冀教版五年级英语下册测试卷 含答案

冀教版五年级英语下册测试卷   含答案
冀教版五年级英语下册测试卷   含答案

fish for lunch

green grapes

eggplant in plates

clean the classroom

Chinese children









Part Ⅰ Listening (听力部分,共40分)

Ⅰ. Listen and number. 听音,标号。(共10分)


Ⅱ. Listen and tick. 听音,打“√”。(共10分)

听句子,在对应图片的圆圈内打“√”。每个句子读三遍。 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

本试卷测试时间为50分钟,满分为100分,其中听力部分占 40分,笔试部分占57分,卷面书写占3分,请规范工整书写!

Ⅲ.Listen and choose. 听音,选择。(共10分)



( ) 1.

( ) 2.

( ) 3.

( ) 4.

( ) 5.

Ⅳ.Listen and judge. 听音,判断。(共10分)


1. The woman’s name is Amy. ( )

2. She is a music teacher. ( )

3. She goes to work at 6 a.m. ( )

4. She eats dinner at 6 p.m. ( )

5. She goes to bed at 10 p.m. ( )

Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共57分)

Ⅴ.Read and write. 认真读一读,选出与句中划线部分发音一致的单词填空,使句意通顺、完整。(共7分)

chicken umbrella sheep lunch brothers play fish

1. I have a shirt with a white .

2. with me, please.

3. This brown is mine.

4. Breakfast is for the .

5. That eats a peach. It’s so cute.

6. I have ten fresh in the pool (水塘).

7. The teacher eats at 12 o’clock.

Ⅵ. Finish the sentences.仔细看图,写词补句,注意月份单词首字母大写。(共5分)

1. Teachers’ Day is in .

2. Children’s Day is in .

3. New Year’s Day is in .

4. China’s National Day is in .

5. Christmas is in .

Ⅶ. Order the sentences. 将下列句子用1, 2, 3, 4, 5重新排序,使之成为一篇通顺的短文。(共10分)

( ) Why is she shopping today? ( ) What a good girl! ( ) Sarah is shopping now. ( ) Today is Sunday.

( ) Because Sarah ’s mother worked last night.

Ⅷ. Read and write. 选择恰当的句子完成对话,并将句子写在横线上。(共10分)

Amy : Robinson : My name is Robinson.

Amy : Robinson : I live on an island.

Amy : Robinson : Yes, I get up early everyday.

Amy :

Robinson : I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean

my cave.

Amy : Robinson : Yes. His name is Friday. He is good at sports.

A. What do you do everyday?

B. Do you have a friend?

C. What ’s your name?

D. Do you get up early?

E. Where do you live?

Ⅸ.Read and judge. 阅读理解,判断正“√”误“×”。(共10分)

1. The English party is on April 12th. ( )

2. The party will start at 12 p.m. ( )

3. You ’ll sing English songs at the party. ( )

4. You ’ll act out stories. ( )

5. You ’ll meet Robin the Robot. ( )

Ⅹ.Read and match. 看图读故事,选择与图片描述一致的文段,并将其字母标号写在对应图片的括号内。一个答案已给出。(共10分)

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( F ) ( )

1 2 3

4 6


A. He’ll visit his grandparents in July. They live in Xinjiang.

B. Oh my goodness! He forgot! There will be a maths test next Monday.

He must study hard.

C. In August, he’ll go to Huangshan Mountain. The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful!

D. Zoom likes grapes very much. He’ll go to the Grape Valley. The grapes

there are very sweet.

E. It’s April now. The summer vacation is still three months away. But

Zoom has a summer vacation plan.

