



译文:Predawn Peiping, the weather was getting colder day by day. The sound of the PLA's artillery could be heard occasionally. However, there were still a large number of Kuomintang troops in Peiping, and although they were like turtles in a jar, if they put up a stubborn resistance, they would still cause tremendous loss of life and property to the people. What course to take? A decision was urgently needed.


老来乐 Delights in Growing Old 六十整岁望七十岁如攀高山。不料七十岁居然过了。又想八十岁是难于上青天,可望不可即了。岂知八十岁又过了。老汉今年八十二矣。这是照传统算法,务虚不务实。现在不是提倡尊重传统吗 ? At the age of sixty I longed for a life span of seventy, a goal as difficult as a summit to be reached. Who would expect that I had reached it? Then I dreamed of living to be eighty, a target in sight but as inaccessible as Heaven. Out of my anticipation, I had hit it. As a matter of fact, I am now an old man of eighty-two. Such longevity is a grant bestowed by Nature; though nominal and not real, yet it conforms to our tradition. Is it not advocated to pay respect to nowadays? 老年多半能悟道。孔子说“天下有道”。老子说“道可道”。《圣经》说“太初有道”。佛教说“邪魔外道”。我老了,不免胡思乱想,胡说八道,自觉悟出一条真理 : 老年是广阔天地,是可以大有作为的。 An old man is said to understand the Way most probably: the Way of good administration as put forth by Confucius, the Way that can be explained as suggested by Laotzu, the Word (Way) in the very beginning as written in the Bible and the Way of pagans as denounced by the Buddhists. As I am growing old, I can't help being given to flights of fancy and having my own Way of creating stories. However I have come to realize the truth: my old age serves as a vast world in which I can still have my talents employed fully and developed completely. 七十岁开始可以诸事不做而拿退休金,不愁没有一碗饭吃,自由自在,自得其乐。要看书可以随便乱翻。金庸、梁羽生、克里斯蒂、松本清张,从前哪能拜读 ? 现在可以了。随看随忘,便扔在一边。无忧无虑,无人打扰,不必出门而自有天地。真是无限风光在老年。At the age of seventy I began my retirement, in which I can rely on my old-age pension for a living, free from my burden of the boring routines I used to bear, and lead a life carefree and contended. As for reading I can, now, choose at my own will to thumb through anything to while away the time. I can find time to read anything that I didn't used to, for instance, such time-killers as those created by Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng, Christie and Seicho Matsummoto. I don't have to keep them in mind and quit them as I see fit. There being no worry and disturbance, I need not travel far in my own world so vast. True it is that the most spIendid view may be found in old age! 偶尔有人来,不论男女老少认识不认识,天南地北,天上地下,天文地理,谈天说地,百无禁忌。我的话匣子一开,激光磁盘便响个不停,滔滔不绝。无奈我闲人忙,昕众逐渐稀少,终于门庭冷落,只剩一屋子广阔天地,任我独往独来,随意挥洒。 Occasionally I had some visitors, male or female, old or young, acquainted and unacquainted. We could chat about everything in the north or in the south, in the space or at the core, related to astronomy or geography, in the Heaven or in the Hell and there were no taboos for us at all. Whenever I broke the ice I began to pour my words, in a flow of eloquence, as continuously as a laser disc. Unfortunately, I was jobless while they were so busy that they almost melted away until few knocks came at the door and the world became vacant again. Now I alone can occupy it and go my own way.


