

The art of gift giving Appropriate: adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的

vt. 占用,拨出

Funeral: n葬礼,麻烦事;

adj 丧葬的,出殡的

client: n 客户,顾客,经托人

offensive:adj. 攻击的;冒犯的;无礼的;讨厌的

n. 攻势;攻击

prohibit: vt. 阻止,禁止

indicate: vt. 表明;指出;预示;象征

even:偶数; od:奇数

superstition:n 迷信

intimate:adj. 亲密的;私人的;精通的;有性关系的

n. 知己;至交

vt. 暗示;通知;宣布

insulting: adj. 侮辱的,无礼的;污蔑的;损害人体的v. 侮辱;损害(insult的ing形式)modesty: n. 谦逊;质朴;稳重

All in the stars ?Horoscope: n. 占星术;星象;十二宫图?Astrologer: n. 占星家

?zodiac: n. 黄道带,十二宫图

?constellation: n. [天] 星座;星群;荟萃;兴奋丛?characterisitic: adj. 典型的;特有的;表示特性的 n. 特征;特性;特色

?look before you leap:三思而后行

?not looking too rosy:不是太乐观

?vague:adj. 模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的

?light-hearted: adj. 轻松的;无忧无虑的

?fall into place:依序排列,逐渐被理解

?passion: n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒

?rebellious: adj. 反抗的;造反的;难控制的?dynamic:adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的? n. 动态;动力

?arouse: vt. 引起;唤醒;鼓励

? vi. 激发;醒来;发奋

?dominate: vt. 控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位? vi. 占优势;处于支配地位?compatible: adj. 兼容的;能共处的;可并立的?fate: n. 命运

vt. 注定

?winter solstice: 冬至(节气)

Astronomy ?carbonate: vt. 使充满二氧化碳;使变成碳酸盐

n. 碳酸盐

?bacteria: n. [微] 细菌

?telescope: vt. 压缩;使套叠

vi. 套叠;变短

n. 望远镜;缩叠式旅行袋

?astronomer: n. 天文学家

?civilization: n. 文明;文化

? headline: n. 大标题;内容提要;栏外标题;头版头条新闻 vt. 给…加标题;使成为注意中心;大力宣传

?inhabit: vt. 栖息;居住于;占据

vi. (古)居住;栖息

?influential: adj. 有影响的;有势力的

n. 有影响力的人物

?equatorial: adj. 赤道的,近赤道的;中纬线的

n. 赤道仪

?meteorite: n. 陨星;流星

?asteroid: n. [天] 小行星;[无脊椎] 海盘车;小游星

adj. 星状的

?orbit: n. 轨道;眼眶;势力范围;生活常规

vi. 盘旋;绕轨道运行

vt. 绕…轨道而行

?carbonate: vt. 使充满二氧化碳;使变成碳酸盐

n. 碳酸盐

?fossil: n. 化石;僵化的事物;顽固不化的人

adj. 化石的;陈腐的,守旧的

?organism: n. 有机体;生物体;微生物

?primitive: adj. 原始的,远古的;简单的,粗糙的

n. 原始人

?contaminated: adj. 受污染的;弄脏的

v. 污染(contaminate的过去式)

the jury is still out: 1. 陪审团尚未做出的判决

2. 人们还没有一定的看法,众说纷纭,莫衷一是

British food

?disgusting: adj. 令人厌恶的


?sausage: n. 香肠;腊肠;装香肠的碎肉

?get by with: 用...对付过去;做(某事)而没有被发现或受责备?cereal: n. 谷类,谷物;谷类食品;谷类植物

adj. 谷类的;谷类制成的

?commute: vt. 减刑;交换;用……交换;使……变成

vi. 通勤;代偿

n. 通勤(口语)