F. Zoom has a great plan, but how about this weekend?

Ⅺ. Composition. 作文。(共5分)

题目:My day






3、标点符号正确,不少于十句话。Hello! My name is Jack. I’m from the U.S. I’m in Grade 5. I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. I eat breakfast at 7:30. I go to school at 8 o’clock. I usually have science and art in the morning. I play sports with my friends at 3:30. I eat dinner at 6 o’clock. On the weekend, I often play basketball. Sometimes I go shopping with my parents.

fish for lunch

green grapes

eggplant in plates

clean the classroom Chinese children

1 2

3 4



(卷面清楚工整、书写规范美观3分) Part Ⅰ Listening (听力部分,共40分)

I. 共10分,每小题2分。如下:

II. 共10分,每小题2分。依次勾出图片:右,右,左,左,右。 III. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:ABBAC IV . 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:FFTTT

Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共57分)

V . 共7分,每空1分,大小写错误减0.5分。依次是:

1. sheep;

2. Play;


4. brothers;

5. chicken;

6. fish;

7. lunch VI. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:

1. September;

2. June;

3. January;

4. October;

5. December VII. 共10分,每空2分。依次是:35214

VIII. 共10分,每空2分。依次是:CEDAB (要求学生写出对应的句子。) IX .共10分,每空1分。首字母不大写的减0.5分。依次是:√××√√ X .共10分,每小题2分。依次是:EADC F B

XI .共5分。大小写、标点错误、语法错误每处扣0.5分。照搬原文的记0分。







Unit1 Lessons1—6 My Family Lesson 1 Li Ming’s Big Family 教学目标 知识目标: 1.听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, have, has, brother, sister, parent. 2.能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have …… 能力目标: (1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用. (2)帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。 情感目标: 通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中初步体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 教学重点:听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, have, has, brother, sister, parent. 教学难点:能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have …… 教法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作学习 课件使用:录音机,一张家谱图的张贴画。X k B 1 . c o m Part 1:Greeting Part 2:Warming-up (1)listen:The family in our House

播放英语歌曲调动积极性 Part 3:New words 展示李明家庭成员张贴画,熟悉他们的英文称呼:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, consion, uncle, aunt. 教师:This is Li Ming’s grandfather(指着图). This is Li Ming’s……(引导学生说家庭人员的称呼) 新 |课|标|第|一| 网 学生:This is Li Ming’s grandfather\father\mother\brother\sister \consion. 教师:(对学生甲)Li Ming’s grandfather is Li Ming’s father’s ……(引导学生回答) 学生甲:father. 教师:Your mother’s sister is your…….. 全班:Aunt. 教师:(继续问题)Your…….. is your ………. Part 4: Games 找到墙:把father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, consion, uncle, aunt的词汇卡片张贴到墙上,教师发出指令如:walk to father!. Jump to uncle! 学生根据指令做。 Part5: Homework 第二课时 Part 1:Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Part 2:Warming-up (1)Let’s sing:The family in our House (2)播放英语歌曲调动积极性


五年级英语第一单元测练题 班级________ 姓名____________ 一、译英文: 1、吃早饭_________ _________ 2、晨练____ __________ ___________ 3、吃午饭_______ _________ 4、上英语课______ ________ _________ 5、吃晚饭_______ _________ 6 进行体育活动__________ __________ 二、翻译成中文: 1、get up___________ 2、go to school__________ 7、do homework__________ 3、go home_________ 4、go to bed____________ 8、do housework_________ 5、eat lunch_________ 6、and you________= _______ ________ _______ 三、连词成句: 1、at, I, to, 7:00, school, go, ( . ) __________________________________ 2、usually, I, at, sports, 4:30, play, ( . ) ____________________________ 3、have, we, at, class, 8:10, English, ( . ) _____________________________ 4、do, up, when, you, get, ( ) ___________________________________ 5、do, when, exercises, do, morning, you, ( ) ___________________________________ 6、about, what, you, ( ) ______________________________________ 根据你自己的实际情况回答: 1、When do you get up________________________ 2、When do you go to school____________________________ 3、When do you go home_______________________________ 4、Are you in Grade Five_______________________________ 5、Do you go to school at 7:00___________________________ 测练题二 一、译中文: 1、in the morning___________ 2、go to work____________ 3、in the afternoon__________ 4、at noon_______________ 5、in the evening___________ 6、read books____________ 二据句子意思填空: 1、______ do you go to bed I go to bed _____ 9:00. 2、I usually eat lunch ____ 12:00 _______. 3、I play sports at ______ (大约)5:00 ____ the afternoon. 4、We __ __ _________(上英语) class at 9:00 in _____ morning. 三、连词成句: 1、eat, you, when, do, dinner ( )_____________________________ 2、at, evening, do, I, the, homework, 8:00, in, ( . ) _____________________________________________________________ 3、at, usually, 12:00, eat, noon, I, lunch, ( . ) _____________________________________________________________ 4、about, we, sports, at, 4:30, play, the, afternoon, in ( . ) _____________________________________________________________ 四、实际回答: 1、When do you do homework in the evening_________________________ 2、Do you go home in the afternoon_________________________________ 3、What do you do______________________________________________ 4、When do you go home_________________________________________


