

Chapter1 Competencies

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Explain the five parts of an information system: people, procedures, software,

hardware, and data.

2. Distinguish between system software and application software.

3. Discuss the three kinds of system software programs.

4. Distinguish between basic and specialized application software.

5. Identify the four types of computers and the four types of microcomputers.

6. Describe the different types of computer hardware including the system unit,

input, output, storage, and communication devices.

7. Define data and describe document, worksheet, database, and presentation files.

8. Explain computer connectivity, the wireless revolution, and the Internet.













Chapter2 Competencies

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the origins of the Internet and the Web.

2. Describe how to access the Web using providers and


3. Discuss Internet communications, including E-mail,

instant messaging, and social


4. Describe search tools, including search engines,

met search engines, and

specialized search engines.

5. Evaluate the accuracy of information presented on

the Web.

6. Discuss electronic commerce, including B2C, C2C,

B2B, and security issues.

7. Describe these Web utilities: Web-based

applications, FTP, plug-ins, and filters.

Chapter3 Competencies

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Discuss common features of most software


2. Discuss word processors and word processing features.

3. Describe spreadsheets and spreadsheet features.

4. Discuss database management systems and database management features.

5. Describe presentation graphics and presentation graphics features.

6. Discuss integrated software.

7. Describe software suites and the different types of suites.










Chapter4 Competencies

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Describe graphics software, including desktop publishing, image editors,

illustration programs, image galleries, and graphics suites.

2. Discuss audio and video editing software.

3. Describe multimedia, including story boards and multimedia authoring programs.

4. Explain Web authoring, Web site design, and Web authoring programs.

5. Describe virtual reality and VRML.

6. Discuss knowledge-based (expert) systems.

7. Describe robotics including perception systems, industrial robots, and mobile













Chapter5 Competencies

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Describe the differences between system software and application software.

2. Discuss the four types of system software.

3. Discuss the basic functions, features, and categories of operating systems.

4. Describe the Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, and Linux operating systems.

5. Describe the purpose of utilities and utility suites.

6. Identify the five most essential utilities.

7. Discuss Windows utility programs.

8. Describe device drivers, including printer drivers. Chapter6 Competencies

After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Describe the four basic types of system units.

2. Discuss how a computer uses binary codes to represent data in electronic form.

3. Describe each of the major system unit components.

4. Discuss microprocessors, including specialty processors.

5. Describe the different types of memory.

6. Discuss expansion slots and boards.

7. Describe the five principal types of expansion buses.

8. Discuss the four standard ports.


计算机专业英语(第四版)课后习题答案 Unit 1 [Ex 1] 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F [Ex 2] 1. input, storage, processing, and output 2. power; speed; memory 3. central processing unit 4. internal; primary; memory 5. keyboard; central processing unit; main memory; monitor [Ex 3] A. 1. F 2. D 3. G 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. E 8. H B. 1. user 2. monitor 3. data 4. keyboard 5. data processing 6. information 7. computer 8. memory [Ex 4] 1. input device 2. screen, screen 3. manipulates 4. instructions 5. retrieve 6. code 7. hard copy 8. Function [Ex. 5] 新处理器开始IT技术的新时代 New Processors Open New Era of IT Technologies Last week, Intel introduced to the public in Russia and other CIS countries a family of processors Intel Xeon E5-2600. They are more powerful and reliable and, importantly, are very economical in terms of energy consumption. Their presence opens a new era in the field of IT technologies and means that the cloud technology is getting closer. These processors are primarily designed for servers, data centers (DPC) and supercomputers. The emergence of this class of devices is not accidental. According to the regional director of Intel in Russia and other CIS states Dmitri Konash who spoke at the event, the market of IT-technology is developing so rapidly that, according to forecasts, by 2015 there will be 15 billion devices connected to the Internet, and over 3 billion of active users. 上周,英特尔公司向俄罗斯和其它独联体国家的公众推出了英特尔Xeon E5-2600系列处理器,它们更加强大可靠,尤其是在能量消耗方面更加经济实惠。它们的问世意味着IT技术领域开始了一个新时代,标志着云技术距离我们越来越近。 这些处理器主要是为服务器、数字处理中心和超级计算机设计的。这种处理器的出现并非偶然。根据英特尔公司俄罗斯和其他独联体地区负责人Dmitri Konash就此事发表的看法,IT技术市场的发展速度极快,根据预测,到2015年与英特网连接的设施将有150亿,用户超过30亿。 [Ex 6] 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F Unit 2 [Ex 1] 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F [Ex 2] 1. sizes, shapes, processing capabilities