比赛介绍:韩素音青年翻译大赛详解 韩素音其人: 韩素音,是中国籍亚欧混血女作家伊丽莎白·柯默(Elisabeth Comber)的笔名,原名周光湖(Rosalie Elisabeth Kuanghu Chow)。她的主要作品取材于20世纪中国生活和历史,主要用英语、法语进行写作,1952年,韩素音用英文写就的自传体小说《瑰宝》(A Many Splendoured Thing)一出版即在西方世界引起轰动,奠定了她在国际文坛上的地位。1955年,美国20世纪福克斯公司把《瑰宝》搬上银幕,译名《生死恋》(Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing)。韩素音女士现居瑞士。 韩素音青年翻译奖: 《中国翻译》杂志从1986年开始举办青年“有奖翻译”活动,1989年韩素音女士访华,提供了一笔赞助基金,以此设立了“韩素音青年翻译奖”。至2010年,“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛已经举办了二十二届,是目前中国翻译界组织时间最长、规模最大、影响最广的翻译大赛。每年获奖人员来自社会各界,比赛并非是从所有译文中选出最好的就评为第一名,很多时候会出现第一名空缺的现象,因为评委组是按照严格的标准来筛选译文,没有最优秀的,第一名的位置就会空缺,由此可见韩素音翻译大赛的权威性和严谨性。 参与方式: 韩素音青年翻译大赛由中国译协《中国翻译》编辑部主办(https://www.360docs.net/doc/f519263733.html,/),每届比赛设英译汉和汉译英两部分,每部分给出一篇要求翻译的文章,参赛者可以只选择一项,或者两项都参与。注意,参赛者年龄为45岁以下——因为是青年翻译比赛。 参赛规则、竞赛原文和报名表会刊登在每年第一期,也即一月份的《中国翻译》杂志上,中国译协网站上也会有通知,大致规则如下: 1. 参赛译文须独立完成。参赛者在大赛截稿之日前需妥善保存参赛译文的著作权,不可在书报刊、网络等任何媒体公布自己的参赛译文,否则将被取消参赛资格并承担由此造成的一切后果。 2. 参赛译文请用空白A4纸打印(中文宋体、英文Times New Roman,小四,1.5倍行距)。译文前另附一页,将填好的参赛报名表打印或剪贴在此封面上。译文正文内请勿书写译者姓名、地址等任何个人信息,否则将被视为无效译文。每项参赛译文一稿有效,不接收修改稿。 3. 需在指定截稿日期前将译文寄往《中国翻译》编辑部,时间以寄出邮戳时间为准(注:比赛不接受电子稿,因此作品必须按照要求打印好以信件形式寄出),地址:北京市阜外百万庄大街24号《中国翻译》编辑部,邮编:100037,请在信封上注明“参赛译文”字样。 参赛者在交寄参赛译文的同时,交寄报名费40元,如同时参加两项竞赛,交报名费80元。汇款地址:北京市阜外百万庄大街24号《中国翻译》编辑部,邮编:100037。请在汇款单附言上注明“参赛报名费”字样。未交报名费的参赛译文无效。


23届韩素音翻译竞赛英译汉原文 Are We There Yet? America’s recovery will be much slower than that from most recessions; but the government can help a bit. “WHITHER goest thou, America?” That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy. And it reflects the foremost worry for American voters, who go to the polls for the congressional mid-term elections on November 2nd with the country’s unemployment rate stubbornly stuck at nearly one in ten. They should prepare themselves for a long, hard ride. The most wrenching recession since the 1930s ended a year ago. But the recovery—none too powerful to begin with—slowed sharply earlier this year. GDP grew by a feeble 1.6% at an annual pace in the second quarter, and seems to have been stuck somewhere similar since. The housing market slumped after temporary tax incentives to buy a home expired. So few private jobs were being created that unemployment looked more likely to rise than fall. Fears grew over the summer that if this deceleration continued, America’s economy would slip back into recession. Fortunately, those worries now seem exaggerated. Part of the weakness of second-quarter GDP was probably because of a temporary surge in imports from China. The latest statistics, from reasonably good retail sales in August to falling claims for unemployment benefits, point to an economy that, though still weak, is not slumping further. And history suggests that although nascent