?starving: adj. 饥饿的;挨饿的

v. 挨饿(starve的ing形式);使饿死

?delicate: adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的;纤弱的;清淡可口的

?pastry: n. 油酥点心;面粉糕饼

?crush: vt. 压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入

vi. 挤;被压碎

n. 粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群

?dip: vt. 浸,泡,蘸;舀取;把伸入

vi. 浸;下降,下沉;倾斜;舀,掏

n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿

?sprinkle: n. 撒,洒;少量

vt. 洒;微雨;散置

vi. 洒,撒;下稀疏小雨;喷撒

?stink: n. 臭味;讨厌的人

vi. 发出臭味;招人讨厌

vt. 使发出臭气;用臭味驱赶

A romantic story

?head over heels: 颠倒;完全地;头朝下

?whatsoever: pron. 无论什么

?permanent: adj. 永久的,永恒的;不变的

n. 烫发(等于permanent wave)

?grin: v. 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑

n. 露齿笑

?ignorant: adj. 无知的;愚昧的

?lick: vt. 舔;卷过;鞭打

vt. (非正式)战胜

vi. 舔;轻轻拍打

n. 舔;打;少许

?breeze: n. 微风;轻而易举的事;煤屑;焦炭渣;小风波

vi. 吹微风;逃走

?leap: vi. 跳,跳跃

n. 飞跃;跳跃

vt. 跳跃,跳过;使跃过

?cuddle: vi. 拥抱;偎依;舒服地贴著身睡

vt. 拥抱;亲热地搂住;抚爱地拥抱

n. 搂抱,拥抱

The archaeology of today

?undertake: vt. 承担,保证;从事;同意;试图

?hazardous: adj. 有危险的;冒险的;碰运气的

?discard: vt. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃

vi. 放弃

n. 抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人

?random: adj. [数] 随机的;任意的;胡乱的

n. 随意

adv. 胡乱地

?partially: adv. 部分地;偏袒地

?dump: vt. 倾倒;倾卸;丢下,卸下;摆脱,扔弃;倾销

vi. 倒垃圾;突然跌倒或落下;卸货;转嫁(责任等)

n. 垃圾场;仓库;无秩序地累积

?going off(go off): 离开;进行;变质;睡去

?refine: vt. 精炼,提纯;改善;使…文雅

?lump: n. 块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人

vt. 混在一起;使成块状;忍耐;笨重地移动

vi. 结块

adj. 成团的;总共的

adv. 很;非常

?affluent: adj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的

n. 支流;富人

?exotic: adj. 异国的;外来的;异国情调的

?go stale: 精疲力竭

?shudder: n. 发抖;战栗;震动

vi. 发抖;战栗

The home truth

?humble: adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的

vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气?refuge: n. 避难;避难所;庇护

vt. 给予…庇护;接纳…避难

vi. 避难;逃避

?outright: adv. 全部地;立刻地;率直地;一直向前;痛快地

adj. 完全的,彻底的;直率的;总共的?renovate: vt. 更新;修复;革新;刷新

?spectacularly: adv. 壮观地;引人注目地

?mortgage: vt. 抵押

n. 抵押


?cater: vt. 投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务?outstrip: vt. 超过;胜过;比…跑得快

?compelling: adj. 引人注目的;强制的;激发兴趣的

v. 强迫;以强力获得(compel的ing形式)?bricks and mortar: 房屋


?obsession: n. 痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理] 强迫观念?familiar: adj. 家族的;家庭的;遗传的

