Dear Host Family给寄宿家庭的信

Dear Host Family给寄宿家庭的信
Dear Host Family给寄宿家庭的信

Dear Host Family:

Thank you for hosting me!

My name is ×××. My English name is Lily. Maybe I’ll be in trouble while staying with you, but I story believe, with your help, I’ll get over it. Thank you for receiving me, it’s sure that I won’t feel lonely with you. I am very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member, I am very honest.

Let me introduce myself now. I am a little shy girl, but I’m not going to care too much about small cases. And I almost never get angry. You will see my happy smiling face every day. I have a harmonious family, I have a heavy father, a beautiful mother and loving grandparents, there are many cousins in my family, too. As for my hobbies, I like reading, painting, what’s more, I’m interested in playing computer, and my favorite is watching movies. I like to eat dessert, so I'm a little fat. I hear that the American food is very delicious, I wish I’ll taste some homemade American food.

Do you like animals? Every time I see the small animals will be very happy. My favorite pet is dogs, the dog is one of the most loyal friends, and they are intelligent. I’ll help you to raise the animals in your family, I believe we will become good friends.

This is the first time I to the United States, I’m very interested in American culture and life. Also, there are many scenic spots the in the

United States, Having a Travel to the United States is my wish. But my English is not very good, I hope you can be communicate with me patiently.

Finally, I sincerely thank you for your hospitality and I also hope I will bring you infinite joy and everlasting memories in this short 3 weeks.

Yours sincerely


菲莎河谷大学寄宿家庭申请费, 菲莎河谷大学积极致力于发展中加合作,2010年被加拿大政府列为中加学生合作计划(SPP计划)高校成员之一。参加该计划的的加拿大高校共40所,大部分在安大略省,菲沙河谷大学是英属哥伦比亚省少数几所大学之一。该计划实施之后,中国学生到加拿大留学的资金担保门槛大大降低。无需提供有12个月的存款历史的担保金证明,通过SPP计划申请加拿大签证的学生可以得到优先处理,通过率提高,将极大满足国内资金条件不足但成绩优秀的中国学生的获签需求。菲莎河谷大学与中国武汉大学以及大连理工大学城市学院已建立了友好合作关系,包括两校学生互派交流学习,1+3或2+2转学分等多个领域,为武汉大学中加班项目的学生提供了灵活的留学方式,节省了大量时间和花费。 寄宿家庭申请费:200加币 寄宿家庭费用:700加币/月 立思辰留学360介绍,加拿大菲莎河谷大学(University of the Fraser Valley,UFV)于1974年建校,位于加拿大温哥华高尚区域,目前在校学生总数超过10000人,其中包括近1000名海外留学生,其中约400名中国留学生。学校开设课程达80多门,包括门类众多的学士学位,准学士学位,大专文凭和证书课程。学校拥有3个现代化设施的校区,为加拿大本国学生及来自45个国家的国际留学生提供世界级的教学。 菲莎河谷大学特色 1.立思辰留学360介绍,UFV是被中国教育部认可的公立大学 2.学生在UFV所修学分可以转入加拿大其他重点大学(例如UBC,西蒙菲莎大学,维多利亚大学等院校)。 3.带薪实习与工作机会。可以使学生能够在进行全日制学习的同时,从事与自己所学领域相关的全职工作,并累积工作经验。为学生毕业后的工作和移民奠定基础。 4.轻松进阶。鼓励学生在求学的道路上稳步前进,学生在UFV学习一年可获得证书,学习两年可获得大专文凭,学习四年获得学士学位。 5.小班授课,20-25人/班,高素质的教授给学生授课,而非助教授课。 6.速成:有能力的学生可以在三年内修完四年学士学位课程。 7.学生在修英语的同时可以选修大学的专业课程,即大学预科课程,使得学生可以尽快读完大学课程。 8.独具优势的技能专业课程使学生毕业后能够尽快找到工作或移民。例如护理,医学,牙医,理疗,儿童早期教育,航空飞行,时装设计,视觉艺术,法律等专业。 9.独特的地理位置。菲莎河谷大学位于加拿大风景如画的菲莎河谷,距温哥华一小时的车程。 10. 低廉的学费使普通家庭的学生获得理想的学习机会。另见学费细则。


