【免费下载】美国文学史及选读的名词解释全 2

【免费下载】美国文学史及选读的名词解释全 2
【免费下载】美国文学史及选读的名词解释全 2

Colonial Period:

1.American Puritanism

it comes from the American puritans, who were the first immigrants moved to American continent in the 17th century. Original sin, predestination(预言)and salvation(拯救)were the basic ideas of American Puritanism. And, hard-working, piousness(虔诚,尽职),thrift and sobriety(清醒)were praised.

Romanticism Period:

2.Romanticism: the literature term was first applied to the writers of the

18th century in Europe who broke away from the formal rules of classical writing. When it was used in American literature it referred to the writers of the middle of the 19th century who stimulated(刺激)the sentimental emotions of their readers. They wrote of the mysterious of life, love, birth and death. The Romantic writers expressed themselves freely and without restraint. They wrote all kinds of materials, poetry, essays, plays, fictions, history, works of travel, and biography.

3.Gothic tradition (哥特传统): Gothic novel or Gothic romance is a story

of terror and suspense, usually set in a gloomy old castle or monastery. In an extended sense, many novels do not have a medievalized setting, but which share a comparably sinister, grotesque, or claustrophobic atmosphere have been classed as Gothic. It contributed to the new emotional climate of Romanticism.

4.Transcendentalism (先验说,超越论): is a philosophic and literary

movement that flourished in New England, particular at Concord, as a reaction against Rationalism and Calvinism (理性主义and喀尔文主义). Mainly it stressed intuitive understanding of God, without the help of the church, and advocated independence of the mind. The representative writers are Emerson and Thoreau.

5.Stream of consciousness(意识流):It is one of the modern

literary techniques. It is the style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character’s thoughts, feelings, reflections, memories, and mental images as the character experiences them. It was first used in 1922 by the Irish novelist James Joyce. Those novels broke through the bounds of time and space, and depicted vividly and skillfully the unconscious activity of the mind fast changing and flowing incessantly。

6.American Renaissance: American Renaissance sometimes is given to

a flourishing of distinctively American literature in the period before

the Civil War. This renaissance is represented by the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson, H.D. Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Walt Whitman. Its major works are Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter(《红字》), Melville’s Moby Dick(《白鲸》), and Whitman’s Leaves of Grass(《草叶集》). The American Renaissance may be regarded as a delayed manifestation of Romanticism,

especially in European’s philosophy of Transcendentalism.

7.American Enlightenment 美国启蒙运动:Enlightenment is a

philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms. The American Enlightenment is a term sometimes employed to describe the intellectual culture of the British North American colonies and the early United States. It is commonly dated from 1750-1820. Among the leading intellectual figures of this period are Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

8.Free Verse自由体诗歌: Free verse is a form of poetry that does not

use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech.

Realism Period:

9.The Gilded Age: it was coined by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley

Warner in their 1873 book. The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. In American history, the Gilded Age refers to substantial growth in population in the United States and extravagant displays of wealth and excess of America’s upper-class during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction era, in the late 19th century.

10.Psychological Realism心里现实主义:Psychological Realism is a

genre which places more than the usual amount of emphasis on

interior characterization, and on the motives, circumstances and internal action which springs from and develops external action. The psychological realism is not content to state what happens but goes on to explain the motivation of this action. This type of writing character and characterization are more than usually important, and they often delve deeper in to the mind of a character than novels of other genres.

11.Local Colorism: as a trend became dominant in American literature

in the 1860s and early 1870s,it is defined by Hamlin Garland as having such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by anyone else than a native stories of local colorism have a quality of circumstantial(详细的) authenticity(确实性), as local colorists tried to immortalize(使不朽) the distinctive natural, social and linguistic features. It is characteristic of vernacular(本国语) language and satirical(讽刺的) humor

12.American Realism: In American literature, the Civil War brought the

Romantic Period to an end. The Age of Realism came into existence.

It came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism.

Realism turned from an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of the ordinary, a slice of life as it is really lived. It expresses the concern for commonplace and the low, and it offers an objective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human experience

13.Naturalism:American naturalism was a new and harsher realism.

American naturalism had been shaped by the war; by the social upheavals(剧变)that undermined the comforting faith of an earlier age. America’s literary naturalists dismissed the validity of comforting moral truths. They attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were determined by their environment and heredity. Although naturalist literature described the world with sometimes brutal realism, it sometimes also aimed at bettering the world through social reform. Modernism Period:

14.Imagism(意象派): It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S.

flourished from 1909 to 1917.The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell.

15.Modernism(现代主义): It was a complex and diverse (复杂多样的)

international movement in all the creative arts (创造性艺术), originating about the end of the 19th century. It provided (出现)the greatest creative renaissance of the 20th century. It was made up of many facets (方面), such as symbolism,surrealism (超现实主义), cubism (立体主义), expressionism, futurism (未来主义), ect

16.The Lost generation: it refers to a group of young intellectuals (知识

分子) who came back from war, were injured (受伤害) both physically (身体上) and mentally (精神上). They lived by indulging (放任) themselves in the Bohemian (波西米亚) way of life. Their American dream was disillusioned (破灭了). The best representative of the lost generation was Ernest Hemingway.

