






1.The famous quotation from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet”‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’ well illustrates _______.( )

A.the conventional nature of language

B.the creative nature of language

C.the universality of language

D.the big difference between human language and animal communication

2.Of the following sound combinations, only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )





3.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula "S→NP VP".( )



C.tree diagram


4.It is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.( )

A.Case Condition


C.Adjacent Condition

D.Adjacent Parameter

5.Predication analysis is a way to analyze _______ meaning.





6.According to Searle,those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.( )





7.The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.




D.historical comparative

8.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+last name, _______,and kin term.

A.title+first name


C.title alone

D.first name+last name+title

https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,nguage and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as "subvocal speech," and speech as "_______".( )

A.vocal thought

B.subvocal thought

C.covert thought

D.overt thought

10.Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition?_______.( )

https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,nguage acquisition is a process of habit formation

https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,nguage acquisition is the species-specific property of human beings

C.Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language

D.Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use



11.In the course of time, the study of language has come to establish close links with other branches of

s________ studies, such as sociology and psychology.

12.Clear [1]and dark[1]are allophones of the same one phoneme /1/.They never take the same position in

sound combinations, thus they are said to be in c________ distribution.

13.A r________ is often seen as part of a word, but it can never stand by itself although it bears clear, definite


14.A c________ sentence contains two or more clauses, one of which is incorporated in the other.

15.That the denial of one member of two words implies the assertion of the other is the characteristic of

c________ antonyms.

16.While the meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized, that of an u________ is concrete and


17.Phonological rules may move phonemes from one place in the string to another. For example, Modern English

verb ask was Old English askian, with the /k/preceding the/s/.Sound change as a result of sound movement is known as m________.

18.In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a

characteristic of societies, b________ inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages.

19.The brain's neurological specialization for language is called linguistic I ________, which is specific to human


20.In order to acquire a second language, learners will subconsciously use their first language knowledge in

learning a second language. This is know as language t________.



( )21.In the history of any language the writing system always came into being before the spoken form. ( )22.In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a state of tension.

( )23.A compound is the combination of only two words.

( )24.“The student”in the sentence “The student liked the linguistic lecture.”,and “The linguistic lecture”

in the sentence “The linguistic lecture liked the student.”belong to the same syntactic category. ( )25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense.

( )26.An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition, unlike entailment, is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is

still true.

( )27.The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is nonconventional and not arbitrary.

( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,nguage reflects sexism in society. Language itself is not sexist, just as it is not obscene; but it can connote sexist attitudes as well as attitudes about social taboos or racism.

( )29.If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.

( )30.When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach



31.cultural transmission (as a defining feature of human language)

32.phonic medium of language


34.inflectional morphemes


36.locutionary act


38.ethnic dialect




41.Why do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the

constituent relationship among linguistic elements? Support your statement with examples.

42.Describe the process of language perception, comprehension and production.


全国2008年10月高等教育自学考试 概率论与数理统计(经管类)试题及答案 课程代码:04183 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.设A 为随机事件,则下列命题中错误..的是( ) A .A 与A 互为对立事件 B .A 与A 互不相容 C .Ω=?A A D .A A = 2.设A 与B 相互独立,2.0)(=A P ,4.0)(=B P ,则=)(B A P ( ) A .0.2 B .0.4 C .0.6 D .0.8 3.设随机变量X 服从参数为3的指数分布,其分布函数记为)(x F ,则=)3 1 (F ( ) A . e 31 B .3 e C .11--e D .13 11-- e 4.设随机变量X 的概率密度为? ??≤≤=,,0, 10,)(3其他x ax x f 则常数=a ( ) A . 41 B .3 1 C .3 D .4 5.设随机变量X 与Y 独立同分布,它们取-1,1两个值的概率分别为 41,4 3 ,则{}=-=1XY P ( ) A .161 B . 16 3 C . 4 1 D .8 3 6.设三维随机变量),(Y X 的分布函数为),(y x F ,则=∞+),(x F ( ) A .0 B .)(x F X C .)(y F Y D .1 7.设随机变量X 和Y 相互独立,且)4,3(~N X ,)9,2(~N Y ,则~3Y X Z -=( ) A .)21,7(N B .)27,7(N


