


________ construction is just the opposite of endocentric construction.






_________ marking in Old English was not always related to the sex of the reference concerned.






Words are divided into simple, compound and derived words on the _______ level.






The __________ language of many countries is designated as the national or official language.





[5] Lingustics is the scientific study of _______.


human language




The study of ongoing changes that languages have undergone is sometimes called historical and _________





The pre-school years are a __________ period for first language acquisition.






A _______ act is an act of uttering word, phrases, clauses. It is the act of conveying literal meaning by mean

and phonology.






Consonants differ from vowels in that the latter are produced without_________.






"Charge" and "accuse" are said to be _______ synonyms.






Minimal pair


When two different phonetic forms are identical in every way except in one sound element that occurs in the string, the two form are said two form a minimal pair.

答案:When two different phonetic forms are identical in every way except in one sound elem in the same position in the string, the two forms are said two form a minimal p 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】得分:3分

Telegraphic speech


Children’s telegraphic speech :Children's early multiword speech that contains content words and lacks function w morphemes that contains content words and lacks function words and inflectional morphemes

答案:Children's telegraphic speech: Children's early multiword speech that contains co lacks function words and inflectional morphemesthat contains content words and lacks and inflectional morphemes.



Illocutionary act


The illocutionary act is the act performed in the performing of a locutionary act. When we speak we not onl of language with certain meanings, but also make clear our purpose in producing them, the way we intend th or they also have certain forces as Austin prefers to say. In the example of “Morning!” we can say it has the or it ought to have been taken as a greeting.

答案:It is using a sentence to perform a function. for example, shoot the snake may an order or a piece of advice


[14] Design features


Design features refers to defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any other animal system of are arbitrarinessp roductivity,displacement,cultural teansimission.

答案:Design features refers to defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any system of communication. They are arbitrariness, productivity, duality, displacement, cultura 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】得分:3分


Ethnic dialect


It is a social dialect of a language, often cutting across regional difference.It is spoken mainly by a less p that has experienced some form of social isolation, such as racial discrimination or segregation.

答案:It is a social dialect of a language, often cutting across regional differences. It i by a less privileged population that has experienced some form of social isolation, discrimination or segregation.


Back clipping


It means one or more are deleted form the end of the word.It is the most common type of clipping, like au 答案:It means one or more are deleted from the end of the word. It is the most common ty like auto from automobile.



Truth condition


It is the fact that would have to obtain in reality to make a proposition true or false.

答案:It is the fact that would have to obtain in reality to make a proposition tr 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】得分:3分




Language varieties appropriate for use in particular speech situations, in contrast to language varieties that the social or regional grouping of their customary users. Registers are also called situational dialects. 答案:language varieties appropriate for use in particular speech situations, in contr varieties that are associated with the social or regional grouping of their cust Registers are also called situational dialects





A vowel is a sound in forming which the air that comes from the lungs meets with no obstruction of any kin

nose or the mouth.

答案:A vowel is a sound in forming which the air that comes from the lungs meets with of any kind in the throat, the nose or the mouth.





Predication is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. It is the basic unit in the semantic analysis predication consist of argument and predicate.

答案:Predication is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence. It is the basic unit

analysis of the a sentence. A predication consist of argument and predicate. 【题型:简答】【分数:10分】得分:4分


What is the difference between a pidgin and Creole?


A pidgin is a variety of language that is generally used by native speak-ers of other languages as a medi

A pidgin is used for some practical pur-poses, such as trading, by groups of people who do not know each ot

is not a native lan-guage of a particular region, but only a marginal language used by people whose cultures a and whose business contact is very spe-cialized. As a simplified language, a pid-gin involves reductions i and syntax. Although pidgins are simplified languages, they are rule-governed.

答案:variety of language|native speakers|medium of communication|practical purpose| language|some speech community



How are sentence meaning and utterance meaning related, and how do they differ?


The meaning of a sentence is abstract and de-contextualized, while the meaning of an utterance is concrete an Utterance meaning is based on sentence meaning, and it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentenc of communication, or simply in a context.




[p] is voiced bilabial stop.



答案: F



There is only one type of affixes in the English language.



答案: F



The sentence "I like this shirt very much." has _____arguments.

A one

B two

C three

D four



答案: B



The head of the phrase "the city Rome" is ______.

A the city

B Rome

C city

D the city and Rome



答案: D



When asked by his teacher that he was laughing at, one student answered "nothing". It is common kno

not laugh at nothing, so it is false and violates the maxim of _____.

A quantity

B relation

C quality

D manner



答案: C



When a word is employed as a medium of thinking by means of its conceptualizing system, we say it i


A . intrapersonal

B interpersonal

C individual

D textual



答案: A



The goal of _____ is to explore the nature of language variation and language use among a variety of sp different social situations.

