














Company Profile:

Suzhou Ecovacs Commercial Robots Co., Ltd is the leading brand of family service robots in the wrld—A wholly-owned subsidiary of Ecovacs Robots Co., Ltd, which specializes in the R& D production and sales of commercial field, as the high-tech technology company. At present, “Raybot” which is developed by the company is mainly applied to large-scale photovoltaic power station, distributed photovoltaic, photovoltaic roof and other commercial fields. Ecovacs commercial robots base the development upon professionalism and internationalization, and provide high-intelligent service robots to customers with its strong ability of R&D, design and producing. The company focus on the long-term development in the commercial robots field of high-intelligent service, to be a leader in market and technology.


Mission: Our company focus on fulfilling people’s va lue in life, specializes in

releasing people from miscellaneous, dangerous and harsh work conditions, to take the place pf human’s work with robots.


Vision: Cultivate first-class talents

Create first- class enterprise


Core Values: rigors and honesty pragmatism and innovation people oriented be grateful









Analysis of Photovoltaic Development trend:

Under the background of the increasingly serious energy shortage and environmental pollution, solar power as a new sustainable utilization of clean e nergy attracts the world’s attention. Around the world large-scale photovoltaic power station speed up the construction apparently, photovoltaic power generation is developing at an unprecedented rate in the worldwide.

To maximize the use of solar energy rehouses, solar power stations mainly build in higher and relatively cheap ground with large intensity of solar radiation and long-time sunshine. The most obvious characteristic of the photovoltaic power station investment is that once upon it is put in use, the power station can continuously benefit as long as the equipment runs normally, foe the manual input is relatively small.

How much impact little dust on the solar panels has on the efficiency of power generation

We take an example to illustrate. A 20mw photovoltaic power station covers about 700mu in Yulin, Shanxi. It was designed to generate electricity more than 2000degrees a year, so it can earn more than 20million yuan with government’s subsidies of 1 yuan per degree. However, it is just the ideal yield. In fact, unable to completely solve the problem of the panels’ cleaning, the power station suffers a loss of 2 million yuan at least every year, for the actual efficiency of power generation drops down from 23%~25% to 17% ~18%.

The table below is the loss comparison of power generation, which can directly reflect the huge impact the dust has on electricity yield.

Of course, it is not only the Yulin station meets the “dust problem”.In 2012, the statistic shows that the yield of photovoltaic power is up to 2 GW (1GW=1 billion watts) in our country, which means that solar power industry suffer a loss of more than 250 million yuan due to the dust.

The economic benefits of photovoltaic power station depends entirely on the normal operation of the photovoltaic power generation equipment, dust on the panels station components must bring investors huge economic losses.








Benefit analysis:

Faced with huge economic losses, no solar power plant will be indifferent. In order to ensure the efficient power generation, general power plants clean the solar panels two times a month. Currently, there are two major cleaning methods: artificial water cleaning and industrial equipment washing.

At present, both methods use the water to wash, and the biggest drawback is that dust casts panels before the residual water completely dry, leading to local grime, producing “hot spot” effect, therefore causing loss to the power plant. At the same time, it is undoubtedly even worse to the northwest region lacking of water originally. In addition, the site of solar power station construction is very complicated, with poor road conditions and even no way out. Some are built in the desert, and some are built on the hills and foothills, which the topography is complex, and some are built on the roof of the building, decorated scattered almost no way to adapt to the environment.

Take a 20 mw photovoltaic power station for example, 80000 panels ‘cleaning cost is about 768000 yuan for once a month, 12 times a year, with each panel costing in the market. As labor cost rises, the bill will also increase year by year. The survey shows that an industrial cleaning equipment of a 20mw power plant configuration need several million yuan one-time at least, based on usual design

standards, which is very expensive. At the same time, water cannon leads to large area of a short circuit, which will cause lower efficiency of power generation. What’s worse, the ice caused by t he water cannon will cause serious weakening of optical efficiency in winter, with lower efficiency of power generation. It is even worse for the northern power plant.

