




英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating





选定教材:Stephen E. Lucas(美),《演讲的艺术》(第八版),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年












c.语境教学法(context teaching);

d.过程教学法(process teaching).


a. 精讲多练,突出学生参与;

b. 运用视听演示材料供学生观摩;

c. 鼓励学生制作视觉辅助材料(visual aids);

d. 运用摄像设备拍录学生演讲实景;

e. 先讲后评,组织讨论;

f. 运用评估表(evaluation sheet)分析学生演讲;



第一章Speaking And Listening




一、Speaking in Public

1. The Power of Public Speaking

2. The Tradition of Public Speaking

3. Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation

4. Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation

5. Developing Confidence: Your Speech Class

6. Public Speaking and Critical Thinking

7. The Speech Communication Process

8. Public speaking in a Multicultural World

二、Ethics and Public Speaking

1. The Importance of Ethics

2. Guidelines for Ethical Speaking

3. Plagiarism

4. Guidelines for Ethical Listening


1. Listening Is Important

2. Listening and Critical Thinking

3. Four Causes of Poor Listening

4. How to Become a Better Listener


1. In what way is public speaking likely to make a difference in your life?

2. How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?

3. How can you control your nervousness and make it work for you in your speeches?

4. What are the seven elements of the speech communication process? How do they interact to determine the success or failure of a speech?

第二章Speech Preparation: Getting Started




Selecting a Topic and Purpose

1. Choosing a Topic

2. Determining the General Purpose

3. Determining the Specific Purpose

4. Phrasing the Central Idea

二、Analyzing the Audience

1. Audience-Centeredness

2. Your Classmates as an Audience

3. The Psychology of Audiences

4. Demographic Audience Analysis

5. Situational Audience Analysis

6. Getting Information About the Audience

7. Adapting to the Audience

三、Gathering Materials

1. Using Your Own Knowledge and Experience

2. Doing Library Research

3. Searching the Internet

4. Interviewing

5. Tips for Doing Research

四、Supporting Your Ideas

1. Supporting Materials and Critical Thinking

2. Examples

3. Statistics

4. Testimony

5. Sample Speech with Commentary


1. What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech? What are four guidelines for an effective central idea?

2. What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience before the speech? During the speech?

3. What five things should you do to take research notes efficiently?

4. What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?

第三章Speech Preparation: Organizing and Outlining




Organizing the Body of the Speech

1. Organization Is Important

2. Main Points

3. Supporting Materials

4. Connectives

二、Beginning and Ending the Speech

1. The Introduction

2. The Conclusion

三、Outlining the Speech

1. The Preparation Outline

2. The Speaking Outline


1. What are the five basic patterns of organizing main points in a speech? Which are appropriate for

informative speeches? Which is used only in persuasive speeches? Which is used most often?

2. What are seven methods you can use in the introduction to get the attention and interest of your audience?

3. What are four ways to reinforce the central idea when concluding your speech?

4. What is a preparation outline? What are the eight guidelines discussed in the chapter for writing a preparation outline?

5. What is a speaking outline? What are four guidelines for your speaking outline?

第四章Presenting The Speech


本章教学要求学生基本掌握演讲写作中的语言技巧,演讲的不同形式,以及直观教具的制作和用法. 教学内容:

一、Using Language

1. Language Is Important

2. Meanings of Words

3. Using Language Accurately

4. Using Language Clearly

5. Using Language Vividly

6. A Note on Inclusive Language


1. What is a Good Delivery?

2. Methods of Delivery

3. The Speaker's V oice

4. The Speaker's Body

5. Practicing Delivery

6. Answering Audience Questions

三、Using Visual Aids

1. Advantages of Visual Aids

2. Kinds of Visual Aids

3. Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids

4. Guidelines for Presenting Visual Aids


1. What are three things you should do to use language clearly in your speeches?

2. Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What are five usages of inclusive language which have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?

3. What are the eight aspects of voice usage you should concentrate on in your speeches?

4. What are the five steps you should follow when practicing your speech delivery?

5. What steps should you take when preparing for a question-and-answer session? What should you concentrate on when responding to questions during the session?

