

Gloria:Okay, let's make a good impression on the people. Smiles everyone, let's get it together. Is that the best you can do, Melman? 好了,让我们给人类一个好的印象。大家笑一笑,一起做。Melman,这就是你最灿烂的笑容吗?

-Melman:Oh, I'm not smiling, it's gas. 哦,我没有在笑,我想放屁。

-Gloira:Okay well great. Let's make gasp look good. 好了,放屁也要放的好看点。

-Gloria:It's not people. It's animals! 不是人类,是动物!

-Melman:California animals! 加利福尼亚的动物!

-Marty:This is like a puppy party!好象是个小狗狗的派对!

-All:”I like to move it move it!I like to move it move it! You like to... “我喜欢跳舞!我喜欢跳舞!你喜欢……Move it! I like to move it move it!I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it!Youliketo... Move it! 跳舞!我喜欢跳舞!我喜欢跳舞!我喜欢跳舞,你喜欢……I like to move it move it!, You like to move it move it! She likes to move it move it! 跳舞!我喜欢跳舞!你喜欢跳舞!她喜欢跳舞,我们都喜欢……We like to... Move it! Hi there, Julian with the word! Original King Julian, what a des man!跳舞!喂,Julian有话要说!国王Julian,多么伟大的人物!

I like my jam, I love to move my body! When you move your body,you move it nice andsweet and sassy.”我喜欢我的果酱,我喜欢跳舞!当你舞动身体,你那么漂亮,可爱,时髦。”

-Gloria:What kind of Zoo is this? 这算什么动物园?

-Melman:I just saw 26 blink hoco violations.

violation: 违反我刚才一下子就见到了26项违规的事。

-Marty:I'm loving San Diego, this place is off to Shizam! 我爱圣地亚哥,这个地方太棒了!-Melman:Twenty-seven! 二十七!

-Marty:What kind the bad chimps at it? 这是什么歌啊?

-Gloria:Wait, where's Alex?What happened to him? He was right behind us. Were he right behind us? 等等,Alex在哪儿?他怎么了?他就在我们身后啊,他在我们身后吗?

-Marty:I don't know where he's at, but he's missing one hack of a party! 我不知道他在哪儿,但他肯定错过了这个派对!

-Animal:The Foosa! The Foosa!TheFoosa are attacking! 胡萨!胡萨!胡萨来袭了!-Alex:I hate spider webs.Yeah, thanks a lot, guys. Thanks for waiting up.I really appreciate it. 我讨厌蜘蛛网,好,谢谢,兄弟们。谢谢你们等我,非常感谢。

-Alex:Hey hi. We just got in from New York, and we're looking for a supervisor, because we've been sitting on, that beach back there for hours. supervisor: 管理者嘿,嗨,我们刚从纽约来,我们想找一位管理员,因为我们已经在沙滩上坐很久了。And nobody's even bothered to show up.而且没有看到一个人。I don't know how things, normally run around here, but obviously there's been some sortof major screw up which is cool. 我也不清楚这里的规矩是什么,不过很显然,这里肯定有点儿乱,不过也蛮酷的。So if you just point us towards, we've been straight to offices, or just...

screw up: 拧紧如果你们可以为我们指个方向的话,去办公室,或者……

-Spider:Well how do you do? 你好吗?

-Alex:Spider! Spider on my back! 蜘蛛!蜘蛛在我背后!

-Julian:Maurice, did you see that?He scared the Foosa away.


-Gloria:Get it! Get it! Get it! 抓住他!抓住他!抓住他!

-Alex:Where did he go? Where did he go? 他到哪儿去了?他到哪儿去了?

-Maurice:King Julian, what are they?What are they? Julian国王,他们是什么人?他们是什么


-Julian:They are aliens. Savage aliens, from the savage future.他们是外星人,从野蛮未来来的外星人。

-Animal:They've come to kill us!And take our women! And our precious meadows! 他们是来杀我们的,还要掳走我们的女人!还有我们宝贵的草地!

-Julian:Get up, Mort. Do not be near the King's feet, okay? Shh! We're hiding. Be quiet, 起来,Mort,不要老抱着国王的脚,听见吗?嘘!我们现在躲着!大家安静点,everyone. Including me.Shh! Who's making that noise? Oh, it's me again. 包括我!嘘!谁在发出噪音?哦,又是我-Melman:Come on boys!Stop it! Enough! 好了,孩子们。停!够了!

-Marty:I think you got it. I thing she got it. 我觉得你打到它了,我觉得她打到它了。

-Alex:Is It still on me? I hate spiders. 还在我身上吗?我讨厌蜘蛛。

-Gloria:That's okay, he's gone. 好了,他不见了。

-Mort:They are savages!Tonight we die. 他们是野蛮人,今夜我们死定了。

-Julian:The feet! I told you!Didn't I tell you about the feet? 脚!我跟你说过的!难道我没跟你说过吗?

-Maurice:He did tell you about the feet. 他的确说过关于脚的事。

-Julian:Wait. I have a plan! 等一下,我想出了一个计策!


-Julian:I have devised a gunning test. To see whether these are savage killers.设一个苦肉计。看看这些人是不是野蛮杀手

-Mort:No! 不!-Marty:Hi there! 嗨,你好!

