














2. 喜剧大师卓别林曾说“对于一个艺术家来说,如果能够打破常规,完全自由进行创作,其成绩往往会是惊人的”,齐白石,本是个木匠,靠着自学,成为画家,荣获世界和平奖。可面对已经取得的成功,他永不满足,而是不断汲取历代名画家的长处,改变自己作品的风格。他60岁以后的画,明显地不同于60岁以前。70岁以后,他的画风又变了一次。80岁以后,他的画的风格再度变化。据说,齐白石的一生,曾五易画风;正因为白石老人在成功后仍然马不停蹄,所以他晚年的作品比早期的作品更为成熟,形成独特的流派与风格。







1. 美国著名未来学家奈斯比特曾指出:“未来竞争是管理的竞争,竞争的焦点在于每个社会组织内部成员之间及其外部组织的有效沟通上。”管理者与被管理者之间的有效沟通是任何管理艺术的精髓。在哈佛案例教学里,很重视人的管理,尤其是沟通这门商业界的高层管理艺术。况且在现今这个商业社会里最注重的就是“员工意见沟通”、“员工意见沟通”这一词汇现已被扩充为“公司上下意见沟通”。迪






考研英语写作必备素材50句 以下50句写作句型与考研写作考察的炙热话题相关,可以作为写作的论证素材。建议考生在考前进行训练。训练的方法是先独立将中文转化为英文,然后对照参考译文,自查错误,对自己的译文进行改正,并学习参考译文中较好的句型、词汇等。最后要对好的语言素材进行背诵记忆。 1.涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。另一些人持相反意见。 也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废气排放实行控制。 When it comes tothe increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing,some people thinkthat use should be limited.Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, butemission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. 2.目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城市的流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。 There is a general debate nowadays aboutthe problem ofitinerant workers.Those who tothe rising migrant populationargue thatincreasing numberslead torising crime rates and harm social stability.They believe that strict limits should be placed onmigrants e ntering China’s cities.But people who favorthe influx of the cheap labor force,on the other hand, maintain thatmigrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program. 3.人们普遍认为过度砍伐造成了夏季特大洪水。专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。 It is widely acknowledged thatextensive deforestationcontributed toheavy summer flooding.Experts argue thatChina must introduce a massive forestation program.But I doubt whetherforestationalone will solve the problem. 4.大多数人认为财富为所有问题提供解决的办法。但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。 Most people are of the opinion thatwealth provides solutions to all problems.But in spite ofthe material benefits wealth provides,I believeone should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness. 5.越来越多的人通过互联网进入了“信息时代”。针对这一现象,一些人认为互联网消除了障碍,为人们提供了与世界即时链接的途径。但是,他们有没有意识到迅速发展的信息技术也能导致侵犯隐私? An increasing number of people arejoining the“Information Age”via the Internet.In reaction to the phenomenon, some saythe Internet has removed barriers and provided people with immediate access to the world.But do they realize thatrapidly advancing information technologycan also lead tointrusions of privacy? 6.最近,我们经常听到贫富差距扩大了的说法。一些人认为发达世界完全忽略了这个问题。事实是这样吗?细致的调查无法证实这一观点。 These days we often hear aboutthe widening gap between the rich and poor.Some


英语作文必背常用三大句型与20句英语作文经典素材! 家长反映,说自己或孩子写不好高中英语作文,一到20多分的作文题,连一半的分数都很难得到。要知道,英语作文是英语高考的必考题,占了很大的分值,如果写不好英语作文,也许就会和理想大学失之交臂了。所以今天小编给大家带来了英语作文必背常用三大句型与20句英语作文经典素材!希望你喜欢哦! 英语作文必背常用三大句型 高考英语作文常用句型一、表述原因 1、The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that... 2、The factors that contribute to this situation include... 3、The change in https://www.360docs.net/doc/e94803161.html,rgely results from the fact that... 高考英语作文常用句型二、作比较 1、The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 2、A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 3、However, the same is not applicable to B. 高考英语作文常用句型三、批驳 1、Some people say ..., but it does not hold water. 2、Many of us have been under the illusion that... 3、Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ... 高考英语作文常用句型四、举例说明 1、A good case in point is ... 2、As an illustration, we may take ...