Our company develop solar panels cleaning robots independently—Raybot, which break the traditional way of cleaning with water, but with rollers and fans, finishing “sweeping, sucking and blowing” at the same time, when robots walking. The coverage rate of cleaning is up to 100% and the cleaning efficiency is 35㎡/H. Our robots can clean 99% dust on solar panels.

The table below is the comparison of cleaning efficiency and cost between traditional manual cleaning and Raybot.

Calculate the total cost of the machine after running at full capacity for 5 years.






Using method of Raybot:

一、Boot and set cleaning

1.Put the dust barrel and fully charged battery into the machine.

2.Place the machine on solar panels, press the power switch, and then the

machine starts.

3.After setting the left/right cleaning mode, press the “AUTO” button, then

the machine begins cleaning automatically.



Handled device—intelligent “house keeper” of solar cleaning robot s.

Solar cleaning robots and handled device realize communication through Zigbee, with one handle device controlling 10 or more robots. When there is something wrong with the machine at work, handled device will display the corresponding information immediately.




南国中英文学校2017-2018学年度第一学期期末水平测试卷 二年级数学科 (满分100分,考试时间80分钟) 一、我会填。(每空1分,共26分) 1、73厘米+27厘米=()厘米=()米 1小时=()分 2、7个3相加,写成乘法算式是(),这个式子读作 ()。 3、在下面的()里最大能填几? ()× 3 < 28 ()<5×8 4、在算式4×7=28中,4和7是(),积是()。 5、在()里填上“米”或“厘米”。 小明身高142()大树高9() 6、一个要8元,买7个要()元。列式是 (),口诀是()。 7、一把三角板上有()个直角。长方形有()个直角。 8、把口诀补充完整,并写出乘法算式。 ()四十二()六十四四七() 9、、 小刀长()厘米蜡笔长()厘米 10、8时10分过一刻是()时()分。

11、5个6相加的和是(),7+7+7+7+7=()×() 二、我会判断(对的打“√”,错的打“×”。)(5分) 1、8+8+7=3×8=8×3 () 2、钟表上显示9时,时针和分针成一直角。() 3、最小的两位数和最大的两位数相差89。() 4、角都有一个顶点,两条边。() 5、计算58+29,得数是87。() 三、我会选。(选择正确答案的序号填在括号里。)(5分) 1. 角的大小和两条边的长短()。 A、有关 B、不能确定 C、无关 2.得数最接近38的等式是() A、15+14 B、38+7×6 3.一个三角板上有()个直角。 A、2 B、1 C、3 4.小明有50元钱,买故事书花了22元,他还剩()元。 A、22 B、28 C、30 5.两个乘数都是9,积是()。 A、77 B、81 四、动手操作。(41分) 1、我会连(6分) 小华吃饭前做作业,吃饭后去看电视,他7点30吃饭。 做作业看电视吃饭 7:50 7:30 6:00 2、口算(9分)


广东省肇庆市端州区南国中英文学校(小学部)2018-2019学年六年级下学期数 学期中试卷 一、填一填.(共26分)(共12题;共26分) 1.1时=________分4时=________时________分 2千米800米=________千米 12000毫升=________升 12.50立方分米=________立方米 2.北京到井冈山的实际距离是1470千米,在一幅中国地图上长21厘米,这幅地图的比例尺是________. 3.圆柱的体积一定,底面积和高成________比例;速度一定,路程和时间成________比例。 4.圆柱有________条高,圆锥有________. 5.在横线上填上“>”或“<”. ﹣16________12 0________﹣4 +2________﹣2 ﹣8________﹣10 6.一个圆锥的底面直径是4厘米,高是15厘米,它的体积是________立方厘米. 7.+18.4读作________;﹣读作________. 8.等底等高的一个圆柱和一个圆锥,它们的体积和是80立方厘米,则圆锥的体积是________立方厘米. 9.图形在平移和旋转后,________发生了变化,________不变. 10.A=7B,A和B成________例,7÷A=B,A和B成________比例. 11.把一个底面周长是6.28分米,高是5分米的圆柱体的侧面沿高展开得到一个长方形,这个长方形的长是________分米,宽是________分米. 12.如果学校东面12米记为(+12)米,那么,(﹣9)米表示________. 二、判一判.(共5分)(共5题;共5分) 13.图上2厘米表示实际距离200千米,这幅地图的比例尺是.() 14.圆柱的侧面展开后一定是长方形.() 15.在比例尺是1:16000000的地图上,是用图上距离1厘米表示实际距离160千米.() 16.将圆柱的侧面展开有可能是长方形,也有可能是正方形,还有可能是平行四边形.() 17.圆柱体的表面积=底面积×2+底面积×高.() 三、选一选.(共5分)(共5题;共6分) 18.固定电话先收座机费24元,以后按一定标准和时间加收通话费,则每月应交电话费与通话时间() A. 成正比例 B. 成反比例 C. 不成比例 19.将线段比例尺改写成数值比例尺是() A. 1:40 B. 1:400000 C. 1:4000000 20.一个圆锥的高不变,底面半径扩大2倍,它的体积扩大() A. 2倍 B. 3倍 C. 4倍 D. 8倍