Unit1 Lessons1---6 Going to Beijing Lesson 1 I am excited! 教学目标: 1.知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词; 2.能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决描述观察中所看到的东西。 3.情感目标:培养学生观察能力,提高学生对事物的探究兴趣。 教学重、难点: 要求四会的单词look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see ___________.。 教具、学具准备: 1.单词卡片。 2.录音机或课件。 教学过程: Class Opening and Review 1. 做游戏:“Colour point” Unit1 Lessons1---6 Going to Beijing Lesson 1 I am excited! 教学目标: 1.知识目标:要求学生掌握四会单词:look, see, point 体会表演looking, seeing, pointing;巩固食物名称单词和动物单词; 2.能力目标:能灵活使用句子 I see ___________.能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决描述观察中所看到的东西。 3.情感目标:培养学生观察能力,提高学生对事物的探究兴趣。 教学重、难点: 要求四会的单词look, see, point和要求掌握的句式I see ___________.。 教具、学具准备: 1.单词卡片。 2.录音机或课件。 教学过程: Class Opening and Review 1. 做游戏:“Colour point” 教师提前在黑板上放上不同颜色的纸,指明几个学生到前面做游戏,其他学生一起说歌谣,指颜色。 (设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些颜色,又引出了本课中提到的颜色。) 2. 做游戏“Name it” 教师说出颜色名称和表示词汇的类别,如Rde:food,这时学生必须写下他们所能想起来的红色的食品。(如:肉,苹果,草莓)谁写的最多就算赢。 教师拿出准备好的一些食物,说:“I’m hungry. I want to eat some bread. I like to eat some bread. What do you like to eat?”“I like to eat____.”复习表示实物名称的词汇。利用单词卡片What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is ____. 也可用此句型复习动物词汇。 (设计意图:这个环节的设置用来复习以前学过的食物词汇和动物词汇,同时复习What’s your favourite ____?这个句式。)


Part Ⅰ Listening (听力部分,共30分) 一. (共5分)听句子,选出句中所包含的单词 ( ) 1. A. shopping B. dancing C. swimming ( ) 2. A. spring B. August C. autumn ( ) 3. A. first B. fourth C. fifth ( ) 4. A. they B. their C. theirs ( ) 5. A. sleeping B. thinking C. eating 二. (共5分)听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三. (共10分) 听问句,选择恰当的答语。 ( ) 1. A. At 8:00. B. In the evening. C. On the weekend. ( ) 2. A. Summer. B. September. C. Easter.( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, it can’t. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 4. A. He’s my dad. B. It’s mine. C. John. ( ) 5. A. He’s young. B. He’s singing. C. She’s swimming. 四. (共10分) 听短文,在相应的表格里打√。 Part Ⅱ Writing (笔试部分,共67分) 五. 选出下列单词划线部分发音与众不同的一项。(共10分) ( ) 1. A. three B. thin C. that ( ) 2. A. clean B. clever C. plate ( ) 3. A. drink B. think C. long ( ) 4. A. where B. who C. which ( ) 5. A. school B. March C. teacher 六. 看图,根据句意及首字母提示填写短语。(共10分) 1. When do you p s ? 11 2. I often p a in summer. 3. My birthday is on J f . 4. Please k the desk c . 5. The girl is e l . 七. Read and choose. 选词填空,补全句子。(共4分) yours hers ours mine When Who Father Mother Brother Sister Jim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