Globalization A fundamental shift is occurring in the world economy. We are moving rapidly away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; and by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems. And we are moving toward a world in which barriers to cross-border trade and investment are tumbling; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system. The process by which this is occurring is commonly referred to as globalization. Correspondent: Globalization has been one of the most important factors to affect business over the last twenty years. How is it different from what existed before? Companies used to export to other parts of the world from a base in their home country. Many of the connections between exporting and importing countries had a historical basis. Today, to be competitive, companies are looking for bigger markets and want to export to every country. They want to move into the global market. To do this many companies have set up local bases in different countries. Two chief executives will talk about how their companies dealt with going global. Percy Barnevik, one of the world’s most admired business leaders when he was Chairman of the international engineering group ABB and Dick Brown of telecommunications provider Cable & Wireless. Cable & Wireless already operates in many countries and is well-placed to take advantage of the increasingly global market for telecommunications. For Dick Brown globalization involves the economies of countries being connected to each other and companies doing business in many countries and therefore having multinational accounts. Dick Brown: The world is globalizing and the telecommunications industry is becoming more and more global, and so we feel we’re well-positioned in that market place. You see currency markets are more global tied, economies are globally connected, more so nowadays with expanded trade, more and more multinational accounts are d oing business in many, many more countries. We’re a company at Cable & Wireless now, well-positioned to carry the traffic and to provide the services to more and more companies that now need to get to five countries or twelve countries, we’re often there. Correspondent: When Percy Barnevik became head of the international engineering group ABB, his task was to make globalization work. He decided to divide the business into over a thousand smaller companies. In this way he believed the company could be both global and local. In answering the question “How do you make globalization work?”, Percy Barnevik describes the “global glue” that keeps the many different people in ABB together. He then looks at the need to manage the three contradictions of company: it is decentralized but centrally controlled, it is big and small at the same time and it is both global and local. Percy Barnevik: We have now for ten years after our big merger created a “global glue” where people are tied together, where they don’t interna lly compete, but support each other, and you have global leaders with global responsibility and your local managers working with their profit centers, and if you have the right, so to say, agenda for these people and the right structure, you can use a scale of economy and your advantages of bigness but being small. We used to say you have three contradictions: decentralized and still centrally controlled, big and small, global and local, and, of course, to try to make these contradictions work together effectively, then I think you


历届韩素音翻译大奖赛竞赛原文及译文 历届韩素音翻译大奖赛竞赛原文及译文 英译汉部分 (3) Hidden within Technology‘s Empire, a Republic of Letters (3)隐藏于技术帝国的文学界 (3) "Why Measure Life in Heartbeats?" (8) 何必以心跳定生死? (9) 美(节选) (11) The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power byThomas De Quincey (16) 知识文学与力量文学托马斯.昆西 (16) An Experience of Aesthetics by Robert Ginsberg (18) 审美的体验罗伯特.金斯伯格 (18) A Person Who Apologizes Has the Moral Ball in His Court by Paul Johnson (21) 谁给别人道歉,谁就在道义上掌握了主动保罗.约翰逊 (21) On Going Home by Joan Didion (25) 回家琼.狄迪恩 (25) The Making of Ashenden (Excerpt) by Stanley Elkin (28) 艾兴登其人(节选)斯坦利.埃尔金 (28) Beyond Life (34) 超越生命[美] 卡贝尔著 (34) Envy by Samuel Johnson (39) 论嫉妒[英]塞缪尔.约翰逊著 (39) 《中国翻译》第一届“青年有奖翻译比赛”(1986)竞赛原文及参考译文(英译汉) (41) Sunday (41) 星期天 (42) 四川外语学院“语言桥杯”翻译大赛获奖译文选登 (44)


