





是good friday(耶稣受难日),紧接而来的是easter sunday(复

活节)和easter monday(复活节星期一),而easter monday


星期五:good friday

good friday,又称基督受难日或耶稣受难节,是为了纪念耶稣基督



举行受难日崇拜及拜苦路礼仪,让信徒默想基督为世人所付出的爱。星期六:复活节前日 easter saturday【这个我们不需要讲= =b】




星期日:复活节 easter day

















星期一:复活节星期一 easter monday
























*good friday in canada*


good friday occurs two days before easter sunday. it is the day when christians commemorate the crucifixion of jesus christ, which plays an important part in the christian faith. it is also a statutory holiday in all canadian provinces and territories except quebec, where it is partially observed.


a depiction of jesus on the cross.


what do people do?


christians may attend special church services, even if they do not attend church regularly during the rest of the year. good friday is a day of mourning and quiet prayer among many christians. the candles are often extinguished and statues, paintings and crosses may be draped in black, purple or gray cloth. some catholics observe a partial fast on good friday and do not eat any meat.


hot cross buns are a traditional treat on good friday. these are small bread-like buns, made from dough that contains raisins, currants and other dried fruit. the top of a hot cross bun is marked with a cross and covered with a sugar glaze. the cross may be cut into the bun or marked with a special dough that remains pale even after it has been baked. hot cross buns may be eaten as they are, split and spread with butter or toasted.

十字面包是在星期五一个传统的治疗。这些都是小面包像包子,制成面团含有葡萄干,葡萄干等干果。一个十字面包上面标有交叉覆盖着糖釉。交叉可切割成发髻或有特殊的面团,依然苍白的即使它已经烤好了。十字面包,可能是因为它们吃的,分裂,涂上黄油或烤。 for canadians who are not christians good friday is the start of a three or four-day weekend. this is a welcome spring break, which some people use to visit family or friends. it is also a popular time to take a short vacation.




*public life*


good friday is a public holiday at a national level in canada. schools and many businesses and organizations are closed

and many people have a day off work. post offices are closed and in some areas, particularly in the provinces of manitoba, ontario, quebec, new brunswick, prince edward island and newfoundland and labrador, stores are closed or have

restricted opening hours. public transport services many run

to their usual or restricted timetables. in rural areas, public transport may close down completely.







in quebec, good friday or easter monday are a statutory

general holidays at the option of the employer. schools and

post offices are closed. public transport services many run to their usual or restricted timetables. in rural areas, public transport may close down completely.





good friday is the day when christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of jesus christ. this is an important event in christianity, as it represents the sacrifices and suffering in jesus life. the crucifixion was the culmination of a number of events in holy week, including: the triumphal return of jesus to jerusalem on palm sunday; the washing of the disciples feet by jesus; and the last supper on maundy thursday. the easter date

depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the march equinox.






on good friday in 1964 (march 27), a large earthquake

occurred when a fault between the pacific and north american tectonic plates ruptured. the epicenter of the earthquake was near prince william sound in alaska, usa, but also caused a tsunami. this damaged or destroyed more than 400 homes in communities on the west coast of vancouver island, including port alberni and zeballos.






the most important good friday symbol is the crucifix, or cross, which represents the way jesus died. some crosses bear a figure of christ. other symbols of good friday include black cloth used to cover the cross, paintings and statues in churches and some homes to signify mourning. in addition, some people deliberately create a bare appearance in their homes and churches by removing all flowers and shiny objects.



制造在他们的家庭和教会的赤裸的外观移除所有的鲜花和闪亮的物体。 *easter sunday in united states*


many christians celebrate jesus christs resurrection on easter sunday. the easter date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the march equinox.



*ascension day*


easter sunday celebrates the christian belief of jesus christs resurrection from the dead. 星期日的复活节庆祝耶稣基督的复活


what do people do?


many churches hold special services on easter sunday, which celebrate the jesus christs resurrection after his crucifixion. many people also decorate eggs. these can be hard boiled


that can be eaten later, but may also be model eggs made of plastic, chocolate, candy or other materials. it is also common

to organize easter egg hunts. eggs of some form are hidden, supposedly by a rabbit or hare. people, especially children,

then search for them. in some areas, easter egg hunts are a popular way for local businesses to promote themselves or

may even be organized by churches.





