

1.a classic viewpoint 一个经典观点

2.the breathtaking colors of the canyon 峡谷的令人赞叹的颜色

3.be drawn to 被......所吸引

4.enhance v.增加,提高,改善

5.a handson program 一个实践工程


1.environmental awareness 环保意识


3.literally adv.字面意义地;的确地;真正地

4.awful adj. &adv.可怕的;糟糕的;特别;极其地

5.Initially adv. 最初的

6.turnoff 离开;关掉;对......失去爱好


8.occasionally adv.间或地,偶然9.program evaluation工程评估

10.go beyond 超出;赛过;超越

11.have emotional control issues有心情掌握问题

12.initiator n.发起人;〔连锁反响的〕引发剂


14.predictable adj. 可猜测的

15.shortlived adj.短期的;短暂的



1.represent v.代表;象征;描述;正式提出

2.image n.意象;雕像;形状;影像;图片

3.throughout history 在整个历史上

4.came into being存在,形成

5.representation n. 代表;代理人;描写

6.moments of shared humanity 共有人性的时刻


8.different eras and cultures不同的时代和文化

9.in many settings and poses 在不同的设定和姿态中

10.absorbed in a volume专注于一本书

11.relate to 理解;共情


13.demonstrate v.展现;阐述

14.the printing press 打印机

15.treasured objects 宝贵的物品

16.in their own right 凭自身实力

17.throwaway 废品

18.the raw material 原材料

19.serve its function发挥作用

20.activate v.激活;活化

21.in contrast to 与......形成对比

22.increasingly adv.越来越多地;不断增加地

23. a wholly privateactivity 一个完全私人的活动

24.wealth and intellect财宝和才智

25.seize v. 抓住;夺取;〔把握时机等〕


1.balloon n.气球;v.〔数量上〕激增;膨胀;

2.access n.通道;进入权;获得的时机;使用权

3.relatively adv. 相对地

4.health and wellness健康

5.submit v.提交(建议、报告等);〔to〕屈服;登录

6.code v.编码n.密码;代码;法典,法规

bar code 条形码zip code 邮政编码

7.different categories不同类别

8.assign v.布置;分派;给予〔某个功能或价值〕

9.Submission n.屈服;提交的文件

10.pattern n.&v.模式;图案;样式;形成图案11.emerge

12.Encounter v.遭受

13.an established trail一条建好的小径

14.Domestic adj.国内的;家庭的;家养的


16.on their lunch break在午休时间

17.generate a language 产生一种语言

18. a senior author 一名资深作者

19.overpopulate v. 使人口过剩;使大量繁殖

20.environmental conservation环保

21.Intercultural munication跨文化沟通


1.still lifes 静物画

2.Portraits 肖像画

3.artistic growth 艺术的成长

4.taking on challenges

5.took up a challenge 接受挑战

6.constructive feedback (反响)

7.is crucial to 对.....至关重要的

8.a straight path. 笔直的道路

9.push through完成

10.give it time 给它时间

11.put in the effort 付出行动

12.harvest the rewards 收获成果

13.hit roadblocks遇到拦路虎

14.feel discouraged 感到懊丧

15.at times 间或

16.evaluate your performance评价你的表现

17.redefine your role重新定位

18.painting muscle memory 绘画肌肉记忆

19.with repetition反反反


1.on a very tight budget预算紧急

2.afford to 能承当;支付的起

3.It just happened that...碰巧

4.pick up接人;学习新东西;恢复;拿起

5.work out 熬炼;解决;计算;想出

6.after some goodbyes 在一些道别之后

7.Uneventful adj. 安静无事的

8.It felt great to do sth.做某事太棒了!