17.The Jazz Age: The novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald coined the term “Jazz

Age” retrospectively to refer to the decade after World War I and before the stock market crash in 1929, during which Americans embarked upon what he called “the gaudiest spree in history”. Jazz Age is inextricably associated with the wealthy white “flappers” and socialites immortalized in Fitzgerald’s fiction.

18.American Dream:American dream means the belief that everyone

can succeed as long as he/she works hard enough. It usually implies a successful and satisfying life. It usually framed in terms of American capitalism(资本主义), its associated purported meritocracy,(知识界精华)and the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Bill of Rights. 19.The Harlem Renaissance哈雷姆文艺复兴:Refers to the flowering

of African American literature, art, and drama during the 1920s and 1930s. Though centered in Harlem, New York, the movement impacted urban centers throughout the United States. Black novelists, poets, painters, and playwrights began creating works rooted in their own culture instead of imitating the styles of Europeans and white


20.The New Criticism新批评主义: The New Criticism as a school of

poetry and criticism established itself in the 1940s as an academic orthodoxy in the United States. It is still very much in evidence today as an influence in the literary world and in college classroom instruction. The school had its beginning in the 1920s, took over 20 years to win acceptance and some dominance in poetry writing and criticism in the 1930s and 1940s, and arouse rebellion in the 1950s and 1960s when it gradually ceased to be a school. To sum sup, as a school of formalist criticism, the New Criticism has been noted for its salient features. One of these is its focus on the analysis of the text rather paying attention to external elements such as its social background, its author’s intention and political attitude and its impact on society.

An Overview of American Literature

1.Colonial period (early 17th—late 18th)

2. Romantic period (first half of 19th)

3. Realism (after 1865)

4. Naturalism (last decade of the 19th )

5. Modernism (the first half of the 20th)


Epic: A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecti ng the values of the society from which it originated. The style of epic is grand宏伟的 and elevated高尚的. John Milton wrote three great epics:Paradise Lost,Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes. Sonnet(十四行诗 A sonnet is a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter restricted to a definition rhyme scheme Renaissance the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival复活 of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition过渡from the medieval to the modern world.the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Humanism人文主义 Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. 2>it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the impo rtance of the present life.Humanists voiced their belie fs that man was the center of the universe and man did not


世界近代史名词解释 1.地理大发现—— 西方史学家对15至18世纪欧洲一系列航海活动的通称。15世纪后,由于对外贸易的需要和对贵金属的渴求,在宗教狂热和人文主义精神的鼓舞下,西欧一些探险家开始寻找通向东方的新航路。1492年,哥伦布航抵“美洲”,开辟了欧美航线;1498年达?伽马开辟自西欧绕过非洲南端直达印度的航路;1519—1522年麦哲伦与其同伴首次环球航行。地理大发现,引起了商业革命和西方国家殖民掠夺的狂潮,加速了西欧封建制度的解体和资本主义关系的成长,预示了世界史上一个新时代的来临。 2.商业革命—— 16世纪欧洲商业的突然扩大和新的世界市场兴起的现象被称为商业革命。新航路的发现,给新兴的资产阶级开辟了新的活动场所,欧洲人的经商范围由地中海一带扩展到大西洋及世界各地,欧洲与亚洲、非洲、美洲之间都有了商业往来,世界市场扩大。各地对欧洲商品的需求也在扩大,使贸易额和商品种类都大为增加。商业革命对欧洲封建社会的解体和资本主义生产方式的兴起,起了很大的推动作用。 3.文艺复兴—— 文艺复兴是14至17世纪欧洲文化和思想史上的一次重大的新文化运动。因欧洲思想文化界人士力图恢复希腊、罗马典文化,使之“复活”、“再生”,“文艺复兴”即由此得名。文艺复兴起源于意大利,15世纪后期传播到英法德等其他西欧国家,运动的中心是意大利。文艺复兴的指导思想人文主义,是一种以人为中心,为创造现世的幸福而奋斗的乐观进取的精神。文艺复兴时期在文学、艺术、政治思想和自然科学等方面都取得了辉煌的成就。文艺复兴运动是欧洲历史上第一次思想解放运动,具有重要的历史意义:促使欧洲人开始以神为中心过渡到以人为中心,唤醒了人们的进取精神、创造精神和科学实验精神;文艺复兴创造的光辉灿烂的文化是人类文明的重要组成部分。 4.人文主义—— 文艺复兴运动的主要思潮,是早期资产阶级的思想体系。人文主义一词来源于拉丁文,又译为“人道主义”或“人本主义”,其思想核心是个人主义。它是资产阶级用来反对封建束缚,谋求自身政治经济地位的思想武器。其基本特征是:以人为本,强调个人“才能”和自我奋斗;重视现世生活,反对宗教禁欲主义,反对经院哲学;否认对教皇和教会的绝对服从;反对封建特权和等级制;提倡理性,重视科学实验;表现乐观主义精神,反对悲观主义;欣赏资产阶级的文学艺术。人文主义对于人们摆脱神权的束缚,争取自由平等乃至推翻封建统治,都具有巨大进步作用 5.克伦威尔——


