



1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brakes.








1.Tennis is getting more and more popular in Shanghai.

2.I think your suggestion is as valuable as theirs.

3.Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night.

4.A film will be made/ shot in memory of those brave fire fighters.

5.It was three days later that she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in the language lab.

6.Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue.





2.表示“与……一样……”应该用“as+ adj./adv原级+as…”结构。

3.本句要注意两点:1. 动名词用作主语的用法;2. keep + sb./sth. + adj (做宾补)使……保持某种状态。

4.“为了纪念……”应选用“in the memory of”固定短语来表达。

5.解答本题要注意两点:1. 强调句型的运用;2. remember doing sth.记住做过某事。6.本句较为复杂,除了掌握despite作为介词可以接名词构成介词短语作状语外,还要注意句中谓语动词的准确选择和时态的确定,最后还要注意“实施援救”这一目的状语的表达。

2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.





5.她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner)


1.We enjoyed ourselves this New Year’s Day this year.

2.My uncle sent me a card yesterday to congratulate / congratulating me on my 18th birthday. 3.After years of / years’ construction, the little town is now as lively as it was before the earthquake / it

used to be before the earthquake.

4.The performance began with a piece of classical music which was familiar to people in their fifties.

5.No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization.


1.根据“今年元旦”可知,该句用一般过去时,玩得很开心用词组enjoy oneself

2.根据“昨天”可知,该句用一般过去时,congratulate 的用法是congratulate sth或者congratulate sb on sth


4.根据句意可知,演出已经开始了,事情发生在过去,因此用一般过去时,familiar的用法是sb be familiar with sth 或者sth be familiar to sb

5.no sooner的句型为no sooner ...than,因为no sooner是否定词,因此no sooner后面要用部分倒装的句式。

3.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.





3.一个人待人处世的方式能反映出他是怎样的人。(the way)


4.只有当一系列奇数问题得到解决,到 2025 年,新能源汽车才能占汽车销量的百分之二十。(Only)



1.For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a child should not be left alone at home

2.Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face.

3.The way a person treats others can reflect what kind of person he is.

4.Only when a series of technical problems are solved can new energy cars account for 20 percent of all the car sales by 2025.




1.考查被动语态和“leave+宾语+宾补”结构。根据句意可知本句使用 leave sb alone表示“把某人单独留下”,children / a child与leave之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,故翻译为:For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a children should not be left alone at home

2.考查非谓语动词。he与take a deep breath之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,而且take a deep breath明显发生在went up to之前,所以用现在分词的完成式作状语,故翻译为:Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face.

3.考查定语从句和宾语从句。way作先行词,定语从句的关系词,有三中引导方法:in which,that或省略,reflect为宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,用what引导,故翻译为:The way a person treats others can reflect what kind of person he is.

4.考查倒装。account for表示“占(比例)”,“only+状语”位于句首时,其后要用部分倒装,故翻译为:Only when a series of technical problems are solved can new energy cars account for 20 percent of all the car sales by 2025.

4.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.这本新发行的杂志不仅会影响青少年对时尚的看法,还会开启健康饮食的新潮流。(Not only)


1.The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective.

2.For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own.

4.Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet.




1.考查非谓语动词和prove的用法。The method 与recommend之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作后置定语,prove用作连系动词,prove(to be)+adj表示

“(被)证明是……的”,语境表明事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故翻译为:The method recommended by the expert proved (to be) very effective

2.考查非谓语动词和as...as的用法。根据句意可知本句用动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数,as+adj+表示“同……一样……”,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,故翻译为:For/To a country, protecting the environment is as important as maintaining economic growth. 3.考查感叹句和条件状语从句。根据句意可知本句用how+adj+it is形式的感叹句,同时用if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,be involved in表示“参与”,故翻译为:How great it is if one day students can be involved in the development of courses on their own.

4.考查倒装。not only…but also表示“不但……而且”,注意not only 和 but also后面都有主谓结构时,如果not only位于第一分句主语之前,则该分句要部分倒装;后一个分句,即but also后面不用倒装,故翻译为:Not only will the newly-released magazine influence teenager's opinions on fashion, but also it will start a new trend towards a healthy diet.

5.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







4.令教练欣慰的是,整个辩论队齐心协力,克服了遇到的各种困难,最终所有的努力都得到了回报。(reward v.)



1. It is impossible for anyone to achieve success with ease./ Nobody can achieve success with ease.

2. Keep calm/ Calm down in emergency, or it can bring about/cause serious consequences. 3. Only by learning to respect interpersonal differences/differences between(among) people can we avoid misunderstanding and build harmonious relationships with others.

4.To the coach’s relief, all the debate/debating team members have worked

together/cooperated to overcome various difficulties they met with/encountered/came across, and all their efforts have finally been rewarded.


1.本句关键词(组):achieve success“取得成功”,with ease“熟练地;不费力地”。根据句意可知,此处描述的客观事实,应使用一般现在时。故译为It is impossible for anyone to achieve success with ease./ Nobody can achieve success with ease.

2.本句关键词(组):keep calm/ calm down“保持冷静”,emergency“紧急情况”,bring about/cause serious consequences“造成严重后果”。根据句意及提示可知,此处应使用句

型:“祈使句,or+将来时的句子”。故译为Keep calm/ Calm down in emergency, or it can bring about/cause serious consequences.