9.ddesperately adj. 无望地;迫切地


11.originally adj.最初地;原创地

12.flyv.飞flew flown

13.Sympathetic adj.怜悯的;赞同的,支持的语填

1.a questioning look 一个有疑问的表情

2.figure out 弄明白

3.speak English with somebody和某人说英语

4.the flood of international tourists 许多国际游客

5.visiting Chinese zookeepers 在访问的中国动物园主

6.on loan 租借的

7.give interviews in English用英语接受采访

8.international journalists国际记者

9.settle into their new home定居新家

10.live out that dream 实现幻想


C开头的单词讲解与测试 词汇测试与运用 一、Test 5 Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below. Column A Column B

Section B. Put the following words into Chinese. 1. boycott 11. bulb 2. brains 12. bull 3. brake 13. bullet 4. brand 14. cabbage 5. breast 15. cabin 6. breeze 16. cafeteria 7. bribe 17. calendar 8. brilliant 18. campaign 9. bubble 19. candidate 10. budget 20. canteen

Section C.Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms. 1. Our company is promising because we have a group of leading___________ in the country. 2. They went to the ___________gardens to study the life of the plants. 3. The soldier was awarded a gold medal for his ________________in the battle. 4. Our attention focused on the soldier with medals pinned to the___________. 5. The police accused him of__________. 6. You should __________your experience by studying abroad. 7. The concert was _________live on TV. 8. If we__________carefully, we will be able to afford a new car.


A开头的单词讲解与测试 词汇测试与运用 一、Test 1 Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below. Column A Column B 1



1. abandon11. admission 2. accessible12. adventure 3. accommodation13. affection 4

4. accompany14. aggressive 5. accomplish15. album 6. accountant16. agriculture 7. additive17. airhostess 8. address18. abstract 9. adjust19. alcoholic 10. administration20. adopt Section C.Choose the right word from the table to fill in the blank of each sentence with correct forms. 5

1. The main purpose of this test is to test the students' ___________of using the words in different situation. 2. When we asked what happened at that time his attitude became___________. 3. The ___________of the film star made the fans very disappointed. 4. The houses at the hillside were __________to vehicles. 5. I was surprised at the ___________of the calculation of the five-year-old child. 6. His ___________of my carelessness was completely unreasonable. 7. The ___________amount of vitamin will cause various diseases. 8. The inspiring and warm-hearted leader has won ___________of the people. 9. There were heated arguments, but no ___________was reached. 6


高三英语一轮复习知识清单 (第____周) Book Two Unit 1Cultural relics 单元知识清单 1 历年高考热点词汇 take apart,select,survive,fancy,design,search for,miss,amazing 重点单词:survive select fancy belong doubt worth explode sink 重点短语:in search of belong toin return less than take part 2 语法学习:名词与主谓一致 3 写作:游记写作 复习课时安排如下: Period 1 :自主复习教材,完成《优化设计》基础练习。Period 2:词汇复习(3R学习法:Read ---Remember---Recite) Period3: 重点短语,句型复习(1)分类复习2)长难句分析)3)自主命制1-3道语法填空) Period 4: 写作讲解和语法专项 Period 5: 练习解析和预习。 高三年级一轮复习(必修1教学流程)

Day 1(问题发现单) Step OneSharing & Review Step Two Words Study(3R学习法) 1)Listen and read 2)Remember and Recite 3)分类记忆(见《优化设计》) 4)词汇补充(常见高考词汇) Step Three Self -Study time (消化和练习) Step Four Summary& Homework

高三年级一轮复习(必修2教学流程) Day 2 (问题解决单) Step One Sharing & Review Step Two Phrases Study(回归教材) 1)《优化设计》读与练。 2)回归教材(短语积累) a) 短语积累 b) 拓展 c)直击高考 Step Three Reading (回归教材) 1)Listen and Read 2)长难句分析 3)语篇回归(《优化设计》练习 Step Four Self-study time Step Five Summary & Homework