6. What are the major advantages of using visual aids in your speeches?

第五章Varieties of Public Speaking


本章教学要求学生掌握演讲的几种主要的体裁,能够在不同的场合选择不同的方式进行有效演讲. 教学内容:


Speaking to Inform

1. Types of Informative Speeches: Analysis and Organization

2. Guidelines for Informative Speaking

3. Sample Speech with Commentary

4. The Importance of Persuasion

5. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact

6. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value

7. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy

二、Methods of Persuasion

1. Building Credibility

2. Using Evidence

3. Reasoning

4. Appealing to emotions

三、Speaking on Special Occasions

1. Speeches of Introduction

2. Speeches of Presentation

3. Speeches of Acceptance

4. Commemorative Speeches

5. After-Dinner Speeches

四、Speaking in Small Groups

1. What Is a Small Group?

2. Leadership in Small Groups

3. responsibilities in a Small Group

4. The Reflective-Thinking Method

5. Presenting the Recommendations of the Groups


1. Why must informative speakers be careful not to overestimate what the audience knows about the topic? What can you do to make sure your ideas don't pass over the heads of your listeners?

2. What are three methods you can use to avoid abstractions in your informative speech?

3. Explain the difference between passive agreement and immediate action as goals for persuasive speeches on questions of policy.

4. What four methods of organization are used most often in persuasive speeches on questions of policy?

5. What are four tips for using evidence effectively in a persuasive speech?

6. What are the three major traits of a good acceptance speech?

7. What are the five major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?


1)Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 8th Ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. 配有Instructor's Manual.

2)Verderber, Rudolph F. The Challenge of Effective Speaking. 10th Ed. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1997.

3) Collins, Patrick. Say It with Power & Confidence. Paramus: Prentice Hall, 1998.

4)Kay, Sue(英):《实用演讲技巧》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.

5)亚历山大(Alexander, L. G.)(英),《英语辩论手册》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.

6)纪玉华、陈向军、Andrew N. Brown,《英语演讲与辩论教程》,厦门:厦门大学出版社,2004.





执笔人: 韩静2006年5月

审定人: 黄能2006年5月

系负责人: 王克明2006年7月

商务英语演讲 公司俱乐部介绍篇

商务英语演讲公司俱乐部介绍篇 商务英语演讲:公司俱乐部介绍篇 I believe the employer should serve employees not only by giving salaries, but also by providing opportunities for them to enjoy their life. In that respect, Our pany has a great deal to offer. We have more than thirty activity groups organized by workers for athletic and recreational purposes. Among these groups are the Tennis Club, Basketball Club, Popular Music Club, Company Orchestra, Aerobics Club, and so on. Our tennis team is one of the best in the Shanghai area, and currently maintains a winning streak in the east of china District Tournament. Also, our pany orchestra was established two years ago, and the members practice twice a week under the instructions by one of Shanghai's best conductors. And for those of you who want to have a good sweat and slim down, we have an Aerobics Club. The club weles any body who wants to have a good work-out and slim down, male or female.


我方坚持认为” 应该是脱口而出We firmly insist that,“开头的观点the beginning viewpoint”,“最后的陈词the final statement” Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... Ways to open a debate ?To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state… ?We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. … ?In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. ? A number of key issues arise which deserve closer examination. ?We will elaborate one of the most striki ng features of this problem, namely… ?In the first place we would like to make clear that….The main argument focuses on…. 1. Giving Reasons and offering explanations: ?To start with…, The reason why..., That's why..., For this reason..., That's the reason why..., ?Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that..., 2. Asking for an opinion from the other party ?I would be glad to hear your opinio n of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。 ?Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗? ?I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 ?well…what do you think (about ?Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) ?What's your view on the matter? how do you see it?你怎么看它? ?let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ?do you think that…?你认为…吗 3. Stating an opinion陈述观点 ?I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… I'd like to point out that我想指出的是… ?Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说…In my experience…根据我的经验… ?I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… I'd rather..., I'd prefer..., ?The way I see it..., As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,… ?If it were up to me..., I suspect that..., ?I'm pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., ?I'm convinced that..., I honestly feel that…, ?I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt...


