

Supply Chain Management Exercise

True or False

1. A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying components needed for manufacturing.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

2. A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

3. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or supply web.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

4.The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the overall value generated. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

5.The objective of every supply chain is to maximize the value generated for the manufacturing component of the supply chain.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

6.All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of three macro processes – CRM, ISCM and SRM.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

7.There is a close connection between the design and management of supply chain flows and the success of a supply chain.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

8. A company’s competitive strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through its products and services.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

9.The value chain emphasizes the close relationship between all the functional strategies within a company.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

10. A company’s product development strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through its products and services.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

11. A company’s product development strategy specifies t he portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

12. A company’s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will be positioned, priced, and promoted.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

13. A company’s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials as well as the manufacture and distribution of the product.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

14.The degree of supply chain responsiveness should be consistent with the implied uncertainty.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

15.The degree of supply chain responsiveness does not need to be consistent with the implied uncertainty.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

16.The two major types of facilities are distribution sites and storage sites. Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

17.Inventory is an important supply chain driver because changing inventory policies can dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficiency and responsiveness. Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ec17046413.html,rmation is potentially the biggest driver of performance in the supply chain as it directly affects each of the other drivers.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

19.The high utilization facility will have no more difficulty responding to demand fluctuations than one with a lot of unused capacity.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

20.Stock keeping unit (SKU) storage is the warehousing methodology that uses a traditional warehouse to store all of one type of product together.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

21.Warehouse unit storage is the warehousing methodology that uses a traditional warehouse to store all of one type of product together.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

22.Distribution occurs between every pair of stages in the supply chain. Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

23.Distribution only occurs between manufacturing and consumers in the supply chain.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ec17046413.html,panies in the same industry often select very different distribution networks, because the choice of the distribution network can be used to achieve a variety of supply chain objectives ranging from low cost to high responsiveness.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

25.The main advantage of a distribution network with local storage is that it can lower the delivery cost and provide a faster response than other networks. Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

26.When designing supply chain networks, companies must build appropriate flexibility to help counter fluctuations in exchange rates and demand across different countries.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

27.Inventory and facility costs increase as the number of facilities in a supply chain increase.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

28.Transportation costs increase as the number of facilities is increased. Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

29.When faced with a network design decision, the goal of a manager is to design

a network that minimizes the firm’s costs while satisfying customer needs in terms of demand and responsiveness.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Hard

30.The supply chain network is designed to maximize total profits, taking into account the expected margin and demand in each market, various logistics and facility costs, and the taxes and tariffs at each location.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

31.Decisions made during the supply chain design phase regarding significant investments in the supply chain, such as the number and size of plants to build, the number of trucks to purchase or lease, and whether to build or lease warehouse space, cannot be altered in the short term.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

32.Decisions made during the supply chain design phase regarding significant investments in the supply chain, such as the number and size of plants to build, the number of trucks to purchase or lease, and whether to build or lease warehouse space, rarely remain in place for several years.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

33.Decisions made during the supply chain design phase regarding significant investments in the supply chain, such as the number and size of plants to build, the number of trucks to purchase or lease, and whether to build or lease warehouse space, define the boundaries within which the supply chain must compete. Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

34.Long-term contracts for both warehousing and transportation requirements will be more effective if the demand and price of warehousing do not change in the future or if the price of warehousing goes up.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

35.Long-term contracts for both warehousing and transportation requirements will be more effective if either demand or the price of warehousing drops in the future. Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

36.The present value of future cash flows is found by using a discount factor. Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

37.The rate of return k is also referred to as the present value of capital. Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

38. A negative NPV for an option indicates that the option will lose money for the supply chain.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

39.The decision with the lowest NPV will provide a supply chain with the highest financial return.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

40.In reality, demand and prices are highly uncertain and are likely to fluctuate during the life of any supply chain decision.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

41.The goal of aggregate planning is to satisfy demand in a way that minimizes profit.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

42.Aggregate planning is a process by which a company determines levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and even pricing over a specified time horizon.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