给寄宿家庭的一封信英语优秀模板 写给寄宿家庭的英文信 Dear Host Family: Thank you for hosting me! My name is ×××. My English name is Lily. Maybe I’ll be in trouble while staying with you, but I story believe, with your help, I’ll get over it. Thank you for receiving me, it’s sure that I won’t feel lonely with you. I am very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member, I am very honest. Let me introduce myself now. I am a little shy girl, but I’m not going to care too much about small cases. And I almost never get angry. You will see my happy smiling face every day. I have a harmonious family, I have a heavy father, a beautiful mother and loving grandparents, there are many cousins in my family, too. As for my hobbies, I like reading, painting, what’s more, I’m interested in playing computer, and my favorite is watching movies. I like to eat dessert, so I'm a little fat. I hear that the American food is very delicious, I wish I’ll taste some homemade American food. Do you like animals? Every time I see the small animals will be very happy. My favorite pet is dogs, the dog is one of the most loyal friends, and they are intelligent. I’ll help you to raise the animals in your family, I believe we will become good friends. This is the first time I to the United States, I’m very interested in American culture and life. Also, there are many scenic spots the in the United States, Having a Travel to the United States is my wish. But my English is not very good, I hope you can be communicate with me patiently. Finally, I sincerely thank you for your hospitality and I also hope I will bring you infinite joy and everlasting memories in this short 3 weeks. Yours sincerely Lily


美国高中申请寄宿家庭注意这5项 美国高中,去美国上高中,美国高中留学生活 据了解,有很多申请美国高中的同学选择寄宿家庭,那么关于美国的高中申请寄宿家庭需要有哪些注意事项呢?下面,天道留学小编就给大家说说美国的高 中申请寄宿家庭那些事儿。 美国的高中申请寄宿家庭注意事项一、在美国读寄宿高中安全吗 安全是每所寄宿高中重点关注的问题。 首先,在学生家长与学校签订合同时,校方会让家长知道如果你的孩子行为不当,会受到怎样的处罚,从而让每位学生都明白要对自己的行为负责。 其次,校方会尽到对学生监护的责任,并让家长时刻清楚自己的孩子在哪、在做什么,他们会严格管理学生的行为,杜绝学生在无人陪同时发生意外。 美国的高中申请寄宿家庭注意事项二、美国对寄宿家庭有什么要求 (1) 寄宿家庭的基本标准。留学中介或专门的美方机构负责推荐符合标准的寄宿家庭,多数会推荐申请留学学校所在社区的家庭,也有可能是学校教职员工的家庭或同校同学的家庭。 (2) 美国各州针对不满18岁的留学生设有专门的协调责任人和监护责任人,负责协调学生与寄宿家庭及学校发生的问题并及时予以解决。 (3) 主要推荐经济情况达到美国中产阶级水平以上的寄宿家庭,即便有的尚未达到,但要有爱心,对留学生本国文化感兴趣。 (4) 当地警察局就寄宿家庭成员进行犯罪记录审核,以杜绝安全隐患。 (5) 社会安全局就寄宿家庭成员的信用记录进行审核。 (6)明确寄宿家庭的职责:负责给寄宿学生提供早晚餐;如果离学校较远且无校车路过,负责接送寄宿学生上下学;负责照顾学生的生活;负责督促学生的学习,就学生产生的问题与学校及时沟通。 美国的高中申请寄宿家庭注意事项三、入住前需要了解的事项 在美国读走读高中,选择寄宿家庭很重要。下面是寄宿家庭的一些基本信息,供参考。 (1) 寄宿家庭的选择是双向选择,而且所选寄宿家庭不满意可以调换。 (2) 最好不要选择寄宿两个及以上留学生的家庭。