3.本句关键词(组):interpersonal differences/differences between(among) people“人际间的差异”,avoid misunderstanding“避免误会”,build harmonious relationships with others“与他人建立和谐的关系”。only位于句首时,主句使用部分倒装结构。故译为Only by learning to respect interpersonal differences/differences between(among) people can we avoid misunderstanding and build harmonious relationships with others.

4.本句关键词(组):to the coach’s relief“令教练欣慰的是”,worked

together/cooperated“齐心协力”,overcome various difficulties“克服各种困难”,meet with/ encounter/come across“遇到”。根据句意及提示可知,此处主句应使用现在完成时。故译为To the coach’s relief, all the debate/debating team me mbers have worked together/cooperated to overcome various difficulties they met with/encountered/came across, and all their efforts have finally been rewarded.

6.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1.这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。 (comment)


2.住校能使学生有更多的时间和精力投入到学业中。 (enable)







1. This/It is the first time that he has commented on / has made comments on my clothes seriously.

2. Living in school on campus enables students to devote more time and energy to their academic work.

3. What concerns me most is that the kid seems to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to everything around him but online games.

4. It was because she failed to resist the temptation of money and fame that the famous actress broke the laws and in the end had to pay a high price for it.




1.考查固定句式。This/It is the first time that+从句,表示“是某人第一次……”,主句是is,从

句一般用现在完成时。“对…作出评价”可用固定搭配,可译成“make comments on”或“comment on”,故“这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。”可译为“This/It is the first time that he has commented on / has made comments on my clothes seriously”。

2.考查非谓语作主语。非谓语作主语谓语动词要用单数。使某人有能力做某事,可译为“enable sb.to do sth”。故本题可译为“Living in school on campus enables students to devote more time and energy to their academic wo rk”。

3.考查名词从句。主语从句由what引导,句子做主语谓语动词用单数。“对….视而不见”可译为“to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to”因此本句可译为“What concerns me most is that the kid seems to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to everything around him but online games. ”4.考查强调句。这是因为….,可译为“It is /was because….that…”此句为强调句,被强调部分是原因状语从句。本句中没有抵制住….的诱惑为“fail to resist the temptation of…”。因此本句可译为“It was because she failed to resist the temptation of money and fame that the famous actress broke the laws and in the end had to pay a high price for it.”


7.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






1.Don’t exercise too much, or you may die of sudden death.

2.I think you must have had the power to control your behavior at that time.

3.Although there is nothing wrong with focusing on your own happiness, it is always a good thing to communicate happiness to people around.

4.Thinking poorly about yourself gets you nowhere, limiting your own development. Stop being negative from today and release your potential.


1.考查固定句式。“don’t do…or…”表示“不要……,否则会……”,故翻译为:Don’t exercise too much, or you may die of sudden death.

2.考查情态动词+have done。must have done表示对过去的事情最有把握的推测,表示“一定做过……”,故翻译为:I think you must have had the power to control your behavior at that time.

3.考查让步状语从句和形式主语。首先确定两个关键短语:communicate sth to sb表示“将……交(传递)给某人”,focus on表示“关注、集中于”,根据句意可知本句用although 引导让步状语从句,同时用it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式,故翻译为:

Although there is nothing wrong with focusing on your own happiness, it is always a good thing

to communicate happiness to people around.

4.考查祈使句和非谓语动词。根据句意确定本句使用祈使句,同时使用动名词做主语,另外stop doing表示“停止做某事”,故翻译为:Thinking poorly about yourself gets you nowhere, limiting your own development. Stop being negative from today and release your potential.


1.只有你尊重了别人,你才有可能从别人那里得到同样的尊重。 (Only)

2.虽然遭到父母的强烈反对,当他绝不会放弃追求自己的梦想。 (despite)

3.迄今虽说屡屡采取严控措施,但绝大多数人仍然觉得难以承担目前的高房价。 (majority) 4.虽然妇女对社会的贡献有目共睹,但对妇女的歧视仍然存在,并可能持续很长的一段时间。 (obvious)


1.Only when you show respect for others will you be likely to receive the same respect from others.

2.Despite the fact that his parents strongly disagreed with him. he would never give up pursuing his dream.

3.Although it is said that serious measures have been taken for many times up till now a large majority of people still find it hard to afford the high housing price.

4.Although women’s contribution to the society is o bvious, the discrimination against women still exists and it will last for a long time.




1.考查倒装。根据提示词和句意可知本句使用倒装句,当only+状语位于句首时,其后要采用部分倒装,同时要遵循主将从现原则,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故翻译为:Only when you show respect for others will you be likely to receive the same respect from others.

2.考查让步状语从句和同位语从句。根据提示词可知本句用despite引导让步状语从句,despite是介词,其后接名词而不能接句子,所以用that引导的同位语从句解释说明fact的具体内容,故翻译为:Despite the fact that his parents strongly disagreed with him, he would never give up pursuing his dream.

3.考查让步状语从句和固定句式。根据句意可知本句用although引导让步状语从句,it is said that…表示“据说”,“采取严控措施”发生在过去并对现在产生影响,用现在完成时,同时“find it+hard+to do”表示“发现很难……”,故翻译为:Although it is said that serious measures have been taken for many times up till now a large majority of people still find it hard to afford the high housing price.

4.考查让步状语从句。根据句意可知本句用although引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:Although women’s contribution to the society is

obvious, the discrimination against women still exists and it will last for a long time.





