



第一题为Spot Dictation (听写填空),边听边填空,共有二十个空格,每格需要填2 至4 个词。相对于家熟悉的学英语四六级听力测试中的Compound Dictation (复合式填空),考生在中高级口译笔试部分的听力测试中的文章只会朗读一次,所以难度相对较高。

第二题为Listening Comprehension (听力理解),其中共有两道小题,第一小题为Statements (陈述),考查考生的同意置换能力,即听完一句20 字左右的句子,在12 秒内找出4 个选项中意思最相近的。另一小题为Talks & Conversation (选择),即听完段落或对话后进行4 道题的选择,5 篇文章共20 题。

第三题为Note-Taking and Gap-Filling,后文当中会给出详解。

最后一道题为Listening Translation (听译),当中包含5 句Sentence Translation (句子听译)及2 段Passage Translation (段落听译),听完后考生一段时间作答。其中句子听译时间间隔为50 秒,段落听译时间间隔为150 至200 秒。

1. Spot Dictation (30%)

1.1 评分标准



1.2 注意事项

做Spot Dictation要放弃两种期望:我可以听懂这篇文章的意思,我可以写全大部分的单词。事实上考试中肯定做不到听懂文章意思,也没有必要,只需要在给定的格子里写下词组即可,而写全单词应该是听完后把答案抄到答题纸上时顺便完成的,那个时候短期记忆应该还没有完全消退,加上自己熟悉的书写习惯,再加“考试只需要60%”的心理暗示,过关是完全现实的。要做好漏听漏记的准备,通常比较优秀的学生这个部分也很难做到80%以上,有的题目,比如在四五秒钟内连续听到some very interesting research recently…different jobs or professional careers,失分是正常的,也是可以接受的,也许下面有的格子会简单到诸如in politics,而分值是相等的。

1.3 应试技巧







2.1 评分标准


2.2 注意事项

当听到这个部分开始时,哪怕还没有誊写完spot dictation,也务必开始把注意力转移到选择题,能够浏览1-5的问题并预测内容最好,没有时间做到也不要紧,对话类的听力选择题难度不会很大,边听边看边选,哪怕是猜的答案,一旦选了,就往下看下一题,不要纠缠于这一分。


2.3 应试技巧


同学们务必在听前先看选项,排除消极性的焦虑情绪,做到有备而听。选项中最重要的莫过于谓语部分,可作下划线加以突出,以便听完选择时避免重复阅读,这样一目了然,可以节省时间。而听的时候,在每个字上平均分配精力也是不可取的,句子的重心永远处于主从句(如虚拟、让步等)中的主句,以及并列句(如因果、转折等)中带有引导词(如but,yet,because,and thus 等)的半句。

Talks and Conversations











3.Note-Taking and Gap-Filling(20%)





再次,应该特别注意记录并列的结构,主要是并列的名词和形容词。由于在快速语流中,要对连续出现的多个实词做笔记是有较大困难的,正是因为对笔记的要求高,难度大,因此考官愿意在并列的结构上考察大家。此外,如果原文中出现了对于某个难词或者概念的解释,请务必把这个难词或者概念记录下来,听难词或者概念,只需要在上下文中注意refer to, that is, which involves, we define…, another way of saying this is…以及the definition of …is就可以



4. 听译

4.1 评分标准

Sentence Translation (15%)






Passage Translation





4.2 应试技巧

整个听译部分考察两点:笔记、脑记。如果笔记和脑记不能两全的话,脑记明显更为重要。其实无论你笔记记得有多好,只要做不到像速记员一样记下每一个字,就必须练习脑记。所谓脑记,就是边听边理解,正如钱钟书先生所说“Get the meaning, forget the words ”,即要“听其意而忘其形”。如果只记下个别单词,最后勉强连词成句,很难编成正确答案;而记下意的话,就算单词意思上有出入,扣分也不会很多。尤其是段落的听译,一段念完,中间根本没有喘气的机会。因此只能边听边理解,每句记下只字片语来提醒自己脑记的内容,到时尽量写全,自圆其说。