兴奋性:机体、组织或细胞对刺激发生反应的能力。 兴奋::指机体、组织或细胞接受刺激后,由安静状态变为活动状态,或活动由弱增强。近代生理学中,兴奋即指动作电位或产生动作电位的过程。 内环境:细胞在体内直接所处的环境称为内环境。内环境的各种物理化学性质是保持相对稳定的,称为内环境的稳态。即细胞外液。 反射:是神经活动的基本过程。感受体内外环境的某种特定变化并将这种变化转化成为一定的神经信号,通过传入神经纤维传至相应的神经中枢,中枢对传入的信号进行分析,并做出反应通过传出神经纤维改变相应效应器的活动的过程。反射弧是它的结构基础。 正反馈:受控部分的活动增强,通过感受装置将此信息反馈至控制部分,控制部分再发出指令,使受控部分的活动再增强。如此往复使整个系统处于再生状态,破坏原先的平衡。这种反馈的机制叫做正反馈。 负反馈:负反馈调节是指经过反馈调节,受控部分的活动向它原先活动方向相反的方向发生改变的反馈调节。 稳态:维持内环境经常处于相对稳定的状态,即内环境的各种物理、化学性质是保持相对稳定的。 单纯扩散:脂溶性小分子物质按单纯物理学原则实现的顺浓度差或电位差的跨膜转运。 易化扩散:非脂溶性小分子物质或某些离于借助于膜结构中特殊蛋白质(载体或通道蛋白)的帮助所实现的顺电——化学梯度的跨膜转运。(属被动转运) 主动转运:指小分子物质或离于依靠膜上“泵”的作用,通过耗能过程所实现的逆电——化学梯度的跨膜转运。分为原发性主动转运和继发行主两类。 继发性主动转运某些物质(如葡萄糖、氨基酸等)在逆电——化学梯度跨膜转运时,不直接利用分解ATP释放的能量,而利用膜内、外Na+势能差进行的主动转运称继发性主动运。 阈值或阈强度当刺激时间与强度一时间变化率固定在某一适当数值时,引起组织兴奋所需的最小刺激强度,称阈强度或阈值。阈强度低,说明组织对刺激敏感,兴奋性高;反之,则反。 兴奋:指机体、组织或细胞接受刺激后,由安静状态变为活动状态,或活动由弱增强。近代生理学中,兴奋即指动作电位或产生动作电位的过程。 抑制:指机体、组织或细胞接受刺激后,由活动状态转入安静状态,或活动由强减弱。 兴奋性(excitability):最早被定义为:机体、组织或细胞对刺激发生反应的能力。在近代生理学中,兴奋性被定义为:细胞受刺激时能产生动作电位(兴奋)的能力。 可兴奋细胞:指受刺激时能产生动作电位的细胞, 如神经细胞、肌细胞和腺细胞。 超射:动作电位上升支中零电位线以上的部分。(教材中P24:去极化至零电位后,膜电位如进一步变为正值,则称为反极化,其中膜电位高于零的部分称为超射) 绝对不应期:细胞在接受一次刺激而发生兴奋的当时和以后的一个短时间内,兴奋性降低到零,对另一个无论多强的刺激也不能发生反应,这一段时期称为绝对不应期。 相对不应期:在绝对不应期后,第二个刺激可引起新的兴奋,但所需的刺激强度必须大于


英美文学史名词解释 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

英美文学史名词解释 1.English Critical Realism English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the forties and in the early fifties. The realists first and foremost criticized the capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated (portrayed) the crying (extremely shocking) contradictions of bourgeois reality. The greatness of the English realists lies not only in their satirical portrayal of bourgeoisie and in the exposure of the greed and hypocrisy of the ruling classes, but also in their sympathy for the laboring people. Humor and satire are used to expose and criticize the seamy (dark) side of reality. The major contribution of the critical realists lies in their perfection of the novel. Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray are the most important representative of English critical realism. 2.The "Stream of Consciousness" The "stream of consciousness" is a psychological term indicating "the flux of conscious and subconscious thoughts and impressions moving in the mind at any given time independently of the person's will." In late 19th century,