?terrace: n. 平台;梯田;阳台

vt. 使成梯田,使成阶地;使有平台屋顶

vi. 成阶地;成梯田;筑成坛

adj. (女服)叠层式的

?terraced: adj. 阶地的;有平台的;沿斜坡建造的

?run down: vt. 撞倒;使…变弱;停止;浏览;追溯

?ladder: n. 阶梯;途径;梯状物

vi. 成名;发迹

vt. 在……上装设梯子

A world of plants ?motorway: n. 高速公路,汽车高速公路

?crater: n. 火山口;弹坑

vt. 在…上形成坑;取消;毁坏

vi. 形成坑;消亡

?gigantic: adj. 巨大的,庞大的

?dome: n. 圆屋顶

vi. 成圆顶状

vt. 加圆屋顶于…上

?hexagons: n. 六角形,六边形

adj. 成六角的;成六边的?reproduce: vt. 复制;再生;生殖;使…在脑海中重现

vi. 复制;繁殖

?biome: n. [生态] 生物群系;[生态] 生物群落区?citrus: n. [园艺] 柑橘属果树;柑橘类的植物

adj. 柑橘属植物的

?olive: n. 橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄色

adj. 橄榄的;橄榄色的

?grove: n. 小树林;果园

?vine: n. 藤;葡萄树;藤本植物;攀缘植物

vi. 长成藤蔓;爬藤

?cork: n. 软木橡树皮;瓶塞;软木塞

vt. 用瓶塞塞住

?moist: adj. 潮湿的;多雨的;含泪的

n. 潮湿

?jungle: n. 丛林,密林;危险地带

adj. 丛林的;蛮荒的

?conserve: vt. 保存;将…做成蜜饯;使守恒

n. 果酱;蜜饯

?teak: n. 柚木

?mahogany: n. 桃花心木,红木;红褐色

?nudge: n. 推动;用肘轻推;没完没了抱怨的人

vt. 推进;用肘轻推;向…不停地唠叨

vi. 轻推;推进;唠叨

?crescent-shaped: adj. 新月形的

Blue jeans ?patent: vt. 授予专利;取得…的专利权

adj. 专利的;新奇的;显然的

n. 专利权;执照;专利品

?be fond of: 爱好;喜爱

?plantation: n. 栽植;殖民;大农场

adj. 适用于种植园或热带、亚热带国家的?colony: n. 殖民地;移民队

?dye: n. 染料;染色

vt. 染;把…染上颜色

vi. 被染色

?indigo: n. 靛蓝,靛蓝染料;靛蓝色;槐蓝属植物 adj. 靛蓝色的

?manufacturer: n. 制造商;[经] 厂商

?overalls: n. [服装] 工装裤;工作裤

?wholesale: adj. 批发的;大规模的

n. 批发

adv. 大规模地;以批发方式

vt. 批发

vi. 批发;经营批发业

?rip: vt. 撕;锯

vi. 裂开,被撕裂

n. 裂口,裂缝

?metal: n. 金属;合金

vt. 以金属覆盖

adj. 金属制的

?rivet: n. 铆钉

vt. 铆接;固定;(把目光、注意力等)集中于?fastener: n. 扣件;钮扣;按钮;使系牢之物

?patch: n. 眼罩;斑点;碎片;小块土地

vt. 修补;解决;掩饰

vi. 打补丁

?ranch: n. 大农场;大牧场

vi. 经营牧场;在牧场工作

vt. 经营牧场;在牧场饲养…

?waist: n. 腰,腰部

?off duty: 下班

?casual: adj. 随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的

?n. 便装;临时工人;待命士兵

?rival: n. 对手;竞争者

vt. 与…竞争;比得上某人

vi. 竞争

adj. 竞争的

?rebellion: n. 叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从

?hippy: n. 嬉皮士

?embroider: vt. 刺绣;装饰;镶边

vi. 绣花;刺绣

?flare: vt. 使闪耀;使张开;用发光信号发出;使外倾

vi. 闪耀,闪光;燃烧;突然发怒

n. 闪光,闪耀;耀斑;爆发;照明弹

?decadence: n. 堕落,颓废;衰落

?sweatshop: n. 血汗工厂;剥削劳力的工厂

?chain: n. 链;束缚;枷锁

vt. 束缚;囚禁;用铁链锁住

?rebel: vi. 反叛;反抗;造反

n. 反叛者;叛徒

adj. 反抗的;造反的

?ubiquitous: adj. 普遍存在的;无所不在的

A ghost story

?viewfinder: n. 取景器;反光镜;检像器

?frames: n. [计][电子][通信] 帧,[电影] 画面;[建][计] 框架;眼镜架(frame 的复数)

