


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除大学英语演讲稿我的爱好 篇一:介绍爱好的英语演讲 goodmorning,everyone!iamgladtobeheretointroducemyse lf.各位早上好,很高兴在这里介绍自己。 虽然这是我第一次用这种方式介绍自己,但是我相信我会有个良好的表现。希望通过这个简单的介绍,更多的人们能认识我,记住我的样子。也同样相信我们不久有机会会成为朋友。 mynameistbandiam24yearsold,borninhebeiprovince.igra duatedfromqingdaouniversity.mymajorishotelmanagerme nt.ispendmostofmytimeonstudyandi’veacquiredbasicknowledgeofmymajor.itismylongcherish eddreamtobeanmanagerinhotelandiameagertogetanopport unitytofullyplaymyability.我叫tb,24岁。河北人。毕业于青岛岛大学。所学的专业是旅游管理。上学期间努力学

习专业知识,现在我同样希望能有机会实现我做酒店管理的愿望,充分发挥自己的专业能力。 inadditiontotheabove-mentioned,inmysparetimeilikepl ayingbadminton,listeningtopopmusicandsurfingtheinte rnet.playingbadmintoncanexercisemybody,letmehavemor eperseverance.listentomusiccanmakemerelax,makememor econfident.internetcaneichmyknowledge,sothatihavemo reexperience.除了上面说到的,在我的业余时间,我喜欢打羽毛球, 听流行音乐和上网冲浪。打羽毛球可以锻炼我的身体,让我有更多的毅力。听音乐可以让我放松,让我更有信心。互联网可以丰富我的知识,扩充更多的知识。 ok.thatsalittleaboutmyself,thankyou 好,那就是关于我的简单介绍。谢谢。篇二:自我介绍英语演讲稿 自我介绍英语演讲稿 dearteachers,goodmorning!itsagoodchanceformetobeher etopracticemyenglish.ihopeicanmakeagoodperfomanceto day.firstofall,youallknowwellmyname.mynameisliyuan. imfromningbowanliinternationalschool.ifyouwanttokon wmyage,maybeyouwillbedisappointed,becauseitsasecret


我的爱好英语演讲稿 篇一:我的爱好英语演讲稿 篇一:my hobbies 希望之星小学演讲稿我的爱好 hello, everyone! i`m very happy to make a speech here. my name is pengyiwei. i`m ten years old. today, i’d like to share my hobbies with you. i like reading because there are lots of useful things in books. books can teach me how to be a good person, books even can solve many problems for me. now, i will play the cucurbit for you. i hope you can enjoy it. thank you!篇二:汉语演讲稿我的爱好我的爱好 大家早上好,我来自,我叫。今天我演讲的题目是:我的爱好。 每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,有的人喜欢在篮球场上奔跑;有的人喜欢畅游知识的海洋;有人喜欢情不自禁地陶醉在歌声里;我的爱好是拿着五彩的画笔,畅游在绘画世界里。画画这活动别提多有趣了!只要一到周末或美术课我就来劲儿,什么卡通人物.月亮星星.树林小鸟.小猫小狗都是我的强项,从我的笔下画出的这些,那才叫栩栩如生呢! 我曾经看到这样一句话——“美妙的音乐,令人回味无穷;杰出的画作,让人百看不厌。”是啊,艺术有着神奇的

魅力,它吸引着每一个对它感兴趣的人。 每次画画时,我都会那么专注,达到忘我的境界,什么事都不会让我烦心,什么都能使我快乐。有一次我正在画我的房间,可画了好长时间,就是画不出窗帘的效果。妈妈催了我好几次,让我吃饭,我也只是心不在焉的回答一声,一直到我把窗帘画好,才出来。“你一直在画画,爱吃的可乐鸡翅吃完了。”我心里暗暗地说,没了就没了吧,我只要把这幅画画好,那我也就心满意足了。 我喜欢绘画,喜欢把绘画运用到所有的东西上。绘画已经成了我生活中不可缺少的部分。也因有了它,才使我的生活更加美好,更加幸福,更加多姿多彩。画画丰富了我的课余生活,給了我无穷的乐趣,我喜欢画画!wǒ de ài hǎo dà jiā zǎo shàng hǎo ,wǒ lái zì,wǒ jiào 。jīn tiān wǒ yǎn jiǎng de tí mù shì:wǒ de ài hǎo 。 měi ga rn dōu yǒu zì jǐ de xìng qùài hǎo ,yǒu de rn xǐ huān zài lán qiú chǎng shàng bēn pǎo ;yǒu de rn xǐ huān chàng yu zhī shí de hǎi yáng ;yǒu rn xǐ huān qíng bú zì jìn dì táo zuì zài gē shēng lǐ;wǒ de ài hǎo shì ná zhe wǔ cǎi de huà bǐ,chàng yu zài huì huà shì jia lǐ。 huà huà zha hu dng bi tí duō yǒu qù le !zhī yào