I Hello! My name is x x. I’m a student. My birthday is January eighth. I’m 13 years ld.I’m yonger than my sister. I have short ,straight and black hair. I have big and black eyes.I’m 1.5 metres tall.I’m taller than my sister.I’m wearing sweater ,jeans and shoes. I live in a house. I go to school on foot . I like red.I like jeans.I like apple,I like fish and donut. My Good Friend My good friend is Wu Qiangqian. She is a student.She has short,straight and black hair. Her eyes are big. She is twelve years old.She is younger than me. She is 1.5 metres tall. She likes blue. She likes rice. She likes to play ping-pong. I like to play ping-pong.too.This is my friend. My family I have a happy family.In my family has three people,They are my father ,mother and me..My father is thirty two years old.My mother is thirty years old.My father is older than my mother.My mother is younger than my father.My father is 1.8 meters tall.My mother is 1.6 meters tall. My father is taller than my mother. My mother is shorter than my father. My father is a clerk.He goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher. She goes to work by bicycle.My father likes to play ping-pong. My mother likes to read a book. I’m a boy. I’m a student.I go to school on foot. I’m 12 years old. I’m 1.3 metres tall. I like to read a book.. I like blue. I like fish. I love my family. A plan of trip


五年级下册英语测试题 名字:班级: 学号: 一、按顺序默写26个大小写字母。 二、单词连线。 do morning exercises have English class eat dinner policeman eat breakfast 上英语课吃晚饭晨练吃早饭警察 get up play sports at noon usually go shopping 进行体育活动中午起床购物在…点钟通常---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- spring fall season summer winter play with snow why 季节春天夏天秋天冬天为什么玩雪Jan. May Apr. fourth first Dec. Nov. cook dinner 第四五月十一月一月四月第一十二月做饭fly write an e-mail answer the phone swim swing sleep read a book 打电话飞写电子邮件游泳荡秋千睡觉看书

三、判断单词意思。正确的打√,错误的打× plant trees 种树( ) play the piano 爬山( ) get up 睡觉( ) fly kites 睡觉( ) evening 经常()skate 滑冰()because 因为()swim 下雨( ) January 二月()August 八月()birthday 生日()September 十月()make a snowman 有时候()second 第三()then 那么()send 她的()draw pictures 讲话()listen to music 听音乐()climb 走()fly 飞()jump 跑()run 走()walk 跳()drink water 喝水()date 日期()July 六月()June 七月()fifth 第五()eighth第六( ) twelfth 第十二()play the piano弹钢琴()summer 春天()which 什么时候()fight打架()March三月()often 有时候()sometimes经常()when 什么时候( ) Oct. 九月()third 第二()clean the room接电话()cook dinner 做饭()四、选择,圈出正确的答案。 go hiking: A、去远足walk: A、飞swim:A、游泳climb: A、爬 B、购物B、走B、打架B、喝水 等一下:A、write a letter 书房A、study 四月:A、Oct. 睡觉:A、skate B、hold on B、climber B、April B、swim get up:A、起床fly kites: A、种树go hiking :A、吃饭sleep : A、睡觉 B、去远足B、放风筝B、去远足B、看书 爬山:A、play the piano 周末:A、rain 中午:A、often 跳:A、jump B、climb mountains B、weekend B、noon B、walk February: A、二月September: A、十月uncle: A、叔叔write a letter:A、做饭 B 、三月B、九月B、叶子B、写信


一.按要求改写句子 1. The boy is playing basketball. 否定句:____________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________ 否定回答:__________________________ 对"is playing basketball"提问:__________________________ 对" The boy"提问:__________________________ 2. They are singing in the classroom. 否定句:____________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________ 否定回答:__________________________ 对"are singing "提问:__________________________ 对" in the classroom"提问:__________________________ 3.仿照例句造句: Model:read a book --What are you doing? --I'm reading a book. 1).read a new book ________________ 2).clean the blackboard ________________ 4.she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.) ____________________ 5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问) ________________________ 6.is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句) ______________________ 7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) ________________________ 8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句) ______________________ 9.You are doing your homework.(用"I"作主语改写句子) ______________________ 10.they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _____________________ 11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句) ______________________ II.单项选择 ()1.我在照看孩子. (A)I am looking after the baby. (B)I'm look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.


