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1.Please wear your best clothes on Monday, as your class photos ______ then.

A.will take B.will be taken C.have taken D.have been taken



2.—Are we about to having dinner?

—Yes, it ________ in the dining room.

A.serve B.is serving

C.is being served D.has been serving



3.To my ________, he was not a little ________ at the news that he had won the first prize in the English speech contest, for he thought that he didn't perform so well. A.astonishment;astonishing






考查astonish相关短语的用法。使我惊讶的是,他对这个消息并不感到惊讶.to one's astonishment“使某人感到惊讶的是”;be astonished at sth.“对某事感到惊讶”。故选C.

4.A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who ________ in the mountains for two days.

A.are trapping B.have been trapped

C.were trapping D.had been trapped



考查语态和时态。句意:一个救援人员冒着生命危险挽救了两个被困在山里两天的旅游者。“who ___ in the mountains for two days”是定语从句,修饰two tourists,two tourists和trap之间是被动关系,该空应用被动语态。由risked可知,营救人员救游客是过去的事情,被困两天发生在营救人员救了他们之前,即“过去的过去”,该空应用过去完成时态。


点睛:过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”,其表达形式为had done,被动语态的表达形式为had been done。

5.It was the natural disaster, rather than human errors, that ________ for the death of so many innocent people.

A.are blamed B.was to blame C.was blamed D.were to blame




考查主谓一致以及be to blame的用法。句意:是自然灾害,而不是人为错误,应对这么多无辜人类的死亡负责。be to blame for…表示“应受责备,应对……负责”时,固定短语,因此排除A、C项;这里强调主语the natural disaster,是一个强调句,谓语动词应与主语保持一致,即与the natural disaster保持一致,因此用was to blame,故选B项。

6.The headmaster in our school hopes that we will be more ambitious when we graduate than when we ________ admitted.

A.will get B.get

C.got D.have got





7.—Have you moved into the new house?

—Not yet. It ________.

A.has been built B.was built

C.is being built D.had been built


【解析】考查动词的时态和语态。句意:——你搬进新家了吗?——仍旧没有,它仍旧正在建设。根据语境可知,It指代上文提到的the new house,是第三人称单数,与built是被动关系,用被动语态,结合句意,built这一动作表示正在进行的动作。故选C。

8.Chinese kites in ancient times ________ in the shape of birds.

A.design B.had designed

C.were designed D.have been designed