1. In the medieval period , it is Chaucer alone who , for the first time in English literature , presented to usa comprehensive __picture of the English society of his time and created a whole galery of vivid ___ from all walks of life in his masterpiece “the Canterbury Tales ”。 A. visionary / women B. romantic /men C. realistic / characters D. natural / figures 2. Although ____ was essentially a medieval writer, he bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new era of literature to come. A. William Langland B. John Gower C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Edmund Spenser 3. Humanism spume from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious ,intellectual side ,for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on the conception that man is the ____ of all things . A. measure B. king C. lover D. rule 4. The essence of humanism is to ______. A. restore a medieval reverence for the church B. avoid the circumstances of earthly life C. explore the next world in which men could live after death D. emphasize human qualities 5. Many people today tend to regard the play “ The Merchant of Venice ” as a satire of the hypocrisy of ___ and their false standards of friendship and love , their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against _________ . A. Christians / Jews B. Jews / Christians C. oppressors / oppressed D. people / Jews 6. In “ Sonnet 18 ”, Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _________ and the eternal __________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves . A. death/ life B. death/ love C. time / beauty D. hate / love 7.In The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan describes The Vanity Fair in a ______ tone. A. delightful B. satirical C. sentimental D. solemn 8. The religious reformation in the early 16th-century England was a reflection of the class struggles waged by the _____. A. rising bourgeoisie against the feudal class and its ideology B. working class against the corruption of the bourgeoisie C. landlord class against the rising bourgeoisie and its ideology D. feudal class against the corruption of the Catholic Church 9. The ______ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century . A. Renaissance B. Enlightenmrent C. Religious Reformation D. Chartist Movement 10.The 18th century witnessed a new literary form -the modern English novel, which, contrary to the medieval romance, gives a ______ presentation of life of the common English people. A. romantic B. idealistic C. prophetic D. realistic 1. The title of the novel “ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ” written by James Joyce suggests a character study with strong _________ elements .


世界现代史 名词解释: 1.美西战争:美西战争是1898年,为夺取属地、和而发动的战争,是列强重新瓜分的第一次战争。和既有重要的价值,又是分别向和扩张的。新兴的拥有雄厚的、军事潜力,已建立起一支较强大的。 2.门户开放政策:在整个范围,列强都有进行贸易的权利。它的主要精神是利益均沾,机会平等。不论是在哪个列强的内,不论是否在或都实行这个原则。是美国侵华行动的“里程碑”。受到列强的普遍欢迎,由此而使得列强在侵华步骤上取得暂时的一致。避免了列强因在华利益的相互抵触而使得列强间本以十分尖锐的矛盾进一步激化。也由此而使得列强由争夺在华利益而转化为在这个问题上相互合作。 3.日俄战争:是指1904年2月,与为了侵占东北和,在中国东北的土地上进行的一场战争。以沙皇俄国的失败而告终。日俄战争促成日本在东北亚取得军事优势,并取得在、中国东北驻军的权利,令俄国于此的扩张受到阻挠。日俄战争的陆上战场是清朝本土的,而清朝政府却被逼迫宣布中立,甚至为这场战争专门划出了一块交战区。日、俄、中(清)三方在这场中都蒙受到了严重损失,并为之后各国的发展道路造成了一定的影响。 4.三国同盟:这是第一次世界大战时帝国主义列强结成的军事与政治集团。1879年,德国、奥匈帝国为了对抗俄国与法国缔结军事同盟条约。1882年意大利加入,三国同盟正式形成。三国同盟的目标直接对准法国。后意大利于1915年脱离同盟国集团,转而加入协约国集团。同年,保加利亚与土耳其则相继加入同盟国。1918年11月,同盟国集团在与协约国的军事战争中失败,最终随着德国的战败,同盟国集团瓦解。 5.三国协约:第一次世界大战期间与三国同盟相对抗的帝国主义集团,由英、法、俄三国于1904—1907年期间签订一系列协议而组成。1893年为抗衡德、意同盟,法俄首先签订军事协定。面临日益增长的德国威胁,英法调整在殖民地上的矛盾,于1904年签订英法协约。随后在日俄战争中遭到失败的俄国为了摆脱自己的困境,也于1907年和英国签订英俄协约。至此协约国最终形成。第一次世界大战期间,日、意、美等二十五国先后加入。十月革命后,苏俄宣布出。1918年德国投降后,美、英、法、日等帝国主义曾以协约国的名义三次向苏俄发动武装干涉,均遭失败。因协约国间矛盾不断加深,逐步瓦解。 6.马恩河战役:1914年5月,德军在进攻中,右翼第一、二集团军之间出现了50公里宽的暴露地段,补英法联军楔入,被迫撤退。联军开始反攻但其后受阻,遂设防固守,此为马恩河战役。马恩河战役是第一次世界大战中的第一次大规模战略决战,以德军第一次撤退和失败,联军取得胜利告终,联军向前推进改革60公里。马恩河之战是大战的第一个转折点,德军在6周内打败法国的计划宣告破产。 7.坦能堡战役:第一次世界大战期间协约国与同盟国军队在东线的一次重要战役。一战爆发后,俄军为配合西线协约国的军事作战,于1914年8月在东线发动军事进攻,但由于其指挥系统差,后勤补给困难,东线德军在兴登堡与鲁登道夫的指挥下,最终击溃入侵俄军,俄军全线溃败,12万人被俘。德军在东线由此从防御进入进攻,最终在12月,在俄国内陆战局陷入僵持状态。


