

Unit 6

Model 1 How did you like the fashion show?

A: What do you think of a low-neck dress?

B: I think it’s not decent, especially for Chinese girls.

A: Well, I don’t see anything wrong with this kind of dress. On the contrary, I kinda like it.

B: Do you really think you can wear it and walk around. Don’t you think a girl who wears that kind of dress will get too much attention?

A: Exactly. That’s why they like that, you know, they wanna catch people’s attention. It’s fashion, hello.

B: Yeah, but fashion does’t necessary mean that you can wear anything you want, dignity also matters. If you always wear something like that, people who don’t know you probably will think you are a hooker or something.

A: You are probably right, but still, I think the low-neck dress is beautiful as long as it doesn’t show too much.

Model 2 I’m looking for a light jacket.

A: Can I help you?

B: Yeah, I’m looking for a pair of jeans.

A: Please come this way; they’re just over here. What size do you wear?

B: Er, I’m not sure.

A: Don’t worry, I’ll measure you. Well, you are size 40. And what color do you prefer? B: Dark blue, please.

A: OK, try this one on. The fitting room is over there.

B: WOW, that’s incredibly comfortable. And any the color goes well with my jeans. How much is it?

A: $30.

B: I’ll take it. Can I pay with my credit card?

A: Sure, we take both debit and major credit cards. There you go, good day and thank you for coming!

Model 3 Could you show me a pair of running shoes?

A: Good evening, see anything you like?

B: Not yet, I’ll look around first…Excuse me, I really love this dress, but the thing is, I couldn’t find my size. Do you have size 38?

A: Let me check on the computer first …I’m sorry , they are all sold out. Just for your information, those dress of the last season is on sale: 50% off. That’s a good deal just so you know. Follow me… How about this one?

B: Love the style, hate the color. Wait, Oh my goodness. Check this one out, it’s gorgeous. Oh, it feels so soft. Is it made of silk?

A: Yes, of course. We just got it in yesterday. It’s one of a kind.

B: Fabulous, I’ll take it.

Unit 7

Model 1 I want to blow it all.

A: Hey, mate, do you wanna come shopping with me tonight? I just got my weekly salary of my part-time job this morning. I want to blow it all.

B: I’m not surprised you will do that. That’s sounds just like you, man. What do you wanna buy?

A: I don’t know… Maybe some clothes.

B: If you spend all your money on things that you don’t even know if you want, you won’t have any money left when you really need it.

A: But shopping is a part of fun. If I save all my money, I won’t enjoy myself. Don’t you think I deserve it?

B: Yes, I do. But my advice is you totally need a financial advisor to tell you how to manage your money.

Model 2 Can money buy everything?

A: I’m trying to think of ways to become rich. If I get a lot of money, I’d be really happy.

B: Do you really think so? I’m not so sure.

A: Of course, why wouldn’t I? I always believe that money can buy happiness.

B: Well, you know, there are lots of people who are loaded and yet they are not as happy as how other people think they are.

A: But if I became a millionaire, I can buy whatever I wanted if I want. Who doesn’t wanna be rich?

B: Can you buy true love? Can you buy the stars?

A: Maybe not, but I can buy a house with a lot of modern conveniences.

B: There are so many people think like you do, but look at all the divorces, suicides and murders among wealthy people.

A: Yeah, you are right. Money cannot buy happiness and it’s definitely not versatile. However, money can improve your life in some way, that’s the truth.

B: Exactly, it looks like someone become wiser.

Model 3 I wonder if you could give me a loan.

A: Hey, there. I was just looking for you.

B: What’s up?

A: I’m a bit short of money, and you are loaded. I wonder if you could give me a loan. B: Dream on! I’m hard up myself.

A: You see, I wanna buy a digital camera, and I’m just about a hundred bucks short. B: So, why don’t you save money to buy it?

A: The apartment have all this stuff on a huge sales promotion right now. I could save at least 25 percent!