43.Aggregate planning solves problems involving aggregate decisions rather than stock keeping unit (SKU) level decisions.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

44.Forecasting errors are dealt with in aggregate plans using either safety backlog or safety capacity.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

45.Safety inventory is defined as inventory held to satisfy demand that is higher than forecasted.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

46.Safety capacity is defined as capacity used to satisfy demand that is lower than forecasted.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ec17046413.html,panies should work with downstream partners to produce forecasts and with upstream partners to determine constraints when doing aggregate planning. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

48.The aggregate plan should be viewed primarily as an in-house tool that does not need to be communicated to supply chain partners.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

49.Given that forecasts are always wrong to some degree, the aggregate plan needs to have some flexibility built into it if it is to be useful.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

50.With supply and demand management decisions being made independently, it is easier to coordinate the supply chain, thereby increasing profit.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

51. A firm can vary supply of product by controlling production capacity and inventory.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

52. A firm that uses flexible work hours from the workforce to manage capacity to better meet demand is using a seasonal workforce.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

53.Offering a promotion during a peak period that has significant forward buying creates even more variable demand than before the promotion.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

54.Average inventory decreases if a promotion is run during the peak period and increases if the promotion is run during the off-peak period.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

55.Promoting during a peak demand month may decrease overall profitability if a significant fraction of the demand increase results from a forward buy. Answer: True

Difficulty: Hard

56.As forward buying becomes a smaller fraction of the demand increase from a promotion, it is less profitable to promote during the peak period.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Hard

57.As the product margin declines, promoting during the peak demand period becomes less profitable.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

58.Cycle inventory exists because producing or purchasing in large lots allows a stage of the supply chain to exploit economies of scale and increase cost. Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

59. A lot or batch size is the quantity that a stage of the supply chain either produces or purchases at a given time.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

60.Cycle inventory is the physical inventory in the supply chain due to either production or purchases demanded by the customer.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

61.The inventory profile is a plot depicting the level of inventory over time. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

62. A discount is volume-based if the pricing schedule offers discounts based on the quantity ordered in a single lot.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Hard

63. A discount is volume-based if the discount is based on the total quantity purchased over a given period, regardless of the number of lots purchased over that period.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

64.Pricing schedules with all unit quantity discounts encourage retailers to increase the size of their lots, which reduces the average inventory and flow time in a supply chain.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

65.Safety inventory is inventory carried for the purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds the amount forecasted for a given period.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

66.Safety inventory is carried because demand forecasts are accurate and a product shortage may result if the forecast demand exceeds the actual demand.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

67.Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus the margin captured from customer purchases.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

68.Raising the level of safety inventory increases inventory holding costs. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

69.Carrying excessive inventory can help counter demand volatility when new products come on the market.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

70.The appropriate level of safety inventory is determined by the uncertainty of both demand and supply and the desired level of cycle inventory.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Moderate

71.As the uncertainty of supply or demand grows, the required level of safety inventories increases.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Moderate

72.As the desired level of product availability increases, the required level of safety inventory decreases.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

73. Lead time is the gap between when an order is placed and when it is received. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

74.Periodic review policies require more safety inventory than continuous review policies for the same level of product availability.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy

75.When using a continuous review policy, a manager has to account for the uncertainty of demand during the lead time and the review interval.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy

Multiply Choice

1.Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?





e.All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Easy

2.Supply chain profitability is

a.not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supply chain.

b.the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.

c.the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across the supply chain.

d.the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain.

e. b and c only

Answer: e

Difficulty: Difficult

3.Successful supply chain management requires which of the following decision phases?

a.supply chain strategy/design

b.supply chain planning

c.supply chain operation

d.all of the above

e. a and b only

Answer: d

Difficulty: Moderate

4.The objective of customer order entry is to

a.get the correct orders to customers by the promised due date at the lowest possible cost.

b.maintain a record of product receipt and complete payment.

c.maximize the conversion of customer arrivals to customer orders.