-Alex:You Let me handle it. Alex handles it. Marty does nothing.让我来负责。Alex负责这里,Marty你什么也不要做。

-Alex:Hi there! 嗨,你好。

-Alex:Oh, sorry. No, no! 哦,对不起,不,不!

-Melman:Oh Alex, What did you do? 哦,Alex,你干了些什么?

-Alex:Stop, stop. It's okay. It's okay. I'm just a silly, just a silly lion. silly: 笨的停,停,好了。好了,我只是一只笨狮子,只是一只笨狮子。

-Gloria:Oh, you poor little baby, did that big mean lion scare you? He did? He's a big bad, old puddy tad, isn't he? Come on, mama hold you. tad: 小孩子哦,你这个小宝贝,那只可恶的大狮子吓着你吗?是吗?他是一个坏孩子,对吗?好了,让妈妈抱抱。

-Melman:They are so cute from a reasonable position. 他们真是可爱。

-Gloria:You're sweetest little thing,I just wanna dump him in my coffee.


-Julian:they are just a bunch of pansies.他们只是一群娘们。

-Maurice:I don't know, there's still something about that one with the crazy hairdo that I find suspicious.我也不知道。我觉得那个梳着爆炸头的还是很可疑。

-Julian:Nonsense, Maurice! Come on everybody!Let's go and meet the pansies! 胡说,Maurice!来吧,大家!让我们迎接那些娘们!

-Maurice:Presenting your royal highness our illustrious King Julian the 13 self proclaimed. Lord of the Lemur etc. etc.Hurray everybody



贯口 对口相声常见的表现形式,除了“一头沉”、“子母哏”以外,还有一种表现形式叫“贯口”,也叫“背口”。“贯口”的“贯”字,是一气呵成,一贯到底的意思。经过整理的传统相声《地理图》有这样一段: ---- 甲我从北京这儿出发的。 乙从北京出发,准备旅游。 甲从北京这儿出德胜门。 乙出德胜门。 甲出德胜门走清河、沙河、昌平县、南口、青龙桥、康庄子、怀来、沙城、保安、下花园、辛壮子、宣化、沙岭子、榆林堡、张家口、柴沟、西弯、天镇、阳高县、周士庄、大同、丰镇、平地泉、三岔口、十八台、桌子山、三道营、桃甫旗、呼和浩特、包头、穿过乌梁素海、石嘴山、进宁夏回族自治区。 乙少数民族地区。 甲银川市,过中宁走甘肃、兰州、西宁、凉州、永昌、临泽、酒泉、玉门、星星峡、新疆哈密、吐鲁番、乌鲁木齐、达坂城、库尔勒市、库车、温宿、泽普、昆仑山。 乙好嘛,又到昆仑山啦。 甲进了西藏聂拉木、札什伦布、尼木、拉萨、墨脱、札木、进四川巴塘、理塘、雅砻江。 乙好嘛,又到了雅砻江啦。 甲大渡河,过泸定桥、四川成都市,走简阳、资阳、隆昌、永川到重庆,贵州省贵阳、遵义,云南省昆明市、文山、砚山到广西,南宁市、柳州、阳朔、桂林市,湖南省衡阳、株洲到长沙,湖北省沙市、汉阳、汉口武昌关,河南信阳、确山、驻马店、许昌、郑州、华阴县、西安、咸阳、铜州,到廷安。 乙到革命圣地啦。 甲由龙门过黄河,山西省榆次县、太原市、寿阳、平定、阳泉,河北进陉、石家庄、新乐、望都、保定市、高阳、河间、沧州、泊镇,山东禹城、济南市、党家庄、张夏、万德、泰安,过大汶口、吴村、曲阜、兖州,过任桥、曹老集、临淮关、张八岭、浦口,过江南京市、龙潭、下蜀、镇江、无锡、苏州、昆山到上海。 乙又到上海啦。 甲走松江到浙江嘉兴、绍兴、杭州、金华到江西,南丰、瑞金到福建,走连城、三明、南平、福州、泉州、金门、厦门奔汕头,广东省广州、雷州、海南岛,过了九龙、香港,到越南河内。 乙这就出国啦。


-Alex :Oh, man! Oh my head! Where? What? I'm in the box! Oh no! No no!Not the box! Oh no, they can't transfer me! Not me! I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Darkness creeping in. Can't breathe.I can't breathe! Walls closing in around me! so alone,so alone. transfer: 转移把我关在箱子里!哦,不,他们不能转移我!我!我不能呼吸了,我不能 呼吸了。creep: 爬行黑暗爬进来了,无法呼吸,我不能呼吸了!四周都是墙!如此孤独,如此孤独。 -Marty :Alex! Alex are you there? Alex! Alex! 你在吗? -Alex :Marty? Marty? -Marty :Yeah! Talk to me, buddy! buddy: 同伴耶!和我说话啊,兄弟!-Alex :Marty! You're here! Marty ! 你在这儿! -Marty :What's going on? Are you okay? 怎么了?你还好吗? -Alex :This doesn't look good, Marty. 事情不妙,Marty 。 -Gloria :Alex? Marty? is That you? Alex ?Marty ?是你们吗? -Alex :Gloria! You're here too! Gloria !你也在! -Marty :I am loving the sound of your voice! 我爱死你的声音了。 -Gloria :What is going on? 怎么回事? -Alex :We're rolling in crates. roll: 卷crate: 板条箱我们被关在箱子 里了。-Gloria :Oh, no! 噢,不! -Melman :Oh, sleeping just knocks me out. 哦,睡觉让我累坏了。 -Gloria :Melman! Melman! -Alex :is That Melman? 是Melman 吗? -Gloria :Are you okay? 你还好吗? -Melman :Yeah, I'm fine. I often doors off while I'm getting a hemorrhoid. hemorrhoid: 痔疮是的,我很好,我生痔疮的时候经常把门关上的。