英语演讲课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语演讲课程编号: 学时/学分:32/2 课程类别/性质:通识教育/选修 适用专业:非英语专业本科生 一、课程目标与定位 英语演讲是一门通识教育选修课。本课程旨在通过讲授英语口才、基本演讲类型、演讲技巧,分析演讲实例,使学生全方位的了解英语演讲,培养学生的英语表达能力、英语演讲能力及沟通、领导能力,并训练学生用英语进行思辨的能力,达到使学生学会演讲稿的写作方法以及提高在公共场合演讲能力的目的。 二、课程从属项目关系 先修课程:大学英语 后续课程:无 三、课程知识、能力、素质培养目标 1. 了解演讲语言、演讲谋篇的基本特点。 2. 了解英语演讲技巧,做到语言上能达意,并且学会充分调动各种非语言因素进行表 达。 3. 具备能够在公共场合进行英语演讲的能力。 四、课程基本内容和学时安排 第一章公众演讲的基本概念(2学时) 教学内容:公共演讲的定义、演讲的类型、演讲的目的、演讲的特征以及演讲的构成。 教学目标:让学生真正了解什么是公共演讲以及组成演讲的必要元素。 重点:演讲的类型以及构成。 难点:演讲的构成。 第二章演讲稿的特征(2学时) 教学内容:演讲稿的作用、要求、特点和分类;以及如何准备演讲稿。 教学目标:让学生掌握演讲稿的基本特征。 重点:演讲稿要有针对性、可讲性和鼓动性。 难点:如何充分准备高质量的演讲稿。 第三章演讲稿的写作(10学时) 教学内容:定题演讲的三大组成要素:内容、结构和语言。内容要有明确的观点,要选择恰当并且新颖的题材和角度,要有充分支持观点的论据;清晰的结构会紧 紧抓住听众的注意力,应当包括开头正文和结尾三个部分。语言要准确、恰


英语辩论赛常用语 A征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? I was wondering where you stood on the question of …我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that …另一点是…… Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是…… I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…... C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said…像你所说的那样…… But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过……. E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点 I’m not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends.

I’m not so certain. Well, I’m not so sure about that. I’m inclined to disagree with that. No, I don’t think so really. F如何强烈反对对方某一观点 I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’m afraid you are wrong there. I wouldn’t accept that for one minute. You can't really mean that. You can’t be serious. 大学生英语辩论赛的比赛规则及具体流程 1、主席致辞:宣布辩题及辩题相关背景资料;介绍选手包括学院、专业、年级及正反方所持观点等;介绍评委及比赛规则。 2.、比赛阶段: 1)正方一辩发言(7分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第六分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时---举牌提示 2)反方一辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示



goodmorningteachersandclassmates. 早上好,老师同学们。 imgladtobehereforself-introdution. 我很高兴能在这里做自我介绍。 mynameis***andyoucanalsocallme****. 我叫***,你们也能叫我***. 我来自八年级***班。 iamalocalpersonwhois14yearsold,andimoftheopinionthatmyhometownisabea utifulcity. 我是一个14岁的本地女孩,我认为我的家乡是一个美丽的城市。ihaveafamilyoffour,mymother,father,youngerbrotherandme.我有一个4口人的家庭,家里有我妈,我爸,我弟和我。wearegettingalongwitheachother. 我们一家人相处得很好。 作为一名来自典型中国家庭的中国女孩,我怕知道我身上寄托了父母对我成功的很大希望。 所以,我觉得我有责任让他们梦想成真。 itstiredforanyonetobesuccessful. 对每个人来说,成功的路都是辛苦的。 however,ihavetheconfidencebecauseihavesuchability!尽管这样,我依旧有信心,因为我有能力。 iamkind-hearted,patient,outgoingandcreative. 我很善良,有耐心,开朗,还很有创造力。 iamahardworkingstudentespeciallydothethingsiaminterestedin.尤其在做我喜欢的事情时,我会很努力。 iwilltrymybesttoresolveanyproblemnomatterhowdifficultitis.无论有多困难,我都会尽力去解决问题。 nopain,nogainsisgoldenwordsinmylifebook. “没有付出就没有得到”是我的人生金句。 ilovemusic,becausemusiccanmakemefeelrelaxed. 我爱音乐,因为音乐能让我放松。 andimalsoapianoplayer. 我还是一名钢琴演奏者。 ipracticemyskillfor8hourseveryweekinmysparetime.每周在我休息时间里,我会话8小时练习我的钢琴技巧。bydoingthis,icanrefreshmymind. 这么做能让我精神变得很清醒。 that’!就这些,感谢您给我这么珍贵的机会。篇二:自我介绍英文演讲稿大学自我介绍英语演讲稿 hello,everyone!