给寄宿家庭的一封信 美国西海岸寄宿服务中心的全体工作人员: 您们好! 吾儿唐鸿儒,今年6月8日届满17岁,作为一名国际交流生今年8月将启程前往您们的家庭寄宿生活十个多月时间,作为像你们这样特殊的一家寄宿服务机构,能为国际学生提供全面的后续管理服务,全面解决家长对孩子低龄留学的包括法律、住宿、留学生活、管理等各种问题,真正做到为教育保证,为留学守航,可以想像将给你们日常生活平添不少的麻烦,在此谨让我们表达诚挚的谢意。 作为家庭中的独生子女,祖父辈二代人对其宠爱有加,然儿子自幼不娇气,常常在学习之余帮其母亲做家务,受温馨和睦的家庭影响,儿子个性开朗健康,兴趣爱好广泛,喜欢清洁且体贴别人,精力充沛又热情大方,喜欢求知且自信心强,做事积极且专心沉着,喜欢听人讲话且宽宏大量,当然自己的儿子谁都会夸。我们认为,儿子接人待物羞涩腼腆不够健谈是其个性不足之处,虽说具有一种宽容乐观的人生态度和包容别人的雅量,但展示自己机智和才能的意识不强,特别有待增强语言和文字表达能力,我们期望儿子有意识地克服自己的不足,自觉培养一种风趣幽默的能力,在人际交往中以更加愉悦的方式大胆表达自己的真诚、大方和心灵的善良,以此拉近人与人之间的距离,享受社会交往的美好境界。 当初报考国际交流生,继之决定参加美国高考,完全是他自主选择作出的决定,实属不易。所以就在互联网找到了美国西海岸寄宿服务中心,查阅了相关资料,知道了你们是成立于2009年10月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。 直至目前,你们美国西海岸寄宿服务中心也是唯一一家承担学生监护权的寄宿管理机构,对此,作为孩子家长也很放心。作为一个并不富裕的普通中国家庭,其母亲主要是从异国他乡的安全感、家庭经济能力等多方面考虑。而我本人亲历了全球化对我们这一代人生活所带来的巨大影响,深刻地感受到当今的中国社会正处于激烈的深层次的变革之中。记得美国有一位名人说过这样一名话:“我们这一代最伟大的发现,就是人类可以通过改变他们的心态来改变他们的生活”。“你认为你行,你就行!”。 我们期盼儿子通过在美国的学习和研究,能够学有所成、学有所用、学有所长,将来能够为中国的建设发展贡献出自己的一份力量。希望您们美国西海岸寄宿服务中心能承担起学生监护人的责任,全面照顾好学生的生活、学习、学校等的生活,并提供专业的心理辅导、讲座咨询,为孩子们规划未来。 最后,再次表达我们的谢意之情,热忱地欢迎您们有机会来中国到我们家作客,衷心祝愿您们身体健康、万事如意!


高考英语应用文考前冲刺(一)求助信(询问信) 一、必背套句 1.我写信祝贺你在英语口语比赛中获得第一名。 I am writing to congratulate you on your winning the first prize in the English Speaking Competition. 2.得知你多年的努力有了回报,我是多么高兴啊! How happy I am to hear that many years of your efforts have paid off! 3.我确信正是你的努力使你成功。I know for sure that it is your hard work that leads to your success. 4.你的成功给了我极大的鼓舞。Your success has greatly encouraged me to study harder. 5.祝你在学习和工作上有更大的成功。I wish you greater success in your studies and work. 二、写作模板 模板一: Dear Sir/ Madam, I am (自我介绍). I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding (要咨询的内容) First of all, what are…? Besides, when will…? Last but not least, …? I would also like to inquire… 将最重要的问题单独成段。Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? Thank you for your kindness, and your promt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 模板二:


中国父母给美国寄宿家庭的一封信 美国西海岸寄宿服务中心的全体工作人员: 您们好! 吾儿唐鸿儒,今年6月8日届满17岁,作为一名国际交流生今年8月将启程前往您们的家庭寄宿生活十个多月时间,作为像你们这样特殊的一家寄宿服务机构,能为国际学生提供全面的后续管理服务,全面解决家长对孩子低龄留学的包括法律、住宿、留学生活、管理等各种问题,真正做到为教育保证,为留学守航,可以想像将给你们日常生活平添不少的麻烦,在此谨让我们表达诚挚的谢意。 作为家庭中的独生子女,祖父辈二代人对其宠爱有加,然儿子自幼不娇气,常常在学习之余帮其母亲做家务,受温馨和睦的家庭影响,儿子个性开朗健康,兴趣爱好广泛,喜欢清洁且体贴别人,精力充沛又热情大方,喜欢求知且自信心强,做事积极且专心沉着,喜欢听人讲话且宽宏大量,当然自己的儿子谁都会夸。我们认为,儿子接人待物羞涩腼腆不够健谈是其个性不足之处,虽说具有一种宽容乐观的人生态度和包容别人的雅量,但展示自己机智和才能的意识不强,特别有待增强语言和文字表达能力,我们期望儿子有意识地克服自己的不足,自觉培养一种风趣幽默的能力,在人际交往中以更加愉悦的方式大胆表达自己的真诚、大方和心灵的善良,以此拉近人与人之间的距离,享受社会交往的美好境界。 当初报考国际交流生,继之决定参加美国高考,完全是他自主选择作出的决定,实属不易。所以就在互联网找到了美国西海岸寄宿服务中心,查阅了相关资料,知道了你们是成立于2009年10月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。 直至目前,你们美国西海岸寄宿服务中心也是唯一一家承担学生监护权的寄宿管理机构,对此,作为孩子家长也很放心。作为一个并不富裕的普通中国家庭,其母亲主要是从异国他乡的安全感、家庭经济能力等多方面考虑。而我本人亲历了全球化对我们这一代人生活所带来的巨大影响,深刻地感受到当今的中国社会正处于激烈的深层次的变革之中。记得美国有一位名人说过这样一名话:“我们这一代最伟大的发现,就是人类可以通过改变他们的心态来改变他们的生活”。“你认为你行,你就行!”。 我们期盼儿子通过在美国的学习和研究,能够学有所成、学有所用、学有所长,将来能够为中国的建设发展贡献出自己的一份力量。希望您们美国西海岸寄宿服务中心能承担起学生监护人的责任,全面照顾好学生的生活、学习、学校等的生活,并提供专业的心理辅导、讲座咨询,为孩子们规划未来。 最后,再次表达我们的谢意之情,热忱地欢迎您们有机会来中国到我们家作客,衷心祝愿您们身体健康、万事如意!


感谢信 感谢信是指在日常学习和生活中,当收到馈赠、邀请、赴宴、照顾、慰问、祝贺时,给对方道谢的信件。感谢信应写得真诚、具体、及时。通常包括以下内容:感谢的原因→对方给予的帮助或礼物→对方的作用和对自己的意义→给出细节→再次致谢。 写作格式 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 V ocabulary:(感谢) 动词:Thank, appreciate; 名词:Thanks, gratitude, appreciation; 形容词:Thankful, grateful, appreciative. owe v. 欠债, 感激/ indebt v. 负债, 蒙受恩惠 ?短语:因…而感激sb. 1.thank you for … 2.appreciate one’s doing … grateful/thankful to sb. for … 4.many thanks for … my thanks/gratitude for … 6.owe sb. a lot for … indebted to sb. for … 第一段:表达感谢之情并说明原因; 常用句式 1. I am writing this letter to thank you for … 2. I am writing to express my sincere thanks for 3. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt (衷心的) thanks to you for… 4. With deepest gratitude I write you this let ter for … 5. I am writing this letter because I am indebted to you for … 6. I am obliged to you for/I owe you a great deal for … 第二段:细述并赞赏对方给与的帮助; 常用句式 1. It was nice/kind/thoughtful of you to.. 2. Thank you very much for your kind hospitality and the honor you showed me during my visit… 3. It was your kind help that … (强调句型) 4 If it had not been for your (help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldn’t have (won the prize) 5. (虚拟语气) But for/Without … 第三段:再次阐述谢意并表达回报愿望。 常用句式


