


沪教版高一英语上Unit 1 Body Language教学提纲

沪教版高一英语上U n i t1B o d y L a n g u a g e

Unit 1 Body Language I. Language Points and Structure Reading 1. look up a) raise the eyes 仰视;抬头看 eg: Look up and there is a bird in the tree. 抬头看,树上有鸟。 b) look sth up 查找 eg: If you don’t know the meaning of the word, please look up in the dictionary. 若不知单词的意思,请查字典。 look sth. up in…= consult/ refer to… for sth. 2. glance at 匆匆看一眼 glance n. take a glance at= glance at at first glance=at first sight 乍一看 eg: He fell in love with her at first glance/sight. 他与她初次见面就爱上了她。 (at 表示目的,方向 look at/ stare at/ aim at/ shoot at/ shout at sb.) stare at 盯着……看(惊奇,傲慢,茫然,有不礼貌的感觉) glance at 扫一眼(强调动作的短暂) gaze at 凝视(因为吃惊,羡慕,入迷) glare at 怒目而视(凶狠而且带有威胁性的瞪眼睛,生气) 3. greet sb. cheerfully 高兴地和某人打招呼问候 greeting n. 问候之词;致以问候[C] eg: Please give my greeting to your mother when you come home. 你回家时请代我问候你母亲 cheerfully ad.=happily cheerful a. eg: He was wearing a cheerful smile when he heard the good news. 当他听到这个好消息时,他面呈悦色 cheer v. cheer sb. up 鼓舞,安慰/ 高兴起来 eg: Cheer up! The news isn’t too bad. 振作吧!此消息没那么坏。


上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组上海新世纪英语高二全部课文(包括additional reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories 18. english proverbs 19. tips on making a public speech 20. keep it short for the audience’s sake 21. making friends 22. what does friendship mean to westerners? 23. adjo 24. ryan, his friends, and his incredible torch run 25. the father of modern physics 26. the survival of the fittest 27. miracle in the rice field 28. newton’s three important laws 29. oliver wants more (adapted from oliver twist charles dickens)

30. enjoy the classics 31. is she guilty? (adapted from the prince and the pauper mark twain) 32. mark twain 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories eager beaver an eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. the children complain about so much homework. but one student does not protest at all. that student is an eager beaver. he loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. the expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. beavers are strange-looking creatures. they spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. they use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. they use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make


高一下词组整理UNIT 1 Generally speaking On national holiday s Depend on A number of sea routes Pass through the famous Three Gorges The first choice for Limited time The time-saving advantage Popular tourist destinations/attractions On schedule Speaking of Be pressed for time Offer fairly good services In brief A round-trip ticket A travel brochure The permanent habitat Be surrounded by Within arm’s reach A master of ceremonies Sort out A tour guide UNIT 2 There’s no feeling like Take a special class Change into Receive instructions from the guide Be afraid of heights Lead up to 向上通向 Speed by Come into view Bird’s eye view of the city Extend in all directions ▲Feel proud of / take pride in / pride oneself on Be ready to do乐于做某事 in an instant 一会儿 tourists at home and abroad without doubt

新世纪高一英语下课文参考译文 (2)