2023高考新课标卷二词汇整理A 1.a classic viewpoint 一个经典观点 2.the breathtaking colors of the canyon 峡谷的令人赞叹的颜色 3.be drawn to 被......所吸引 4.enhance v.增加,提高,改善 5.a handson program 一个实践工程 B 1.environmental awareness 环保意识 2.outnumber 3.literally adv.字面意义地;的确地;真正地 4.awful adj. &adv.可怕的;糟糕的;特别;极其地 5.Initially adv. 最初的 6.turnoff 离开;关掉;对......失去爱好 7.dissection 8.occasionally adv.间或地,偶然9.program evaluation工程评估 10.go beyond 超出;赛过;超越 11.have emotional control issues有心情掌握问题 12.initiator n.发起人;〔连锁反响的〕引发剂 13.farreaching 14.predictable adj. 可猜测的 15.shortlived adj.短期的;短暂的 16.unidentifiableadj.无法识别的;不行识别的 C 1.represent v.代表;象征;描述;正式提出 2.image n.意象;雕像;形状;影像;图片 3.throughout history 在整个历史上 4.came into being存在,形成 5.representation n. 代表;代理人;描写 6.moments of shared humanity 共有人性的时刻 7.Emphasize 8.different eras and cultures不同的时代和文化 9.in many settings and poses 在不同的设定和姿态中 10.absorbed in a volume专注于一本书 11.relate to 理解;共情 12.symbolically 13.demonstrate v.展现;阐述 14.the printing press 打印机 15.treasured objects 宝贵的物品 16.in their own right 凭自身实力 17.throwaway 废品 18.the raw material 原材料 19.serve its function发挥作用 20.activate v.激活;活化 21.in contrast to 与......形成对比 22.increasingly adv.越来越多地;不断增加地 23. a wholly privateactivity 一个完全私人的活动 24.wealth and intellect财宝和才智 25.seize v. 抓住;夺取;〔把握时机等〕 D 1.balloon n.气球;v.〔数量上〕激增;膨胀; 2.access n.通道;进入权;获得的时机;使用权 3.relatively adv. 相对地 4.health and wellness健康 5.submit v.提交(建议、报告等);〔to〕屈服;登录 6.code v.编码n.密码;代码;法典,法规 bar code 条形码zip code 邮政编码 7.different categories不同类别 8.assign v.布置;分派;给予〔某个功能或价值〕 9.Submission n.屈服;提交的文件 10.pattern n.&v.模式;图案;样式;形成图案11.emerge 12.Encounter v.遭受 13.an established trail一条建好的小径 14.Domestic adj.国内的;家庭的;家养的 15.fountain 16.on their lunch break在午休时间 17.generate a language 产生一种语言 18. a senior author 一名资深作者 19.overpopulate v. 使人口过剩;使大量繁殖 20.environmental conservation环保 21.Intercultural munication跨文化沟通 七选五 1.still lifes 静物画 2.Portraits 肖像画 3.artistic growth 艺术的成长 4.taking on challenges 5.took up a challenge 接受挑战 6.constructive feedback (反响) 7.is crucial to 对.....至关重要的 8.a straight path. 笔直的道路 9.push through完成 10.give it time 给它时间 11.put in the effort 付出行动 12.harvest the rewards 收获成果


2023年高考英语一轮复习:高频词汇分类速记清单 Part One高考阅读理解高频词汇 主题语境1 人与自我 生活与学习 1. achieve.实现,完成 派achievement n.成绩,成就,完成 同accomplish 2.amateur n.业余爱好者adj.业余的 例an amateur orchestra一支业余的管弦乐队 3.amuse.逗笑;提供消遣 搭amuse oneself by doing sth做某事来消遣某人自己 派amused adj.觉得好笑的amusement n.娱乐 4.available adj可获得的,可找到的,有空的 联availability n.可用性,有效性 5. cancel.取消,废除 派cancellation n.撤销;作废 同call off 6. combination n.结合体,联合 联combine v.结合,合并 7. commit v.犯(罪),做出(错事) 派commitment n.承诺 8. define.界定,给……下定义,确定……的界线 派definition n.定义definite adj.肯定的,明显的 indefinite adj.期限不定的definitely adv.当然,明确地 9. direct v.指示,指导,导演 派directly adv.径直,直接direction n.方向,指导director n.董事,导演,主任 10. discovery n.发现,发觉,被发现的事物

派discover v.发现discoverer n.发现者 l1. entertain v.招待,娱乐 例Do you get an allowance for entertaining guests? 你招待客人有补助吗? 派entertainment n.娱乐 12. enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的 例All the staff are enthusiastic about the sports.所有职员都对体育运动感兴趣。派enthusiasm n.热情,热衷的事物 13.fantastic adj.极好的,(数量)很大的,不切实际的 联fantasy n.幻想,幻想作品 14.fascinating adj.迷人的 联fascinate v.迷住fascination n.魅力,入迷 15. fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的 联be in fashion流行be out of fashion过时 16. forget v.忘记,遗忘 派forgettable adj.易被忘记的派 unforgettable adj.令人难忘的 17.foundation n.根据,地基,基础 联found vt.创建,创办founder n.创建者,发起人 18. freeze v.结冰,冻住,惊呆 派freezing adj.冰冻的,极冷的 19.historical adj.历史的,历史学的 联history n.历史,历史学 20. honour n.光荣,荣幸v.尊敬,给予表扬 派honourable adj.可敬的,品格高尚的 21. humorous adj.有幽默感的 派humorously adv.幽默地 联humour n.幽默,诙谐 同funny 22. ignore v.不予理睬,忽视


