设口试,无听力和读写内容; 剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters): 一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约460个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为459个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为439个); 剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers): 二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约770个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为772个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为674个); 剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers): 三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约150小时的英语学习,掌握约430个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为427个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为398个)。 考试大概内容: 读写(Reading and Writing ) 这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 听力(Listening) 这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。 口试(Speaking) 这部分是个面对面的持续约5到10分钟的考试。考试由经验丰富的,经过培训的合格考官执


BBC News with Iain Purdon. Iain Purdon为你播报BBC新闻 The US Secretary of State Chuck Hagel has said the US is rethinking its opposition to arming Syria's rebels. It's the first time a senior American official has openly acknowledged that the administration is considering providing weapons to the rebels, although no decisions have been made. Our state department correspondent Kim Ghattas reports. 美国国防部长哈格尔表示美国正重新考虑对武装叙利亚反对派的反对态度。这是美国高官首次公开承认美国政府正在考虑给反对派提供武器,尽管目前尚未做出决定。 The American Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel said the US administration was considering a range of options including arming the Syrian rebels, but he made clear no decisions had been made. Last year President Barack Obama rejected a proposal by his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to arm the rebels. But as the fighting drags-on in Syria, the debate about what the US should do has intensified in Washington, and with no appetite here for direct military intervention, many US officials increasingly feel that arming the rebels is now the least worst option. American allies like Qatar and Saudi Arabia are already providing weapons to various groups fighting President Bashar al-Assad's forces. 美国国防部长哈格尔表示美国政府正在考虑一系列的选择包括给叙利亚反对派提供武装力量。但是他表明目前还未做出决定。去年奥巴马总统否决了当时国务卿希拉里给反对分子提供武装的建议。但是随着叙利亚局势的一再拖延,关于美国做法的讨论在叙利亚日益激烈。美国不愿意对叙利亚进行直接的军事介入,许多美国官员日益感到武装反对派是最不糟糕的选择。美国的盟友诸如卡塔尔和沙特都已给各种反抗政府军的组织提供武器。 President Obama has arrived in Mexico for talks that are expected to switch the focus of bilateral ties to job creation and trade rather than security issues and the war on drugs. Will Grant reports from Mexico City 奥巴马总统达到墨西哥进行访问,此次访问有望将两国关系的重心转到创造就业和贸易合作上来,而非安全问题和打击毒品。 As Mr. Obama touched down in Mexico City on his first visit since Enrique Pena Nieto took office. He was welcomed off Air Force One by the country's Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade and the US ambassador Antony Wayne as well as other members of the Mexican government military. President Pena Nieto was waiting for his guest at the National Palace for bilateral talks. In some way, Mr. Obama arrives with two separate agendas, one public, in which both sides have been keen to strengthen emphasis on the economy and trade; the other is private which is thought to include difficult questions about security and cross-border crime. 这是Enrique Pena Nieto 上台以来奥巴马总统首次出访墨西哥。走下空军一号专机后,奥巴马总统受到了墨西哥外长Jose Antonio Meade,美国驻墨西哥大使Antony Wayne 以及其他

新标准大学英语 视听说教程3 (听力原文及翻译)

Unit 1 Inside View Conversation 1 Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job? Well, I don’t know yet, because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh, what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me something about London, Andy? Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. . Joe: Except for New York! Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh! Joe: And your point is…? Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York… Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact. Andy: A fact! Are you serious? \Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the world. Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself… Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy……… 珍妮特:嗨,又是我,珍妮特.李。我目前还是一位英国牛津大学的学生,但我现在不在牛津,也还没有回中国的家。现在在放长假,而且不管你信不信,现在是夏天的中期。 我现在正在世界上最棒的城市之一里度过我的夏天。我在伦敦,它是英国国会大厦、 大本钟、塔桥…和双层巴士的故乡。我想知道住在如此热闹和生气勃勃的城市里是 什么感觉。所以,我现在在为伦敦下班网效劳。它是一个报道伦敦时事的网站。这 是乔,他是我的老板,而他是安迪,一位记者。我的工作是什么呢?这个我也不知 道,因为今天是我的第一天,但我会注定跟随着安迪。喔,我的意思是,我将会协 助他。那么安迪,你能告诉我一些关于伦敦的事情吗? 安 迪: 伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。 乔 : 除了纽约以外! 安迪:纽约?别逗我笑了! 乔:那你的观点是… ? 安迪:注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒… 乔:不,我不需要你的观点,非常感谢!这是事实! 安迪:事实!你是当真的吗? 珍妮特:我们现在在伦敦,或许是世界上最棒的城市。 安迪:什么?或许?对不起,我宁可自己处理这个… 乔:啊,安迪,继续做你的美梦吧... Conversation 2