?darkroom: n. 暗房;[摄] 暗室

?negative: adj. [数] 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的

n. 否定;负数;[摄] 底片

vt. 否定;拒绝

?granny: n. 奶奶;外婆;婆婆妈妈的人

?lamp: n. 灯;照射器

vt. 照亮

vi. 发亮

?shriek: vi. 尖叫;促人注意

vt. 尖声发出

n. 尖声;尖锐的响声

?bleak: adj. 阴冷的;荒凉的,无遮蔽的;黯淡的,无希望的;冷酷的;单调的?peer: vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视

vt. 封为贵族;与…同等

n. 贵族;同等的人

?recede: vi. 后退;减弱

vt. 撤回

?cremate: vt. 火葬;烧成灰

?snap: vt. 突然折断,拉断;猛咬;啪地关上

vi. 咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关上

n. 猛咬;劈啪声;突然折断

adj. 突然的

?swing: n. 摇摆;摆动;秋千;音律;涨落

vi. 摇摆;转向;悬挂;大摇大摆地行走

vt. 使旋转;挥舞;悬挂

adj. 旋转的;悬挂的;强节奏爵士音乐的

?roundabout: adj. 迂回的,绕道的;圆滚滚的

n. 迂回路线;环状交叉路口

?panick: vt. 恐慌

?pervert: vt. 使堕落;滥用;使反常

n. 堕落者;行为反常者;性欲反常者

?portray: vt. 描绘;扮演

大学英语B 阅读理解答案

阅读理解 B 42、Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civil relights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led over 250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech "I Have a Dream" before the Lincoln Memorial. The "dream" is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later. Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by the Americans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther King's honor. He lives in people's hearts forever. (1)、Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Martin Luther King was a black minister only. A:T B:F 答案:B (3)、Martin Luther King's Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years. A:T B:F 答案:A (4)、The underlined word "delivered" in the second paragraph could be replaced by "gave". A:T B:F 答案:A (5)、The best title for this passage is "Civil Rights Law". A:T B:F 答案:B 43、A public house which was recently bought by Mr. James is up for sale. He is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼的). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr. James had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost (鬼) must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, he shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept it even if he gives it away. (1)、Mr. James was the owner of the public house. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Mr. James had not turned off the lights that night. A:T B:F 答案:B (3)、Mr. James built the house. A:T B:F 答案:B (4)、Mr. James found sixty empty bottles. A:T B:F 答案:B (5)、The writer of the passage believes Mr. James' story. A:T B:F 答案:B 44、Great changes have been made in family life because of science and industry. In the past, when more Americans lived on farms, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families can not be moved from place to place as smaller families can. So, at present people tend to have smaller families. In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consists only of a man and a woman. A small number of families may take child raising as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other people's children, leaving those families free to move from job to job. (1)、The passage discusses influence of science and industry on American families. A:T B:F 答案:A (2)、Families of the past, the present and the future are described in the passage. A:T B:F 答案:A (3)、People no longer want to have children. A:T B:F 答案:B (4)、Grandparents will take the chief responsibility of raising children in the future. A:T B:F 答案:B (5)、Large families cannot fit in with a highly industrialized society. A:T B:F 答案:A 45、My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked well, but I found one of my husband's socks missing. I looked everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The next morning, I got ready for school as usual. When the bell rang, the students came in. I greeted them first and then told them what we were going to do that day. When I turned around to write on the blackboard, the class broke out a roar! They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was afraid the headmaster would be into seeing all this. I asked the class to stop, but the more I talked, the more they laughed. I decided to pay no attention to them and I continued to write on the blackboard. When I did this, they roared even more. Finally, the teacher who had the room next to mine came in to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too!