2021年考研英语:作文道德类必备素材考研英语备考很多事情都要提上日程了,看看哪些是该注意的,下面由我为你精心准备了“2021年考研英语:作文道德类必备素材”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 2021年考研英语:作文道德类必备素材 一、必备词汇 1、虚假承诺:false promise 2、社会道德:social morality 3、社会公德:social virtue 4、躲避责任:shrink from responsibilities 5、道德缺失:lack of moral sense 6、追求经济利益:in pursuit of economic benefits 7、忽视努力工作:ignore hard word 8、缺乏社会意识:lack of social consciousness 9、信任危机:the crisis of trust 10、不道德行为:immoral behaviors 二、必备素材句 1、每个人都有责任去关爱他人。 It is our important duty totake care of/ help others. 2、从个人角度看,每个人,尤其是在困境中时,都需要别人的帮助或关爱,以满足身心发展的需求。 From the personal angel, every human has the need ofbeing taken care of/helped/understood/encouragedin order to meethis

physical and mental requirements/ to get healthy physical and mental development,especially when he is in trouble. 3、从社会角度看,一个重视并倡导无私奉献精神的社会才能使公民快乐生活。 From the social perspective, a society that advocates and emphasizes selfless devotion can make its citizens live happy lives. 4、社会公德与传统美德就如同落在我们肩上的阳光,带给我们微笑和力量,不论周围的世界变得多么黑暗,它们都能给我们支持。 Social morality and traditional virtues,like the sunshine on our shoulders,make us smile and stronger,so thatthey can give us support no matter how dark the world around us becomes. 5、此外,我们应该培养年轻人的意识,尊敬老人一直是中国文化的传统美德。 In addition,we should cultivate the awareness ofthe young that respecting the old has always beenthe traditional virtue of Chinese culture. 6、众所周知,赡养父母不仅是一种应该发扬光大的传统美德,而且也是法律规定的义务。 It’s all known thattaking care ofour own parents isnot only a Chinese traditional virtue,which should be cherished and promoted,but also a duty laid down in the constitution. 7、无论成功的决心多么坚定,成功的要求多么强烈,一个人永远不能丧失他/她的道德和社会觉悟。 However greatthe will to achieve,and however greatthe demand to succeed,one shouldnever abandon his/her moral and social consciousness.


考研英语作文必备19 个经典话题素材 好的考研英语作文表达,重在平时的点滴积累,下面为大家整理了一些考研英语作 文的经典话题素材,助力你的考研英语作文备考,赶快get 起来~ ▲正直诚实 好处: 1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功) 2、to work honestly to attain one 's life goal. (实现人生目标) 3、to enhance reputation of a country. ▲坚持:(成功) 1、No accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success needs efforts. 2、Success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit + 定语从句 Olympic game 好处: 1、it can be a tremendous momentum pushing the country 's development 2、Whenequipped with willingness, spurring people to overcome any difficulty and conquer any challenge. ▲献爱心 好处、意义: 1、Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility. 2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one 's heart. ▲人生价值 该类别主要包括:创新、勇气、奋斗、勤俭、高瞻远瞩、奉献、浪费、社会公德、幸福观、勇敢、得与失、正直诚实、持之以恒、拼搏的奥运精神、读书。

专题02 观点与建议-2021年高考英语应用文写作必备素材与核心句式集锦

2021年高考英语应用文写作必备素材与核心句式集锦02 观点与建议 【真题再现1】 (2020年,天津卷,第二次高考)假设你是晨光中学高三学生李津。你校于6月8日举办了成人礼活动,你的英国朋友Chris很想了解该活动。你于当晚给Chris回一封电子邮件,介绍关情况,内容包括: (1)成人礼活动内容(成长点滴回顾、观看校友抗疫事边录像); (2)对活动的感受; (3)对自己未来的展望。 注意: (1)词数不少于100; (2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行方连贯; (3)开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:成人礼the coming-of age ceremony 新冠脑炎COVID-F9 Dear Chris, I’m so glad to hear from you. _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Jin [参考范文]