A psycholinguistics

B sociolinguistics

C historical linguistics

D general linguistics



答案: B



______ represents the basis for the meaning of a sentence, although it is not supposed to provide the full me

A Surface structure

B Phrase structure

C Transformational structure

D Deep structure



答案: D


The study of language as a whole is often called _______.

A particular

B general

C ordinary

D generative



答案: B



Which one is different from the others according to places of articulation?

A [n]

B [m]

C [b]

D [p]



答案: A



In a complete sentence, the incorporated, or subordinate clause is normally called a(n) _____claus

A finite

B non-infinite

C embedded

D matrix



答案: C


_____ is the language center responsible for converting a visual stimulus into an auditory form and

A Wernicke’s area

B The angular gyrus

C Broca’s area

D All of the above



答案: B


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 2012学年第二学期期末综合测试 三年级语文试卷 一、请专心听老师读两遍短文,完成下面的听力内容。 (1)填空。(3分) 郁郁葱葱的( ) 嫩绿的( ) 柔软的( ) (2)文中描写了天鹅湖的哪些景物?(按文中的顺序写。)(3分) ________________________________________________________ 第二部分 积累运用(44 分) 二、我会看拼音写词语。(8分) ɡu àn ɡài j ù j í zhu ān ɡ jia tu ò mo f ú h é f á zh í k ě w àn ɡ hu ǎn m àn 三、比一比,再组 词。(4 分) 坚( ) 辨( ) 旋( ) 端( ) 竖( ) 辩( ) 旅( ) 瑞( )四、选择正确项目的序号。(6分) ①s āi ②s è ③s ài (1)我把玩具塞( )进妈妈的口袋后,就上学了。 (2)下班时间,交通非常堵塞( )。 ① 安静 ② 寂静 (1)老师走进来,教室里立刻( )下来。 (2)夜晚的森林一片( )。 五、请按要求填空(15分)

1、照样子,写词语(6分) 翩翩起舞 异口同声 七嘴八舌 2、填歇后语:(1分)姜太公钓鱼—— 写出一个你在课外积累的歇后语:(1分) 3、填谚语:(1分)夜里星光明,。 4、填古诗:(2分) 胜日寻芳泗水滨,。 嫦娥应悔偷灵药,。 5、按要求写名言、谚语、歇后语、诗句等。 这次班会课上,各小组同学都精心准备了各种节目,真是“_________ ___________”。朋友在一起同甘共苦,建立了深厚的情谊,可用一句什么诗来形容: 。 六、照样子写句子。 (4分) (1)例:蒲公英的花可以张开、合上。蒲公英的花就像我们的手掌可以张开、合上。一棵高大的橡树挺立在路旁。 (2)例:马跑得越快,离楚国不就越远了吗?马跑得越快,离楚国就越远了。 这不恰好表明有数不尽的骆驼吗? 七、口语交际(7分) 在我们所住的地方有很多的环境已经受到了严重的污染,如:大气污染、水的污染等,你能为保护我们的环境做些什么呢?请你用几句写一写。 十一、阅读理解与感悟。(22分) (一)阅读文段,完成练习。(10 分) 于是,政府通过电视和广播呼吁人们立即行(xínɡ hánɡ)动起来,寻找燕子,把它们送到火车站。听到消息后,居民们纷纷走出家门,冒着料峭的严寒,顶着满天飞舞的大雪,踏着冻得坚硬的山路,四处.(chǔ chù)寻找冻僵的燕子。 一个叫贝蒂的小姑娘,听到广播后,和爸爸妈妈一起,在覆盖着皑皑白雪的山间.(jiān jiàn)岩缝.(fénɡ fènɡ)里,寻找冻僵的燕子。一天下来,她一个人就救护了十几只燕子。她的脸冻得通红,手冻得僵硬,但她一点也不在乎。 1、给文中带点的字选择正确的读音,用“”画出来。(2分)