Unit 1 在中国旅行 在中国旅行可能很累,但也很有趣。然而,选择什么样的旅行方式却常常意味着行程的成功与否。这里有一些关于如何在中国旅游的信息。 乘火车 乘火车可以去中国的大部分地方。一般来说,铁路服务效率高。但有时候火车上过分拥挤,尤其是在节假日期间更是如此。买什么样的火车票取决于行程的远近。短途旅行,硬座、软座都可以;但要长途旅行的话,最好买一张卧铺票。 乘船 有许多海上航线可以把您从中国沿海的一个港口城市带往另一个城市。也有一些内河航线,其中最迷人的一条是重庆至上海的航线。轮船沿途经由著名的三峡风景区,游客们可以驻足于许多的风景名城和历史古迹。 乘飞机 对于那些旅行时间有限的旅客而言,飞机通常是他们的首选。当然,您也要为这一便利付出代价——那就是机票会更贵。中国民航以前曾是中国唯一的一家航空公司,现在则有若干地方航空公司。在过去的几十年里,飞机的安全记录也有了很大的提高。人们通过中国国际旅行社、宾馆的旅游服务台或者航空售票处都可以买到机票。许多大城市和有名的旅游胜地都有飞机场。 乘公共汽车 中国的高速公路发展得很快。现在市内和城市之间都有汽车运营线路。它们的管理很完善,价钱也很便宜。国营公共汽车按时刻表准点发车,票价便宜。另外还有私营公共汽车。它们主要在地方线路上运营,经常要等位子全部坐满之后才出发。 骑自行车 除了以上提到的旅游方式外,骑自行车也是环城游的最好方式之一,只要您不是去重庆(那里的街道很陡,是中国唯一自行车特别少的城市)。如果您打算在中国待上一段时间,不妨学学本地人,自己买一辆自行车。 希望这些信息对您在中国逗留期间会有所帮助。 Unit 2 悉尼海港大桥 从悉尼海港大桥顶部鸟瞰悉尼市,感觉奇妙无比。 我站在悉尼海港大桥底下,仰望这座世界上最著名的大桥之一。这座高达40层的海港大桥矗立在壮观的悉尼歌剧院附近,鸟瞰澳大利亚最大的城市。这座大桥看上去自是壮观,但谁会心想去攀爬它呢? 当然是我了!攀爬大桥实际是并不是很疯狂的事。游客于1998年开始攀爬大桥,现在这已经成为悉尼最受欢迎的一个景点了。为了攀爬大桥,我们一行12人必须先上一堂特殊的课。首先我们把所有的个人财物都存放好,再换好专用攀爬服,接着组织者向我们演示如何使用安全带和如何攀爬陡峭的阶梯。 我们甚至还带着小的个人无线电接收设备,以便在攀爬时接收到导游的提示。 我们心中的期望越来越高,整个攀爬小组都激动了起来。一小时以后,我们准备完毕。 我们首先经过路桥下面的狭窄通道。值得庆幸的是我不恐高。从通道上往下望,可以看到下面50米(164英尺)处的地面。 接下来,我们沿着一直通往桥拱的阶梯往上爬。汽车在下面的马路上飞驰而过。我们爬得越高,风越大,城市也越来越多地映入我们的眼帘。一会儿,我们渐渐地靠近大桥的顶部。


高一暑期百句翻译: 1.那些故意违反交通规则的人必须受到严厉的惩罚。(Whoever) Whoever breaks the traffic regulations on purpose must be severely punished. 2.老师就在寒假里如何做到张弛有度给了我们一些合理的建议。 (balance) The teacher gave /offered us some reasonable advice on how to keep the balance between work and play in the winter holiday/vacation. 3.这条河流受到严重污染的原因是那家化工厂大量排放有毒废水。 (The reason why ….is that) The reason why the river has been seriously polluted is that the chemical factory released large amounts of poisonous wasted water 4. .随着经济的飞速发展,中国在国际事务中起着越来越大的作用。(role) ; With the rapid development of economy, China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs. 4.得知罗京逝世的消息,许多人陷入深深的悲痛之中。(At) At the news that Luo Jin passed away, many people were deep in sorrow. 5.在日常生活中,我们不要与经常言而无信的人交朋友。(Relative Clause) In our daily life, we should never make friends with those who break their promises.


Unit7 A Brief Look at Two Metropolises New York 1. In the 19th century, a businessman predicted that New York was going to become the center of the world. His prediction has partly come true. New York is often regarded as one of the financial and cultural capitals of the Western world. 1) predict: [v.]_________________→[n.] prediction 几个月前就已经预料到了这次地震。 The earthquake was predicted several months ago. 2) come true=realize 我要________________的梦想终会实现。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3) be regarded as regard A as B=consider/see/view/treat A as B=think of A as B 4) financial:[adj.]财经的→[n.] finance cultural:[adj.]文化的→[n.]culture 2. New York, where the world-famous twin towers of the World Trade Center were once located, is known as a city of skyscrapers. locate:[v.]定位,位于→[n.]location 东方明珠坐落在浦东新区。 The Oriental Pearl TV Towel is located in the Pudong New Area. 要找到拍摄沙漠场景的合适外景地很不容易。 It is hard to find a suitable location for the desert scenes. 3. Still, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people. 1) pace of life pace=speed 跟上…的节奏: keep pace with 她放慢节奏以便于我能跟上她。 She slowed down her pace so that I could keep up with her. 随着经济的发展,我们的生活节奏正变得越来越快。 With the development of economy, our pace of life is becoming quicker and quicker. 2) continue to do=continue doing=go on doing 3) fascinate:使吸引,着迷=attract=appeal to →[n.] fascination