《马达加斯加2》观后感 贾力敏 《马达加斯加2》,一部耐人寻味的电影。在这里,动物和人类一样,有亲情、友情、爱情,有快乐、忧伤、愤怒。 其实说真的,这部电影并不是第一流的,比起《功夫熊猫》《WALL-E》等一流的电影,从头到尾都在恶搞,故事平坦没有曲折的《马达加斯加2》实在没法吊高我们的胃口,但其体现的亲情、友情、爱情却让我们回味十足…… 艾力克是一只活泼可爱、讲义气的狮子,他由于儿时的一场意外,而成为“纽约之王”从而结识了好朋友——斑马马蒂、长颈鹿迈尔曼、河马格罗瑞亚。他们四个来到非洲大草原,艾力克找到了他的父母——草原之王,但艾力克只会跳舞,而又被对王位虎视眈眈的狮子马昆卡算计,在成年仪式上被迪氏打败,父亲不忍心亲自驱逐艾力克,丢弃了王位……危险慢慢逼近了,由于人类修建的大坝,保护区内的水源干涸了,四位好朋友为了大家毅然去保护区外寻找水源,经历了诸多坎坷,艾力克和他的父亲终于炸掉了大坝,找到了水源,让保护区里的动物得救了。大家又幸福的生活在一起…… 剧情很简单,可动物们的神态异常生动,开怀、丧气、愤怒、满足,一举手、一投足、一扬眉、一叹气,真是惟妙惟肖,让我忍不住朝他们赞许地微笑,或者着急地劝告。它们的亲情、友情、爱情,它们的快乐、忧伤、愤怒,都带给我们不一样的感觉。 其实这部电影可看性还是蛮高的啦!几个老角色一如既往的性格鲜明,虽然不算有多可爱,但都很容易给人留下深刻的印象。四个主角:艾力克舞跳的很帅、马蒂面部表情丰富、迈尔曼感情细腻、格罗瑞亚笑容迷人……配角里,四个企鹅有抢主角的嫌疑。动作干净利落,判断及时准确而且永远从容不迫,简直…简直就是普京!艾力克的妈妈温和慈爱;爸爸属于那种有点老派但是很疼儿子的;牟头牟头真的是很英俊(以河马的标准);狐猴三人组很好的完成了搞笑的任务;普通猴两人组永远非常淡定的在下棋;人类,就是人类啦,那个老太太很象周星驰《百变金刚》里那个杨婆婆:小碎步倒着,小眼镜戴着,小毛衣穿着其实是绝世高手!唯一的反面角色,那个想篡位的狮子,长得很象《好汉两个半》里面的查理。 从这部电影里,我学会了舍小家为大家;学会了勇敢与坚强;学会了相信朋友,相信自己;学会了扬长避短……在这部电影里,我学会了太多太多,看见了太多太多。真的,其实有些时候我们也要向这些动物学习吧……


Alex the Lion:Well, I say we just ask these bozos where the people are. Julian:[from the ground underneath Alex] Excuse me. We bozos have the people of course! Melman the Giraffe:Hey, the bozos have the people. Alex the Lion:Oh, well, great. Good. Phew! Julian:They're up there. [points up at skeleton dangling from tree, wearing a parachute harness] Julian:Don't you love the people? Not a very lively bunch, though. 2. Gloria the Hippo:Go talk to him. Alex the Lion:But I gave him a snow globe! I can't beat that! 3. Melman the Giraffe:[Melman presents Marty with a gift-wrapped thermometer] Marty the Zebra:Ah, this is great! Thanks! [he puts it in his mouth and poses] Melman the Giraffe:I really wanted to give you a personal present. Do you know that was my first rectal thermometer? Marty the Zebra:[Marty spits it out and retches] 4. Melman the Giraffe:Hey, Alex. Psst, Alex. Alex. Alex the Lion:What is it, Melman? Melman the Giraffe:OK, you know how I have to get up every two hours because of my bladder infection and go for a wee? Well, this time I was walking past Marty's pen, and usually I dont look in it, but this time I was walkin' past, and I? Alex the Lion:What, Melman? What is it? Melman the Giraffe:It's Marty... He's gone! Melman the Giraffe:[looks at hole in ground the penguins have dug] How long has he been working on this? [shouts gently down hole] Melman the Giraffe:Marty. Marty! 5. Julian:Does anybody else have the heebee-jeebees? 6. Julian:All we have to do is wait until they are in a deep sleep... [10-second pause] Julian:[shouts] How long is this going to take? 7. Melman the Giraffe:I've divided my will into three equal parts. [wave washes against the shore, destroying 1/3 of the will] Melman the Giraffe:Oh, sorry Alex. 8. [Maurice just told Marty that he was steak] Marty the Zebra:Oh, c'mon! Do I look like a steak to you? Alex the Lion:Yeah!