彩蛋是一种流行的方式,为当地企业推销自己,甚至可能是由教堂。 *public life*


easter sunday is not a federal holiday but a number of stores are closed in many parts of the us and if they are open, they may have limited trading hours. in some cities, public transit systems usually run their regular sunday schedule, but it is

best to check with the local transport authorities if any

changes will be implemented during easter sunday.






in pagan times, many groups of people organized spring festivals. many of these celebrated the re-birth of nature, the return the land to fertility and the birth of many young animals. these are the origins of the easter eggs that we still hunt for

and eat.




in christian times, the spring began to be associated with

jesus christs crucifixion and resurrection. the crucifixion is remembered on good friday and the resurrection is remembered on easter sunday. the idea of the resurrection joined with the ideas of re-birth in pagan beliefs. 在基督教时代,春季开始与耶稣基督的受难和复活联系。十字架是记得在星期五和





for people with strong christian beliefs, the cross that jesus was crucified on and his resurrection are important symbols of the period around easter. other symbols of easter include real eggs or eggs manufactured from a range of materials, nests, lambs and rabbits or hares. sometimes these symbols are combined, for example, in candy models of rabbits with nests full of eggs. eggs, rabbits, hares and young animals are

thought to represent the re-birth and return to fertility of nature in the spring.





easter, which celebrates jesus christ’s resurrection from the dead, is christianity’s most important holiday. it has been

called a moveable feast because it doesn’t fall on a set date every year, as most holidays do. instead, christian churches in

the west celebrate easter on the first sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on march 21. therefore, easter is observed anywhere between march 22 and april 25 every year. easter eggs are decorated eggs that are often given to celebrate easter or springtime. as such, easter eggs are common during the season of easter season. the oldest tradition is to use dyed and painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as chocolate. eggs, in general, were a traditional symbol of fertility, and rebirth.egg rolling, or an easter egg roll is a traditional game played with eggs at easter. different nations have different versions of the game, usually played with hard-boiled, decorated eggs.in england, germany and other countries, children traditionally rolled eggs down hillsides at easter; this may have become symbolic of the rolling away of the rock from jesus christ’s tomb before his resurrection.

the easter bunny (also called the easter rabbit or easter hare) is a folkloric figure and symbol of easter, depicted as a rabbit bringing easter eggs. originating among german lutherans, the easter hare originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behavior at the start of the season of eastertide. the easter bunny is sometimes depicted with clothes. in legend, the creature carries colored eggs in his basket, candy, and sometimes also toys to the homes of children, and as such shows similarities to santa claus as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holidays.











these traditions, along with others such as the easter bunny, were taken to the new world by european settlers. on april 13, 2009, the obamas hosted their first white house easter egg roll. the theme “let’s go play” was meant to encourage young people to lead healthy, active lives. celebrities such as j.k. rowling, and justin bieber attended the egg roll in 2010.

这些传统都被欧洲移民带到了新大陆。2009年4月13日,美国总统奥巴马主持了他们的第一次复活节滚彩蛋活动,主题为“我们开始玩吧”,旨在鼓励年轻人过健康的、积极向上的生活。英国著名作家j.k. 罗琳和贾斯汀.比伯参加了2010年的滚彩蛋庆祝活动。language points:

resurrection [rez?rek?(?)n] n. 复活;恢复;复兴

christianity [,kristi?n?ti] n. 基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义vernal [v??n(?)l] adj. 春天的;和煦的;青春的

equinox [i?kw?n?ks; ekw?-] n. 春分;秋分;昼夜平分点 dyed [da?d] adj. 被染色的

confectionery [k?nfek?(?)n(?)r?] n. 糕点糖果

fertility [f?t?l?t?; f??t?l?t?] n. 多产;肥沃;

eastertide [i:st?taid] n. 复活节季













2、全园各班开展“colour easter eggs(画彩蛋)活动。




全园小朋友可以分场地进行复活节游行活动,教师扮演成easter bunny(小兔子)手里提着小篮子,然后部分教师组织幼儿进行游行,游行主要以有关easter的单词与句子来提出问题,让幼儿进行回答,答对的小朋友奖励一个小礼物。