4.他的言论使得一件之前无人问津的小事变成了所有人现在都不得不关注的国际事件。(to which)


1.Reading a translation of a poem is like wearing a raincoat in the rain, you can never feel the collision of water droplets.

2.In order to wipe the painful memories, she decided to set all his letters on fire.

3.He stands out in liberal arts, so he has a good chance of getting admitted to the university he wants.

4.His comments turned a small matter that no one had cared about before into an international event to which everyone now has to pay attention.


1.“阅读诗歌译本”用动名词作主语,like意为“像”,是介词,后面接名词或动名词作宾语。故翻译为:Reading a translation of a poem is like wearing a raincoat in the rain, you can never feel the collision of water droplets.

2.表示“为了”,可用“in order to do”或“to do”结构,“抹去”是wipe,“决定做某事”是decide to do。故翻译为:In order to wipe the painful memories, she decided to set all his letters on fire.

3.表示“很棒”,可用“stand out”。“被……录取”可用“be admitted to”表示。定语从句用he wants表示。故翻译为:He stands out in liberal arts, so he has a good chance of getting admitted to the university he wants.

4.表示“使……转变成……”,可用turn…into…。表示“关注”,可用pay attention to。用定语从句来修饰a small matter 和an international event。故答案为His comments turned a small matter that no one had cared about before into an international event to which everyone now has to pay attention.

10.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






1.More and more people turn to yoga to relieve the stress from work.

2.Before we made the final decision, we make sure that the relative facts should be taken into consideration.

3.What makes the game unique is that it helps children learn how to deal with the problems they may meet in real life.

4.Only by taking part in the community voluntary activities, can the students increase the sense of serving the people.




1.考查比较级句式和动词固定结构。分析句子结构可知,时态为一般现在时,主语为“越来越多的人”,即:more and more people,谓语动词为turn to,意为“求助于”,“来缓解工作中的压力”为目的状语,可用to do 不定式表目的。故翻译为:More and more people turn to yoga to relieve the stress from work.

2.考查状语从句和名词固定结构。分析句子可知,“在我们做出最终决定之前”为时间状语从句,由before 引导,主句主语为“我们”we, 谓语为“确保”,make sure,之后可接宾语从句。提供词consideration 可构成固定结构“take sth into consideration”,意为”将……考虑在内”。故翻译为:Before we made the final decision, we make sure that the relative facts should be taken into consideration.

3.考查主语从句和疑问词+to do 不定式作宾语。分析句子可知,句子主语为“这个游戏的独特之处”,可由what 引导主语从句,谓语为“在于”,可由be动词充当,“它帮助孩子学会如何应对现实生活中他们可能遇到的问题”可作表语从句,且使用how to deal with the problems 短语结构。故翻译为:What makes the game unique is that it helps children learn how to deal with the problems they may meet in real life.

4.考查倒装句式。分析句子结构可知,“只有通过参与社区志愿者活动”可由only 引导方式状语位于句首,主句使用部分倒装结构,即:only +方式状语+助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语……” ,故翻译为:Only by taking part in the community voluntary activities, can the students increase the sense of serving the people.





Only in a big city was it possible to buy a new wheelchair. 只有在大城市里才能买到新轮椅。Only when we had studied the data again did we realize that there was a mistake.


Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end. 一些预订被取消了,他才得以买到了几张票。

小题4考查only引导的倒装句式。需要掌握句式结构的前提下,灵活御用所学词汇和短语结构。比如“参与”可由take part in 表达,“……的责任感”可由t he sense of…表达。

因此全句翻译为: Only by taking part in the community voluntary activities, can the students increase the sense of serving the people.


必修三 1航行到美洲的北欧海盗 北欧海盗是第一批到达美洲的欧美人。早在哥伦布起航之前,他们就已经到达那里了。 北欧海盗的祖先来自于斯堪地那维亚半岛。公元8世纪到10世纪期间,他们控制着北欧海绵和沿海地区。大约到公元900年,北欧很多地方都有海盗居住。公元982年,冰岛生活着多达一万人的北欧海盗,就在此时,一个叫红发埃里克的人决定走向西远航。 根据冰岛和挪威的传说,红发艾里克银犯谋杀案而惹上麻烦,并被迫离开冰岛。埃里克到达达格陵兰岛后,发现他登陆的地方可以居住,返回冰岛,告诉人么哪有管格陵兰岛的事情,病说服一些人与他一起回到格陵兰岛,埃里克再次起航时,有25艘船与他同行,但其中只有14艘最终到达格陵兰岛。 红发埃里克登上格陵兰岛不久,一个叫比阿尼的人也从冰岛起航来寻找埃里克一行人。比阿尼希望找到和埃里克在一起的父亲,但大风使他偏离航线,刮到一个不知名的地方,从哪里他最终抵达格陵兰岛。 1002年红发埃里克的儿子利夫打算继续向西航行,他和比阿尼一同商量他们的在行计划。利夫依照比阿尼的指点。据说航信到了现在的加拿大海岸,他又继续南行至现在叫纽芬兰的岛屿。 我们从挪威和冰岛记载下来并流传几个世纪的传说中得知红发埃里克和利夫的事迹。他们是记载中最早航行到达美洲的欧洲人。 3水下世界-------观赏海洋生物的最佳地点 这里有北极熊,还有一座真正的冰川!你只能看见冰山水上的一小部分,而水下部分是水上部分的三倍。你可以再给海豹喂食时观看海豹,看看那些不爱运动却非常友好的动作敏捷的企鹅。你一定会爱上他们的! 海底 看看世界上最美的珊瑚和最奇异的鱼类,看鱼飞翔着,闯过水面,与其他鱼类相比,他们不算绚丽多姿,但游姿却很美。 海洋剧院 看着聪明的海豚,精彩的表演每两小时一场。 探索他 这里是专为小孩子设计的,在这里,孩子们可以亲手接触摸螃蟹和其他小动物,还可以在这个令人兴奋的环境里学习到关于海滩上日常生活的知识。 虚拟航海 这是我们水管最新,最具有吸引力的活动,来和我们一起进行模拟航行吧!到海底走一走,看一看世界上最奇异的鱼。 最吵的鱼:有些鱼发出的声音几乎是你讲话声音的两倍,你绝对不会找到比他们更吵闹的鱼。 最漂亮的鱼:有的鱼用身体发光一心其他鱼靠近人后吃掉他们,这些的嘴巨大无比,可以吃掉和自己体积一样大的鱼。要当心哦! 最小的鱼:仔细找找这种世界上最小的鱼,他们还不及你家的苍蝇大。 和海豚一起游泳!直接面对海洋中最具有杀伤力的动物——大白鲨 快来参观吧,还有好多动物呢!22日前特价,尽快定票吧!每天早上10点开门。晚上7点关门 4海洋故事 B三年前,我遇到了一间可怕的事。6个小时的恐惧情形让我身心俱毁。你现在回认