梦的解析读后感读书笔记1000字五篇 《梦的解析》是西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的一部经典心理学著作,该书引入了本我概念,向读者讲述了潜意识理论。关于《梦的解析》读后感怎么写?下面是我给大家整理的《梦的解析》读后感范文,欢迎大家来参阅。 梦的解析读后感1000字(一) 虽说本人曾经写过一篇关于《梦的解析》的读后感,但只是将该书的大致内容加以概括,并进行议论,并没有更深一步的思考。所以我想借这篇读后感,单独的谈谈书中弗洛伊德所提到的关于人格结构的观点。 《三字经》中说道:“人之初,性本善。”而据我的理解,弗洛伊德的观点恰恰与其相反。他认为人在幼年时期的思想、本性是邪恶的。而我比较赞同后者的观点。 首先,需要了解弗洛伊德所认为的人格结构。人格结构是由本我、自我和超我组成。本我是指原始的自己,包含生存所需的基本欲望、冲动和生命力。本我按快乐原则行事,它不理会社会道德、外在的行为规范,它唯一的要求是获得快乐,避免痛苦。自我是自己可意识到的执行思考、感觉、判断或记忆的部分,自我的机能是从本我那儿得到满足,并且手段必须合理合法,它遵循的是“现实原则”,为本我服务。超我,是人格结构中代表理想的部分,它是人在成长过程中内化道德规范等形成的,其机能主要是监督、批判及管束自己的行为,它追求完美,所以它是非现实的,超我要求自我按社会可接受的方式去满足本我,它所遵循的是“道德原则”。一个人在社会化过程中要想保持心理健康,这三个部分必

须始终是和谐的。 人在刚出生时,超我可以说是不存在的,因为婴儿没有受过任何教育,所以调节本我和超我的自我也没多大用处。所谓山上无老虎,猴子称大王,本我便是如此占据了大部分位子。婴儿在渴、饿、不舒服时会嚎啕大哭,这便是本我的表现。那为什么说婴儿的本性是邪恶的呢?因为婴儿“想要什么就要什么的”思想是不被社会所认可和接纳的,这种思想与强盗无异,只不过婴儿没有成人的行动能力罢了。 当人逐渐成长后,接触到了各种各样的道德规范,这些无形的束缚在被超我吸收后,超我渐渐强大起来。此时,自我便成了“和事佬”,为了满足本我的基本需求,又要遵守道德规范,自我就需要在两者间进行调节,所以人成年之后本性是否善良取决于超我是否强大。简而言之,本性是靠教育得来的。 中国为何要普及九年制教育,我想其一大原因就是人类是需要不断地接受教育的,只有这样社会才能和谐稳定地发展下去。 梦的解析读后感1000字(二) 在我的认知里梦是人心里状态的一种反映,而这种心里状态很有可能是在白天所思考的事情,也很有可能是存在于潜意识的,恐怕这就是所谓的“日有所思夜有所梦”吧! 想必那些都是人人都明白的,但从来没有人把它与心理学进行挂勾,都只是轻描淡写的一句:“一个梦而已,有什么好研究的!”但对于科学领域而言《梦的解析》乃是一个具有重要性意义的发现!而我也对书中有关于1900年以前有关梦的研究也颇为感兴趣,不只是由于对于未知领域我充满了好奇,还是费洛伊以他那独特的手法向我展示了一个不一样的神秘的世界,简言之费洛伊特就是那么

2018年大学英语读书笔记4篇-word范文 (6页)

2018年大学英语读书笔记4篇-word范文 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 大学英语读书笔记4篇 本文目录 1.大学英语读书笔记 2.大学英语的读书笔记范文 3.大学英语读书笔记 A Tale of Two Cities 4.大学英语读书笔记 Notre Dame cathedral i have never been to troy, but david maule made me feel as if i were standing on the high wall of troy, watching the fierce war. thanks to this british author, who adapted the famous homer’s poem into a lively story, i found it easier to understand this story. though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, i was deeply fascinated by it. the mysterious plot is one of the reasons why i loved the story of troy so much, yet i am more interested in the human heroes of the war. hector was the eldest son of king of troy, priam. he was not only a real hero of trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in greek classic by later historians. the war started because of the mischief of his brother, paris, whom he didn’t appreciate. however, since hector was the commander of the trojan army, he was obliged to fight with all force. it was really a tragedy that such a valiant man died in the duel with another great warrior, achilles. it is natural to see death in a war. as a famous chinese parable says, “a life can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as mount tai.” sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom. achilles was such a typical person. his persona l charm made the story of troy more attractive. he was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged his fellow soldiers and terrified the enemies. actually, achilles was half-god who was almost invincible in people’s mind. that’s why his nam e was memorized long after his death.