Madagascar 1 《马达加斯加1》 -Alex:Surprise! 大惊喜! -Marty:Alex! Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming! When the Zebra is in the zone, leave him alone. interrupt: 打断daydream: 做白日梦zebra: 斑马 Alex!别在我在做白日梦的时候来打搅我! 斑马在家,闲人勿扰。 -Alex:Come on ,Marty, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! 别这样,Marty,我只是想来祝你生日快乐的! -Marty:Hey man, thanks. 嘿,哥们儿,谢了。 -Alex:Hey,I got something stuck in my teeth. It's driving me crazy! Can you help me out here? Please? stuck: 被卡住drive me crazy: 使我发疯了 嘿,我牙里塞了点东西,快受不了了。你能不能帮我把它取出来,拜托? -Marty:You came to the right place, my friend. Doctor Marty D.D.S is in the house! D.D.S: 牙科学博士 算你来对地方了,我的朋友。Marty医生,牙科学博士正巧在家呢! Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. I don't see anything.It’son the left. hop on: 跳上sterilize: 消毒的 如果可以的话,请跳到我消过毒的检查台,上来。我什么也没看见啊,在左边。 -Alex:Oh,sorry. 噢,抱歉。 -Marty:Okay, just don't talk with your mouth full. Right here. What a hack is this doing in there? 好,张嘴的时候别说话。找到了。这个东西在里面做什么? -Alex:Happy birthday! 生日快乐! -Marty:Thanks man. It was behind the tooth! You're all right. 谢谢,哥们儿,原来它在牙齿后面啊,你没事了。 -Alex:It's hardly on a shelf yet.Here, check it out. Look at that, look at that. Look at that, it's


后会无期经典台词 1、命硬不敢说,命根子,肯定硬 2、我从小就是优,你让我怎么从良 3、sun of beach阳光海滩 son of bitch婊子养的 4、这里面有防腐剂吗没有,你要吃吗我帮你买 5、人昏过去按人中,狗昏过去按狗中。这五官怎么这么紧凑! 6、你们的偶像,都是明星。而我的偶像,是一颗卫星 7、你连世界都没观过,哪来的世界观 8、喜欢就会放肆,但爱是克制 9、路遥知马力不足,日久见人心不古 10、! 11、我的朋友到处都是,我走到哪儿拉屎都有人给我送纸 12、带不走的留不下,留不下的别牵挂 13、小孩子才分对错,成年人只看利弊 14、有些人,一辈子就缩在一个角落里。连窗户都懒得开,更别说踏出门 15、告别一定要用力一点,因为任何多看一眼,都有可能成为最后一眼,多 说一句,都可能是最后一句 16、我最恨的不是被骗了,而是刚开始信任一个人就被骗了 17、骗钱跟借钱有差别吗骗钱是骗别人的钱,借钱是骗朋友的钱,所以还是 骗钱厚道点 18、有时候你想证明给一万人看,最后你发现有一个明白的人就够了 19、听过很多大道理,可依旧过不好我的生活 20、狗的寿命只有十四年,但比情义长 21、) 22、混得好你就不会来找我了 23、读万卷书,行三里路。 24、后来才明白所谓的乐观就是你一事无成却一边在傻乐 25、既然大家都是没本事的人,那就各走各的路,这就是现实

26、你知道为什么我不在乎他开走了吗因为车是我的 27、以前通信的的时候,那个尺度把握的不是很好 28、我们虽然不是青梅竹马,但也是从小一起长大,别再两三年才见一次 了。 29、今天我让自己上台,就不怕让自己下不了台 30、我一看就知道你不是什么好人,现在看来你连坏人都不是,你怎么在社 会上混.. 31、相比于我们认识的时间,我说得够晚,但相比于我们见面的时间,我说 得够早 32、? 33、你不用对每一个顾客去负责,也不用对每一个过客说该走哪条路 34、再混蛋的人也有局部可取之处 35、我是为了自由而你是为了生活 36、喜欢远行的人一般试车距离也远 37、斑点狗就留给你吧。 38、这是阿拉斯加。 39、我英文不是很好,这个什么马达加斯加,你就当它斑点大些吧。 40、我哪来的身和名能让我去败和裂 41、在大城市,有关系有势力,就会比别人更公平。 …