上海高级口译听力原文Unit 1

Unit 1 PART ONE About Cambridge University W : How close to the town centre of Cambridge are we here? M: Oh, I should think not much more than a quarter of a mile. W: I can't hear any traffic. M: No. That's the beauty of Cambridge, isn't it? You're here in the countryside and you might be miles from anywhere. W: And there is that chapel, that famous landmark. M: That's it. The absolute symbol of Cambridge is King's College Chapel. W: It's so beautiful. And that's its land? M: This is all King's College on either side. And when we're coming into the college we impress on visitors that you do not walk on the grass. Only the fellows walk on the grass. W: "Fellows only" and you hear about "fellows" of colleges. What is a fellow? What does it mean? M: In a company, they would be the directors of a company. So they're very often at the same time lecturers and professors in the university; some are administrators, obviously, people like the treasurer of the college一usually called the "bursar". W : But they are permanently attached to that college? M: They are permanently attached to the college一they're the board of directors. W: That, then, is Clare? M: That is Clare College. That's the next college. That's the second oldest college in Cambridge. W : Is it? M: The buildings are seventeenth-century but the college itself was founded early in the fourteenth. W: This is Clare Bridge. M: This is the oldest bridge in Cambridge. W : Ah. M: Tn about 1640. This was built when they were rebuilding the college. So now we are up to Trinity College. And this is the grandest, the richest college of them all. W: That is a splendid building, isn't it? M: This is the Wren Library. W: It's all on the upstairs floor; there's nothing downstairs, except an arcade. M: It's very cunningly done, you see, because Wren's very near the river. He wanted to avoid any risk of flooding. W: Ah. M: And so he put everything up off the ground level. Now we are into John's. W : This is John's College here? M: Which is the next biggest college after Trinity. W: Marvelous! What a lovely sights. And, in spite of all this history, Cambridge is not steeped in the past. It is still a centre of learning and a centre of excellence. M: Oh, very much, very much. The Cambridge Science Park was developed here with new industries linked to the science side of the university. A growth phenomenon. "The Cambridge phenomenon" they call this. W: This is astonishing一this one with, this structure on the top.


英语翻译高级口译-听写题(七) (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、{{B}}Spot Dictation{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、{{B}}A{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:50.00) Is video-game addiction a mental disorder? The telltale signs {{U}} {{U}} 1 {{/U}} {{/U}}: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food or a shower, while {{U}} {{U}} 2 {{/U}} {{/U}}and belligerence soars. The culprit isn't alcohol or drugs. It's video games, which for certain kids can be {{U}} {{U}} 3 {{/U}} {{/U}}as heroin, some doctors contend. A leading council of the nation's largest doctors' group wants to {{U}} {{U}} 4 {{/U}} {{/U}}as a psychiatric disorder, to raise awareness and enable sufferers to {{U}} {{U}} 5 {{/U}} {{/U}}for treatment. In a report prepared for the American Medical Association's annual policy meeting starting {{U}} {{U}} 6 {{/U}} {{/U}}, the council asks the group to lobby for the disorder to be included in {{U}} {{U}} 7 {{/U}} {{/U}}created and published by the American Psychiatric Association. It likely won't happen {{U}} {{U}} 8 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Video game makers scoff at the notion that their products {{U}} {{U}} 9 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Even some mental health experts say labeling the habit a formal addiction {{U}} {{U}} 10 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Dr. James Scully, the psychiatric association's medical director, said the group will seriously consider the AMA report in the long process of {{U}} {{U}} 11 {{/U}} {{/U}}. The current manual was published in 1994; the next edition is to {{U}} {{U}} 12 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Up to 90 percent of American youngsters {{U}} {{U}} 13 {{/U}} {{/U}}and as many as 15 percent of them—{{U}} {{U}} 14 {{/U}} {{/U}}—may be addicted, according to data cited in the AMA council's report. Joyce Peterson of Frisco, Texas, said her 17-year-old son, Michael, {{U}} {{U}} 15 {{/U}} {{/U}}. Over nearly two years, video and Internet games transformed him from an outgoing, {{U}} {{U}} 16 {{/U}} {{/U}}into a reclusive manipulator who flunked two 10th grade classes and {{U}} {{U}} 17 {{/U}} {{/U}}playing a popular online video game. "My father was an alcoholic, and I {{U}} {{U}} 18 {{/U}} {{/U}}in Michael," Peterson said. "We battled him until October of last year," she said. "We went to therapists, we {{U}} {{U}} 19 {{/U}} {{/U}}. He would threaten