1.东莞市微星净化科技有限公司 DONGGUAN SHI MICROAIR CLEAN TECH CO. LTD FFU无尘送风机组系列手册 Production manual of Fan Filter Unit (FFU) 2. 为人类创造高品质的生活 To create a high-quality life for mankind 微于心,净于远 MICRO in the heart , CLEAN in the far. 3.简介:Brief introduction 微星净化公司成立以来,公司不断致力于空气洁净领域的产品开发与开拓,巨额的资金和技术投入确保了客户能享有先进的技术,高品质的产品和最专业的优质附加服务,二十一世纪以来,微星在全球范围内服务于世界每个角落,并不断积累经验和应用知识,以及提供更优更全面的产品和服务。微星净化科技公司是国内同行业中首批同时通过ISO14001和ISO9001的企业,拥有世界一流的过滤器生产洁净车间和生产线及先进的过滤器检测设备,是全球著名的洁净室配套产品专业研发、设计、生产基地之一。产品及生产工艺拥有多项专利,至今已拥有全球各个领域领头企业客户的支持。本着“全球化思维”的经营理念,微星净化科技公司的销售渠道正在全球蔓延,遍布亚洲、欧洲,美洲,不论您在世界哪里,我们都在您的身边。 Since the MICROAIR was established, our company is committed to research and develop the production to purify air. We are inputting a large amount of fund and technology to ensure that customers can enjoy the latest technology, high-quality and the most professional services. MICROAIR is the first enterprises to pass the ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 in this purifying filed. We own the top-ranking filter production line and high-end process equipment of different types. Such as high-speed turret punch, CNC bending machine, laser cutting machine and so on. We also own the advanced test equipment for air filter and sterile products. MICROAIR is also can produce the equipment of Fan Filter Unit, air filter, purification equipment and biological medical and so on. Our company is one of the leading manufacturers to research, design and produce the relative production in clean room. The products and production processes was obtained many national patents. Now, the products are widely used in semiconductor, LED, photoelectric electron, precision instrument, chemistry, hospital, food, research institute, universities, automotive manufacturing and so on. With “To create a high-quality life for mankind”highest mission, MICROAIR productions are spreading throughout Asia, Europe, America. No matter where you are, we are always at your side. 公司愿景:Prospect To become the world top-rank brand 公司使命:Mission To create a high-quality life for mankind 经营理念:business idea 做行业应用技术标准的制定者


Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) 一、Teaching aims: 1. Language knowledge aims: 1) Master the following word :intelligent 2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。 3)掌握如何表达自己喜好的句型。 4)掌握that/which/who引导的定语从句的用法。 2. Emotional attitudes aims: 1)使学生学会表达自己的喜好。 2)能对自己看过的书籍,电影,听过的CD等进行简单的描述。 3)通过表达个人的喜好,提高自己的欣赏美的水平。 二、Teaching importance and difficulties 1. Teaching importance: 1) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) 总结表达个人喜好的不同句型。 3)总结that/which/who引导的定语从句的用法。 2. Teaching difficulties: that/which/who引导的定语从句的用法。