?名词解释 ?内环境、阈刺激、兴奋、兴奋性、正反馈、负反馈、阈电位、易化扩散、主动转运、第二信使、受体、动作电位、静息电位、兴奋-收缩耦联。 ?问答题 1、何谓内环境稳态,生理意义是什么? 2、易化扩散的特点 3、Na+-K+ATP酶的作用和生理意义 4、第二信使物质包括那些? 5、试述G蛋白耦联受体介导的信号转导过程 6、试述神经细胞RP和AP的产生机制,改变细胞膜内外各种离子的浓度,RP和AP幅度如何变化?为什么? 7、局部电位的特点是什么? 8、试比较动作电位和局部电位 9、试述N-M接头兴奋传递的过程 10、试述动作电位是如何沿着神经纤维传导的? 11、试述影响肌肉收缩的因素 ?名词解释 ?血液凝固生理性止血纤维蛋白溶解血型红细胞凝集渗透脆性等渗溶液 ?问答题 1,血浆蛋白的功能和血浆渗透压的作用 2,红细胞为何能稳定的悬浮于血浆中, 何因素可影响血沉? 3,影响红细胞生成的因素有那些? 4,血小板的生理功能 5,试述血液凝固过程并比较内源性凝血和外源性凝血 6,试述纤维蛋白溶解过程 7,肝素的作用是什么? 8,输血的原则是什么? 9,ABO血型凝集素的特点? 10.血管内的血液为何不凝固? ?名词解释 有效不应期、窦性节律、心动周期、心输出量、射血分数、心指数、心力储备、中心静脉压、微循环、组织液 ?问答题 1、心肌细胞的生理特性是什么? 2*、试述心室肌细胞和窦房结P细胞动作电位的发生机制、并进行对比。 3、心肌有效不应期长的生理意义? 4、窦房结P细胞如何控制整个心脏的活动?动作电位在心脏的传导路径? 5、何谓房室廷搁?生理、病理意义? 6*、试述心脏泵血过程及心室和动脉的压力变化。 7、心肌的前负荷如何影响心肌收缩力? 8、何谓心肌收缩能力?试举二例说明何方法改变心肌收缩能力,并说明其机制. 9、心率的变化如何影响心输出量? 10*、试述动脉血压形成及其影响因素,试举二例日常生活中出现血压变化的例子,并说明其


Romanticism began in the mid-18th century and reached its height in the 19th century.It was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe.The ideologies and events of the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution laid the background for Romanticism. The Enlightenment also had influence on Romanticism .It was a revolt against the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature.The movement validated strong emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and awe.The Romantic literature of the nineteenth century concentrating on emotion, nature, and the expression of "nothing".famous romanticism writers are such as william Wordsworth:lyrical ballods、william whitman :leaves of grass Realism beginning with mid nineteenth-century French literature and extending to late-19th- and early-20th-century .It was a reaction againest romanticism and paved the way to modernism.the realism is product of europe capitalist system?s establishment and development.the philosophy and science of europe in 19th century has promated its production authors trend to depictions of contemporary life and society as it was, or is. In the spirit of general "realism" ,realist authors opted for depictions of everyday and banal activities and experiences, instead of a romanticized or similarly stylized