d.ensure that orders are quickly and accurately entered and communicated to other affected supply chain processes.

e.none of the above

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy

5.The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering strategic decisions relating to supply chain design, because


供应链管理实验心得体会 供应链管理是怎么进行的呢?供应链管理思想在全球范围内已得到广泛关注,下面是为大家带来的供应链管理实验心得体会,希望可以帮助大家。 供应链管理实验心得体会篇1: 在信息时代的带动下,现代的竞争不仅仅是质量、技术的竞争,更多的是成本的竞争,而成本的竞争也由过去的原材料的竞争演变成了技术成本的竞争,很大程度上是供应链,物流成本的降低。供应链运营的好坏直接关系到的兴衰,从而供应链管理想当然的被放到了管理的首位。 通过课本的学习,对供应连有了一定的认识,有了概念性的了解,但是没有实践经验,没有动手的机会,通过这次实习有了一定的实践经验,对供应链的实际操作有了一定的了解,跟踪了供应链的整个过程。其中包括和原材料供应商的开发、合作、谈判、供货、评价,终端客户的开发、货物的生产、单据的填写、货物的运输、合同的签订、账款的结算等环节。其中让我影响最深刻的是单据的填写,因为整个外贸做完有很多的单据,并且不能有一处错误,有了错误就意味着要重新填写,更麻烦的话还要到银行、货代那里去修改,更有可能导致货物不能出港或者不能在目的地进港,从而导致不能如期交货,给公司和客户带来很大麻烦。在我实习期间公司就有这样的事情发生,因为装船单填错了,给客户发错了货物,没办法只能把货物原路运回,但是时间不够不能等到下班船,在迫不得已的情况下只能进行空运,还好货物的数量不是很大。 因此公司的业务员特别注意单据的填写,国外客户的开发不容易,成本也比较高,为了保证万无一失填好的单据总要经过几个人核对后才确认。刚开始我不以为然,不就是一套简单的单据吗,也就是些简单的数字、英文字母,再加上一些表格,把那些数字用简单的数学运算处理一下填到相应的位置就可以了啊。可是经过几次动手以后我才发现远没有我想象的那么简单,稍不留神就是一张错误的单据,在没有发出去之前是没有什么的,但是一旦成为一张真正的商业单据,就会导致很严重的后果。从而细节的东西十分的重要,在某种程度上可以说是细节决定一切,细心是每个人必须养成的一个习惯。 以前我认为大学里学的那些理论知识到了工作岗位上是没有什么用的,现在才明白,只有有了那些理论知识做铺垫,再加上不断实践才能使自己达到一个更高的阶段。理论就是我们生活的一个工具,是我们展示自己的武器,只有不断的用理论武装自己,才能使自己在社会上有更好的立足之地。


构建供应链管理之 战略框架 构建供应链管理之战略框架 供应链策略的目的就是寻求效率和柔性之间的平衡以便取得与公司竞争 策略的吻合。为此, 公司必须利用四个主要的供应链驱动( Drivers) —— 1

库存、运输、设施和信息。 构建供应链管理的战略框架 战略吻合( Strategicfit) 意味着竞争和供应链策略具有相同的目标, 竞争策略所要满足的”客户优先”和供应链策略所要建立的”供应链能力”之间要保持一致。 实现战略吻合是供应链设计阶段所要考虑的一个关键问题。 供应链决策 成功的供应链管理需要制定与信息、物料和资金流动相关的各种决策。而这些决策, 又可分为供应链策略、计划与运作三个阶段, 这三个阶段的决策对整个供应链营利与成功有着重大影响。 在策略制定阶段, 公司决定如何构造供应链, 决定供应链的配置以及 供应链的每个环节( 组织) 执行什么样的流程。这些决策一般也称为” 战略供应链决策”。公司的战略决策包括生产和仓储设施的位置和能 力、在各个地点制造或存放的产品、根据不同交货行程采用的运输模 式以及将要使用的信息系统的类型。公司必须保证供应链配置支持其在 这一阶段的战略目标。