B: Listen, I’d lend you money if you were in a jam. But a digital camera isn’t an emergency.

A: Fine, then I’m afraid I have to find someone who is more easy-going.

Unit 8

Model 1 Bye-bye, bully!

A: John, can I ask you something?

B: Sure, what is it?

A: You seem nervous. Does that big kid still bother you?

B: Yeah. Today he asked me to help him cheat in the final exam. He even pushed me when I said no.

A: That’s terrible! You have to talk to a teacher about this.

B: I thought about that, but I’m afraid that if I did, everyone will think I’m a coward. A: Don’t you think your safety is more important than what other people think?

B: But telling a teacher could make things worse. That big guy warned me not to or he’ll kick my ass.

A: Of course he did! That means he doesn’t wanna get into trouble. Look, if you’re still worried, tell the teacher not to mention your name when she talks to him.

B: Good idea. But still I think I’m able to deal with him on my own. Or can you tell the teacher about this for me?

A: You bet.

Model 2 My house has been robbed!

A: Chicago Police Station. Can I help you?

B: I hope so. My house has been robbed.

A: Where do you live?

B: 3B Whitehorse Road.

A: When did you find out about the break-in?

B: When I got home from work. About 5 minutes ago.

A: Was anything stolen?

B: Yes. My cash, my computer and my TV woo. And the house is a mess, there are dirty words all over my walls.

A: How did they break in?

B: They broke into the window.

A: An officer will come in about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, please don’t touch anything in your room.

B: OK. Please hurry.

Model 3 We should create harsher sentences for bootleggers

A: It’s high time that the government got tough with low-quality cosmetics producers. The low-quality cosmetics actually ruined someone’s life. It turned a beautiful lady into an ugly one.

B: Tell me about it. I heard that many low-quality cosmetics producers use harmful ingredients in their products, which may cause skin cancer.

A: Perhaps taxes should be cut on cosmetics. With lower taxes, the number of that kind of producers will probably decrease.

B: Althouth it helps, but that can create a new problem. It goes against the WTO rules.

A: I think through negotiation with other nations, perhaps we can cut taxes under the WTO framework.

B: That may be tough. Perhaps a better solution is to create harsher sentences for those producers.

A: I agree. Our country needs a special team to deal with this problem. Then we can crack down on those producers.

Unit 9

Model 1 I had a bad fall off my bike!

A: John, what happened to you? You look a mess.

B: And I feel worse than I look. I had a bad fall off my bike.

A: How did it happen? Were you hurt?

B: Let me finish…I’ll give you all the details.

A: Okay, I’m listening. What was it?

B: I was riding along the road and daydreaming when a car driver suddenly honked. I was scared to death and fell off my bike. And the car almost hit me.

A: That’s terrible. You could have been killed.

B: Yeah, how rude is that driver! He’d better go to hell.

A: He is a little rude anyway. But you can’t blame him all, you are the one who was daydreaming, so you were to blame.

B: Okay, you are right, I am also responsible for that accident.

A: You gotta be more careful in the future. Safe is the first thing you should consider, right?

B: Right.

Model 2 Your breath smells of alcohol.

A: Lovely party. Thank you so much. I enjoyed every minute of it.

B: You’re slurring your words, and you’re unsteady on your feet. Are you all right to drive home?

A: Perfect. I drive better after a few drinks.

B: Well, you’ve had a lot more than a few drinks. Your breath smells of alcohol. What’s that on your key chain? May I see it?

A: That? That’s just an old beer bottle opener.

B: Give it to me.

A: Hey, what’s going on. You can’t just take away my car keys.

B: Car keys, really? Look, you can’t drive after drinking alcohol. It’s too dangerous and you might be killed.

A: But I should go home. I can’t walk home on foot.

B: I’m keeping them until tomorrow. Get in my car, I’ll drive you home.

A: OK, thank you.

Model 3 I got a ticket this morning.