行禅人生中的“疫”与益 1965年,加里·斯奈德、艾伦·金斯伯格和菲利普·韦伦暂别凡尘杂念,行走在塔玛佩斯山上,冥思苦想。在此番或曰作环山行禅的旅途中,他们既是诗人,又是佛学生。他们依循佛教传统以顺时针方向经行,哪儿的自然风光让他们眼前一亮,他们就在哪儿择定仪式并逐一施行:以佛教、印度教的咏唱、诵咒、念经、祈愿等形式。 在1992年的一次采访中,斯奈德鼓励后来的经行者们能像他们表现出来的那样富有创新力。采访最后他还想说点什么,但欲言又止,或许他原本还想说道说道他们仨选停的地点吧。 经行,是指出于特定目的,围绕神物进行庄严的旋回往返的活动。这一古老的仪式植根于世界上诸多文化。那么在现代的语境下,它的意思是什么呢? 斯奈德解释道:“要诀是你得用心,得行动,一边走、一边停,一心一意。它不过是人类驻足欣赏风光——同时也是审视自身——的一种方式。”二十世纪九十年代末,我在加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校研究生院师从斯奈德学习诗歌。他教会我,人类察觉并能阐明自己在哪、周围是什么,有多么的重要。这也是生物地域主义所倡导的观点。 二十世纪九十年代,英文教授、摄影师大卫·罗伯特森效仿斯奈德,推行环山绕行。他会带着学生前往塔山作短途旅行,以纪念斯奈德、金斯伯格与韦伦。1998年3月里寒冷的一天,我彼时的男友、现时的丈夫和我一同参与他组织的长达14英里的上山、下山旋回往返徒步,途中我们会停下来诵念相同的佛教、印度教咒语、经文,在1965年三人朝圣的十个地点祈愿。罗伯特森此举意在让戴维斯分校里学习荒野文学课程的学生离开教室而深入风土。该门课程以斯奈德的诗歌为一大特色,因此让学生去一趟塔山看上去是一个不错的选择。 雾气里弥漫着加州湾月桂的浓烈气味。整整一天的时间里,我们在雾气中翻越一座又一座青翠的山坡、穿越一片又一片的加州栎、花旗松、北美红杉。终于,我随大部队穿过了最后一片丛林。这也太难熬了,即便我身体强壮、酷爱徒步。但是,我终得一窥历史的真容、重走先驱者之路、重念他们诵读的经文,我的每一滴汗都没有白流。尽管如此,我仍有疑惑:我不信佛,这些咒语如何报验于我?我们用得上这些咒语吗?我们去了解佛教徒、践行他们的传统以示敬意,这就足够了吗?我向同样不是佛教徒的罗伯特森请教。他说,他绕行塔山而得以与大自然联系在一起,这是他为自己创造意义的一种方式。 1965年人类首次发起塔山行禅。随后,无数的人也来绕行塔山,正如罗伯特森以及他的学生(包括我)那样。人们喜欢管这一活动叫“环塔行”。塔山是湾区人所敬爱的母山,

