


Differences Between Chinese Marriage Custom and Western Marriage Custom


There are many procedures in Chinese marriage custom. The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage includes six etiquettes, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal presents to the girl's family, discussing the date of marriage and meeting the bride. In western marriage, there are four procedures. They are proposal, changing surnames, choosing the day and holding the wedding. As the different religions, cultural origins, marriage concepts and geographies, there are many differences existing in the two kinds of marriage customs. In Chinese marriage custom, the matchmaker functions almost all the time and youths have no right to choose and women are not on an equal footing with men. By contrast, in western marriage custom, the priest functions and the youths have legal right to choose whom they want to marry and men and women are equal. There also exist common things in the two sides. They have been maintained for thousands of years. But in recent years (especially after the founding of modern China), people have tended to discard some of the details and advocate simplified marriage procedures and wedding ceremonies.

Key Words:Marriage custom; differences; reasons







Marriage is formed in a long historical evolution of the marriage custom in a nation. It is the regularity of the activities that restrains people's awareness of marriage and marriage. Marriage custom’s binding does not depend on the law, and it can not rely on science tests neither, but on the force of habit, traditional culture and national psychology. During the development of human history, the institution of marriage and family system has experienced different processes of development. Human have experienced group marriage, the dual system of marriage and individual marriage system (monogamy).

As a union of a man and a woman and a family formation stage, marriage includes not only marriage, but also the preparation phase for the marriage and the performance stage after the festivities. It runs through the whole process of life. These customs, as a national symbol and cultural development, plays a very important role in ethnic studies and the history of mankind.

China is a country with an ancient civilization and a long history, and many customs. Among so many customs, there is a particular marriage custom. This custom goes through various and long stages of development from ancient simple wedding ceremony to later complex ceremony, from feudal marriage custom to the modern free marriage custom. During these courses, people’s ideas are progressing, though we can not say that t heir ideas are up to the top of mankind’s ideas in all over the world at all over the time because there are still backward ideas existing in many places, in many people’s mind and they maybe will still exist for a long time. However, they are up to the t op of mankind’s ideas in a certain stage of the uninterrupted development of ideas.

Greek civilization is the base of western culture. Britain plays an important role in western history and western culture, and of course marriage custom. Comparing with each other, they are different in many aspects such as in right aspect and in freedom aspect and there are many reasons that result in these differences such as cultural reason and geographical reason.

I. Chinese Marriage Custom

Like other folk, marriage custom has the same development and evolving process. In the early days of humanity, the human relationship in a very long period of time still carried the irregular relations like the animal world. There was no marriage at all, if suggest some, the only "arbitrary marriage."

In China, marriage has gone through for a long time. As a most grand etiquette, it has always been a high degree of attention. To control the marriage, the family and the whole society, since the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, Chinese marriage should comply with six procedures, which is the so-called "six etiquettes." And Later in Tang and Ming Dynasty in China, marriage also complied with the "six etiquettes". As time goes by, although many wedding customs experienced various changes "Six

etiquettes" as the basic pattern has not changed much. It is still essential and core in marriage custom.

Marriage has changed much today, but in many places, there still remains traditional marriage custom.

In feudal society, a marriage would be decided not by the youths’ love, but by their parents' desires. Only after a matchmaker's introduction and when parents considered the two family conditions were similar and could be matched, would the marriage procedures went forward. Conditions that should be taken into consideration included wealth and social status. If a boy's family was well-off or an official family, his parents would never permit him to marry a girl from a poor family. Essential to the marriage process were the commonly recognized 'three Letters and six etiquettes'. The three letters were the betrothal letter, the gift letter with a gifts list and the wedding letter used on the day the bridegroom met his bride at her home.

The book propriety and ceremony, which records earliest wedding ceremony, says that marriage, usually, involves six necessary procedures, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal present to girl's family, discussing date of marriage and meeting the bride.

A. Proposing:

Proposing is the first etiquette in marriage and is the first meet between the members in the two families. Thus, it is very important. Using a common expression, it is making an offer of marriage to another family on behalf of the son or daughter.

If the parents thought that the girl could be the daughter-in-law in old times, they would ask a matchmaker for sending the gifts and bring the son and the girl together. If the girl’s parents also agreed on the marriage, they would accept the gifts. People usually used a wild goose when sending the gifts. Because the wild gooses could fly to the south or the north according

to the seasons and they would never change it which implied the woman would be punctual and also because when the wild gooses flied they were in a row and when they stopped they were in a line which implied that woman should comply with the marriage rules and arrange in order that one should not breach it.

B. Asking the Name

It aims to ask for girl’s name and pray.

In ancient times the girl’s name would not be known by other people until the girl was in an age of marriage.

First, one must have the matchmaker and inform of the man’s family through a card. And the man’s family would lastly receipt for postal remittance. Thus it can be seen that “asking the name” not only meant that the man’s family wanted to know the girl’s name, but also wrote down the woman’s birthday and Eight-characters (in four pairs denoting the time, date, month and year of a person’s birth, each pair consisting of one Heavenly Stem and one Earthly Branch, used in fortune-telling). If the birthday and Eight-characters were not harm the man, the man’s family would lastly receipt for postal remittance. Sometimes the woman’s parents also wrote down the official position of the woman’s great-grandpa, gr andpa and father and the dowry that could be supplied. What’s interesting is that during this progress it was the matchmaker that functioned, not the man’s family or the woman’s family. Matchmaker was also important in the other procedures. In traditional Chinese marriage, people believed “behest of the parents and proposal of a matchmaker”. That’s why many marriages in the past were arranged by parents and matchmakers. Matchmaker’s proposal was the marriage’s valid basis in Tang dynasty.

