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A teacher has a great influence on students. A good teacher can help students1. a_____ success. But do you know how to be a good teacher? Here are some tips teachers shoul

d pay attention to.

◆Help develop students’ interest.

Students may have th eir favorite 2.s_____. If a student doesn’t like the subject you tea ch, try to help him or her find out the 3.r______ and then help him or her to develop intere st in the subject.

◆Don’t criticize.

Some teachers often 4.c_____ students for some small mistakes. When students 5.g_ ______ wrong answers to your questions, don,t criticize them. Criticizing can 6.m______ t hem afraid to answer other questions. Instead, you can praise (表扬) them for their hard work 7.a____ they have given wrong answers, and then they may work harder and try to f ind out the 8.c_______ answers to the questions.

◆Encourage students.

It seems that some students just cant learn a certain subject 9.w_____ . After a few tri es,they lose all hope and give up the subject. Teachers should know that feelings have a great influence on people's performance, so teachers should look 10.f_____ all helpful me thods (方法) to encourage students and give hope to them.


Do you want to be a popular guest who gets invited back? Read our six top tips for 1.___ _____ (be) a good guest.

Clothes—if you are2._____ a formal situation, dress smartly: a suit and tie for 3._______ (man), a dress and jacket for women.

Gifts—if you are g oing to stay in someone’s house, bring a small gift if you are staying fo r a short period of time, a 4.______(big) gift for longer periods. Expensive chocolate 5.___ ____ (work) in most situations. Don’t arrive empty-handed.

Greetings—to shake hands or to kiss? Wait to see what your host does.

Food—always accept it when offered. Try 6._______ (eat) all of it and say it tastes good w hether it looks terrible or delicious. Most people are proud 7._______ their cooking even if they shouldn’t be. Don’t hurt the ir feelings.

Titles----in formal situations, dont use 8.______(one) names. Always use titles (Doctor, Pr ofessor, Chairperson) until the person tells you not to.

Leaving----the most important tip for being a good guest is 9._______( know) when to say goodbye. The secret is to leave while the host is still 10.________ (enjoy) your company a nd wants you to stay longer.


Chelsea Fearce is seventeen years old. There are five 1.______( member ) in her family. They are poor and they live in a shelter. “2.________ (Get) a shower, food and clean cloth es was not easy for 3.______ ( I ),” Fearce said. “I’m worried 4._______ my family and my home life. I know I have 5.________ become stronger, so I study hard.”

When she was in high school, Fearce often ( stayed up late. She wanted to have a 6.___ ___( good ) life than before. She just told herself to keep 7.______(work).

Fearce overcame ( 克服 ) all the 8._______( difficulty ). She got high grades and she beca me a college student. “Never give 9.________! Do what you have to do right now so that y ou can have 10._________ future that you want, ”Fearce told everyone.



We live in a forest in Zambia(赞比亚).There aren't any neighbor1______nearby.And this community school is about an hour's drive from our home.It2______169 students fr om Grade 1 to Grade 7.There are four teachers in the school.They are volunteers and they teach students3_______getting any money.But sometimes students will give4____ __teachers some chicken and corn.There are over 70 languages in Zambia.Englishis t he most popular and5________of the students can speak English.

There is no running water in the school and the water pump(水泵) is broken.Teacher s and students can't6______it for two months.So they have to7____their water from a ne arby river.During school holidays,it always rains8_________and the grass grows taller