计算机专业英语 系别:数学系 班级:11级计算机二班姓名:徐小凤学号:110312248

Robot Competition From 11th to 13th October 2013, these three days are special for my teammates and me. I took part in the fifth Robot Competition of Anhui province. After continuous efforts, we got the third prize in the end. In April 2013, this competition was announced in our class by Mr He. In that moment, many students registered for the competition. After hardly training, there were only fifteen students remaining. We were divided into five teams. Each included three people. There were three teams taking part in wheel type robot competition (or named intelligent car). And the other two majored in dancing robot. My two roommates and I engaged in the designing of robot dance. We controlled the robots by program. But the program was programmed in BASIC, which is a high level programming language. The problem was that we had never touched to that language besides C or C++. So, we must learn the language before designing the action. It seemed difficult but we had never lost our courage. After seeking enough data from the Internet and the library, we spent about a few weeks to learn it. When we felt the fundamental grammar was easy, we began to design the dancing action. That was the most important and most difficult part. We spent much time on


计算机专业英语模拟2 Ⅰ. Vocabulary(词汇,30分) (一).Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.(写出下列词组的汉语,共10分,每题1分) 1. central processing unit(CPU)中央处理器 1. 2. operating system 操作系统 2. 3. electronic spreadsheet 电子表格 4. management information system 管理信息系统 5. electronic commerce 电子商务 6. database 数据库 7. software engineering 软件工程 8. software crisis 软件危机 9. network security 网络安全 10. computer virus 计算机病毒 (二).Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写,共10分,每题1分) 1.随机存储器RAM 2.局域网LAN 3.计算机辅助设计CAD 4.数字视频光盘DVD 5.通用串行总线USB 6.面向对象编程OOP 7.集成开发环境IDE 8.结构化查询语言SQL 9.多文档界面MDI 10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式B2B (三).Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配,共10分,每空1分) 1. output b a. 视频 2. high-level language c b. 输出. 3. project window e c. 高级语言 4. black-box testing g d. 应用软件 5. multimedia h e. 工程窗口 6. WWW i f. 系统软件 7.field j g. 黑盒测试 8. application software d h. 多媒体


1.英语学术论文的语言风格特点就(知人方能论世) 为什么我们会读不懂SCI上面的文章呢? 第一,由于SCI里面出现的专业词汇一般都是出现在特定领域,一类是一词对应于一意,另外一类则是一词多义。 其次,名词化结构则是另外另外一个普遍出现的现象,可以看到,复合名词,加前缀和后缀,以及省略现象可谓是漫山遍野,因为文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实,一般文章不会夹杂着太多主观看法。 最后,大量使用长句和定语从句SCI论文发表中大量使用长句和定语从句,在论证上起到连接信息和强调信息的作用。广泛使用被动语态SCI论文发表中侧重叙事推理,强调客观准确,第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此尽量使用第三人称叙述,采用被动语态。名词作定语和缩写词使用频繁SCI论文发表中要求结构紧凑、行文简炼,缩写词和名词作定语的频繁使用,增大了信息密度,简化了句型。 如果我们能逆向思维,转换个角度去看文章,如果你要发表一篇SCI论文,你会怎么去构造你的行为,你如何组织你文章的逻辑,特别是用词方面,口语和一些狸语在一般

情况不应该出现在文章中。还有些中式英语也会极大地影响我们的阅读,例如说足球比赛,可不是我们想象中的football match (之前有次演讲说,英语里面不能有2个名词的情况,在此就举了个例子bicycle man),而应该做football play亦作soccer play。 2.翻译是一门艺术,从某种意义上来讲是没有标准答案的。 这里本人想要想要阐述这样一种观点,翻译是一个不断精进的过程,翻译最初的目的即是为了实现语言之间的一个互相沟通,然而不同的人对一句话,应该会有着不同的理解。这也就有了译者极大的自由发挥性,但是译者必须准确理解原文的基础之上的。 有三个字可以高度概括翻译的精髓“信,达,雅”,想必大家都应该听过。”“信”指意义不背原文,即是译文要准确,不歪曲,不遗漏,也不要随意增减意思;同样可以举个例子?This is a pan in my hand (请问如何翻译呢?) “达”指不拘泥于原文形式,译文通顺明白;这里就涉及到一个直译和意译的关系啦,否则就会出现像bicycle