On Going Home

On Going Home 【概述】 本文是 2001年第十三届“韩素音青年翻译奖”英译汉部分的参赛原文。原文作者Joan Didion 是位散文文体大家,她的文章极有文采和个性,要贴切地表达成汉语确实要下一番功夫。而这篇文章艰深的背景知识更是给准确翻译设置了很大障碍。不了解该文的作者及其生活道路、创作思想,不了解文章的写作背景及反映的时代特征,好些地方会觉得把握不准,甚至一筹莫展。 【翻译要点评析】 1 . the Canton dessert plates: 查英文词典我们可能会取“ the former name of Guangzhou ”这一释义,然后把这一部分译成“产自广州的甜点盘子”。但 The Dolphin Reader (Hunt, 1990) 收录的 On Going Home 中对“ canton ”的注释为“ Fine Chinese porcelain ”。据此注释,“ canton ”在这里应是指这些盘子的质地,而不是产地。另外,《英汉辞海》(王同亿, 1987)里有“ Canton china ”词条,译文第一条为“广东瓷;广东瓷器,尤指青花瓷”;韦伯斯特电子词典( 2000 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Version 2.5. )有“ Canton ware ”词条,释义照录于下:“ ceramic ware exported from China especially during the 18 th and 19 th centuries by way of Canton and including blue-and-white and enameled porcelain and various ornamented stonewares ”(从中国出口的陶瓷器,特别是 18、19世纪期间经由广州出口的,包括青花上釉瓷器和各种有装饰的粗陶器)。综合以上信息,最后把这个地方译成“粤式细瓷点心盘”。 2.…and about property, particularly about property, land, price per acre and C-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access: 这里有两个问题,一是其中两个“ property ”指涉是不是一样;二是如何翻译“ C-2 zoning ”。我们知道地产或房地产交易在作者当时的家乡司空见惯,成为人们生活中一个不可或缺的部分,经常谈论这些事情是理所当然的事。从语法上说, “ particularly about property ”可以是起加强语气作用的插入语,下面的“ land, price per acre and C-2 zoning and assessments and freeway access ”是列举他们谈论有关“ property ”的具体内容。因此,这两个“ property ”指涉应该是一样的。“ C-2 zoning ”的翻译比较棘手。根据《 21世纪城市规划管理》一书中的解释,这里“C”指“公共设施用地,主要指居住区及居住区以上的行政、经济文化、教育、卫生、体育、商贸及科研设计等机构和设施的用地。”(任致远,2000;174)另外,《城市规划概论》(陈友华、赵民,2000)上面专门有一节介绍“用地区划”( Zoning ),在 244-245页上还附有纽约市用地区划表,其中“ C2 ”的对应汉语是“地区服务区”。综合上面这些知识,最后把这个地方译为“特别是地产,土地和地价, C-2区制规划及评估,还有高速公路的出入口,等等”。 3. my brother: 这里从原文无法判断“ brother ”是“ elder brother ”还是“ younger brother ”,因为在英语中这两者一般是不做区分的,而在汉语里正好相反。如果笼统地译成“兄弟”,觉得很别扭。迪迪翁的文章自传性很强,其中讲的都是真人真事,这里“ brother ”是“弟弟”还是“哥哥”应确切所指。迪迪翁在另一篇文章 John Wayne: A Love Song (《约翰·韦恩:一首爱之歌》( 1965)中有这样一段描述:“ In the summer of 1943 I was


历届韩素音翻译大奖赛竞赛原文及译文 英译汉部分 (2) Beauty (excerpt) (2) 美(节选) (2) The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power byThomas De Quincey (5) 知识文学与力量文学托马斯.昆西 (5) An Experience of Aesthetics by Robert Ginsberg (6) 审美的体验罗伯特.金斯伯格 (6) A Person Who Apologizes Has the Moral Ball in His Court by Paul Johnson (8) 谁给别人道歉,谁就在道义上掌握了主动保罗.约翰逊 (8) On Going Home by Joan Didion (11) 回家琼.狄迪恩 (11) The Making of Ashenden (Excerpt) by Stanley Elkin (13) 艾兴登其人(节选)斯坦利.埃尔金 (13) Beyond Life (17) 超越生命[美] 卡贝尔著 (17) Envy by Samuel Johnson (20) 论嫉妒[英]塞缪尔.约翰逊著 (20) 中译英部分 (23) 在义与利之外 (23) Beyond Righteousness and Interests (23) 读书苦乐杨绛 (25) The Bitter-Sweetness of Reading Yang Jiang (25) 想起清华种种王佐良 (26) Reminiscences of Tsinghua Wang Zuoliang (26) 歌德之人生启示宗白华 (28) What Goethe's Life Reveals by Zong Baihua (28) 怀想那片青草地赵红波 (30) Yearning for That Piece of Green Meadow by Zhao Hongbo (30) 可爱的南京 (32) Nanjing the Beloved City (32) 霞冰心 (33) The Rosy Cloud byBingxin (33) 黎明前的北平 (33) Predawn Peiping (33) 老来乐金克木 (34) Delights in Growing Old by Jin Kemu (34) 可贵的“他人意识” (36) Calling for an Awareness of Others (36) 教孩子相信 (38) To Implant In Our Children’s Young Hearts An Undying Faith In Humanity (38)