世界近代史下名词解释 (适用于王晓焰老师) -------杨帆编辑整理1. 人民宪章:英国宪章运动中的纲领性文件。1837年由洛维特领导的“伦敦工人协 会”拟定,次年5月8日,以《人民宪章》的名称公布。其主要内容包括:①凡年满21岁,精神健全的男子皆有选举权;②无记名秘密投票;③废除议员候选人的财产资格限制;④议员应支付薪俸;⑤平均分配选举区,按各自选民的人数分配代表名额;⑥议员每年改选一次。其核心内容是以普选权为基础的议会民主化的问题,反映了当时英国无产阶级和一部分工业资产阶级的要求,推动了宪章运动的发展,对其他国家的工人运动也有一定影响。 2. 第一国际成立大会:即国际工人协会的第一次大会。原为1864年9月,在伦敦 圣马丁教堂召开的声援波兰人民起义的国际性工人大会。大会根据法国工人代表的提议,通过了建立“国际工人协会”的决议,选出21人组成临时中央委员会,马克思当选为委员,对第一国际指导,拟定《成立宣言》、《共同章程》,使第一国际处于科学社会主义理论指导下。这次大会的召开宣告了国际工人协会的成立,并阐明了其目标、任务,建立了组织架构,在国际工人运动史上有重要的地位。 3. 拿破仑三世:法兰西第二帝国的缔造者。路易·波拿马原为法兰西第二共和国总 统,于1851年12月2日发动政变,1852年建立法兰西第二帝国。其在位时期,积极促进法国经济的发展,制定了一系列有利于法国经济发展的政策,在此期间,法国完成的工业革命。为了改变1815年以来法国的孤立状态,争夺欧洲大陆优势和进行海外殖民侵略,拿破仑三世积极发动对外战争,在克里米亚战争中,联合英国击败俄国,取得欧洲大陆的霸权。在普法战争中,色当战役惨败被俘,其第二帝国也随之覆灭。拿破仑三世促进了法国经济的巨变,在经济上确立了现代水平的资本主义的根基。 4. 1832年会议改革:19世纪三十年代英国新兴的工业资产阶级同土地贵族进行斗争, 争取重新分配政治权及扩大选举权的政治改良运动。在1832年会议改革中,资产阶级的全国政治联合会等团体同辉格党政府相呼应,利用人民运动发声势,迫使议会通过法案,撤销了56个“衰败选区”(指地处农村,已无人烟,由大地主指派议员的选区),增加了在工业革命过程中新兴起的工业城市的代表名额,并降低了选民的财产数额限制,扩大了资产阶级选举权。 5. 宪法纠纷:德国统一过程中出现的议会与政府之间就军事改革进行的争论。前后共两 次。第一次是1860年,陆军部长洛恩提出的一个军事改革方案,遭议会否决,其后政府在没有得到议会批准的情况下强行进行了军事改革,后又解散议会,从而酿成军事改革是否合法争论。这就是第一次“宪法纠纷”。俾斯麦上台后,很快宣布议会休会,下令增加军费,封闭反对派刊物,禁止自由派活动,这些独断的行为被指责为违宪,从而酿成第二次“宪法纠纷”。1864年,俾斯麦以对丹麦的军事胜利征服了朝野,这场冲突才结束。宪法纠纷实际上是资产阶级同容克阶级争夺政治权的斗争,也为德国统一创造了条件。 6. 俄国1861年改革:俄国废除农奴制度的改革。19世纪中期,农奴制已成为俄国资本 主义发展的严重障碍。农民运动不断高涨,克里米亚战争的失败进一步加深了国内矛盾,农奴危机日益严重。沙皇亚历山大二世政府被迫颁布,废除农奴制的法令,规定:农奴拥有人身自由;土地仍归地主所有;农民为获得人身自由和份地必须交付高额赎金。这样,农民获得“自由”时受到了残酷的剥夺。这场由农奴主实行的自上而下的资产阶级


1.兴奋性:机体或组织对刺激发生反应受到刺激时产生动作电位的能力或特性,称为兴奋性。 2.阈强度:在刺激的持续时间以及刺激强度对时间的变化率不变的情况下,刚能引起细胞兴奋或产生动作电位的最小刺激强度,称为阈强度。 3.正反馈:从受控部分发出的信息不是制约控制部分的活动,而是反过来促进与加强控制部分的活动,称为正反馈。 4.体液:人体内的液体总称为体液,在成人,体液约占体重的60%,由细胞内液、细胞外液(组织液.血浆.淋巴液等)组成。 5.负反馈(negative feedback):负反馈是指受控部分发出的信息反过来减弱控制部分活动的调节方式。 6.内环境:内环境是指体内细胞直接生存的环境,即细胞外液. 7.反馈(feedback):由受控部分发出的信息反过来影响控制部分的活动过程,称为反馈。 1.阈电位:在一段膜上能够诱发去极化和Na+通道开放之间出现再生性循环的膜内去极化的临界值,称为阈电位;是用膜本身去极化的临界值来描述动作电位产生条件的一个重要概念。 2.等长收缩:肌肉收缩时只有张力的增加而无长度的缩短,称为等长收缩。 3.前负荷(preload):肌肉收缩前所承受的负荷,称为前负荷,它决定收缩前的初长度。 4.终板电位:(在乙酰胆碱作用下,终板膜静息电位绝对值减小,这一去极化的电位变化,称为终板电位) 当ACh分子通过接头间隙到达终板膜表面时,立即与终板膜上的N2型乙酰胆碱受体结合,使通道开放,允许Na+、K+等通过,以Na+的内流为主,引起终板膜静息电位减小,向零值靠近,产生终板膜的去极化,这一电位变化称为终板电位。 5.去极化(depolarization):当静息时膜内外电位差的数值向膜内负值减小的方向变化时,称为膜的去极化或除极化。(静息电位的减少称为去极化) 6.复极化(repolarization ):细胞先发生去极化,然后再向正常安静时膜内所处的负值恢复,称复极化。(细胞膜去极化后再向静息电位方向的恢复,称为复极化) 7.峰电位(spike potential):在神经纤维上,其主要部分一般在0.5~2.0ms内完成,(因此,动作电位的曲线呈尖峰状)表现为一次短促而尖锐的脉冲样变化,(故)称为峰电位。 8.电化学驱动力:离子跨膜扩散的驱动力有两个:浓度差和电位差。两个驱动力的代数和称为电化学驱动力。 9.原发性主动转运:原发性主动转运是指离子泵利用分解ATP产生的能量将离子逆浓度梯度和(或)电位梯度进行跨膜转运的过程。 10.微终板电位:在静息状态下,接头前膜也会发生约每秒钟1次的乙酰胆碱(ACH)量子的自发释放,并引起终板膜电位的微小变化。这种由一个ACH量子引起的终板膜电位变化称为微终板电位。 11.运动单位(motor unit):一个脊髓α-运动神经元或脑干运动神经元和受其支配的全部肌纤维所组成的肌肉收缩的最基本的单位称为运动单位。 1.晶体渗透压(crystal osmotic pressure):(血浆)晶体渗透压指血浆中的晶体物质(主要是NaCl)形成的渗透压。 2.血沉(erythrocyte sedimentation rate):红细胞沉降率是指将血液加抗凝剂混匀,静置于一分血计中,红细胞在一小时末下降的距离(mm),简称血沉。 1.血-脑屏障:指血液和脑组织之间的屏障,可限制物质在血液和脑组织之间的自由交换(故对保持脑组织周围稳定的化学环境和防止血液中有害物质进入脑内有重要意义)其形态学基础可能是毛细血管的内皮、基膜和星状胶质细胞的血管周足等结构。 2.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker):P细胞为窦房结中的起搏细胞,是一种特殊分化的心肌细胞,具有很高的自动节律性,是控制心脏兴奋活动的正常起搏点。