【英语】高中英语翻译(一)解题方法和技巧及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.晚上别喝太多的咖啡,会睡不着觉的。(or) 2.事实证明,保持快乐的心态会降低得心脏病的风险。(It) 3.乐观的人不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。(create)4.追求稳定并不是什么坏事,很多时候这样的态度在促使我们提升自我、挑战难度、攀登高峰。(when) 【答案】 1.Don’t drink too much coffee at night, or you won’t be able to sleep. 2. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases. 3. Op timistic people don’t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new memories. 4. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks.


Lesson 1 安格斯*伊德莱采访前百万富翁查尔斯雷时。查尔斯说:‘谁想当百万符文呢?我不想很多人一心想成为百万富翁。他们花一半的时间追求致富的方法。另一半的时间则在琢磨一旦富裕起来要做些什么。但是,是否所有的百万富翁真正得到了他们要实现的目标前所想的幸福呢、其实,有些人成为百万富翁后还有其他的烦恼———他们拼命的到的财富,怎样拼命以确保不在失去这些财富。 但是也有人把自己的百万资产置于一边,选择不同的人生的路,查二斯就是这样的一个人。 16年前,查尔斯是大学教授,住着一有六个卧室的房子,有着百万的资产,而现在住的则是小宿舍的房间,家具都是二手的,没有任何的迹象表明查尔斯是个富人没房间外有个小花园,花园里种着几个果树,查尔斯自己种植蔬菜和花,衣服和家具的用品都是从慈善点买的。 但是查尔斯喜欢折中改变。查尔斯对这样的富人的生活方式感到高兴。他不在想做在许多人一无所有的情况下自己拥有一切的那种人,他选择了了把自己的钱财送给别人,他说这样会给他带来快乐。 查尔斯说:几年前,我曾经是个百万富翁,但是我意识到世界上还有许多的忍受疾饿的穷人。因此他把所有的钱财捐给了慈善机构,当只剩下两千美元的时候,他将小额的纸币散发给当地的贫困街区的穷人,难道他真的举得自己像圣诞老人吗?查尔斯说这么做具有乐趣。 查尔斯相信很多人盼望着挣一大笔钱解除烦恼,然而,大多数的人根本没有挣多那么多的钱,查尔斯*格雷决定退出富人网,他发现拥有少量的钱会给人自由,难道真的没有什么让他依旧怀念的吗?查尔斯答道:没有,我现在更快乐了。什么也不可能在回到富人的行列——决不可能。 Lesson 3 五元钱能做什么?或许你觉得做不了什么,你如果对买包糖果或甜点不感兴趣的话,买课树怎样?确切的说,一棵树在黄河岸迹的树。 每年,大约有16亿吨泥土流入黄河——这条中国国第二大河流,这些泥土中含有保持该大自然平衡的物质,经年累月,大量的泥土被冲走,导致黄河两岸严重的水土流失,在山西省有些地区,折中水土流失几乎会掉了所有的土地,还迫使当地的农民迁移到其他地区去控制黄河水土流失是一项巨大的工程,很多人认为这项工作最好靠政府或是国际组织承担,你或许会赞同这样的观点,若真这样想的话,现在到了你重新考虑的时候了。 事实上,你才是阻止黄河水土流失最重要的人物,你知道你的五元钱的重要性吗?首先,你可以用五元钱买一棵树,而这棵树可以使泥土不流失,在肥沃的土地上,当地农民可以种庄稼陌生,农民会用他们种的庄稼赚到钱购买所需物品或服务,这有助于发展地区经济。 还是你不理解你得五元钱有如此大的作用吧?那么,看看下面的事实吧:自1997年期,一项植树计划已使内蒙古就成沙流变成了绿色家园,世界各地的人前来这里观赏这一伟大的成就,另外,这项规划的成功大大的改变了当地人民的生活,试想一下,这一切就是始于五元钱。 所以,下次当你的口袋里有五元钱时,仔细想想该怎么花,情记住,你可以用它买树,为了我们的祖国人民一及你自己创造绿色的未来。 所以,下次当你口袋里再有五元钱时,仔细想想该怎么花。请记住,你可以用它买树,为了我们的祖国,为人民以及你自己创造绿色的未来 Lesson 4 无线耳机