英译汉竞赛原文: How the News Got Less Mean The most read article of all time on BuzzFeed contains no photographs of celebrity nip slips and no inflammatory ranting. It’s a series of photos called “21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity,” which has pulled in nearly 14 million visits so far. At Upworthy too, hope is the major draw. “This kid just died. What he left behind is wondtacular,” an Upworthy post about a terminally ill teen singer, earned 15 million views this summer and has raised more than $300,000 for cancer research. The recipe for attracting visitors to stories online is changing. Bloggers have traditionally turned to sarcasm and snark to draw attention. But the success of sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy, whose philosophies embrace the viral nature of upbeat stories, hints that the Web craves positivity. The reason: social media. Researchers are discovering that people want to create positive images of themselves online by sharing upbeat stories. And with more people turning to Facebook and Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, news stories may need to cheer up in order to court an audience. If social is the future of media, then optimistic stories might be media’s future. “When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,”says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.” “You don’t want to be that guy at the party who’s crazy and angry and ranting in the corner — it’s the same for Twitter or Facebook,” he says. “Part of what we’re trying to do with Upworthy is give people the tools to express a conscientious, thoughtful and positive identity in social media.” And the science appears to support Pariser’s philosophy. In a recent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that “up votes,”showing that a visitor liked a comment or story, begat more up votes on comments on the site, but “down votes” did not do the same. In fact, a single up vote increased the likelihood that someone else would like a comment by 32%, whereas a down vote had no effect. People don’t want to support the cranky commenter, the critic or the troll. Nor do they want to be that negative personality online.

韩素音 汉译英

汉译英竞赛原文: 屠呦呦秉持的,不是好事者争论的 随着诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼的临近,持续2个月的“屠呦呦热”正在渐入高潮。当地时间7日下午,屠呦呦在瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院发表题为“青蒿素——中医药给世界的一份礼物”的演讲,详细回顾了青蒿素的发现过程,并援引毛泽东的话称,中医药学“是一个伟大的宝库”。 对中医药而言,无论是自然科学“圣殿”中的这次演讲,还是即将颁发到屠呦呦手中的诺奖,自然都提供了极好的“正名”。置于世界科学前沿的平台上,中医药学不仅真正被世界“看见”,更能因这种“看见”获得同世界对话的机会。拨开层层迷雾之后,对话是促成发展的动力。将迷雾拨开、使对话变成可能,是屠呦呦及其团队的莫大功劳。 但如果像部分舆论那样,将屠呦呦的告白简单视作其对中医的“背书”,乃至将其成就视作中医向西医下的“战书”,这样的心愿固然可嘉,却可能完全背离科学家的本意。听过屠呦呦的报告,或是对其研究略作了解就知道,青蒿素的发现既来自于中医药“宝库”提供的积淀和灵感,也来自于西医严格的实验方法。缺了其中任意一项,历史很可能转向截然不同的方向。换言之,在“诺奖级”平台上促成中西医对话之前,屠呦呦及其团队的成果,正是长期“对话”的成果。 而此前绵延不绝的“中西医”之争,多多少少都游离了对话的本意,而陷于一种单向化的“争短长”。持中医论者,不屑于西医的“按部就班”;持西医论者,不屑于中医的“随心所欲”。双方都没有看到,“按部就班”背后本是实证依据,“随心所欲”背后则有文化内涵,两者完全可以兼容互补,何必非得二元对立?屠呦呦在演讲中坦言,“通过抗疟药青蒿素的研究历程,我深深地感到中西医药各有所长,两者有机结合,优势互补,当具有更大的开发潜力和良好的发展前景”。这既是站在中医药立场上对西方科学界的一次告白,反过来也可理解为西医立场上对中医拥趸们的提醒。毋宁说,这是一个科学家对科学研究实质的某种揭示。 科学研究之艰深莫测,科学家多有体认,作为旁观者的我们也屡屡耳闻。而科学研究所需要的思维方式,人们未必有足够认识。对屠呦呦和她的团队,做出的学问未必人人能学,其治学的精神和观念却很值得借鉴。这既包括“几十年磨一剑”的硬功夫,也包括一种巧妙平衡的思维方式。 这种思维方式,就体现在其对中西医有机的结合。表面上,这是两种科学体系的对话,而实质上,这也是两种思维方式的平衡——从中医传统中寻觅灵感,屠呦呦们的想象力值得叹服;用西学方法做论证,屠呦呦们的理性思维亦值得重视。想象力与理性思辨的高度平衡,恰恰是优秀科学家具备的关键素质。这两者的平衡,使他们的创新从不是漫谈空想,而实证又绝不会死气沉沉。 (朱珉迕《解放日报》2015 年12 月9日)