在供应链配置确定之后, 公司需要有相应的”供应链计划”, 即制定一整套控制短期运作的运营政策。供应链计划从预测市场需求开始, 包括决定哪个地点供应那些市场, 计划库存多少, 是否外协制造, 补货和库存政策, 备货点设定及促销时间和规模等有关政策。 而”供应链运作”是根据既定的供应链计划做出具体实现客户订单 的有关决策, 其目的是以尽可能好的方式实施供应链计划。在这一阶段, 公司分派订单给库存或生产部门, 设定订单完成日期, 生成仓库提货清单, 指定订单交付模式, 设定交货时间表及发出补货订单。由于供应链运作 是短期决策, 一般具有更小的需求不确定性。因此, 运作决策的目的就是 要利用这种不定因素的减少, 在供应链配置和计划政策的约束下取得最 优性能。 供应链流程管理 在供应链运作中, 因为流程清楚地区分了供应链各成员组织的作用和 责任, 因此, ”流程管理”成为供应链决策的重要内容。供应链包括一系 列流程, 这些流程发生在一个组织内部或供应链中不同组织之间, 它们结合在一起共同实现客户对产品的需求。有两种不同的方式来观察发生在 供应链中的流程。


附件1-1 上海浦东发展**分行供应链 中小企业批量开发授信方案报告 (范例) 核心企业名称:神龙汽车有限公司 申报额度: 1亿元 方案管理团队:分行中小经营中心 主办客户经理:联系电话:申报机构: 申报日期:

授信资料清单 目录 调查报告提纲 一、核心企业及供应链概况 (6) (一)核心企业调查概况 (7) (二)核心企业供应链情

况 (7) (三)核心企业风险缓释措施 (7) 二、核心企业上下游中小企业主要金融需求分析 (7) 三、授信方案 (9) (一)方案项下总体业务规划及效益分析 (9) (二)目标客户准入标准 (9) (三)适用产品 (9) (四)授信条件 (10) 四、授信流程................................................................................................10(一)授信流程 (10) (二)审批组合…………………………………………………………………………

(10) (三)审批层级 (10) 五、贷后管理 (10) 六、服务团队 (10) 七、申报结论 (11) 授信调查人员申明: 本人采取如下所列的调查方式对核心企业供应链进行了调查,在收取所有资料复印件时,认真核对资料原件,保证复印件与原件一致,对调查报告所述事实和数据的真实性和有效性负责,承担相应责任。 客户经理1:年月日 客户经理2:年月日 团队负责人:年月日 申报单位(公章):

“神龙汽车”供应链批量开发授信方案调查报告 一、核心企业及供应链概况 (一)核心企业调查概况 神龙汽车有限公司系由中国东风汽车公司和法国雪铁龙汽车公司在中国合资兴建的大型轿车生产企业,是国家“八五”重点建设项目。2003年,中法双方提高合作层次,并将注册资本追加至70亿元,分别由东风汽车集团股份有限公司出资35亿元、法国PSA标致雪铁龙公司出资30.5276亿元,标致汽车公司出资2.2362亿元,雪铁龙汽车公司出资2.2362亿元。神龙公司的主营业务为雪铁龙及标致轿车的生产与销售,同时兼营轿车发动机及有关零部件的生产与销售,公司的主要品牌为东风雪铁龙和东风标致。 2011年神龙公司整体经营指标创造历史最好,全年生产整车37.5 万辆,同比增长42.8% ,销售整车37.3万辆,同比增长38.3%,增幅高于行业平均水平,其中东风雪铁龙销售224001辆、东风标致销售149365辆;累计销售收入达到370亿元。同时该公司创造了单月用户交付接近6万辆,单一车型销量突破10万辆的历史纪录;全年累计实现销售收入突破370亿元,净利润超过30亿,形成“销售收入增幅高于销量增幅,利润增幅高于销售收入增幅”的良好局面。 神龙汽车在我行信用评级为AAA级,现有授信额度超过10亿元,其中可用专项贸易融资额度(核心买方的保理额度)为2亿元。神龙汽车为中外合资汽车生产企业,内部经营管理各项制度合理规范,在与供应链上下游企业交易过程中,不存在交易纠纷、合同违约、拖欠货款、货物质量不稳定等情况。经调查业未发现企业环境不达标、延