三、Teaching steps I. Revision and Leading in 1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. 2. Review some main phrases we learned in the last class. Check the homework. 3. Revision What kind of group/singers/… d o you like? ◆What kind of music can’t you stand? ◆What kind of musicians don’t you lik e? ◆ What about your classmates? Fill in the following chart. My opinion Classmate who agrees I like groups that _____________ ______ _____________________________ _______________ I love singers who__________ _____ ____________________________ ________________

工业设计团队宣传册资料中英文 团队口号 服务范围

Crset公司是一家追求高品质服务的设计顾问团队,成立于2001年,一直以来持续为国内外知名品牌以及发展中企业提供产品设计、结构设计、UI设计和品牌设计。目前主要服务范围囊括数码电子、医疗器械、仪器设备、时尚消费、公共设施等产业领域。 Crset is a design consultant team of pursue of high quality service , founded in 2010. Crset The crest has provided product design ,Structure design, UI design and brand design for famous domestic and international brands and developing enterprise continually. Service scope mainly include digital electronics, medical equipment, instruments and equipment, fashion consumption, public facilities etc 我们认为,好的设计来自生活的细节,我们更擅于思考; 我们认为,好的设计是为人而服务的,所以我们更懂得谦虚礼貌; 我们认为,好的设计是不矫揉造作,顺应自然,我们才思敏捷见解独到; 我们是用“心”做设计的人;我们具备,勤奋的激情、简单的智慧、温和的力量、分享的视野。 我自己的部分: NAME:于蒙蒙

AGE :21 今天奇思妙想,明天硕果累累。 Fancy is today , productive achievements are tomorrow. 设计来源于生活,创意无处不在。 Design is from life, originality is on everywhere. 这款衣钩设计巧妙,一个简单的金属带通过弯曲再由螺母固定,就形成了一个优雅的衣钩了。它使用的材料是0.4毫米的不锈钢弹簧钢,粉末涂层。 This clothes hooks are designed cleverly, a simple metal bending again by nut fixed by, formed an elegant YiGou. It used materials is 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings. It is made by 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings A simple bent metal is fixed by screw nuts.Then formed an elegant clothes hooks


南国中英文学校2017-2018学年度第一学期期中水平测试 二年级语文科 (满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 一、我能把字写漂亮(读拼音,写词语)。(16分) chènɡɡǎn kè zhuō huà huɑ xiě z ì ()() ()() jīn tiān shēn chù shí hou pénɡ yǒ u ()()() () 二、火眼金睛,辨字组词。(8分) 今()住()与()农() 令()柱()写()衣() 三、照样子,写一写。(9分) 懒洋洋(ABB) _ 高高兴兴(AABB)

粒粒香(AAB) _ 四、在括号里填上合适的词。(9分) ()的孩子()的叶子()的阳光()的练习()的听讲()的唱歌一()狮子一()大树一()蜜蜂五、我会填。(20分) 六、照样子写句子。(9分) 例:1、张华把苹果吃了。苹果被张华吃了。 小红把书放进书包里。 。 2、官员们一边看一边议论.

一边一边。 七、我阅读,按文后要求回答问题。 (一) 公鸡和鸭子比谁的本领大。 它们先比跑步。公鸡连飞带跑,把鸭子落(lào)下了一大段路。鸭子一摇一摆,怎么也赶不上。公鸡得意地对鸭子说:“你可以相信我的本领大了吧!” 它们又比游泳。鸭子游得又快又稳(wěn)。公鸡浑(hún)身是水,差点被淹(yān)死。鸭子也得意地对公鸡说:“看,到底谁的本领大?” 1、本文共有()段话,第二自然段有()句话。( 4分) 2、本文主要写了()和()在比谁的本领大。它们先比()和(),再比()。(5分) 3、分别找出文中描写公鸡跑得快和鸭子游得好的词语。 ()和()(2分) 4、单选题:你认为公鸡和鸭子谁的本领大?()