2023年高考英语全国卷试题派生词汇总+2024届高考英语一轮复 习 2023高考全国卷派生词 全国甲卷 progressive (课标progress) adj.不断前进的;进步的 personalise (课标person/personal)v.使个性化;使人性化 reawaken (课标awake) v.再次引发(感情、回忆等) simplicity (课标simple) n.简单,朴素attractant (课标attract)n.引诱剂,诱饵 intolerable (课标tolerate)adj.无法忍受的 misshapen (课标shape)adj.畸形的;扭曲变形的accusation (课标accuse)n.控告 全国乙卷 suspicion (课标suspect) n.怀疑;嫌疑 unlawfully (课标law) adv.非法地;不正当地 practitioner (课标practice)n.从业者 geographical (课标geography)adj.地理的;地貌的 decisive (课标decide/decision)adj.决定性的authoritative (课标authority) adj.权威的;当局的 reconstruct (课标construction) v.重建 miscomprehension (课标comprehensive)n.误解 unsung (课标sing) adj.未被赞美的 architectural(课标architect) adj.建筑的 全国新高考Ⅰ卷 minimalism (课标minimum) n.极简主义 philosophical (课标philosophy)adj.哲学的 statistician (课标statistic)n.统计学家 wrapper (课标wrap) n.包装纸;(包子、饺子等的)皮encase (课标case) v.把......装箱(或围住、包起) 全国新高考Ⅱ卷 initiator(课标initial/initiative)n.创始人;发起者


一、刷真题 B We journalists live in a new age of storytelling,with many new multimedia young people don t even realize it s them,it s just normal. This hit home for me as I was sitting with my 2-year-old grandson on a sofa over the Spring Festival had brought a children s book to had simple words and colorful pictures—a perfect match for his age. Picture this:my grandson sitting on my lap as I hold the book in front so he can see the I read,he reaches out and pokes(戳) the page with his finger. What s up with that?He just likes the pictures,I I turned the page and poked the page even nearly dropped the was confused:Is there something wrong with this kid? Then I realized what was was actually a stranger to father frequently amused the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures that come alive when you poke thought my storybook was like that. book is not part of your high-tech s an outdated,lifeless antique,Like your grandfather.Well,I may be old,but I m not hopelessly challenged,digitally edit video and produce use mobile ve even built websites. There s one notable gap in my new-media experience,however:I ve spent little time in front of a camera,since I have a face made for that didn t stop China Daily from asking me last week to share a personal story for a video project about the integration of Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei province. Anyway,grandpa is now an internet star—two minutes of fame! I promise not to let it go to my I will make sure my 2-year-old grandson sees it on his tablet. do the underlined words “hit home for me” mean in paragraph 2? shelter for me. very clear to me. the pressure off me. quite well on me. did the kid poke the storybook?