马达加斯加的企鹅英文台词 {0:00:55}{0:00:57}Antarctica. {0:00:58}{0:01:01}An inhospitable wasteland. {0:01:01}{0:01:05}But even here,|on the earth's frozen bottom... {0:01:05}{0:01:07}we find life. {0:01:14}{0:01:15}And not just any life. {0:01:20}{0:01:22}Penguins! {0:01:22}{0:01:26}Joyous, frolicking, waddling,|cute and cuddly life. {0:01:29}{0:01:30}Look at them... {0:01:30}{0:01:33}tumbling onto their chubby bum-bums. {0:01:33}{0:01:36}Who could take these|frisky little snow clowns... {0:01:36}{0:01:37}Seriously? {0:01:37}{0:01:40}Does anyone even know|where we're marching to? {0:01:40}{0:01:42}- Who cares?|- I question nothing. {0:01:42}{0:01:43}- Me, too.|- Me, too! {0:01:43}{0:01:44}Well, fine! {0:01:44}{0:01:47}We'll just fly to the front of the line|and see for ourselves. {0:01:47}{0:01:51}Kowalski! Rico!|Engage aerial surveillance. {0:01:53}{0:01:54}Here we go!|Doing it! Come on! {0:01:55}{0:01:57}Skipper, we appear to be flightless. {0:01:57}{0:01:58}Well, what's the point of these? {0:02:03}{0:02:07}I like it!|Hey, this could be our thing! {0:02:09}{0:02:12}What are we gonna call it?|Let's call it the "high one." {0:02:13}{0:02:16}Hey, did anybody see that?|That's an egg! {0:02:16}{0:02:17}Is someone gonna go get it? {0:02:17}{0:02:18}We can't do that. {0:02:18}{0:02:19}Why not? {0:02:19}{0:02:23}Well, it's a dangerous world out there,|and we're just penguins. {0:02:23}{0:02:26}You know, nothing but cute and cuddly. {0:02:26}{0:02:29}Yeah! Why do you think there are always|documentary crews filming us? {0:02:32}{0:02:35}Well, sorry, kid.|We lose a few eggs every year. {0:02:35}{0:02:36}It's just nature. {0:02:36}{0:02:38}Oh, right. Nature. {0:02:38}{0:02:41}I guess that makes sense... {0:02:42}{0:02:48}but something deep down in my gut|tells me that it makes no sense at all. {0:02:48}{0:02:51}You know what?|I reject nature! {0:02:53}{0:02:55}Who's with me? {0:03:38}{0:03:42}The old ship.|No one's ever returned from there alive. {0:03:44}{0:03:46}Relax, Kowalski.|There's a bird down there now. {0:03:46}{0:03:48}Look, he's fine. {0:03:51}{0:03:54}Leopard seals.|Nature's snakes. {0:03:54}{0:03:56}Aren't snakes "nature's snakes"? {0:03:56}{0:03:59}How should I know?|I live on the flipping frozen tundra!


《马达加斯加2》原英文台词2009-2-15 22:02 回复 锡罐头 拜月梧桐32位粉丝2楼 madagascar subtitles2009-02-15 18:021 00:00:23,343 --> 00:00:28,705 Well done boys. It looks like ice cold sushi for breakfast. 2 00:00:47,004 --> 00:00:49,607 No, no son. Over here. 3 00:00:50,663 --> 00:00:53,160 See the lion, look at the lion, you get the lion. 4 00:00:57,802 --> 00:01:02,796 Now son, if you are going to grow up and be like your daddy someday you got to learn how to fight. 5 00:01:05,538 --> 00:01:08,422 Alakay, let me show you something, OK? 6 00:01:09,687 --> 00:01:11,553 You see this mark? 7 00:01:11,973 --> 00:01:16,792 You and me are the same and when you're bigger, you are gonna be alpha lion just like your daddy. 8 00:01:17,249 --> 00:01:19,536 Now, let me see you fight. Ready? 9 00:01:20,588 --> 00:01:22,769 No Alakay, no dancing.


干得好,哥们,看来早餐有冰冻寿司吃了Well done, boys. Looks like ice-cold sushi for breakfast. 儿子,这儿 No, no, son. Over here. 看见这狮子吗?过来抓他 See the lion? Look at the lion and get the lion. 儿子,如果你长大以后 Now, son, if you're gonna grow up 像你老爹一样,你要学会如何搏斗 and be like your daddy someday, you gotta learn how to fight. 大大 Da-da. 阿拉凯,我给你看点东西 Now, Alakay, let me show you something, OK? 你看见这记号了吗? You see this mark? 你和我是一样的 You and me are the same. 你长大以后,你会成为狮王,像我一样When you're bigger, you'll be Alpha Lion, just like me. 现在让我看看你是怎么搏斗的,准备好了吗? Now let me see you fight. Ready? 不,阿拉凯,不准跳舞! No, Alakay. No dancing! 你还真自得其乐 You just amuse yourself, don't you? 你真是个奇怪的小孩,奇怪的一个 You're a strange kid. You're a strange one. I'm... 我们再来试一遍 Now, come on, let's try it again.别这样,阿拉凯 No, Alakay. 停下来,别这样! Stop that right now. Doggone it! 望子成龙,却总是让人失望 It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want. 马库加,你还想挑战我? Makunga. You're not challenging me again, are you? 往好处想,等我击败你当了狮王 Look on the bright side. After I defeat you and become alpha lion, 你就可以整天陪着你那可悲的儿子了 you'll have more time to spend with your pathetic son. 在我狂扁你之前,我先问问你: Before I kick your butt, let me ask you: 你为什么总是想当狮王? Why do you want to become the alpha lion? 我比你帅,发型比你美,也比你聪明… I'm better looking, I have better hair, I'm deceivingly smart... …我还想让所有人对我唯命是从 ...and I want everyone else to do what I say. 数到三,我就上了,一… We fight on three. One... 注意,阿拉凯,看着老爸是怎么教训他的Pay attention, Alakay. Daddy will show you how it's done. 二,三! Two, three! - 谁才是狮王? - 是你 - Who's the alpha lion? - You are. 你可别再忘了 Don't you forget it.