新视野大学英语快速阅读第三册答案全 Unit1 Passage1 1—5 DCDCD 6—8 AAB Passage2 1 smart enough 2 enters the house 3 only one act 4 properly trained 5 race horses 6 500 to 600 7 because used to each other 8 family or food Passage3 1—5 ADDAD 6—7 AC 8 talking 9 direct commands 10 cultural,not personal Passage4 1—5 Y Y N NG N 6—7 N Y

8 the individual 9 responsible behavior 10 written budget Unit2 Passage1 1—5 Y Y N Y N 6—8 N NG Y Passage2 1 the use of drugs 2 dull and hopeless 3 more and more drugs 4 LSD 5 really able to do 6 long jail sentences 7 dangerous situations 8 full of tension Passage3 1—5 ACBDC 6—7 DA 8 skills courses 9 certificates 10 world communication Passage4 1—5 NG Y N Y Y

6—7 Y N 8 it is easier 9 confront different challenges 10 allowing everything Unit3 Passage1 1—5 BCBAC 6—8 CAC Passage2 1 900 miles 2 weeks of time 3 the kind of boats 4 getting into the mud 5 different levels of water 6 man-made lakes 7 the force of the water 8 the photographys taken from spaceships Passage3 1—5 DBCAB 6—7 AD 8 the chain store 9 th e firm’s expenses Passage4 1—5 N NG N Y N


《梦的解析》读书笔记范文 《梦的解析》叙述了弗洛伊德对于梦的看法以及在进行精神分析的心理辅导时解梦的 方法。读梦的解析,你的笔记知道怎么写了吗?来看看小编精心为你整理梦的解析读书笔记,希望你喜欢 我想大多数人都曾经做过关于考试的梦,我原来对此的理解只是因为我们太过重视这 些考试而且害怕取不到好成绩才会做这样的梦,但其实这对我们现实生活中并没有任何帮助。但是弗洛伊德指出,考试的梦往往发生于梦者隔天就要从事某种可能有风险而且必须 承担后果的大事时。同时他认为,梦者不会梦到他以前考试不及格的经历,而会常梦到过 去那些当时担心通不过,花费了很大心血,而后却发现并不是这么难通过的那类考试。这让我意识到,原来这类考试梦并不是毫无意义的,其实这类梦是在提醒我们不要太过害怕紧张,因为即使过去很害怕的考试也一样通过了,梦境是在给我们心理暗示提醒我们只要尽力一般都会通过将近的考试的。尽管这本书享有很高的赞誉,但是在我看来应该理 性辩证地去学习它,而不是一眛地照搬全收。或许是我阅历太少,知识量太贫乏,但在我 看来,弗洛伊德在这本书中有两个方面是我不能轻易完全认同的。1、弗洛伊德在全书中 把人的欲望都归结于性本能的驱使,把所有本“清白纯洁”的梦都看成是因为稽查作用的效果,而稽查作用的动机明显就是性因素。弗洛伊德把梦中出现的物体都联想到了性,例如 一切长形物体,如手杖、树枝、雨伞都象征男性生殖器,而盒子、箱子、柜子等中空物体 都象征子宫,而上、下阶梯都象征性活动......这些让我觉得有些言过其实。因为在我看来,人不是只有对性这一欲望的追求,不同的人有不同的价值偏向。他把人的一切梦的隐义都 与梦者潜意识中的本能欲望联系起来,这太牵强了。他根据其性欲理论来解释梦,不是把 人看作社会的人,而单纯看成是一种生物。但也有可能是因为我是受这些传统的中国文化 影响,在我的梦中多以遵从权威、崇尚礼仪的人文传统为主题,或是其实这些都暗中指向“性”而我不自知。2、弗洛伊德对梦的解析在我看来显得有些过于主观,带有强烈的主观 能动性。他对梦的解析尽管考虑了梦者的童年经历、近期经历、想法观念,但是他对材料 的选取却没有一个标准的规则,而是任意从中抽取能够支持他观点的材料加以拼接而成,这让我们没有办法对自己的梦足够客观地进行分析。 梦代表愿望的达成,但是如何来解释让人焦虑的梦,让人感到惊恐的梦?梦是需要解 释的,并非梦表面所显示的意义那么简单,这就是梦的伪装特征。 通过种种的例子,我们可以充分证明:一个看起来内容很痛苦的梦,其实是可以解析 成是愿望的达成的。我们不要认为这些在解析时发现的,“碰巧”就是人们平时不愿意去想 或去做的一些事。其实这些令人不快的感觉,和平时我们面对不愿做或不愿提的事所产生 的反感情绪一样的,是在解开梦之谜底的时候,必须克服的种种阻力。当我将所有不愉快 性质和梦的伪装一起来考虑分析,得出这样的结论:这些梦都是经过伪装的,梦中的愿望,