英语演讲课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语演讲课程编号: 学时/学分:32/2 课程类别/性质:通识教育/选修 适用专业:非英语专业本科生 一、课程目标与定位 英语演讲是一门通识教育选修课。本课程旨在通过讲授英语口才、基本演讲类型、演讲技巧,分析演讲实例,使学生全方位的了解英语演讲,培养学生的英语表达能力、英语演讲能力及沟通、领导能力,并训练学生用英语进行思辨的能力,达到使学生学会演讲稿的写作方法以及提高在公共场合演讲能力的目的。 二、课程从属项目关系 先修课程:大学英语 后续课程:无 三、课程知识、能力、素质培养目标 1. 了解演讲语言、演讲谋篇的基本特点。 2. 了解英语演讲技巧,做到语言上能达意,并且学会充分调动各种非语言因素进行表 达。 3. 具备能够在公共场合进行英语演讲的能力。 四、课程基本内容和学时安排 第一章公众演讲的基本概念(2学时) 教学内容:公共演讲的定义、演讲的类型、演讲的目的、演讲的特征以及演讲的构成。 教学目标:让学生真正了解什么是公共演讲以及组成演讲的必要元素。 重点:演讲的类型以及构成。 难点:演讲的构成。 第二章演讲稿的特征(2学时) 教学内容:演讲稿的作用、要求、特点和分类;以及如何准备演讲稿。 教学目标:让学生掌握演讲稿的基本特征。 重点:演讲稿要有针对性、可讲性和鼓动性。 难点:如何充分准备高质量的演讲稿。 第三章演讲稿的写作(10学时) 教学内容:定题演讲的三大组成要素:内容、结构和语言。内容要有明确的观点,要选择恰当并且新颖的题材和角度,要有充分支持观点的论据;清晰的结构会紧 紧抓住听众的注意力,应当包括开头正文和结尾三个部分。语言要准确、恰


我的爱好英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语作文我的爱好 hello, everyone! my name is. i’m happy to take part in this competition. the title of my speech is ‘my hobby’. everyone has different hobbies. some people like traveling. they think it can make them enjoy their holidays and many different life styles. others like watching films. because it can make them happy. i have a lot of hobbies. and my favorite hobby is reading books. first, reading books is fun. it’s just like another kind of traveling. it can make me learn more about the world. next, reading books is useful. if you read enough books, your chinese will get better and better. i always read books after i finish doing my homework. by reading i can learn many things. but, some people say that reading books is out of date. this is not true. for example, i have to read something about how to use a computer. the better i read, the better my computer skills will be. so reading books is never out of date. i love reading. i have great fun in reading. that’s all. thank you. 第二篇:儿童英语演讲:我的爱好 i have many hobbies.i like to do many things.let me share a few.i like (敬


outline:leap over the great fire wall nicky specific purpose: to make a simple explanation of the leap over the great fire wall and indicate the great fire wall affecting students study and peoples daily life in some extent, then demonstrate some personal solutions for the problems which caused by the great fire wall. central idea: the great fire wall has both sides effects on our life so that we should focus on the bad effects and figure out how to solve these problems. introduction ⅰ. what does leap over the great fire wall exactly mean by now in china? 1.explanation:we still cannot find any accurate definition on it; however, we could give a simple explanation: we think chinese government considers that the internet should be blocked in some ways because it will multiply eroticism and violence without supervision; therefore, netizens named this phenomenon of searching the limited websites as leap over the great fire wall, in chinese, fanqiang. body ⅰ.according to this phenomenon, people generated a heating debate. 1. the pros: a).the great fire wall can help us stop spreading the negative information b).provides a healthy and green network environment. 2. the cons: a).it is on the pretext of spreading the negative information but for some politic profits: avoid spreading the information which is against the party. b).it is a good way for us to know how foreign friends look at our china ⅱ.the great fire wall creates some bad impact on the university students 1.it is easy for students to lose their sense of right and wrong. 2.it obstructed students critical thinking and the objective worldview. 4.it also obstructs the academic sources that students can be obtained, especially the external information. ⅲ.we have figured out some solutions based on the analysis and discussion. 1.the government should publish a law that blocking the bad information,while allowing the academic information for students; 2.we should appeal more and more netizens using their real names on the internet for protecting the teenagers affected by the bad information, while, it also can provide more privacy for the adults to search the internet freely at the same time; 5.the designer of the great fire wall should be more confident about our netizen because we can distinguish most of the fake vedio which is bad for our country. conclusion i. in a conclusion, we could have a deep understanding on the great fire wall from this problem-solving public speech. ii. moreover, we also found some bad influences of the great fire wall. iii. nevertheless, we have figured out some personal solutions for it by intense discussions.