06年10月自考大学语文(专)模拟题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题。每小题1分。共20分) 1.《论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行》:“它却虽然是狗,又很像猫,折中,公允,调和,平正之状可 掬。悠悠然摆出别个无不偏激,惟独自己得了‘中庸之道’似的脸来。”这里所用的论证方法() A.从个别到一般 B.从一般到个别 C.将某些方面相同或相近的不同事物加以比较 D.将某些方面相反或对立的不同事物加以比较 2.下列议论文中,属于文艺专论的是() A.《谈的人物和结构》 B.《发扬伟大的创业精神》 C.《科学的春天》 D.《自学成才要有文史知识》 3.《散文创作谈》:“就象登上一个高原之后,不能再攀上一个山峰似的,视野也就难以更加辽 阔了。”这是用来比喻() A.思想表达深度不够 B.表现手段不够丰富 C.选择材料不够典型 D.节骨眼上加工不够 4.《有为神农之言者许行》阐明“劳心者治人”观点时使用的论证方法是() A.归纳法 B.演绎法 C.类比法 D.对比法 5.下列《谏太宗十思疏》文句中运用了比喻的是() A.念高危则思谦冲而自牧 B.惧满溢则思江海下百川 C.乐盘游则思三驱以为度 D.惧谗邪则思正身以黜恶 6.《朋党论》中所言诛戮清流党人并“投之黄河”的时代是() A.唐昭宗时 B.商纣王时 C.汉献帝时 D.汉灵帝时 7.下列文章中属于科技说明文的是() A.《箱子岩》 B.《现代自然科学中的基础学科》 C.《苏州园林》 D.《都江堰》 8.下列文句中,运用了比喻说明方法的是() A.由亿万颗恒星组成的星系,像我们所在的银河系,中心也会爆发,还会爆发得更强烈 B.这样由于光线折光和反射的影响,人们产生了一个错觉,空中的乔木看来好像倒栽在地上 C.桥身的两头是桥墩,桥上不断行车,桥墩就像板凳腿一样,也要被压短而变形 D.像鹤一类大型鸟类,……又因为身体大,目标显著,容易受敌害攻击,也容易给人捕获 9.下列说明文中,大量运用掌故,引述典籍资料进行说明的是() A.《白丝翎羽丹砂顶》 B.《统筹方法平话引子》 C.《沙漠里的奇怪现象》 D.《我们肚子里的食客》 10.下列作家中,身残志坚,以惊人的毅力创作了大量科普作品的是() A.史铁生 B.宗璞 C.华罗庚 D.高士其 11.《追悼志摩》用志摩“像是春光,火焰。像是热情”的诗句比喻() A.志摩生命的短暂 B.志摩为人可爱 C.志摩的理想 D.志摩的信心 12.下列作者介绍中正确的是() A.胡适是学者、诗人、小说家 B.郭沫若是美学家和文学家 C.巴金是小说家、散文家 D.老舍是戏剧家、政论家 13.《都江堰》:“那把长锸,千年来始终与金杖玉玺、铁戟钢锤反复辩论。”“金杖玉玺”指代 的是() A.发动战争 B.兴修长城


全国 2018 年 1 月自学考试现代语言学试题 课程代码: 00830 I . Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. ( 2%×10=20% ) 1. The language behavior of particular persons on particular occasions is determined by many other factors over and above their linguistic ______. () A. system B. structure C. competence D. performance 2. When we pronounce the long vowels [i:] or [u:], our ______, which is a bony structure at the end of the windpipe, is in a state of tension. () A. larynx B. hard palate C. glottis D. vocal cords 3. The word “ manuscript ” is a two-morpheme cluster which contains ______. () A. two roots B. a root and a prefix C. a root and a suffix D. a root and a free morpheme 4. The grammatical knowledge is represented through Phrase Structure Rules,which state explicitly all and only the possible combinations of the ______ of a language, for example, in English, NP→ ( Det ) (Adj) N (PP) (S).) A. phrases B. clauses C. sentences D. constituents 5. The view that the meaning of a linguistic form is defined as the“ situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer ” was proposed by ______. () A. Plato B. Ogden and Richards C. John Firth D. Bloomfield 6. According to John Austin's theory of speech act, a(n) ______ act is the change brought about by the utterance. () 1