Air Technologies Nihot Recycling Technology was established in 1945 and started their business by producing air ducts for small wood furnaces. Today Nihot is a proven market leader in the supply of solid waste air separation technologies, systems and components, using controlled air. Nihot’s air technologies reflect a superior reliability, offering the highest waste separation efficiency. From consulting, developing, designing and manufacturing to delivery, installation, commissioning and operator training, it’s all in-house expertise. Since no two customers and installations are the same, we design all of our systems uniquely to the individual needs of our customers. Why Nihot ? Nihot has more than 70 years of experience and is a recognized player in its field ? Expertise and knowledge: a global supplier and market leader in air technologies to separate waste ? Systems and components of a proven quality (see our references), to be utilized for virtually all kinds of solid waste ? Highest degree of separation (up to 99%)? A full scale test center in our factory to experiment and test with different materials from customers ? 100% made in Holland ? Global presence (>90% export)? >750 operational references world wide ? The Nihot systems operate at the lowest cost per ton Unique Characteristics & Advantages Each type of product or system has its own unique advantages and characteristics, such as the Windshifter’s proven operational efficiency and the Drum Separator’s high capacity and reliability. Those proven benefits result in:? Minimum maintenance ? Maximum availability ? Fast Return on Investment ? Low operating costs ? High reliability ? High flexibility ? Dust free operation 3

全国各省市初中历史中考第一轮总复习综合能力检测卷 德阳

2020年届中考历史复习精编资料 历史一轮复习综合能力检测卷 考试范围:历史全册知识考试时间:90分钟 一、选择题 1.(2019·湖北中考模拟)历史上日本发动了两次大规模的侵华战争,对中国国力、民生、政局、近代化进程等诸方面都产生重大影响。这两次侵华战争的相似之处是() ①中国都形成了全民抗战的局面 ②都是日本力图建立世界霸权的重要步骤 ③中国都得到了国际社会的广泛支持 ④都对中国居民进行过血腥大屠杀 A.①②③④B.②③④C.②④D.①②④ 2.人类最初只会使用和保存天然火。后来最先攻克这一难题,掌握了人工取火的是 A.元谋人 B.北京人 C.山顶洞人 D.蓝田人 3.博物馆讲解员描绘某处遗址“古代这里气候炎热潮湿,处处湖泊沼泽,陆地林木丛生。土壤土质虽不好,但这儿的人们却栽培出了世界上最早的水稻”。

她介绍的这个遗址可能是() A.河姆渡文化 B.大汶口文化 C.周口店文化 D.半坡文化 4.下列成语中,与下图反映的历史事件直接相关的是 A.揭竿而起 B.围魏救赵 C.风声鹤唳 D.退避三舍 5.(2019·山东中考模拟)电视剧《锦绣未央》中提到魏的统治者姓拓跋,在我国古代鲜卑拓跋部建立了哪个政权,统一了北方,结束了十六国以来分裂割据的局面 A.北魏 B.北齐 C.后唐 D.后汉 6.(2019·北京初三期中)依据下图推断,该书籍残片应出自

A.《伤寒杂病论》 B.《齐民要术》 C.《大唐西域记》 D.《本草纲目》 7.孙中山(1866-1925)在回忆录中说:“28岁那年,我就与20多个华侨,……决心用流血斗争推翻满清王朝。”孙中山28岁那年,创立了我国上第一个资产阶级革命团体,是指 A.光复会 B.同盟会 C.兴中会 D.华兴会 8.(2019·河南初三会考)《中共党史资料选编》:在十月革命的影响下,五四运动中形成了“一批向俄国、倾向社会主义的先进分子”,他们“渐知工人阶级势力比学生力量大了”,开始“实行和工人阶级接触而做工人运动了”。这说明( ) A.俄国十月革命是五四运动的起因


工程技术公司简介 公司简介 中海油能源发展股份有限公司工程技术分公司(简称“工程技术公司”)是一家为油气田勘探开发提供综合研究和专业技术服务的公司。公司总部设在天津市滨海新区,现有员工4800余人,总资产35亿元。在中国天津、湛江、深圳、上海、惠州、晋城,及国外的阿联酋的迪拜、印度尼西亚的雅加达、澳大利亚布里斯班和尼日利亚拉各斯共设有21个分支机构,包括4个研究机构、10个专业公司、4个海外公司和3个区域公司。并在天津、惠州和重庆等地设有生产基地。 公司的主要业务包括油气田勘探开发综合技术研究,钻采综合技术服务,配套产品开发、生产及现场技术服务。工程技术公司持续以油气田增储上产为目标,以提高油气田勘探开发生产效率为核心,以技术创新为动力,不断提升油气田开发一体化专业技术服务能力,建设成为国际一流的能源技术服务公司。 组织机构 业务介绍 一.地震数据采集(处理)及综合解释