有关爱好的英语演讲稿 我的爱好为题的英语演讲稿范文

有关爱好的英语演讲稿我的爱好为题的英语演讲稿范文 在演讲前多背几篇大学生英文演讲范文是非常有必要的,小编为大家整理了有关爱好的英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 有关爱好的英语演讲稿篇一 Everyone has his hobbies.Hobbies are things people are extremely interested in.People have hobbies will feel their life are so colorful that they are willing to devote themself to it,go out of way to do it,pay all their attention to it,try their best to do it. I also have my hobby.It is reading.Could you imagine how pleasant roaming the books is? No matter novels or poetry books,I always enjoy all the classic ones. I don't enjoy hanging out with friends,nor do I enjoy playing webgames.It's a waste of time to me.I'd like to spend all my time in reading.I'd like myslef being abundant in knowledge.I'm desperate for more good books.About Novels:Some novels are moving.they are about families,friends, lovers or some simplest things that will warm one's heart.when I begin to read this sort of books,I feel I am wholly addicted to the plots.Some novels are interesting,sometimes the plots are quirk but they are superextremely satirical Some novels are excting like the detective novels.I always think that they can make my brain more flexible in a way.About books full of imformation.As we know,a good encyclopaedia is a mine of information I can seek knowledge in the compendium of knowledge.Like digging the jewelery, every piece of them I will treasure.About poems:poems are the best literary output since time immemorial .By using the least words but express the most.The classic poems stick in my mind. overall,I love reading,I enjoy drowning in the literary atmosphere,Reading makes my life


《英语演讲》教学大纲 课程编号:课程类型: 课程名称:英语演讲英文名称:Public Speaking in English 学分:适用专业: 第一部分大纲说明 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 本课程向学生传授英语演讲的基本知识和演讲稿撰写技巧,通过对著名经典演讲词的学习鉴赏,了解英语演讲的目的、功能和修辞手段,通过对现代名人演讲词的赏析,了解当代演讲词的结构、风格和修辞特征;通过学习赏析和演讲实践,提高学生撰写演讲稿和进行即兴演讲的能力。目的是为了让学生了解英语演讲技巧及其发展的历史;从理论上与实践上提高学生在公共场合的英语演讲能力,使他们能够富有逻辑地、说服力地、艺术性地、策略性地、感人地、幽默地、流利地表达自己的观点,成功地说服听众;学会演讲稿的写作方法;学会利用现代技术进行演讲;通过分析中外名家的演讲,让学生了解演讲中的中西文化差异。 二、课程的基本要求 1.知识要求: 了解:通过本课程学习,初步掌握英语正式演讲和即兴口头演讲的基本知识。 熟悉:经典和功能性演讲材料,欧美英语文化特色,中西文化差异及其产生的根源。 掌握:正式演讲和即兴演讲的基本要求。 2.能力要求: 简单运用:进一步提高学生组织思想和口头表达能力。 熟练运用:凭借个人现有的英语基础,通过本课程实践,提高进行得体的功能性即兴演讲的能力。 三、本课程与相关课程的联系 作为一门英语基础课程,学生在学习本课程前需具备一定的语言基础和较好的阅读理解能力。因此,参加本课程学习的学生学习过《大学英语》相关课程,或学习过《基础英语》、《高级英语》、《英语语法学》《英语视听》和《英美文化》等课程,其后续课程主要有:《英语辩论》、《英语演讲艺术》等。