採購與供應鏈管理 一、供應鏈的意義與現況 (一)供應鏈的定義 所謂供應鏈( supply chain) 係指提供產品與服務給顧客之產業上、下游廠商所形成之系統。如圖1所示。 圖1供應鏈系統 因此, 供應鏈是指在整個商業交易的一連串過程中, 從供應商到客戶透過不斷的整合與改造, 提升所有廠商的競爭力與客戶價值, 構成所謂的價值鏈。

(二)供應鏈管理之內涵 供應鏈管理( supply chain management / SCM) 係指從供應商到最終使用者間之產品、資訊及資金的雙向流動, 以達成尋求貨品或物料之驗收、製造、配銷及收付款等之成本降低與週期時間減少。詳言之, 供應鏈管理乃在追求下列的目的: 1.減少浪費與無附加價值之活動 (1)減少處理( 交易) 次數 (2)減少過多庫存 2.增加對客戶之服務與反應速度 3.改进供應鏈之溝通 (1)加強資訊之傳輸速度與時效 (2)加強資訊之正確性 (3)加強資訊之分享 4.減少週期時間

(1)新產品開發時間 (2)訂單交期 (3)補充物料或貨品的時間 5.改进協調之努力 (1)持續改進與對共同目標之了解 (三)供應管理與電子商務 1.電子商務( EC) 之意義 係指商品在生產、運送、倉儲到銷售的過程中, 利用現代科技的通訊與電腦結合的加值功能, 促進交易的順暢及效率。 2.EC運作模式 圖2EC運作架構

電子商務之運作, 建立在三個基礎架構上, 參見圖2。最基層是技 術( Technologies) 體系, 包括電子資料交換( EDI) 、電子資金移轉( FEDI or EFT) 等, 中階層是產品補充( Product Replenishment) 體系, 包括自動化訂貨( Automated Store Ordering) 、同步生產 ( Synchronized production) 等, 最上層是品類管理, ( Category Management) 體系, 包括最佳品目( Optimize Assortments) 及產品上市( Optimize Introduction) 等, 各系統之間均能彼此串連接駁( Cross Docking) , 迅速提供交易決策的資訊及可靠有效的作業。 3.EC導入現況 (1)民間 当前電子資料交換, 台灣採用的產業有: 食品、日用品、 PC及PC 週邊、汽車業、精密機械、圖書業等。導入符合聯合國規範的 訊息( UN/EDI) FACT約有13個( 聯合國共有超過100個公佈的標準訊息) 。在技術運用方面, 除了EDI外, 台灣当前使用EOS VAN 及INTERNET或各企業中心形式的網站也佔一定比例。 (2)政府 八十八年七月起分三年八階段推動『電子採購計劃』, 現已推出政府採購資訊招標公告系統, 並即將實施網路領標及下單。 4.EDI採購流程


