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【英文名】Shrimp Dumpling





chicken wing、chicken finger、(凤爪)flavor(味道):peppery hot、sour。(辣辣酸酸的)

Cantonese tea

Having a Cantonese tea is a historic custom and the most popular activity for Cantonese,there are morning

tea,afternoon tea and night tea.Cantonese are used to chat with the family members and friends in the restaurant while having a cup of tea and Dim Sum,

There are plenty of restaurants serving Dim Sum in Guangzhou where is usually full of customers

.In the morning,people used to go to the restaurant right after washing up.One-bowl-and-two-

pieces is the most popular breakfast in the morning,which means a bow of of rice with ribs and two pieces of little Dim Sum.In recent years,business tea becomes more and more popular in Guangzhou.Having a business meeting with the clients while enjoying the delicious Dim Sum and a cup of tea,people find that may be the best way be the best way to reach the deal with their partners.This kind of business tea will normally continue until the afternoon.No wonder there is a saying that the real working hours of Cantonese start from noon.The afternoon tea means business activities while the night tea,is the family hour.Butapparantly,more and more businessmen having their appointments with their clients in the tea restaurant at night,by which you may understand more the Cantonese way of doing businese.







From the tea culture of origin is concerned, the first afternoon tea at national , should be always to tea culture , known in ancient China . However, with the development of the times, will be developed into an established

custom of afternoon tea culture, then it is English.

A popular legend that in 1840 a British high society lady: Beide Fu Duchess Anna, in the afternoon due to boredom, so the maid to prepare a small amount of toast , butter and tea . This easy way of eating quickly became a British aristocrat who sent a great way to afternoon time.

However, the development of afternoon tea by the local culture, in the strict etiquette demands known to the British, tea etiquette gradually produced a wide variety of requirements and habits. British high society and become an essential social element of the daily.

英国人喝下午茶的方式丰俭由人,由高贵的正式茶聚(tea party ),到可以不喝茶只吃点心的餐饮(high tea ),都可以称为下午茶。



然而喝茶并不是主要的环节,品尝蛋糕、三明治等各种点心,反而成了最重要的部分。正式的下午茶点心一般被垒成“三层架”的形式:第一层放置各种口味的三明治(tea sandwich ),第二层是英国的传统点心司康饼(scone ),第三层则是小蛋糕和水果塔。这个三层架点心应先从下往上吃。除了这种必不可少的三层点心,一些牛角面包、葡萄干、鱼子酱等食品也会被摆上来,来迎合宾客的口味。

British way of drinking tea by the people FengJian, an official reception by the noble ( Tea Party ), to eat dim sum can not drink tea catering ( High Tea ), can be called afternoon tea.

With the development of the times, British women increasingly have their own business, some people regard as obsolete the traditional custom of afternoon tea, so not all British people now three or four in the afternoon we will surely drink tea.

Nowadays typically English afternoon tea to half past four to half past three p.m.. English afternoon tea special tea is produced in the British colony of India 's Darjeeling tea and Earl Grey , or Ceylon Highland Tea . In addition the UK has the habit of afternoon tea drink milk tea. Tea also comes with sliced the lemon and milk cans. Over time, some in the early flavored tea on the table may not have gradually been accepted, making the afternoon tea spread among the ordinary people more widely.

But tea is not the main part, tasting cakes , sandwiches and other snacks, has become a most important part. Afternoon snack is generally formal"three planes" in the form of: placing the first layer of flavored sandwiches ( Tea Sandwich ), the second layer is a traditional British dessert scone ( Scone ), the third layer is is a small cake and fruit towers . The three bottom-up aircraft should start to eat dim sum. In addition to this essential three snacks, some croissants , raisins , caviar and other food will also be put to, to suit the tastes of the guests. lovelva85 来自爱问知识人2011-01-06 20:30

中式点心dim sum(饮茶Yum Cha)油条twisted cruller豆浆bean milk豆腐花beancurd jelly包子bum豆沙包smashed bean bun馒头steamed bread花卷twistbread馄饨wonton锅贴fried wontons水饺boiled dumpling 蒸虾饺steamed prawn dumpling小笼包子small steamer bun虾饺shrimp dumpling烧卖shao-mai肠粉rice noodle roll春卷spring roll葱油饼green onion pie油饼cruller千层糕layer cake马拉糕Cantonese sponge cake 八宝饭rice pudding凉粉agar-agar jelly河粉fried rice noodles干炒牛河fried rice noodles w/beef年糕rice cake 炒面chow mein杂碎Chop Suey芙蓉蛋Egg Foo Yung汤面noodles soup阳春面plain noodles刀削面sliced noodles炸酱面noodles w/soybean paste打卤面noodles w/gravy芝麻糊sesame paste萝卜丝饼turnip strips cake碗糕salty rice pudding凤梨酥pineapple cake豆沙sweet bean paste糯米sticky rice血糯米black sticky rice 白粥congee