MADAGASCAR 3 Part 1 长颈鹿:@#$﹫′﹍ Lion :What? 长颈鹿:There is it.The casino! Lion :@#$﹫′﹍ 斑马:What? Lion :I said,”Perfect.That’s where we’ll find the penguins.” 斑马:@#$﹫′﹍ 河马:What? 斑马:@#$﹫′﹍ Lion :Come on,guys. Operation Penguin Extraction does not include levity. We can’t draw attention to ourselves.We’re invisible! I’m talking really,really quiet. 狐猴:Everybody dance now! Yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah! Everyboday dance now!Yeah! Part 2[天台] Lion :OK.Phase One: We break into the casino,grab the peguins,and get them to take us back to New York in the Monkey-Powered Super Plane! 长颈鹿:Check. lion :Phase Two: We chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa. 长颈鹿:Check. lion :Phase Three: We apologize to the penguins for overly harsh chewing outing,but we’ve gotten our point across. Phase Four:Back to New Y ork City. (同时)Gloria:Yes (同时)长颈鹿&斑马:I like it! lion :呜哇..呜哇... All right, we take these ventilation ducts to the crawlspace above the casino where we find the penguins.I just need to figure out which duct each of us should take. [伴奏RAP] Pause Back withe the bass/ The jam is live in effect and I don’t waste time/On the mic with a dope rhyme Jump to the rhythm/Jump,jump to the rhythm,jump... Part 3 lion :ahhh...wooh... 斑马:ah...ahhhhhhh... (斑马扑向lion )lion :ah.. 斑马:ah........ (长颈鹿弹向斑马和lion )Together:ahh... (Gloria掉下来)Gloria:ah.hhhhhhh..(一直) lion :ah oh.


相声台词——拜师学艺 1:大家好,我是宋凯 2:大家好,我是非著名相声演员的徒弟著名相声演员万年帅 1:等等,这哪跟哪,谁批准你做我的徒弟了 2:别介,我不是正式来拜师学艺了嘛 (连鞠三躬)师父啊!(痛苦流涕状)你老人家永远活在我们心中 1:停,停,这么一会就一命呜呼啦!少来那些没用的,先自报家门。 2:我是外国语学院ENGLISH专业09级的曾经的新生,我叫万年帅。 1:啥,外国鬼子语,累了拉屎专业。 2:不是,是外国语,English是英语的意思,就是英语专业。 久闻师傅大名,难得一见。今日一见,果然不同凡响。可是,听说这行做师傅的要有真本事才能震住徒弟,弟子就莽撞的问一句,师傅可否露一手? 1:莽撞,好,那就说个莽撞人的故事。后汉三国,有一位莽撞人.自从桃园三结义以来,大爷,姓刘名备字玄德,家住大树楼桑;二弟,姓关名羽字云长,家住山西蒲州解梁县;三弟姓张名飞字翼德,家住涿州范阳郡;后续四弟,姓赵名云字子龙,家住真定府常山县,百战百胜,后称为常胜将军.只皆因,长坂坡前,一场鏖战,那赵云,单枪匹马,闯入曹营,砍倒大纛两杆,夺槊三条,马落陷坑,堪堪废命.曹孟德在山头之上见一穿白小将,白盔白甲白旗号,坐骑白龙马,手使亮银枪,实乃一员勇将.心想:我若收服此将,何愁大事不成!心中就有爱将之意,暗中有徐庶保护赵云,徐庶进得曹营,一语未发.今日一见赵将军马落陷坑,堪堪废命,口尊:"丞相莫非有爱将之意?"曹操言道:"正是".徐庶言道:"何不收留此将!"曹操急忙传令:"令出山摇动,三军听分明,我要活赵云,不要死子龙.倘有一兵一将伤损赵将军之性命!八十三万人马,五十一员战将,与他一人抵命."众将闻听,不敢前进,只有后退.赵云,一仗怀揣幼主;二仗常胜将军之特勇,杀了个七进七出,这才闯出重围.曹操一见这样勇将,焉能放走?在后面紧紧追赶!追至在当阳桥前,张飞赶到,高叫:"四弟不必惊慌,某家在此,料也无妨!"让过赵云的人马.曹操赶到,不见赵云,只见一黑脸大汉,立于桥上.曹操忙问夏侯敦:"这黑脸大汉,他是何人"?夏侯敦言道:"他乃张飞,一\'莽撞人\'."曹操闻听,呀!大吃一惊:想当初关公在白马坡斩颜良之时,曾对某家言道:他有一结拜三弟,姓张名飞,字翼德,在百万军中,能取上将之首级,如探囊取物,反掌观纹一般.今日一见,果然英勇.撤去某家青罗伞盖,观一观那莽撞人的武艺如何?"青罗伞盖撤下,只见张飞:豹头环眼,面如润铁,黑中透亮,亮中透黑,海下扎里扎煞一部黑钢髯,犹如钢针,恰似铁线.头戴镇铁盔,二龙斗宝,朱缨飘洒,上嵌八宝——云,罗,伞,盖,花,罐,鱼,长.身披锁子大叶连环甲,内衬皂罗袍,足登虎头战靴,跨下马——万里烟云兽,手使丈八蛇矛,站在桥头之上,咬牙切齿,捶胸愤恨,大骂:"曹操听真,呔!今有你家张三爷在此,尔或攻或战,或进或退,或争或斗;不攻不战,不进不退,不争不斗,尔乃匹夫之辈!"大喊一声,曹兵吓退;大喊二声,顺水横流;大喊三声,把当阳桥喝断.后人有诗赞之曰:"长坂坡前救赵云,吓退曹操百万军,姓张名飞字翼德,万古留芳莽撞人"!莽撞人——张飞!你比得了吗? 2:好,好。比不了,是在是比不了。 1:听说文体不分家,你还是体育部的,你也来段才艺吧!说好了,台下新生自然愿意加入外院体育部,说不好,就丢大人啦! 2:我会唱歌,来个忘情水吧!(刚一摆出唱的手势,被宋凯打断) 1:你们体育部的,体育知识一定很足,那我就难为难为你,世界杯刚过,你能用唱歌的形式把足球知识唱出来嘛? 2:唱出来,这也太难了吧? 1:难不难,得问观众啊,你们说,来一个,要不要!(吼出这一句,面对观众) 2:好,我来一个。17世纪意大利著名的文艺复兴歌手————贾宝玉曾经唱过这样一首歌


狮子亚历克斯是丛林之王,哦不!这里的丛林指的是喧嚣的城市丛林,而非茂密的野生丛林。在纽约中央公园里的动物园,他算得上是吸引游客的头号明星。他和最要好的朋友斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼和河马格洛丽亚训练有素,各自秀出的看家绝活即便是一招半式都会博得观众欢快的笑声和热烈的掌声。虽说四周有坚固的笼子和高大的围墙照应着,深受纽约市民喜爱的四位动物好朋友的日子过得还是相当的滋润,三餐不愁甚至可以享尽荣华富贵。按说,这样的幸福生活正是许多野生动物向往和追求的。可是,马蒂却偏偏觉得这一切根本不值得留恋,他一直渴望回到老祖先们出生、成长的野生世界。在四只神秘企鹅的教唆下,马蒂开始萌生去意。于是,在企鹅们的帮助下,马蒂悄然逃离动物园,一举踏上探索野生世界的征程。马蒂失踪了!剩下的亚历克斯、梅尔曼和格洛丽亚心急如焚,决定不惜一切代价找到马蒂。三个伙伴也跟着逃出了从未离开过的动物园。搭上地铁,经过中转站,他们终于在终点站找到了马蒂。可惜重逢带来的快乐太短暂了,纽约的警察和消防队员可不管你是野兽兵团还是恐怖分子,只要有胆到纽约来闹,就一并拿下。看样子就知道这几个是打非洲来的,发配回原地。于是,动物们被装进木板箱押上远洋轮船。 轮船一路风浪颠簸,令关在箱子里的四只娇生惯养的园中动物叫苦不迭。天降神兵!早有预谋的四只企鹅迅速打翻船员、敲晕船长。失控的轮船被海浪吞没,船上的货物也被海水冲到了岸边的沙滩上。四个土生土长的纽约佬兴奋地挣脱木箱:“外国到了(也就是马达加斯加岛),我们自由了!”从小到大都有人类的照顾,可是现在他们该如何应付野外生存的新挑战呢?如何亲身体验“野生世界才是真正的丛林”这句话的含义呢? 角色介绍: 狮子亚历克斯(本·斯蒂勒配音) 亚历克斯是纽约中央公园动物园的国王,处处享有特殊待遇,从来也不缺香甜可口的美味和人山人海的追星族。可是,安逸奢华的生活也剥夺了亚历克斯的天性,昔日森林之王的威风荡然无存。在地铁站,他被老妇人一阵狂扁的时候,血盆大口却只会喊:“女士,你到底怎么了?” 河马格洛丽娅(贾达·萍克特·史密斯配音) 作为四个好朋友中唯一的女性,格洛丽娅美丽、聪明、强壮和独立,她非常清楚自己想要什么,也知道该如何得到想要的东西。母性特有的细心、慈爱也使格洛丽娅觉得自己有责任照顾好那三个长不大的家伙,确保他们不受伤害。所以在马蒂失踪后,怀孕的她也毫不犹豫地加入到搜寻队中。 长颈鹿梅尔曼(大卫·修曼配音) 梅尔曼患有忧郁症,看病吃药成了他每天的例行公事。他刚成年就从野生动物保护地—纽约布朗克斯动物园被转到了位于曼哈顿的中央公园动物园。过去在布朗克斯的时光让梅尔曼相信自己是真正跑过世界的,当然和三个好朋友比起来,他算是见过世面的。 斑马马蒂(克里斯·洛克配音) 马蒂是天生的梦想家和冒险家,他经常梦见野生世界,他渴望了解动物园以外的世界。如此这般日久天长,不甘平淡的马蒂终于厌倦动物园的生活。禁不住企鹅帮的鼓动,马蒂在生日当天就宣布自己要出走动物园,回归大自然。一眨眼的工夫,盲动的他已从中央公园窜到时代广场了。 企鹅帮: 四只可爱、狡猾的企鹅自始至终都不认为自己是属于动物园的。为了回到家乡南极洲,他们精心策划了一个逃跑计划,成功诱骗马蒂他们上钩。企鹅帮练过功夫、精通兵法,他们知道在“寡不敌众”的时候应该举起双手,知道“敌明我暗”的时候应该集中兵力各个击破。 1. Alex the Lion: Well, I say we just ask these bozos where the people are. Julian:[from the ground underneath Alex] Excuse me. We bozos have the people of course!


马达加斯加 吓你一跳! Surprise! 艾利克斯, 别在我做白日梦来捣乱! Alex. Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming. 斑马在家, 闲人免进 When a zebra's in the zone, leave him alone. 别这样, 马蒂. 我只是想来祝你生日快乐的Come on, Marty. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. 嘿,伙计,谢谢 Hey, man, thanks. 嘿,我牙里塞了点东西 Hey, I got something stuck in my teeth. 快受不了了. 帮个忙,行吗? It's driving me crazy. Can you help me? Please? 你来对地方了, 我的朋友 You came to the right place, my friend. 马蒂医生,口腔外科学博士,正巧在家 Dr. Marty, D.D.S., is in the house. 如果可以的话, 请跳到我消过毒的检查台上来 Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. - 什么也没有呀- 在左边 - I don't see anything. - It's on the left. 噢, 对不起 Oh, sorry. 好的,嘴里有东西时别讲话 Okay, just don't talk with your mouth full. 找见了,这个鬼东西在这干什么? Right here. What the heck is this doing in there? 生日快乐! Happy birthday! 啊,嘿,谢谢啦,伙计Aw, hey, thanks, man. 你把这个藏在牙后面了. 没错 You put it in behind the tooth. You all right. 这些东西还没有上市呢来,仔细瞧一下These aren't even on the shelf yet. Here. Check it out. - 看这个. 哦! 看呀- 瞧,下雪了 - Look at that. Ooh! Look at that. - Look at that. It's snowing. 十岁了,是吧?整整十年了 Ten years old, huh? A decade. 两位数字. 大数字啊1-0 Double digits. The big 1-0. 你不喜欢吗? You don't like it? -不,不,非常好的礼物-你讨厌它 - No, no, it's great. - You hate it. 我真应该送你艾利克斯的闹钟那可是个值钱的东西 I should've gotten you the Alex alarm clock. That's the big seller. 不,不,不这礼物很好,真的 No, no, no. The present's great, really. 只是觉得一年来了又去了 It's just that another year's come and gone 而我仍就做着一成不变的事请 and I'm still doing the same old thing. “从这出发,小跑到那,吃点草, 然后又回到这里” "Stand over here. Trot over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here." - 我知道你的问题了- 也许我应该去学校读读法律 - I see your problem. - Maybe I should go to law school. 你只需要打破那些令人厌烦的常规就行了You just need to break out of that boring routine.


5:25-10:40 Alex狮子 Melman长颈鹿 Marty斑马 Gloria河马 MADAGASCAR 3 Part 1[水中场景] Melman:(含着潜水器)@#$﹫′﹍ Alex:(含着潜水器)What? Melman:There is it.The casino! Alex:(含着潜水器)@#$﹫′﹍ Marty:(含着潜水器)What? Alex:I said,”Perfect.That’s where we’ll find the penguins.” Marty:(含着潜水器)@#$﹫′﹍ Gloria:What? Marty:@#$﹫′﹍ Alex:(轻声说)Come on,guys. Operation Penguin Extraction does not include levity. We can’t draw attention to ourselves.We’re invisible! I’m talking really,really quiet. 狐猴:(唱歌)Everybody dance now! Yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah! Everyboday dance now!Yeah! Part 2[天台] Alex:OK.Phase One: We break into the casino,grab the peguins,and get them to take us back to New York in the Monkey-Powered Super Plane! Melman:Check. Alex:Phase Two: We chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa. Melman:Check. Alex:Phase Three: We apologize to the penguins for overly harsh chewing outing,but we’ve gotten our point across. Phase Four:Back to New York City. (同时)Gloria:Yes (同时)Melman&Marty:I like it! Alex:呜哇..呜哇... All right, we take these ventilation ducts to the crawlspace above the casino where we find the penguins.I just need to figure out which duct each of us should take. [伴奏RAP] Pause Back withe the bass/ The jam is live in effect and I don’t waste time/On the mic with a dope rhyme Jump to the rhythm/Jump,jump to the rhythm,jump... Part 3{赌场顶部] Alex:(掉下来)ahhh...wooh... Marty:(掉下来)ah...ahhhhhhh... (Marty 扑向Alex)Alex:ah..