A: What’s the matter with you? You look so down.

B: I got a hundred-dollar ticket this morning.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. But why?

B: It wasn’t my fault. It was that begger. If it wasn’t the begger, I wouldn’t drove through the red light.

A: What are you talking about? What has a begger got to do with the fine?

B: Listen to me. A begger suddenly came to my window and asked me for money. I said I don’t have any money. He took his keys and threatened me if I didn’t give him money, he’ll key my cars, if you know what I mean?

A: What do you mean?

B: He would scratch my car with the keys, which is why I sped and drove through the red light.

A: So bad day, bad luck, huh?

B: Yeahhh.


UNIT TEST 3 ACCDD 1.at 2.section 3.connects 4.bottom 5.shining 6.As 7.cross 8.Ten minutes later, as we were looking out the window, we saw everyone was running away from something 9. A huge flood was streaming down the mountain. We were standing on a higher place, so we could see everything 10.It was reported that the flood destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day ABBDC BDACC DABDA Unit 4 Lead in c d a e h f i g b Basic listening CBABD Listening in Task l CBDAA Task 2 Relationships marketing manager in conflict with expenses ended in vain training administrator visited establish closer relationships long-term picked up Task 3 CDDCA Let's talk


Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! Listening skills: Making inferences Listen to the dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear 1 (A) She’s too busy to go to the concert. (B) She'll go with the man soon. (C) She prefers to go to the movies instead. (D) She'll go with the man next time. 2 (A) The man should check in the car before it is too late. (B) The purse might be in the car. (C) The woman might find the purse around the car. (D) It is too late to look for the purse. 3 (A) She likes a CD on thieves and robbers. (B) The man looks like a pirate. (C) She will probably buy the CD. (D) She won't buy the CD. 4 (A) The singer might win in a beauty contest. (B) The singer is a very pretty woman. (C) The singer is unattractive. (D) No votes were cast for the singer at the beauty contest.


. 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1 Unit 1 Sharing 1.2 (1)busy (2)friends (3)university (4)social life 1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house (8)TV

. Listening 2.1 (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 2.2 (1)teacher (2)cleaned houses (3)lost (4)visited (5)work (6)his wife (7)in his own words Viewing 2.1

. a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 (1)home (2)country (3)relatives (4)foreigner (5)speak (6)passed on (7)heat (8)sea (9)happiness Role-playing 2.2 (1)It was great (2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 2.3

. 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting 1.1 (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations 一 BABDD 二 DBCD 三 DDBA Passage 2 (1)programmes (2)very


Book 2 习题答案(unit 1-unit 5) Unit 1. Inside view 2. They have decided on: 2, 5 and 5 5, 1, c; 2. C; 3. b; 4. A; 5.d 6. 1.Maybe I should 2. Supposing 3. everything’s organized, isn’t it 4. I’ve arranged for people to 5. I’ll count it all up 6. We’d better 7. I’ve got a suggestion 8. How about Outside view 2. The true statements are 3 and 5 3. 1, one of the best universities 2. most talented students 3. well-known around the world 4. have open doors 5. good social life 6.you want it to be 7. on another campus 8. it’s a fun place 9. go to concerts 10. during the week Listening in 8. 1. b; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B ; 5, a Unit 2 Inside view 2. Kate; Kate; Janet; Janet; Janet; Janet; Kate 3 4-1-2-7-3-5-6 6. 1. b; 2, a; 3. D; 4, d; 5. D;

视听说第4册答案 ()

