

旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen?

One day, a new story happens.



场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha!

狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do?

(回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼)

老虎:(疑惑地)But what?


老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What?

狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there!

老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳)


旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again.



老虎:(暴怒地)Now, you can make a choice. You want me bite you head first or your fat leg first?


狐狸:(回过头去,表情像遇到鬼)Shit!(又回过头来,非常可怜状)(二胡《梁祝》响起) Oh, oh, oh, oh, help yourself to some fox please. I hate myself, too.(狐狸捂着脸痛苦地跪下)My mother says I’m not a good boy. I always tell lies.(狐狸突然蹿起来) But, they say, tiger is a kind of strong animal. Maybe the strongest animal in the world. Before I die, can you show me how strong you are?

老虎:(得意极了,做出各种健美展示姿势)Of course. I’m a great animal. I’m proud of myself. 狐狸:(试探地)I heard there was a Chinese called 刘翔. He can cover 110 meters in 10 seconds. Can you? 老虎:(想想就好笑)Wa ha ha ha ! wa ha ha ha! Poor mankind! How slow! Wash your eyes! (老虎用手将狐狸的脑袋推开)Look!(老虎一溜烟跑了起来)

狐狸:(挥挥手,远远望去)sa yu na la! (二胡配轻松得意的音乐)


旁白:Now, fate plays another joke on the fox .He meet with the tiger again.



老虎:(意味深长地)Your old friend! Tiger! 狐狸:(装傻地)Oh, haven’t see you for a long time. How are you?(狐狸帮老虎整理领子,用袖子帮老虎擦衣服)

老虎:(阴险地)Very very nice! Now, I see my lunch. Dilicious!(狐狸听了脚抖)

狐狸:(打喷嚏)a ti ! a ti ! (煞有介事地)I admit I’v cheat you for 3 times. But, you know, it’s all for your sake.

老虎:(疑惑地)For my sake?

狐狸:(可怜巴巴地)Yes. To tell the truth, I’m not a normal fox!

老虎:(不甘示弱地)I’m not a normal tiger, too.

狐狸:(娓娓道来) I looked it up in the dictionary, and I know, in Chinese, they call me 果子狸。


狐狸:(一拍脑袋,假装想起来)Oh, I forget, you can’t speak Chinese!

老虎:(得意地,想想就好笑地)Wa ha ha ha! Wa ha ha ha ! My mother always tell me :to learn a forgien language is very important! I’ve learnt Chinese in school! Am I great! (突然醒悟过来)Wait, what did you say? Chinese call you what?


老虎:果子狸?SARS? 非典?


老虎:(放开手,大叫着跑了)wa ya!(边跑,边擦手)


旁白:From then on, fox become the real King of the forest.

二胡演奏We are the champion

狐狸大摇大摆地走在前面,后面有两个小喽罗在敲背。一个小喽罗敲得重了。狐狸把手一挥Go! Go! Go! 将其赶走。

狐狸走在台中,大笑起来:Ah ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha!


英文剧本】The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)英文剧本

英文剧本】The Fox and the Tiger(狐假 虎威)英文剧本 The Fox and the Tiger Tiger: I am XXX。the king of the forest。But now。I am very hungry and need to find food。Unfortunately。there is nothing here。(Falls asleep) Fox: I am a sly and cunning fox。I just tricked a group of travelers out of some meat。It was us。 Tiger: Ah。a fox。A good meal indeed! Fox: Oh no。what should I do。Wait。I have an idea。(Approaches the Tiger) Hello。dear Tiger sister。How are you? Tiger: Not good。I am very hungry and want to eat you.

Fox: Oh。but dear sister。do you not know who I am。I am the king of the forest。and you cannot eat me。 Tiger XXX。leaving the Fox unharmed) Fox: (to audience) And that。my friends。is how I used my wit to outsmart the mighty Tiger。Always remember。brains XXX.