It has been simplified today. Many marriage does not need this process. C. Asking for Fortune

After asking the name, the bridegroom’s side had got the woman’s birthday and Eight-Characters and they went to consult a fortune-teller then which was called “asking for fortune”. It included two aspects of contents. One was consult the female virtues. Ancient people regarded female virtues as the most important one in the gospel of three obedience that were obedience to one’s father before marriage, to one’s husband after marriag e, and to one’s son after one’s husband’s death and four virtues that was morality, proper speech, modest manner, and diligent work for a woman according to Confucian ethics.

Zhong lichun, Zhuge Liang’s wife (Zhuge Liang was a statesman and strategist in the period of the Three Kingdoms, now a symbol of wisdom in Chinese folklore) was famous for her ugliness, wisdom and high female virtues. A man in old times always had many wives. In order to solidifying and stead in the family, people paid much attention to female virtues. Hence there was the saw “Marry wife is marrying virtues and take a concubine is marrying appearance”.

The other one was consult good or bad luck. If they were not fit for each other in Eight-Characters according to the birthday and what’s more, the woman would harm the man, the result was that this marriage would not be held and would be cancelled. If the result was fit for each other and moreover the woman would make the man prosperous, the man’s side would inform the woman’s side throug h the matchmaker and send the betrothal gifts and exchange cards. Thus the marriage was actually decided to be held.

D. Sending Betrothal Presents to the Girl’s Family

The book propriety and ceremony wrote by the scholars in Han dynasty regards it as sending money. If there is no receipt of gifts, there is no marriage. Hence whether receipt the gifts or not is the implication of the agreement of the marriage by the woman’s side.

The significance of it includes two aspects of meaning. One is the thanks for t he woman’s parents because the parents feed up her. The other is help the woman’s family prepare for dowry.

E. Discussing the Date of Marriage

In the past, the bridegroom’s side decided the lucky day and sent the matchmaker to inform of the woman’s family. People paid much attention to the marriage time. They usually had a person looked at the almanac or asked for fortune. They liked having marriage in spring or autumn because spring was the time that everything comes back to life and time when spring was changing into summer and was favor to pregnant with new life; autumn was the season of harvest. After the labor for a year, people had enough money to hold the marriage.

Nowadays, it is also an important event. People pay many attentions to it.

F. Meeting the Bride

The marriage is finally held after the five procedures. In the past, the bridegroom wore wedding suit, riding on a horse, and guided the bridal sedan chair to marry the bride on the day. And the bride wore a red cheongsam waiting for the bridegroom. Now, the bridegroom wares western suit, and the bride wares wedding dress and usually in a car.

II. Western Marriage Custom

In the middle ages children were married at a young age. Girls were as young as 12 when they got married, and boys as young as 14. The arrangement of the marriage was based on monetary worth. The family of the girl who was to be married gave a dowry, or donation, to the boy she was to marry. The dowry went with her when the marriage was held and stayed with the boy forever after the marriage. After the marriage was arranged, a wedding notice was posted on the door of the church. The notice was put up to ensure that there were no grounds for prohibiting the marriage. The notice stated who was to be married, and if anyone knew

any reasons that the two could not marry, they were to come forward with the reason. If the reason was a valid one the wedding would be prohibited. There were many reasons for prohibiting a marriage. One reason was consanguinity, if the two were too closely related. If the boy or the girl had taken a monastic or religious vow, the marriage was also prohibited. Sometimes widows or widowers took vows of celibacy on the death of their spouse, and later regretted doing so when they could not remarry. Other reasons which also prohibited marriage, but were not grounds for a divorce, were rape, adultery, and incest. A couple could not be married during a time of fasting, such as lent or advent. Nor could a couple be married by someone who had killed someone.

In the middle ages there were few reasons the wedding could be dissolved. One reason was if either the man or woman were not of legal age, 12 for girls and 14 for boys. If the husband or wife had previously made a religious or monastic vow or were not Christian, the marriage would be dissolved. The last reason a marriage could end was if the woman, not the man, was incapable of ***ual relations.

A. Proposal

When the prospective groom had obtained his father’s consent to marry, a formal marriage proposal had to be made. The prospective groom did not propose in person but sent his friends or members of his family to represent his interest to the prospective bride and her family. If they saw a blind man, a monk or a pregnant woman during their journey, it was believed that the proposal would not be accepted as these signs were thought to bring bad luck. If, however, they saw nanny goats, pigeons or wolves, this was a good omen which would bring good fortune to the marriage.

During Medieval times in western countries, the man proposed by leaving a hawthorn branch at the door of his beloved on the first of May. By leaving the branch at the door she accepted his proposal. She made known

her refusal by replacing the hawthorn branch with a cauliflower.

B. Changing Surnames

It was thought unlucky for a woman to marry a man whose surname began with the same letter as hers. The sentiment was summarized in the following thyme:

To change the name and not the letter is to change for the worst and not the better

The bride should not practice writing her new name before the wedding. This was thought to bring bad luck by tempting fate.

C. Choosing the Day

Although most weddings now take place on a Saturday, it was considered unlucky in the past. Fridays were also considered unlucky particularly Friday the 13th. The famous old rhyme advised a wedding in the first half of the week:

Monday for wealth

Tuesday for health

Wednesday the best day of all

Thursday for losses

Friday for crosses (= funerals)

Saturday for no luck at all

Advice on which month to marry in was given by the following rhyme: Married when the year is new, he'll love, kind and true.