三年级上学期语文第三单元测试题 一、把带点字的音节补充完整。(会认字) 富.f____商挣.zh____钱燃.r____烧蜡.l____烛喷.p____香伸缩.s____ 努.n____力草茎.j____ 推.t____开吱.____ī呀 拆.____āi开旧.j____木料小偷.t____ 答.d____ 应.y____ 卷.j____起 一骨.g____碌牙.y____ 齿.ch____ 嚼.j____碎吞.t____ 咽.y____ 悲.____ēi伤 几.j____乎笑眯.m____眯宣.x____布处.ch____理诱.y____惑 舔.t____一下毅.____ì力强.q____大犯.f____错禁.j____令 犹豫.y____ 跺.d____脚聚.____ù会稍.sh____息斧.f____头 二、看拼音写词语。(词语盘点) huǒ chái wéi qún kě lián jī hūnǎ pà ()()()()() nuǎn huo shèng xiàhuǒ chái liànɡ ɡuānɡzhúɡuānɡ ()()()()() ɡào sùhán lěnɡtònɡ kǔqīnɡ chen lǚ xíng ()()()()() yào hǎo zán men cǎo duīzuò shēng dā yìng ()()()()() zuò mènɡjiù mìng pīn mìng mǎ shàng xiāo huà ()()()()() dāng rán gāng cái zhī juéguāng liàng yǎn lèi ()()()()() lái de jídà chī yì jīng ()() 三、多音字组词。 切qiē() 答dā() 应yìng() 骨gū() qiè()dá()yīng()gǔ() 几jǐ() 处chù() 稍shāo() jī() chǔ() shào() 四、词语训练。 1.选词填空。 棵只把块盏辆头 一()树一()鸟一()椅子一()奶酪 一()煤油灯一()手推车一()大黄牛 2.照样子,连一连,读一读。 集合看寒冷的奶酪 搬运包裹呼呼的冬天 偷偷地队伍诱人的木地板 紧紧地粮食美丽的风声 3.给句中带点词语写一个意思相近的词。 (1)太阳暖暖地照在身上,种子觉得很舒服 ..。() (2)风就像一个调皮 ..的娃娃,时不时干点坏事。()


初三英语综合测试模拟试题 一、单项选择 1. Usually soft colors make people _______. A relaxing B relaxed C exciting D excited 2. Someone_______ you know might really need the money. A which B what C that D who 3. The old thing _______are all three _______years old. A on show, hundred B for showing, hundreds of C on show, hundreds D for showing, hundred 4. We could eat later if you _______ do that first. A would rather B had better C want D are found 5. You have to learn _______your mistakes. A about B of C from D for 6. there are many students playing on the playground._______ are playing basketball, and_______ are playing football. A Some, other B Some; others C Some, the others D Some, the other 7. The teachers are always comparing me _______my brother. A with B by C at D for 8. He was _______to see an old friend of_______ in the street. A surprising, him B surprised, him C surprising, his D surprised, his 9. My uncle paid us a(n) _______ visit yesterday. A annoy B surprised C annoyed D surprise 10. the foreign visitors _______ Nantong for more than three weeks. A have arrived in B have got to C have been in D have come to 11.-Have you done most of your jobs? -Not_______ .I will do it in the bag. A Neither B never C already D yet 12. Our teacher has_______ Australia for a week. A gone to B been in C arrived D been to 13. In last two years, we _______ twenty songs. A were learning B had learned C have learned D learned 14.-How long has he had that nice car? -_______ 1988.Oh, my car was bought_______ 1989. A In, in B since, since C since, in D in, since 15. I have_______ things to do. A so much B so many C too much D much too 16. He has worked in this school for many years, _______ he? A. has B. hasn’t C. is D. isn’t 17. She is going to do it________ a minute. A. in B. after C. during D. within 18. I _____you success in your new job. A. wish B. hope C. want D. would like


部编版小学六年级语文第二学期期末综合测试题 一、请用正楷字抄写下面的句子,注意标点符号。(3分) 业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。(唐●韩愈《进学解》) 二、选出下列词语中加点字的正确读音,用“√”标出。(4分) 徘徊.(huái huí)悼.念(diào dào)省略.(lüèluè)孪.生(luán nán) 斩.首(zhǎn zǎn)哺.育(bǔ fǔ)跋.涉(bá pá)解剖.(pōu pāo) 三、请按照查字典的要求填空。(3分) “截”字用音序查字法,应查音序()中的音节(),用部首查字法,应先查部首()中的第()画,“截”字可组词()。 四、语言积累(19分) 1、写出四个称赞音乐美妙的成语:(4分) 2、写出下列成语中的主人公:(4分) 大器晚成——()奉公守法——()杯弓蛇影——()入木三分——() 3、填空:(2分) ①胡马依北风,。②考当今之得失。 4、老师常用《满江红》中的“,,”劝勉我们珍惜时间。我们常用“,”歌颂鲁迅先生的精神。(2分) 5、我国古代四大名著是作者;作者;作者;作者。在《空城计》中,我们认识了的诸葛亮, 的司马懿;在《鲁智深行侠桃花庄》中,鲁智深的性格特点给我们留下了深刻 的印象。(7分) 五、句子训练营(16分) 1、深蓝的天空中挂着一轮金黄的圆月。缩句:。(1分) 2、多得些知识是好事。 改为双重否定句:。(1分) 3、“你想,四周围黑洞洞的,还不容易碰壁吗?” 改为陈述句:。(1分) 4、小乌龟对蜗牛说:“非常感谢你给我指路。” 改为转述句:。(1分) 5、我们必须认真改正并仔细检查作业中的错误。 修改病句:。(1分) 6、按课文原文填空并仿写句子:(7分) 爱是什么?是.(),是.(),是.(),是.(),是.(),是.()。 书是什么?是,是,是,是。