英美文学名词解释 2

01. Humanism(人文主义) Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2> it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders. 02. Renaissance(文艺复兴) The word “Renaissance”means “rebirth”, it meant the reintroduction into westerm Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome.2>the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism. Attitudes and feelings which had been characteristic of the 14th and 15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and reformation.3> the real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama with william shakespeare being the leading dramatist. 03. Metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌) Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.2>with a rebellious spirit, the Metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry.3>the diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassical periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.4>the imagery is drawn from actual life. Metaphysical poets(玄学派诗人) It is the name given to a diverse group of 17th century english poets whose work is notable for its ingenious use of intellectual and theological concepts in surprising conceits, strange paradoxes and far-fetched imagery. The leading Metaphysical poets was John Donne, whose colloquial, argumentative abruptness of rhythm and tone distinguishes his style from the conventions of Elizabethan love lyrics. 04. Classcism(古典主义) Classcism refers to a movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity, balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes. 05. Enlightenment(启蒙运动) Enlightenment movement was a progressive philosophical and artistic movement which flourished in france and swept through western Europe in the 18th century.2> the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from 14th century to the mid-17th century.3>its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.4>it celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. It advocated universal education.5>famous among the great enlighteners in england were those great writers like Alexander pope. Jonathan swift.etc. 06.Neoclassicism(新古典主义)


《世界近代史》课程作业 一、名词解释 1.教皇子午线:1494 年经教皇仲裁,西班牙和葡萄牙在世界上划分势力范围的分界线。 1492年哥伦布到达美洲后,西、葡两国为争夺殖民地、市场和掠夺财富,长期进行战争。为缓和两国日益尖锐的矛盾,由教皇亚历山大六世(1492~1503在位)出面调解,于1494年6月7日两画了一条线,线西归西班牙,东归葡萄牙,此即所谓“教皇子午线”。 这条由教皇作保规定的西、葡两国势力范围的分界线,开创近代殖民列强瓜分世界、划分势力范围的先河。(参课本P19) 2.人文主义:文艺复兴时期,资产阶级表现在文学、艺术、教育、哲学和自然科学等方面的思想内容,通常被称为人文主义。 人文主义是一种哲学理论和一种世界观,以人为衡量一切事物的标准。作为文艺复兴时期主要的社会思潮,他的核心是:肯定人,注重人性,要求把人从宗教束缚中解救出来。反对神权,提倡人权;反对神性,提倡人性;反对封建特权,提倡自由平等;反对教会蒙昧主义,提倡发展文化教育;反对封建割据和外族入侵,主张中央集权和民族独立。 人文主义是资产阶级的世界观和历史观,是资产阶级反封建、反中世界神学世界观的思想武器。同时我们也应看到,对人文主义的过分推崇,造成文艺复兴运动个人私欲的膨胀、泛滥和社会混乱。 3.薄伽丘:乔万尼·薄伽丘(1313—1375),一译卜伽丘,意大利文艺复兴运动的杰出代表,人文主义者。 代表作《十日谈》批判宗教守旧思想,揭露教会的虚伪和腐化,提倡个性解放,歌颂人对现世生活的追求。主张“幸福在人间”,被视为文艺复兴的宣言。创作了西欧

