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You’re becoming an adult; your friends are changing; school is more challenging; and your life has more ups and downs than it used to. These books are just for you.

Say Goodbye to Stressby Dr Jeff Brown

Kindle Edition $11.79

Paperback $16.95

Many have trouble getting their stress (压力) under control and want help. This new book will encourage stressed-out readers with its stories from people like them about how they resolved or rethought the stress in their lives, learned to let go of anxiety and worry, and improved their lives by dealing with stress.

Find Your Inner Strengthby Amy Newmark

Kindle Edition $7.99

Paperback $12.75

This powerful collection of stories will inspire (激励) you and help you find the inner strength to do with the challenges in your own life. We are stronger than we think.... when we have to be. These brave. courageous people are the role models that show us all what is possible.

Random Acts of Kindnessby Amy Newmark

Kindle Edition $12.99

Paperback $17.77

Make miracles happen for yourself and others. It’s easy. Just think outside the box and look around. There are so many ways that you can help—and it turns out the biggest beneficiary (受益人) may be you! Scientific studies have shown that “doing good” is not only good for others but also for the person doing it, making that person happier and healthier.

Be the Best You Can Beby Amy Newmark

Kindle Edition $10. 99

Paperback $15.67

This collection shows kids positive role models to follow in its stories about making good choices, having

confidence, and doing the right things. Parents and grandparents will enjoy discussing the stories with children, making it a family event.

1.How will you feel after reading Say Goodbye to Stress?





2.What is unique about Find Your Inner Strength?

A.It is written by a well-known author.

B.It is the cheapest of the four books.

C.It has role models for kids to follow.

D.It shows one how to do good deeds.

3.Which book is suitable for one who has no confidence?

A.Say Goodbye to Stress

B.Find Your Inner Strength

C.Random Acts of Kindness

D.Be the Best You Can Be


Concrete is the world's most consumed material after water. Because it already surrounds us in the built environment, researchers have been exploring the idea of using concrete to store electricity—turning buildings into giant batteries. The idea has been gaining ground as we have come to increasingly rely on renewable energy from the wind and sun: rechargeable batteries are necessary when the breeze dies down or darkness falls.

Experimental concrete batteries have only managed to hold a small part of what a traditional battery does. But one team now reports in Buildings that it has developed a rechargeable original model that could represent a more than 900 percent increase in stored charge, compared with earlier attempts.

A live-in concrete battery might sound unlikely. Still, "you can make a battery out of a potato," notes Aimee Byrne. In a future where sustainability is key, she likes the idea of buildings that avoid waste by providing shelter and powering electronics.

Although the new design stores more than 10 times as much power as earlier attempts, it still has a long way to go: 200 square meters of it "can provide about 8 percent of the daily electricity consumption" of a typical U.S. home, Zhang says.

This is not enough to compete with today's rechargeable devices. "We're getting milliamps (毫安) out of concrete batteries—we're not getting amps (安培), "Byrne says." We're getting hours as opposed to days of charge." But she adds that" concrete batteries are completely in their childhood, compared to other battery designs." The earliest batteries were simple andbulky. Researchers experimented with new materials and designs