第十二届“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛原文及参考译文(汉译英) 霞 冰心 四十年代初期,我在重庆郊外歌乐山闲居的时候,曾看到英文《读者文摘》上,有个很使我惊心的句子,是: May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset. 我在一篇短文里曾把它译成:“愿你的生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。” 其实,这个sunset 应当译成“落照”或“落霞”。 霞,是我的老朋友了!我童年在海边、在山上,她都是我的最熟悉最美丽的小伙伴。她每早每晚都在光明中和我说“早上好”或“明天见”。但我直到几十年以后,才体会到云彩更多,霞光才愈美丽。从云翳中外露的霞光,才是璀璨多彩的。 生命中不是只有快乐,也不是只有痛苦,快乐和痛苦是相生相成,互相衬托的。 快乐是一抹微云,痛苦是压城的乌云,这不同的云彩,在你生命的天边重叠着,在“夕阳无限好”的时候,就给你造成一个美丽的黄昏。 一个生命会到了“只是近黄昏”的时节,落霞也许会使人留恋、惆怅。但人类的生命是永不止息的。地球不停地绕着太阳自转。东方不亮西方亮,我床前的晚霞,正向美国东岸的慰冰湖上走去……

The Rosy Cloud Bingxin During the early 1940s I was living a retired life in the Gele Mountains in the suburbs of Chongqing (Chungking). One day, while reading the English language magazine Reader's Digest I found a sentence that touched me greatly. It read: "May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset." In a short article of mine, I quoted this sentence and translated it as "Yuan ni de shengming zhong you guo duo de yunyi, lai zaocheng yige meili de huanghun. " (literally: May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.) * As I see it now, the word "sunset" in the English sentence should have been translated as luozhao (the glow at sunset) or luoxia (the rosy cloud at sunset), instead of dusk. She has been my dear old friend, the Rosy Cloud! She was my closest and most beautiful little companion when, in my childhood, I played on the beach or in the hills. Bathed in the brilliant sunshine, she would say to me "Good morning!" at dawn and "See you tomorrow!" at dusk. But not until several decades later did I come to realize that the more clouds there are the more beautiful the rays of sunlight will be, and the glow of the sun breaking through the clouds becomes most resplendent and colorful. Life contains neither unalloyed happiness nor mere misery. Happiness and misery beget, complement and set off each other. Happiness is a wisp of fleecy cloud; misery a mass of threatening dark cloud. These different clouds overlap on the horizon of your life to create a beautiful dusk for you when "the setting sun is most lovely indeed."** An individual's life must inevitably reach the point when "dusk is so near,"*** and the rosy sunset cloud may make one nostalgic and melancholy. But human life goes on and on. The Earth ceaselessly rotates on its axis around the sun. When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west. The rosy sunset cloud is now sailing past my window towards Lake Waban on the east coast of America ...