英语八年级英语下册语法填空训练 一、八年级英语下册语法填空专项练习(含答案解析) 1.语法填空 Dear David, I'm glad you're going to Beijing to learn Chinese. Every year,there are ________(million)of foreigners coming to China to learn Chinese. China is one of the greatest ________(country)in the world and Chinese is becoming more and more ________(use).Many foreigners are learning ________now. But it may be more difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese,because it's different ________English. As a language,Chinese is getting as ________(important)as English. So I think it's also a new challenge(挑战)for you. If you want to learn it ________(good), you should study harder ________before. Remember to listen to the radio to practise your listening. It's a good idea to catch every chance(机会)to talk in Chinese. It's important ________(do)some reading and writing. If you have any ________(question),please ask me. I'm sure you'll make it. Hope to see you soon in Beijing! Yours, Li Ping 【答案】 millions;countries;useful;it;from;important;better;than;to do;question 【解析】【分析】大意:本文是给大卫的一封信。讲述有很多外国人来中国学汉语,汉语作为一门语言,也和英语一样重要,告诉大卫,学习汉语可能比学英语更难,建议要更用功,且要借助各种机会学习它。 (1)句意:每年,有数百万外国人来中国学习汉语。millions of数百万,固定搭配,故填millions。 (2)句意:中国是世界上最伟大的国家之一,汉语正变得越来越有用。one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最……之一,固定搭配,country国家,可数名词,此处用其复数形式,故填countries。 (3)句意:中国是世界上最伟大的国家之一,汉语正变得越来越有用。become,变得,系动词,后接形容词,use使用,动词,其形容词是useful,有用的,故填useful。 (4)句意:现在许多外国人正在学它。此处用it代替Chinese作宾语,it,它,代词,故填it。 (5)句意:但是对于外国人而言,学习汉语可能更难,因为它和英语不同。be different from与……不同,固定搭配,故填from。 (6)句意:作为一种语言,汉语正变得和英语一样重要。as+形容词原级+as,与……一样,可知此处用important的原级,即important,重要的,形容词,故填important。(7)句意:如果你想把它学得更好,你应该比以前学习要更用功。此处隐含和以前比较,用比较级,good好的,其比较级是better,更好的,故填better。 (8)句意:如果你想把它学得更好,你应该比以前学习要更用功。引出比较对象,用than,比,介词,故填than。 (9)句意:进行一些阅读和写作是很重要的。it is +形容词+to do sth,做某事是……的,固


给家长的一封感谢信 第一篇:幼儿园给家长的一封感谢信 亲爱的精灵班爸爸妈妈们: 您们好!一学期将至,感谢您们对我们工作的一贯支持和配合。一学期以来,孩子的成长和进步离不开您们的辛勤付出,您们积极地参与及配合成为了我们工作的最大动力。在此特别感谢精灵班的家委会成员,给我们的活动出谋划策,不辞辛苦的组织多次亲子活动,让我们的孩子和家长有了更进一步的交往,增强凝聚力之余提供了很好的互动平台;感谢阮景婷妈妈为我们进行班级qq群网的管理工作以及通讯录的整理和编辑。感谢本学期为孩子进行助教的家长们以及积极参加助教的其他家长,您们精彩的活动必定让我们的孩子收获不少。谢谢!谢谢! 您们的支持,我们铭记于心,你们的配合,我们为之动容,我们将会一如既往的做好工作与您携手并肩,为孩子的成长共同努力! 此致! 敬礼! 第二篇:家长给老师的一封感谢信 尊敬的老师 您们好:我是**小学二年二班段**的家长。孩子在这个温馨的的大家庭里快度过三个学期了,各方面有了很大的进步,特别是孩子能