第 1 页 共 2 页 提供专业的word 版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除 我的爱好_英语演讲稿 untilyoufindone. Asforme,ilovemoves,furthermore.ievenhavetriedtomake myownmicrofilm.inthelastsummervacation,withmyfriend s,iwroteastoryandhaditshot.interestedin.ialsoloveph otography,andichoosethephotosshopclass.i ’ dliketousemycameraandmyvideoclipsskillstorecordedth ebeautifulthingsinourlife.ilovereadingaswell.ifavou redsincefictionworldverymuch,fromthevividworld,ilea rnedalotandfeelmorethirstyforreading.nowireadselect edpoemsoftagore.fascinatedwithhisworld,igotmoreinte restinenglish.exceptforthesehobbiesialsoenjoyfootba ll,tobehonest,idon ’thaveanytalentinthis,ican ’tkeepmyselfrunningforalongtime;ican ’tshootthefootballaccurately;andican ’


Syllabus for English Public Speaking (PS) Course Title: English Public Speaking Course Code:06167014 Type of Course: Elective for MTI Business Interpreting Direction Credit Hour: 2 credits and 36 hours Instructor: Jiang Lihua Students: Postgraduates (Year 2011), MTI Business Interpreting Direction Exams: Classroom Presentation and Oral Examination Teaching Method: Lectures, Presentation and Discussion. Prerequisite Courses: No Textbooks: Lucas, Stephen E. 2010: The Art of Public Speaking. (10th Ed.), New York: McGraw Hill/Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. References: 1. Davidson, J. 2008: The Complete Guide to Public Speaking, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Templeton, M. 2010: Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified, New York: McGraw Hill. I. Course Descriptions: English Public Speaking is designed to teach students the basis skills needed to prepare and deliver effective speeches within a variety of public settings and during group discussion. Emphasis is placed on research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive and special occasion public speaking. Students are trained in selecting and organizing ideas; adapting a message to a particular audience; supporting ideas clearly, vividly, and logically; and delivering an effective message with confidence and enthusiasm. Classroom lecture and activities are supplemental to the textbook—they may or may not be the same. Students are responsible for reading the textbook and for completing the practice study questions. The regular course meetings will consist of lectures and exercises; solo and group presentations to the class; critical group discussions of presentation topics and ideas. Throughout the course, attention will be focused on providing an atmosphere of positive reinforcement and constructive feedback. Students are encouraged to assist each other with suggestions for improvement. Course credit will be based on class participation (10%), classroom speaking assignments (20%) and a final oral exam (70%).


英语演讲稿我的爱好,带翻译 篇一:我的爱好英语演讲稿 篇一:my hobbies 希望之星小学演讲稿我的爱好 hello, everyone! i`m very happy to make a speech here. my name is pengyiwei. i`m ten years old. today, i’d like to share my hobbies with you. i like reading because there are lots of useful things in books. books can teach me how to be a good person, books even can solve many problems for me. now, i will play the cucurbit for you. i hope you can enjoy it. thank you!篇二:汉语演讲稿我的爱好我的爱好 大家早上好,我来自,我叫。今天我演讲的题目是:我的爱好。 每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,有的人喜欢在篮球场上奔跑;有的人喜欢畅游知识的海洋;有人喜欢情不自禁地陶醉在歌声里;我的爱好是拿着五彩的画笔,畅游在绘画世界里。画画这活动别提多有趣了!只要一到周末或美术课我就来劲儿,什么卡通人物.月亮星星.树林小鸟.小猫小狗都是我的强项,从我的笔下画出的这些,那才叫栩栩如生呢! 我曾经看到这样一句话——“美妙的音乐,令人回味无穷;杰出的画作,让人百看不厌。”是啊,艺术有着神奇的

魅力,它吸引着每一个对它感兴趣的人。 每次画画时,我都会那么专注,达到忘我的境界,什么事都不会让我烦心,什么都能使我快乐。有一次我正在画我的房间,可画了好长时间,就是画不出窗帘的效果。妈妈催了我好几次,让我吃饭,我也只是心不在焉的回答一声,一直到我把窗帘画好,才出来。“你一直在画画,爱吃的可乐鸡翅吃完了。”我心里暗暗地说,没了就没了吧,我只要把这幅画画好,那我也就心满意足了。 我喜欢绘画,喜欢把绘画运用到所有的东西上。绘画已经成了我生活中不可缺少的部分。也因有了它,才使我的生活更加美好,更加幸福,更加多姿多彩。画画丰富了我的课余生活,給了我无穷的乐趣,我喜欢画画!wǒ de ài hǎo dà jiā zǎo shàng hǎo ,wǒ lái zì,wǒ jiào 。jīn tiān w ǒ yǎn jiǎng de tí mù shì:wǒ de ài hǎo 。 měi ga r?n dōu yǒu zì jǐ de xìng qùài hǎo ,yǒu de r?n xǐ huān zài lán qiú chǎng shàng bēn pǎo ;yǒu de r?n xǐ huān chàng y?u zhī shí de hǎi yáng ;yǒu r?n xǐ huān qíng bú zì jìn dì táo zuì zài gē shēng lǐ;wǒ de ài hǎo shì ná zhe wǔ cǎi de huà bǐ,chàng y?u zài huì huà shì jia lǐ。