When February birds do mate, you neither wed nor dread your fate.

If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know. Marry in April when you can, Joy for Maiden and for Man.

Marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue the day.

Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you'll go.

Those who in July do wed, must labor for their daily bred.

Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see

Marry in September's shrine, your living will be rich and fine.

If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.

If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.

When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.

Marry in May and you'll live to rue the day

May had been considered an unlucky month to marry in for a number of reasons. In Pagan times the Feast of the Dead and the festival of the goddess of chastity both occurred in May. The advice was taken more seriously in Victorian times than it is today. In most Churches the end of April was a busy time for weddings as couples wanted to avoid being married in May. Queen Victoria was thought to have forbidden her children from marrying in May.

June was considered to be a lucky month to marry in, because it was named after Juno, the Roman goddess of love and marriage.

The summer as a whole was considered a good time to marry and this was partly to do with the sun's association with fertility. In Scotland one popular custom was for the bride to "walk with the sun" to bring her good. She would walk from east to west on the south side of the church and then continue walking around the church three times.

D. Holding the Wedding

The wedding ceremony was finally held.

The church ceremony in the middle ages took place outside the church door before entering the church for a nuptial mass. During the ceremony in front of the church doors the man stood on the right side and the woman stood on the left side, facing th e door of the church. “The reason was that she was formed out of a rib in the left side of Adam.” The priest began by asking if anyone knew of any reason the couple should not be married. He also asked this of the man and woman so they might confess any reasons for prohibiting their marriage.

The ceremony proceeded with the priest saying, “N (amen) wilt though have this woman to thy wedded wife, wilt the love her, and honor her, keep her and guard her, in health and in sickness, as a husband should a wife, and forsaking all others on account of her, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?” Then the priest, changing the wording of “as a husband should a wife”, asked the same of the woman. Both the man and the woman should answer by saying” I will.” At this time the woman was given by her father. The wedding continued with the saying of vows. Both the man and the woman, with the exception of the words wife and husband, said, “I N. take thee N. to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, till death do us part, if the holy church will ordain it. And thereto I plight thee my troth.” At this time the ring exchange occurred. They bowed their heads and the priest gave them a blessing. As husband and wife they entered the church, where they knelt before the altar. At the altar the priest gave a prayer and a blessing, thus ending the marriage ceremony.

If the bridegroom and bride did not belong to England of Church, they must use the second marriage form, according to the law, that was go to the marriage registrant to hold a secular marriage ceremony.

III. Differences

It is clear that Chinese marriage custom and western marriage custom differ from each other in many aspects. In Chinese marriage custom the matchmaker has many functions and youths have no right to choose and women are not on an equal footing with men. By contrast, in western marriage custom, the priest has functions and the youths, particular the man, have legal right to choose whom they wanted to marry and men and women are equal.

A. Different Marriage Media

Matchmaker and priest are different. Matchmaker has many functions.

Almost in every process in marriage in old times, the matchmaker would attend. First, it was the matchmaker that introduced a man to a woman or a woman to a man, most the former. If matchmaker did not introduce them to each other, they would not know about each other for ever. If some accident event happened, that is they knew each other not through the matchmaker, they would be called “committing adultery with each other “or “a thief if a man and a whore if a woman”. Second, the other procedures after introduction in marriage were also done by the matchmaker.

There were three conditions in marriage in old China that were the matchmaker’s proposals, six gifts and meet, people kept honoring the ancestors as the center in these three conditions. The regulation of listening to matchmaker’s proposals was the rule that people must abide b y. The reason was not only the function the matchmaker had in society, but also the meaning that the matchmaker had in later generation reproduction.

In modern times, matchmaker still has some of above functions such as the function of introduction.

Priest does not always function. It is his duty only when he hosts the wedding ceremony. It was not the priest who introduces the man to the woman or the woman to the man.

In Christian’s opinions, wedding ceremony is considered as an important way to get god’s s ave and wedding ceremony is a very important part of marriage. Priest plays an essential role in it. And marriage is not valid, unless the ceremony is hosted by priest. There are three conditions in marriage too. First, there should be some correct things that is used when go to church; second, correct means to go to church especially correct reading prayer book; third, correct motive to go to church which emphasizes action by church’s order. It can be seen that church is important in western people’s eyes,so the priest is necessary when holding a

marriage. And marriage is tinged with mystery because of these conditions.

B. Freedom: Free or Not

In old China, people looked at the country and society as the standard, thus, “behest of parents” played an absolu te important role in marriage. It was the principles of heaven and earth—right and proper when parents dealt with the son's or daughter's marriage only by their own opinions. Marriage in China was arranged by family. “Behest of parents and proposals of mat chmaker” decided everything about marriage. Usually the husband and the wife did not meet each other before getting married. They did not know what their husband or wife liked. Even sometimes they did not know the names of each. If they did not agree the marriage, it was no use because the right of decision belonged to their parents. The marriage would still be held. The youths are not free when chose the lover in some places even today. Marriage marks the beginning of complete independence from the parents. According to the English law, no one was allowed to get married under the age of sixteen. Marriage between the age of sixteen and eighteen must have the parents’ consent. But when the girl was over eighteen, she was free to choose her love. Youths in Britain were relatively free. In Britain, church pointed out “agreement principle” which pointed out that the marriage was valid only when the two persons involved in marriage expressed freely and openly in front of at least two chief witness at wedding ceremony; the marriage was not valid when there existing misunderstanding or force in marriage. Under this “agreement principle”, the father should listen to the daughter’s suggestion, and the father should not force the daughter to marry with the man whom she did not want to marry. Thus, it can be seen from this point that, one’s willing was superior to anything.