积极向上,快乐健康地成长,这与二班的老师是密不可分的。苏老师,秦老师,袁老师,在此我怀着万分感激的心情,向你们致以最崇高的致意,最真挚的感谢和最美好的祝愿。 段**很爱这个既团结又温暖的班集体,更爱培养教育她的老师们。是她们对孩子的爱感动了孩子,是她们严格的教育知道这孩子,常言道“严师出高徒”,下面讲两件事: 一是孩子的字写得还可以。可是有一次坐也比较多,她有两个字写得不规范,苏老师一眼就看出来了,让她重写这两个字。仅此,让孩子感到苏老师要求很严格,一个字也不能马虎,不能有侥幸心理。之后,孩子写字时就比较认真,苏老师和秦老师批改过的作业本上经常看到“你最棒”,“很好”“加油”,“老师相信你”。简短的几个字,你们给了孩子信心和力量,激发了她的学习兴趣,使她不断进步。 二是上一年级时,孩子不小心把校讯通给丢了,苏老师知道后设法帮她寻找。两天后苏老师给找到了,并关心地嘱咐她,今后要细心爱护自己的物品,这件事使她懂得了自己的马虎也给老师带来了麻烦。从此,她就注意保护好自己的物品,家长也给予她肯定和表扬。 的确,孩子的点滴进步,都凝结着老师的心血和汗水,包含着你们无私的爱,平凡体现伟大。再次感谢二班所有的老师们,并祝你们工作顺利,身体健康,万事如意。

14页 高中英语书面表达必备句子翻译练习

高中英语书面表达必备句子翻译练习约稿信 1.我想请你为我校英文报“英语之声”栏目写 一篇文章。 2.这个栏目广受同学们欢迎。 3.它刊登的是由外国朋友写的关于如何学好 英语的文章。 4.你能写点有关听、说、读、写的学习方法吗? 5.我们尤其欢迎关于“记单词的最好方法”这 样的文章。 6.大约300字就行。 7.4月20日前把稿发给我好吗? 8.我期待收到你的来信。 9.你能写一些关于最近这十年衣食住行方面 的变化吗? 10.顺便说一下,你的文章可以自拟标题。 邀请信 11.最近一切都怎么样? 12.最近为了欢迎新生,我们学校将举办迎新联 欢晚会。 13.作为学生会主席,我写信邀请你参加。 14.这是一个简短的时间安排表。 15.首先,晚会将在下周日晚7点到9点在学校 会议大厅举行。 16.此外,将有许多老师和同学们的精彩表演, 例如唱歌、跳舞、戏剧表演等等。 17.每个人都渴望你能来,而且如果你能表演 个节目,那就更让人开心了。 18.我相信我们同学一定会非常高兴看到你。 19.方便的时候请告知我你的决定。 20.我真诚地希望你能接受我们的邀请。1.I would like to ask you to write an article for the column, “Voice of English”, of our school’s English newspaper. 2.This column is very popular among us students. 3.It carries articles written by foreign friends about “How to learn English Well”. 4.Would you please write something about the learning methods of listening, speaking, reading and writing? 5.We would especially welcome articles about the best way to remember/memorize new words. 6.About 300 words would be fine. 7.Could I have your article before April 20th? 8.I’m looking forward to hearing from you.. 9.Would you please write something about the changes of food, clothing, housing and transportation in recent years? 10.By the way, your article may have a title made up by yourself. 11.How is everything going recently? 12.Currently, in order to welcome the new students, an evening party will be held in our school. 13.As chairman of the Students’ Union, I’m writing to invite you to join us. 14.Here is a brief schedule. 15.First, it will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to 9:00 . next Sunday. 16.Additionally, there will be many wonderful performances presented by the teachers and students,such as singing, dancing, performing plays and so on. 17.Everyone is longing for your coming,and it would be more cheerful if you could give a performance. 18.I have the confidence that we students would be extremely delighted to see you. 19.Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for you. 20.I sincerely hope you can accept our invitation.