2008年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 05621 心理的生物学基础试卷 一、单项选择题(共25小题,每小题1分,共25分) 1、由于垂体生长素分泌过多,导致极端肥大症的年龄是在( C )4-47 A、儿童期 B、青春期 C、成年期 D、老年期 2、大脑视皮层中与颜色知觉有关的脑区是( D )5-54 A、V1 B、V2 C、V3 D、V4 3、受到非伤害性刺激的反复作用,生物体对刺激的反射性行为反应逐渐减弱,这是一种( C ) 8-85 A、敏感化学习 B、条件反射学习 C、习惯化学习 D、操作条件反射学习 4、根据功能,可以将神经元分为三大类,其中不包括下列哪一项?( C )3-29 A、感觉神经元 B、运动神经元 C、双极神经元 D、中间神经元 5、内环境是人体内细胞直接接触的环境,以下选项不属于其主要作用的是( D )1-4 A、为细胞提供营养物质 B、接受细胞排出的代谢产物 C、为细胞活动提供条件 D、促进细胞繁殖 6、下列选项中不属于糖皮质激素的主要作用的是( C )4-41 A、促使血糖增高 B、抑制蛋白质的合成 C、调节水盐代谢 D、影响脂肪代谢 7、巴普洛夫认为,人类高级神经活动类型的神经过程有三个基本特征,以下说法不属于这三个基本特 征的是( D )11-126 A、兴奋与抑制过程的强度 B、兴奋与抑制过程的平衡性 C、兴奋与抑制过程的灵活性 D、兴奋与抑制过程的稳定性 8、引起不随意注意的刺激具有( B )7-78 A、隐蔽性 B、新异性 C、预期性 D、连续性 9、异相睡眠是睡眠过程中周期性出现额一种激活状态,此时测量其脑电波会呈现出( D )6-68 A、同步化慢波 B、去同步化慢波 C、同步化快波 D、去同步化快波 10、人体感受器官中向大脑传递信息量最多的是( A )5-53 A、视觉器官 B、听觉器官 C、嗅觉器官 D、味觉器官 11、副交感神经系统的活动可使( D )2-13 A、心率加快,把血液转入大脑和肌肉 B、心率加快,把血液转入消化道 C、心率降低,把血液转入大脑和肌肉 D、心率降低,把血液转入消化道 12、发现动物脑中存在所谓“快乐中枢”的实验是( D )10-114 A、水迷津 B、跳台-电击回避 C、睡眠剥夺 D、自我刺激 13、随意注意发生时,大脑中兴奋水平选择性下降的神经部位是( A )7-81 A、初级感觉皮层 B、丘脑网状核 C、中脑网状结构 D、额叶-丘脑系统 14、“狼来了”的故事反映的是( D )8-85 A、敏感化学习 B、条件反射学习 C、操作条件反射学习 D、习惯化学习 15、驾驶等技能性动作自动化的过程是( C )8-88 A、陈述性记忆过程 B、非陈述性记忆过程 C、陈述性记忆转变为非陈述性记忆过程 D、非陈述性记忆转变为陈述性记忆过程 16、导致命名性失语症的脑区损伤位于大脑( A )9-106 A、左半球颞顶叶 B、右半球颞顶叶 C、左半球额叶 D、右半球额叶 17、一位失语症病人能正常说话,也能听懂别人的话,也能听懂别人的话,但是不能复述别人的话,这位病人所患的是( C )9-106 A、感觉性失语症 B、运动性失语症 C、传导性失语症 D、命名性失语症


2006年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 高等数学(工本)试题 (课程代码 0023) 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.设函数f(x)=1-2x,g[f(x)]=x x 1-,则g(21 )=( ) A .- 2 1 B .1 C .2 D .3 2.函数f(x)=x 1 x 25+ -的连接区间是( ) A .(-]25 ,∞ B .(-]25 ,0()0, ∞ C .(-2 5 ,0()0, ∞) D .(-2 5 , ∞) 3.极限=+∞→x 2x )x 2 1(lim ( ) A .1 B .e C .e 2 D .e 4 4.当x →0时,与x 2等价的无穷小量是( ) A .22 x -1 B .sinx C .ln(1+x 2) D .e 2x -1 5.曲线y=3x 3-2x 在点(1,1)处的切线方程为( ) A .7x-y-6=0 B .4x-y-3=0 C .x-7y+6=0 D .x+7y-8=0 6.设函数y=ln =+-dx dy ,x 1x 1则( ) A .x 1x 1-+ B .2 x 12- C .2 x 1x 2- D . 1 x 22 - 7.当a0,f ″(x)<0,则在区间(a,b )内,曲线y=f(x)的图形沿x 轴正向是( )