高考英语翻译技巧与能力训练 高考英语中的翻译(中译英)题要求考生能应用所学过的语法和词汇来准确地表达思想,是一种要求相当高的考查形式。要求考生把中文的句子译成通顺的、语法结构正确的、符合英语表达习惯的英语句子,并能准确地传达中文句子中的每一个信息。该题型全面地考查学生英语词汇、语法等知识的综合运用能力,它对学生的动词时态、语态、名词的单复数、冠词、形容词、副词、介词等应用能力,还对学生的词组、句型、句子结构等进行了全面考查。翻译不仅在高考英语主观题中占不小的比例,而且翻译能力还直接影响考生在作文中的表现。 高考评分标准: 1.每题中单词拼写、标点符号、大小写错误每两处扣一分;2.语法错误(包括时态错误)每处扣一分;3.译文没用所给的单词扣一分。 如何才能提高中译英水准,在高考中获得理想的分数呢?考生除了必须具备比较扎实的语言基础外,关键还在于学会总结规律,找准中译英的切入点。 一、分析句子结构、寻找合适的句型 中文必须仔细读,一定要看的就是题目给我们的关键字或关键的词组,也就是我们常说的key words。尤其是最后两句翻译句子,它们大都在句子结构上提高了难度。读什么?读出句子结构:对于简单句,辨别出主谓宾,分清定语、同位语和状语;对于并列句,记住两个语法意义上独立的分句,须由连词连接起来;对于复合句,须区分定语从句,名词性从句以及状语从句。一般来说,中译英的句型可分为三大类:1.简单句;2.并列句;3.复合句;同时我们也要注意非谓语动词及其他一些特殊结构。回顾近几年的高考试题时,也不难发现试题中考了一些特殊句式。如:It句型(近几年考得较为频繁)、倒装句、with结构。 例1: 昨天我的电脑坏了。(wrong) 解析:本题考查:1)简单句There be结构;2)wrong的用法;3)中英文表达的差异。 译句:There was something wrong with my computer yesterday. 例2: 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是互相帮助。(not…but) 解析:本题考查:1)复合句:when引导的状语从句;what引导的主语从句;2)not…but结构;3)“彼此埋怨”的英文翻译。 译句:When(we are)in difficulty/When we meet with difficulties/When we have difficulties ,what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other. 例3:我们能做什么来阻止这种疾病蔓延呢?(prevent) 分析:如果有学生没有读全中文原句的话,就很有可能看成是以前所做的“我们要做些什么来阻止这种疾病的蔓延”,而译为We should do something to prevent the spread of this disease.因为这个原因而造成扣分,就太不应该了。 译句:What can we do to prevent the spread of this disease? 例4:他很有可能通过自己的努力得到驾驶执照。(likely) 译句:He is likely to get the driving license with his own efforts. 分析:有些学生一看到有可能,就会想到自己比较熟悉的possible,想当然地翻译成It is possible that…的结构。其实,学生对likely这个key word的使用也是会的,完全能够使用be likely to do或It’s likely th at…的结构。 例5:上海近几年经历了许多变化,如今已成为世界闻名的经济中心。(go through) 分析:乍一看,学生很容易轻易下笔,Shanghai has gone through…,it has become…,这已成为很多学生的一个习惯,句子和句子中随便用逗号隔开,英语不像中文,必须要考虑到句子的结构,逗号也不能随意使用。而此句中,就要想到用并列句中的连接词and来连接两个成分。


1---高中高考英语翻 译技巧完全篇 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

英语翻译-英译汉的技巧 真正掌握英译汉的技巧并非易事。这是因为英译汉时会遇到各种各样的困难;首先是英文理解难,这是学习、使用英文的人的共同感觉,由于两国历史、文化、风俗习惯的不同,所以一句英文在英美人看来顺理成章,而在中国人看来却是颠颠倒倒、断断续续,极为别扭。二是中文表达难,英译汉有时为了要找到一个合适的对等词汇,往往被弄得头昏眼花,好象在脑子里摸一个急于要开箱子的钥匙,却没有。另外,英译汉时对掌握各种文化知识的要求很高,因为我们所翻译的文章,其内容可能涉及到极为广博的知识领域,而这些知识领域多半是我们不大熟悉的外国的事情,如果不具备相应的文化知识难免不出现一些翻译中的差错或笑话。正是因为英译汉时会遇到这么多的困难,所以,我们必须通过翻译实践,对英汉两种不同语言的特点加以对比、概况和总结,以找出一般的表达规律来,避免出现一些不该出现的翻译错误,而这些表达的规律就是我们所说的翻译技巧。 一、词义的选择和引伸技巧 英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手: 1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。(形容词) He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词) Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals .小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。(名词) 2、根据上下文联系以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义。 He is the last man to come .他是最后来的。 He is the last person for such a job .他最不配干这个工作。 He should be the last man to blame.怎么也不该怪他。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you .我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。 词义引伸是我们英译汉时常用的技巧之一。翻译时,有时会遇到某些词在英语辞典上找不到适当的词义,如果任意硬套或逐词死译,就会使译文生硬晦涩,不能确切表达原意,甚至会造成误解。这时就应根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本含义出发,进一步加以引伸,引伸时,往往可以从三个方面来加以考虑。 1、词义转译。当我们遇到一些无法直译或不宜直译的词或词组时,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引伸转译。 The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat .太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球。 2、词义具体化。根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼统的词引伸为词义较具体的词。 The last stage went higher and took the Apollo into orbit round the earth.最后一级火箭升得更高,把“阿波罗号”送进围绕地球运行的轨道。 3、词义抽象化。根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较具体的词引伸为词义较抽象的词,或把词义较形象的词引伸为词义较一般的词。 Every life has its roses and thorns .每个人的生活都有甜有苦。 二、词类转译技巧 在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能逐词对译,只能将词类进行转译之后,方可使译文显得通顺、自然;对词类转译技巧的运用须从四个方面加以注意。 1、转译成动词。英语中的某些名词、介词、副词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的动词。 The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way . 植物没有专门的排泄系统,可用同样的方式加以说明。(名词转译) As he ran out ,he forgot to have his shoes on .他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋子。 2、转译成名词。英语中的某些动词、形容词,翻译时可转换成汉语中的名词。