3、《egg hunt》亲子找彩蛋活动。



单词:easter bunny easter eggsbasket toys

句型: color the eggs hide the eggs

go on an egg hunt go on a parade

let’s color the eggs. let’s hide the eggs.

let’s go on an egg hunt. let’s go on a parade.

i am a rabbit. let’s go on a parade.



easter bunny! hop! hop! hop!


egg hunt! egg hunt!

fun! fun! fun!

how many eggs have you won?

maybe ten or maybe none!


easter is coming. the children color the eggs. the easter bunny hides the eggs.

on easter morning the children go on an egg hunt. then, they go on a parade. they are happy. chicks, eggs and rabbits are signs of easter.


复活节英文资料 导读:本文是关于复活节英文资料,希望能帮助到您! Easter is a convergence of three traditions. pagan, Hebrew and Christian. Although the observance of Easter was at a very early period in the practice of the Christian church, a serious difference as to the day for its observance soon arose between the Christians of Jewish, and those of Gentile descent, which led to a long and bitter controversy. pagan Origins The pagan origins of the holiday according to a Venerable Bede, English historian of the early 8th century, the name Easter, like the name of the days of the week, is a survival from the old Teutonic mythology. According to Bede it is derived from the No rse Ostara or Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, to whom the month of April, and called Eostur-monath, was dedicated. The Greek myth, Demeter and persephone, with its Latin counterpart, Ceres and per sephone, conveys the idea of a goddess returning seasonally from the nether regions to the light of day. This is in conjunction with the festival of spring, or vernal equinox, March 21, when nature is in resurrection after winter. The origin of the rabbit icon, or Easter Bunny, comes from the fact that rabbits are notable for their capacity of abundant


复活节英文资料 篇一:复活节中英文介绍NO.1 复活节 As with almost all “Christian” holidays, Easter has been secularized and commercialized. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication. 和其它基督教节日一样,复活节正慢慢“被世俗”和“被商业”。即便如此,复活节的这两个性质和它的标志并不是必然的“现代产物”。 The history of Easter 复活节的历史 Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, Easter has had its non-religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival. “复活节是神圣的庆典”的概念在公元200年已经形成,自那时起,复活节就站在了非宗教的一方。而事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。 The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, Eastre. When the second-century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to Christianity. They did so, however, in a clandestine manner. 古撒克逊人庆祝春至时非常热闹,因为这也纪念他们祖先和春天的“复活”。在公元200年,基督教的传教士并偶然来到这个拥有异教庆典的北方部落。这些传教士尝试让撒克逊人改信基督教,而他们使用的方法非常隐秘。 It would have been suicide for the very early Christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. To save lives, the missionaries cleverly


复活节的相关资料介绍与复活节节日起源介绍合集 复活节的相关资料介绍 对复活节的相关资料你了解多少呢,看看下文吧! 复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。它是纪念耶稣基督在十字架受刑死后复活的节日,西方信基督教的国家都过这个节。 (英文原句为:“easter, anniversary of the resurrection of christ, observed o 耶稣基督 n the first sunday after a full moon on or after 21 march.”) [注:原来,复活节那一天,是经由三个历法(分别是西历、中国阴历、星期)合并出来的,怪不得它会如此飘忽不定了!] 复活节是纪念耶稣复活,也是基督教最重要的一个节日。据圣经记载,上帝的儿子耶稣降生在马槽里,当他三十岁的时候,挑选十二个学生,开始传道工作。三年半中,他医病、传道、赶鬼,帮助各样有需要的人,将天国的道理说给人听。一直到上帝所安排的时候到了,耶稣基督被门徒犹大出卖,被捉拿、审问,被罗马兵丁钉死在十字架上,临死前曾预言三日后必复活。果然在第三日,耶稣复活了!按圣经的解释,耶稣基督乃道成肉身的圣子,来世上为要赎世人的罪,成为世人的代罪羔羊,这也是为什么复活节如此重要了。耶稣虽然像犯人一样被钉十字架,他死并不是因为他有罪,而是要按上帝的计划替世人赎罪。现在他从死里复活,表示他为我们赎罪成功。任何人只要信靠他,向他认罪,就可得上帝赦免。而耶稣的复活,代表他胜过了死亡,所以凡是信靠他的人,都有永生,就是可以永远和耶稣在一起。因为,耶稣现在仍然活着,所以他听得 第1 页共3 页