A .下降且为上凹的 B .下降且为下凹的 C .上升且为上凹的 D .上升且为下凹的 8.曲线y=1-x 1 ( ) A .有一条渐近线 B .有二条渐近线 C .有三条渐近线 D .无渐近线 9.设不定积分? +=-C )x (F dx x 12 ,则函数F (x )=( ) A . 3x 1 B .2x 1 C .x 1 D .-x 1 10.设函数f(x)=?? ?>≤0 x 20 x x 2 ,则定积分? -=1 2 dx )x (f ( ) A .-2 3 B .3 C . 3 14 D .6 11.设广义积分? >-2 1 q )0q (dx )1x (1收敛,则( ) A .q=1 B .q<1 C .q ≥1 D .q>1 12.平面x-3y-11=0和平面3x+8=0的夹角为( ) A .6π B .3π C . 2 π D . 6 5π 13.方程z=x 2+y 2在空间直角坐标系中表示的图形是( ) A .旋转抛物面 B .上半球面 C .圆柱面 D .圆锥面 14.极限y x y x lim y 0x +-→→( ) A .等于0 B .等于1 C .等于-1 D .不存在 15.已知函数z=x y (x>0),则x y z 2???=( ) A .y yx B .2 )1(--y x y y


全国2018年10月自学考试现代语言学试题 课程代码:00830 I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20% ) 1. The purpose of Chomsky’s definition is to focus attention on the purely ______ properties of language, and these properties can be studied from a mathematically precise point of view. ()A. lexical B. grammatical C. semantic D. structural 2. We refer to the limited range of sounds as the phonic medium of language and individual sounds within that range as ______.() A. vowels B. consonants C. sounds D. speech sounds 3. A(n) ______ refers to the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added. () A. root B. stem C. affix D. morpheme 4. All sentences in all languages can be represented by constituent structure trees, and all have syntactic rules that determine the linear order of words and their ______ structure. ()A. linear B. hierarchical C. constituent D. syntactic 5. In semantic analysis of a sentence, a(n) ______ is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element in a sentence. () A. argument B. subject C. object D. predicate 6. Speaker A: Can you answer the telephone? Speaker B: I’m in the bath. Speaker B is violating the maxim of ______.() 1


俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id :5346389(请牢记它哦 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id ,可以直接进入俱乐部);俱乐部url 地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,/club/5346389(您也可以通过此url 进入俱乐部。) 1 全国2008年10月自考互联网及其应用试题 课程代码:03142 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.Internet 是全球最大的、开放的、由众多网络互连而成的计算机网络,它起源于( ) A .ARPA 网 B .SNA 网 C .DEC 网 D .WWW 网 2.网桥实现帧转发功能,它工作于OSI 七层参考模型的( ) A .物理层 B .数据链路层 C .网络层 D .传输层 3.把比特流从一个物理网段传输到另一个物理网段,这样的网络互连设备是( ) A .网桥 B .路由器 C .中继器 D .网关 4.在一个教学楼里,将分布在不同教室或办公室里的计算机连接在一起组成的网络通常称为( ) A .城域网 B .局域网 C .广域网 D .远程网 5.A 类IP 地址的主机地址字段的长度达到( ) A .8位 B .16位 C .24位 D .32位 6.IPv6中的IP 地址为( ) A .128位 B .64位 C .32位 D .16位 7.用广播消息的方法,来获取网上IP 地址对应的MAC 地址,实现此功能的协议为