Dear Chris, I am so glad to hear from you. The coming-of-age ceremony was held in our school on June 8th this month. During the coming-of-age ceremony, the headmaster congratulated us on stepping into the adult, reviewing the growth period that we had experienced. After that, we all watched the video of alumnus fighting against the epidemic. Through the activity, what I felt is that I am able to shoulder the responsibility and make us stronger and more determined. When faced with the difficulties and failures, I must overcome them. In the future, I will be a good doctor to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, devoting myself to my work. Best wishes! Yours, Li Jin [写作分析] 这是一篇应用文,要求写一封信。 第一步:审题。审题的目的是获取重要信息。通过审题我们可以确定几个方面的信息。第一,假如你是晨光中学的李津。你校于6月8号举办了成人礼活动,你的英国朋友Chris 很想了解该活动。你于当晚给Chris 回一封电子邮件,介绍相关情况,内容包括:(1)成人礼活动内容(成长点滴回顾,观看校友抗疫事迹录像等)2. 对活动的感受。3. 对自己未来的展望。第二,人称为第一人称。第三,时态为一般现在时,一般过去时和一般将来时。 第二步:布局段落,确定主要段落,次要段落,段落数量。这篇写作段落数量为三段。第一段:成人礼活动内容(成长点滴回顾,观看校友抗疫事迹录像等)。第二段:对活动的感受;对自己未来的展望。第三段,表达期望。 第三步:确定关键词汇和短语:congratulate sb on sth., be faced with, heal the wounded and rescue the dying, devote oneself to doing sth.; 第四步:确定较为高级的句子:that引导的定语从句和现在分词作状语During the


2020年高考作文经典素材总汇 1.名人教子 家教:包拯为它公正清廉,被老百姓尊称为包青天。他担心家人子弟利用权势贪污腐化,因而自述家训:后世子孙仕宦,有犯赃者,不得放归本家;亡疫之后,不得葬与大茔之中.不从吾志,非吾子孙。 铭教:宋代诗人苏武的长子苏迈赴任县太尉时,苏轼送给他一个砚台,上有他亲手所刻的砚铭:以此进道常若渴,以此求进常若惊;以此治财常若予,以此书狱常思生。 鞭教:岳云12岁参军作战.一次骑马下坡.没注意地形,人马栽进沟里。岳飞喝令按军法鞭打岳云,众将求情不允,责打百鞭。此后岳云刻苦训练,勇猛作战。1134年攻打随州时,挥舞40公斤重的铁锤.首当其冲第一个登城。岳飞教子的原则是:受罪重于士卒,作战先于士卒,受功后于士卒。 名教:1945年,革命老前辈林伯渠6岁的小儿子要读书上小学了。林老对儿子说:上学,该有个地道的名字,我看你就叫用三吧!儿子疑惑不解,林老解释说:用三者,三用也。即用脑想问题,用手造机器,用足踏实地! 联教:无产阶级革命家吴玉章曾撰写一幅对联挂在堂前。上联:创业难,守业亦难,明知物力维艰,事事莫争虚体面。以此教育子孙后辈要艰苦创业,勤俭持家,切不可

铺张浪费,追求虚荣;下联:居家易,治家不易,欲自我以身作则,行行当立好楷模。指出做长辈的要时时刻刻以身作则,身教重于言教,处处做出好样子,成为后辈们效仿的楷模。 章程教:老舍先生的教子章程,一是个必非考一百分不可;二是不必非上大学不可;三是应多玩,不失儿童的天真烂漫;四是要有健全的体魄。总之,老舍先生认为,孩子不必争做人上人,虚荣心绝对不可有。 【分析】:教育后代的方式是多种多样的,不同的人有不同的特色,但都有一个共同点,那就是:关注人性,关注品德,既严厉又慈爱。 【话题】:家庭教育教育与成才 2.一对残疾作家 孙幼忱是位双腿残疾的作家。他创作的小说《小佛佛历险记》受到读者的欢迎,还得了奖。可不幸又降临这个家庭,妻子董江云的左腿也残疾了。董江云为了支持丈夫写作,不仅代替丈夫去工作,还挑起了全部家务重担,她拄着拐杖拖着残腿干繁重的体力活。在丈夫的影响下,董江云也写起了童话,并在《黑龙江日报》上发表了《鸭子莎莎》。 这对残疾作家坦然面对自己身体的缺陷,他们认为,残疾并不是人生的全部。 【分析】:上帝为你关上一扇门,必会打开一扇窗,


2017考研英语作文写作50句热点话题素材句 考研基础阶段复习,虽说写作不是重点,但对于基础差的考生不妨细水长流,毕竟若要从根本上提升写作水准,还是要长期的积累和练习的,现在可以密度小一些的去积累积累练习练习,等量变升为质变,你会有惊喜,下面分享50个热点话题句型,可以作为写作的论证素材,大家留着背背。 1.涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。另一些人持相反意见。 也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废气排放实行控制。 When it comes tothe increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing,some people thinkthat use should be limited.Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, butemission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. 2.目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城市的流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。 There is a general debate nowadays aboutthe problem ofitinerant workers.Those who tothe rising migrant populationargue thatincreasing numberslead torising crime rates and harm social stability.They believe that strict limits should be placed onmigrants entering China’s cities.But people who favorthe influx of the cheap labor force,on the other hand, maintain thatmigrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program. 3.人们普遍认为过度砍伐造成了夏季特大洪水。专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。 It is widely acknowledged thatextensive deforestationcontributed toheavy summer flooding.Experts argue thatChina must introduce a massive forestation program.But I doubt whetherforestationalone will solve the problem. 4.大多数人认为财富为所有问题提供解决的办法。但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。


