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当性别+职业时,两个名词同时都变复数:中考知识点整理wom e n teacher s, m e n doctor s

*名词所有格-'s/ -s' 人 a teacher's teachers' children's 称第三人称第二人称第一人称*“—”连字符的作用相当于名词所有格代three-week = three week s'词*动词(作谓语)主they it she I we you you he be动词:am/is/are, was/were 格实义动词:like, run, …宾them you







助动词:do/ does/ did, have/ has + done

格情态动词:can/ could, will/ would, need, dare, must,

should, have/ has to, may

物*情态动词主第三人称第一人称第二人称can 表能力---- can't/ cannot/ can not may

表可能代should 表应该:shouldn't be allowed 不应该被允许词must 表必须---- mustn't 表禁止形need 表必要---- needn't 表没必要= don't have to their

itshisyourmyouryourher (为对Must …? 问句的否定回答)

词e.g. -- Must I…? -- No, you needn't./No, you don't have to.性dare 表敢于名will 表意愿----will not = won't




Let sb. do sth.

) e.g. you ---- your ---- yourself (yourselves) (反身代词make sb. do sth./ be made to do sth 主格作主语,宾格作宾语get sb. to do sth. ) their ( 形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词)+ n. = theirs

( *不定代词

some + thing/ body/ one, any + thing/ body/ one 主格who

不定代词+ to do

不定代词+ adj. (形容词后置):something different who 宾格*基数词和序数词

基数词:one, two, three, four, five …


序数词:物主代词first, second, third, fourth, fifth/twelfth (以-ve结尾,去-ve改-f加-th), eighth, ninth, twentieth (整十的

数,去-y改-ie加-th) )

不定冠词:*冠词+ n. a/ an (用于元音前*分数表达法the 定冠词:1/4:one fourth;

2/3:two third s *名词(作主语)*数量表达法+s, +es 复数(可数名词:单数/…)数字+ ten/ hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion +名词复数water, bread, fish 不可数名词:…ten s/ hundred s/ thousand s/ million s/ billion s + of +名词复数*名词变复数*祈使句+ es

–以sh, -ch, -s, -x 结尾的词,变复数以Don't开头的都为祈使句tomatoes 以potatoes, heroes, 结尾的词,变复数o–+es:


黑人,土豆,西红柿( 结尾的词o–,其余以) 肯(be/情态动词/实义动词),否(be/情态动词/助动词)?v + es: wife ---- wives 改fe f 结尾的词,f, -fe –以或否(be/情态动词/实义动词,肯(be/情态动词/助动词)?woman ---- women child ---- children 不规则名词变化:

will you?

祈使句的反义疑问句,后面用tooth ---- teeth man ---- men



*以-ed结尾的形容词修饰人hope to do 希望做某事

expect sb to do 希望某人做某事-ing 以结尾的形容词修饰物

want to do sth 感叹句想要做某事*would like to do sth What + adj. + 不可数名词想要做某事


feeling like doing sth 想要做某事,喜欢做某事How + adj. + (the + 不可数名词+谓语动词

e.g. What delicious food we had at your birthday party! be made to do sth 被迫做某事

food was! the= How delicious * 时间介词:on/in/at

*比较级与最高级:on + 具体某一天/星期in + 年/月/季节

good ---- better ---- best a. at + 点钟*时间表示法

well ---- better ---- best ad. past 超过(6字之前)to 差(6字之后)

e.g. a quarter to nine 8:45 bad ----worse ---- worst a.

much/ many ---- more ---- most a quarter past nine 9:15

little ---- less ---- least

half past nine 9:30

nine twenty-seven 9:27 = twenty-seven past nine 9:27 busy ---- busier --- busiest 忙* that指代不可数名词比较级(用于比较两者事物) *

e.g. The weather in Fuzhou is warmer than that in Beijing. 用于比较级than

(这里的that a lot/ much/ a little/ even/ far + 比较级:far less远远少于指代前面的weather, weather 为不可数名词)


d lik

e to choose the cheaper e.g. O

f the two coats, she '* each of them = every of them 每一个

to save money for a book.

*也:also (用于肯定句句中) too (用于肯定句句末)

) 用于比较三者或三者以上事物either (用于否定句句末)

*最高级(*也是:so + 助动词/可数名词复数+ 情态动词/be动词+主语最高级one of +

*最高级、序数词+ to do, 确实是:so +主语+助动词如:the best to do, the first to do /情态动词/be动词

*就近原则*提建议:How/What about + doing? …怎么样

there be 句型Why not do? = Why don't you? 你为什么不…?

not only …but (also) …(…)而且不但…* see/ hear sb. doing sth. (正在进行时)

*就前原则see/ hear sb. do sth. ( 句中常出现often, usually, always…)

with/ together with/ as well as 颜色* in +

___ pink is my young sister, Susan. I e.g. with you A (be) am e.g. The girl __ C. is wearing are with I You(be) B. wears A. in

any) 不用改成委婉语气中,some*复数可数名词* many + Could/ Would you …? () much + 不可数名词Look!/ Listen! (用进行时态*) + adj.: too big

复数 a few + *可数名词too (太*可数名词表肯定意思() / few +

) What's the matter (with you)? = What's wrong? (怎么了*)


)/ little + It's time to do sth =It's time for + n.不可数名词*表肯定意思( a little + 不可数名词) (表否定意思我恐怕…* I'm afraid …()

so. 我恐怕会这样。双宾语结构* I'm afraidgive sth to sb = give sb sth