02 2023高考英语一轮复习全国甲卷真题长难句精析一点通+重点词汇+变式拔高练+真题巩固练

专题02全国甲卷 长难句真题精析一点通+重点词汇+变式拔高练+真题巩固练 一真题分析 1.( 2022全国甲卷) The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni. 【分析】本句的主干是The realization was one of the biggest things。(主系表结构) 第一个that引导同位语从句;不定式被动结构作后置定语, 修饰a precious land;第二个that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词things。 【句意】Ginni最深刻的感受之一就是意识到这块宝贵的土地应当受到人类的尊重。【词汇】 (1)realization n.意识 关联词:realize v.了解,意识到;实现(目标,梦想等);变现变卖(资产)(高考复现2021浙江卷)“I often send postcards to family and friends,”he says to China Daily, “but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it, and that’s totally fine.” “我经常飞家人和朋友寄明信片,”他对中国日报说,“但你可以想象,过一段时间,你收到的明信片不如你寄的那么多,而且你意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样,但也没关系。” (2)hit home切中要害;使人接受或认清事实 Did the reality of war finally hit home? 人们终于认清战争的现实了吗? Everyone felt that the speaker’s remarks hit close to home? 大家都感觉到发言人的话击中了要害。 (2022新高考全国II卷) This hit home for me as I was sitting with my 2-year-old grandson on a sofa over the Spring Festival holiday. 春节期间当我和两岁的孙子坐在沙发上时,很清楚认识到了这一点。 2.( 2022全国甲卷)After our third run Andrew shut down the engine, and we went out separate ways--he for a lunch break, I to explore the city. 【分析】本句的主干是Andrew shut down the engine, and we went out separate ways。And连接两个并列句。破折号后面是两个省略句,he和I都省略了谓语动词went

高考一轮复习 2021年英语高考全国乙卷阅读B 词汇 (新高三可用)

2021年英语高考全国乙卷阅读B 词汇(新高三可用) 2021年高考全国乙卷阅读B 词汇测试卷 1. press sb to do sth 2. be hard pressed to do sth 3. plenty of 4. practically 5. make/receive calls 6. still (一词多义) 7. rely on= 8. according to (拓展词汇)accordingly 9. survey 10.keep it as a security blanket 11. in case of (拓展词汇) in that case; in any case ; (just)in case; in sb’s case 12. category 13. stick with 14. factor 15. boom 16. makeup 17. do with

18. generation (拓展词汇) the generation gap the generation of electricity 19. rather than (拓展词汇) other than or rather 20. to be honest = = 21. to the point where…… 22. pick up 23. take the fun out of it 24. be attached to (拓展词汇)attach importance/significance to sth 25. lamp the gas light/lamp 26. delivery 27. target 28. popular—(词性转换)n. 29. major 30. function 31. complex 32. remark 33. identity 34. infer—过去式occur—过去式refer—过去式 35. necessity 36. remain (拓展句型)it remains to be seen

2023英语新课标II卷重点词汇盘点(阅读AB )

2023英语新课标II卷重点词汇盘点(阅读AB )【A 篇】 1. Yellow National Park 黄石公园 2. a variety of 各种各样的 3. ranger n.园林管理员;护林人 4. ranger programs 护林人项目 5. backcountry n.(山中等)偏僻地区,偏远地区(合成词back+country) 6. trail n.小径 7. workshop n.讲习班;研讨会 8. compare ... to... 把……与……相比 9. as long as 只要 10. in front of 在……前面 11. classic adj. 第一流的;最优秀的 12. viewpoint n.角度(合成词view+point) 13. breathtaking adj.令人赞叹的;激动人心的 14. canyon n.峡谷 15. photographer n.摄影师(派生词photograph+-er) 16. draw v.吸引(熟词生义) e.g.: The festival is likely to draw huge crowds. 这个节庆活动可能会吸引来庞大的人群。 17. enhance v.提高;增强;增进 18. photography adj.照相术;摄影 19. hands-on adj.动手的;实际操作的 20. inspire v.激励;鼓舞 21. protection n.保护(派生词protect+-ion) 22. participant n.参与者;参加者 【B篇】 1. turn soil 翻土 2. pull weeds 拔草 3. harvest v.收割(庄稼);收获 4. tough adj.艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的(熟词生义) e.g.: She has been having a tough time of it lately. 她最近的日子一直很难熬。 5. tough work 棘手的工作 6. start v.创办;建立(熟词生义) e.g.: She wanted to start her own catering business.