高考作文经典素材大全 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

高考作文经典素材大全 【海明威和他的“硬汉形象”】: 美国作家海明威是一个极具进取精神的硬汉子。他曾尝试吃过蚯蚓、蜥蜴,在墨西哥斗牛场亮过相,闯荡过非洲的原始森林,两次世界大战都上了战场。 第一次世界大战时,19岁的他见一意大利士兵负伤,便冒着奥军的炮火上去抢救,结果自己也被炸伤了腿,但他仍背着伤员顽强前进。突然间,炮击停止,探照灯大亮,海明威终于回到阵地。原来是他的英勇行为感动了奥军将领,下令放他过去。 1949年,他的朋友福克纳获1954年诺贝尔文学奖。 人是不能被打败的,你可以把他消灭,但不能打败他!” 【分析】: 话题:“成功的曲折”“永不言败” 【屈原以死报国】: 屈原一生经历了楚威王、楚怀王、顷襄王三个时期,而主要活动于楚怀王时期。这个时期正是中国即将实现大一统的前夕,“横则秦帝,纵则楚王”。

屈原出身贵族,又明于治乱,娴于辞令,故而早年深受楚怀王的宠信,位为左徒、三闾大夫。屈原为实现楚国的统一大业,对内积极辅佐怀王变法图强,对外坚决主张联齐抗秦,使楚国一度出现了一个国富兵强、威震诸侯的局面。但是在内政外交上屈原与楚国腐朽贵族集团发生 作文 ·素材了尖锐的矛盾,由于上官大夫等人的嫉妒,屈原后来遭到群小的诬陷和楚怀王的疏远。他被流放江南,辗转流离于沅、湘二水之间。顷襄王二十一年(公元前278年),秦将白起攻破郢都,屈原悲愤难捱,遂自沉汨罗江,以身殉国。 【分析】: 为了国家和人民的利益而献出了自己的生命,崇高的品德和情操在屈原的身上体现得淋漓尽致。 话题:“命运”“责任”“精神卫士” 【80美元环游世界】: 80美元来周游世界,他坚信只要有 年仅2680美元,兴致勃勃地开始了全在于他有积极的心态——坚信自己一定能够成功。人一旦定下目标,就得坚定不移地走下去,那样才能取得最后


考研写作词汇素材 李达 一、写作常用词 1.accident n. 意外事件,事故 2.achievement n. 成就,功绩 3.activity n. 活跃,活动性,行动,行为, 4.adopt vt. 采用,收养 5.advantage n. 优势,有利条件,利益 6.afford vt. [常与can,could,be able to 连用] 担负得起费用(损失、后果等),花费得起,经受得住;抽得出(时间) 7.ambition n. 野心,雄心 8.approach n. 接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近 9.attract vt. 吸引vi. 有吸引力,引起注意 10.bribe n. 贿赂vt. 贿赂,向……行贿 11.chance n. 机会,可能性,偶然性,运气 12.cheat n. 欺骗,骗子v. 欺骗,骗取 13.client n. [计]顾客,客户,委托人 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e94803161.html,munication n. 传达,信息,交通,通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e94803161.html,pare v. 比较,相比,比喻n.比较 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e94803161.html,pete vi. 比赛,竞争 17.concentrate v. 集中,浓缩 18.consequently adv. 从而,因此 19.contribution n. 捐献,贡献,投稿 20.convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 21.decline vi. 下倾,下降,下垂v. 拒绝,衰落 22.decrease n. 减少,减少之量v. 减少 23.demand n. 要求,需求(量),需要v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询 24.depict vt. 描述,描写 25.duality n. 二元性 26.economy n. 经济,节约,节约措施,经济实惠,系统,机体,经济制度的状况 https://www.360docs.net/doc/e94803161.html,cation n. 教育,训导,训练,培养,教育学 28.effect n. 结果,效果,作用,影响,(在视听方面给人流下的)印象 29.efficiency n. 效率,功效 30.emphasis n. 强调,重点 31.enjoy vt. 享受……的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱 32.enrich vt. 使富足,使肥沃,装饰,加料于,浓缩 33.ensure vt保证,担保,使安全,保证得到v. 确保,确保,保证 34.entertain vt. 娱乐,招待,接受,怀抱vi. 款待 35.environment n. 环境,外界 36.expense n. 费用,代价,损失,开支,费钱之物 37.fee n. 费(会费、学费等),酬金 38.figure n. 外形,轮廓,体形,图形,画像,数字,形状,身份 39.finance n. 财政,金融,财政学vt. 供给……经费,负担经费vi.筹措资金 40.fulfill vt. 履行,实现,完成(计划等) 41.gdp abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)