The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately.Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t belive her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you d on’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest. Tiger: Ok. Let’s go. Rabbit: I’m a rabbit. I like to eat a turnip. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. I can’t pull it out. Bird: I’m a bird. Rabbit: Hi! Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you? Rabbit: Yes, please. Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing here? What can I do for you? R&B: Yes, come on! Frog : Ok! I’m coming!


英语课本剧剧本狐假虎威. 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen? One day, a new story happens. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do? (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what? 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What? 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l 老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 老虎在森林里又遇到了溜达中的狐狸,又一下子冲上去把狐狸压在爪下。 (琵琶拨一下弦,以示紧张的情绪。) 老虎:(暴怒地)Now, you can make a choice. You want me bite you head first or your fat leg first? (先抚摩狐狸的头发,再打量狐狸的腿) 狐狸:(回过头去,表情像遇到鬼)Shit!(又回过头来,非常可怜状)(二胡《梁祝》响起) Oh, oh, oh, oh, help yourself to some fox please. I hate myself, too.(狐狸捂着脸痛苦地跪下)My mother says I’m not a good boy. I always tell lies.(狐狸突然蹿起来) But, they say, tiger is a kind of strong animal. Maybe the strongest animal in the world. Before I die, can you show me how strong you are? 老虎:(得意极了,做出各种健美展示姿势)Of course. I’m a great animal. I’m proud of myself. 狐狸:(试探地)I heard there was a Chinese called 刘翔. He can cover 110 meters in 10 seconds. Can you? 老虎:(想想就好笑)Wa ha ha ha ! wa ha ha ha! Poor mankind! How slow! Wash your eyes! (老虎用手将狐狸的脑袋推开)Look!(老虎一溜烟跑了起来) 狐狸:(挥挥手,远远望去)sa yu na la! (二胡配轻松得意的音乐) (三) 旁白:Now, fate plays another joke on the fox .He meet with the tiger again. 老虎变聪明了躲在树后面,一下子扑住了狐狸。 狐狸:(不解地)Who? 老虎:(意味深长地)Your old friend! Tiger! 狐狸:(装傻地)Oh, haven’t see you for a long time. How are you?(狐狸帮老虎整理领子,用袖子帮老虎擦衣服) 1 / 2


新编英语狐假虎威 在森林里住着许多小动物,他们和睦相处,互相帮助,生活得非常快乐,但他们有一个难题就是老虎总是欺负其他的小动物,小动物们拿他一点办法也没有……,难道生活就应该这样继续下去吗? 一场:虎与狐的相遇(两只老虎音乐) Tiger(虎): I am a tiger, I am the king of the forest .I can eat every animal. All the animals are afraid of me .I am hungry now. So I must look for the food to eat. Who’s that? Fox(狐狸): I am a fox. I am smart and pretty. I am so happy 唱歌: Tiger(虎): wha t’s your name? Fox(狐狸): I am a fox . Tiger(虎): Fox ,I know .I am hungry .so I want to eat you.(做三个吃狐狸的动作,要吼叫着做工动作要大一些,夸张一些.狐狸要躲三次) Fox(狐狸):don’t eat me .don’t eat me .how bold you are !I am the king of all the forest. If you do it like this, I will eat you! (做愤怒的样子) Tiger(虎): what?! I am the king of the forest .you are not the king, Fox(狐狸): so foolish you are .you don’t believe me .you can go into the forest with me to see. You are wrong and foolish. All the animals are afraid of me, Tiger(虎): really? All right, let’s go to try it. 二场:在羊的家花园,动物准备过生日给Sheep.