第二篇供应商管理 采购产品和服务的及时交付以及高质量是确保生产有效运作和向客户及时提供高质量产品的必要保证,因此好的和可信任的供应商是采购管理的关键环节。随着供应商的业绩对制造型组织的影响越来越大,在产品交付、质量、价格、库存水平等方面都影响着组织采购是否成功,因此,组织在发展中越发重视对供应商的开发、评价和监督考核,以及重新确定双方合作关系等多方面进行跟踪,进而保证组织供应链系统的稳定和高效运作,达到大幅提升组织盈利能力的目标。具体来说,搞好供应商管理,组织可以期望实现下述目的:■保证组织产品质量 ■减少库存、降低成本,提高组织盈利能力 ■优势互补,达到双赢 ■优化采购流程,提高采购运作效率 ■提高组织快速响应能力 总之,供应商管理的目标是5个BP:最佳定位(Best Position),最高生产力 (Best Productivity),最优产品(Best Product),最低价格(Best Price),最佳伙伴(Best Partner)。 供应商管理内容包括供应商的开发、供应商认定、供应商监督管理、供应商能力提升、供应商终止等方面。供应商管理过程参见图1: 供应商管理基本原则:“互利共赢、供需匹配、半数比例、战略合作” 1. 与供方互利原则。 公司努力在下述方面开展活动来与供应商建立互利双赢的关系: ◆识别并选择主要的供方。 ◆把与供方的关系建立在兼顾组织和社会的短期利益和长远目标的基础之上。 ◆清楚地、开放式地进行交流。 ◆共同开发和改进产品和过程。 ◆共同理解顾客的需求。 ◆分享信息和对未来的计划。 ◆承认供方的改进和成就。

图1 供应商管理过程图 2. 门当户对原则(匹配性原则) 公司应尽可能选择规模、产品定位与公司相当的供应商,以免由于双方规模和产品定位差异过大、采购比例在供应商总产值中比例过小等导致采购商在新产品设计和试生产配合、量产生产安排、售后服务、需求弹性和价格谈判力量对比等方面不能尽如人意。 3. 半数比例原则 购买数量不应超过供应商产能的50%,避免全额供货的供应商,以防因对某些材料或产品供应商的高依赖程度而带来价格谈判弱势和供应中断风险。选择的供应商自身不得过分依赖于少数客户,避免因供应商自身经营风险带来的供应中断风险。 4. 供应链战略合作伙伴原则 在只有几家供应商可供选择的有限竞争的市场和垄断货源的独家供应市场,以及重



SAP 供应链管理 您需要一个完整、高效的解决方案来链接和增强您的业务您面临巨大的压力: 要降低成本、增进创新、改进客户服务和提高应对能力。SAP供应链管理(SAP SCM) 能够实现了整个供应链网络的合作、规划、执行与协调。 今天, 供应链(Supply Chain)已成为企业间竞争的关键领域, 同时也意味着企业将面临一系列的挑战。这些促使了她们必须 不断加快前进的步伐, 推出个性化和可配置的产品, 确信的承 诺、按时的交货、迅速响应客户不断变化着的需求、爱好及外界的经济环境。 为了取得成功, 您必须尽快解决以下关于供应链方面的问题: 我们如何在无需拥有大量库存的情况下, 对需求作出快速反应? 我们如何与供应商进行协同化工作, 以便随时快速地更改运作计划? 我们如何在保持服务水平的同时, 将现有的库存、固定资产、运输工具减至最低水平? 我们如何将新产品更快地推向市场? 如果产品畅销, 我们如何才能加快进度来满足更高要求? 我们如何在供应链处于满负荷的状态下, 转向基于因特网的电子销售并面对最终客户? 我们如何运用强大的供应链功能来为客 户提供更丰富的选择空间、更快速可靠的生产与交付, 从而使我们从众多竞争者中脱颖而出? 我们如何在供应商不能供货的情

况之下, 满足来自各方的需求? 若要回答和解决上述问题, 您就必须超越传统供应链。合作伙伴间原有的直线型信息处理方式已不能适合新新经济的发展。这种信息处理方式太慢, 太不精确且成本太高, 使您的企业容易被其它拥有协同供应链的竞争对手所蚕食。 由此可见, 您需要创立协同化的环境, 即建立供应链网络。在此供应链网络中, 供应商、制造商、分销商和客户可动态地共享信息, 紧密协作, 向着共同目标发展。 创立协同化的供应链网络 为了帮助您的公司创立协同化的供应链网络, SAP提供了一个功能强大、全面集成的SAP 供应链管理(SAP SCM)解决方案。其所具备的完善功能可协助您管理整个供应链网络: 从供应链规划到物料询价、从需求计划到产品配送。 经过运用SAP SCM, 您和您的合作伙伴就能及时获取客户需求并共享整个供应链中的信息。您能准确预测存货短缺发生的可能性, 并及时进行补货以避免由此可能导致的任何延误, 自始至终确保计划和执行的同步。 为了帮助您的公司创立协同化的供应链网络, SAP提供了一个功能强大、全面集成的SAP SCM。其所具备的完善功能可协