复活节英文简介 A Sunday between March 22 and April 25 The meaning of many different customs observed during Easter Sunday have been buried with time. Their origins lie in pre-Christian religions and Christianity. All in some way or another are a "salute to spring," marking re-birth. The white Easter lily has come to capture the glory of the holiday. The word "Easter" is named after Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox (春分). People celebrate the holiday according to their beliefs and their religious denominations (命名). Christians commemorate Good Friday as the day that Jesus Christ died and Easter Sunday as the day that He was resurrected (复活). Protestant settlers brought the custom of a sunrise service, a religious gathering at dawn, to the United States. This year Easter will be celebrated on Sunday April 11, 2004. On Easter Sunday children wake up to find that the Easter Bunny has left them baskets of candy. He has also hidden the eggs that they decorated earlier that week. Children hunt for the eggs all around the house. Neighborhoods and organizations hold Easter egg hunts, and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize. The Easter Bunny is a rabbit-spirit. Long ago, he was called the" Easter Hare." Hares and rabbits have frequent multiple births so they became a symbol of fertility. The custom of an Easter egg hunt began because children believed that hares laid eggs in the grass. The Romans believed that "All life comes from an egg." Christians consider eggs to be "the seed of life" and so they are symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts. Egg Rolling In England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christ's tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World. In the United States in the early nineteenth century, Dolly Madison, the wife of the fourth American President, organized an egg roll in Washington, D.C. She had been told that Egyptian children used to roll eggs against the pyramids so she invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building! The custom continued, except for the years during the Civil War. In 1880, the First Lady invited children to the White House for the Egg Roll because officials had complained that they were ruining the Capitol lawn. It has been held there ever since then, only canceled during times of war. The event has grown, and today Easter Monday is the only day of the year when tourists are allowed to wander over the White House lawn. The wife of the President sponsors it for the children of the entire country. The egg


复活节中英版的祝福语 i beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love. easter is coming drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, i wish you a happy! 将你善良的心灵捧于双手,把诚挚的爱印上邮票。在复活节到来之际,让我 们尽情沉醉在这千万只美丽的彩蛋与兔子蹦跳的季节里,祝愿你幸福! i really pity god for giving me the peace and joy bears. aolian me when i mostly ill treatment? what is suffering? needless to say anything in the main before! i would like to honor the soul of the body was the main use of the rise of life! thanksgiving cheering for you! it is the great revival of the main capabilities, the things he has given us is not useless. god help us all from our point of the matter gained power! easter is not used before, when we repent letter owner, christ lives in our possession has been revived, therefore, said "i no longer alive. i was inside the main alive, "the mystery of how classic! god bless our dear sister pay, dictates you would like to have every christian life full of the holy spirit, the grace of christ mongolia everything! amen! today, we are winning the day, we go to forest park evangelical, he was the main attendants to attract many people. i beg you to put your heart in your arm as if stamped with the seal of your faithful love is better than no water to put out the dead people easter is coming-not drowned in the thousands of colorful egg and the rabbit jump festival, i wish you a happy! gordian, asked owners are the main answer! miscommunications time for the main, the main road! sad when close to the main, which was comforting! looking tired when owners are the main power! lack of taste when owners are the main suppliers. da - en thank my owner, a significant source of love mercy! love really strange way, to kneel down crime waves washing enough that the almighty god to suffer shame! table love the crucifixion, vox moved out love! since want to recognize the need to save him, the main goal of hope desire! meet with the owners of grace, salvation was first fully safe! 我真的很可惜上帝给我的和平和欢乐熊。 aolian 我何时大多虐待?什么是 痛苦?不用说什么的主要面前!我要荣誉的灵魂,身体是主要使用的崛起生活!感 恩节为你欢呼!这是伟大复兴的主要功能,他的事情给了我们是不是无用的。上