U n i t 1 Lesson A 1Vocabulary Link B a——8 b----2 C----1 d----4 e----1、4、5 f-----6、7、8、9 g-----1、3、6、7 h----1、4、5 2 Listening Activity 1 A report about Greenland A 1、Her paper is about Greenland’s and trees. 2、His knowledge of geography is not very good. He doesn’t know which country Greenland belongs to. 3、The first settlers of Greenland gave it the name to attract others. B 1、F 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、T 6、F 7、T Activity 2 A flying disaster A 1 “The Titanic of the sky” 2 zeppelin 3 40 passengers and crew 4 Germany 5 the US 6 two and a half 7 it was landing 8 35 correct picture 2 B 1、2、5、7 Activity 3 A Correct picture 2 B 1---k 2---j 3----k、j 4---j 5---k C 1 Jack seems to want a bigger car more than Kayla. 2 Jack suggests they get more information about several kinds of cars. Activity 4 1 very famous buildings 2 made of glass, steel, and concrete 3 designed 4 style 5 1998 6 452 meters high 7 modern and the traditional side B 1 world-famous museum Paris 500 six million 2 ancient capital big enough millions of shopping center C Louvre Museum Kyoto, Japan 1989 Hiroshi Hara to cope with the millions of visitors brings new life into the city center an ugly, modern mistake


Part1 Exercise2 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C Exercise3 1.football,basketball,baseball 2.steady,boyfriend 3.guess,realized 4.broke,up 5.in,group 6.save,up 7.here,comes 8.happened,to 9.not,at,all 10.except,for Part2 Listening2 Exercise1 1)kind 2)gold 3)heartless 4)love 5)songs 6)says 7)touch 8)lifetime 9)gone 10)happens 11)feelings 12)speed listening3 exercise1 B Part3 Practice1 1)gaze 2)sighs 3)touch 4)hugs 5)such 6)words 7)praises 8)understands 9)lends 10)holds Practice2 Exercise1 C Exercise2 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F Practice3 1)learning 2)admire 3)vocabulary 4)loving 5)relationship 6)connections 7)experiences 8)remembering 9)proud 10)try 11)body 12)expressions 13)willingness 14)fears 15)pace 16)best 17)jokes 18)fondness 19)laugh 20)with Practice4 Exercise1 D Exercise2 1.unsuccessful,marriages 2.failed,relationships 3.dreamed,of 4.words,action 5.men,natural Part4 Section1 Section2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B Section3 1.perfect 2.half,full 3.ashamed 4.failure 5.apologized 6.house 7.side 8.flower,seeds 9.watered 10.pick


新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案Unit 1 enjoy your feeli ngs! Anger Correct answers irritated blow up

Correct answers Happi ness Correct answers

badness Correct ansv/ers cheerless depressed heartbroken in low spirits out or sorts Basic liste ning practice Keys: CBDAD l Liste ning In Task 1 what a clumsy man! Keys: ACDCB Task 2 causes of depression Keys:(1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4)certain symptoms (5)self-esteem (6)thinking patter ns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)fi nan cial difficulties (11)stress (12)a nxiety Task 3 happ in ess in dex Keys: BDAAC l Let ' s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two sisters (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) sec on dary (17) growing up (18) lear n l Further Liste ning and Speak ing


New Standard English Book 4 Unit 1 Inside view Conversation 1 2. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 2 5. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK. 2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer. 6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with 2.How did he end up in London 3.the least experienced person 4.He’s good at his job 5.He’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English 8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view 2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4. 4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview. 3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for. 4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for. 5. 1.professional job coach 2.research on the position and the company 3.having not practised with some of the questions 4.how you present yourself 5.what the interviewer is actually looking for 6.preparation,presentation and understanding 7.in relationship to the job 8.some examples in your life 9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 1


新视野大学英语视听说第三版第4册答案 Unit1 Sharing Task3 bcfdca Task4 24 Task5 1.(1)anti-social 2.(1)appreciate 3.(1)tolerant 4.impress (2)awareof (2)attidude (2)cometoanend(3)walkaway Listening Task2activity2 Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2 Speaker6

Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7 Task2activity3 1.peaceful 2.beautiful 3.lovelypart 4.party 5.withapassion https://www.360docs.net/doc/e615963915.html,stsecond 1 7.walkingtheirdogs 8.withabounce 9.away 10.thebestpartoftheday 11.thinkingstraight 12.atmysharpest 13.wehadchildren 14.inthemornings 15.intheevenings Viewing Task2activity2