C. Right: Equal or Not

Chinese men were hold up as “sky” and women were considered as “earth” in old times. Sky was superior to earth in old people’s eyes. And women

must comply with three obedience and four virtues. But man could have a wife and many concubines. In north of China in some places, husband and wife are still unequal.

The Bible says that husband should respect wife because both of them are blessed by God. And it emphasizes that the relations between husband and wife should include duty.

D. Different Purposes of Marriage

The main purpose of getting marriage in China is to continue the male offspring. The so-called “there are three forms of filial impiety, of which the most serious is to have no heir” reflects the importance to serve ancestors. And the filial piety is traditional virtues.

In western countries, they are influenced deeply by religion, especially the Christianity. They think that it is the God who has created marriage. There are three purposes of the marriage created by God. First, the couple is lifelong companion with each other; they serve God together. Then get married, start career and produce an heir to carry on the pious descendants. The final purpose is carrying on the pious descendants to serve to God. So they do not stress the blood relationship. They can remedy the defect of non-child by adopting other children.

IV. Reasons for the Differences Above

A. Religions

Among all the religion by which people seek to worship, Christianity is by far the most influential in the west. Every phase of man’s life is touched by this religion, so much so that it has become part and parcel of western culture. British dominant religious belief is Christian faith; or rather the U.K. is a country of Christianity.

Bishop ordered marriage law as the fourth chapter in 1234. After issuing the law, it was carried on under the strong church control. In 1917, the marriage law referred: wedding ceremony should be held by priest or at

least two witness; the willing should be true and not be forced.

Most Chinese people believes Buddhism which advocates “why and because relationship”. In this point of view, sky is the reason, and earth is the result; parents are the reason, and sons or daughters are the result; husband is the reason, and wife is the result.

B. Cultural Origins

Traditional Chinese traditional marriage custom was characterized by a distinctive patriarchal clan system. “Three obedience and four virtues” decided that women should become an appendage to the men and be subordinated to the family interest. It was also characterized by strong feudal political color. Marriage sometimes was a kind of ways to ally in political. The policy of cementing friendly relations through political marriages was a typical example in history. The traditional marriage custom was influenced deeply by Confucianism.

There sill exists differences between males and females in marriage custom today. This phenomenon is also caused by the traditional Chinese culture. Western marriage custom is influenced deeply by religion, however, which emphasizes both men and women are God’s sons and daughters, so they are equal unlike Chinese who pay more attentions to boys. Western people consider girls are also the fruit of love.

C. Marriage Concepts

Chinese people once thought that marriage was a kind of ways to increase families, offspring and protect and enhance family’s reputation and position. Marriage would add a girl of a clan other than one’s own, so marriage was looked as the important event of family but not one’s own event. The love between the man and the woman was not the first condition of marriage. Today the marriage concepts have not changed much especially in some backward places. The aim of getting marriage for them is till to increase families, offspring and protect and enhance family’s

reputation and position.

In western countries, marriage is the love’s home to return to. The aim of marriage is to make the woman and the man live together all the life. It is the personal affair. They have no duty to increase family, offspring and protect and enhance family’s reputation and position. The marriage just make them live together. Thus those westerners stress feeling not the family’s interest or reputation when they are choosing lover.

D. Geographies

Britain is over one thousand kilometers from south to north. Its coastline runs about ten thousand kilometers, making it one of the countries with the longest coastlines in the world. In Britain no place is over one hundred and twenty kilometers from the sea. During the fight with the sea, British people feel the strong force of the nature that is difficult to control. Thus they believed God. They think God is omnipotent and they respect God very much.

China’s geography is extremely varied and complex, including mountains, plateaus, plains, grasslands, basins, hills, islands, desert, glaciers, and frozen earth. Mountain areas cover about two-thirds of the total land area. This geography decides that Chinese people live mainly by farming and live in groups, and later formed the patriarchal clan system with rigidly stratified. This makes Chinese people respect the person that exists in objective reality that is the ancestors that created tribe and saved the country.

Chinese people respect ancestors and western people respect God that lead the spirit world in China into ethics that take the main position and in western religion take the main position. Thus it causes marriage differences.


Marriage custom in both China and western countries has gone through for

a long time. As a most grand thing in people’s life, it has always attracted a high degree of attention.

As time goes by, although many wedding customs have experienced various changes, as the basic pattern, “six etiquettes” in China has not changed much. That’s to say proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal presents to the girl’s family, discussing the date of marriage and meeting the bride are still essential and core in marriage custom.

In western countries, a valid marriage should experience proposal, surnames, choosing the day and holding the wedding.

There are four differences between the two kinds of marriage custom. Firstly, the marriage media are different. Marriage media in China is matchmaker, but priest in western countries. Secondly, youths have no free right to choose their lover in China, but in western countries people are much freer on this point. Thirdly, westerners are equal than Chinese in marriage. Fourthly, the main purpose of getting marriage in China is to continue the male offspring. However in western countries, there are three purposes: the couple serve God; then get married and start career; last is produce an heir to carry on the pious descendants.

The differences existing in Chinese and western marriage custom are inevitable. The different religious, cultural origin, marriage concept, and geographies caused different marriage custom in both worlds.

These differences maybe will still exist for a long times between Chinese marriage custom and western marriage custom because it is not easy to change a kind of traditional culture or custom witch has remains for thousands of years.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to my

tutor----Chen Jianghong, who offers me academic and constructive advices on composing this paper. Her patient help and timely encouragement are worthy of high acknowledgement. On the process of composing the paper, she also played an important role in indicating a bright road in my future writing.