选修7 课文翻译 北师大版

成功学习英语 早在18世纪人们就预言英语有一天会成为全球性语言,而这一预言在近几十年中已经得到了证实。国际公司的增长和通讯方面的巨大进步带来了学习英语的新潮流。当今世界,要想取得令人瞩目的成就,就要会讲至少两种语言,特别是英语。 然而,没有英语语言环境,学习英语是很难的。一些受人推崇的关于获取语言的理论认为,要达到一种外语水平的流利程度和准确性,你需要置身于这种语言环境之中。但遗憾的是,我们很少有人有机会生活在讲英语的国家,所以大部分人还是得靠学校的语言课程来学习外语。 我国最新颁布的英语教学大纲鼓励老师在教室里创设一种丰富多彩的外语环境。这就意味着,他们要确保通过多种方式给学生足够的英语输入量。足够量的语言输入可以以高质量的阅读和听力材料的形式呈现。不管是说还是写,高质量的输入信息才能保证学生高质量的语言输出。 然而,要取得成功就意味着课后仍需要额外付出。专家认为每天仅仅15分钟的课后学习可以促进外语学习的速度。下面是专家对英语学习的建议: ·制定切实可行的学习目标。例如:为扩大词汇量,每天学10个生词——一周五天——周末复习所学生词。一周学50哥词就意味着一个月可掌握200个词。 ·一周先学一首英语歌曲中的单词,再听几遍这首英语歌曲。 ·先观看母语新闻,然后阅读一份英文报纸或访问一家英文新闻网站。读前能了解主要新闻内容会确保用英语阅读时更透彻地理解所读新闻。 ·观看你最喜爱的一张光盘,但要把你熟悉的部分语言调换成英语。 ·和朋友一道学习,互相测试并分享学习策略——这可以使学习更快乐。 ·赞赏自己。如果你达到了目标,就款待自己。将你的目标告知一个朋友,以使他也能够激励你。 这些建议都很容易做到,也值得付出额外的努力。然而,一天多学那15分钟,的确需要很大的付出。为保持不断努力的势头,你需要时常想想为什么要学英语。理由很简单,在当今世界,英语持有通向更光明的前途和把握未来机遇的钥匙。 肢体语言言为心声 如果你看见一位父亲高兴地笑着并轻轻拍打他儿子的后背,你认为会发生什么?你也许会认为这位父亲正祝贺他的儿子某事做得很好,也许是通过了测试或比赛获胜。因为你明白那位父亲的肢体语言所传达的信息,所以你会知道发生了什么事情。在全球,轻拍后背并附带一个微笑通常意为“干得好”。 每一天全世界不同国籍的人都使用着肢体语言。这是一种没有词语,由手势、面部表情和身体动作组成的语言,它极大地丰富了——有时甚至取 代了——口头语言。同其他任何语言一样,肢体语言被用来交流喜怒等情感和态度,但是与口头语言不同的是,他不总是明确清晰的,所以它又不同于口语。高兴地跳起来的人很容易看到,然而把眉毛往上耸来传达怀疑的态度却更易为人们所忽略。 人们经常有意识地使用肢体语言。不知道一个问题答案的人会先耸起双肩然后让它们落下,


【英语】高中英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题含解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brakes. 1.网球运动在上海越来越流行了。(popular) 2.我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as…as) 3.只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。(keep) 4.为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。(memory) 5.过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言实验室了。(remember) 6.尽管山高林密,医护人员还是迅速地赶到出事地点,试试救援。(despite) 【答案】 1.Tennis is getting more and more popular in Shanghai. 2.I think your suggestion is as valuable as theirs. 3.Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night. 4.A film will be made/ shot in memory of those brave fire fighters. 5.It was three days later that she remembered leaving/having left her raincoat in the language lab. 6.Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue. 【解析】 【分析】 翻译题要力争做到译文的正确、准确、地道三个要求。正确就是译文没有明显的语言错误,准确是指考生能运用合适的词汇和句式完整的表述原意,地道是指译文不但无语言错误,而且用此选句符合英语习惯,意义表达生动灵活。所以,做翻译题时要综合运用词句知识,注意词汇的习惯搭配和句子时态、语态、人称和句式的选择。 1.表示“越来越……”,英语的表达方式为“比较级+and+比较级用于进行时里中。 2.表示“与……一样……”应该用“as+ adj./adv原级+as…”结构。 3.本句要注意两点:1. 动名词用作主语的用法;2. keep + sb./sth. + adj (做宾补)使……保持某种状态。 4.“为了纪念……”应选用“in the memory of”固定短语来表达。 5.解答本题要注意两点:1. 强调句型的运用;2. remember doing sth.记住做过某事。6.本句较为复杂,除了掌握despite作为介词可以接名词构成介词短语作状语外,还要注意句中谓语动词的准确选择和时态的确定,最后还要注意“实施援救”这一目的状语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.她五年前开始拉小提琴。(play)