UNIT1 人在自然界 1) 人类生活在大自然的王国里。他们时刻被大自然所包围并与之相互影响。人类呼吸的空气、喝下的水和摄入的食物,无一不令人类时刻感知到大自然的影响。我们与大自然血肉相连,离开大自然,我们将无法生存。 2) 人类不仅生活在大自然之中,同时也在改变着大自然。人类把自然资源转变为各种文化,社会历史的财富。人类降服并控制了电,迫使它为人类社会的利益服务。人类不仅把各种各样的动植物转移到不同的气候环境,也改变了他生活环境的地貌和气候并使动植物因之而发生转变。 3) 随着社会的发展,人类对大自然的直接依赖越来越少,而间接的依赖却越来越多。我们远古的祖先生活在大自然的威胁及破坏力的恐惧之中,他们常常连基本的生活物资都无法获取。然而,尽管工具不甚完备,他们却能同心协力,顽强工作,并总是有所收获。在与人类的相互作用中,大自然也发生了改变。森林被破坏了,耕地面积增加了。大自然及其威力被看成是和人类敌对的东西。譬如,森林被认为是野性的和令人恐惧的,因此人类便想方设法使其面积缩小。这一切都是打着“文明”的旗号进行的,所谓“文明”,就是人类在哪里建立家园,耕耘土地,哪里的森林就被砍伐。 4) 然而,随着岁月的流逝,人类越来越关注的是在何处得到和如何得到生产所需的不可替代的自然资源的问题。科学与人类改变大自然的实践活动已经使人类意识到了工业在改变地球的进程中对地质产生的重大影响。 5) 目前,人与自然以及自然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。生物圈中所谓可替代资源的问题变得极为尖锐。人类和社会的需求,即便是简单得像淡水一样的物质,也变得越来越难以满足。清除工业废物的问题也变得日益复杂。 6) 现代技术的特征是生产和使用日益丰富的人工合成产品。人们生产成千上万的人工合成材料。人们越来越多地用尼龙和其他人造纤维把自己从头到脚地包裹起来,这些绚丽的织物显然对他们无益。年轻人或许很少注意到这一点,他们更关注的是外表,而不是健康。但是上了年岁之后,他们就会感受到这种有害的影响。 7) 久而久之,这些合成物质转变成废弃物,那些原本毒性不大的物质在自然循环中变为极其有害的物质。自然科学家和哲学家如今都在问自己这样一个问题:人类对生物圈的破坏难道是无法避免的吗?


高一第一学期 Unit 1 Text People from All Walks of Life 1.people from all walks of life 来自各行各业的人们 2.sb. grow up 某人长大= sb. mature (vi.) 3.sb. take up sth. 某人从事某事 ★sth. take up spl. 某物占据某地=sth. occupy spl. sth. take up some time 某物占据时间=sth. occupy some time occupation (v.)①占据②职业 4.various sth. 多种多样的某物 ★various (adj.) 多种多样的variety (n.) 种类 vary (vi.) sth. vary 某物变化(vi.) sth. vary with sth. 某物随着某物变化 5.sth. be made up of sth. 某物由某物组成 =sth. be composed of sth. =sth. consist of sth. 6.the following sth. 下列的、下述的某物 ★following (adj.) 接下来的 in the following years 在接下来的几年中=in the years that followed follow (vt.) sb. follow sb. 某人跟随某人 sb. be followed by sb. 某人被某人跟随 7.educational institutions 教育机构 8.sb. try one’s best to do sth. 某人尽全力做某事 ★sb. make an effort to do sth. 某人尽力做某事 =sb. spare no effort to do sth, =sb. go all out to do sth. =sb. strive to do sth. =sb. do what sb. can to do sth. =sb. devote oneself to doing sth. =sb. be devoted to doing sth. =sb. do sth. with all one’s energy =sb. do sth. with all one’s strength 9.sb. gain sth. 某人得到某物 ★gain=botain=get 10.in society 在社会上 ★society 不加冠词:社会,加冠词:the society 一个社会团体social (adj.) society (n.) socialism (n.) 社会主义socialist (n.) 社会学家socialize (v.) 社会化 11.sb. be involved in sth. 某人参与某事 ★=sb. get involved in sth. 某人参与某事 sth. involve sth. 某物涉及某物 sth. involve doing sth. 某物涉及做某事 sb. be involved in sth 某人被卷入某物 sth. involve sb. in sth. 某事使某人介入/卷入某事 12. sb. correct papers 某人批改试卷 ★paper (n.)[U] 纸paper (n.)[C]①文件②试卷 13. sb. give grades to sb. 某人给某人打分数 14. at the end of some time 在某段时间的最后 ★反:at the beginning of some time在某段时间的开始at the end of spl. 在某地的尽头 in the end =finally=at last=eventually 最后, 反:at the beginning 起初 by the end of sth. 到…结束为止