部编版语文三年级上学期 第三单元达标测试卷 时间:90分钟满分:100分 ★卷面分:2分 一、下列加点字注音有误的一项是(3分)( ) A.茎.(jīng)叶答.(dā)应回答.(dá) B.几.(jī)乎几.(jǐ)圈缩.(suō)小 C.召.(zhào)开融.(róng)化悲.(bēi)伤 D.禁.(jìn)止稍.(shāo)息诱.(yòu)人 二、看拼音,写词语。(10分) 三、比一比,再组词。(8分) {教() 孝() { 招() 召() { 伸() 申() { 棕() 宗() 四、给句子加上合适的标点符号。(7分) 1.

五、把下列句子补充完整,并完成练习。(8分) A.灯不拨不亮, 。 B. ,无理寸步难行。 C. ,万古胜负在于理。 只要有道理,任何地方都能行得通,而没有道理一步都很难走。正所谓“”(填序号)。 六、课内阅读。(15分) 鸟儿睁大眼睛,盯着灯火看了一会儿。 接着,她就唱起去年唱过的歌,给灯火听。 唱完了歌,鸟儿又盯着灯火看了一会儿,就飞走了。 1.文中的两个“看”字,让人产生无穷的遐想。第一次“看”,是鸟儿费尽周折,终于找到了好朋友树,它可能在想: 。第二次“看”,是鸟儿实现了自己的诺言,它可能在 想: 。(6分) 2.从这两个“看”字中你感受到了什么?(4分) 3.你觉得鸟儿是个怎样的形象?(5分) 七、读短文,完成练习。(17分) 三袋麦子

快要过年了,土地爷爷给小猪、小牛和小猴各送了一份节日礼物——一口袋麦子。 小猪看着黄灿灿的麦子,开心地喊道:“太棒啦!我最爱吃白面馒头和烙饼了!”他迫不及 ...待.地把麦子磨成面粉,做成了各种各样的食品。 小牛捧起饱满的麦粒,看了又看,心想:多好的麦子呀,我要先把它保存起来,等家里的草料和杂粮都吃完了,再慢慢吃这好东西。为了防止发霉和虫蛀,小牛经常把那袋麦子搬到屋外透透风,晒晒太阳。 小猴呢,他觉得面前的这袋麦子是上等的麦种,便把一口袋麦子全种下了地。 一年以后,土地爷爷又来拜访 ..小猪、小牛和小猴。 他先到小猪家,小猪说:“感谢您去年送给我那袋麦子,让我吃到了最好吃的东西。”说着,不由得舔了舔舌头。看着小猪憨厚可爱的样子,土地爷爷忍不住哈哈大笑。 告别了小猪,土地爷爷来到小牛家。小牛告诉土地爷爷:“去年您送我的麦子至今还没吃完呢。”小牛抱出那只口袋,里面仍有半袋麦子。土地爷爷点点头。 最后,土地爷爷来到小猴家。谈起去年的那口袋麦子,小猴拉着土地爷爷的手,神秘地说:“请跟我来。” 土地爷爷跟着小猴到里屋一看,啊,麦囤(dùn)里堆得满满的。小猴说:“我把麦子种下了地,这都是我的收获。您带一些回家吧。”土地爷爷抚摸着小猴的头,兴奋地说:“你真聪明!真能干!” 1.用恰当的方法理解下列词语。(4分) 迫不及待: 拜访: 2.小猪、小牛和小猴得到礼物后,分别是怎样做的?(5分)


九年级学业水平测试(1-5单元) 英语试题 一、单项选择。(共15小题,计15分) ( )1. ---How much did you _______ on that woolen T-shirt ? ---I _______ 80 yuan for it. A. cost, spend B. spend, paid C. pay, cost D. take, cost ( )2 ---You look _______ sad, Kate. --- Yeah, I have made mistakes in my report. A. a little, a few B. little, few C. a few, a little D. a little, few. ( ) 3. The _______ he is , the he feels. A. busily, happily B. busy, happy C busier , happier D .more busy, more happy ( ) 4.-----I don’t know . Can you help me ? -----I think you should calm down and read texts. A. how to do B. what to do it . C. what to do D. when to do ( ) 5.I’d rather _____ at home than _______ to the movie on weekends . A. staying, going B. to stay, to go C. stay, go D. stayed, went ( ) 6. There is hardly anyone in the street , ________? A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there ( ) 7 The mountain is steep(陡峭的) few people can climb to the top of it A so, that B too, to C not , enough to D so , as