北师大版Module1 Unit1课文翻译

1.终日懒散在家看电视的人—沙发土豆 (来自伯明翰的43岁的布莱恩·博莱克正坐在沙发上向我讲述他美妙的一天。) “早上醒来,我不马上起床。我总是先打开电视,看看儿童节目,看看老片子,一直看到十点半。然后起床,下楼,打开起居室的电视。午餐时,我边吃饼干、喝牛奶,边看新闻。下午,我常看另一部老影片—眼下电视里正播放非常好看的老电影。晚上我要么看连续剧,要么看体育节目,接着再看新闻。我喜欢看六点的重要新闻。九点半,如果英国广播公司二频道有好看的电视剧,我会调过去看看。夜里,我接着看看电影,通常看到凌晨两点才关电视。我从不通宵看电视。 我一天要看十六七个小时电视。每天也会出去活动活动。下午我带着小狗蒂娜散步。当然,我不会走远,只走到我家房子外的墙边。这时,我总是随身携带手提电视,坐在石头墙上看,小狗则在我身边绕圈。 当然,没有一个好妻子,我是不可能过上这种妙不可言的生活的。她在工作,所以现在不在家。她天天给我做饭。你知道,我们虽然钱不过,但活得很快活。想想看,坐在家里,看着电视,手握遥控器,世界就在你脚下!也在你手中!这感觉真棒! 2.工作狂 (36岁的鲍勃·布莱克正坐在写字台前忙着他的案头工作。) 我一般在闹钟响前5分钟就醒了。闹钟一响,我立刻跳下床,从洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭、离家到坐上公共汽车只用15分钟。 我总是第一个到办公室。每天早晨都很忙,下午更忙。整天会议、电话不断。一天中几乎每一分钟都充斥着急待处理的事情。通常大约晚8点我才有时间处理自己的事:写写东西,回复些电子邮件等。 晚上10点我才能到家。到家后还要浏览带回的文件,为第二天的工作做准备。我一般半夜才上床睡觉。那是妻子和孩子们都早已进入梦乡。 我很少有时间娱乐或家人一起活动。妻子和孩子们总是抱怨,但我得拼命工作,好为他们赚更多的钱。而且,要是没事可做我会觉得非常无聊。我真的喜欢忙忙碌碌。


高中英语翻译解题技巧及练习题(含答案)及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.为了安全起见,小孩不应该被单独留在家里。(leave) _________________ 2.深深吸了一口气,他面带微笑地走上了舞台。(with) _________________ 3.一个人待人处世的方式能反映出他是怎样的人。(the way) _________________ 4.只有当一系列奇数问题得到解决,到 2025 年,新能源汽车才能占汽车销量的百分之二十。(Only) _________________ 【答案】 1.For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a child should not be left alone at home 2.Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face. 3.The way a person treats others can reflect what kind of person he is. 4.Only when a series of technical problems are solved can new energy cars account for 20 percent of all the car sales by 2025. 【解析】 【分析】 本题考查翻译,注意使用括号内的提示词进行翻译。 1.考查被动语态和“leave+宾语+宾补”结构。根据句意可知本句使用 leave sb alone表示“把某人单独留下”,children / a child与leave之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,故翻译为:For the sake of safety/ For safety, children / a children should not be left alone at home 2.考查非谓语动词。he与take a deep breath之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,而且take a deep breath明显发生在went up to之前,所以用现在分词的完成式作状语,故翻译为:Having taken a deep breath, he went up to the stage with a smile on his face. 3.考查定语从句和宾语从句。way作先行词,定语从句的关系词,有三中引导方法:in which,that或省略,reflect为宾语从句,从句中缺少表语,用what引导,故翻译为:The way a person treats others can reflect what kind of person he is. 4.考查倒装。account for表示“占(比例)”,“only+状语”位于句首时,其后要用部分倒装,故翻译为:Only when a series of technical problems are solved can new energy cars account for 20 percent of all the car sales by 2025. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.这个专家所推荐的方法被证明是十分有效的。(prove)