剑桥少儿英语二级听力题 篇一:剑桥少儿英语二级下册测试题 剑桥少儿英语二级下册测试题 听力部分:(20分) 1. Listen ,choose and write.(听音,选择并填写。)(10 分) One day, Tim asked his parents to take him to the happy. First Tim wanted his parents to take him to see the . Then he wanted his parents to take him to see the . Tim likes to see the , so he asked his pqremts to take him to see the tigers . But the tigers were in the . Tim could not see them . So he asked his parents to take him to see the .Tim does not like lions very much . But when he saw a lion ,he started to because the baby lion was standing on her mother`s head . We can see that Tim had a great time that day . 2.Listen and match.(听音,连线。)(10分) This animal uses its arms and legs to climb the trees. DolphinThis animal moves without any arms and legs. Star fishThis animal has got five arms. Snake This animal has 1 got special arms to help it swim. Crab This animal uses its legs to catch food. Monkey 笔试部分:(60分) 1. Read and match.(连线。)(10分)


听bbc怎么练英语听力 听bbc怎么练英语听力 (一)尽量先以自己熟悉的语言了解新闻内容 在进行当天的英文新闻学习前,先从中文的媒体了解当天主要的国际或国内新闻内容,在听英文新闻时,就容易多了。当然,这是 在学习期间,过了入门的阶段,就不需要了。 (二)掌握各类新闻 英语的有限单字世界之广,事件之多,大部分的人一定认为,要掌握新闻英语的相关单字,恐怕好几千个,要背完一整本的新闻字库,才有办法听懂。这个想法似乎很合逻辑,但是其实有个极大的 错误,从政治新闻到娱乐新闻,当然很可能有几千个单字,但是相 关的单字每几个月,甚至每几年才出现一次,就是所谓的rarelyusedvocabulary(罕见单字),例如:「multilateralcurrencyrealignment」(跨国货币调整)或「plannedobsolescence」(计画的陈废),如果连这些也要背,那可 真是不得了。幸好,每天新闻会遇到的单字,八成五以上,都是我 们称为的commonlyusedvocabulary(常用单字)。换言之,只要你能 掌握这五、六百个重复出现的单字,就可以听懂八成五以上的新闻。其它一些较专门的财经或科学等新闻字汇,等主要的`单字会了之后,再慢慢的增加难度。 (三)遇到听不懂的地方不要去想它,继续听下去听 英语新闻或英语节目时,遇到一个不会的字或没听清楚的段落,就开始想它的意思,往往造成接下来的内容全都没听清楚。所谓 「一心不能二用」,绝不可以在听的同时,边想前一句的意思,要 养成一个习惯,那就是遇到不太懂的地方不要停下来思考,专心听 下去。某个段落没听懂,可能的原因有几个,也许有个没学过的单字,或有较特殊的句型,也许主播播报的速度一时加快,甚至自己


第8页 CD 1,10 磁带1.A NARRA TOR:Simon and Alex are in their Art class.They’re making bowls and they can’t stop.They’re busy. SIMON:Oooh.My bowl’s terrible! NARRA TOR:Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella’s very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it’s easy.Lenny doesn’t think Maths is easy.He thinks it’s difficult. LENNY:I can’t do this Maths problem.It’s difficult. STELLA:Come on.Lenny.You can do it.It’s easy. NARRA TOR:...It’s 73-72.What an exciting game!Meera’s got the ball and she’s running with it.Meera’s quick.The boy’s slow. GIRL:This is really boring.I don’t like basketball. CD 1,11 磁带1,A 1 Be careful with those glasses,Sally! I am being careful. 2 What was the film like? It was really boring. 3 What’s 397 and 79? Oh, I don’t know,That’s difficult. 4 What was the football match like? It was really exciting! 5 Come on,Mary.Don’t be so slow. I’m not slow! 6 What’s 2 and 2? That’s easy.It’s 4. 7 Can I talk to you? No,sorry.I’m busy. 8 The bus is coming,Be quick! 9 The weather’s terrible! Oh no!Look at our food. CD 1,12 磁带1.A SIMON:Hey!The school show’s really exciting,Dad. MR STAR:Yes ,It is...and it’s good to see your teachers.Who are they all? SIMON:Well,the man who’s talking to Mun is my Maths teacher.He’s called Mr Newton. MR STAR:Right,Is the man who’s singing your Music teacher? SIMON:No,he’s Mr Burke,our sports teacher.Miss Flower’s our Music teacher.She’s the woman who’s wearing the long green skirt.They do the‘after school club’. MR STAR:The ‘After school club’?What’s that? SIMON:It’s a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons. ...And can you guess who my Art teacher is? MR STAR:Ooh,Simon,that’s difficult.Is it the woman who’s playing the guitar? SIMON:Very funny.Dad.No,that’s Mrs Robinson.our English teacher.Our Art teacher’s over