复活节的中英文介绍 As with almost all "Christian" holidays, Easter has been secularized and commercialized. The dichotomous nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication. 和其它基督教节日一样,复活节正慢慢“被世俗”和“被商业”。即便如此,复活节的这两个性质和它的标志并不是必然的“现代产物”。 The history of Easter 复活节的历史 Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, Easter has had its non-religious side. In fact, Easter was originally a pagan festival. “复活节是神圣的庆典”的概念在公元200年已经形成,自那时起,复活节就站在了非宗教的一方。而事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。 The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, Eastre. When the second-century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to Christianity. They did so, however, in a clandestine manner. 古撒克逊人庆祝春至时非常热闹,因为这也纪念他们祖先和春天的“复活”。在公元200年,基督教的传教士并偶然来到这个拥有异教庆典的北方部落。这些传教士尝试让撒克逊人改信基督教,而他们使用的方法非常隐秘。 It would have been suicide for the very early Christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. To save lives, the missionaries cleverly decided to spread their religious message slowly throughout the populations by allowing them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but to do so in a Christian manner. 早期的基督教人为了庆祝他们神圣的节日而在仪式中自杀,然而这些仪式并没有与以前的庆祝仪式相类似。为了拯救生命,传教士略施小计,在人群中慢慢散布神明的信息,谎称神明允许人们继续庆祝异教节日,但是要使用基督教的方式进行庆祝。 As it happened, the pagan festival of Eastre occurred at the same time of year as the Christian observance of the Resurrection of Christ. It made sense, therefore, to alter the festival itself, to make it a Christian celebration as converts were slowly won over. The early name, Eastre, was eventually changed to its modern spelling, Easter. 就这样,复活节在同年出现了,而且被当作耶稣复活的基督教仪式。因此,这个节日就慢慢被改变,渐渐转变为基督教的一个节日。于是,人们渐渐皈依基督教。而复活节早期的名字Eastre,最后也被改成流传至今的拼法Easter。


复活节英文介绍解释简介 Why we dye, or color, and decorate eggs is not certain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia eggs were dyed for spring festivals. In medieval Europe, beautifully decorated eggs were given as gifts. Egg Rolling In England, Germany and some other countries, children rolled eggs down hills on Easter morning, a game which has been connected to the rolling away of the rock from Jesus Christ ‘s tomb when he was resurrected. British settlers brought this custom to the New World. In the United States in the early nineteenth century, Dolly Madison, the wife of the fourth American President, organized an egg roll in Washington, D.C. She had been told that Egyptian children used to roll eggs against the pyramids so she invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building! The custom continued, except for the years during the Civil War. In 1880, the First Lady invited children to the White House for the Egg Roll because officials had complained that they were ruining the Capitol lawn. It has been held there ever since then, only


XX英语复活节资料 Easter is one of most ancient most meaningful Christianity holidays. What it celebrates is Christs reactivating, the worlds the Christian must hold the celebration every year. Easter also symbolizes the rebirth and the hope. After the time is the vernal equinox month circle first Sunday date. 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复活,世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝。复活节还象征重生和希望。时间是春分月圆后的第一个星期日。 英语介绍复活节: Easter is the Christian commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus as a religious holiday. Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter. Church of Christ in the early years of the date of Easter, there have been controversial, causing momentary confusion, until 325 AD, the priests of the Church of the meeting before deciding on a day to celebrate the unification of the Easter. There are a lot of the traditional Easter


关于复活节彩蛋的英文介绍 The Easter we celebrate today is a combination1 of different traditions. Partly, it comes from old festivals2 to celebrate Spring. And partly it comes from the Christian celebration of the rebirth3 of Jesus Christ.Most people agree that the word “Easter” comes from the Anglo-Saxon4 Goddess Eastre, a symbol of Spring. It is easy to see how “Eastre time” became “Easter time”.As a chief Christian festival, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the 1st day of Spring. It can be as early as March 22, or as late as April 25! Many dates of the Christian5 calendar are dependent on Easter.The celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that have nothing to do with Christianity6. Of all the symbols associated7 with Easter, the egg, the symbol of richness8 and new life, is the most important. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries.Originally, Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and printed with various designs, the eggs were 1 / 2