2023年高考全国乙卷英语高频难词盘点讲义 高三英语一轮复习

2023年高考全国乙卷英语高频难词盘点讲义 一.构词法词汇 analyst n.分析家;分析师 authoritative a.权威性的 brownish a.略带棕色的;浅棕色的 comforting a.令人欣慰的 crazy-looking a. 看起来不可思议的 create settings 布景 decisive a.坚定的;果断的 distinctive a.有特色的;与众不同的 geographical variation 地理差异 less-than-impressive a. 不那么给人印象深刻的 profitable a.有利可图的;有益的 reconstruct v.重构;重现 suspicion n.怀疑;质疑 team up with 与...合作 二.熟词生义 concern n.关心的事 contact n.关联 conversation n.史记 privilege v.给予特权 shot n.拍摄;镜头 try v.审判

twist v.曲解;歪曲 三.地道词块或短语 all-around event 全能项目 authentic tastes 原汁原味 back up 证实;支持 be tried for 因...被审判 bridge the ancient and the modern 连接古今color her hair 染她的头发 from all walks of life 来自社会各阶层 head-spinning 晕头转向的 lift your mood 提升心情 pack up 收拾;打包 perform surgery 做手术 practice medicine 行医

2023年高考英语试卷(新课标Ⅱ卷)重点词汇考查 高三英语一轮复习

A 1. a variety of programs 2.wildlife n. 3.From a classic viewpoint 4.breathtaking colors 5.Enhance photography skills 6. a hands-on program 7.inspire 8.participant B 9.Turn soil 10.pull weeds 11.tough work 12.environmental awareness 13.outnumber grocery store 14.literally 15.awful 16.initially 17.scared 18.be eager to 19.urban 20.hands-on experiments 21.soil testing 22.occasionally 23.evaluation 24.go beyond nutrition 25.seed 26.emotional 27.issues 28.initiator 29.distrust 30.impact 31.far-reaching 32.predictable 33.short-lived 34.unidentifiable. 35.rescue https://www.360docs.net/doc/f719254279.html,ndscape C 37.object 38.represent 39.image 40.came into being 41.representation 42.humanity 43.select 44.arrange 45.emphasize 46.era 47.scene

2021届高考英语高三一轮复习:词汇阅读打卡计划(Day 12)提升版含答案

2021高考英语词汇阅读打卡计划(Day 12)提升版 一:词汇打卡复习 1:memorial/mə'mɔːriəl/ n. [C] 纪念碑,纪念馆;纪念仪式;纪念物; adj. 记忆的;纪念的,追悼的 The memorial seems almost ugly, dominating the landscape for miles around. 那座纪念碑耸立在方圆数英里景致之中显得近乎难看。 【派生词】 memorialize v. 纪念 2:humble/'hʌmbl/ adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的; v. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气 He gave a great performance, but he was very humble. 他的表演很精彩,但他却很谦逊。 3:criticise/'krɪtɪˌsaɪz/ v. 批评;吹毛求疵;非难 The decision has been strongly criticized by teachers. 1

这一决定受到了老师们的强烈批评。 4:representative/reprɪ'zentətɪv/ adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的; n. [C] 代表;典型;众议员 We all voted for him as our representative. 大家都推举他当代表。 5:decline/dɪˈklaɪn/ n. [C] (数量、价值、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落;衰退; v. 减少;下降;衰弱;衰退;谢绝;婉言拒绝 The number of trees larger than two feet across has declined by 50 percent. 直径超过两英尺的树木数量减少了50%。 【常用搭配】 decline to 下降到 decline by 下降了 economic decline 经济衰退 6:exhibition/ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ n. [C] 展览品,展览会; [U] 展览,展出 2


跟着高考英语试卷背单词(1) 【段落选自:2023年新高考II卷Para 1】 Turning soil, pulling weeds, and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high school kids. And at first it is, says Abby Jaramillo, who with another teacher started Urban Sprouts, a school garden program at four low-income schools. The program aims to help students develop science skills, environmental awareness, and healthy lifestyles. 【单词搭配】 1.harvest time 收获季节 2.the grain harvest 谷物的收成 3. a good/bad harvest (= a lot of crops or few crops) 丰收;歉收 【单词搭配】 1. Load the program into the computer. 把程序输入电脑。 2. an intense training program 强化培训方案 3. the university's graduate programs 大学研究生课程 4. a TV program 电视节目 【单词搭配】 1. the aims of the lesson 本课教学目标 2. She went to London with the aim of finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。


2023年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新高考全国Ⅰ卷)英语学科第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题分,满分分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Bike Rental & Guided Tours Welcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.Why MacBikeMacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children’s bikes.Prices