计算机专业英语(2006-2007学年04本) Computing Essentials CHAPTER 7 CONNECTIVITY, THE WIRELESS REVOLUTION, AND COMMUNICATIONS 连接、无线革命和通讯 Connectivity 连接,连接性 Bluetooth 蓝牙(技术) Communication systems 通讯系统 Sending and receiving devices 发送和接受设备 Communication channel 通讯信道 Connection decices 连接设备 Data transmission specification 数据转送规格说明规范 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Concept Check What is the wireless revolution? Describer the four elements of every communication system? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Communication channels 通讯信道 Telephone lines 电话线

Twisted pair 网络双绞线 Coaxial cable 同轴电缆 Microwave 微波 Line of sight communication 视线通讯(微波) Satellite 人造卫星 Fiber-optic cable 光纤电缆 Concept Chack Discuss the types of communication channels. Which is the fastest form of cable communications channels? What is one limitation of microwave communication? Analog signals 模拟信号 Digital signals 数字信号 Modem 调制解调器 Modulation 调制 Demodulation 解调 External modem 外置调制解调器 Internal modem 内置调制解调器 PC card modem Wireless modem 无限调制解调器


计算机专业英语练习参考答案 Unit 1 [Ex 1] 1..F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F [Ex 2] 1.input, storage, processing, and output 2. power, speed, memory 3. central processing unit 4. internal, primary, memory 5. keyboard, central processing unit, main memory, monitor [Ex 3] A. 1.F 2.D 3.G 4.C 5.B 6.E 7.H 8.A B. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e4798082.html,er 2.monitor 3.data 4.keyboard 5.data processing 6. information https://www.360docs.net/doc/e4798082.html,puter 8.memory [Ex 4] 1.input device 2. screen, screen 3.manipulates 4.instructions 5.retrieve

6.code 7.hard copy 8.function/code/instruction [Ex 5] 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F Unit 2 [Ex 1] 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F [Ex 2] 1. sizes, shapes, processing capabilities 2. supercomputer, mainframe computer, minicomputers, microcomputers 3. mainframe computer 4.microcomputers, storage locations 5. portables, laptop computers/ notebook/palm-sized computer, desktop workstations 6.semiconductor 7. CPU, memory, storage, devices, processing, users 8. microprocessor ship [Ex 3] A. 1.C 2.A 3.H 4.I 5.E 6.F 7.G 8.B