2013--2014学年度期中测试五年级英语试卷 题号一二三四五六七八九十十 一 十二总分得分 听力部分(40分) 一、听音,选择你听到的一项,把编号写在括号里。(10分) ()1. A. boat B. coat C. cold ()2. A. fall B. feel C. fell ()3. A. sit B. sat C. said ()4. A. bored B. ball C. bottle ()5. A. tasty B. spicy C. yucky ()6. A. Tai chi B. Thailand C. typhoon ()7. A. China B. Canada C. can ()8. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening ()9. A. see a movie B. see a doctor C. sing a song ()10. A. What a mess! B. What a desk! C. What a desert! 二、听音,判断你听到的内容与图意是否相符,相符的请打“√”,否则打“×”。(5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听短文,标号,连线。(10分) ( ) Gogo meet some friends ( ) Jenny go on vacation ( ) Peter get a haircut ( ) Tony write letters ( ) Lisa have a party 四、听音,选出最佳答句,将其编号写在左边的括号里。(10分) ()1. A. We are from Beijing! B. We were in Beijing. C. Let’s go to Beijing! ()2. A. It’s tasty. B. It’s thirty. C. It’s snowy.()3. A. I was in Beijing. B. I visited friends. C. I am going to plant trees. ()4. A. Yes, I didn’t. B. No, I didn’t. C. No, I did. ()5. A. A typhoon came. B. I went to the hospital. C. She’s taking a nap.()6. A. No, I don’t. B. No, I’m not. C. No, I can’t.()7. A. Some meat. B. Some vegetables. C. Some kites. ()8. A. Because it’s hot. B. Hurray! C. What a mess! ()9. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, I am. ()10. A. We went to school. B. We’re going to write letters. C. No, we are going to take a trip. 五、听短文补全短文。(5分) On Saturday Mary______ to go to the park with her friend. She got up late. She_____on her clothes and ______have breakfast. She_____her bike quickly. At the crossing a policeman _____ her. Because she crossed at red light. 笔试部分(60分) 六、看图,找出相应的单词,把编号写在括号里。(4分) 1.( ) A. eat 2. ( ) A. ride B. drink B. write 3.( )A. wind 4.( ) A. blow B. window B. broke 七、根据句子选出恰当的图片,把编号写在左边的括号里。(5分) ( ) 1. I’m from Thailand. A. ( ) 2. They went to the park. B. ( ) 3. The chair broke. C. ( ) 4. The food was spicy. D. ( ) 5. She wrote some letters. E. 八、选词填空,把编号写在横线上。(5分) A . blew B. on C. drink D. break E . in 1. There were some clothes ________a tree.


五年级下册英语测试题 五年级语文阅读方法中,寻读法是指为得到急需的有关资料,在众多相关书籍资料中搜寻查找的一种快速阅读方法。X在此整理了五年级下册语文期末测试题,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获! 五年级下册语文期末测试题1 一、积累(40分) 1.读拼音,写词语。(6分) jùn qiào duàn liàn yōu jìng jī fěng zhèn ěr yù l óng 2.把下面的词语补充完整。(4分) 鹏程( )里光彩( )目勃勃生( ) ( )秃秃 镇定自( ) 秉( )夜游( )之不理入场( ) 3.根据读读.背背填空(7分) (1) ,不进则退。 (2)一寸丹心图报国,。 (3) ,耻下问者自满。 (4)稻花香里说丰年,。 (5)水有源,;木有根,。