俱乐部名称:自考乐园;俱乐部id :5346389(请牢记它哦 ~在百度贴吧的搜索框中输入俱乐部id ,可以直接进入俱乐部);俱乐部url 地址:https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,/club/5346389(您也可以通过此url 进入俱乐部。) 2 ( ) A .RARP 协议 B .SNMP 协议 C .SLIP 协议 D .ARP 协议 8.OSI 参考模型的系统结构是层次式的,其最低层为( ) A .传输层 B .网络层 C .数据链路层 D .物理层 9.把数字信号转换成模拟信号的设备叫( ) A .调制器 B .解调器 C .发送器 D .接收器 10.工作站到HUB(集线器)的双绞线长度最长为( ) A .50米 B .100米 C .150米 D .200米 11.使用中继器连接LAN 的电缆段是有限制的,任何两个数据终端设备间的传输通路上最多包括( ) A .3个中继网段、2个中继器 B .4个中继网段、3个中继器 C .5个中继网段、4个中继器 D .6个中继网段、5个中继器 12.WWW 的应用方式属于( ) A .客户—客户方式 B .客户—服务器方式 C .服务器—服务器方式 D .客户—浏览器方式 13.用户接收邮件所采用的协议是( ) A .SMTP B .HTTP C .POP3 D .SNMP 14.Internet 的远程登录协议是( ) A .HTTP B .SNMP C .SMTP D .Telnet 15.运行FTP ,首先要与远程的FTP 服务器建立连接,其方法之一是执行命令:“FTP ××××”,其中的××××是( )


自学考试《现代语言学》模拟试题及答案2017 2017 年自学备考正在开展中,考生们要扎扎实实地复习,一步一步地前进,以下是搜索整理的一份《现代语言学》模拟试题及答案,供参考练习,希望对大家有所帮助!想 了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们! I .Multiple Choice Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2% x 10=20%) 1. The pair of words “lend”and “borrow”are ___.( ) A. gradable opposites B.relational opposites C.co-hyponyms D.synonyms 2. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar .( ) A. Jacob Grimm B.Rasmus Rask C.Franz Bopp D.Sir William Jones 3. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( ) A.unusual B.something to be feared C.abnormal D.natural 4. __produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense,often as unintelligible.( ) A.Broca's aphasic B.The linguistic deprivation C.The damage on the angular gyrus D.Wernicke's aphasic 5.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night ” as “light ”.This shows: .( ) A. They cannot pronounce/n/ B. Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongue C. The teachers do not have a good teaching method D. They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds 6. A word with several meanings is called __word.( ) A.a polysemous B.a synonymous C.an abnormal D.a multiple 7. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it? ” is __.( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd16900441.html,rmative B.phatic C.directive D.performative

全国 高等教育自学考试 语言学概论考试试题 课程代码

全国2002年10月高等教育自学考试 语言学概论试题 课程代码:00541 第一部分选择题 一、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每小题1分,共26分)在每小题列出的四个选 项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.关于口语和书面语的关系,下列说明不正确的一项是( ) A.任何一种语言总是先有口语,后有书面语 B.书面语是第一性的,口语是第二性的 C.在一个只有口语而没有书面语的社会中,社会交际存在着较大的局限 D.书面语是经过加工、提炼和发展了的口语的书面形式 2.区分“语言”和“言语”的主要目的是( ) A.明确语言学的研究对象 B.更好地研究书面语 C.强调在社会环境中研究语言 D.强调研究言语的个人特色 3.二十世纪语言学在索绪尔语言理论的影响下,集中主要精力研究的是( ) A.语言的历史演变 B.语言和民族的关系 C.语言和社会的关系 D.语言系统本身的内在规律 4.对人类语言而言,声音四要素中作用最重要的一个是( ) A.音高 B.音强 C.音长 D.音质

5.下列各组中,都是前元音的一组是( ) 6.下列各组辅音中,发音部位相同的一组是( ) A.[p,k] B.[n,b] C.[ts,s] D.[d,f] 7.语音不同于一般声音的本质属性是( ) A.物理属性 B.社会属性 C.生理属性 D.心理属性 8.常用语汇和非常用语汇主要是从下列哪个角度区分出来的( ) A.词的使用场合 B.词的专业特色 C.词的使用频率 D.词的历史来源 9.汉语经常用四字格表示而且使用最多的熟语形式是( ) A.成语 B.谚语 C.惯用语 D.歇后语 10.“最小的有意义的能独立使用的语言单位”是( ) A.语素 B.词 C.词组 D.字 11.英语动词“唱”的原形是sing,过去时形式是sang,这在语法手段的词形变化中叫作( ) A.附加 B.屈折 C.异根 D.零形式 12.英语句子“我看电视”有时写作I watch TV,有时写作I watched TV。其中动词 “watch(看)”的词形变化反映了语法上哪一种谓词属性范畴( )