英语演讲与辩论》课程教学大纲 (2006年制订,2006年修订) 课程编号:100191 英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating 课程类别:专业选修 学分:2学分 课时:32课时 主讲教师:韩静等 选定教材:Stephen E. Lucas(美),《演讲的艺术》(第八版),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年 课程概述: 《英语演讲与辩论》课程是一门语言技能和专业知识相结合的课程,在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化.该课程有助于提高学生综合应用英语的能力,有助于学生综合素质的培养,是英语教学改革的新课型通过该课程的学习不仅能帮助学生进一步提高英语表达能力、英语口语交际能力,更有利于学生开拓思路、掌握沟通技巧;引导学生体会演讲魅力、提高演讲技巧、展示演讲才能,有利于他们早日掌握这门适用于各种领域的沟通艺术. 这门课程的学习需要一定程度的语言技能以外的知识积累.通过这门课程的学习,学生能够系统地了解英语演讲的技巧,英语演讲稿的写作方法以及英语演讲技巧在现代交际中的作用.本课程采用理论传授与实际操练相结合;教师讲解和学生参与相结合;教师点评和学生试评相结合的教学方法. 本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲课程的理论教学,采用范例录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析(自评、互评和教师点评相结合)等方法.考查方法采用课堂参与和考试相结合. 教学目的: 通过本课程的学习,使学生全面、系统地掌握英语演讲和辩论的理论知识与艺术特点以及在现实交际生活的作用及在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化,并且提高学生综合应用英语的能力和综合素质的培养. 教学方法: 本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲辩论课程的理论教学,采用示范录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析(自评、互评和教师点评相结合)等方法.考查采用课堂参与记录与考试相结合的方法,课堂参与记录占50%,考试占50%. 1)教学原则 a.教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线; b.运用激励策略,营造宽松型(free)、学生友好型(student-friendly)氛围; c.语境教学法(context teaching); d.过程教学法(process teaching). 2)课堂组织形式 a. 精讲多练,突出学生参与; b. 运用视听演示材料供学生观摩;