Module 1 Unit 1 同步验收练习参考答案Part 1听力部分录音原文及参考答案: I. 1. These are my family and relatives. 2. This is a birthday card from Tom. 3. I have two sisters. They are twins. 4. I usually go shopping with my mother. 5. That is a photo of my brother. 6. Kitty has got a lot of presents from her parents. (1—6 BFEADC) II. 7. M: What’s this, Alice? W: It’s my family tree. M: Who are those two men? W: They are my uncles. Q: How many uncles does Alice have? 8. M: Who is the old woman? W: She’s Mary’s grandmother. M: How old is she? W: About 60. Q: How old is Mary’s grandmother? 9. W: Mike has got two birthday presents. M: Oh? Who are they from? W: They are from his mother and father. M: Has he got anything from his relatives? W: No, he hasn’t. Q: What has Mike got now? 10. M: Who are these birthday cards from? W: My grandmother and grandfather. M: Are those red cards from your grandparents, too? W: No, they are from my aunt and uncle. Q: Who are the red birthday cards from? 11. M: How many uncles do you have? W: I have two. How many uncles do you have? M: I have two, too. W: Do they usually play games with you? M: Sometimes do and sometimes don’t. Q: What are they talking about? 12. W: Do you know that girl under the tree? M: Which one? W: The one in a red skirt.

高中英语 BBC听力01月合辑(文本+翻译)BBC0102素材

BBC英语听力2012年01月合辑(文本+翻译):BBC0102 This is the BBC World Service in London. We're sorry for the interruption to our normal programmes. We're hoping to return to our regular output shortly. But until then, we'll carry on with some music. 这里是伦敦BBC全球服务广播,我们为常规节目的中断道歉。希望很快恢复正常节目,到目前为止,我们会播放一些音乐节目。 And this is Julian Marshall here with Newshour at BBC World Service Bush House in central London. And many apologies for failing to bring you our regular news bulletin, but a fire alarm has led to the evacuation of many parts of the building. Let me, though, give you a summary of our latest World News. 我是伦敦中心BBC全球服务广播布什大厦的“新闻时刻”节目主持人Julian Marshall。很抱歉大厦多处办公室因火警而撤离,未能为您带来每日新闻简讯。现在我来为大家播报最新的世界新闻。 The United States has been consulting its allies in East Asia about the death of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. President Obama spoke with the South Korean head of state Lee Myung-bak while the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met her Japanese counterpart Koichiro Gemba. Mrs Clinton said the United States and Japan shared an interest in a peaceful, stable transition in North Korea. The North Korean government has called on citizens to rally behind the son of Kim Jong-il. State media described the son, Kim Jong-un, as the "great successor". 美国与其东亚友邦商谈有关朝鲜领导人金正日去世一事。奥巴马总统与韩国总统李明博进行对话,同时国务卿希拉里与日本外务大臣玄叶光一郎会面。希拉里表示,朝鲜的和平、平稳过渡关系到美国和日本的共同利益。朝鲜政府号召人民团结在金正日儿子的周围,国家媒体称金正恩为“伟大的继任者”。 In other news, Syria has agreed to allow in Arab League monitors as part of a plan to end the violent suppression of anti-government protests. The Arab League said the first observers would go to the Syrian capital within three days. 叙利亚同意阿盟观察员进驻本国,这是结束暴力镇压反政府抗议计划的一部分。阿盟称第一批观察员将在三天内进驻叙利亚首都。 An arrest warrant has been issued for the Sunni Vice-President of Iraq, Tariq al-Hashimi, over alleged links to terrorism. The move comes two days after the Iraqiya political grouping, which represents most of Iraq's Sunnis, pulled out of parliament. 有关逮捕伊拉克逊尼派副总统哈希米的通缉令已经下达,罪名是涉嫌恐怖主义。两天前,这