And I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Li Li-qin, who is my thesis course teacher and gives me some advice on how to write a paper. At the same time, I would like to thank all the leaders and teachers of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures.

I do need to thank the persons who give me my life—my father, my mother, for their warm care and the chance of study. Last but not the least,I would like to express my thanks to them who spend their time in reading my paper, and I will be grateful if you could give me your advice.


The culture differences reflected in the detail ofwedding ceremonies Name Author Note Correspondence concerning this sample paper should be addressed to Name,Department of Optical Science and Engineering, Phone:**********. E-mail:

This article attempts compare different aspects of the wedding of Chinese and Western to find out the differences and analyze the causes of the differences.Wedding is an important part of culture, it has come into a different wedding customs under the influence of different cultures between the west and east. In order to find out differences between Chinese and Western wedding culture, this article will show it through the comparison on the form of wedding ceremony and wedding party. First of all,let's focus on the wedding forms. The feature of traditional wedding customs in China is “complicated”. The specific process is : the man propose marriage, and if the woman agreed to the proposed marriage, the man could go to the woman's family with the bride price. And then he would ask the woman's date of birth, and divine good and bad fortune of her name and their marriage. And as a token of engagement, the man would send jewelry, silk, and even sheep or pig. The man give the dowry to the woman’s family, and two family would choose an auspicious day for the wedding. And at last, the new husband will go to his wife’s family in person to marry her. [1] The feature of traditional wedding customs in western is “romantic”. On the wedding, playing the wedding march, relatives and friends light the candles, the priest and the choir comes in, then the bridesmaids and the best man come in, the bride’s parents accompany the bride comes into


揭阳职业技术学院 毕业论文 题目:浅谈中西方传统婚礼习俗差异学生姓名许展薇指导教师佘烁娜 系(部)外语系专业五年制英教班级 093班学号 60912340 提交日期2014年月日答辩日期年月日 2014 年月日

浅谈中西方传统婚礼习俗差异 论文提纲 前言 一、中西方婚礼差异比较 1、婚礼举行地点比较 2、中西婚礼服饰比较 3、中西婚礼仪式比较 (1)婚前准备 (2)婚礼当天 (3)婚礼过后 二、中西方婚礼习俗差异的原因 1、文化背景不同 2、宗教信仰不同 3、价值观念不同 结束语

浅谈中西方传统婚礼习俗差异 许展薇 (揭阳职业技术学院外语系五年制英语教育093班) 摘要:本文主要通过对中西方文化的研究和比较,并进一步分析中西方传统婚礼的差 异。婚姻,无论是哪一个国家的人们,都是十分重视的。本文旨在对中西方婚礼的举行地点、服饰、仪式等方面的差异进行比较,并对造成差异的原因进行分析,浅谈中西方不同的婚礼文化。 关键字:中西方;婚礼文化;差异;原因分析 前言 婚礼,一个浪漫而温馨的名词,它是情侣步入婚姻的大门,也是夫妻关系确立的标志,婚礼是一个开始,从此夫妻之间要相互鼓励、相互搀扶,相守一生,因而,各种美好的祝愿也都在这样一个与众不同的日子变得更加有意义、更加的珍贵。而婚姻习俗是伴随着婚姻的产生而产生的,它展示了民族群体的社会生活面貌,以及审美观,伦理观,价值观,宗教观,性意识和民族心理的发展态势,是人类创造的文化积累和精神财富。婚俗反映出的时代背景与风俗民情对后代有重要影响。中西婚俗研究也始终是研究的热点问题,因为它可以是我们更多的了解外国文化,对于不同文化间的传播与交流有积极意义。婚俗研究的课题层出不穷,研究的方向也不尽相同,有些着眼点放在中西文化的差异上,有些重点比较了中西婚俗中的一些具体不同。本文试从四个方面更全面的比较中西婚俗差异,同时进行婚俗差异原因的深层探究,使我们也对中西文化有一个基本的了解。 一、中西方婚礼差异比较 1、婚礼举行地点比较 对于我们中国人来说,结婚是一件大喜事,既是喜事当然要办的热热闹闹、气洋洋,这也是我们自古以来的传统。中国人喜欢热闹的气氛,因而婚礼的地点当然也要是能闹起来的地方。在古代,人们会选在开阔的场院里,大家围坐桌前,爽朗的笑声,锣鼓喧天,鞭炮齐鸣,一派祥和与红火。在当代难以寻得过去的场院,交通方便的大型酒店自然成了首选,与以往一样,从招待到入席,所有的人,无论是主人还是客人,脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑,席间的欢歌笑语都体现了热闹这一传统。


Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding from start to finish to the full of romantic. The bride's dress is generally white, the groom is black dress so that the whole wedding was the solemn seriousness. Marriage to the church to the whole wedding ceremony is the most important link. First, as the wedding march rhythm, the bride pull her father's hands go before the groom by her father she personally delivered the hands of the groom. pastor will ask the bride and groom on the other side to make a lifetime commitment, this is the climax of the whole wedding. then they will be priests and the blessing of everyone, exchanged marriage rings and kiss each other. The bride spent the hands of the ball were not ordinary furnishings. At the end of the wedding, the bride would throw the female guests arrived at the scene, who received curd, who is a married person, which makes the entire ceremony be heard laughing in the end. China is different from the wedding on the West, the entire wedding's main colours are red, this is also the representative of the traditional Chinese festivity colours. This change will enable the wedding jubilation. In the traditional wedding, the bride wearing red Luoyi general, wearing Fengguan, still above a red scarf. While the groom wearing red long gown mandarin jacket, wearing a red cap along. Palanquin bride rode in the red, the groom on horseback in front, with matchmaking and Yingqing teams to the groom's house in Baiting. Parents sitting on the two sides appear, and appear next married bride and groom. Entire wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies, in his command , a bride and groom Bastinade, Xiabai GAO Tang, and then a husband and wife Baidoa, into the bridal chamber. Noisy wedding is the climax of wedding, the bride and groom first to wait for the wedding, the groom and guests on the outstanding hospitality, Jiujufanbao, in a lot of the groom greeted came to the wedding. everybody started Noisy wedding, the bride and groom all stirred up trouble in the next gam e…… do all this in a whole wedding laughter ended. By studying the differences between Chinese and Western wedding, I understand their characteristics: Western wedding is pure romantic, and China is happy wedding; Western wedding is feeling valued, and China values the ceremony. In the West because of their different customs, have also formed their own characteristics wedding customs. Though, have different customs, but no matter where the wedding was all full of blessings and laughter. Difference between Chinese and western weeding


T h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n c h i n e s e a n d w e s t e r n c u l t u r e With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows. First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the


2020 婚礼大全中西方婚礼礼仪差异 _0248文档 EDUCATION WORD

婚礼大全中西方婚礼礼仪差异_0248文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,教育,就是实现上述社会功能的最重要的一个独立出来的过程。其目的,就是把之前无数个人有价值的观察、体验、思考中的精华,以浓缩、 系统化、易于理解记忆掌握的方式,传递给当下的无数个人,让个人从中获益,丰 富自己的人生体验,也支撑整个社会的运作和发展。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服。中国人的婚礼离不开红色,习惯以鲜艳的颜色来烘托气氛。因此,历朝女式婚服颜色为大红色已成了定制,以示喜庆,衬托新人,预示未来生活蒸蒸日上,幸福美满。新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密布的左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生活的和美、和乐。一般新娘在婚礼当天高挽发髻,区别于未婚女子。而在婚礼当天,新娘子以红色头盖蒙面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁。结婚后由新郎亲手揭开。 而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1920xx年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞

有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区,白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义在维多利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。 中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀、痰盂、尺、片糖、银包皮带、花瓶、铜盆及鞋、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖、出发、燃炮、等待新郎、讨喜、拜别、出门、礼车、掷扇、燃炮、摸橘子、牵新娘、喜宴、送客、闹洞房、三朝回门。由此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。 在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧、新、借、蓝等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友

中西方婚礼差异对比 英语论文

A Comparison of the Wedding Culture between China and Western Countries in Modern Times Introduction The 21st century is dominated by science and technology, which makes the whole world develop quite rapidly. With the constantly increasing economic globalization and international exchange, the cultures of different regions are gradually spread and fused, such as the wedding cultures of China and Western Countries. It is clear that Chinese wedding and Western wedding differ from each other in many aspects: custom, ceremony procedures, styles and dress, marriage media and place. This thesis discusses the differences between Chinese and Western wedding cultures. It is extremely important to understand the different cultures between China and Western countries, which will help us to correctly understand the words and deeds of Westerners in the intercultural communication, fully understand each other, and respect each other's customs so as to get the best effect of communication. 1. Chinese and Western Different Wedding Cultures 1.1 Custom 1.1.1 Three Papers and Six Etiquettes According to Chinese wedding customs, the first etiquette is Three Papers and Six Etiquettes, which is as important as the engagement at Western wedding. Three Papers consists of the paper of engagement, the list paper of the presents to the bride?s and the paper of fetching the bride. They are going to be used on the day of engagement, the bridegroom?s giving the presents of marriage to the bride?s an d going and fetching the bride. Six Etiquettes includes asking for engagement, asking for the name and births of the newlyweds, showing some presents for engagement to the bride?s, giving the presents of marriage to the bride?s, choosing a good date for the wedding and going and fetching the br ide on the day of the wedding. All these etiquettes must be completely in proper order before the


下载可编辑 山西大学商务学院外语系 学年论文 论文题目浅析中西方婚礼文化差异 专业年级英语(商务英语方向) 姓名_______任思楠_________________ 学号_______2012201120_____________ 指导教师_______郝晓瑞_________________ 日期 2015年6月

Analysis on the Differences in Wedding Culture between China and Western Countries By Ren Sinan

Business College of Shanxi University June, 2015

Contents Abstract (i) 摘要 (ii) 1. Introduction (1) 2. Literature review (2) 3. Different wedding cultures between China and Western countries (3) 3.1 Differences in wedding ceremony (3) 3.2 Differences in wedding dress and color tone (4) 3.3 Differences in wedding customs (5) 3.3.1 Differences in wedding banquet (5) 3.3.2 Differences in taboo wedding date (5) 3.3.3 Differences in wedding venues (6) 4. Causes of different Chinese and Western wedding customs (6) 4.1 Historic culture (6) 4.2 Religious belief (7) 4.3 Family Education (7) 4.4 Values (8) 5. Integration and development trend of China and Western wedding customs . 8 5.1 The integration between Chinese and Western wedding customs (8) 5.2 The reasons about integration between Chinese and Western wedding customs (9) 5.3 Development trend of Chinese and Western wedding customs (9) 5.4 Chinese and Western wedding custom and intercultural communication 10 6. Conclusion (11) References (12)