1 / 3 计算机专业英语常用词汇大全 A Active-matrix 主动距陈 Adapter cards 适配卡 Advanced application 高级应用 Analytical graph 分析图表 Analyze 分析 Animations 动画 Application software 应用软件 Arithmetic operations 算术运算 Audio-output device 音频输出设备 Access time 存取时间 access 存取 accuracy 准确性 ad network cookies 广告网络信息记录软件 Add-ons 附软件 Address 地址 Agents 代理 Analog signals 模拟信号 Applets 程序 Asynchronous communications port 异步通信端口 Attachment 附件 B Bar code 条形码 Bar code reader 条形码读卡器 Basic application 基础程序 Binary coding schemes 二进制译码方案 Binary system 二进制系统 Bit 比特 Browser 浏览器 Bus line 总线 Backup tape cartridge units 备份磁带盒单元 Bandwidth 带宽 Bluetooth 蓝牙 Broadband 宽带 Browser 浏览器 Business-to-business 企业对企业电子商务 Business-to-consumer 企业对消费者 Bus 总线 C Cables 连线 Cell 单元箱 Chain printer 链式打印机 Character and recognition device 字符标识识别设备 Chart 图表 Chassis 支架 Chip 芯片 Clarity 清晰度 Closed architecture 封闭式体系结构 Column 列 Combination key 结合键 computer competency 计算机能力 connectivity 连接,结点 Continuous-speech recognition system 连续语言识别系统 Control unit 操纵单元 Cordless or wireless mouse 无线鼠标 Cable modems 有线调制解调器 carpal tunnel syndrome 腕骨神经综合症 CD-ROM 可记录光盘 CD-RW 可重写光盘 CD-R 可记录压缩光盘 Channel 信道 Chat group 谈话群组 chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) ]氯氟甲烷 Client 客户端 Coaxial cable 同轴电缆 cold site 冷战 Commerce servers 商业服务器 Communication channel 信道 Communication systems 信息系统 Compact disc rewritable Compact disc 光盘 computer abuse amendments act of 19941994计算机滥用法案 computer crime 计算机犯罪 computer ethics 计算机道德 computer fraud and abuse act of 1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案 computer matching and privacy protection act of 1988计算机查找和隐私保护法案 Computer network 计算机网络 computer support specialist 计算机支持专家 computer technician 计算机技术人员 computer trainer 计算机教师 Connection device 连接设备 Connectivity 连接 Consumer-to-consumer 个人对个人 cookies-cutter programs 信息记录截取程序 cookies 信息记录程序 cracker 解密高手 cumulative trauma disorder 积累性损伤错乱 Cybercash 电子现金 Cyberspace 计算机空间 cynic 愤世嫉俗者 D Database 数据库 database files 数据库文件 Database manager 数据库管理 Data bus 数据总线 Data projector 数码放映机 Desktop system unit 台式电脑系统单元 Destination file 目标文件 Digital cameras 数码照相机 Digital notebooks 数字笔记本 Digital bideo camera 数码摄影机 Discrete-speech recognition system 不连续语言识别系统 Document 文档 document files 文档文件 Dot-matrix printer 点矩阵式打印机 Dual-scan monitor 双向扫描显示器 Dumb terminal 非智能终端 data security 数据安全 Data transmission specifications 数据传输说明 database administrator 数据库管理员 Dataplay 数字播放器 Demodulation 解调 denial of service attack 拒绝服务攻击 Dial-up service 拨号服务 Digital cash 数字现金 Digital signals 数字信号 Digital subscriber line 数字用户线路 Digital versatile disc 数字化通用磁盘 Digital video disc 数字化视频光盘 Direct access 直接存取 Directory search 目录搜索 disaster recovery plan 灾难恢复计划 Disk caching 磁盘驱动器高速缓存 Diskette 磁盘 Disk 磁碟 Distributed data processing system 分部数据处理系统 Distributed processing 分布处理 Domain code 域代码 Downloading 下载 DVD 数字化通用磁盘 DVD-R 可写DVD DVD-RAM DVD 随机存取器 DVD-ROM 只读DVD E e-book 电子阅读器 Expansion cards 扩展卡 end user 终端用户 e-cash 电子现金 e-commerce 电子商务 electronic cash 电子现金 electronic commerce 电子商务 electronic communications privacy act of1986电子通信隐私法案 encrypting 加密术 energy star 能源之星 Enterprise computing 企业计算化 environment 环境 Erasable optical disks 可擦除式光盘 ergonomics 人类工程学 ethics 道德规范 External modem 外置调制解调器 extranet 企业外部网 F Fax machine 传真机 Field 域 Find 搜索 FireWire port port 火线端口 Firmware 固件 Flash RAM 闪存 Flatbed scanner 台式扫描器 Flat-panel monitor 纯平显示器 floppy disk 软盘 Formatting toolbar 格式化工具条 Formula 公式 Function 函数 fair credit reporting act of 1970公平信用报告法案 Fiber-optic cable 光纤电缆 File compression 文件压缩 File decompression 文件解压缩 filter 过滤 firewall 防火墙 firewall 防火墙 Fixed disk 固定硬盘 Flash memory 闪存 Flexible disk 可折叠磁盘 Floppies 磁盘 Floppy disk 软盘 Floppy-disk cartridge 磁盘盒 Formatting 格式化 freedom of information act of 1970信息自由法案 frustrated 受挫折 Full-duplex communication 全双通通信 G General-purpose application 通用运用程序 Gigahertz 千兆赫 Graphic tablet 绘图板 green pc 绿色个人计算机 H handheld computer 手提电脑 Hard copy 硬拷贝 hard disk 硬盘 hardware 硬件 Help 帮助 Host computer 主机 Home page 主页 Hyperlink 超链接 hacker 黑客 Half-duplex communication 半双通通信 Hard disk 硬盘 Hard-disk cartridge 硬盘盒 Hard-disk pack 硬盘组 Head crash 磁头碰撞 header 标题 help desk specialist 帮助办公专家 helper applications 帮助软件 Hierarchical network 层次型网络 history file 历史文件 hits 匹配记录 horizontal portal 横向用户 hot site 热战 Hybrid network 混合网络 hyperlinks 超连接 I Image capturing device 图像获取设备 information technology 信息技术 Ink-jet printer 墨水喷射印刷机 Integrated package 综合性组件 Intelligent terminal 智能终端设备 Intergrated circuit 集成电路 Interface cards 接口卡 Internal modem 内部调制解调器 internet telephony 网络电话 internet terminal 互联网终端 Identification 识别 i-drive 网络硬盘驱动器