北师大版高中英语必修四单词表(English) Unit 10 Learning to learn clothing motivate annoy motivation salesgirl technique salesman native blouse fluently boot achievement leather put off vest percentage comment exist Lesson 3 at present amusement variety diamond alien cookie bow appeal passer-by approximately applause soil Latin contain Roman balance defeat remove Unit 10*erosion Warm-up importance earn crop wallet economy out of work puzzle beg valley Lesson 1homeland determine motherland enjoyable behave second-hand advance concern software hardworking Lesson 4 dormitory practical pleased laptop give away mobile phone aware useless drop out headphone businessman wire stove bath drunk signal journalist freedom greedy photography popcorn credit card cigarette automatic resolution focus rude flash armchair noisy carpet customer vase cleaner Lesson 2refrigerator bargain translation cash electric product kettle fax Communication scarf Workshop necklace contact enthusiastic truly ashamed textbook firm disk aggressive replace groceries rhyme Unit 11Unit 12 Warm-up Lesson 3Warm-up courtyard media advertise kangaroo Lesson 3 chat classic steak arrival quiz certain roast familiar opera sew Big Ben aspect current beer The River Thames splendid affair corporation The Statue of Liberty cocoa photographer brand the Great Barrier Reef outgoing paparazzi suitable soccer dessert bomb consist of Lesson 1cautious explode advertiser tipping stare Lesson 1budget owe whisper agenda visually apology custom nation boom absorb appetite political visual brief yummy widespread stand out expectation spoken poverty concept get used to see ...off electricity approach bacon fur AIDS humor slice conduct sex contemporary toast band administration contribution waiter burglar reform citizen waitress bark demand:niece exchange injure debt nephew cherub educator belief Lesson 4wander erupt painful consideration mushroom dinosaur host bravery tasty detective announce innocent foggy partner committee conclude laughter earthquake distinction astronomer majority Lesson 4 application spokesman reasonable acre delighted sightseeing mosquito belong to stand for greengrocer northeast attach publish as long as physician birthplace incident fiction book chef evidence scene Lesson 2fusion explanation trolleybus modest vast Lesson 2southwest indicate export analyze fog eastern fond arise tire curiously outdoors blame muddy movement literature willing ankle manners contrary self ambulance lemon broad employ strawberry informal bear self-employed load bowling minority legal ex-husband flashlight well-off attempt district cave unfair defend Communication cosy forgive argument Workshop novel preview process editor circus dusk profit ahead give...a lift multi-cultural in favor of harmful schoolmate spot analysis yours headmaster Communication encouragement faithfully jeep Workshop onto unemployment blanket garlic attitude interrupt sheet apron dislike tobacco request ashtray pretend anyhow parcel cassette hire false handkerchief comb bush environmental canteen scissors respect protection mailbox dustbin disagreement twin addition channel contrast


高考英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.美食是人们造访上海的乐趣之一。(visit) 2.街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮的色彩带进了老社区。(bring) 3.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧。(apology)4.这个游戏的独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中的问题。(what) 5.申请材料需要精心准备,这样你心仪的学校才会对你的能力有全面、准确地了解。(in order that) 【答案】 1.Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【解析】 【分析】 1.本句重点考察两个知识点。一个是乐趣之一,说明此处的乐趣应该用复数,必须是可数名词,因此选择pleasure。另一个是题目中给出的visit,需要谨慎处理,是用做动词还是名词。此处我们给出一个时间状语从句when people visit Shanghai,同时还可使用其他从句进行处理。所以答案是Delicious food is one of the pleasures when people visit Shanghai. 2.本题难度不大,重点是明亮的色彩的表达,可以使用bright colors, 也可以使用bright and vivid colors. 所以答案是Street artists bring bright and vivid colors into older neighborhoods with originality 3.本题考查there be + 定语从句从而构成条件状语从句。另外考察“道歉”用“make apology to sb.”。所以答案是If there is someone to whom you need say sorry in your life, make an apology to him. 4.本题考察what引导的主语从句,以及“be peculiar to”的用法。所以答案是What makes this game peculiar lies in that it teaches kids how to handle the problems in real life. 5.本题主要考固定词组的掌握,为了使用in order that引导出的目的状语从句。另外也考查 preferred school,have…knowledge/ understanding of…,overall,accurate等。所以答案是The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your abilities. 【考点定位】翻译句子


英语基本句型 一英语基本句型-1主系表结构/S (主)+ V(谓)(lv)( 系动词)+ P(表) 本结构是由主语+系动词+表语组成,主要用以说明主语的特征,类属,状态,身份等。系动词有: 1.表示特征和存在状态的:be, seem, feel, appear, look, smell, taste, sound; 2.表示状态延续的:remain, stay, keep, continue, stand; 3.表示状态变化的:become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow; 如:Our English teacher is thirty years old. The cake tastes delicious. We feel used to living in big cities. The potatoes went bad in the fields. Their boss seems satisfied with the work. Deep water stays still. 巩固练习1: 1.冬季白天短,夜晚长 2.十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 3.孩子们很少保持安静。 4.她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 5.他失业了。 二英语基本句型-2主谓结构/S(主)+ Vi(不及物动词)(谓) 本结构是由主语加不及物的谓语动词构成, 常用来表示主语的动作。 如:The sun rises. Tom has already left. 主语可有修饰语-定语,谓语可有修饰语-状语。 如:1. The red sun rises in the east. 2. So they had to travel by air or boat. 3.We got up early so as to catch the first bus. 4. She sat there alone, reading a novel. 5. He came back when we were eating. 6.Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may stay up. 巩固练习2: 1.她昨天回家很晚。 2.会议将持续两个小时。 3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大 4.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 5.每天八时开始上课。 三英语基本句型-3主谓宾结构/S (主)+ Vt (及物动词)(谓)+ O(宾) 本结构是由主语+及物的谓语动词+宾语构成。宾语成分的多样化使得这一结构异常复杂。如:1. Tom made a hole in the wall. 2. I don’t know if he can come tomorrow. 3. They haven’t decided where to go next. 4. She stopped teaching English two years ago.
