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原文题目:Struts In Action





Struts In Action

1What is struts (2)

2Who makes the Struts software (2)

2.1Why is Struts open source (2)

2.2Why is it called Struts (3)

3What are application frameworks (3)

3.1Other types of frameworks (3)

3.2Enabling technologies (4)

3.2.1Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) (4)

3.2.2Common Gateway Interface(CGI) (5)

3.2.3Java servlets (6)

3.2.4JavaServer Pages (6)

3.3Enabling technologies11 (7)

3.4.1JSP tags (7)

3.4.1JavaBeans (8)

3.4Enabling technologies111 (9)

4Struts from30,000feet (10)

1What is struts

Struts is open source software that helps developers build web applicationsquickly and easily.Struts relies on standard technologies—such as JavaBeans,Javaservlets,and Java Server Pages(JSP)—that most developers already know how touse.By taking a standards-based,“fill-in-the-blanks”approach to software development,Struts can alleviate much of the time-consuming grunt work that comeswith every new project.

2Who makes the Struts software

Struts is hosted by the Apache Software Foundation(ASF)as part of its Jakartaproject. Besides Struts,Jakarta hosts several successful open source products,including Tomcat, Ant,and Velocity.The initial Struts codebase was developed between May2000and June 2001when version1.0was released.More than30developers contributed to the Struts distribution,and thousands more follow the Struts mailing lists.The Struts codebase is managed by a team of volunteer“Committers.”By2002,the Struts team included nine active Committers.The primary architect and developer of the Struts framework is Craig R.McClanahan.Craig is also the primary architect of Tomcat4and the implementationarchitect of the Java Web Services Developer Pack.He is now Sun’s specification lead for JavaServer Faces(JSR-127)as well as the Web Layer Architect for the Java2Enterprise Edition(J2EE)platform.Struts is available to the public at no charge under the Apache Software License[ASF,License].There are no acquisition or other recurring costs for using the software.Unlike some other open source licenses,the Apache Software License is business-friendly.You can use Struts to create a commercial project and distribute the Struts binary without any red tape,fees,or other hassles.You can also integrate the Struts components into your own framework just as if they were written in-house.For complete details,see the Apache Software License at


2.1Why is Struts open source

Most of the leading Java utilities and frameworks are now open source projects.Many of the developers working on these projects do so as part of their regular jobs with companies like IBM,Sun Microsystems,and Apple.Collaborating openly on this type of software benefits the entire marketplace.Today,many open source components are integrated into commercial panies then sell professional documentation, guaranteed support levels,and other valuable aftermarket services to their clients.When software is freely available,it becomes much easier for the marketplace to support.Struts