国家计算机教育认证 计算机英语 计算机英语词汇对译 蒙阴高新电脑学校 资料整理:孙波 IT CFAC gaoxindiannaoxuexiao


?PC personal computer 个人计算机 ?IBM International Business Machine 美国国际商用机器公司的公司简称,是最早推出的个人 计算机品牌。 ?Intel 美国英特尔公司,以生产CPU芯片著称。 ?Pentium Intel公司生产的586 CPU芯片,中文译名为“奔腾”。 ?Address地址 ?Agents代理 ?Analog signals模拟信号 ?Applets程序 ?Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口 ?Attachment附件 ?Access time存取时间 ?access存取 ?accuracy准确性 ?ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件 ?Add-ons 插件 ?Active-matrix主动矩阵 ?Adapter cards适配卡 ?Advanced application高级应用 ?Analytical graph分析图表 ?Analyze分析 ?Animations动画 ?Application software 应用软件 ?Arithmetic operations算术运算 ?Audio-output device音频输出设备 ?Basic application基础程序 ?Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案 ?Binary system二进制系统 ?Bit比特 ?Browser浏览器 ?Bus line总线 ?Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元 ?Business-to-consumer企业对消费者 ?Bar code条形码 ?Bar code reader条形码读卡器 ?Bus总线 ?Bandwidth带宽 ?Bluetooth蓝牙 ?Broadband宽带 ?Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务 ?cookies-cutter programs信息记录截取程序 ?cookies信息记录程序


CHAPTER 1 1、A common term that describes the combination of traditional computer and communication technologies is b. information technology 一个描述了传统的计算机和通信技术结合的常见的术语 B.信息技术 2、Procedures are typically documented in manuals written by b. computer specialists 程序一般是___在手册撰写记录的 B.计算机专家 3、Which of the following is an example of connectivity? a. Internet 下列哪一项是连接的一个例子吗? A.互联网 4、Windows XP, windows Vista, and Macintosh OS X are all examples of b. operating systems Windows XP,Windows Vista,和Macintosh OS X都是__的例子 B.操作系统 5、Because of their size and cost, these computers are relatively rare. d. supercomputers 由于它们的尺寸和成本,这些电脑是比较少见的。 D.超级计算机 6、The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called the d. microprocessor 系统组成,控制和操纵数据来产生信息称为 D.微处理器 7、A system component that translates data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process is called a(n) c. output device 一个系统组件,将人类可以理解成计算机能够处理的形式的数据和程序被称为 C.输出设备 8、A CD is an example of a(n) c. optical disc CD是___的简称 C.光盘 9、If you want to communicate a message or persuade other people, you would typically use this type of software. d. presentation 如果你想传达信息或说服别人,你通常会使用这种类型的软件。 D.演示 10、Many experts are predicting that this revolution is expected to dramatically affect the way we communicate and use computer technology. d. wireless


计算机专业英语考试试题及答案 一、判断1.(√)The cpu and memory are located on a special circuit beard in the system unit called the montherbocrd2.(√)the main difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that supercomputers are designed to execute a few programs as quickly as possible,whereas mainframes are designedto handle many programs running at the same(but at a slower pace)3.(×)Being computer fluent means that you should be able to build a computer yourself.4.(√)Embedded computers are selfcontained computer devices that have therv own programming and do not receive input5.(√)Currently,the performance of tasks by robot is based on preprinted algorithms1.(×)A web browser is a special device that is installed in your computer that allows it to communicate with devices on a network2.(√)data can be a number a word a picture,or a sound3.(√)strictly defined,a computer is a data processing device4.(√)one of the benefits of becoming computer fluent is being a savvy computer user and consumer and knowing how to avoid viruses the programs that pose treats to computer security 。 5(√)trend-spotting programs,developed for business,have been used to predict criminal activity二.写出中文 1.virtual function虚拟函数2.pointer 指针3.cursor 光标4.package 包裹 5. Boot 引导,自举6 TCP/IP 传输攻之协议/互联网协议7 DNS 域名服务8.HTTP 超文本传