(6) ,须上高峰八百盘。 4.按课文填空。(13分) (1)有的( )过湖面,尾尖偶尔( )一下水面,就看到波纹一圈一圈地( )开去。 (2)皮鞋匠看看妹妹,月光正照在她那( )的脸上,照着她( )大大的眼睛。 (3)还是原来的马,只调换了出场( ),就可以( )。 (4)他深深地吸了一口气,( )举起右手,举到齐眉处,向那位跟云中山 ( )的军需处长敬了一个军礼。 (5)有喜有忧,( ),有花有果,( )。既须劳动,( ),这就是养花的乐趣。 (6)日出江花红胜火,( )。 5.默写(10分) (1) 这学期你在课内已学了不少古诗词,请写出描写春天、夏天美好景色的诗句各两句。 描写春天的:,。 描写夏天的:,。 (2)表达了强烈思想感情的一句句子。 (3) “白杨树从来就这么直。 不软弱,也不动摇。“


冀教版小学五年级英语单词表 (上册) 第一单元 father 父亲,爸爸 mother 母亲,妈妈 grandfather (外)祖父 grandmother (外)祖母 have 有,吃,进行 brother 哥哥,弟弟 sister 姐姐,妹妹 parent 父亲,母亲 white 白色,白色的 hair 头发 black 黑色,黑色的 uncle 伯父,叔父,舅父,姑父,姨父aunt 姑母,姨母,伯母,婶母,舅母cousin 堂兄,表兄 thin 瘦的 work 工作 doctor 医生 hospital 医院 nurse 护士

worker 工人 walk 散步,步行,走go for a walk 去散步 plant 种植 flower 花,花朵 cook 烹饪,厨师 we 我们 family 家,家庭,家属film 电影,影片watch a film 看电影 第二单元China 中国 map 地图 speak 说,讲,谈话,交谈know 知道,了解 about 关于,大约 city 城市 of ………….的star 星 here 这里,在这儿beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的

love 爱,喜欢 travel 旅行 interesting 有趣的,有吸引力的 place 地方,场所 may 可以 young 年轻的,巨大的 call 打电话,通话,电话 slow 慢的,缓慢的 plane 飞机 fast 快的,迅速的 train 火车 from……….to……….. 从………..到……. Sunday 星期日 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六


精品文档 五年级下册英语第六单元测试卷姓名___________ 分数 ________________一、找出下面单词中不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。(12分)( )1.A.swim B. swimming C. swing D. run ( )2.A.season B. spring C.summer D. fall ( )3.A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D.orange ( )4.A.kangaroo B. ant C.butterfly D.aunt ( )5.A. we are B. they are C.he is D. you are ( )6.A. morning B. afternoon C. sun D. evening 二、选择,把正确答案的序号写到前面的括号里。(20分) 1.( ) What ____ John doing? A.is B.am C.are 2.( ) Is he ________ a report? A.writeing B.write C.writing 3.( )Where are they? A.Yes , they are. B.They are in the woods. C.They're picking up leaves. 4.( ) Are you eating lunch? A. Yes , you are. B. Yes, I can . C. No , we aren't. 5.( ) Is she counting insects? A. No,he isn't. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn't. 6.( ) Do you like sweet food? A.Yes , she does. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes, I am. 7.( ) Are you flying kites? A.Yes , she does. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes, I am. 8.( ) Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Amy is catching butterflies ,___. A. too B. yes C. not 9.( ) It's time _____ go to school. A.to B.for C.on 10.( ) Let's do an experiment. A. Goodbye. B. OK. C. Thank you. 三、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(16分) ()1.What are you doing? A. It's running. ()2. What's the date? B.No,she isn't. ()3.Where is Zhang Peng ? C.He is in the woods. ()4.Are they reading a book? D.He's playing chess. ()5.What is John doing? E. I like apple . They are sweet . ()6.What's your favourite fruit? F. I am talking to you.. ()7.Is she writing a report? G .Yes,they are. ()8.What is it doing? H. It's May 1st. 四、连词成句。(10分) 1、playing is he chess . _____________________________________ 2、she insects is counting . _____________________________________ 3、he doing what is ? _____________________________________ 4、have today picnic a Let's . _____________________________________ 5、reading a book are they ? _____________________________________ 五、看一看下面的句子,根据汉语意思写一写单词。(8分) 1.They are _______ _______ . (下棋) 2. Today is Sunday , Mike and Chen Jie are ______ __ _______(野炊)in the park. They have a good time.