我们以2023年全国新课标II卷英语真题的阅读理解为研究对象,从词汇、语法、题型、思维品质考核、选材以及语篇标的等六个角度,对每个语篇逐个进行微观研究,揭开新高考阅读题型的变局和题目背后的命题技术,以期更精准、更高效地服务新高三考生备战高考,同时也为高一高二阶段的英语学习指明方向,提供可行性方案。 I.词语选用生动多样新高考阅读语篇均源自外刊。语言很地道;词汇使用多样而立体;转化词、熟词生义、构词法词汇、同义异构、短语与词块、大学四级词汇等纷纷登场。近10年来,每年高考英语全国卷都已出现词形转化、词义转化、构词法规则转化、新教材新增词汇等"新高考词汇"现象,且愈演愈烈,本套真题卷中也是到处可见。但较为显眼的词用变化就是阅读语篇里含有了少量的大学四级考试词汇。 1.词性转化harvest cabbage收割/采集卷心菜part v.分开;分离balloon v.膨胀;涨大 2.熟词生义 celebration n.赞美;歌颂representation n.描绘volume n.一卷书;一册书treasure v.珍爱name v.提及(=mention)domestic a.辖区内的 3.构词法词汇 backcountry n.边远地区 breathtaking a.壮观的;令人赞叹的 hands-on a.实际动手的;实操的

low-income a.低收入的 tasting n.品尝 evaluation n.评估 calming a.平静的//n.镇定 initiator n.发起者;创始人 distrust v.不信任 far-reaching a.深远的 predictable a.可预知的 short-lived a.短命的;短暂的unidentifiable a.不能鉴别的;无法明判的artwork n.艺术品 treasured a.珍爱的 throwaway n.广告传单;一次性产品interactive a.互动的

高考真题中的语法知识清单(2023年全国新课标II卷)- 高三英语一轮复习

高考真题中的语法知识清单 【全国新课标Ⅱ卷】 英语学科 第一部分听力 (略) 第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分) 第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Yellowstone National Park offers【主谓一致】a variety of ranger programs throughout the park, and throughout the year. The following are【主谓一致】descriptions of the ranger programs this summer. Experiencing Wildlife in Yellowstone (May 26 to September 2) Whether you’re hiking a backcountry trail (小径), camping, or just enjoying the park’s amazing wildlife from the road【whether…or…结构的用法】, this quick workshop is for you and your family. Learn where to look for animals and how to safely enjoy your wildlife watching experience【(1)祈使句(2)and连接where to…和how to…,作动词learn的宾语】. Meet at the Canyon Village Store【祈使句】. Junior Ranger Wildlife Olympics (June 5 to August 21) Kids can【情态动词】test their skills and compare their abilities to the animals of Yellowstone. Stay for as little or as long as【as…as…结构的用法】your plans allow. Meet in front of the Visitor Education Center【祈使句】. Canyon Talks at Artist Point (June 9 to September 2) From a classic viewpoint, enjoy Lower Falls, the Yellowstone River, and the breathtaking colors of the canyon (峡谷) while learning about the area’s natural and human history【祈使句】. Discover why artists and photographers continue to be drawn to this special place【(1)祈使句。(2)why引导的从句,作动词discover的宾语。(3)continue to do/to be done的用法】. Meet on the lower platform at Artist Point on the South Rim Drive for this short talk【祈使句】. Photography Workshops (June 19 & July 10) Enhance your photography skills【祈使句】— join Yellowstone’s park photographer for a hands-on program to inspire【动词不定式作目的状语】new and creative ways of enjoying【a way of doing sthg的用法】the beauty and wonder of Yellowstone. 6/19 — Waterfalls &Wide Angles: meet at Artist Point. 7/10 — Wildflowers &White Balance: meet at Washburn Trailhead in Chittenden parking area. 21. Which of the four programs begins the earliest? A. Photography Workshops. B. Junior Ranger Wildlife Olympics. C. Canyon Talks at Artist Point. D. Experiencing Wildlife in Yellowstone. 22. What is the short talk at Artist Point about? A. Works of famous artists. B. Protection of wild animals. C. Basic photography skills. D. History of the canyon area. 23. Where will the participants meet for the July 10 photography workshop? A. Artist Point. B. Washburn Trailhead. C. Canyon Village Store. D. Visitor Education Center. 【参考答案】21. D 22. D 23. B