1.你希望你在做谈话好吗?一个伟大的健谈的人是与人,让他们觉得自己很重 要。他们跟你说话的时候,让你觉得你房间里唯一的人。 成为一个好的沟通者需要知道三件事:第一,如何开始谈话;第二,如何保持下去;第三,如何结束它。 开始一段谈话通常意味着要有一个开口线或破冰。冰断路器最好是积极的。赞美的话总是一个很好的破冰船,通常会欣赏。任何新闻事件是一个很好的破冰。事实上,任何开口线都行,只要不是负面的,只要它不是一个谎言。为了吸引人和你谈话的最好方式就是真诚和尊重,并让他们知道你是在谈论他们的兴趣。 一旦你已经有了一个谈话,保持它的最好方法就是通过问对方问题,不需要回答是或否。问类似的问题记者会问出一个人:谁,什么,何时,哪里,为什么和如何的问题。你问的最后一个人的问题说。这就是所谓的“加工工艺”。一旦你想到你觉得有趣,不断地提问,为了得到人阐述的话题尽可能多的。一个健谈的人阐述了他们的经验。不是说党是有趣的,为什么它是有趣的。说明为什么你有一个很好的时间里,发生了什么事,它在哪里,以及人们如何安排宴会。进入细节。描述是最好的沟通方式,因为它让人们的兴趣,激发他们。 如果你开始与另一个人交谈,你有困难的结局,有几个信号可以发送给其他人,会将谈话接近尾声时不伤害任何人的感情。打破眼神接触是一种谨慎的信号,谈话即将结束。另一种信号是使用过渡词一样好,或者至少。你可能想翻新都说。无论你做什么,不要欺骗别人。如果你不感兴趣又对他们说,不要提及未来的会议可能只是出于礼貌。那是虚伪的。相反,你可以说,“很高兴见到你。”然后,离开。 最后,一定要给对方一个良好的,坚定的握手。最后你的印象会是重要的一个初始的你。 2。一般来说,是很有礼貌的说“恭喜你!“(充满激情的)当一个人已经完成的东西。这类场合的例子包括毕业,升职,孩子的出生,和一个家庭购买。当是为了祝贺,有时还适当的给的礼物,尤其是当被邀请参加一个生日,毕业,结婚,或周年晚会。 邀请可以说在下一个RSVP,指的是一个法语意思“回应”的缩写,请”。如果邀请函上说,“RSVP唯一遗憾的回应,“通过电子邮件或电话如果你不能来。 同样必须注意在悲伤的场合礼貌。如果你的同事,同学,邻居的经验在家庭中的死亡,这是适当的表示同情。在这样做的话,应该避免死亡或死亡。最好是简单地说,“我很遗憾听到你的损失。”