五年级下册单元复习重点总结 第一单元 短语: go to Beijing 去北京at the train station 在火车站 want to 想要 sit down 坐下 stand up 起立 go straight 直走 ride bike 骑车 look out of 向外看 on the train在火车 look at 看见 draw a picture 画画 read. a book读书sing a song 唱歌 have breakfast吃早点 fly a kite 放风筝 here you are 给你 read the newspaper 读报 have fun 玩得高兴 play with 跟…玩 play cads 打牌 go on a trip to Beijing去北京旅行 get the tickets 买票 how much 多少钱 have a good trip一次美妙的旅行 listen to music 听音乐 句子: 1.Please don‘t jump!不要跳 2.A:What are you doing ?你在干什么?B:I’m reading a book.我正在读书。 3.A:Who is singing ?谁在唱歌?B:The girl is singing。这个女孩在唱歌。 4.A:Who is hungry ?谁饿了?B:I’m hungry.我饿了。 5.A:W ould you like some fruit? 你想要点水果吗?B:Y es,please/No,thanks. 6.A:What would you like? 你想要点什么?B:I’d like some candy.我想要点糖果。 7. A:What is the baby doing ?这个婴儿在干什么?B:The baby is crying.这个婴儿在哭。第二单元 短语: arrive in到达 in the afternoon在下午 on the way 在路上 in the park 在公园play football 踢足球 do T ai Chi 打太极 take a picture 照相Don’t worry 别担心


人教版五年级英语下册 测试题 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

五年级英语第一单元测练题 班级________ 姓名____________ 一、译英文: 1、吃早饭_________ _________ 2、晨练____ __________ ___________ 3、吃午饭_______ _________ 4、上英语课______ ________ _________ 5、吃晚饭_______ _________ 6 进行体育活动__________ __________ 二、翻译成中文: 1、get up___________ 2、go to school__________ 7、do homework__________ 3、go home_________ 4、go to bed____________ 8、do housework_________ 5、eat lunch_________ 6、and you________= _______ ________ _______ 三、连词成句: 1、at, I, to, 7:00, school, go, ( . ) __________________________________ 2、usually, I, at, sports, 4:30, play, ( . ) ____________________________ 3、have, we, at, class, 8:10, English, ( . ) _____________________________ 4、do, up, when, you, get, ( ) ___________________________________ 5、do, when, exercises, do, morning, you, ( ) ___________________________________ 6、about, what, you, ( ) ______________________________________ 根据你自己的实际情况回答: 1、When do you get up________________________ 2、When do you go to school____________________________ 3、When do you go home_______________________________ 4、Are you in Grade Five_______________________________ 5、Do you go to school at 7:00___________________________ 测练题二 一、译中文: 1、in the morning___________ 2、go to work____________ 3、in the afternoon__________ 4、at noon_______________ 5、in the evening___________ 6、read books____________ 二据句子意思填空: 1、______ do you go to bed I go to bed _____ 9:00. 2、I usually eat lunch ____ 12:00 _______. 3、I play sports at ______ (大约)5:00 ____ the afternoon. 4、We __ __ _________(上英语) class at 9:00 in _____ morning. 三、连词成句: 1、eat, you, when, do, dinner ( )_____________________________ 2、at, evening, do, I, the, homework, 8:00, in, ( . ) _____________________________________________________________ 3、at, usually, 12:00, eat, noon, I, lunch, ( . ) _____________________________________________________________ 4、about, we, sports, at, 4:30, play, the, afternoon, in ( . ) _____________________________________________________________ 四、实际回答: 1、When do you do homework in the evening_________________________ 2、Do you go home in the afternoon_________________________________ 3、What do you do______________________________________________ 4、When do you go home_________________________________________