第一、二章章节测试 姓名: 一、判断题 1、语言是以语法为物质外壳,以词汇为建筑材料、以语音为结构规律的一种音义结合的符号系统。() 2、语言中书面语是第一性的,口语是第二性的。() 3、口语具有简短明快、通俗自然地特点。() 4、书面语具有语句雅正、结构完整的特点。() 5、书面语是口语得以形成的基础和源泉,并不断为口语提供鲜活的材料,促使口语向前发展。() 6、王力的《汉语史稿》以语音的演变为主要依据,参照语法和词汇的变化将汉语的发展分为上古、中古、近代和当代四个时期。() 7、民族共同语是一个民族全体成员共同使用的语言,方言是局部地区人们使用的语言。() 8、唐宋以来,以北京话为代表的北方与逐渐取得了各方言区之间的交际工具的地位。() 9、现代汉民族共同语就是以“北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。() 10、汉语是世界上使用人口最多,分布最广的语言。() 11、世界上的文字大致可以分为两大类:表音文字和表意文字,汉字属于表意文字。() 12、汉字形体演变的总趋势是:变图画为线条,改繁复为简易,从表声到表意。() 13、新中国成立后,党和政府改革文字的原则就是“约定俗成,稳步前进”。() 14、笔画法一般先按笔画数从少到多排列,内部再按笔形的横、竖、撇、点、捺、折的顺序排列,以此类推。() 15、巿字念(fu),卂字念(qiong).。() 16、戊字念(wu) ,戌字念(shu) ,戍字念(xu)。() 17、字形的规范包括不写错别字,不用繁体字和不规范的简体字,不用异体字。() 18、语素是语言中最小的有意义的单位,它可以分为两大类:成词语素和不成词语素。() 19、本义是一个词在某一历史阶段中最主要最常用的意义,基本义指一个词有历史可查的最早意义。() 20、楷书是从隶书演变而来的,兴于汉末,盛行于魏晋,一直沿用至今天。因为比以前任何一种字体都好写好认,可以作为“楷模”,所以尊之为“楷书”,又称“真书”、“正书”。() 二、不定项选择题 1、汉语有()和()两种存在形式。 A、口语 B、书面语 C、方言 D、普通话 2、中古汉语是从()到()。


小学语文二年级第二学期综合测试题 班别:姓名:得分: 一、我会拼,我会写(10分)。 huán rào shìjianǎo jīn mào shanɡcǎi hónɡ ()()()()( ) hǒnɡpiàn jiāo ào tǎo yàn zhēn zhūfùjìn ()()()()( ) 二、给多音字组词(6分)。 jiān()shanɡ()kōnɡ()间盛空 jiàn()ch?nɡ()kònɡ()三、我会连(4分)。 宽贱恶真减富强胜 贵窄善穷假加败弱 四、比一比,再组词(16分)。 密()摘()坡()未() 蜜()滴()玻()末() 题()该()埋()寿() 提()孩()理()涛() 五、照样子填上合适的词。(12分) 一(台)电脑(美丽)的花朵(仔细)地看 一()小刀()的小路()地说 一()先生()的枝叶()地写 一()房子()的春风()地跑 一()报纸()的羽毛()地跳 六、把下面词句补充完整。(10分) 1.多多()()高高()()()()短短 2.湖()碧()灯()闪()勤学()()()()高照3.(1)花要叶扶,_________________。 (2)___________________,春风暖万家。 (3)知识是我们飞向_________________。 七、选字、词填空。(5分) 进、近、尽 (1)我家附()有一座新建的立交桥。 (2)农夫从中午忙到太阳落山,弄得筋疲力()。 (3)李老师说我又()步了。 往常常常 (1)春天,我们()到野外去看风景。 (2)()我总是七点钟起床,今天我六点半就起来了。 八、用带点的词写句子。(6分) 1