剑桥少儿英语共几级? 今天为大家介绍一下剑桥少儿英语的分级问题。这里涉及到剑桥少儿英语的考试分级和教材分级。其实两者都分为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)四个级别(通常理解成三级,下文会提到)。下面为大家分别介绍。 (一)考试分级 剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers),(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 考试的目标是推动生动、精彩的语言使用,精确考察英语水平,展示国际化水平考试,促进有效的语言教育和学习。每级考试分为三个部分:读写、听力和口试。 考试在设计上易于掌握且生动有趣,没有及格和不及格的区别。每一个参加并完成考试的三个部分的考生都可以得到一个写实性成绩证书。 本套考试在标准上和成人考试一样具有准确性、可靠性和真实性。它们是建立在全世界儿童所熟悉的日常活动和语言环境的基础上的。考试的设计连不熟悉考试的孩子也一样很容易理解。因为最高的三级所对应的语言水平是成人的最低级别(KET),所以本考试提供了迈向更高级的剑桥考试的机会。 在世界各个地方广泛使用的教科书和学习材料被视为该考试过程的一个部分,对学习内容和教学材料的改进的努力一直没有间断。 (二)教材分级 《剑桥少儿英语》由教育部考试中心中英教育测量学术交流中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会共同委任的中国剑桥少儿英语高级培训官邱耀德先生、剑桥少儿英语师资培训基地王、梁清女士等执笔,除经"剑桥少儿英语专家委员会"统一评审外,还先后经过剑桥大学考试委员会专家Melanie Williams女士、澳大利亚专家Marilyn Burke先生和人民教育出版社外语室主任龚亚夫先生等审定。上述专家经过评审后一致认为,新版教材在教学内容上更贴近"剑桥少儿英语"的培养目标,教学方式更加灵活,符合儿童的心理特点,整个教学过程更能激发儿童学习英语的兴趣,并为今后他们的继续提高打下坚实的基础。 本教材分为预备级、第一级、第二级、第三级共四个级别,均配套发行。每级包括上、下两册图书、四盒听力磁带和一张介绍剑桥少儿英语学习系统的VCD光盘,便于读者了解剑桥少儿英语学习系统及其全国统一考试形式及过程。《剑桥少儿英语》还为广大学生、教师和家长提供了使用方便、丰富多彩的教学配套品。同期出版的除教材外,还有录音磁带、教师及家长用书、教学挂图和单词卡等等。 预备级 课程简介:剑桥少儿英语入门级,本册教材为整个剑桥少儿英语的引导和启蒙篇,从卡通26个英文字母学起,每个字母都配有一个童谣和34个常用单词,并配有20首英文歌曲和一套字母操。结合简单口语交流,英语指令性动作、旨在开发孩子左右大脑,提高孩子综合素养,培养孩子的英语学习兴趣。 教学目标:以培养英语学习习惯为侧重点,建立起英语学习的自信心与荣誉感。 本册目标:使零基础的学龄前、学龄儿童有一定的词汇积累,并能用英语进行简单的交谈,在此同时注重培养孩子的英语学习兴趣,轻松、活泼的气氛中为孩子以后的英语学习打下良好的基础。 英语一级 课程简介:本册教材含颜色、动物、食物、水果、家庭、人称、学校、朋友、器官、自己、体育运动、业余活动、生日PARTY等系列词汇达614个,运用每课重点句型及日常用语使英语学习更贴近生活,不同的主题、不同的场景设置在课堂教学中的运用使学生更有一种身临其境的感觉。 教学目标:认读614个新词汇并掌握其拼写规则,提高孩子的词汇应用能力,自然拼音法在教学中的灵活运用使学生不再

高中英语 BBC听力10月合辑(文本+翻译)1016素材

BBC news with Iain Purdon. Iain Purdon为你播报BBC新闻。 The US Anti-Doping Agency has accused the cyclist Lance Armstrong of cheating his way to the top through the most sophisticated and professional doping programme ever seen in sport. Its new report includes testimony from eleven named team-mates of Armstrong, who won the Tou r de France cycle race seven times. His lawyer has described the report as a one-sided hatchet job. More from our sports news reporter Alex Capstick. 美国反兴奋剂机构指责自行车选手兰斯·阿姆斯特朗在比赛中作弊,这是体育界目前出现的最高端最专业的兴奋剂丑闻。阿姆斯特朗曾七次赢得环法自行车赛,最近报告包括根据他的11名公开姓名队友的证词。他的律师说这是单方面的诽谤,体育记者亚历克斯·卡普斯蒂克报道。 In a statement it said there was conclusive and undeniable proof of a doping conspiracy at the team with whom he had most of his success. Twenty-six people, including 15 riders with the knowledge of the drug taking regime at the US Postal Service team, have testified against him; among them, some of his closest confidants. It said the material which also contains documentary evidence illustrated how the team was design to groom and pressure athletes to use dangerous performance-enhancing substances. Lance Armstrong refused to contest the charges against him, but has consistently denied any wrongdoing. 声明称这是一份阿姆斯特朗团队全面又无可否认的兴奋剂阴谋证据,他的大部分成功都是在这个队里取得的。包括了解兴奋剂内幕的美国邮政自行车队15名骑手在内的26人都指证他,其中一些人还是他的密友。报告称材料中还有书面证明,表明该队培训并迫使运动员使用危险的可提高成绩的药物。兰斯·阿姆斯特朗拒绝对指控进行上诉,但却一直否认犯罪。 Turkish fighter jets have forced a Syrian passenger plane to land. The plane was on its way to Damascus from Moscow. The incident comes as Syria and Turkey continue to exchange artillery fire. From southern Turkey, James Reynolds reports. 土耳其战斗机迫使一架叙利亚客机降落,这架飞机当时正从莫斯科飞往大马士革。事件发生时,叙利亚和土耳其仍在交火。詹姆斯·雷诺兹报道。 The Turkish media says that a Syrian Airbus jets was intercepted by Turkish warplanes as it entered this country's airspace. The jet was made to land at the airport in the capital Ankara. The 35 passengers on board were escorted off the plane, and Turkish authorities began to search the jets. The country's Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu says that the plane may have been carrying non-civilian cargo, that's diplomatic language for weapons. This incident will further increase tensions between Turkey