沃尔玛的供应链管 案例2 沃尔玛的供应链管理 沃尔玛是零售业供应链管理的典范。当前,世界上还没有其它任何一 家零售业集团超过沃尔玛百货有限公司而成为世界最大的零售连锁集团。沃尔玛现拥有4000多家营业零售单位,员工总数超过120万人。在刚刚过去的一年里,沃尔玛一举成为全球最大的企业,从而终结了通用公司独霸宝座多年的格局,同时,沃尔玛从一家普通零售企业发展成为今天连锁店遍布全球的成功模式,也引发了经济学者和企业界的极大关注,并谓之为”沃尔玛现象”。 经过对沃尔玛的研究能够发现,沃尔玛给人们留下印象最深刻的,是它

的一整套先进、高效的物流和供应链管理系统。沃尔玛在全球各地的配送中心、连锁店、仓储库房和货物运输车辆,以及合作伙伴(如供应商等),都被这一系统集中、有效地管理和优化,形成了一个灵活、高效的产品生产、配送和销售网络。为此,沃尔玛甚至不惜重金,专门购置了几颗卫星来保证这一网络的信息传递。 一、消费者需求始终是沃尔玛供应链上最重要的环节 ”让顾客满意”是沃尔玛公司的首要目标,”顾客满意是保证未来成 功与成长的最好投资”,这是沃尔玛数十年如一日坚持的经营理念。为此,沃尔玛为顾客提供”高品质服务”和”五条件退款”的承诺绝非一句漂亮的口号。在美国只要是从沃尔玛购买的商品,无需任何理由,甚至没有收据,沃尔玛都无条件受理退款。沃尔玛每周都有对顾客期望和反映的调 查, 管理人员根据计算机信息系统收集信息, 以及经过直接调查收集到的顾客期望即时更新商品的组合, 组织采购, 改进商品陈列摆放, 营造舒适的购物环境。 沃尔玛能够做到及时地将消费者的意见反馈给厂商, 并帮助厂商对产品进行改进和完善。过去, 商业零售企业只是作为中间人, 将商品从生产厂商传递到消费者手里, 反过来再将消费者的意见经过电话或书面形式反馈到厂商那里。看起来沃尔玛并没有独到之处, 可是结果却差异很大。原因在于, 沃尔玛能够参与到上游厂商的生产计划和控制中去, 因此能够将消费者的意见迅速反映到生产中, 而不是简单地充当二传手或者电话话筒。 二、与供应商建立伙伴关系 供应商是沃尔玛唇齿相依的战略伙伴。早在20 世纪80 年代, 沃尔玛采取了一项政策, 要求从交易中排除制造商的销售代理, 直接向制造商订货,同时


物流供应链管理 1

物流&供应链管理 供应链面面观 当面对企业生产、销售流程中的诸问题, 触及众多管理新观念, 究竟哪个是你真正需要的--实时企业信息、全面集成供应链管理还是先进的排程计划? 此时一个企业级管理系统肯定能够帮你忙。当然问题或许全出自你的供应商; 或只因生产厂的能力并未被你充分利用起来。 为解决上述疑难, 首先你必须理解何谓供应链管理。各种用于制造业的现代管理思想, 都融合了供应链的概念, 但一直人们仅把它作为改进供应管理的一种强化行为。那么, 供应链( SupplyChain)到底是什么含义? 供应链实质含”供”与”需”两方面, 亦可理解为供需链。。物流从供方开始, 沿着各个环节向需方移动。每一环节都存在”需方”与”供方”的对应关系, 形成一条首尾相连的供需长链, 称为供应链。链上除物料的流动外还有信息的流动。其中需求信息同物料流动方向相反, 从需方向供方流动; 由需求信息引发的供给信息。同物料一起沿着供应链从供方向需方流动。尽管供应链上的所有环节都应高效率运转, 使产品以可预见的方式最快捷地传送到最终消费者手中, 但必须服从整条供应链--所有环节朝同一目标运转。如图1所示, 各种物料从采购到制造到分销, 是一个不断增加其市场价值或附加值的增值过程, 各环的价值增值也不尽相同。一个环节是多最关键主要取决于它能带来多大的增值价值。