24 Role-playing Task1activity2 gafhbdce Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations1 DABCC longconversations CBDA Passages:Passage1 ACDC Passages:Passage2 1.distressing 2.desperate 3.urge 4.acquire 2 5.aretotallyunawareof 6.areisolatedfrom 7.affirm 8.interactwith


第一单元 Outside view 1. 1 2 3 4 2.interview techniques lead in looking for boils down 3.professional job coach doing research practiced with present yourselfinterviewerpresentation and understanding in relationship to the jobsome examples dealing with problems 4. 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 5.what Samantha was doing wrong in her first job interview what she should do in future interviews Talk 1.B C A C 2.C A D Passage 1 1. 2.B D A D C Passage 2

Unite test DBACA BCDAD BDBC 第二单元 Outside view 1. 3 4 6 1.It's best suited to the download generation. Although the interview says "No one in the industry is suggesting the conventional bookshop is dead", the figures discussed indicate that the conventional bookshop will lose out to digital publishing. Downloadable books sell more than hardbacks and paperbacks. The e-book is delivered in a very convenient way. 2.undergoing a fundamental change600consuming content get it editedclick of a few buttons earning money for an author never really catch on Talk 1.B D A D 2.C B A


《大学英语视听说》教学大纲 (独立设课实验课程) 一、课程基本信息 二、课程教学目标 目标1:听力理解能力能听懂一般日常英语谈话和公告;能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长、语速中等的英语广播、电视节目和其他音视频材料,掌握中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节;能基本听懂与未来工作岗位、工作任务、产品等相关的英语口头介绍。能较好地运用听力技巧。 目标2:口语表达能力能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话;能较好地表达个人意见、情感、观点等;能陈述事实、理由和描述事件或物品等;能就熟悉的观点、概念、理论等进行阐述、解释、比较、总结等。语言组织结构清晰,语音、语调基本正确。能较好

地运用口头表达与交流技巧。 目标3:学习能力与跨文化交际能力具备一定的自主学习能力,初步形成较系统的学习策略,发展一定的跨文化交际能力,有一定的文化底蕴和人文素养。 三、实验内容及学时分配 (一)实验内容及要求 实验项目1:New Friends, New Faces(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Meeting new people and describing people 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目2:V acation(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing weather, vacation habits and preferences 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目3:All about you(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Talking about your favorite pastimes, teams and clubs 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目4:Change(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Making changes in your life according to your plans and dreams 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目5:Around the World(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Asking for and giving directions in the neighborhoods and cities 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目6:Home Sweet Home(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing different kind of houses, apartments and rooms Learning how to rent houses, apartments and rooms 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目7:Your Health(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Learning English expressions of parts of body Describing men’s appearance and how to keep healthy 对学生的要求:交际训练 实验项目8:Jobs and Ambitions(支撑课程目标1、2、3) 教学内容:Describing various abilities, personality and jobs 对学生的要求:交际训练 (二)课程学时及分配

英语(大学英语视听说 上机答案)

英语(大学英语视听说上机答案) 第一单元 12/19 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background work on hoping for break may be it By the way 1A/5 she doesn’t work…… her sch…… she has…… she did not…… she often 1B/5 kind of it’s about right I did past three years paid of earned break the case in comparison to depends on a lot harder in general my roommate way too for myself a balance 2A/5 confident relaxed tense in a bad mood 2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why don’t 4)enough 5)Let’s 6)to walk 3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing 5/5 sorry I don’t I’m sorry That’d be —— 第二单元 3/19 money Goss They this on nick 8/19 couldn’t has lost won’t- 10/19 Tali Make He New story she can’t believe


大学英语视听说教程4答案 新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案(最全最新版本含单元测试答案) Unit1 enjoy your feelings II C B D A D Listening In Task 1what a clumsy man! Keys: A C D C B Task 2causes of depression Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain

(5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety Task 3 happiness index Keys: B D A A C Let’s Talk Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) fortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learn Further Listening and Speaking Task 1: Big John is ing!