英语的优秀词句大全摘抄 1、all that is beautiful poems and passages of life things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. 万物不变,是我们在变。你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想 2、don’t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值。 3、i sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes. 我今晨坐在窗前,世界如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。 4、man is a born child, his power is the power of growth. 人是一个初生的孩子,他的力量,就是生长的力量。 5、once we dreamt that we were strangers. we wake up to find that we were dear to each other.有一次,我们梦见大家都是不相识的。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱的。 6、power said to the world, "you are mine." the world kept it prisoner on her throne. love said to the world, "i am thine." the world gave it the freedom of her house.权势对世界说道:"你是我的。"世界便把权势囚禁在她的宝座下面。爱情对世界说道:"我是你的。"世界便给予爱情以在它屋内来往的自由。 1 / 2


2021年考研英语:作文素材的词句评析考研英语备考很多事情都要提上日程了,看看哪些是该注意的,下面由我为你精心准备了“2021年考研英语:作文素材的词句评析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 2021年考研英语:作文素材的词句评析 一、闪光词组 mutual trust 互信 credibility 诚信 morality 品德 fraud 欺诈 forge 造假 cost 代价 social civilization 社会文明 fake commodities 假冒伪劣产品 harm to society 社会危害 academic cheating 学术造假 moral decay 道德败坏 honestly is the best policy 诚实为上策 help each other forward 相互促进 Building trust is going to be a long process. 构建互信将是一个长期的过程。 Global collaboration is crucial to success.全球合作是成功的关键。 二、闪光语料

有关“互信”话题语料的闪光语句积累: Our world has been honed by the unparalleled richness and diversity.The people around us belong to different cultures, languages and faiths; represent a multitude of traditions, customs and values; and possess unique goals, aspirations and dreams. In a society in which the differences between us are often easier to spot than the similarities, achieving mutual understanding is not just a matter of importance,but of great necessity. 我们的世界空前的丰富和多样。我们周围的人属于不同的文化,语言和信仰;代表众多的传统,习俗和价值观;怀有独特的目标,抱负和梦想。 在这个社会里,分歧比相似更容易被察觉,所以获得相互的理解不仅是重要的而且是非常有必要的。 三、成文要点 通过近十年真题作文的剖析,我们不难看出考研英语作文的命题,同考研政治一样,讲究热点时效性。家庭需要互信、国家需要互信、社会需要互信……互信对人类社会来说,实在是一个重要的品德,近年来的一些社会热点事件也不得不让人们重新审视其重要性。 怎样把这篇“互信”文章写得有血有肉呢?三个好方法:其一是使用谚语、警句,其二使用名人事迹,其三是使用自己或周围人的经历。用这些语料来组织大作文,相信会为文章增色,提高分数。 互信问题一直是社会热点问题,相信考生在写作时都会有一套自己的思路。下面简单指导成文方法。文章可分三个层次展开论述:就文章结构框架而言,第一段用简洁明快的语言描述图画内容,第二段阐释图画寓意,写出互信的意义,第三段,表明作者本人的观点并给出正面评价。