初一英语课本剧剧本 The Fox and the Tiger 狐假虎威

The Fox and the Tiger 狐假虎威 Tiger: I’ m a great tiger. I’ m very strong. I’ m very brave(勇敢的. I’ m the king of the forest. But now I’m very hungry. I must find something to eat immediately, or I will die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is n othing, either (任何的. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly Fox: I’ m a fox. You can see, I’ m pretty and lovely. I’ m good at cheating (欺骗的and telling lies(谎言. Just now I cheated a crew (乌鸦,crow的过去式 out of a piece of meat. Mm, yummy, yummy. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox! A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger brother! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How da re you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: He is the king. He is cheating me. I can’t beli e ve her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me, ju st follow me and see who the king of the forest is. Tiger: Ok. Let’s go. Rabbits: We are rabbits. We like to eat a turnip(萝卜. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. We can’t pull(拔,把萝卜 it out. Bird: I’m a bird. Rabbits: Hi! Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Rabbits? Can I help you? Rabbits: Yes, please. Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing here? What can I do for you? Rabbits & Bird: Yes, come on! Frog: Ok! I’m coming! Bear: I’m a big brown bear. Hello, everyone! What are you doing here? Rabbits & Bird & Frog: Come on! Come on! Mr. Bear! You are so strong. Please come here. There is a big turnip. We are all pulling it out. Please come and help us. (齐齐拔萝卜Bear: Ok! I’m coming. Fox: Hello, Bear! Bear: Hi, fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away Fox: Hello, Frog! Frog: Hi, fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away Fox: Hello, Bird! Bird: Hi, fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away Fox: Hello, Rabbits! Rabbits: Hi, fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away Fox: Tiger, now, you see. They are so frightened (受惊吓的! They all run away! Tiger: Yes, you are right. It’s true. I’m very sorry. You are the king of the forest. That’s all right. I will run away. He is the king. He is the king. Fox: WA! There is a big turnip. Now, the turnip belongs (属于 to me. 狐狸和老虎(狐假虎威


2013-2014学年度第二学期 金沙明星学校庆“六一”文艺汇演 英语歌舞剧《新狐假虎威》 The Fox and the Tiger 编剧:唐春玲编舞:徐艳婷剧务:洪晓萍音乐制作:陈丽彬角色分配: 老虎:Bobby 狐狸:Michael 小白兔:Judy Lily Wendy 小鸟:Angela Helen Cindy 熊猫:Bobo 小松鼠:Debby 猴子:Jacky Benny Jimmy Scene I 旁白:This is a nice morning. The forest is quiet. All the animals are still sleeping. 鸟叫声响起,兔妈妈Wendy首先醒来,逐个把小兔姐妹俩Judy and Lily叫醒。(Mother Rabbit) Wendy: Wake up, Judy! Wake up, Lily!(带领两小兔子跑步,并逐个把其余小动物叫醒。) (Brother Monkey) Jimmy: Oh, it’s a nice day! (Mother Rabbit) Wendy: Come here, come here. Let’s do the morning exercise. (Sisters Rabbit) Judy & Lily: OK, mummy. All the animals: OK. (Mother Rabbit) Wendy: Are you ready? Let’s go. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.(Wendy带领小动物们齐跳兔子舞前两拍)英文歌《My Bonnie》响起,小动物停下聆听。 (Sisters Rabbit)) Judy/Lily: It’s Sister Angela. It’s Sister Angela.(两小兔兴奋地拍掌,欢呼,小鸟Angela边唱歌边飞舞出场,另两小鸟Helen, Cindy随之在旁飞舞,两小兔子、小松鼠也忍不住在旁随着飞舞)音乐声停。 (Little Rabbit) Judy: Sister Angela, you sing well. (Little Rabbit) Lily: You are great! (Mother Rabbit)Wendy: So beautiful voice!(其余小动物互相点点头)


中国传统文化故事狐假虎威英语版 《狐假虎威》是中国传统寓言故事之一,也被称为《狐假虎威》,以下是这个故事的英语版: The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Fierceness Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a clever fox named Cunning. Cunning was known for his slyness and intelligence. One day, he decided to take advantage of a tiger named Ferocious who was feared by all the animals in the forest. Cunning approached Ferocious with a cunning smile and said, "Oh mighty Ferocious, I've heard of your fearsome reputation. Animals tremble at the mere mention of your name. I have a humble request –would you lend me your fierceness for a day? I want to show those animals who's the boss around here." Ferocious, flattered by the praise, agreed to Cunning's request. "Sure, my dear fox friend. Take my fierceness and let them know the might of the tiger!" Emboldened by his borrowed fierceness, Cunning roamed the forest,