计算机专业英语常用词汇大全 A Active-matrix主动距陈active-matrix Adapter cards适配卡adapter cards Advanced application高级应用advanced application Analytical graph分析图表analytical graph Analyze分析analyze Animations动画animations Application software 应用软件application softwear Arithmetic operations算术运算arithmetic operation Audio-output device音频输出设备audio-output device Access time存取时间access time access存取access accuracy准确性accuracy ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件ad network cookies Add-ons附软件add-ones Address地址address Agents代理agents

Analog signals模拟信号analog sognals Applets程序applets Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口asynchronous communications port Attachment附件attachment B Bar code条形码bar code Bar code reader条形码读卡器bar code reader Basic application基础程序basic application Binary coding schemes二进制译码方案binary coding schemes Binary system二进制系统binary system Bit比特bit Browser浏览器browser Bus line总线bus line Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元backup tape



?PC (Personal Computer) 个人计算机 ?CPU (Central Processing Unit) 中央处理器 ?RAM (Random-Access memory) 随机存储器 ?ROM (Read-Only Memory) 只读存储器 ?BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) 基本输入输出系统 ?IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) 智能磁盘设备 ?PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) 外部设备接口 ?SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) 小型计算机系统接口 ?CD-ROM (Compact Disc, Read-Only Memory) 只读光盘 ?EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) ?电可擦除只读存储器 ?DVD-ROM (Digital Versatile Disc, Read-Only Memory) ?只读数字化视频光盘 ?USB (Universal Serial Bus) 通用串行总线 ?LAN (Local Area Network) 局域网 ?DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) 数字线用户 ?VDSL (Very high bit-rate DSL) 甚高位率数字线用户 ?POST (Power-On Self-Test) 开机自检 ?TFT(Thin-Film Transistro) 薄膜晶体管 ?LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示屏 ?CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) 阴极射线管 ?DLP(Digital Light Processing) 数字光处理技术 ?LCoS(Liquid Crystal On Silicon) 硅基液晶(也缩写为LCOS) ?SED(Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display) 表面传导电子发射显示?OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode) 有机发光二极管 ?PDP(Plasma Display Panel) 等离子显示器


Unit 9 Computer Virus Text 1 Virus Introduction Exercises 1. Multiple choices. (1) A virus is a ( A ). A. program B. computer C. bad man D. beast (2) A virus is a program that reproduces its own code by ( ABC ). A. adding to the end of a file B. inserting into the middle of a file C. simply placing a pointer D. replacing another program (3)( AD )is a type of executable file . A. COM file B. TXT file C. JPG file D. EXE file (4)Similar to viruses, you can also find malicious code in ( ABC ). A. Trojan Horses B. worms C. logic bombs D. Microsoft Word Documents 2. Fill in the blanks. (1) A virus is a program that reproduces its own code by attaching itself to other executable files in such a way that the virus code is executed when the infected executable file is executed . (2)To attach might mean physically adding to the end of a file, inserting into the middle of a file, or simply placing a pointer to a different location on the disk somewhere where the virus can find it. (3)Similar to viruses, you can also find malicious code in Trojan Horses, worms, and logic bombs. 3. Translate and analyze the following sentences. (1)These self-replicating codes, when caused by some event, may do a potentially harmful a ct to your computer. 句子组成:when引导时间状语从句做插入语,当…的时候. 翻译:当这些自复制代码被一些事件触发时,或许会做出一些对你的计算机有潜在危害的行为. (2)M ore recently, scripts written for Internet web sites and/or included in E-mail can also b e executed and infected. 句子组成:scripts written…省略的定语从句完整形式scripts which were writtened…. 翻译:现在,为网站编写的或者包括在E-mail中的脚本也能够被执行和感染。 4. Reading comprehension.
