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泰坦尼克号TITANIC Take Sb. Up/the bow rail船头栏杆 go over/roll拍摄come out of从...出来get/ the sad ruin of...的摧毁Land/shit/dive/on the deck在甲板上 Here we are我们来了Mile英里 meter米ton吨 per每 square平方 inch英寸Thick厚的 bullshit废话put down/launch发射

It's sayonara in two microsecond。我们瞬间就会见上帝。The Grand Staircase大阶梯 you guys你们set准备

Tether out推进 drop down放下 hull船体 roger that收到Go into进入 the first-class 头等 gangway door船舷门

D deck D层 reception area接待室 the dining saloon餐厅Copy that收到 Snoop Dog探测器 head down向下走

Stairwell楼梯 rope缆绳 Captain船长 get in 进去watch小心Door frame门框 Just chill放松点 make your turn转向Cable out缆绳到头了 bitch婊子 hold it等等go back返回left the water running忘了关说龙头 wardrobe衣柜

get closer靠近点smell what's有什么 hands turn over翻动It might come apart可能会碎掉 Flip it over翻过来payday Cha-ching形容收银机开启的声音(收钱咯)bring back带回来You the man好样的 cigar雪茄 crack open打开hang on等等Get around调整 Shit该死 diamond钻石 recover/hell

How it's going进展如何 debris/suite/safe保险箱

The purser事务长 briefcase公文包 photograph照片

trust my instincts相信我的直觉Hang on a second等等

Go through a little process of elimination逐项排除Necklace项链 right back待会 Be goddamned远在天边。。。Treasure hunter寻宝者Be best known for因。。。而闻名Charter获许 shipwreck遇难船 live via satellite通过卫星The North Atlantic北大西洋the familiar stories of

The nobility of令人钦佩untold鲜为人知的go further进一步Wreck残骸anybody has ever done before前无古人Expedition探险队 controversy salvage rights

Ethics/grave-robber盗墓贼 artifacts文物 relics文物What is it?怎么了?Museum-trained experts博物收藏专家Be preserved被保护 catalogue 分类underwater海底

To preserve it intact妥善保存remain unseen不得重见天日Eternity/I’ll be goddamned.难以置信 satellite call卫星电话Launch/submersible潜艇 This better be good但愿如此Speak up大声点 The heart of the Ocean海洋之心liar骗子You have my attention我洗耳恭听nutcase publicity出名God only knows why!天知道为什么!Babe /inbound到了

Old goddamn liar老千 done the background摸清底细Actress女演员 first clue/back then那时neck up断头台

Punches out a couple of kids生下两个孩子from what i hear Travel light/stateroom房间granddaughter孙女take care of XVI 16 fabulous stone稀世宝石 chop砍/切/割recut重新切割The Blue Diamond of the Crown王冠蓝钻heart-like shape 心形The theory goes that据说Hope Diamond希望蓝钻dreadful 不舒服的Nana奶奶dish track it down查遍 old claim陈年协议sail Terms of要求 absolute secrecy绝对保密 claimant 索赔人Steel tycoon钢铁大亨 fiancee 未婚妻filed成效sinking船难后Go down沉入How extraordinary!真不可思议!Reflection /hit the’berg 冰山 starboard船舷bump碰撞punch hole/bow船头Morse code摩斯电码the forward compartment前舱water level水位Spill/watertight bulkheads 水密舱壁the stern船尾ass Design承受split/keel/vertical/detaches分离section/collision

knot节(船速和流速单位)1节=1海里/小时somewhat/china 瓷器Fine forensic analysis专业分析tape recorder录音机sheet床单The ship of dream梦之船third-class三等舱forward berth预定Queue排队 fuss/You can blase about some things无动于衷Feet英尺luxurious奢华的 unsinkable不可沉的baggage行李Main terminal集散站trunk箱子the parlor suite套房Health inspection体检Chin up抬起下巴slave贩奴in chains押解Outwardly表面上 a well brought girl大