Pride and Prejudice Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters. The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century. The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book. The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in poss ession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man. I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughte rs. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century. In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social position s are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married. In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may in fluence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our


Unit 1 Johnny the Explorer 约翰尼探险家 Johnny was three when he ran away from home for the first time. Somebody left the garden gate open. Johnny wandered out, crossed some fields, and two hours later, arrived in the next village. He was just able to give his name and address. 当约翰尼第一次离家出走时,他只有 3岁。有些人的花园门口敞开着。约翰尼越过这些地段就漫步出去了,接着 2个小时后,他到了下一个村子。他只能说出他的名字和地址。 By the time he was seven, Johnny used to vanish from home two to three times a year. Sometimes he covered quite long distances on foot. On other occasions he got on a bus or even a train, and simply sat there until someone asked for his ticket. Generally the police brought him home. "Why do you do it?" they used to ask. "You aren't unhappy at home, are you? .... " "Of course not," Johnny replied. "Then why?" "I just like seeing places," Johnny told them. 等到他 7岁的以后,约翰尼经常离家出走,一年内有两到三次。有时他步行到很远的地方。其他时候,他通常坐公共汽车或甚至坐火车外出,并朴素地坐在里面直到有人来买票。通常警察来带他回家。“为什么你要离家出走?” 警察们问他,“你在家里是幸福的,不是吗? .... ”“当然不是不幸福,”约翰尼回答道。“那是为什么呢?”“我只是喜欢外出探险, ”约翰尼告诉他们。 Johnny continued to "see places" although everyone tried to stop him. His parents used to watch him closely, and so did his teachers; but sooner or later Johnny managed to slip away. As he grew older, his favorite trick was to hide on a long distance truck. Sometimes he used to travel hundreds of miles before anyone discovered him.


大学英语一阅读理解 一、阅读理解(共505题,共101分) 1. Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled—to $1. 01 per pack—smokers have jammed telephone “quit lines” acro ss the country seeking to kick the habit. This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase. The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely. In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drugstore Wednesday. Charleston, S, C., where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4. 78. The influence is obvious. In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys—13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records. Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.” That’s true, But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better. (1分) (1) The text is mainly about___________. (0.2分) A.the price of cigarettes B.the rate of teen smoking C.the effect of tobacco tax increase D.the differences in tobacco tax rate 标准答案:C (2) What does the author think is a surprise? (0.2分) A.Teen smokers are price sensitive. B.Some states still keep the tobacco tax low. C.Tobacco taxes improve public health. D.Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise. 标准答案:B (3) The underlined word "deter” in Paragr aph 3 most probably means . (0.2分) A.discarding B.remove C.benefit D.free 标准答案:A (4) Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of . (0.2分) A.tolerance B.unconcern C.doubt D.sympathy 标准答案:D (5) What can we learn from the last paragraph? (0.2分) A.The new tax will be beneficial in the long run. B.Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.