中西方婚礼的差异 随着中国经济的全球化发展和中国传统文化对世界的影响,中西方交流日益紧密。认识和了解各国文化和风俗习惯称为必然。婚姻是人类社会共有的制度之一。它是在公开的场合将丈夫和妻子之间的婚姻关系公开确定下来的仪式。因此几乎在每一种社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗。婚礼是各个国家文化的重要组成部分。随着社会的不断进步和全球化的影响,婚礼文化在不断的发生变化。我国的婚礼文化也不断的受到西方婚礼文化的冲击。下面就其中西方婚礼的差异主要通过以下两个方面来概述。 一、表现中西方婚礼差异的几个方面: 1传统结婚仪式 中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。所谓“三书”,就是指聘书、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要有剪刀(蝴蝶双飞)、痰盂(子孙桶)、尺(良田万顷)、片糖(甜甜蜜蜜)、银包皮带(腰缠万贯)、花瓶(花开富贵)、铜盆及鞋(同偕到老)、龙凤被、床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗(有衣食)、七十二套衣服,用扁柏、莲子、龙眼及利是伴着(丰衣足食)等物,每样物品都有其不同的含义。同时,在婚礼进行时也有一定的顺序,按一般的情况,在整个婚礼过程中有:祭祖、出发、燃炮、等待新郎、讨喜、拜别、出门、礼车、掷扇、燃炮、摸橘子、牵新娘、喜宴、送客、闹洞房、三朝回门。有此可以见到我国文化的繁琐,但不要以为繁琐是我国婚礼的特有特征,其实,不同国家虽然有不同的婚俗,但从繁复的细节与用品的喻意,都可见对婚姻的尊重和期许无分国界。 在西方国家中,婚礼时有旧(Something Old)、新(Something New)、借(Something Borrowed)、蓝(Something Blue)等习俗。旧是指母亲传下来之婚纱,头饰或首饰,代表承受美好的一切;新是指朋友送的礼物如裙子,饰物,象征新的生活;借是指可向任何人借东西回来,据说从富裕亲友借来金或银放在鞋内,象征带来财运;蓝是指新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。而在进行婚礼时,西方亦有大量的习俗。比如,在结婚时新娘总要带着一方手帕,西方人认为白手帕象征好运。在进行结婚晚宴时,要特别定制结婚蛋糕,根据历史记载,自罗马时代开始,婚礼结束时,人们会在新娘头上折断一条面包的材料----小麦象征生育能力,面包屑则代表着幸运。新人必须以糖霜,就形成今天的结婚蛋糕了。由此可见,西方的婚俗并不比中方简洁。 2、婚礼服饰 在进行婚礼不只是有仪式习俗需要遵守,在穿着方面也有讲究。中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘穿着红色的礼服,象征的吉祥如意,预示在结婚后日子红红


中西方婚礼礼仪差异 婚礼,是一个温暖的词汇,它开启了情侣通往幸福婚姻的一扇门,执子之手与子偕老的佳话从此刻被书写。伴随婚礼的是各样多 彩的婚庆习俗,这是由于不同的文化背景造成的。下面是干货资源 社小编为大家整理的中西方婚礼礼仪差异,希望能够帮到大家哦! 作为人们一生最重要的日子之一,作为一对幸福恋人新的起点,中国人的婚礼是隆重热闹的。古代的时候,人们会在自己家里或是 酒楼里摆上酒席以宴请亲朋好友作为新人的见证。在当代中国,新 人一般会邀请亲朋好友去酒店或是宾馆。会在酒店宾馆里将排场弄 得很大,突显婚礼隆重、热闹的特点。 而在西方,人们的婚礼一般是在教堂或者是其他比较安静的地 方举行,井井有条,不像中国婚礼般热闹。西方的婚礼突出庄重和 圣洁,追求浪漫与实在的结合。 中国传统婚礼进行时新郎和新娘具着红色的礼服。中国人的婚 礼离不开红色,习惯以鲜艳的颜色来烘托气氛。因此,历朝女式婚 服颜色为大红色已成了定制,以示喜庆,衬托新人,预示未来生活 蒸蒸日上,幸福美满。新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值 得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密布的

左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生 活的和美、和乐。一般新娘在婚礼当天高挽发髻,区别于未婚女子。而在婚礼当天,新娘子以红色头盖蒙面,象征着童贞、年轻、纯洁。结婚后由新郎亲手揭开。 而西方的新娘则穿白色的礼服。自罗马时代开始,白色象征欢庆。1850年到1920xx年之间,白色亦是富贵的象征。到了本世纪初,白色所代表的纯洁意义更远超其他。西方认为白色与童贞有关。古罗马的新娘穿着白色的婚纱,蒙着鲜橙黄色的面纱,象征着激情 的火焰。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐;其他一些地区, 白色在他们的婚礼和葬礼里指示各种各样的通路典礼和意义在维多 利亚女王时代,大多数的新娘只能穿传统的国家服装,只有上层阶 级才能穿代表权力和身份的白色婚纱。一直到近代,贵族阶级的特 权消失以后,白色的婚纱才成为普通新娘的礼服。 中国的传统婚俗有“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。 所谓“三书”,就是指 、礼书、迎亲书。而“六礼”是指纳采、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。而在这之间更有换庚谱、过文定、过大礼、安床等一系列的 活动。而在这些活动中有着大量的禁忌和礼俗,比如新娘嫁妆中要 有剪刀、痰盂、尺、片糖、银包皮带、花瓶、铜盆及鞋、龙凤被、 床单及枕头一对、两双用红绳捆着的筷子及碗、七十二套衣服,用