篇一:my hobbies 希望之星小学演讲稿我的爱好 hello, everyone! i`m very happy to make a speech here. my name is pengyiwei. i`m ten years old. today, i’d like to share my hobbies with you. i like reading because there are lots of useful things in books. books can teach me how to be a good person, books even can solve many problems for me. now, i will play the cucurbit for you. i hope you can enjoy it. thank you!篇二:汉语演讲稿我的爱好 我的爱好 大家早上好,我来自,我叫。今天我演讲的题目是:我的爱好。 每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,有的人喜欢在篮球场上奔跑;有的人喜欢畅游知识的海洋;有人喜欢情不自禁地陶醉在歌声里;我的爱好是拿着五彩的画笔,畅游在绘画世界里。画画这活动别提多有趣了!只要一到周末或美术课我就来劲儿,什么卡通人物.月亮星星.树林小鸟.小猫小狗都是我的强项,从我的笔下画出的这些,那才叫栩栩如生呢! 我曾经看到这样一句话——“美妙的音乐,令人回味无穷;杰出的画作,让人百看不厌。”是啊,艺术有着神奇的魅力,它吸引着每一个对它感兴趣的人。 每次画画时,我都会那么专注,达到忘我的境界,什么事都不会让我烦心,什么都能使我快乐。有一次我正在画我的房间,可画了好长时间,就是画不出窗帘的效果。妈妈催了我好几次,让我吃饭,我也只是心不在焉的回答一声,一直到我把窗帘画好,才出来。“你一直在画画,爱吃的可乐鸡翅吃完了。”我心里暗暗地说,没了就没了吧,我只要把这幅画画好,那我也就心满意足了。 我喜欢绘画,喜欢把绘画运用到所有的东西上。绘画已经成了我生活中不可缺少的部分。也因有了它,才使我的生活更加美好,更加幸福,更加多姿多彩。画画丰富了我的课余生活,給了我无穷的乐趣,我喜欢画画!wǒ de ài hǎo dà jiā zǎo shàng hǎo ,wǒ lái zì,wǒ jiào 。jīn tiān wǒ yǎn jiǎng de tí mù shì:wǒ de ài hǎo 。 měi ga r?n dōu yǒu zì jǐ de xìng qùài hǎo ,yǒu de r?n xǐ huān zài lán qiú chǎng shàng bēn pǎo ;yǒu de r?n xǐ huān chàng y?u zhī shí de hǎi yáng ;yǒu r?n xǐ hu ān qíng bú zì jìn dì táo zuì zài gē shēng lǐ;wǒ de ài hǎo shì ná zhe wǔ cǎi de hu à bǐ,chàng y?u zài huì huà shì jia lǐ。 huà huà zha hu? d?ng bi? tí duō yǒu qù le !zhī yào yī dào zhōu m? hu? měi shù ka wǒ jiù lái jìn ?r ,shí me kǎ tōng r?n wù .yua liàng xīng xīng .shù lín xiǎo niǎo .xiǎo māo xiǎo gǒu dōu shì wǒ de qiáng xiàng ,c?ng wǒ de bǐ xià huà chū de zha xiē,nà cái jiào xǔ xǔ rú shēng ne ! wǒ c?ng jīng kàn dào zha yàng yī jù huà——“měi miào de yīn la ,lìng r?n huí wai wú qi?ng ;ji? chū de huà zu? ,ràng r?n bǎi kàn bú yàn 。”shìā,yì shù yǒu zhe sh?n qí de mai lì,tā xī yǐn zhe měi y ī ga duì tā gǎn xìng qù de r?n 。 měi cì huà huà shí,wǒ dōu huì nà me zhuān zhù,dá dào wàng wǒ de jìng jia ,shí me shì dōu bú huì ràng wǒ fán xīn ,shí me dōu n?ng shǐ wǒ kuài la 。yǒu yī c ì wǒ zhang zài huà wǒ de fáng jiān ,kě huà le hǎo zhǎng shí jiān ,jiùshì huà b ú chū chuāng lián de xiào guǒ。mā mā cuī le wǒ hǎo jǐ cì,ràng wǒ chī fàn ,wǒ y


小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿带翻译5篇 一个英语的自我介绍是我们小学生一直都烦恼的,这个自我 介绍要怎么去准备呢?WTT小雅为大家整理了关于小学生的英语自 我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)5篇,欢迎大家阅读。 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)篇1 Hello every one. my name is XX. I am 10 years old. I study in primary school. There are three people in my home ,my parents and me . My father is a handsome man and my mather is very beautiful.They are very excellent .They love me and I love them too. I like reading and playing balls. I often play basketball with my good friends after school. I like to make friends and I hope we can be friends . thanks 大家好,我叫XX ,今年10岁,在上小学.我家有3个人,我父母和我.我爸爸是一个很英俊的男人,我妈妈也很漂亮.他们非常优秀.他们很爱我,我也爱他们.我喜欢阅读和打球,放学后,我经常和朋 友们一起在打篮球. 我洗交朋友,希望大家能和我做朋友.谢谢! 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)篇2

Hello, everyone! My name is JooZone. I am x years old. I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting. I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books. I like summer best, because it is very relaxing and we have a long hollday. I love my life. I think I am a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me? 大家好!我是xxx。我x岁。我来自中国。我会说中文和一点 英文。我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为我认为它非常有趣。我喜欢 看电影,做运动和看书。我最喜欢夏天,因为他非常轻松并且我 们有一个长的假期。我爱我的生活。我认为我是一个快乐的女 孩。你想和我做好朋友么? 小学生英语自我介绍演讲稿(带翻译)篇3 Hi! My Chinese name is Ma Fangyu. My English name is Jane. I’m a ha ppy girl. I live in Nanzhuang Cun. My birthday is in December. My favorite colour is purple. My favorite pet is lovely dog. I have two big black eyes. I like English very much. Every day I go to school on foot. I like my school. There are 25 students in my class. I love my school. This is me.