outline:leap over the great fire wall nicky specific purpose: to make a simple explanation of the leap over the great fire wall and indicate the great fire wall affecting students study and peoples daily life in some extent, then demonstrate some personal solutions for the problems which caused by the great fire wall. central idea: the great fire wall has both sides effects on our life so that we should focus on the bad effects and figure out how to solve these problems. introduction ⅰ. what does leap over the great fire wall exactly mean by now in china? 1.explanation:we still cannot find any accurate definition on it; however, we could give a simple explanation: we think chinese government considers that the internet should be blocked in some ways because it will multiply eroticism and violence without supervision; therefore, netizens named this phenomenon of searching the limited websites as leap over the great fire wall, in chinese, fanqiang. body ⅰ.according to this phenomenon, people generated a heating debate. 1. the pros: a).the great fire wall can help us stop spreading the negative information b).provides a healthy and green network environment. 2. the cons: a).it is on the pretext of spreading the negative information but for some politic profits: avoid spreading the information which is against the party. b).it is a good way for us to know how foreign friends look at our china ⅱ.the great fire wall creates some bad impact on the university students 1.it is easy for students to lose their sense of right and wrong. 2.it obstructed students critical thinking and the objective worldview. 4.it also obstructs the academic sources that students can be obtained, especially the external information. ⅲ.we have figured out some solutions based on the analysis and discussion. 1.the government should publish a law that blocking the bad information,while allowing the academic information for students; 2.we should appeal more and more netizens using their real names on the internet for protecting the teenagers affected by the bad information, while, it also can provide more privacy for the adults to search the internet freely at the same time; 5.the designer of the great fire wall should be more confident about our netizen because we can distinguish most of the fake vedio which is bad for our country. conclusion i. in a conclusion, we could have a deep understanding on the great fire wall from this problem-solving public speech. ii. moreover, we also found some bad influences of the great fire wall. iii. nevertheless, we have figured out some personal solutions for it by intense discussions.


关于公司英语演讲稿 篇一:与公司共成长英语演讲稿3-5分钟 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! It’s my honored to stand here to give you a short speech. Life is a process of growing up. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hoped I can work in a great company in future, then, as you know, I came here. I wondered what the future holds for me. When I came to this company, I told to myself: this is where my future starts. Then I learned to become a man, an integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong. I have loyal faith to the saying “Never go out there to see what happens, but go out there to make something happen”. When we are working, we are not sewing, we are stylist; never forget what we should lay out to people is our thought, not craft. I’d like to put my personality with my interest and ability into my work. During this process


《英语演讲》教学大纲 课程编号:课程类型: 课程名称:英语演讲英文名称:Public Speaking in English 学分:适用专业: 第一部分大纲说明 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 本课程向学生传授英语演讲的基本知识和演讲稿撰写技巧,通过对著名经典演讲词的学习鉴赏,了解英语演讲的目的、功能和修辞手段,通过对现代名人演讲词的赏析,了解当代演讲词的结构、风格和修辞特征;通过学习赏析和演讲实践,提高学生撰写演讲稿和进行即兴演讲的能力。目的是为了让学生了解英语演讲技巧及其发展的历史;从理论上与实践上提高学生在公共场合的英语演讲能力,使他们能够富有逻辑地、说服力地、艺术性地、策略性地、感人地、幽默地、流利地表达自己的观点,成功地说服听众;学会演讲稿的写作方法;学会利用现代技术进行演讲;通过分析中外名家的演讲,让学生了解演讲中的中西文化差异。 二、课程的基本要求 1.知识要求: 了解:通过本课程学习,初步掌握英语正式演讲和即兴口头演讲的基本知识。 熟悉:经典和功能性演讲材料,欧美英语文化特色,中西文化差异及其产生的根源。 掌握:正式演讲和即兴演讲的基本要求。 2.能力要求: 简单运用:进一步提高学生组织思想和口头表达能力。 熟练运用:凭借个人现有的英语基础,通过本课程实践,提高进行得体的功能性即兴演讲的能力。 三、本课程与相关课程的联系 作为一门英语基础课程,学生在学习本课程前需具备一定的语言基础和较好的阅读理解能力。因此,参加本课程学习的学生学习过《大学英语》相关课程,或学习过《基础英语》、《高级英语》、《英语语法学》《英语视听》和《英美文化》等课程,其后续课程主要有:《英语辩论》、《英语演讲艺术》等。