英语综合测试题 时间:90分钟分值:120分 第Ⅰ卷(70分) Ⅰ、单项选择(30分) 1. YaoMing is______as one of the most popular basketball players in the world. A.regarded B.made C.kept D.watched 2. I won’t have a trip to Mount Huang unless my friend Amy______too. A.will invited B.invites C.is invited D.will be invited 3. ---What are you going to do with your pocket money? ----_____give it to the children from Aids families? A.What about B.What for C.Why not D.Why don’t 4.We will never give up our plan__________happens. A.however B.whatever C.whenever D.wherever 5. ---Whose guitar is this? ---It_____Alice.She plays the guitar. A.might be B.must be C.can belong D.might belong to 6. I wonder if my mother will go to the party. If she ______, neither ________. A doesn’t; will I B does; will I C does ; do I D doesn’t ; do I 7. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I_______the cloth_____well. A. have told;washes B. have been told;washes C. was told;washed D. have been told;is washed 8. It’s ou r duty to______people_____too many trees. A. stop;cutting down B. prevent;to cut down C. keep;cutting down D. make;cut down 9. Twenty dollars____a large_____of money. A. is;number B. are;number C. is;amount D. are;amount 10.As he has no seats to______, he walked away. A.sit B.sitting C.sit on D.seat on 11.Zhou Lan doesn’t have to be made_______She always studies very hard. A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.learned 12.The dog rushed to the nearest village______it could get someone to help his dying owner there. A.where B.which C.that D.so that 13.You should practice______English_______. A.everyday;everyday B.every day; every day C.everyday; every day D.every day: everyday 14. ________of the building are old. A.One thirds B.Two five C.Second five D.Two sixths 15. ---I have left my book at home.Jim,______it for me,OK? ---No problem.I’ll go right now. A. bring B. take C. fetch D. buy Ⅱ、阅读理解(40分) A Students often want to practise their English outside class. One of the best ways of practising your English is to speak to foreigners. Most of the students asks, "Is it OK to talk to foreigners when we meet them in the street " The answer is yes and no, but probably no! If you see a foreigner who looks lost, it is polite to ask him or her, "May I help you " But if not, you should probably let him or her get on with the business. That is, you can talk to a foreigner at some time or place. Feel free to ask him or her questions if a foreigner comes into your school, classroom or your teachers' office. It's also OK to talk to foreigners in some public places. If you see a foreigner alone in a restaurant, a waiting room, or a shop, it may be the right time for you to ask him or her. "Is this seat free " or questions like this. You can probably help them if they are new to China. And if they are alone, you may be able to make them feel more welcome. It's a pleasure to talk to a foreigner if you choose the right time and place.


2004年秋季开放教育汉语言文学专业(专升本) 入学测试复习指导 本次测试采用综合测试形式,试题内容涉及中外文学、文学概论、现代汉语、古代汉语等方面知识以及写作能力的考核。卷面满分为150分。题型:选择题(40分,主要考核现代汉语、古代汉语的有关知识)、判断题(10分,考核文学概论的有关知识)、简答题及作家作品对应题(20分,考核现代文学、当代文学的有关知识)、分析论述题(30分,考核古代文学和外国文学的有关知识)、作文题(50分)。 下面就复习时使用的参考教材、复习的范围和重点作一说明。 第一部分、现代汉语 1、什么是现代汉语? 狭义的理解:以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。 广义的理解:包括各个方言在内的现代汉民族说的话。 现代汉语方言是现代汉民族共同语的地域分支。 2、语音的性质 语音的物理性质 语音具有音高、音强、音长、音色四个要素。 语音的生理性质 语音是通过发音器官发出来的。发音器官可以分为三大部分。 语音的社会性质 3、语音单位 音素、音节 声母、韵母、声调 4、汉语拼音方案:字母表、声母表、韵母表、声调符号、隔音符号。 5、语汇的性质 定义:语汇是语言里所有词语的总汇。 6、语素和语素的分类 什么是语素:语素是语言中最小的语音语义结合体。 7、单音词和多音词 8、单纯词和合成词:由一个语素构成的词是单纯词,由两个(以上)语素构成的词是合成词。 9、合成词的构造方式:复合和附加。 10、同义词的辨析:意义、色彩、功能。 11、古语词、方言词、外来词的吸收与选用 12、成语的理解与运用:书写、意义、读音。 13、词的功能类别 语法功能——词和词结合的能力,词在语句结构中表现出的分布特点。 14、词性辨识 助词、语气词、介词、连词、副词、数词、量词、代词。

四年级下册语文试题-第三单元综合测试题 人教部编版(含答案)

第三单元综合测试题 时间:90分钟满分:100分 一、字词积累运用。(22分) 1.给下列加点字选择正确的读音。(6分) 月晕(yūn yùn) 杜甫(fǔ pǔ) (yánɡxīánɡ ) 委屈(qū pū) 愈合(yù yǜ) 仲裁( zhōnɡzhònɡ) 2.在正确的字上画“”。(6分) 交(叉又) (膝漆)盖 (漫慢)长 涂(沫抹) 指(晖挥) 拥(挤济) 3.下列选项中含有一对近义词和一对反义词的是( )。(2分) A.凉爽一清爽仿佛一似乎 B.寂静一喧闹温柔一轻柔 C.炫耀一夸耀胆怯一害怕 D.徜徉一俳徊潇洒一酒脱 4.下列句子中画横线词语解释有误的一项是( )。(2分) A.白桦四周徜徉着姗姗来迟的朝霞。(形容走得缓慢从容) B.在朦胧的寂静中玉立着这棵白桦。(日光不明) C.这些事一是永不漫灭的回忆。(被磨灭) D.毛茸茸的枝头,雪绣的花边潇洒。(自然大方,有韵致,不拘束) 5.照样子,在括号里填上恰当的词语。(6分) (1)(胆怯)的小白菊 ( )的凤蝶儿 ( )的雪花 ( )的光华 (2)(洗涤)污垢 ( )阴霾 ( )银霜 ( )尘垢 二、句子练习.(13分) 1.按要求写句子。(8分) (1)赤着脚,携着手,踏着新泥,涉过溪流。(仿写一个有连续动作的句子) (2)在我的窗前,有一棵白桦。(改变词序,句意不变) (3)哪一颗星没有光?(改为陈述句) (4)风蝶儿在树叶间飞。(改为拟人句) 2填入下面句中横线上的短语,恰当的一项是( )。(2分) 那草滩的绿,;那菜花的黄,;而那湖水的蓝,又是啊! ①黄得蓬勃②蓝得多么醉人③绿得娇嫩 A.213 B.312 C.123 D.321 3.写出下列句子所运用的修辞手法。(3分) (1)大海啊!哪一颗星没有光?哪一朵花没有香?哪一次我的思潮里没有你波涛的清响?() (2)新阳推开了阴霾了,溪水在温风中晕皱。() (3)串串花穗齐绽,洁白的流苏如画。() 三、判断下列说法的正误。(10分) 1.《白桦》一诗表达了诗人对家乡和大自然的热爱之情。白桦象征着高尚的人格。() 2.冰心的诗集《繁星?春水》表现了“母爱”“童真“自然”三大主题。() 3.戴望舒的《绿》写出了春天大自然生机勃勃的景象,表达了诗人对大自然、对生命的热爱。()