工程技术公司围绕海上油田勘探开发需求,加强地球物理方法研究、地震资料处理解释一体化技术、开发地震技术以及随钻辅助决策服务能力建设,不断拓展国内外市场,成为技术领先的物探技术研究机构和专业技术服务商。公司具备地震数据采集支持、处理、解释一体化综合研究服务能力,已经成为服务中国各海域及海外的一支重要勘探开发技术力量。 8项特色技术 ●常规地震数据处理技术 ●联片匹配地震数据处理技术 ●高分辨率地震数据处理技术 ●低信噪比地震数据处理技术 ●叠前偏移技术 ●地震数据综合解释技术 ●储层描述技术 ●烃类检测技术 二.油气田勘探开发技术研究 在多年的油田技术服务过程中,工程技术公司在地质油藏综合研究、油气田开发方案调整部署、油田生产动态一体化分析等方面具备雄厚的技术服务实力。公司拥有各种试验仪器640余台套,全面满足原油评价、油气水分析、入井工作液鉴定等试验要求。 12项特色服务 ● 钻前技术地质研究、随钻跟踪分析及钻后综合地质研究 ● 油藏精细描述 ● 老油田综合治理 ● 剩余油分布特征研究 ● 开发方案优化部署 ● 油藏数字模拟研究 ● 油气藏生产动态分析 ● 古生物试验技术与地层综合研究 ● 地球化学分析与烃源岩评价 ● 岩心分析与储层评价 ● 岩石矿物分析及研究 ● 油气水分析与评价


南国中英文学校2018-2019学年度第一次月考试卷 二年级数学科 (满分100分,考试时间80分钟) 一、填一填。(18分) 1、量比较长的物体,可以用()作单位。量比较短的物体可以用() 作单位。 2、量物体的长度时,要把尺子的()刻度对准物体的左端,再看物体的右 端对着几。 3、3米=()厘米 500厘米=()米 这支回形针长( )厘米这支铅笔长( )厘米。 4、在()里填上合适的单位 ①一支牙刷长15()②手指的宽约2() ③篮球场长约14()④一棵树的高5() ⑤一条跳绳长2()⑥妈妈的身高1()58() 5、21米+10米=()米 17厘米-5厘米=()厘米 32厘米+3厘米=()厘米 44米-9米=()米 二、选一选(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(4分) 1、下面三条线中,( )是线段。 ①②③

2、要知道学校的操场有多长,应该用( )来量。 ①三角尺②卷尺③米尺 3、你的椅子大约高( )。 ①45米②45厘米 4、一棵树的高度大约是3( )。 ①米②厘米 三、辨一辨(对的在括号里打“√”,错的打“×”)。(10分) 1小明家的窗户长1米。() 2、一块橡皮擦的厚1厘米。………………………() 3、一支自动水笔的长是16米。……() 4、小红爸爸的身高有17厘米。…………………() 5、长1米的木棒要比长100厘米的铁丝短一些。…………() 四、测一测,量一量。(8分) 1.测量两条线段的长度。第一条 ( )厘米 第二条 ( )厘米 2.画一条长为4厘米的线段。 五、列竖式计算。(18分) 55﹣27= 73+14= 4+35= 51-7= 97-79= 78-76=


