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It aims at proving opportunities for the learners to experiment and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.
Task-based Language
Teaching 任务型语言教学(TBLT)
The Tasks of TBLT 任务型语言教学中的任务
Task-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(TBLT)
1.The definition 任务型语言教学的定义
2.The Main Features of Task-Based Language
1. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.强调通过交流来学会交 际
任务型 语言教学(Task-based Language Teaching)就是直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语 完成各种真实的生活、学习、工作等任务 (task),将课堂教学的目标真实化,任务化, 从而培养其运用英语的能力。也就是说以具体的 任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能 融为一体,通过听、说、读、写等活动,用所学 语言去做事,在做事的过程中发展运用自己所学 语言。它立足于学生本身,把学生作为教学的主 体,教师从学生“学”的角度设计出各种教学活 动。使学生在完成各种任务的过程中逐步形成运 用语言的能力,能“自己站起来走路”。
4. An enhancement of the learners’ own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的 重要因素
5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.
Task-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(TBLT)
How to understand the saying?
Tell me ,I forget.
Show me ,I remember.
Involve me ,I understand.
translation: 告诉我,我会忘记…… 给我展示,我能记住……
Pedagogical tasks
Enabling skills
复述, 预习
启动, 激活,
Rehearsal Activation Language Communicative
exercises activities
Nunan, D. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle / Thomson Learning
2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.将真实的语言材料引入学习的环境
3. Provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language, but also on the learning process itself.关注 语言的本身,也关注学习的过程
TBLT , a new approach to language teaching that has attracted a lot of attention over the past 25 years, is a task- based approach to learning and teaching . The focus of activities is on the task, and ultimately on meaning.
The Tasks of TBLT 任务型语言教学 中的任务
1. The definition of task任务的定义
2.The components of a task任务的组成 3.The rules of tasks designing.任务的
2.The Main Features of Task-Based Language Tewk.baidu.comching任务型教学的主要特征
3.The teaching steps of TBLT.任务型教 学的课堂步骤
4.A Framework for TBLT. 任务型教学的基本模式
1. Task-based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学(TBLT)
4. A Framework for TBLT
pedagogical adj.
Real-wor教ld育/ 学tar的ge, t教ta学sk法s的
任务型的课堂教学一开始就应呈现任务,让学生在任 务的驱动下学习语言知识和进行技能训练。这样的学 习过程是任务驱动(task-driven)的过程,一般按 以下四步进行:
1.Talent-show(属学前热身过程,可以展示以前学 习成果,也可以是学前准备。)