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设计 Design 将建筑物设置在开敞空间的边缘。 通过建筑形体的清晰组合,建立起绿化区域和 池塘的视觉联系。 建筑形体的设计要适应基地的尺度。 增强地标性的建筑物,以增强视觉通廊和强调 特殊的场所。
Locate buildings on the edges of open space. Articulate building massing to establish visual relationgships with green areas and ponds. Design building massing to the scale of the site. Introduce landmark buildings to reinforce view corridors and highlight special places.
设计 Design 地下空间引入自然光。 创造室内下沉庭院,将地下系统和景观联系起 来。 通过两层连通的空间和天窗使用创造视觉联系, 提高地下空间的方 向感。
Introduce natural light to underground spaces. Create out door sunken courtyards to connect underground system with the landscape. Create visual connections through the use of double height spaces and skylights to improve orientation sithin underground space.
功Fra Baidu bibliotek Function 在中心区内为开敞空间创造一个城市框架。 保持与绿化区域最佳的联系。 的建筑与景观成为一个整体。
Create an urban framework for the open spaces within the central area. Maximize relationships with green areas. Reinforce view corridors.
设计 Design 利用建筑的形体吸引人们的注意并创造多样化 的街景 通过建筑体块间的清晰组合,确保所有建筑具 有充足的阳光和良好 的朝向。 在任何可能的地方设计可以在炎炎夏日提供街 道遮阴的建筑形体。 将低矮的商业建筑和版式楼房和塔楼结合起来, 使得街道的界面尽 可能大。 讲建筑基座分离成更小的体块。在建筑体块内 创造步行尺度的空 间。
功能 Function 将公共空间延伸到建筑室内。 创造躲避不利空间的公众可达空间。 为各种团体提供室内集会场所。
Extend public spaces to the interior of the buildings. Create weather-protected spaces that are accessible to the public. Provide interior gathering places for the university community.
设计 Design 在向公众开放的建筑物之间设置遮阴屋顶和创 建其它公共区域 地步行联系。 设计大尺度的室内通道和拱廊,避免障碍物和 尽量减少坡度 的变化。 提供在视觉上与公共空间和胸围建筑有联系的 路径。
Provide shade roofs between buildings that are open to the public and create pedestrian links to other public areas. Design interior passages and arcades of generous dimensions, free of obstacles, and minimizing grade changes. Provide pathways that are visually connected to the public space and significant building.
设计 Design 在公共广场的边缘设置高层建筑。 将与广场相邻的建筑物底层开放。 将建筑物的出入口设施的公共广场上。
Locate high rise structures at the edge of public plazas. Open the ground level of building
设计 Design 提供遮阳和有顶盖的建筑以保护步行者,使其 不受不利天气 因素的干扰。 在与人行道相同的平面设置零售购物空间,积 极创造连续的 步行空间,避免出现障碍物和空间等级的变化。 在建筑退缩线以内设置雨棚和柱廊。人行道上 空最低不应少 于4米或者与相邻的地块保持协调一致。
Provide shade and roof structures that protect pedestrians from negative weather conditions. Locate shops and retail at the same level of the sidewalk. Make for continuous pedestrian movement, free of obstacles and grade changes. Marquees and colonnades to be used within setback areas. The minimum height should be 4m over the sidewalk or coordinated with adjacent parcels.
功能 Function 在中心区内为开敞空间创造一个城市框架。 保持与绿化区域最佳的联系。 的建筑与景观成为一个整体。
Create an urban framework for the open spaces within the central area. Maximize relationships with green areas. Reinforce view corridors.
设计 Design 利用通透性和采光设计在礼堂上联系将大厅和 中庭于街道联系起 来。 将这些空间中强化其公共特性的景观特征和设 置整体化。提供自然 采光和通风。 设计大厅和中庭作为公共环境的扩展。 在此类空间中设置公众感兴趣的用途和节目。
Use transparency and lighting to visually connect labbies and atriums to the streets. Incorporate landscape features and services that reinforce the public character of these spaces. Provde natural light and ventilation. Design lobbies and atriums as extensions of the public environment. Locate uses and programs of public interest within these spaces.
功能 Function 为进出中心区的公共服务的交通枢纽。 提供与换乘站相联系的商业区。 为与换乘中心毗邻的地块之间提供地下步行联 系。
Traffic hubs that serve the public coming in and out of the central district. Provide commercial areas associated with the transit. Provide underground pedestrian links between parcels abutting the transit nodes.
功能 Function 增强街道的活力并提供有助于创造丰富的公共 空间的要素。 为步行空间提供积极的界面。
Reintorce street life and provide elements that help create rich public spaces. Provide active edges at the pedestrian level.
Use the massing of buildings to give innterest and create varitey in the streetscape. Ensure proper sunlight and orientation to all built structures byarticulating the massing of buildings. Whenever possible, design the massing of buildings to providestreet shade during hot summer hours. Combine low-rise commercial buildings with slabs and towers to maxmize street edge. Break podiums to into smaller structures. Create pedestrian scalespaces within the massing.
设计 Design 保持建筑体块的延续性以界定出街道空间。 创造时断时延的街道界面,以富裕公共空间个 性特征并使之丰富起 来。 界定出“街墙”式的街道界面,增强街道的线 性和方向的特征,使 之与广场和林 荫道形成对比。 确定于街道和公共开敞空间紧密相连的公共场 所。
Articulate the massing of buildings to define the space of the street. Create continuous and discontinuous street edges that give character and richness to the public spaces. Directional qualities of streets as opposed to plazas and green corridors. Locate public uses in close relationship to streets and public spaces.
功能 Function 延伸并强化公共步行网络。 建筑结构可以作为建筑体内的连接体或联系。 在建筑内创造公共或半公共的空间。 供步行者躲避不利天气。
Extend and reinforce the public pedestrian network. Enable buliding structures to function as connectors or links within the building block. Create public or semi-public spaces within buildings. Provide weather protection for pedestrians.
功能 Function 增强地区整体城市特征。 提高建成区的密度以创造街道生活。 创造低标性的街道,以提高街区的方香港和作 为地区的参考点。
Reinforc the urban character of the central districts as one that is different from the universities campuse. Create landmark streets that improve the sense of orientation and act as reference points within the central districts. Improve existing density conditions create street life and urban activity.
功能 Function 为街道环境提供适宜的尺度。 为步行者提供遮阴和保护其不受不利天气因素 干扰的设施。
Provide adequate scale to the street environment. Create shade and weather protected conditions for pedestrians