学院宣传画册中英文对照最新版 (2011-11-14)修订 ①页 封面 Logo 苏州工业园区职业技术学院 Suzhou Industrial Park Institute of V ocational Technology 用明天的科技培养今天的学员为未来服务 Train today’s students with tomorrow’s technology to serve the future. 两张照片更换。(大黄蜂+电子屏前跳跃) ②页 封面内页 苏州工业园区是中新两国政府间最重要的合作项目,截止2010年底,累计引进外企4000余家,其中,世界500强项目137个、上亿美元项目112个,16年间平均每天吸引外资近600万美元,是中国最具竞争力的开发区。 As the most important cooperative project between China and Singapore, Suzhou Industrial Park had attracted over 4000 foreign enterprises by the end of 2010, among which there were 137 “Fortune 500”projects and 112 “hundred-million-dollar”projects. With an average of 6 million dollars of foreign investment per day coming into the Park in the past 16 years, it now boasts the most competitive development park in China. “在中新苏州工业园区项目上的成功合作,给双方带来了切实利益。”——胡锦涛The successful cooperation in the SIP project has brought substantial benefits to the both parties.


画册文字2011(国际版) 目录Contents 1 学在南国(概况)Learning in SCBC (Overview of SCBC) 2 办学理念?特色Educational Idea ? Features 3 院长寄语Message from the President 4 教学与师资Teaching and Faculty 5 人才培养Talent Cultivation 6 学科建设和科学研究Discipline Construction and Scientific Research 7 国际化特色Internationalization Features 8 校园文化Campus Culture 9 社会服务与实践Social Services and Practice 10 品牌价值Brand Value 11 系部介绍Introduction of Departments and Divisions 12 我爱我校We Love SCBC 1 学在南国(概况) 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院是一所由广东外语外贸大学举办、国家教育部批准成立的本科层次的独立学院。 学院位于中国著名历史文化名城和华南经济文化中心广州市。校区坐落在广州市白云区广从公路旁。学院环境幽雅,空气清新,湖光山色,绿树成荫。学院设备设施齐全,师资力量雄厚,教学管理严格,是莘莘学子治学成才的理想之地。 学院全面实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程,确保教育教学质量,在办学水平、学生素质诸方面,获得社会的广泛认可和肯定。 学院重视并积极开展对外学术文化交流,已与美国、英国、加拿大、韩国、日本、德国、西班牙等国数十所大学或文化学术机构建立合作交流关系,为学生提供在读期间出国学习的机会,为毕业生开辟出国深造的途径。 学院目前设有10个系(部)。共开设18个本科专业,分属文学、经济学、管理学、工学等4个学科门类。10个系(部)分别为: 英语语言文化系 国际经济贸易系 国际工商管理系 西方语言文化系 东方语言文化系 中国语言文学系 信息科学技术系 大学英语系 公共课教学部 思想政治理论课教学部 1.Learning in SCBC (Overview of SCBC) South China Business College (SCBC), founded in 2006 with the authorization of the Ministry of Education and proteged by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), is an independent college mainly for