全国2006年10月高等教育自学考试公司法 试题 全国2006年10月高等教育自学考试公司法试题 湖北自考网9月18日整理 课程代码:00227 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.在我国,破产制度仅适用于() A.债务人B.法人 C.企业法人D.合伙企业 2.在公司立法中,最早规定资本确定原则的国家是()A.美国B.法国 C.英国D.德国 3.公司登记机关对预先核准企业名称的申请应当自受理之日起多长时间内作出核准或驳回决定?() A.10日内B.15日内 C.1个月内D.2个月内 4.关于“公司资产”与“公司资本”的关系,下列表述正确的是() A.“公司资产”与“公司资本”无关 B.“公司资产”等于“公司资本”

C.“公司资本”包括“公司资产”和“公司负债”两大部分D.“公司资产”包括“公司资本”和“公司负债”两大部分5.《公司法》对下列各种出资形式占公司注册资本的比例有最低要求的是() A.货币B.专利权 C.机器设备D.土地使用权 6.法定公积金转为资本时,所留存的该项公积金不得少于转增前公司注册资本的() A.15%B.20% C.25%D.30% 7.有限责任公司因章程规定的营业期限届满而解散的,其清算组成员应由() A.公司股东组成B.公司董事组成 C.公司董事会选举的人员组成D.人民法院指定的人员组成8.下列关于一个自然人设立的一人有限责任公司转投资的表述,正确的是() A.一人公司可以与他人共同设立有限责任公司 B.一人公司可以与他人共同设立合伙企业 C.一人公司可以再投资设立一人公司 D.一人公司不可以与他人共同设立股份有限公司 9.破产案件的管辖法院是() A.债权人所在地法院B.债务人所在地法院


全国2006年10月高等教育自学考试 现代语言学试题 课程代码:0830 Ⅰ.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%) 1.Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing, which is a feature of() A.all consonants B.vowels only C.all consonants and some vowels D.all vowels and some consonants 2.The negative prefix“ in-”in English, when added to the adjective “possible”, is actually pronounced/im/,and spelt as “im”. This is the result of the ______________rule at work. () A.deletion B.assimilation C.phonetic D.sequential 3.The word “ecology” is a two-morpheme cluster that contains_______________.()A.two roots B.a root and a suffix C.a root and a free morpheme D.a prefix and a root 4.When we move the adverbial phrase “every day” in the sentence “Every day, we study English” to the end of the sentence, we are now ______________ the phrase to the right.()A.rewriting B.preposing C.postposing D.maintaining 5.Antonyms are divided into several kinds .Which of the following is NOT a kind of antonyms? () A.complementary B.relational C.superordinate D.gradable 6.In terms of predication analysis , the utterance“ Is it going to snow this afternoon?” is a______________() A.one-place predication B.two-place predication C.three-place predication D.no-place predication 7.In Old English, word order was freer because the case endings were rich. So in Old English, word orders included SVO, VSO, SOV and OSV. However, Modern English has a much weaker case system, so its sentences have to follow a basic word order of________________.


全国2013年1月自学考试现代语言学试题 课程代码:00830 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅰ. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (2%×10=20%) 1. Which of the following does NOT account for the fact that modern linguistics gives priority to the spoken form of language? A. Speech precedes writing. B. There are still many languages that have only the spoken form. C. People were encouraged to imitate the “best authors” for language usage. D. The spoken is used for a wider range of purposes than the written. 2. In terms of manner of articulation, the English consonants [s]and [z]are classified as ______. A. liquids B. affricates C. stops D. fricatives 3. Which of the following words has four morphemes? A. Undoubtedly. B. Instrument. C. Astonishing. D. Thermometer. 4. The word very in the phrase “very curious of the answer” is a ______ in terms of X-bar schema. A. specifier B. head 1 全国2013年1月自学考试现代语言学试题