人教版九年级英语单元 测试 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

九年级1-3单元测试 一、单项选择(1.5*20=30) 1、Why not practice _________English in _________ English-speaking country? A. speaking, a B. speaking, an C. spoken, an D. speak, a 2、The more careful you are, ________mistakes you’ll make. A. fewer B. the fewer C. the less D. less 3. Good learners aren’t afraid _______mistakes. Instead, they learn ________mistakes. A. of making, in B. to make, from C. to make, in D. of make, from 4. For the first time, pay attention _________quickly to get the main ideas. A. to read B. reading C. to reading D. of reading 5.I discovered that listening to is the secret language learning. A. something interesting, to B. interesting something, to C. something interested, of D. interested something of 6. Why not ___ your teacher for help when you can’t finish _____ it by yourself? A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write 7. ___________exciting news! A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 8. Chang’e refused _________the magic medicine to Pang Meng. A. to give B. gave C. giving D. give 9. I’ve five pounds because I ate too much meat. A. put up B. put off C. put away D. put on 10. —Do you know if Jimmy to the party? —I am not sure. But if he , I will give him a big surprise. A. comes; will come B. will come; will come C. comes; comes D. will come; comes 11. Jenny keeps two pets. One is a dog, _________is a rabbit. A. another B. an other C. the other D. other 12. ---He dressed up ________a ghost last night. How scary! ---Take it easy! He just played a trick ________us. A. in, on B. in, in C. as, on D. as, in 13.— Can we visit Hong Kong this summer holiday? — I wonder it is the best time to go there. A. if B. when C. what D. how


凯程考研 历史悠久,专注考研,科学应试,严格管理,成就学员! 考研汉语言文学专业综合介绍 专业介绍 汉语言文学专业培养具有汉语言文学基本理论、基础知识和基本技能,能在新闻文艺出版部门、科研机构和机关企事业单位从事文学评论、汉语言文学教学与研究工作,以及文化、宣传方面的实际工作的汉语言文学专门人才。与汉语言文学相对应的专科专业为语文教育,其培养对象是在高等和中等学校进行汉语言文学教学和教学研究的教师、教学研究人员及其他教育工作等。 本专业是培养具有文艺理论素养和系统的汉语言文学知识,在新闻文艺出版部门、高校、科研机构和机关企事业单位从事文学评论、汉语言文学教学与研究工作,以及文化、宣传方面的实际工作的汉语言文学高级专门人才。汉语言文学专业除了在新闻文艺出版部门、高校、科研机构和机关企事业单位外,还可以考取教师资格证成为教师。 培养目标 该专业培养具备文艺理论素养和系统的汉语言文学知识,能在新闻文艺出版部门、高校、科研机构和机关企事业单位从事文学评论、汉语言文学教学与研究工作,以及文化、宣传方面的实际工作的汉语言文学高级专门人才。 培养要求 该专业学生主要学习汉语和中国文学方面的基本知识,受到有关理论、发展历史、研究现状等方面的系统教育和业务能力的基本训练。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握马克思主义的基本原理和关于语言、文学的基本理论; 2.掌握本专业的基础知识以及新闻、历史、哲学、艺术、教育等学科的相关知识; 3.具有文学修养、鉴赏文学能力、较强的写作能力以及语言表达能力; 4.了解我国关于语言文字和文学艺术的方针、政策和法规; 5.了解本学科的前沿成就和发展前景; 6.能阅读古典文献,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。 7.具有正确的文艺观点、语言文字观点和坚实的汉语言文学基础知识,并具有处理古今语言文字材料的能力、解读和分析古今文学作品的能力、协作能力和设计实施语文教学的能力; 8.了解语言文学学科的新发展,并能通过学习,不断吸收本专业和相关专业新的 研究成果,根据社会需要和教育发展的需要,拓宽专业知识,提高教学水平,在将新知识引人语文教学的实践中,富有开创精神; 9.了解本专业及相关专业各学科学术发展的历史,重视传统文化的继承和发展。同时具有一定的哲学和自然科学素养。掌握资料收集、文献普查、社会调查、论文写作等科学