【最新2019】5人英语话剧剧本:狐假虎威The Fox and the Tiger(中英对照)-精选word文档 (1页)

【最新2019】5人英语话剧剧本:狐假虎威The Fox and the Tiger(中英对照)-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 5人英语话剧剧本:狐假虎威The Fox and the Tiger(中英对照) 英语短剧 5人英语话剧剧本中英对照 The Fox and the Tiger (狐假虎威)教育城外语网推荐更多:美文欣赏英文剧本 5人英语话剧剧本中英对照 The Fox and the Tiger (狐假虎威),《狐假虎威》是一则流传了千余年的寓言故事。狐狸假借老虎的威势。比喻依仗别人的势力欺压人。用表演来诠释狐假虎威的含义。 Tiger : I ’ m a great tiger . I ’ m very athletic . I ’ m very brave . I ’ m the king of the forest . But now I ’ m very hungry . I must find a little foo d . Oh , there ’ s nothing here . Oh , I ’ m very hungry . ( Sleep soundly ) 老虎:我是一只伟大的老虎。我非常强壮。我是非常勇敢的。我是森林的国王。但现在我非常饿。我必须发现些食物。噢,我好饿。 (酣然昏眠) Fox : I ’ m a fox . You can see , I ’ m pretty and lovely . I ’ m good at cheating and telling lies . Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat . Mm , Mm , Mm . How delicious it is ! 狐狸:我是狐狸。您能看出来,我是俏丽和可爱的。我是擅长于欺诈和识破谎言。我刚才欺诈了乘员组在肉片外面。啊啊啊。它多么可口啊! Tiger : Ah , a fox . A good meal . Ah , a good meal . 老虎: Ah ,一只狐狸。一顿好午餐。 Ah ,一顿好午餐。 Fox : Oh , my God ! What should I do ? Yes , I have a good idea . Yes , a good idea . Hello ! Tiger sister ! How are you ?


英语小话剧狐假虎威 Share classic historical materials

英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger狐假虎威 T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once; or I’ll die soon. Oh; there’s nothing here. And here is nothing; either. Oh; I want to have a rest. Sleep soundly Fox: I’m a fox. You can see; I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at telling lies. Look;a piece of meat. Mm; Mm; Mm. How delicious it is Tiger: Ah; a fox. A good meal. Ah; a good meal. Fox: Oh; my God What should I do Yes; I have a good idea. Yes; a good idea. Hello Tiger sister How are you Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh; my dear How dare you say that I’m the king of the forest I’m the king of the forest If you want to eat me; I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t beli eve her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me; just follow me and see who is the king of the forest. Tiger: O k. Let’s go.


T h e F o x a n d t h e T i g e r狐假虎威人英语话剧剧本中英对照 Edited on July 1, 2023 at 11am

The Fox and the Tiger狐假虎威 5人英语话剧剧本中英对照;狐假虎威是一则流传了千余年的寓言故事..狐狸假借老虎的威势..比喻依仗别人的势力欺压人..用表演来诠释狐假虎威的含义.. Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very athletic. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find a little food. Oh; there’s nothing here. Oh; I’m very hungry. Sleep soundly 老虎:我是一只伟大的老虎.. 我非常强壮.. 我是非常勇敢的.. 我是森林的国王..但现在我非常饿.. 我必须发现些食物..噢;我好饿.. 酣然昏眠 Fox: I’m a fox. You can see; I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm; Mm; Mm. How delicious it is 狐狸:我是狐狸.. 您能看出来;我是俏丽和可爱的.. 我是擅长于欺诈和识破谎言.. 我刚才欺诈了乘员组在肉片外面.. 啊啊啊.. 它多么可口啊 Tiger: Ah; a fox. A good meal. Ah; a good meal. 老虎:Ah;一只狐狸.. 一顿好午餐.. Ah;一顿好午餐.. Fox: Oh; my God What should I do Yes; I have a good idea. Yes; a good idea. Hello Tiger sister How are you 狐狸:噢;我的上帝我该怎么办是;我有一个好想法.. 是;一个好想法.. 你好老虎姐妹你好吗