梦境里的真实 ——《梦的解析》读书笔记对于佛洛依德所著的《梦的解析》这本书,我在很早以前就听说过,但却从没有读过它。我一直以为这本书可能是类似于《周公解梦》,把梦中的事物都给出其代表的具体意义,所以一直觉得这本书不值得一读。直到上节课老师提起了这本书并举了几个例子以后我才知道了这本书的具体内容。因为我对人的潜意识这方面比较感兴趣,我觉得一个人能成为怎样的人以及取得怎样的成果都决定于他的潜意识,所以我就读了一下这本书。 由于接近期末考试,到目前为止我还没有读完这本书,但是我觉得书的中心思想可以总结为一句话“梦是愿望的达成”。在书中无论是浅显的梦还是深奥难懂的梦,无论是梦的显意还是隐意,佛洛依德认为大多数都是愿望的达成。书的第三章中也提到“梦无论是如何地复杂,大部分均可以解释为愿望的达成”而他认为梦的唯一作用便是满足人的意识层面上的以及或者说更多的是满足人的潜意识中的愿望。 弗洛伊德博士被认为是精神分析学之父,他的革命性著作《梦的解析》是其早期著作之一。这本书的出版宣告了梦即将在精神分析这个新领域,以及它所出现的新世纪里发挥重要的作用。 弗洛伊德认为,每一种人格都是由三部分构成的: 1、本我,即潜意识部分。也?灵的这一部分与快乐和欲望有关。弗洛伊 德认为这个领域是潜意识的领域。 2、自我,即意识部分。心灵的这一部分可以体验到外部世界。 3、超我,即起审察作用的部分。这种精神的审查者会把道德规范强加给自我,并阻止本我的那些无法被人接受的冲动。 弗洛伊德在书中提到:“梦,它不是空穴来风、不是毫无意义的、不是荒谬的、也不是一部分意识昏睡,而只有少部分乍睡少醒的产物。它完全是有意义的精神现象。实际上,是一种愿望的达成。它可以算是一种清醒状态精神活动的延续。它是由高度错综复杂的智慧活动所产生的。”弗洛伊德指出,只有在超我放松了警惕的睡梦中,本我的原始欲望才有可能为人们意识到,于是这些欲望才以梦的形式表现出来。梦是在我们睡眠时所发生的精神活动,由于它本身不受外界限制,因而可以天马行空,也就决定了它满足愿望的作用以及愿望的达成的内容。一个人很想做某件事,实现某个愿望,但在现实生活中却没办法做成或者实现,心理上受到压抑。一旦进入了睡眠状态,所有的意念就自由地,毫无限制地涌现,在梦中满足现实中不满足。 小时候每当我告诉大人我们所做的梦时,在期待他们能给我们一种解释中,最后却只能得到一句话“日有所思,夜有所梦”,然后原先的问题又被踢回给自己。当我们自己挖空心思,拼命的回想做梦当天曾在大脑中想过什么,却又经常发现梦中的内容出现的毫无理由。但有时大人们有时又会认为梦是对未来的一种预示,再梦到不好的事物时总会提醒我们注意安全之类的事。 在读完《梦的解析》后才知道原来那句“日有所思,夜有所梦”不是毫无道理,也不是完全正确。而梦是对未来的预示之一说法确实无稽之谈,弗洛伊德在本书中强调梦预示未来的不可能性,并说不管从哪个角度来解析,梦都是源于过去。也就是说,我们梦的内容来源是过去某段时间,它不局限于近期,而涵盖过去的每一天。所以在“所思”后就很又能产生“所梦”。而这其中以每个人的童年记忆最为深刻。比如在《梦的解析》中作者举过的那个经常梦到“黄狮子”的同事,虽然记不起孩童时期最喜爱的玩具,但却能在梦醒后清楚描绘出它的样子。而不断梦到这个记忆里早已忘记的小狮子无疑是潜意识里的记起。这也引出弗洛伊德关于“梦”的解析的一个著名观点。