复活节英文资料范文 复活节资料 复活节(主复活日)是现今 __徒的重要节日之一,定在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征重生与希望,乃纪念耶稣基督于公元33年被钉死后第三天复活的事迹。但是现在,许多与复活节相关的民间风俗,都不是起源于 __的。 复活节兔图册复活节兔 复活节兔是复活节象征之一。作为多产动物的兔子,象征了春天的复苏和新生命的诞生。兔子是爱神阿弗洛狄特的宠物,也是日耳曼土地女神霍尔塔的持烛引路者。因此,现在兔子是作为给孩子们送复活节蛋的使者。复活节彩蛋这一习俗虽然也同样是源于古代,但其出处依旧不可考证。希腊人通常在这一天将蛋涂 1 成红色,用血的颜色来表示春季时的万物复苏 (后来,这也表示了受难基督之血)。有的人也用绿色涂抹,纪念在一个冬季的枯槁后所发出的新绿。其他的颜色,包括在美国及其他地方流行的柔和淡色(或许是象征彩虹)也随之出现。

复活节彩蛋是西方国家在庆祝复活节时特别装饰性的蛋。传统上一般是使用经过染色的蛋类。现代的习惯通常是使用蛋状的巧克力代替。彩蛋一般事先藏好,然后由儿童来找寻。是复活节的象征性物品,是表达友谊、关爱和祝愿的方式。基督徒以复活蛋比喻为“新生命的开始”,象征“耶稣复活、走出石墓”。 用蛋来象征生命的复活,在耶稣基督降生之前就已经很流行。西欧人士相信蛋是有两次生命的,第一次是“新生”,第二次则是“重生”,重生就是象征了复活的意思。 2 Easter is an important holiday for the West, the first full moon after the vernal equinox each year a Sunday. Easter origins: Aording to The Bible, God's son Jesus was born in a manger, the time when he was three years old, the selection of twelve students, began missionary work. Three and a half, he was healing, preaching, casting out demons, to help all sorts of people in need, said the kingdom would give reason to listen. Until the time that


国外的节日习俗复活节英文 【篇一:美国节日双语介绍】 圣诞节 christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. it is the day when gods son was born on earth. hence, this day is sacred for all christians around the world. the christmas season gives rise to a number of christmas traditions that come along. here are a few of them that are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries. 圣诞节一直是个美好的节日。这是上帝之子诞生的日子,因此对世界各地的基督徒来说,这一天是非常神圣的。圣诞季节自然少不了各种圣诞传统。下面这些传统,可是几个世纪以来一直世界各地的人们一直热闹欢庆的习俗。on this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. during the christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and christmas trees.圣诞节当天,许多人会去教堂,在圣诞节,他们还会交换礼物,及用冬青、榭寄生和圣诞树来装饰自己的家。 preparation of the christmas cake 烘烤圣诞蛋糕 this was an english tradition which started centuries ago. on christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. as years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. soon this porridge got replaced with the christmas cake. christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits, etc. today a christmas cake is an integral part of a christmas menu. 这项英式传统早在几个世纪以前就流传开了,以前人们在平安夜喝梅花粥。随着时间慢慢推移,人们还会享用果脯、蜂蜜及香料食物等,随后圣诞蛋糕便代替梅花粥出现了。圣诞蛋糕由鸡蛋、黄油、甜点、水果等烘制而成。现如今,圣诞蛋糕已成为圣诞菜谱不可或缺的一部分。 decorating the christmas tree 装扮圣诞树 this refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. today, a