理解性默写复习题 《登金陵凤凰台》 1.《登金陵凤凰台》从体裁上看属于。 2.诗人借诗句“,”,发出了繁华易逝,盛时难在,惟有山水长存的无限感慨。 3 诗人通过“,”寄寓了六朝兴废的感慨。 4.诗人从对历史凭吊的眼光投向永恒的大自然诗句是 “,” 5. 诗句“,”化用”邪臣之蔽贤,犹浮云之障日月也“的说法,用来寄寓自己忧时伤国、怀才不遇的感慨。 《八声甘州》(柳永) 1.“,一番洗清秋”选自柳永的《》 2.词中借深秋萧瑟寥廓的景象来表现游子的客中情怀的诗句是 “,,。“ 3.词人由仰观转向俯察,运用借代手法描摹秋天景物渐渐衰败的诗句 是”,”。 4.词人运用拟人手法同时借用长江水表达物是人非感慨的诗句是 “,。” 5.作者登高望远,直接抒发思乡之情的诗句是 “,,。“ 6.词人感叹自己四处奔波,无理由在他乡久留的诗句是 “,?” 7.词人运用化实为虚的手法,抒发思乡之苦和怀人之情的诗句是 “,,。“ 《水龙吟 . 登建康赏心亭》辛弃疾 1 运用比喻、拟人修辞手法描写远望景物,并倒装的的诗句是: “,,。“ 2. 《登建康赏心亭》中“,,”运用传统意象

“落日”和“鸿雁”抒发了游子之愁。 3.《水龙吟登建康赏心亭》中,作者运用具有典型意义的动作抒发自己报国无 路,壮志难酬的悲愤的句子 是:”,,,。” 4.词人表示不愿学为家乡美食而归隐的张季鹰,而要壮心许国的句子是 “,,?“ 5 用典表现自己对朝中小人的不满的句子:“,,。”6用典表现自己对时局、国势关注并感叹时光流逝的句 子 : 7.“,, , ,。 ”是写辛弃疾自伤抱负不能实现,世无知 己,得不到同情与慰藉感伤。 8.辛弃疾,(朝代)著名(风格),字,号。 《登快阁》黄庭坚 1.黄庭坚, 与、晁补之、(朝代)著名诗人,字,号 都游学于苏轼门下,合称为"" ,晚号涪翁, 。生前与 齐名,世称 " 苏黄 " 。 2. 诗句“,”以谐趣的笔调表达了诗人对官 场生活的厌倦,以及如释重负的欢快心情。 3.《登快阁》中化用杜甫”无边落木萧萧下“的诗句是 “,”。 4.诗句“,”抒发了用伯牙、子期,阮籍嵇康 的典故抒发了诗人因世无知音、怀才不遇而借酒浇愁的苦闷和感慨。 5.“,”直接抒发了诗人渴望归隐、追求自在洒脱 精神境界。 《塞下曲》《从军行》和《过华清宫》 1、这三首诗从体裁上看都属于。从题材上看,《从军行》《塞下曲》属于,而《过华清宫》属于。 2. 卢纶,字。


上海外语教育出版社——新世纪英语高二全部课文 (包括Additional Reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. Words and their stories EAGER BEAVER An eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. Suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. The children complain about so much homework. But one student does not protest at all. That student is an eager beaver. He loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. The expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. Beavers are strange-looking creatures. They spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. They use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. They use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make the dams solid. Few other animals work so hard. Historians say the beaver had an important part in the settlement of North America. There were hundreds of millions of beavers when European settlers first arrived. The settlers put great value on the fur of beavers. In fact, for two