小学六年级语文综合练习题 (答卷时间100分钟,满分100分,其中卷面书写3分) 姓名班别成绩 一、你一定能读准拼音并正确、美观地写出相应的字词。(5分) kuí wú zī rùn wǔ rǔzhēnɡr?nɡchénɡfá (2 1、老师夸他的字刚劲(jìn jìnɡ)端庄,于是他练字的劲(jìn jìnɡ)头更大。 2、这次他的考试成绩又落(lu? là)在班级后面,他心里空落落(lu? là)的。 三、请你找出没有错字的一组词语,把序号写在括号里。()(2分) A、座无虚席竭尽全力漫山遍野神密莫测 B、勃勃生机应接不瑕栩栩如生精兵简政 C、赞不绝口随心所欲粉妆玉砌无怨无悔 四、一字开花:根据句子的意思用“沉”字组成不同的词填到括号里。(4分) 李大钊同志不幸被捕,全家人心情十分()。李大钊同志在敌人的面前()镇定,有时据理力争,有时用()进行无声地反抗。1927年4月28日,李大钊同志被害,人们万分()。 五、下列句子中,没有语病的一句是()(2分) ①印刷术是我国古代的四大发明。 ②听了老师的话,使我深受感动。 ③我心里特别激动万分。 ④白居易是我国的唐代杰出的诗人之一。 六、明辨是非:判断下列说法是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(4分) 1. 藏戏的开山鼻祖是唐东杰布。() 2.《悲惨的世界》这部名著的作者是美国作家雨果。() 3.小兵张嘎、华子良和江姐都是革命小说《红岩》中的人物。() 4.“轻叩诗歌的大门”这次综合性学习分“成长的足迹”和“与诗同行”两个板块。() 七、下面的句子用了哪些修辞手法,答案正确的一组是()(2分) (1)这巴掌大的地方住不了人。 (2)雨像牛毛,像花针,像细雨。 (3)难道你没有一点同情心吗? (4)较弱的花儿在暴雨中瑟瑟发抖。


七年级英语第三单元综合检测卷 (满分:100分时间:90分钟) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1 .We go to school on weekdays and go to cinema at weekends. A. /;the B. the; the C. the;/ D. /;/ ( )2. Mrs Green enjoys Beijing opera a lot. She often goes to the . A. school B. office C. restaurant D. theatre ( )3.一Is this new car? 一No. is over there, the red one. A. your; Mine B. your; My C. your; My D. yours; Mine ( )4.一Mum is cooking fish in the kitchen. Can you it? 一No, I can't. I have a bad cold a runny nose. A. See B. sound C. taste D. smell ( )5.一Look at the trousers, Andy. They look like yours. 一No. Mine black and white. A. is B. has C. have D. are ( )6.He enjoys_______badminton. A.played B.to play C.pl ay D.playing ( )7.This town is about two hundred kilometers__________Nanjing. A.far B.far away.C.far away from D.away from ( )8.一What shall we do tomorrow? 一Why_______to the cinema? A.don't;go B.not go C.don’t going D.not you go ( )9.It _______only 20 minutes to the park by bike from my home. A.brings B.takes C.carries D.needs ( )10.—Let’s go to the park to play football,shall we? —_______It’s getting too late.A.Why not? B.That’s all right C.Better not D.Never mind ( )11. Hurry up, or you will the early bus. A. forget B. miss C. leave D. catch ( )12. The woman under the tree are mothers. They are old friends. A. Tom and Jacky B. Tom’s and Jacky’s C. Tom and Jacky’s D. Tom’s and Jacky ( )13 . Xu Beihong is for his paintings of horses. A. fresh B. famous C. interesting D. important ( )14. is the bus stop from here? It’s about five minutes on foot. A.How long B.How far C. How many D. How often ( )15. 一Why not go to the theatre tonight? 一. A. It doesn't matter. B. Thank you. C. Sorry to hear that D. Sounds great! 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) A man comes home from work late. His 5-year-old son is 1 for him. “Daddy can you give me $10?” his son asks. The father is very 2 and says, “ If you want to buy a toy, you can go back to your 3 and go to bed.” Later, the man 4 maybe he really needs to buy something. The boy doesn't ask for