下面分别就易耗消费品、耐用消费品、复合制造型的生产厂家作一些分析。 需求管理&分销管理 假设你是一名专事生产香皂、牙膏之类日常消费品的制造商, 你的供应链是由生产、分销和需求三要素组成。显然, 分销是这条链上最关键的环节。整条供应链的目标是: 不论何时, 顾客一进商店就能看见您的商品已准确到位。这也是企业的竞争力所在。令人遗憾的是, 纵横交错的分销网络确保了这种敏捷性, 可同时也常制造麻烦。不确定性能够象瘟疫一样横扫整个分销网络。譬如, 分销点的定购策略变动将引起对你生产厂需求的强烈波动, 有无这种可能? --如果每一个仅为10件的市场需求, 都按照最低为100件的定货需求定货, 将使生产能力顿时告急。 尽管需求稳步限定在10件, 生产厂商看到的仍是无谓运转的加班加点。倘若你的分销网络中有好几级, 一旦每一级都试图按自己的方式各行其是, 问题将更为复杂。导致的后果--工厂无法操纵它面临的广泛波动, 全厂上下都将陷入泥潭。


采购与供应链管理 模板 1

采购与供应链管理 一、供应链的意义与现况 (一)供应链的定义 所谓供应链(supply chain)系指提供产品与服务给顾客之产业上、下游厂商所形成之系统。如图1所示。 图1供应链系统 2

因此,供应链是指在整个商业交易的一连串过程中,从供货商到客户透过不断的整合与改造,提升所有厂商的竞争力与客户价值,构成所谓的价值链。 (二)供应链管理之内涵 供应链管理(supply chain management / SCM)系指从供货商到最终使用者间之产品、信息及资金的双向流动,以达成寻求货品或物料之验收、制造、配销及收付款等之成本降低与周期时间减少。详言之,供应链管理乃在追求下列的目的: 1.减少浪费与无附加价值之活动 (1)减少处理(交易)次数 (2)减少过多库存 2.增加对客户之服务与反应速度 3.改进供应链之沟通 (1)加强信息之传输速度与时效 3

(2)加强信息之正确性 (3)加强信息之分享 4.减少周期时间 (1)新产品开发时间 (2)订单交期 (3)补充物料或货品的时间 5.改进协调之努力 (1)持续改进与对共同目标之了解 (三)供应管理与电子商务 1.电子商务(EC)之意义 系指商品在生产、运送、仓储到销售的过程中,利用现代科技的通讯与计算机结合的加值功能,促进交易的顺畅及效率。 2.EC运作模式 4

图2EC运作架构 电子商务之运作,建立在三个基础架构上,参见图2。最基层是技术(Technologies)体系,包括电子数据交换(EDI)、电子资金移转(FEDI or EFT)等,中阶层是产品补充(Product Replenishment)体系,包括自动化订货(Automated Store Ordering)、同步生产(Synchronized production)等,最上层是品类管理,(Category Management)体系,包括最佳品目(Optimize Assortments)及产品上市(Optimize Introduction)等,各系统之间均能彼此串连接驳(Cross Docking),迅速提供交易决策的信息及可靠有效的作业。 3.EC导入现况 (1)民间 当前电子数据交换,台湾采用的产业有:食品、日用品、PC及PC外围、汽车业、精密机械、图书业等。导入符合联合国规范的讯息 (UN/EDI)FACT约有13个(联合国共有超过100个公布的标准讯 5