高考作文经典素材 一、勇气: 名言:1、懦夫未死之前,已死过数次;勇士一生只死一次。——莎士比亚 2、没有比害怕更值得害怕的了。——培根 3、真的猛士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。——鲁迅 廉颇蔺相如: 蔺相如在王面前,怒发冲冠,警告王将“以颈血溅大王矣”,这无疑是一种勇气,是一种在强权面前不屈服、不弯腰的勇气;廉颇肉袒负荆,到蔺相如门前罪,这也是一种勇气,是一种勇于承认错误、知错即改的勇气;列宁打碎了姑妈家的花瓶,不敢声,后来写信承认是自己打碎了花瓶,这同样是一种勇气,是诚实带来的勇气。新航路的开辟是面对不可预测结局的勇气;科学探索是人类战胜未来的勇气。勇气能最大限度地让生命焕发光彩。孟子说过:“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。”这其中,难道就没有勇气吗? 二、毅力: 名言:1、达到目的有两个途径:即势力和毅力。势力只为少数人所有,但是坚忍不拔的毅力却是多数人都有的,它的沉默力量往往可随时间达到无可抵抗的地步。——车尔尼雪夫斯基 2、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。——狄更斯 3、将无法实现之事付诸实践,是非凡毅力的真正标志。——茨威格 4、伟大的毅力只为伟大的目标而产生。——斯大林(可以写在最后部分:层进) 《游褒禅山记》 王安石在《游褒禅山记》中告诉我们:“世之奇伟、瑰怪、非常之观,常在于险远,而人之所罕至焉,故非有志者不能至也。” 目的地是美好的,那里“面对大海,春暖花开”,“芳草鲜美,落英缤纷”,但达到目的的道路却是艰难的,那里杂草丛生、荆棘遍地,蛇蟒出没,暗流汹涌。要从道上经过,护身符只有一个,那就是“毅力”。 学良戒毒 作为奉系军阀作霖长公子的学良年纪轻轻就染上了毒瘾。在日本入侵东三省、国难当头的时候,少帅深受刺激,伏枕大哭,决心奋起救国,并决定首先从戒毒开始。1933年3月,他把自己关在房戒毒,把手枪放在床边,“无论我怎样痛苦叫喊,你们谁也不准给我打针,谁要胆敢走近我的床头,就一枪把他打死。”学良成功了。 议论: 这是凤凰涅槃以后的重生,是要经受烈火的考验的。这期间的每一分每一秒,要是没有坚强的毅力在顽强的抵抗,那是不可能做到的。


2011考研英语写作素材 目录: 考研作文写作素材:赞成广告论 考研作文写作素材:视觉(Vision) 考研作文写作素材:大学生的压力(College Pressure) 考研英语作文素材:父母过于娇纵孩子 考研作文写作素材:Qualities Employer Seek 考研作文写作素材:如何减少压力(How to Reduce Stress) 考研作文写作素材:留学(Studying Abroad) 考研作文写作素材:学校教育 考研作文写作素材:电信(Telecommuting) 考研作文写作素材:戏剧(Drama) 考研作文写作素材:赞成广告论 Money spent on advertising is money well spent. It assists a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices. It draws attention to new ideas and so helps enormously to raise standards of living. By helping to increase the demand for goods, it increases the number of workers needed to supply the goods and,therefore, provides employment. It helps to pay for many services. Without advertisements, your daily newspaper would cost a dollar or more, the price of your television license would need to be doubled, and travel by bus would cost more. Perhaps most important of all, advertising helps to keep up the quality of the products and services you buy. No regular advertiser dare offer a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising. He will not do so for ong; for the public has the good sense not to buy the poor uality article more than once. If I see an article advertised, it s the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and that it is of good value. There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on. Recently, I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs. This is hair-splitting. Of course advertising seeks to persuade. If it only gave information, advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention. But perhaps that is what the well-known television personality wants. lam prepared to make just one admission to the opponents of advertising. Not every advertisement is a good one.Some advertisements are silly. Some are pointless though not very many. Pick up the nearest magazine or newspaper and count the advertisements that really offend you. And then count the advertisements that, in some degree, interest you, or give you pleasure. And be honest! 考研作文写作素材:视觉(Vision) Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an arboreal environment. In the dense complex world of a tropical forest, it is more important to see well that to develop an acute sense of smell. In the course of evolution members of the primate line have acquired large eyes while the snout has shrunk to give the eye an unimpeded view. Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision. The red flag is black to the bull. Horses live in a monochrome world .light visible to human eyes however occupies only a very narrow band in the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Ultraviolet rays are invisible to humans though ants and honeybees are sensitive to them. Humans though ants and honeybees are sensitive to them. Humans have no direct perception of


英语作文素材 Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there's a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There're also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we're tired of our studies. In my opinion, it's not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way. Today , I'll talk about going online. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English . We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever in playing computer games. I can send e-mails to our friends quickly. It can help us keep in touch with people from all over the world. But some students spend too much time in playing computer games and some stay in the net bars all day and all night. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don't study well any more. I think we mustn't go online when it is time for us to study. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don't feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once. English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. How to make friends It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you