全国2008年10月高等教育自学考试 民法原理与实务试题 课程代码:00917 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.甲为一精神病人,乙为甲的监护人,乙的下列行为为合法行使监护职责的是() A.对甲所有的房屋进行修缮 B.对甲未患精神病时赠与他人的财产予以撤销 C.对丙所欠甲的债务以自己的名义请求返还 D.为防止甲外出惹事,将甲的双脚戴上脚镣 2.甲、乙、丙三人共同出资成立一个普通合伙企业,后甲因急事用钱,要将自己的5万元份额转让,甲父和丙均欲 以同一价格购买,乙表示不愿购买。依法,甲的份额应() A.转让给丙 B.转让给甲父和丙各一半 C.转让给甲父 D.由甲决定转让给谁 3.下列不属于 ...民事法律行为的是() A.郑某殴打王某致伤害 B.孙某收养李某为女儿、 C.周某和吴某合作办厂 D.赵某和钱某结为夫妇 4.甲企业为乙企业对丙银行的债务提供担保,担保期间约定为主债务本息还清之日为止。对该约定,依法视为() A.没有约定,保证期间为主债务履行期限届满之日起六个月 B.没有约定,保证期间为主债务履行期限届满之日起两年 C.约定不明,保证期间为主债务履行期限届满之日起两年 D.约定不明,保证期间为主债务履行期限届满之日起一年 5.下列民事关系中,不应 ..按照相邻关系处理的是() A.甲家与乙家相邻,甲家的猫闯入乙家,打碎乙家的花瓶,引起纠纷 B.甲新建的房屋滴水,滴在乙的房顶上,引起纠纷 C.甲村在河流上游修建拦河坝,使乙村用水量剧减,引起纠纷 D.甲在乙的房屋后挖菜窖,造成乙的房屋基础下沉,墙体裂缝引起纠纷 6.下列为民法上债的关系的是() A.甲向乙购买房屋而形成的买卖关系 B.甲与乙共同出资购买一辆汽车所形成的关系 C.甲死亡,其继承人乙、丙对甲的遗产形成的关系 D.甲一直对乙予以照顾,乙对甲所欠的人情债

2006年10月自学考试公文写作与处理试题和答案 (答案整理版)

一、1.公文是机关公务活动的文字记录,因而具有()A.指导作用B.宣传作用C.法规作用D.凭据记载作用 2.公文写作是()A.代领导立言 B.代机关立言 C.代部门立言 D.代群众立言 3.《国家行政机关公文处理办法》第十条规定,在文件上应注明签发人、会签人姓名的是() A.上行文 B.下行文 C.平行文 D.会议文件 4.1956年1月,中共中央办公厅和国务院办公厅分别发出通知,要求文件一律() A.从右至左竖写 B.从左至右竖写 C.从左至右横写横排 D.从右至左横写横排 5.在各级政协会议和企业职工代表大会上,政协委员和职工代表提请会议审议事项的公文文种是() A.意见 B.议案 C.提案 D.建议 6.公布社会各有关方面应当遵守或者周知的事项应使用的文种是()A.通告B.通知C.公告D.布告 7.《中共中央关于印发<中国共产党纪律处分条例>(试行)的通知》是() A.批转性通知 B.发布性通知 C.转发性通知 D.指示性通知 8.从报告内容涉及的范围看,《政府工作报告》属于()A.综合报告 B.专题报告C.调查报告 D.情况报告 9.向上级机关汇报工作,反映情况,答复上级机关的询问应使用的文种是()A.请示B.意见C.函D.报告 10.经常使用表格的文种是() A.调查报告 B.计划 C.总结 D.会议纪要 11.在公文的形成、办理、平时管理和整理归档的各个阶段都应当注重的是() A.机要性 B.政治性 C.时限性 D.规范性 12.公文在机关内部从形成到处理所必须经过的一系列环节称() A.公文处理工作 B.公文办理程序 C.文书工作组织 D.文书工作形式 13.机关文书部门对那些必须办理答复的文件,根据承办时限的要求,及时地对文件承办的情况进行督促和检查的环 节称() A.催办 B.查办 C.批办 D.注办 14.归档文件的保管期限分永久、长期、短期三种,其中长期是指()A5—10年B15—20年C15—30年D15—50年 15.体式较为完整的甲骨文书出现在()A.二千多年前 B.三年多年前 C.四千多年前 D.五千多年前 16.公文写作兼用多种表达方式,主要使用的是() A.叙述 B.说明 C.议论 D.描写 17.决定是党政机关对重要事项或重大行动做出决策或安排的公文,其作用为() A.建议性 B.指令性 C.指导性 D.告知性 18.通知产生于() A.辛亥革命前后 B.民国时期C.新中国成立以后 D.改革开放以后 19.机关公文处理工作与档案工作的结合部是()A.平时归卷 B.公文管理 C.公文整理(立卷) D档案管理 20.将归档文件以件为单位进行装订、分类、排列、编号、编目、装盒、使之有序化的过程称() A.文书立卷 B.案卷编目 C.档案管理 D.归档文件管理 二、多项在每小题列出的五个备选项中有二至五个是符合题目要求的, 21.按照公文的性质与作用划分机关公文的类别,公文可分为()A.指挥性公文B.规范性公文 C.报请性公文 D.知照性公文 E.记录性公文 22.决定的主要特点是()A.内容重要 B.针对性强 C.政策性强 D.有约束力 E.原则性强 23.归档文件的分类方法包括()A.年度分类法 B.保管期限分类法 C.机构分类法 D.文种分类法 E.问题分类法 24.在以下公文格式要素中,应标注在公文眉首部分的是()A.发文机关标识 B.公文标题 C.发文字号 D.秘密等级 E.紧急程度 25.请示的主要特点是()A.超前性 B.建议性 C.指导性 D.说明性 E.单一性 三、判断说明题26.公文写作的时限性强,但不是所有的公文都要求做到快写快发。正确,公文写作不能一概要求 快写快发,有些公文政策性强,敏感度高,快写快发不一定能达到理想的效果,应根据公文的缓急程度,在规定时间内适时完成公文写作工作。 27.公文处理必须准确、周密,确保质量。对,应为公文处理关系到党和国家的事务管理,关系到机关领导、组织、 1