笔记法是口译当中的必备技能之一,特别是当我们听到很长的一个段落,短时记忆不够用了,必须用笔辅助大脑记忆。我想,大多数学生刚开始练笔记法时都很认真,可是往往过分专注于做笔记,忽略了文章的整体意思,结果反倒影响了脑记和传译。针对这一困惑,和大家分享一下几个需要注意的问题。 一、脑记为主笔记为辅 首先我们要认识到,笔记是用于辅助大脑记忆的,口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、先后、上下、正反、升降、因果关系等),切忌整句整段的记录源语信息,否则不但时间来不及,还会影响对句子结构的理解。其次,脑记时要重点关注段落句子的整体信息,顺带注意一些没有用笔记下来的细节。 为什么说顺带呢?简单的一个例子:“表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢”,我们只要把欢迎和感谢的速记符号一写就行,热烈和衷心这些词很容易就在大脑中形成印象。 二、平静心态,循序渐进 刚开始接触笔记法,肯定是很生疏的。不熟悉笔记符号,不会一心两用,恨不得把每个词都写下来等等这些问题都是非常正常的。特别是在做英翻汉的时候,练一通下来,也没弄懂听到的东西,也看不懂自己记的东西,都是普遍存在的现象。这时候,我们首先不要心急,千万不要刚开始就找篇诸如VOA standard之类来操练笔记。我建议大家可以一步一步来:找一些经典的口译材料,先看着它,把该记的笔记列出来,然后慢速的放着听,再列一遍笔记。或者先慢速的放一遍,尽量记一些,然后多放几遍进行改进,再对照原文研究一下哪些词是应该记下来的,用常见符号还是用缩写,用怎样的结构好啊等等,如此多次反复。当然,练

到一定程度后,对常用笔记符号熟练了,创造出自己熟悉的笔记系统,就可以慢慢提高速度增加难度。 三、辅助练习,坚持不懈 练笔记的同时呢,当然要辅助别的练习,比如每天影子练习锻炼一心两用的能力,做些视译和短时记忆的练习等等。还是那句话,Practice makes perfect! 万事开头难,但是只要坚持下去,就会慢慢走上正轨。要养成好的习惯,以至平时听新闻听评论听对话的时候都想快速把它们记下来。 常用速记符号 大于> 小于< 小于或等于≤ 大于或等于≥ 等于、意味着= 不等于≠ 约等于≈ 遗憾、悲哀; 高兴、荣兴( 错误、否、不、否定× 正确、对、好、肯定√ 不同意N 同意Y 上升、增加↑ 下降、减少↓ 强、好+ 更强、更好++ 弱、差- 更弱、更差── 因为∵


高级口译笔试听力原文出处:传统医学 什么是传统医学?文章介绍了传统医学的定义、传统医学的主要分支,和传统医学的主要使用人群。接着文章介绍了目前传统医学面临的多样性、政策。安全性、稳定性已经安全使用等方面的挑战。WHO对此提出一些政策规定。Traditional Medicine 传统医学 Key facts In some Asian and African countries, 80% of the population depend on traditional medicine for primary health care. Herbal medicines are the most lucrative form of traditional medicine, generating billions of dollars in revenue. Traditional medicine can treat various infectious and chronic conditions: new antimalarial drugs were developed from the discovery and isolation of artemisinin from Artemisia annua L., a plant used in China for almost 2000 years. Counterfeit, poor quality, or adulterated herbal products in international markets are serious patient safety threats. More than 100 countries have regulations for herbal medicines. Traditional medicine is the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures that are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illnesses. Traditional medicine that has been adopted by other populations (outside its indigenous culture) is often termed alternative or complementary medicine. Herbal medicines include herbs, herbal materials, herbal preparations, and finished



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup


9月高口笔试真题及参考答案(2) SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST Directions: Translate of the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. The task of writing a history of our nation from Rome’s earliest days fills me, I confess, with some misgivings, and even were I confident in the value of my work, I should hesitate to say so. I am aware that for historians to make extravagant claims is, and always has been, all too common: every writer on history tends to look down his nose at his less cultivated predecessors, happily persuaded that he will better them in point of style, or bring new facts to light. Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them; if so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition. My task, moreover, is an immensely laborious one. I shall have to go back more than 700 years, and trace my story from its small beginnings up to these recent times when its ramifications are so vast that any adequate treatment is hardly possible. I shall find antiquity a rewarding study, if only because, while I am absorbed in it, 1 shall be able to turn my eyes from the troubles which for so long have tormented the modern world, and to write without any of that over-anxious consideration which may well plague a writer on contemporary life, even if it does not lead him to conceal the truth.