XX复活节资料英语版 Easter is one of most ancient most meaningful Christianity holidays. What it celebrates is Christ's reactivating, the world's the Christian must hold the celebration every year. Easter also symbolizes the rebirth and the hope. After the time is the vernal equinox month circle first Sunday date. 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复活,世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝。复活节还象征重生和希望。时间是春分月圆后的第一个星期日。 Easter is a convergence of three traditions. Pagan, Hebrew and Christian. Although the observance of Easter was at a very early period in the practice of the Christian church, a serious difference as to the day for its observance soon arose between the Christians of Jewish, and those of Gentile descent, which led to a long and bitter controversy. Pagan Origins The Pagan origins of the holiday according to a Venerable Bede, English historian of the early 8th century, the name Easter, like the name of the days of


复活节中英文介绍 【篇一:复活节中英对照资料】 中文背景【了解】 4月6日开始,加拿大人将放三天或四天长假,原因是这个星期五 是good friday(耶稣受难日),紧接而来的是easter sunday(复 活节)和easter monday(复活节星期一),而easter monday 不是法定假期,大部分公司仍旧上班,学校会放假。 星期五:good friday good friday,又称基督受难日或耶稣受难节,是为了纪念耶稣基督 被钉在十字架上受难的日子,是复活节前一个星期五。据圣经记载,耶稣于犹太历尼散月十四日上午九时左右被钉在十字架上,于下午 三时左右死去。耶稣唯独吩咐门徒要纪念他的死亡。教会会在这日 举行受难日崇拜及拜苦路礼仪,让信徒默想基督为世人所付出的爱。星期六:复活节前日 easter saturday【这个我们不需要讲= =b】 复活节前日即复活节前的星期六。在基督徒心中,是等待耶稣基督 自死中复活的日子。当日罗马天主教会不举行弥撒,直到晚上才庆 祝基督战胜罪恶和死亡,为人类带来救恩和希望。 星期日:复活节 easter day 复活节原本是古代异教的“春节”,是庆祝春回大地一切恢复生机的 节日。复活节可追溯到古巴比伦的爱情、生育和战争女神“伊什塔尔”(ishtar)。后来,此女神变成了西欧的黎明和春天女神eastre。复活节会在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日举行,因为春分之后便开 始日长夜短——光明大过黑暗,月圆的时候,不但在日间充满光明,就连漆黑的夜晚也被光辉(月光)照耀。因此,这正好是耶稣复活——光明战胜黑暗的写照。 罗马帝国君士坦丁大帝在公元325年召开第一次尼西亚公会议,规 定复活节是星期日,因星期日被教会视作为安息日,即耶稣死而复 活的日子,所以复活节就在每年春分月圆后第一个星期日举行。如 果月圆那天刚好是星期天,复活节则推迟一星期。因而复活节可能 在3月22日至4月25日之间的任何一天。比如说2006年月圆那 天是4月13日(星期四),所以月圆后的第一个星期日4月16日 就是复活节。2008年月圆日是3月20日,所以3月22日就是复活节。


复活节的习俗中英文 【篇一:复活节中英文介绍no.1】 复活节 as with almost all christian holidays, easter has been secularized and commercialized. the dichotomous nature of easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication. 和其它基督教节日一样,复活节正慢慢“被世俗”和“被商业”。即便如此,复活节的这两个性质和它的标志并不是必然的“现代产物”。 the history of easter 复活节的历史 since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century, easter has had its non-religious side. in fact, easter was originally a pagan festival. “复活节是神圣的庆典”的概念在公元200年已经形成,自那时起,复活节就站在了非宗教的一方。而事实上,最初的复活节是异教徒的节日。 the ancient saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, eastre. when the second-century christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to christianity. they did so, however, in a clandestine manner. 古撒克逊人庆祝春至时非常热闹,因为这也纪念他们祖先和春天的“复活”。在公元200年,基督教的传教士并偶然来到这个拥有异教庆典的北方部落。这些传教士尝试让撒克逊人改信基督教,而他们使用的方法非常隐秘。 it would have been suicide for the very early christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. to save lives, the missionaries cleverly decided to spread their religious message slowly throughout the populations by allowing them to continue to celebrate pagan feasts, but to do so in a christian manner. 早期的基督教人为了庆祝他们神圣的节日而在仪式中自杀,然而这些仪式并没有与以前的庆祝仪式相类似。为了拯救生命,传教士略