全国2010年10月自学考试现代语言学试题 I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20% ) 1. The purpose of Chomsky’s definition is to focus attention on the purely ______ properties of language, and these properties can be studied from a mathematically precise point of view. A. lexical B. grammatical C. semantic D. structural 2. We refer to the limited range of sounds as the phonic medium of language and individual sounds within that range as ______. A. vowels B. consonants C. sounds D. speech sounds 3. A(n) ______ refers to the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added. A. root B. stem C. affix D. morpheme 4. All sentences in all languages can be represented by constituent structure trees, and all have syntactic rules that determine the linear order of words and their ______ structure. A. linear B. hierarchical C. constituent D. syntactic 5. In semantic analysis of a sentence, a(n) ______ is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal element in a sentence. () A. argument B. subject C. object D. predicate 6. Speaker A: Can you answer the telephone? Speaker B: I’m in the bath. Speaker B is violating the maxim of ______.() A. quantity B. quality C. relation D. manner 7. New words may be formed from existing words by the removal of a suffix thought to be part of the old word. Such a process is called ______, e.g., caretake from caretaker. A. back-formation B. clipping C. blending D. abbreviating 8. It is insulting to a woman to be called a spinster, but it is not insulting to a man to be called a bachelor. There is nothing inherently ______ about the word spinster. The connotations reflect the sexist views society has about an unmarried woman as opposed to an unmarried man. A. important B. unusual C. pejorative D. commendatory 9. Human linguistic ability depends primarily on human ______. () A. brain B. vocal cords C. tongue D. articulatory organs 10. In the ______ stage, children begin to produce longer utterances with more complex grammatical structures. () A. prelinguistic B. one-word C. two-word D. multi-word Ⅱ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. ( 1%×10=10% ) 11. D linguistics is the systematic description and elucidation of all linguistic changes through time. It studies the historical development of language over a period of time. For example, a study of the changes English has undergone since the time of Shakespeare would be a diachronic study. 12. The phonemes of a language cannot be strung together in any random order to form words. The phonological system determines which phonemes can begin a word, end a word, and follow each other, in other words, there are s rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language. 13. Morphology can be divided into two sub-branches: inflectional morphology and d morphology. 14. Syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences. It is universally found that syntactic rules comprise a speaker’s system of i linguistic knowledge known as linguistic competence. 15. Pairs of words which exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the lexical items are called r opposites. 16. Pragmatics and semantics are both linguistic studies of m , but what distinguishes them is whether the context of use is considered.