(S1) owner (S2) running (S3) drop (S4) run (S5) local (S6) yelling, (S7) lives!” (S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall. (S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is ing?” Task 2 Reason and emotion Key : A B C C D


Unit1 Listening skills BBDCA Listening in Task1 FTFTF Listening in Task2 BBDAC Listening in Task3 classical peaceful relaxing Jazz sadness heavy metal energy sporting events physical labor

road accidents Let's talk > Task 1 Good Morning to All success musical talents without second part replaced legal action real owners Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 special joke talent proud loud joy honesty dancer talk wondered

capture fan Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task2 BAADC Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 3 TFTTT Unit 1 test 1.C. Golden oldies 2.C. She is not familiar with the music they are listening to 3.D. Fast music can give people energy according to the man 4.C. They both think the tickets are expensive 5.B. The woman probably moved in not long ago 1.favorite band 2.Not anymore 3.no longer 4.a big fan 5.collected 6.the ones 7.Going crazy 8.Maybe to you


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第四 册答案 新视野大学英语(第三版) 视听说教程第四册答案Unit1 Sharing Task3 bcfdca Task4 Task5 1. (1)anti-social 2. (1)appreciate 3. (1)tolerant 4.impress (2)awareof (2)attidude (2)cometoanend(3)walkaway Listening Task2activity2 Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2 Speaker6 Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Speaker7 Task2activity3 1. peaceful 2. beautiful 3.lovelypart 4. party 5. withapassion https://www.360docs.net/doc/e615963915.html,stsecond 7. walkingtheirdogs 8. withabounce 9. away 10. thebestpartoftheday 11. thinkingstraight 12. atmysharpest 13. wehadchildren 14.inthemornings 15.intheevenings Viewing Task2activity2 Role-playing Task1activity2 gafhbdce Morepracticeinlistening shortconversations1 DABCC longconversations CBDA Passages:Passage1 ACDC Passages:Passage2 1. distressing 2. desperate 3. urge 4. acquire


New Horizon Viewing, Listening, Speaking Book II Keys Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! II Listening skills 1-5: B B D C A III Listening in Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F Task 2: 1-5: B B D A C Task 3: 1-5: classical, peaceful, relaxing, Jazz, sadness 6-10: heavy metal, energy, sporting events, physical labor, road accidents V Let’s talk 1-8: Good Morning to All, success, musical talents, without, second part, replaced, legal action, real owners VI Further listening and speaking Task 1: 1-6: special, joke, talent, proud, loud, joy 7-12: honesty, dancer, talk, wondered, capture, fan Task 2: 1-5: B A A D C Task 3: 1-5: F F T T T

Unit 2 What’s on at the cinema? II Listening skills 1-5: A D B C B III Listening in Task 1: 1-5: director, sound effects, good story, think, sad 6-9: violent, light-hearted movies, mystery movie, in the future Task 2: 1-5: D C D A B Task 3: 1-5: film, directors, actors, important, the United Kingdom 6-10: viewers, 40 million, Olympic, World Cup, time 11-15: artistic value, depth, Best Picture, favor, science fiction V Let’s talk 1-5: A B C D D VI Further listening and speaking Task 1: 1-5: memorizing lines, remember one line, I hear the guns roar, a loud boom, forgot his line Task 2: 1-5: A C C A D