Dabate常用句型 Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对...的意见。。 Stating an opinion陈述观点 I think..., In my opinion..., I believe… I'd like to point out that I'd like to say I suppose..., I'd rather..., I'd prefer..., As far as I'm concerned..., I suspect that..., I'm pretty sure that..., I'm convinced that..., I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt..., It’s a fact that…, Clarifying a point阐述观点 a. what I said was… b. what I mean to say was… c. let me repeat what I sai d. d. let me rephrase what I said.. How to Half Agree with an Opinion. Yes, perhaps, however ... Well, yes, but ... Yes, in a way, however ... Hmm, possibly, but ... Yes, I agree up to a point, however ... Well, you have a point there, but ... There's something there, I suppose, however. I guess you could be right, but ... Yes, I suppose so, however ... That's worth thinking about, but ... well, I get you,but... Politely disagreeing I don't think that..., on the other hand…on the contrary… Hmm, I'm not sure you're right. I'm inclined to disagree with that. I'm afraid I don't agree... I understand your viewpoint, but it fails to consider...


3分钟英语演讲稿:公司介绍 下面小编给大家分享3分钟英语演讲稿:公司介绍,欢迎阅读:3分钟英语演讲稿:公司介绍 I believe the employer should serve employees not only by giving salaries, but also by providing opportunities for them to enjoy their life. In that respect, Our company has a great deal to offer. We have more than thirty activity groups organized by workers for athletic and recreational purposes. Among these groups are the Tennis Club, Basketball Club, Popular Music Club, Company Orchestra, Aerobics Club, and so on. Our tennis team is one of the best in the Shanghai area, and currently maintains a winning streak in the east of china District Tournament. Also, our company orchestra was established two years ago, and the members practice twice a week under the instructions by one of Shanghai's best conductors. And for those of you who want to have a good sweat and slim down, we have an Aerobics Club. The club welcomes any body who wants to have a good work-out and slim down, male or female. ---来源网络整理,仅供参考 1


Syllabus for English Public Speaking (PS) Course Title: English Public Speaking Course Code:06167014 Type of Course: Elective for MTI Business Interpreting Direction Credit Hour: 2 credits and 36 hours Instructor: Jiang Lihua Students: Postgraduates (Year 2011), MTI Business Interpreting Direction Exams: Classroom Presentation and Oral Examination Teaching Method: Lectures, Presentation and Discussion. Prerequisite Courses: No Textbooks: Lucas, Stephen E. 2010: The Art of Public Speaking. (10th Ed.), New York: McGraw Hill/Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. References: 1. Davidson, J. 2008: The Complete Guide to Public Speaking, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Templeton, M. 2010: Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified, New York: McGraw Hill. I. Course Descriptions: English Public Speaking is designed to teach students the basis skills needed to prepare and deliver effective speeches within a variety of public settings and during group discussion. Emphasis is placed on research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive and special occasion public speaking. Students are trained in selecting and organizing ideas; adapting a message to a particular audience; supporting ideas clearly, vividly, and logically; and delivering an effective message with confidence and enthusiasm. Classroom lecture and activities are supplemental to the textbook—they may or may not be the same. Students are responsible for reading the textbook and for completing the practice study questions. The regular course meetings will consist of lectures and exercises; solo and group presentations to the class; critical group discussions of presentation topics and ideas. Throughout the course, attention will be focused on providing an atmosphere of positive reinforcement and constructive feedback. Students are encouraged to assist each other with suggestions for improvement. Course credit will be based on class participation (10%), classroom speaking assignments (20%) and a final oral exam (70%).