上海外语教育出版社——新世纪英语高一课文 高一第一学期 1. People from all walks of life When a person grows up, he will take up different occupations in various work places. A society is thus made up of all walks of life. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? The following introductions may give you some idea. TEACHER Teachers are professionals. They work in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions. They try their best to help students gain new knowledge and become useful people in society. Teachers are involved in many tasks, such as explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers. At the end of every term, they mark test papers and give grades to their students. Actually teachers do more. Often their impact on students stays all through their lives. SURGEON Surgeons, like teachers, are also professionals. As a special group of doctors, surgeons operate on sick people and repair the organs that no longer work properly. Hospitals are their work places. After an operation, a surgeon takes care of the patient’s medical treatment until he gets well. The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the differences between life and death. SECRETARY A secretary works in an office. The job of a secretary often involves writing letters, answering telephone calls, and receiving people. A secretary stores information on a computer and puts papers in good order in file cabinets. As a link between the boss and the visitors, a secretary also helps the boss work out plans and timetables. Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries. FASHION MODEL Fashion models wear the latest styles of clothes and show them to us through television, newspapers and magazines. Fashion show programmes usually have a large audience. The clothes and hairstyles of fashion models may seem strange to the elderly, but a large number of young people enjoy following trends and want to be dressed like the models. They collect fashion pictures and admire those superstars of the catwalk. Would you like to be one of the people introduced here? What do you want to do in the future? 2. What to choose? Today more and more high school graduates go on to college. Most young people decide their courses of study for themselves. They do not wait for their parents to tell them what career to choose. For example, Jack’s father practices medicine. Even though he wants his son also to become a doctor, he doesn’t insist that Jack study medicine when he finishes high school. He believes that Jack must make up his own mind about his courses of study. His wife, on the other hand, disagrees with him. She thinks that Jack should become a doctor, and so he can become a partner with his father. Jack isn’t sure what he wants to study in college. One day he feels that he’d like to become an engineer. However, the next day he thinks that perhaps he should study business management. Right now he is studying chemistry, biology, and physics. All of them will be useful if he finally chooses to study medicine in college.


12. Rockwell and his works Norman Rockwell was a famous American illustrator and cover artist. Many of his works had become well-known by the middle of the 20th century. Critics spoke highly of his works. For example, according to one critic, “Most artists affect us by surprising us. Rockwell affects us by giving us exactly what we expect.” The following are just a few examples of his magazine covers. Cover one One of the best-known of all Rockwell’s covers! This painting is made up of two parts:the upper and the lower. . @Each detail in the lower picture is carefully matched with something in the upper part, so the result is kind of humorous. In this way, the painting presents the children’s moods in a sharp contrast: very happy when setting ou t and very tired and bored when coming back. Cover two This painting shows Rockwell’s skills as a story teller. It tells an ordinary story about a school boy. The boy is busy with his studies. Outside the window a fishing pole is ready, and the boy’s dog is waiting i mpatiently. To the boy, these last days of schoolwork before the summer vacation seem the longest. . @They appear more so as the final examination is d rawing near. This is an old story of school children, but Rockwell tells it vividly in a simple way. Cover three In this painting, a young mother is trying hard to make up her mind: to spank or to spare her naughty child. . @The broken clock on the floor suggests that the child has behaved in an entirely natural manner. When a hammer is within his reach, he breaks something with the hammer! At the time the painting was completed, the Rockwells were already parents. So the cover story perhaps describes the artist’s own life experience. . @With this experience, Rockwell could make every detail come alive in this painting. 13. A brief look at two metropolises NEW YORK In the 19th century, a businessman predicated that New York was going to become the centre of the world. His prediction has partly come true. . @Today, New York is often regarded as one of the financial and cultural capitals of the Western World. The United Nations has it s headquarters in the city as well. New York, where t he world-famous twin towers of the World Trade Center were once located, is known as a city of skyscrapers. There are parks, great museums, art galleries, grand theatres and cinemas for visitors as well. However, like many other cities in the world, New York also has its own problems---noise, air pollution, crimes, traffic jams, and slums.. @Still, the fast, exciting pace of life in New York City is fascinating and this may be a reason why the city conti nues to fascinate more and more people. LONDON London was once known as a city of fog. At that time, many Londoners did not expect that their city would change for the better. However, heavy fog is now rarely seen in London. . @As a city with a long history, London has also gone through many changes. The days are gone when horse-drawn carriages were a common sight in the street. Now London is famous for its excellent underground service and the red double-deckers have become a symbol of the city. . @T he second half of the 20th century saw great changes in the city. Skyscrapers have sprung up; business centres for the 21st century are also growing fast. However, London has kept its heart. People can still enjoy themselves with a cup of tea in Convent Garden(科文特加登广场). Some of the narrow roads that lead to churches