1.表示到达、传达:go into,arrive at,give to,send to,present to etc. 2.表示导致、引导:lead to, result in, in the direction of, etc. 3.表示屈服:submit to 1.表示来自于:be/come from,return,receive from, etc. 2.表示追溯到:come/go back to,originate 1.表示上升:up/upward/rise,increase,arise,ascend, etc. 2.表示发射、投放市场、发行:launch,open, start, etc. 3.表示发展、加强、推进:develop,strengthen,promote, etc 表示“波折”:ups and downs, twists and turns, etc. 常用速记数学符号汇编 +表示“多”: many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. ++(+2)表示“多”的比较级:more +3表示“多”的最高级:most -表示“少”: little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc. ×表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念: wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious, negative, etc. > 1.表示“多于”概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc.


2014年3月高级口译真题:听力部分上半场(原文+解析) 第一部分听力(上半场) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 听力原文: My topic today is how to address the problem of hunger and starvation, which still exists in many parts of the world. To end hunger starts with people's own productivity. A dangerous and patronizing cliche we often hear is: give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life. People living with chronic hunger have generations of wisdom about 'fishing' — the problem is the barbed wire around the lake. The hunger project announced recently by the United Nations cut through the barbed wire, addressing the underlying social conditions that systematically deny hungry people the opportunity they need to end their own hunger. When we invest in a hunger project, we are investing in people's productivity and giving people a chance to translate their hard work into improved well-being. We are ensuring that people get the opportunities which are rightfully theirs. Too often hungry people are isolated, marginalized and exploited. Mobilizing communities and building local organizations is critically important — both to sustain the work we do and to get more out of our precious resources and efforts. When people come together to work, a kind of social capital is created that can compensate for the lack of financial capital in rural areas. In Africa, a unique feature of the hunger project's work is to organize villages to work cooperatively on community land to produce food for food banks. This fosters collective responsibility and action for a better future for all. Another example is in some Asian countries, such as India and Bangladesh, where hunger project volunteer animators have catalyzed the creation of over 1,100 local organizations throughout the country. With nearly 50% ran by women, these local groups create savings programs and invest in individual and collective income generating enterprises, including sowing, tailoring and weaving projects, bakeries and small businesses, fish and poultry farming, bee keeping and plant nurseries. The impact of these enterprises is enormous. As women have become economically empowered, the decision-making roles have increased. As family incomes have often tripled, parents are sending more children —both girls and boys — to school. 答案:


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-中级口译听力试题分析 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

纵观本次3.19中级口译考试听力部分,难度基本与05年9月持平,低于最难的05年3月试题。文章体裁虽呈多元化趋势,但即使略 有难度的金融类(如ATM取款机)、商务类(如工作午餐)、教育类(如继续教育)却都与生活息息相关,广大考生也可得心应手。 Spot-dictation几乎没有超出六级范围的词汇,因此对大多数考 生来说生词不是难点,相反一些其它的因素制约了我们得到满分的几率。比如由于在考场的紧张情绪而没有能够按照预定的计划在听写之 前进行抢读,导致不能进行有效预测,部分空格多填或少填单词而造 成失分。 针对Statement部分,相对以往,原句长度略微有所增加,但并 没有如托福考试那样出现中国考生不熟悉的本土化词组搭配;同时转 折题型多次出现,对于这样的考点,我们在培训过程中已有应对准备,考生通过反复操练已经形成了对“but”的条件反射;另外,因果题、 观点题也有明显引导词,只要听时注意句子的重心所在,题目也就能 迎刃而解。此外,本次考试第三题后半句“There goes my social life”也是此次听力照搬《中级听力教程(第二版)》(P.404,sample test 5, statement第二句)原文的情况了,如此一来,原先,面对与教材多处雷同的听力考试,很多同学会走只不听听力、只看 tape script的捷径,现今,这样的窍门已经不再适用,当下中级口译听力明显关注实际听力能力的考察,因此通过课堂上的大量练习、提 高实力还是重中之重。 对于Talks & Conversations的解题,并不存在有意设置的难点。细节题相当平实,有些与托福相似,可以利用特定场景的特定思路来