改变,从自己开始 英国最古老的建筑物——威斯敏斯特教堂的旁边矗立着一块墓碑,上面刻着一段非常著名的话:当我年轻的时候,我梦想改变这个世界; 当我成熟以后,我发现我不能够改变这个世界,我将目光缩短了些,决定只改变我的国家; 当我进入暮年以后,我发现我不能够改变我们的国家,我的最后愿望仅仅是改变一下我的家庭,但是,这也不可能。 当我现在躺在床上,行将就木时,我突然意识到:如果一开始我仅仅去改变我自己,然后,我可能改变我的家庭; 在家人的帮助和鼓励下,我可能为国家做一些事情; 然后,谁知道呢?我甚至可能改变这个世界。 异域风情时空旅行格调感受家具中的性格身体和精神的旅行—— Change from their own Britain's oldest buildings - Westminster Abbey stands next to a gravestone, inscribed with a very famous: When I was young, I dreamed of changing the world; When I matured, I found that I can not change the world, I will shorten the eyes a bit and decided to change only my country; When I enter the twilight years later, I found that I can not change our country, my last wish is just to change my family, but this is also impossible. When I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only to change myself, then I might change my family; The help and encouragement of his family, for the country, I might have to do something; Then, who knows? I might even change the world. Travel the exotic time travel style feel the body and spirit of the character in the furniture - 一切,从自然开始…… 尚隽,以回归自然为使命的家具品牌。 千万不要小觑了家具对于房子的作用,没有家具,房子只是一个四四方方的盒子,缺少了灵魂和个性。尚隽崇尚自然、时尚、进步、快乐,她对绿色时尚和品质生活孜孜不倦的追求,在家具行业引发了一股新的潮流。尚隽,在于精益求精的高贵,在于百尺竿头更进一步的人生态度。她把来自自然的美和感悟融合于产品之中,将格调与艺术创意融于一体,能让人从家具中品味出自然与人生的真谛,构筑出一种物我两忘的境界。 尚隽秉承“自然、时尚、进步、快乐”的品牌精神,时尚、潮流的家具品牌,诠释出使用者对人生的积极掌握、创造出无限自信。在一间充满温馨氛围的酒店里住宿,也能感觉出“家”的滋味。无须刻意,自然就好。 Travel the exotic time travel style feel the body and spirit of the character in the furniture - Everything from natural ... Shang Jun furniture brand whose mission is to return to nature. Do not underestimate the role of furniture for the house, the furniture, the house is just a boxy box, the lack of soul and personality. Shang Jun respect for nature, fashion, progress, and happiness, her green fashion and quality of life of tireless pursuit, has sparked a new trend in the furniture industry. Shang Jun, is the noble excellence is accomplished by the success in the further attitude towards life. Her natural beauty and sentiment into marketable products, style and artistic creativity into one, can people taste from the furniture to the natural and the true meaning of life, and build out of the realm of one kind of things I forgot. Shang Jun adhering to nature, fashion, progress, and happiness, "the spirit of the brand, fashion, the trend of the furniture brand, interpretations users active life to master to create


STTE ? ?? ? ?? ?????? SCHOOL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING According to the national strategy of infrastructure and transportation development, as well as the prospect of regional economy, the School is committed to take the leading place in China and plays a relatively important role in the development of traffic and transportation. It will keep its dominant position in the following fields: Road Structure and Materials Road Design and Safety Traffic Flow and Experiment Transport System and ITS Railway Transit Planning and Design Railway Engineering and Dynamics Transportation Analyze Railway Signal and Control During the state-funded Project 985 (21st Century Education Rejuvenation Action Plan), the School will devote to develop the national key lab and other experiment facilities with two major projects. One is Accelerated Pavement Test, and the other is Traffic Behavior and Driving Environment. The goal is to keep advanced in the following aspects: Integrated Transportation Planning Analyze and Design of Road and Railway Intelligent Management and Simulation Evaluation of Traffic Safety System Address: 1239 Siping Road Zip code: 200092 Tel: 86-21-65980178Fax: 86-21-65983216 Address: 4800 Caoan Road Zip code: 201804 Tel: 86-21-69589487Fax: 86-21-69589487 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f36130999.html, Siping campus Jiading campus Strategies Lab Construction


Unit 12 life is full of the unexpected. Section A Grammar focus-4c 一、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标: 1) 学习掌握下列词汇:cream, workday, pie, show up, bean, market, by the end of 2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。 3)巩固过去完成时的用法 (二)情感态度价值观目标: 1)能运用所掌握的语法,句型和词汇进行交流。 2)能比较流利地讲述自己曾经有的特别的经历。 (三)教学重难点: 1. 教学重点: 1) 复习巩固Section A 部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。 2) 总结过去完成时的不同句型。 3)总结过去完成时的用法。 2. 教学难点: 过去完成时的用法 二、教学过程 Step 1 Revision

1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class. 2. Review some main phrases we learned in the last class. Check the homework. 把下列短语翻译成英语 1. 即将 2. 倒杯咖啡 3. 排队等候 4. 起床 5. 出去 6. 迟到 7. 到时候 8. 闹铃响 9. 开始做某事 10. 搭便车 3. Revision 过去完成时的构成:had+动词的过去分词 Step 2 Lead-in T: What happened to you on a bad morning? Ss… 引导学生用过去完成时回答。 Step 3 Grammar Focus 1. 过去完成时讲解。 过去完成时的构成 过去完成时的谓语由“助动词had+过去分词”构成。否定式为“had not+过去分词”,had not缩写为hadn't。 过去完成时的用法:
