

Part One Early and Medieval English literature

& Masterpiece: “The Song of Beowulf ”

1. Significance:

?The national epic of the English people;

?A folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from Northern Europe;

?Passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years before written down in the 10th century;

?The most important and representative work of the Old English (the Anglo-Saxon )literature.

2. Characters:

Beowulf: nephew of Hygelac Hygelac: king of Geats in Jutland Hrothgar: king of the Danes Grendel: a monster

3. Plot:

(1) Beowulf’s fight with the monster Grendel in Hrothgar’s hall

(2) Beowulf’s slaying of Grendel’s mother in her lair

(3) Beowulf’s return to his u ncle, and his succession to the throne.

(4) Beowulf’s victory in death, fifty years later, over the fire dragon

4. Features:

?i. Position: The national epic and the first long poem in English .

?ii. Rhyme: The poem is written in alliterative verse in a line, with 4 accents in a line , three of which show alliteration( beginning with the same consonant sound )

?iii. Rhetorics: A figurative language is used , which is called “kenning” or metaphor .

?iv. Structure: It is written in inverted order with two parts in a line (as pause)

& The Medieval English Literature

I. Romance : (in prose or verse form)

a.Subject matter (题材,话题,论题)(See the definition):

The life and adventures of a noble hero , generally a knight

b. Theme (主题)(See the definition):The loyalty to the king and lord .

c. Three romance cycles (传奇故事系列)

The Matter of France (about Charlemagne and his peers )

The Matter of Rome (about Alexander the Great )

The Matter of Britain(about the adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table) d. The class nature of Romance :

It’s written for the upper class

Chivalry (骑士精神)is represented to show the quality of the knight : courage , honor , courtesy , loyalty and devotion to the helpless , the weak

and women .

e. Masterpiece :“Sir Gawin and the Green Knight” 《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》in alliterative verse .

* Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)

1. Position: i.“The father of English poetry”ii. The founder of English realism (by Gorky)iii. The forerunner of humanism .

2. Contribution:

i.He introduced the “heroic couplet”(the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter抑扬格五音步)

ii. He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language .

iii. He did much in making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English speech .

3. Literary Creation:

Influenced by:Dante (1265-1321): “The Divine Comedy”

Petrarch (1307-1374) : “Sonnets”

Boccaccio (1313-1375): “Decameron”

4. Masterpiece : “The Canterbury Tales”

i. Significance :

a. A comprehensive picture of Chaucer's time a splendid realistic portrayal .

b. An artistic corridor of people from all walks of life in the medieval England :

a) the gentle class: knight , squire , monk prioress (女修道院的院长), the oxford scholar .

b) the burgher class : tradesman , carpenter , weaver , the Wife of Bath , lawyer

c. Realism and Humanism is revealed :

The praise of man’s energy quick wit and love of life .

The equal right of man and woman to pursue their happiness on earth and the opposition of the dogma of asceticism.

ii. Features:

a. Structural features :

a) A prologue and 24 tales b) All the tales are closely knitted by interspersing them with the talk ,the quarrels , opinions of the pilgrims and especially the judgment of the innkeeper .

b. Literary features :

Heroic couplet : a pair of rhyming iambic pentameter lines .Tone : gentle satire and mild irony .

& The English Ballads (Popular Ballads)

1. Literary Features :i. English folk literature in feudal society .

ii. In song , usually in 4-line stanza , with the 2nd and 4th lines rhymed .

iii. iambic trimeter / tetrameter 抑扬格三音步/四音步

2. Themes :i. The struggle of young lovers against their feudal families.

ii. The conflict between love and wealth.

iii. The cruel effect of jealousy.

iv. The border wars between England and Scotland.

v. The matters of class struggle.

3. Masterpieces:

1) Robin Hood Ballads : gathered into a collection called “The Geste of Robin Hood”

2) “Ro bin Hood and Allan –a –Dale” “Get up and Bar the Door”“Sir Patrick Spans”

Robin Hood

?Status: a yeoman forced to be an outlaw/fugitive

?Deeds: Greenwood of Sherwood Forest near Nottingham in the center of England

?Hunting the King’s deer, robbing from the r ich and distributing among the poor

?Friends and followers: the Merry Men (Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and the romantic minstrel Alan-a-Dale)

?His enemy: the Sheriff of Nottingham

?His wife: Maid Marian

4. Linguistic characteristics:


It uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period. It has developed the characteristic medieval motifs of the quest, the test, the meeting with the evil giant and the encounter with the beautiful beloved.

?The hero is usually the knight, who sets out on a journey to accomplish some missions. There is often mysteries and fantasies in romance.

?Romantic love is an important part of the plot in romance. Characterization is standardized, while the structure is loose and episodic, the language is simple and straightforward.

?The importance of the romance itself can be seen as a means of showing medieval aristocratic men and women in relation to their idealized view of the world.

?Questions for consideration:

1. The features of the medieval English literature ?

2. The significance of The Canterbury Tales ?

3. The literary features of English ballads ?

4. The differences between romance and ballad

Part II The English Renaissance

&Literary influence of the Bible on English language:

Household words from Bible:

root of all evil万恶之源clear as crystal极其明白a thorn in the flesh

眼中钉,肉中刺to cast pearls before swine明珠投暗a labor of love 不计较报酬的工作

eye for eye , tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙

The Development of Literature

i. The Beginning of the English Renaissance

a. Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400)The forerunner of English Renaissance

b.William Caxton introducing printing to England in 1476 bringing a multitude of classical works .

& c. Thomas More (1478-1535) The first humanist in England

I. Introduction

Great thinker and humanist in the Renaissance

II. Masterpiece: “Utopia”

Utopia, from two Greek words meaning “nowhere”, is an island discovered on a voyage to the newly discovered Americas.

It is an description of the ideal communist society and ideal commonwealth, where property is held in common and there is no poverty.

Practical basis for the communist society:

From everyone according to his capacities ,to everyone according to his need”各尽所能,按需分配)

B. Different Genres and their representatives: essay, poetry, drama

a. essayist: Francis Bacon

b.poets:Thomas Wyatt, HenryHoward,Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare

c. dramatists/playwrights: Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson

&1. Francis Bacon

A. Position and Contribution:

He is the first great essayist . He is the founder of English materialist philosophy (唯物主义哲学)He is the founder of modern science in England .Inductive Method of Reasoning (归纳法) was stated in his essay “New Instrument”He represents the intellectual energy of the age .

B. Masterpiece:

a. “Advancement of Learning”《科学的进展》

b. “New Instrument” 新工具

c. “Essays” 《随笔集》

Subjects : love truth , friendship , parents and children , beauties , studies , riches , youth and ages , death etc .

Features : clearness ,brevity and force of expression .

C. Wise Sayings:“Knowledge is power”

“Men fear death, as chi ldren fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other. “人们惧伯死亡,正如孩童惧于黑暗中行路:孩童心中的恐惧感随着听到的童话故事的增多而增长,人们对死亡的惧怕亦是如此。”

“Reading makes a full man , conference a ready man ; and writing an exact man”.

“读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。”“Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”.


“Histories make men wise; poet, witty; the mathematics, subtle, natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores”.-----From “Of Study”


& 2. Thomas Wyatt 托马斯·怀亚特(1503-42): The first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.

& 3. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517?-47) 萨里伯爵

He wrote the first English blank verse (无韵诗,素体诗) to be masterfully used by Shakespeare and Milton, Wordsworth, Tennyson etc.

& 4. Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86) 菲利普·锡德尼

Status: poet and critic of poetry

Masterpiece:a. “Astrophel and Stella” (1591)《爱星者和星星》: a collection of sonnets

“astrophel” stands for “star” and “stella” stands for “star lover”

b. “Apology for Poetry/Poesy” 《为诗一辩》one of the earliest literary essays to answer the Puritan attack on poetry.

Main ideas:

& 5.Edmund Spenser

In 1594, he married Elizabeth Boyle, the lady in his sonnet sequence

Major works:“The Shepherds’ Calendar” 《牧人月历》

“Amoretti” (1595) (one of the three famous sonnet sequence)《小爱神》/《爱


“The Faerie Queene” (1590-1596)《仙后》

Main themes:love, poetry, and religion

Influence:It sets the pastoral fashion in English literature

& 6.Christopher Marlowe

1. Literary position

He was the most gifted of the “university wits”;He was the true founder of English drama

2. Masterpiece1) “ Tamburlaine” 《帖木儿》Theme: Ambition for power

2) “The Jew of Malta” 《马耳他岛的犹太人》Theme: Greed for wealth

3) “Dr. Faustus” 《浮士德博士的悲剧》Theme:desire for knowledge 3. Contributions:

The first to establish blank verse as the regular measure for tragedy.

His blank verse is vigorous, fluid and precise.

His works paved the way for the plays of Shakespeare.

&7.Ben Jonson

1. Position:

One of the most outstanding figures in the literary world of the 17th century .

A man of versatility : poet ,playwright ,scholar ,critic

The “literary king” in his later years

the head of the so-called “sons of Ben” surrounding him.

2. Dramatic works : comedy, tragedy, masque

Features:“comedy of humors” (气质喜剧)

3. Literary ideas: He advocates principles of classical drama, taking a firm stand for the “Trinity Law”(the unity of tim e, place and action)

Time: representing events of a single day or 12 hours;

Place: within a single setting;Action: no subplot

& 8.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

1.comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》 Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》

2.tragedies: Hamlet Othello King Lear Macbeth

3. Features of his drama

1. A realist and one of the founders of realism in English literature.

2. Employing the method of adoption in his dramatic creation

3.Elastic drama, free developing actions without being hindered by theclassical rules.

4. Skilled in many poetic forms and his plays are poetical dramas.

5. A great master of English language.

Part III The Period of Revolution and Restoration

& John Milton 约翰。弥尔顿

“Paradise Lost”(其他作品:Paradise Regained Samson Agonists )

1) Position: the greatest epic after “Beowulf”

2) Composition: 12 books in blank verse

3) Main figures and meanings:

The God: despot, authority Satan: the revolting sirit Adam and Eve: knowledge craving

4) Purpose:--- To show the unconquerable will of the Puritans;

--- To present his determination against tyranny ;--- To call on people to fight ;

5) Theme: The heroic revolt of Satan against the God’s authority.

6) Image of Satan: --- The real hero of the poem, resourceful and courageous;

---- Prefers independence to happy servility,

---- Welcomes his defeat and his torments as a glory, a liberty, and a joy; ---- The spirit questioning the authority of God.

& John Bunyan 约翰·班扬

1. Masterpiece:“The Pilgrim’s Progress”《天路历程》(1678)

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. ---Bunyan 一鸟在手,胜于双鸟在林。---班扬

“The land that flowed with milk and honey”——The Celestial City is,the vision of an ideal happy society dreamed of by the poor.

The Metaphysical Poets / School 玄学派

1) Definition: --- “metaphysics”: highly abstract inference and theory 高度抽象的推理,形而上学,玄学

2) Features : surprising conceits ,strange paradoxes ,far –fetched imagery

strange paradoxes :proud humility不卑不亢painful pleasure 悲喜交集a thunderous

silence 无声胜有声bitter–sweet memories 苦甜参半的回忆poor rich guys

精神贫穷的富人 a wisely stupid idea 自作聪明的糊涂主意speaking silence , dumb confession ,passion’s birth , and infant’s play 千言万语的静默;默默无声的坦白;激情的产儿,孩童的游戏

& 3)代表人物:John Donne 约翰.多恩(1572-1631)

The founder of the metaphysical

“The Flea”《跳蚤》A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning《临别慰语---莫悲伤》

Part IV The 18th Century

?Three successive tendencies in literature.

1. Neoclassicism:

2. Sentimentalism: (感伤主义)

3. Pre-romanticism:

& Samuel Richardson

I. Major novels:

1. “Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded: In a Series of Familiar Letters from a Beautiful Young Damsel to Her Parents”《帕米拉》,又称《贞洁/美德得报:一个漂亮姑娘写给父母的几封家信》

& Robert Steele

1. The founder of the newspaper:

“The Tatler”《闲谈者》Purpose: To enlighten and entertain the coffeehouse goers

2. Joint runner of the newspaper:“The Spectator”《旁观者》(1711-1712) To enliven morality with wit, and to temper wit with morality以文思激发道德以道德调剂文思”

To make instruction agreeable, and diversion useful”“让教育变得令人愉悦,让娱乐给人启迪”

To gather new ideas of the time and put them within the reach of the reading public, aiming at social reform.

& Samuel Johnson

He founded the famous Literary Club (文学社) and became “the great cham of literature” (文学泰斗)

“The Rambler” (1750-1752) 《漫谈者》“The Idler” (1758-1760) 《闲散者》

& Alexander Pope

名言:An honest man is the noblest work of God. 诚实的人是上帝创造的最佳作品。

Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night: God said, 'Let Newton be!' and all was light.

(Epitaph for Isaac Newton’s tomb stone by Alexander Pope)


Major works:“Essay on riticism”《论批评》

Rules of criticism:The best rules of criticism exist in the ancient works that have stood the test of time.

Proverbs in this poem:“For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”初生牛犊不怕虎

“To err is human, to forgive, divine”凡人多舛误,唯神能见宥

“A little learning is a dangerous thing”一知半解最危险

“Essay on Man”《论人》

“Where there is life, there is hope”

——The scheme of the universe is the best despite the appearance of evil; “One truth is clear, whatever is, is right”(一个事实毋庸置疑,凡存在的,必合理。)

——The failure to see the general perfection is due to our limited vision.

其他:“The Rape of the Lock”《夺发记》“The Dunciad”《群愚史诗》/ 《愚人志》

& Jonathan Swift ——“Gulliver’s Travels”

1.去过的四个地方A voyage to Lilliput: A voyage to Brobdingnag: The voyage to Laputa, the Flying Island A voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnyms

2. Swift’s style:He is one of the greatest masters of English prose.

His language is simple, clear and vigorous.

His literary ideas is reflected in the following sentence: “Proper words in proper places make the true definition of a style”

& Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe (1719) : first novel and masterpiece

(1)The best qualities of Robinson Crusoe:

marvelous capacity for work, boundless energy,persistence in overcoming obstacles.

(2) The bourgeois outlook of Robinson Crusoe:

The character of Robinson Crusoe is representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development.

3)Defoe’s bourgeois outlook manifests itself in the fact that he does not

“Robinson Crusoe”

a writer in the Enlightenment period, Defoe also attached great

importance to the moulding of character and to education through the influence of varied environment.

& Henry Fielding

Famous sayings by Henry Fielding:

Handsome is that handsome does. 行为善者始为美。

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,要为曾经拥有而微笑。

Money is the fruit of evil, as often as the root of it.金钱是罪恶的产物,正如它常被认为是罪恶的根源。

1.Literary position of Henry Fielding

-“Father of English novel”(by Walter Scott)

-“the founder of English realistic novel and he sets up the theory of realism in literary creation”

2. Masterpieces: four important novels

1) “Joseph Andrew”2) “Jonathan Wilde” 3) “Tom Jones”4) “Amelia”


3.His features

1) The novel should represent the reality of human nature and the inner

world of man by the probability and invariability (不变性) of the characters and events.

2) He sets four basic qualities for a novelist:

the native gift, adequate learning, rich experience with life and a kind heart

3)the basis of his work: “Nature herself”

4). the centre of his working philosophy: “Man”


Objective: A keen interest in the English countryside and life of the common people.

& 代表人物:Thomas Gray 托马斯·格雷

The leader of the Sentimentalist poets (感伤主义诗人) and “the Graveyard School” (墓园派)

作品:Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 《墓畔挽歌》THE EPITAPH (墓志铭)

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, 晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧,(宵禁钟声,晚八点钟敲,是中世纪遣留下来的风俗。白日已尽,晚钟好像


The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea, 牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,

And leaves the world to darkness and to me.把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。Pre-Romanticists

& William Blake (1757-1827)

To see the world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower; Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. “从一粒沙子看一个世界,从一朵野花里看见一个天堂;把无限掌握在你的手里,把永恒存在于一瞬间.”


Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》The Marriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地狱的结合》

Features of his poetry

a. Style: symbolic, mystic and prophetic

b. Spirit: romantic and revolutionary

c. Art: individual originality

& Robert Burns

Features of his poems:1. Written in the Scottish dialect, revealing the common feelings of the working people;2. Numerous songs of love and friendship, carrying with the spirit of romanticism.

A Red, Red Rose《一朵红红的玫瑰》--- a world famous love poem

Auld Lang Syne 《友谊地久天长》---the universal parting song in English- speaking peoples

Part V Romanticism

Romanticism --- a main literary trend, springing first in the movement of Sturm und Drang in Germany and then spread to Europe;

--- It prevailed in England during the period 1798 and 1832, beginning with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads(1798)and ending with Walter Scott’s death (1832);

--- The Preface to Lyrical Ballads serves as the manifesto of the English Romantic movement;

--- It expressed the ideology and sentiment of the social strata who were discontent with and opposed to the development of Capitalism;

--- It rejects the ordered rationality of the Enlightenment as mechanical, impersonal and artificial;

--- The chief emphasis was upon the freedom of individual self-expression: sincerity, spontaneity (自发性) and originality, which became the new standards in literature;

--- It turned to the emotional directness of personal experience and to the boundlessness of individual imagination and aspiration;

--- It drew energy from the associated revolutionary movements of democracy and nationalism

--- It split into two schools in terms of its difference of political attitudes: the passive (escapist) romanticists: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey (the Lake Poets) and Lamb

the active romanticists: Byron, Shelley , Keats and Walter Scott

& William Wordsworth

1. Source of good poetry:

All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling, recollected in tranquility.

2. Foundation of poetry:

He appeal directly to individual sensations in pleasure, excitement, enjoyment as the foundation in the creation of poetry.

3. The function of poetry:

To give an unexpected splendor (光彩,光辉) to familiar and common things in common life.

4. He endeavored to bring language to the real language of men.


I wandered lonely as a cloud (1804) 《我如行云独自游》or 《黄水仙》--- My Heart Leaps Up《心情激荡》or 《我心驿动》

Famous saying in this lyric: “The child is father of the man.” “三岁看大,七岁看老”

Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey《丁登寺》

To the Cuckoo《致杜鹃》The solitary Reaper《孤独的割麦女》

Lucy poems《露西组诗》She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways《她居于人迹罕至之处》

& George Gordon Byron


1)Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德。哈罗尔德游记》

Language: Spenserian Stanza (abab/bcbc/c)

2)Don Juan《唐璜》Language:Written in ottava rima (八行体)each stanza containing 8 iambic pentameter lines.

& Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) 珀西·比希·雪莱

Ode the West Wind西风颂

Features of the poem: Shelley uses terza rima (三行诗节隔句押韵法)in the poem.

& John Keats

His odes: Ode to a Nightingale《夜莺颂》Ode on a Grecian Urn《希腊古今颂》

Ode to Psyche《普赛克颂》Ode to Melancholy《忧郁颂》To Autumn《秋颂》

*Ode to a Nightingale*

1) Theme: melancholy is linked with joy.

2) Features:(1) In 10-line stanza with the rhyme pattern of each stanza abab ced ced (2) Rich in sensuous beauty(激发美感)(3) Appealing to the senses of sound, smell, taste in expression

3) Imagery analysis: “Nightingale”---- a symbol of external joy with a color of melancholy.

*Leading principle: (expressed in “Ode on Grecian Urn”)“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”

Part VI and VII English Critical Realism

& Charles Dickens

*A list of his novels and other collections in three periods:

(I)Sketches by Boz (1836)

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-37)

Oliber Twist (1837-38)

Nicholas Nickleby (1838-39)

The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-41) Barnaby Rudge (1841)

Feature: youthful optimism

(II)American Notes (1842)

Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-45) A Chrismas Carol (a Chrismas book) (1843)

The Chimes (a Chrismas book) (1844) The Cricket on the Hearth (a Chrismas book) (1845)

Dombey and Son (1846-48)

David Copperfield (1849-50) Feature: being shaken of the naive optimism and filled with excitement and irritation

(III)Bleak House (1852-53) Hard Time (1854)

Little Dorrit (1855-57)

A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Great Expectations (1860-61) Our Mutual Friend (1864-65) Edwin Drood (unfinished) Feature: intensifying pessimism

& William M. Thackeray

The Book of Snobs 《势利者集》

His masterpiece:V anity Fair ,A Novel Without a Hero《名利场:没有正面主人公的小说》

1.The source of the title: John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress

2. The meaning of the subtitle:

T he writer’s intention was not to portray indiv iduals,but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.

In the way of characterization:On the one hand, there are only two heroines, as the major characters; on the other hand, neither Becky nor Amelia can be seen as the real heroines, for Becky seems too evil a character and Amelia appears too pale.

3. Purpose:

--- the life of the ruling classes of England in the early decades of the 19th century;

--- the attack and satirizing of the bourgeois upper society

& Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》Mansfield Park《曼斯菲玛德庄园》Emma《爱玛》Persuasion《劝导》Northanger Abbey 《诺桑觉寺》

Features of her novels

plot: simple, clear

Characterization: precise expression in the words of the characters.

Tone: a mild touch of humor and satire Style: easy, effortless and graceful & The Bronte sisters

Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Emily Bronte:Wuthering Heights

& Alfred Tennyson

Position: The greatest poet of the 19th century

Masterpieces:In Memoriam《悼念集》(Break, Break, Break 《浪花,拍,


The Idylls of the King《国王诗歌集》

& The Browning: Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barret

Mr. Browning: Home Thoughts from Abroad

Mrs. Browning: How Do I Love Thee

& Hardy代表作Tess of the D’Urbervilles

& Bernard Shaw宿命论


1. Position and influences of famous authors,

2. Puritanical ideas

3. Rhyme scheme and poetic features: blank verse, alliterative verse,

sonnet, Spenserian stanza, heroic couplet, ottava rima, terza rima, metaphysical poems and etc

4. Historical sequence of British literature

5. Representatives of different literary stages and trends or schools. eg.

Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare, John Donne, Ben Jonson, Bacon, Defoe, Fielding, Pope, Marlowe, Spenser, Swift, John Keats, Thomas Grey, William Blake and Robert Burns;

6. Well-known sayings in Bible and quoted from famous literary works

英国文学史及选读 复习要点总结

《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题) 2. Romance (名词解释) 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story 4. Ballad(名词解释) 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet) 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia 10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene” 13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读) 14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。他的sonnet也很重要,最重要属sonnet18。(其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读) 15. John Milton 三大史诗非常重要,特别是Paradise Lost和Samson Agonistes。对于Paradise Lost需要知道它是blank verse写成的,故事情节来自Old Testament,另外要知道此书theme和Satan的形象。 16. John Bunyan——The Pilgrim’s Progress 17. Founder of the Metaphysical school——John Donne; features of the school: philosophical poems, complex rhythms and strange images. 18. Enlightenment(名词解释) 19. Neoclassicism(名词解释) 20. Richard Steele——“The Tatler” 21. Joseph Addison——“The Spectator”这个比上面那个要重要,注意这个报纸和我们今天的报纸不一样,它虚构了一系列的人物,以这些人物的口气来写报纸上刊登的散文,这一部分要仔细读。 22. Steel’s and Addison’s styles and their contributions 23. Alexander Pope: “Essay on Criticism”, “Essay on Man”, “The Rape of Lock”, “The Dunciad”; his workmanship (features) and limitations 24. Jonathan Swift: “Gulliver’s Travels”此书非常重要,要知道具体内容,就是Gulliver游历过的四个地方的英文名称,和每个部分具体的讽刺对象; (我们主要讲了三个地方)“A Modest Proposal”比较重要,要注意作者用的irony 也就是反讽手法。 25. The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature. 26. Daniel Defoe: “Robinson Crusoe”, “Moll Flanders”, 当然是Robinson Crusoe比较重要,剧情要清楚,Robinson Crusoe的形象和故事中蕴涵的早期黑奴的原形,以及殖民主义的萌芽。另外注意Defoe的style和feature,另外Defoe是forerunner of English realistic novel。 27. Samuel Richardson——“Pamela” (first epistolary novel), “Clarissa Harlowe”, “Sir Charles Grandison” 28. Henry Fielding: “Joseph Andrews”, “Jonathan Wild”, “Tom Jones”第一个和第三个比较重要,需要仔细看。他是一个比较重要的作家,另外Fielding也被称为father of the English novel. 29. Laurence Sterne——“Tristram Shandy”项狄传 30. Richard Sheridan——“The School for Scandal” 31. Oliver Goldsmith——“The Traveller”(poem), “The Deserted V illage” (poem) (both two poems were written by heroic couplet), “The Vicar of Wakefield” (novel), “The Good-Natured Man” (comedy), “She stoops to Conquer” (comedy),


2014人教版七年级下英语知识点总结 第一单元Can you play the guitar? 一、词汇拓展 1. sing(现在分词)singing 2. dance(现在分词)dancing 3. swim(现在分词)swimming 4.draw(同义词)paint 5. story(复数)stories 6. Write(同音词)right 7. drum(复数)drums 8. piano(复数)pianos 9. also(同义词)too/either 10.make(单三)makes (现在分词)making 11. Center(形容词)central 12.teach(名词)teacher 13. musician(形容词)musical 二、重点短语与句型 1. play chess下国际象棋speak English说英语play the guitar弹吉它 want to do…想做……2. be good at擅长于what club /sports什么俱乐部/运动music /swimming /sports club音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部 be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 like to do …喜欢做… What about…?…怎么样? be good at doing…擅长做… tell stories讲故事 the story telling club讲故事俱乐部 3. talk to跟…..说write stories写小说 want …for the school show为学校表演招聘…… after school放学后 do kung fu打中国功夫come and show us来给我们表演 4. play the drum敲鼓play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin拉小提琴 5. be good with善于应付(处理)…的;和某人相处很好 make friends结交朋友help sb. with sth在某方面帮助某人 on the weekend在周末help with...帮助做…… be free /busy有空/很忙call sb. at…拨打某人的……号码 need sb./sth. to do…需要某人/某物做…… English-speaking students说英语的学生join…… the club加入…俱乐部,be in=join in …成为…中的一员 三、关键句型 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. Sounds good. 4. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 5. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. ◆话题写作


英国文学史 Part one: Early and Medieval English Literature Chapter 1 The Making of England 1. The early inhabitants in the island now we call England were Britons, a tribe of Gelts. 2. In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar. The Roman occupation lasted for about 400 years. It was also during the Roman role that Christianity was introduced to Britain. And in 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned. 3. The English Conquest At the same time Britain was invaded by swarms of pirates(海盗). They were three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. And by the 7th century these small kingdoms were combined into a United Kingdom called England, or, the land of Angles. And the three dialects spoken by them naturally grew into a single language called Anglo -Saxon, or Old English. 4. The Social Condition of the Anglo -Saxon Therefore, the Anglo -Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism. 5. Anglo -Saxon Religious Belief and Its Influence The Anglo -Saxons were Christianized in the seventh century. Chapter 2 Beowulf 1. Anglo -Saxon Poetry But there is one long poem of over 3,000 lines. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people. Grendel is a monster described in Beowulf. 3. Analysis of Its Content Beowulf is a folk lengend brought to England by Anglo -Saxons from their continental homes. It had been passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds of years before it was written down in the tenth century. 4. Features of Beowulf The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration, metaphors and understatements. Chapter 3 Feudal England 1)T he Norman Conquest 2. The Norman Conquest The French -speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066. After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. The Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England.


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一短语归纳 1.speak English/Chinese 说英语/汉语 2. what club /sports 什么俱乐部/运动 3.play the guitar/ piano/drums/ violin 弹吉它/弹钢琴/敲鼓/拉小提琴 4. play chess/ basketball/ volleyball/ soccer 下国际象棋/ 打篮球/排球/足球 5.tell stories 讲故 6. the art/chess/swimming/sports/ story telling/English club 艺术/国际象棋/游泳/体育/讲故事/英语俱乐部 7.school show 学校演出 8.sound good听起来不错 9.teach music 教音乐 10.do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫 11.make friends(with sb.)( 结交朋友) 12.on the weekend/on weekends在周末 https://www.360docs.net/doc/f92530311.html,e and show us 来给我们表演 15.write stories 写故事 16.after school 放学后 17.English-speaking students说英语的学生 18.play games 做游戏

19.the Students’Sports Center学生运动中心 20.at the old people’s home在老人之家 21.be in our school music festival 参加学校音乐节 22.jion the music club加入音乐俱乐部 二用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2. play the +乐器弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.擅长做某事 be good for.. 对…有好处be good /kind to …对…友好 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好; 善于应付(处理)… 5. need(sb./sth.)to do… 需要(某人/某物)做…. 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词: 一点儿…… 9. like to do sth.或like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 10.want to do…想做…… 11.What about…?…怎么样?(后面接Ving/代词/名词) 12. talk用法: talk to/with sb. 跟某人说话 talk about sth. 谈论某事 tell 用法:tell sb sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人去做某事 tell stories 讲故事


英国文学复习总结详解 Part one:Early and medieval English literature 1.Beowulf《贝奥武甫》------the national epic of the English people ,it is also the epic of the Anglo-Saxon.(P3) 2.The name of the terrible monster------Grendel(格伦德尔)(P3) 3.the most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration(头韵),others are metaphor (暗喻)and understatement(保守陈述)(P5) 4The Norman Conquest (诺曼征服)marks the establishment of feudalism in England. (P6) 5.The romance(传奇文学)(P8) The most popular of literature in fedual England was the romance. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. The hero of the romance was the the knight, a man of noble birth, skilled in the use of weapons. It was written for the noble class(贵族的文学) Romances falls into three cycles : “matters of Britain”( adventures of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table),“matters of France” (Emperor Charlemagne and his peers) “matters of Rome”. (Alexander the Great and so for th) 6. William Langland威廉·朗兰------ Piers the Plowman《耕者皮尔斯》(P11) 7.The ballads(民谣)(P17) The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad.It is a story told in song ,usually in 4-line stanzas [?st?nz?],with the second and fourth lines rhymed. It was written for common people(平民文学). The subjects of ballads are various in kind,as the struggle of young loves against their feudal-minded families,the conflict between love and wealth ,the cruelty of envy,the criticism of the civil war,and the matters of class struggle. The most famous ballads are the ballads of Robin Hood. 8.Geoffrey Chaucer’ Contributions <1>Father of English poetry in 14th century. Chaucer introduces from France the rhymed stanzas of various types instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse,especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter(the heroic couplet) to English poetry.(P26) <2>Chaucer is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. His production of so much excellent poetry is an important factor in establishing English as the literary language of the country.He did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.(P26) <3>the founder of English realism(P23) The Prologue(序言)suppies a miniature of the English so ciety of Chaucer’s time <4>. he forerunner of humanisim (P24 倒数第二行) 9.Geoffrey Chaucer died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)thus founding the “Poets’ Corner”..(P20) 10.The Romaunt of the Rose(translated from Franch)《玫瑰传奇》 Troilus and Criseyde(adapted from the Italian)《特洛勒斯和克莱西》 10. Geoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟------The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》 The tales of the Knight,the Pardoner(卖赎罪券者),the Nun’s Priest (尼姑的牧师),the Wife of Bath,together with the Prologue,are the best of the whole collection.(P24)(了解一下) Part two:The English renaissance


英国文学史 I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. Artistic features: 1. Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 2. Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ①坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事)


新部编版二年级语文下册各单元知识点归纳总结 第一单元知识小结 一、易读错的字 古诗(shī)村(cūn)居化妆(zhuāng)喝醉(zuì)丝(sī)绦裁(cái)剪 遮(zhē)掩兴致(zhì)茁(zhuó)壮 花籽(zǐ)绚(xuàn)丽植(zhí)树二、易写错的字 绿:右边的“录”,下面不是“水”。 柳:右边是“卯”,不要丢掉第七笔“丿”。 格:右边是“各”,不是“名”。 局:下面不是“可”。 三、会写词语 古诗村居儿童碧绿 化妆丝带剪刀冲出 寻找姑娘吐丝柳枝 荡秋千鲜花桃花杏花 邮递员先生原来大叔 邮局东西太太做客 惊奇去年美好一堆

礼物植树格外 引人注目满意休息树苗 四、多音字 长:cháng(长处) zhǎng(长大) 似:sì(似乎) shì(似的) 冲:chōng(冲锋枪) chòng(冲着) 藏:cáng(捉迷藏) zàng(藏族) 奇:qí(奇怪) jī(奇数) 种:zhǒng(种子) zhòng(栽种) 五、形近字 村(山村)妆(化妆)冲(冲动)树(大数)壮(壮丽)种(种植)桃(桃树)姑(姑娘)车(汽车)跳(跳动)咕(咕咕)东(东西)礼(有礼)植(植物)住(居住)扎(挣扎)值(值日)注(注意) 六、近义词 丝绦—丝带裁—剪奔—跑仔细—细心寻找—寻觅懊丧—沮丧惊奇—诧异格外—特别碧空如洗—万里无云兴致勃勃—兴味盎然 七、反义词 赶紧—迟缓懊丧—兴奋惊奇—平静仔细—马虎害羞—大方探出—缩进茁壮—瘦弱笔直—弯曲

满意—不满 八、词语搭配 1. 动词搭配: (脱掉)棉袄(冲出)家门 (奔向)田野(寻找)春天 2. 形容词搭配: (害羞)的小姑娘(解冻)的小溪 (难忘)的日子(绿油油)的小柏树 (精心)地挑选(兴致勃勃)地挖着 九、词语归类 1. AABB 式的词语: 遮遮掩掩躲躲藏藏叮叮咚咚高高兴兴 快快乐乐 2. ABCC 式的词语: 兴致勃勃人才济济仪表堂堂 十、句子积累 1. 设问句、比喻句:不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 2. 疑问句、感叹句:这是谁在我家门前种的花?真美啊! 3. 比喻句:一棵绿油油的小柏树栽好了,就像战士一样笔直地站在那里。 十一、考点提示 1. 背诵:《村居》《咏柳》《赋得古原草送别(节选)》。 2. 理解《村居》《咏柳》所描绘的春天的景象。


Old English Literature 古英语文学 (450-1066年) Beowulf (贝奥武甫)---The first English national epic 中世纪英语文学(1066-1500) Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English litera ture―英国文学之父‖William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?),the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》. 文艺复兴(16-17世纪) William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 Shakespeare‘s greatest works: greatest tragedies are King Lear 《李尔王》,Macbeth《麦克白》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 grea t comedies: A Midsumme r Night‘s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》 great historical plays: Richard III 《理查三世》,Henry IV 《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》 John Milton (弥尔顿, 1608-1674)was an English poet and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost《失乐园》, Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson 《力士参孙》. 18世纪文学和新古典主义 Alexander Pope (浦柏,1688-1744 ) is generally regarded as the greatest English poet of the eighteenth century, best known for his satirical epigram 讽刺隽语and heroic couplet英雄双韵体.His major works include mock epic satirical poem An Essay on Man 《人论》and An Essay on Criticism 《论批评》 Daniel Defoe ( 笛福,1660—1731)was an English writer who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》, spokesman for middle-class people Henry Fielding (菲尔丁, 1707 ---1754) ,an English novelist known for his novel:The History of Tom Jones. Jonathan Swift (斯威夫特,1667-1745), was an Anglo-Irish novelist, satirist. He is remembered for novel such as Gulliver‘s Travels《格列佛游记》. Richard Sheridan ( 谢立丹,1751—1816), Irish playwright ,known for his satirical play School of Scandal(造谣学校). He was a represntative writer of Comedies of Manners. Laurence Sterne (斯特恩,1713—1768 ), an English novelist. He is best known for his novel Tristram Shandy (《商第传》). Oliver Goldsmith (哥尔德斯密斯,1728-1774)English novelist, known for his novel Vicar of Wakefield (《威克菲尔德牧师传记》) Thomas Gray (托马斯?格雷1716—1771 ),an English poet, author of Elegy Written in a



History of English Literature Historic al period Liter ary Perio d Repres entative writer s Representati ve works Signifi cance Old English (410-10 66) Anglo -Saxo n (poetr y) Beowulf The national epic of the English people. Mediev al Englan d (1066-1 400) (The Wars of Roses, Foundi ng of the Medi eval / Midd le Engli sh (poetr y, roma nce and balla Geoffre y Chauce r Canterbury Tales (masterpiece ), The House of Fame, Troilus and Criseyde, The parliament of fowls. The founder / father of English poetry, and the earliest forerunner of realism. The Arthurian legends: Sir Gawain and the

Tudor Dynasty ) d) Green Knight Robin Hood Ballads: Lytell Geste of Robin Hood《罗宾 汉英雄事迹 小唱》 The Pre- Elizabet han and Elizabet han Ages (1400-1 603) (The Reform ation and the Enclosu Renai ssanc e (Hum anism ) (Poet ry and dram a) Thomas More Utopia The forerunner of modern socialist thought. Edmun d Spenser The Faerie Queene (Spenserian stanza) He has great influences on all the later poets. Christo pher Marlow e Tamburlaine 《铁木耳转》 Dr. Faustus 《浮士德悲 剧》The Jew The greatest pioneer of English drama. He reformed the


英语文学史分时期总结作家作品 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. e.g. Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey Artistic features: 1. Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 2. Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ①坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use …heroic couplet?(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事) Famous three:King Arthur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1. new discoveries in geography and astrology 2. the religious reformation and economic expansion 3. rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture The most famous dramatists: Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Johnson. 1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙?斯宾塞1552~1599 (后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。)The poets?poet.Th e first to be buried in the Poet?s corner of Westerminster Abbey


部编版三年级下册语文第一单元单元知识小结一、易读错的字 惠崇(chóng)芦芽(yá)泥融(róng)鸳鸯(yuān yāng)减(jiǎn)少河豚(tún)伶(líng)俐掠(lüè)过 荡漾(yàng)几痕(hén)形(xíng)成沾(zhān)水 闲散(sǎn)凑(còu)成饱胀(zhàng)破裂(liè) 姿势(zīshì)随(suí)风仿(fǎng)佛昆(kūn)虫 款(kuǎn)款地瞎(xiā)子备忘录(lù)黑绸(chóu) 二、易写错的字 融:左下里面是“点、撇、横、竖”; 崇:上下结构,下面是“宗”; 聚:上下结构,下面是“”; 倦:右下部分是“”,不要写成“巳”; 瓣:左中右结构,中间是“瓜”; 露:上面的雨字头写法为“”。 三、重点词语 融化燕子鸳鸯优惠崇高芦芽梅花 小溪广泛减法绝句杜甫花草春风 取长补短凑成吹拂聚拢赶集形成 掠过偶尔沾水疲倦纤细痕迹乌黑 剪刀活泼春日轻风洒落加入春光 湖面电线花瓣莲蓬饱胀破裂姿势

仿佛 随风 舞蹈 停止 荷花 清香 赶紧 圆盘 眼前 画家 本领 飘动 了不起 花骨朵儿 四、多音字 行?????x íng (行走) h áng (银行) 得?????d é(得到)d ěi (我得) 地? ????d ì(地球)de (高兴地) 杆?????g ān (电线杆)g ǎn (枪杆儿) 散?????s ǎn (闲散)s àn (散步) 圈?????qu ān (圆圈)ju àn (羊圈) 佛?????f ú(仿佛)f ó(佛像) 挨?????āi (挨着)ái (挨冻) 骨?????ɡū(花骨朵)ɡǔ(骨头) 蚂?????m à(蚂蚱)m ā(蚂螂)m ǎ(蚂蚁) 五、形近字 ? ????牙(牙齿)芽(芦芽) ?????芦(芦芽)庐(庐山) ?????沾(沾水)粘(糖粘牙) ?????瓣(花瓣)辨(分辨) ?????胀(饱胀)账(账目)) ?????蓬(莲蓬)篷(帐篷) ? ????姿(姿势)资(资助) ?????佛(仿佛)拂(拂尘) ?????斑(斑纹)班(班级) ?????距(距离)巨(巨大 ?????绸(绸缎)稠(稠密) ?????膜(膜翅)馍(馍馍) 六、近义词 融—溶 暖—热 满—遍 欲—想 尽—完 添—增 偶尔—偶然 轻快—轻盈 平添—增添 聚拢—聚集 姿势—姿态