扬州大学《大学英语视听说教程》教学大纲 Syllabus for Viewing, Listening and Speaking: A Multimedia Approach ●课程编号:10051001-4 ●课程类别:公共基础课 ●适用专业:英语专业之外的所有专业 ●后续课程:大学英语拓展课程、通识英语教育课程、专业英语 ●总学分:8学分(每学期2学分) ●教学目的与要求: 《大学英语视听说教程》旨在传授英语试听基础知识,对学生进行全面严格的口语技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力,主要是口头交际能力,逐步达到在英语口头表达方面准确与流利相结合。其教学目的包括:(1)培养学生全面的语言综合应用能力。在必要的语言技能训练基础之上,加强学生运用语言知识分析和综合应用语言的能力。课堂主要练习口语,课后在网络学习平台上练习听力、模仿会话,并进行语音和语调的训练。课堂教学以口语训练为主,形式包括分组讨论、双人问答、角色扮演、演讲等。教材相关的音视频材料由学生利用校园网教学平台自主学习,教师监控管理并就学生提出的问题进行网上答疑,参与论坛讨论。(2)培养学生的口头交际能力。本课程的基本手段是通过让学生接触到大量的音视频文字及听力材料,增加语言输入,然后经过对语言的模仿最终达到对语言的自如运用。因此,第一、二学期着重于语言基本功的训练,如语音、语调、语法、朗读、复述能力。第三、四学期则着重让学生用所掌握的语言知识,条理清晰、逻辑严谨地口头表达观点与思想。在两个学年的学习中,学生应从大量的口语实践中完成从单纯模仿到自由运用的过渡。(3)增加学生对所学语言国家文化的了解。语言是文化交流的媒介,交际过程无时无刻不体现着文化之间的差异,所以本课程的目标之一就是培养学生观察和理解所学语言的社会环境,使其掌握正确、得体的表达方式。(4)提高学生观察分析问题的能力。本课程的课文素材绝大多数选自国外的教科书、报刊、影视剧等。它们一方面为学生提供了丰富的有关英语国家的资料;另一方面也为学生展示了外国人对社会诸方面问题的看法。口语实践活动应与提高观察分析问题的能力有机地结合起来。 根据教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》,结合我校分级教学的安排,学生在大学英语学习阶段,口语表达能力的要求分三个层次,具体包括:(1)一般要求,即一级起点学生的口语能力要求:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能经准备后就所熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。(2)较高要求,即二级起点学生的口语能力要求:能用英语就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、理由和描述事件,表达清楚,语音、语调基本正确。(3)更高要求,即三级起点学生的口语能力要求:能较为流利、准确地就一般或专业性话题进行对话或讨论,能用简练的语言概括篇幅较长、有一定语言难度的文本或讲话,能在国际会议和专业交流中宣读论文并参加讨论。 ●教学内容与学时安排


上一篇|下一篇:组胚实验(老师电... New Horizon Viewing, Listening, Speaking Book II Keys Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! II Listening skills 1-5: B B D C A III Listening in Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F Task 2: 1-5: B B D A C Task 3: 1-5: classical, peaceful, relaxing, Jazz, sadness 6-10: heavy metal, energy, sporting events, physical labor, road accidents V Let’s talk 1-8: Good Morning to All, success, musical talents, without, second part, replaced, legal action, real owners VI Further listening and speaking Task 1: 1-6: special, joke, talent, proud, loud, joy 7-12: honesty, dancer, talk, wondered, capture, fan Task 2: 1-5: B A A D C Task 3: 1-5: F F T T T Unit 2 What’s on at the cinema? II Listening skills 1-5: A D B C B III Listening in Task 1: 1-5: director, sound effects, good story, think, sad 6-9: violent, light-hearted movies, mystery movie, in the future Task 2: 1-5: D C D A B Task 3: 1-5: film, directors, actors, important, the United Kingdom 6-10: viewers, 40 million, Olympic, World Cup, time 11-15: artistic value, depth, Best Picture, favor, science fiction V Let’s talk 1-5: A B C D D VI Further listening and speaking Task 1: 1-5: memorizing lines, remember one line, I hear the guns roar, a loud boom, forgot his line Task 2: 1-5: A C C A D Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill! II Listening skills 1-5: B A A A A