三一文库(https://www.360docs.net/doc/fb19224927.html,) 〔The,Fox,and,the,Tiger(狐假虎威) 英文剧本〕 *篇一:TheFoxandtheTiger(英文剧本) TheFoxandtheTiger(狐假虎威) Narrtor:It’ sfantastic!Therearemanyanimalsintheforest.Theyareve ryhappy. Tiger:I’magreattiger.I’mverystrong.I’mverybrave.I’mthekingoftheforest.ButnowI’mveryhungry.Imust findsomething.toeatatonce,orI’lldieimmediately.Oh,whatcanIdo?Mm,Letmehavearest.(S leepsoundly) Fox:I’mafox.Youcansee,I’mprettyandlovely.I’mgoodatcheatingandtellinglies.JustnowIcheatedacrew outofapieceofmeat.Mm,Mm,Mm.Howdeliciousitis! Tiger:Ah~ha,afox.

Fox:Oh,myGod!WhatshouldIdo?Yes,Ihaveagoodidea.Yes,a goodidea.Hello!Tigerbrother! Tiger:Oh,youarehere.I’ mveryhungrynow.Iwanttoeatyou. Fox:Oh,mydear!Don’tsaythat!I’mthekingoftheforest!I’ mthekingoftheforest!Ifyouwanttoeatme,Iwill letyoudierightnow. Tiger:Sheistheking?(Surprised)Sheischeatingme.Ican’tbeliveher.I’mthekingoftheforesthere. Fox:Ifyoudon’ tbelieveme,justfollowmeandseewhoisthekingofthefores t. Tiger:Ok.Let’sgo. Narrtor:ThenThetigerandthefoxgointotheforest.Theysa wmanyanimals,suchasrabbit,duck,dog,bird,frog andsoon. Fox:Hello,MrsRabbit. Rabbit:Hi,Fox.Ah,Tiger!(runaway)


关于狐假虎威的英语故事 爱听故事、爱看故事书,是现在小学生最明显的特点。孩子们通过阅读来获取知识。阅读既是一种能力的表现形式,也是一种良好的生活习惯,更是语言学习的一大助力。店铺整理了关于狐假虎威的英语故事,欢迎阅读! 关于狐假虎威的英语故事篇一 A tiger caughta fox in a forest, and was just about to eat it, when the fox said, "You mustn't eat me. I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. By eating me, You will violate the command of Heaven. If you dont believe me, just follow me to see whether the animals are afraid of me." The tiger agreed, and followed the fox as it walked around the forest. The animals all ran away on seeing them. The tiger thought they were afraid of the fox, so he let it go. He didnt realise that it was him that hte beasts were really afraid of. This idiom means relying on another 's power to bully or frighten others. 老虎在山林里捉到了一只狐狸,要吃掉它。狐狸连忙说:“你不能吃我,我是天帝派来统治百兽的。你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。你不信,就跟我倒山林里走一趟,看百兽见了我是不是都很害怕。”老虎相信了狐狸的话,就跟在狐狸的后面走进山林。百兽见了果然都纷纷逃命。老虎以为百兽真的害怕狐狸而不知道是害怕自己,于是就把狐狸给放了。 这个成语用来比喻依仗别人的势力去欺压人或吓唬人。 关于狐假虎威的英语故事篇二 One day, a big tiger was looking for food in a dense forest. A fox happened to scurry by, so the tiger pounced upon the fox and caught it. At this time, the fox suddenly hit upon a bright idea to get