中国家长给美国寄宿家庭的感谢信 篇一:Dear Host Family给寄宿家庭的信 Dear Host Family: Thank you for hosting me! My name is ×××. My English name is Lily. Maybe I’ll be in trouble while staying with you, but I story believe, with your help, I’ll get over it. Thank you for receiving me, it’s sure that I won’t feel lonely with you. I am very happy to stay at your home and bexxe a new family member, I am very honest. Let me introduce myself now. I am a little shy girl, but I’m not going to care too much about small cases. And I almost never get angry. You will see my happy smiling face every day. I have a harmonious family, I have a heavy father, a beautiful mother and loving grandparents, there are many cousins in my family, too. As for my hobbies,


给寄宿家庭的信 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

H o s t F a m i l y A p p l i c a t i o n Dear Host Family: Thank you to take some time off to read this letter. Wang Yan is my name, I’m a student from Liaoning University of Technology. I will head to your beautiful country and start my professional career which will last for a week. I sincerely hope that you can offer me a chance to be a part of your life, to be your student, friend and a member of your family. As a foreigner, I really need you as my teacher. The most important goal of my trip is learning - learning of advanced technology, learning Japanese culture and history, learning communicating with Japanese in Japanese, learning surviving in another country, a totally strange place for me. Indeed, this week will affect me so much that it will establish a firm foundation for my future work and study. To achieve this object, I can’t leave the help from you. You will be the best teacher I ever have. I wish to make friends with all the members in your family. I will join in your life smoothly and quickly, although I know that may cause some discommodities at beginning. I want to bring Chinese style friendliness and passion to your home and try to establish a culture exchange environment. While learning from you, you may acquaint some knowledge of Chinese culture, society and history from me either. I believe we will get to know each other and become good friends ultimately.

(福建专用)2018年高考英语总复习 课时规范练18 Unit 9 Wheels(B)北师大版必修3

Unit 9 Wheels(B) Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2017·全国Ⅲ卷) The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named “DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are. Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people,leading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝) and inactive. Led by Professor Phil Blythe,the Newcastle team are developing in-vehicle technologies for older drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life. These include custom-made navigation(导航) tools,night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations.Phil Blythe explains:“For many older people,particularly those living alone or in the country,driving is important for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others. “But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills.The result is that people stop driving before they really need to.” Dr Amy Guo,the leading researcher on the older driver study,explains:“The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key stress points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to address these problems. “For example,most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly,we found that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined.We’re looking at the benefits of systems which control their speed as a way of preventing that. “We hope that our work will help with technological solutions(解决方案) to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel.” 1.What is the purpose of the DriveLAB? A.To explore new means of transport. B.To design new types of cars. C.To find out older drivers’ problems. D.To teach people traffic rules.


D e a r H o s t F a m i l y给寄 宿家庭的信 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

Dear Host Family: Thank you for hosting me! My name is ×××. My English name is Lily. Maybe I’ll be in trouble while staying with you, but I story believe, with your help, I’ll get over it. Thank you for receiving me, it’s sure that I won’t feel lonely with you. I am very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member, I am very honest. Let me introduce myself now. I am a little shy girl, but I’m not going to care too much about small cases. And I almost never get angry. You will see my happy smiling face every day. I have a harmonious family, I have a heavy father, a beautiful mother and loving grandparents, there are many cousins in my family, too. As for my hobbies, I like reading, painting, what’s more, I’m interested in playing computer, and my favorite is watching movies. I like to eat dessert, so I'm a little fat. I hear that the American food is very delicious, I wish I’ll taste some homemade American food. Do you like animals Every time I see the small animals will be very happy. My favorite pet is dogs, the dog is one of the most loyal friends, and they are intelligent. I’ll help you to raise the animals in your family, I believe we will become good friends. This is the first time I to the United States, I’m very interested in American culture and life. Also, there are many scenic spots the in the