英语辩论赛 话题:当代社会男人压力大还是女人压力大 正方一辩:我方观点是当今社会男人的压力比女人的压力大。在当今社会事实是男人承受的压力远大于女人的压力,不仅从社会角度,从工作角度,从家庭角度都对男人有更多的要求,男人被要求能够很好的处理社会交际,能够出色的工作,能够赚取更多的钱,能够很好的照顾家庭和孩子。因此,在当代社会,男人承受了比女人更多的心理压力。Our view is that the pressure of men is more than women in today's society. The fact is that the men’s pressure is far greater than women, not only from a social point of view, from the working point of view, from the families point of view , the society has more demands on men, men are required to have good social communication, excellent work, to earn more money, to take care of their families. Therefore, in contemporary society, men suffer more psychological pressure than women. 反方一辩:我方的观点是当今社会女人的压力比男人压力大,随着社会的发展,女人在社会中的角色发生了重大变化,原来的女人只需要在家相夫教子就行,但是那个年代早已一去不复返了。女人在当今社会不仅要照顾家庭,而且自身也承担着社会中巨大的工作压力,因此,我方坚持认为在当今社会,女人承受了更大的压力。 Our view is that the pressure of women is more than men in today's society。With the development of society, the role of women in society greatly changes. In original ,women only need to assist their husbands and educate the children , Nowadays. A woman not only to take care of the family, and also bear the tremendous pressure from society. Therefore, we detected that in today's society, women suffer greater pressure. 自由辩论 正方二辩:当今社会对男人的要求比女人的要求高很多,在如今如此大的竞争压力下,男人为了家庭不得不寻求一份稳定的工作,努力赚取养家的资本,哪怕在工作中不如意,也只能默默承受。因为一旦男人失去了工作,整个家庭将陷入严重的危机,这使得男人承受了巨大压力的同时也不敢轻易更换不如意的工作。因此,当代社会男人承受比女人更大的压力。 In today's society, requirements on men is much higher than women's, under so much competitive pressures, The man have to find a stable job for the family, to earn more money to support his families. Even if he is unhappy at work, he must endure. The reason is once the men lose their jobs, the whole family will be plunged into serious trouble, which makes the man under great pressure, while also not easy to replace unsatisfactory work. Therefore, men suffer greater pressure than women in contemporary society. 反方一辩:正如正方所言社会对我们给了我们更多的要求以及更大的压力。仅仅工作一项就使得我们难以喘息,更何况当代社会女人不仅自己要努力工作,承担社会给予的巨大压力,而且更多地要承担几乎整个家庭生活所给的压力。每天要做饭,洗衣服,照顾丈夫孩子,这些事已经使得女人忙得黑白颠倒,再加上工作上的巨大压力,使得当代女人超额承受着巨大的压力。 As you said the society has given us more demands and greater pressure. Just work making us difficult to breathe , moreover modern women not only to work hard, bear enormous social pressure , but also have to undertake almost the entire pressure from family and life. Cooking, washing, taking care of her husband and child every day have made women day and night reversed , combined with the enormous pressure at work, so the modern women under great pressure. 正方一辩:当然,你说得非常有道理,但是所有的前提是女人自己来选择。如果女人感到压力大,她可以从二中选


Pixar Animation Studios 王珊珊020512141 Do you know what is it? The letter “I” is Luxo Jr., a character from an early Pixar film. Now, it is the mascot of Pixar Animation Studios. Pixar has produced fourteen feature films, beginning with Toy Story and its most recent Monsters University. I have watched all of them. So today I would like to show you that the history of Pixar can be divided into three parts and Pixar has three successful works. Let’s start with the history of Pixar. The history of Pixar can be divided into three parts, before 1986, between 1986 and 2006, and 2006 till now. Before 1986, Pixar was the Computer Division of Lucasfilm. It was launched in 1979. Between 1986 and 2006, Pixar was an independent business. In 1986, because of the divorce of George Walton Lucas, he decided to sell this team. Then Steve Jobs became the new Chairman of Pixar. In cooperation with The Walt Disney Company, Pixar produced many popular feature films. They include Toy Story, A Bug’s life, Finding Nemo and so on. These films not only brought Pixar fame, but also gave it big profits. In 2006, Steve Jobs sold Pixar to The Walt Disney Company. The Pixar name was guaranteed to continue, and the studio would remain. But the brand of films made post-merger would be “Disney·Pixar” , beginning with Cars. Now that you know something about the history of Pixar, let’s look at its three successful works. The three successful works are Toy Story, WALL-E, and Up. Toy Story was the the first feature film produced in 1995. The film talks about stories between toys. Because of its popularity, Pixar produced Toy Story 2and Toy Story 3in 1999 and 2010. This film symbolizes that Pixar’s the most successful work has been created. WALL-E was the first feature film after Steve Jobs sold Pixar to The Walt Disney Company. The film is talking about a romantic love story between two robots. The name WALL-E means Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth Class. And EVE means Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator. This film has won many international awards, including Best Animated Feature Film of Oscar Academy Awards. Up was the first 3D computer-animated comedy-adventure film produced by Pixar and released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2009. This film is talking about an adventure between an old man and a little boy. It tells us that everyone should search for their dreams. No matter it is big or small, we should try to accomplish it. John Lasseter has said, “Pixar’s movies are following a same theme. It’s gotta be about the growth of the main character, and how he changes. ” Maybe that’s why their