从中西方婚礼浅析中西方文化差异 摘要:婚礼作为个人成长过程中必不可少的一个环节,无论在中国还是在西方其他国家都显得尤为重要,随着数千年文化的传承,逐渐形成一种地区特有的文化习俗。虽然在每个不同的地区都有着不同的婚礼习俗,但在文化大一统的环境中,婚礼大同小异。这里我们就以中西方的婚礼中较为普遍的婚礼习俗来对比中西方文化的差异。 关键词:中西方婚礼文化差异 我们先来谈谈中国的婚礼,中国的婚礼按地区不同,也有不同的习俗,这里我们以传统婚礼为例。传统婚礼程序颇为复杂,但每一项都有其特殊的意义。 婚礼前的准备 聘礼:婚前男方要将娶亲的聘礼送到女方家,一般来说除了礼金还有包含一些寓意美好的事物,每个地方送的种类都不相同,这里就不一一讲述了。礼金则象征着娶方财厚,暗示着新娘嫁过去可以享福,让女方家放心。 回礼:收到聘礼女方要给回礼,一般情况下,包含礼金和一些日常用品。 安床:在结婚的前一天晚上,要由女方家出一个家庭和睦、父母双全、又育有儿子的男丁安装婚房里的婚床,再将寓意早生贵子的四品:核桃、莲子、红枣、花生铺在新床上面。 嫁妆:女方家会给新娘准备带去婆家的嫁妆,全部放在红色的箱子中交给新娘。开箱子的一般是新娘的弟弟。 上头:婚礼举行前一晚,要选择一个吉时拜神求平安幸福,而且男方也要在同一个时间在自家那边拜。 梳头:新娘梳妆打扮的时候,会请一位有福气的长辈来给新娘梳头,寓意跟安床的道理相似。吃汤圆:汤圆,寓意团圆美满,祝福新人可以圆满成婚。 婚礼当天的仪式 迎亲:婚礼当天的上午,男方要带着迎亲队伍来女方家接亲。接新娘绝对算得上是整个婚礼的一大高潮。首先要“入门”。新郎要想顺利接得新娘归,可不是进门带出那么容易,要通过姊妹群的考验,不光是智力要好,体力要好,若有要求还得唱情歌,说情话,但这些都不是最重要的,给红包才有可能打动新娘的姊妹们,这就是所谓的开门红包。而且新郎还要用花球去迎娶新娘(新娘不可自制花球)。 找红鞋:新郎进门后也不能马上带走新娘,还要在新娘的房间里找到准备好给新娘的红色婚鞋,帮新娘穿上后才可以带走新娘。 敬茶:两位新人要向双亲跪拜,奉茶直到长辈喝下才能站起来(以前的习俗是,新人在女方家时要站着奉茶,因为还未到男家拜见翁姑。不过现在讲究没有这么多了,两边都跪拜以示同样的尊重。 撑红伞、撒米:新娘新郎出门的时候,要由伴娘撑红伞陪同,而且要同时往路旁撒米,意思是不要让鸡啄到新娘。 绕吉祥路:新人上迎亲车后不能直达目的地,必须绕当地所有吉祥路名的路开一圈。 过门:即指新娘被接到男方家后,拜见翁姑及男家其他长辈的习俗。 婚礼:传统婚礼,一般是请司仪主持婚礼仪式。 敬客:婚礼仪式结束后,酒宴正式开始,待到上鱼的时候,新娘要换上传统的龙凤褂跟新郎一起向每桌客人敬茶,客人都要说些祝福的话。 入洞房:新郎新娘会带要好的朋友一起去新房参观,或者做些闹洞房的娱乐。 三朝回门:指在结婚后的第三天,新娘由丈夫陪同回娘家,要带上烧全猪和礼物等回去见女方父母,并且要祭祖。


Overview of intercultural communication The 20th century human science and technology has been a breakthrough development, which has greatly changed the world pattern and human way of life. Modern transportation high-speed development, high speed road crisscross, family car at a faster speed, in wider range popularization, this makes the companionship unprecedented frequently. Modern communications technology is highly developed and the rapid popularization of mobile phone, which makes the communication between people absolutely clear. Especially the popularization of the computer and the Internet, make the birth of human life form enters a new era, breaking the previous life function space restrictions. These great change a core is between person and person, time and space is pulled close distance, the huge earth be compressed into a small "global village", intercultural communication become each nation ingapore life part. However, cultural differences are cross-cultural communication barriers, cultural differences to overcome communication barriers has become the common problems facing the world. Today we mainly to discuss the differences between eastern and western etiquette culture appearance and deep reasons. 2 review Eastern rite refers mainly to China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, etc, as a representative of the Asian countries represent with the east Square the characteristics of the nationalities etiquette culture. Western etiquette refers mainly to spread in Europe, North America countries culture etiquette. 2.1 communicative language etiquette difference Overall, the etiquette of western emphasis on practical, express blunt, frank. In “ let ” for orientals rite, all thingses all manners Make three points, compared with westerners, often appear humility and implicative. For example Daily greetings 1. In a typical representative of China Oriental culture, daily acquaintances greet the most commonly used is to eat? "" go where?" and so on, this is our common and be willing to accept it, being such inquiries, we feel each other for their concerns, but in the west, this greeting will make them feel suddenly, embarrassed, even unhappy, because westerners will put this question to understand become a "questioned", they used mode is "hello" or "good morning" and so on, in Britain, "it is a fine day today" is the most commonly used sentence structures.