2014年3月高级口译听力真题NTGF含解析 Note Taking and Gap Filling Good afternoon, class. I want to start my lecture by telling you a story. Once there was a young woman from Mexico named Consuela, who came to New York to learn English. She got a job at a factory owned by a Chinese. One day as Consuela came to work, her Chinese boss handed her a red envelope. Consuela looked inside and saw 20 dollars. She became very upset and threw the envelope back at her boss! Her boss was shocked. Well, he had given her the red envelope and the money because it was Chinese New Year. And on the Chinese New Year, it is traditional to give money to young, single people for good luck. However, from Consuela’s point of view, he was an older man giving her money in an envelope, which meant that he was asking her for sexual favors. Naturally, she refused to take the money. Now, what does this story show us? It shows that an action can have totally opposite meanings in different cultures. Every culture has its own rules for what is appropriate and what is not appropriate behavior. And to illustrate my point today, I’m going to give examples from four areas. First, the way people greet each other in different cultures. Second, the way they use names and titles. Third, the way people eat. And finally, the way they exchange gifts. OK, let’s start with greeting customs—First of all, I’m sure you know that in the United States and in most western countries, greetings often involve some sort of touching, such as a handshake, a hug, or a kiss if people know each other very well. On the other hand, people from most Asian countries don’t usually feel as comfortable touching in public. Although handshakes between business people are common, many Japanese prefer a bow, while people from Thailand, normally hold their hands together in a kind of prayer position. So imagine how embarrassing it would be if an American was invited to someone’s home in Japan or Thailand and she tried to hug the host! Now, another behavior that differs from culture to culture is the use of names. Have you noticed that Americans ar e quick to use people’s first names even if they have just met. For instance, visitors to the United States are always surprised to hear employees speak to their bosses using first names. In contrast, people in most other cultures are more formal and prefer to be addressed as Mr. Brown or Mr. Honda, for example. In addition, in some countries, such as Italy or Korea, people like you to include their title or


主要内容 1 Note-taking symbols and abbreviations 2缩略词 3字母、图像 4箭头 5数学符号 6标点 技巧 一. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference: Abbreviations in Note taking Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time. Symbols helpful in math ——these are commonly used in texts and references. S = sum f = frequency Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department

Use only the first syllable of a word. pol = politics dem = democracy lib = liberal cap = capitalism Use entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable. pres = presentation subj = subject ind = individual cons = conservative Eliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation. assoc = associate biol = biology info = information ach = achievement chem = chemistry max = maximum intro = introduction conc = concentration min = minimum rep = repetition

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 1

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记Unit 1 Part One, About Cambridge University 对话,剑桥大学简介 题型:A选择题,B对错判断题(T/F) 难度:★★☆ Notes: 1, a quarter of a mile 注意a quarter of在听力中需要快速反应,比如a quarter million表示25万 2,chapel, King’s College Chapel 见插图 https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd13734365.html,/chapel/ 3,don’t walk on the grass在实际场景中的表达方式为“Off the Grass” 4,fellow一词在本篇中的意思为教员,又,research fellow研究员 5,bursar表示大学里掌管财务的人,财务主任,会计。An official in charge of funds, as at a college or university; a treasurer. 助记,bursar---purse(钱包) Middle English burser, from Medieval Latin bursārius, from Late Latin bursa, purse. 6,permanently表示永久性地,=perpetually 7,Trinity College表示“三一学院”,trinity一词来自基督教,tri-,三位一体,Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Ghost,圣父圣子圣灵。 8,be steeped in the past表示沉浸在过去,这里steep做动词,to make thoroughly wet; saturate. 9,Cambridge Science Park,剑桥科学园https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd13734365.html,/ 10,choir 唱诗班,注意发音[5kwaiE] 并与chorus家务事区别开。 11,the Bridge of Sighs 叹息桥 见以下网络资料https://www.360docs.net/doc/dd13734365.html,/view/619853.htm 如果说到和英国有关的话,那我觉得你应该指的是康河上的叹息桥,也就是剑桥大学所在地