文学史上第一部心理小说《菲亚美达》;其与但丁、彼特拉克合称“文学三杰”。 4.因信称义:是德国神学家马丁·路德的神学思想核心。 他认为,基督徒之所以是自由的,是因为他们“因信称义”,不再受善功律的支配,他们通过自己的信仰而与基督建立了新的个人关系。信徒不必依靠教会极其繁琐的宗教礼仪,只凭对上帝对的虔诚信仰就可以得到灵魂的拯救。内容有:1.圣经乃唯一的、最高的成就。2.平信徒皆为祭司3.僧俗平等,恪守天职。 这一宗教伦理是对天主教会所宣扬的“行为称义”的否定,所蕴含的是一种积极的人生态度。具有宗教情感的个人主义与文艺复兴中具有理性的个人主义结合在一起,成为早期资本主义发展的重要精神动力之一。 5.预定论: 由宗教改革家加尔文(1509——1564)提出,也成为加尔文派的奠基。 预定论认为神的旨意是绝对的,也是无条件的,一切有限的受造物联合起来也不能影响神的旨意,这旨意完全是神在永恒里安排的。神是万物的主宰,伟大而有能力,安排大自然的运行,支配人类的历史,任何细节都在他的掌管之下。其内容为将人分为“选民”和“弃民”。 预定论提出了解放人的思想,鼓励人们在世俗生活中去发财致富。 6.开明专制:18世纪下半叶欧洲一些国家封建专制君主执行的一种政策,是为了适应资本主义发展和阶级矛盾尖锐化而进行的具有明显资本主义色彩的改革。 当时,欧洲大陆诸国的封建制度日趋衰落,资本主义生产关系在封建社会内有所发展。各国封建君主为了巩固其专制统治,接过了法国启蒙学者要求改革的旗帜,宣称要进行自上而下的改革。把自己装扮成“开明”的君主,高喊“开明”的口号,进行种种改革,如改革教会,兴办教育事业,编纂法典等 “开明专制”的时代是从普鲁士国王弗里德里希二世登基时开始的。他自称“国家的第一


生理学名词解释和问答 第一名词解释 第一章 正反馈:是指受控部分发出反馈信息,其方向与控制信息一致,可以促进或加强控制部分的活动负反馈:是指受控部分发出反馈信息,其方向与控制信息一致,可以减弱控制部分的活动 体液:机体含有大量的水分,这些水和溶解在水里的各种物质总称为体液 内环境:细胞在体内直接所处的环境即细胞外液,称之为内环境 稳态:正常机体在神经系统和体液以及免疫系统的调控下,使得个器官、系统的协调活动,共同维持内环境的相对稳定状态,叫做稳态。 第二章 原发性主动转运:是一种具有酶活性的Na+-K+依赖性的ATP酶的蛋白质。他所需的能量是由ATP 直接提供的,这种主动转运过程称为原发性的主动转运 复极化:在动作电位发生和发展过程中,从反极化的状态的电位恢复到膜外正电位、膜里负电位的静息状态,称为复极化 电化学驱动力:浓度梯度产生的内正外负的电位差 去极化: 在电解质溶液或电极中加入某种去极剂而使电极极化降低的现象 阈强化:能引起组织反应的最小刺激强度 阈电位:当膜电位去极化达到某一临界值时,就出现膜上的Na﹢大量开放,Na﹢大量内流而产生动作电位,膜电位的这个临界值称为阈电位 兴奋性:兴奋性是指可兴奋组织或细胞受到刺激时发生兴奋反应(动作电位)的能力过特性。 静息电位:指细胞未受刺激时,存在于细胞膜内外两侧的外正内负的电位差 动作电位:动作电位是指可兴奋细胞受到刺激时在静息电位的基础上产生的可扩布的电位变化过程 等长收缩:肌肉在收缩时其长度不变而只有张力增加,这种收缩称为等长收缩 前负荷:心肌收缩之后所遇到的阻力或负荷 后负荷:是指肌肉在收缩过程中受到的负荷。与之相对的是前负荷 第三章 血沉:将抗凝血放入血沉管中垂直静置,红细胞由于密度较大而下沉 第四章 正常起搏点:P细胞为窦房结中的起搏细胞是一种特殊分化的心肌细胞具有很高的自动节律性是控制心脏兴奋活动的正常起搏点 血脑屏障:指血液和脑组织之间的屏障可限制物质在血液和脑组织之间的自由交换故对保持脑组织周围稳定的化学环境和防止血液中有害物质进入脑内有重要意义其形态学基础可能是毛细血管的内皮、基膜和星状胶质细胞的血管周足等结构。 每分心腧量: 心动周期: 第五章 肺泡无效腔:(进入肺泡的气体,因血流在肺内分布不均而未能与血液进行气体交换的这一部分肺泡容量,称为肺泡无效腔 肺泡通气量:指每分钟吸入肺泡的新鲜空气量。肺泡通气量=(潮气量-无效腔气量)×呼吸频率。 肺活量:肺活量是指尽力吸气后,再用力呼气,所能呼出的最大气体量。正常成年男性平均约3.5L,女性约2.5L 潮气量:平静呼吸时,每次吸入或呼出的气体量称为潮气量。正常成人约400~600ml 血氧含量:主要是血红蛋白结合的氧还有极小量溶解的氧。 血氧饱和度:Hb 氧含量占氧容量的百分数,称为血氧饱和度,简称氧饱和度。血氧饱和度(氧容量/氧含
