




、听力(20 分)略

二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15 分)

请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上。1. The man in the photo is called SeatT hief ”o n the Internet. What does a seat thief mean?

his/her own seat

A. person who refuses to sit in

B. person who offers his/her seat to others in need

C. person who always steals money on a train

D. person who always sells the seat on a train

2. I don't like the

two shirts. They are _ too big too small.

A. both; and

B. not; but

C. either; or

D. neither; nor

3. Would you like some tea shall we start our talk now?

A. and

B. then

C. or

D. but

4.--I doubt if he to the party with us tonight.

--I believe if he his homework, he will go with us.

A. will go; will finish

B. will go; finishes

C. goes; finishes

D. goes; will finish

5. They were ______ busy with each other ___ the time? A. too; to talk; to forget B.

too; talking; to forget C. so; talking; that they forgot D. so; to talk, that they forgot



-When shall we go to play table tennis? -As soon as my report ___ t omorrow.

A. will be finished

B. will finish

C. is finished

D. finishes

7.- -I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. You can never be _____ careful in the street.

A much B. very C. so

D. too

8. Do you know _____ L eBron James is taller than Stephen Curry. -Well, only 3cm taller. A. how much B. how tall C. how many D. how long

9. --What do you think of the 3-D printer?

--It's great although it still needs further A. invention B. movement



10. --Excuse me, could you tell me ____ ?

--Sorry, I don't know. I'm a visitor, too.

A. when Nanjing Museum opens

B. where is Lao Mendong

D. how do you celebrate National Day

C. that it is crowded in Nanjing now

11.--Dad, I am sorry I've made little progress in English this term?

A. It's never too old to learn

B. Rome wasn't built in a day

C. Well begun is half done

D. The early bird catches the worm

Don't worr

12. -- Do you know Tan Dun makes his music Water without any instruments? --Really? ______________ amazing music he has created!

A. What an

B. What

C. How an

D. How

13. -I hear you ___ in a small bar, What's it like?

--Well. it's hard work but I'm fond of it.

A. are working

B. will work


were working

D. worked

14.-- ?

--A man broke into the house and a fire _ after that.

A.What's wrong; broke off

B.What's wrong; broke down

C.What's up; broke out

D. What's up; broke up

15.______________________________ --Don't leave the room until you .

--Ok.I won't.

A.will tell

B.are telling


D.are told

16._________________________________________ N ever lose heart when facing failures!What is whether you have tried you best.





17.I like the talk given by the students every Monday morning. I think it is worth .

A.to listen


C.to listen to

D.listening to

18.--Excuse me, sir! Please _ your cigarette. Look at the sign,NO SMOKING!

--Oh,sorry!I don't know when it was _______ .

A.put off; put away

B.put down; put up

C.put out; put up

D.put out; put on

19.British people say “ please ” a“ndth ank you ” allt he time s ome people in Asia may think it






20.--I 'm sorry. That wasn ' to f much help.

-- _____ .And it was most helpful.

A.Thanks anyway

B.It doesn 'mt atter

C.Of course not

D.Sure it was

答案:1-5ACCBC 6-10CDADA 11-15BBACD 16-20BDCAD

三、完形填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15 分)

请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所编的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题


The back door of the ambulance (救护车) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the engine. Inside were the (1) parents,

Mr. and Mrs. Green, the mother holding their baby daughter Ally. The little girl had

(2) _ food stuck in her throat and could hardly breathe.

The driver, Mr. White, (3) his siren (报警器) and flashing light, and started

speeding towards the nearest hospital, fighting against (4) .The cars ahead of him pulled out of the

way as he drove through the (5) _________________________ . From the back of the (6) the parents were shouting at him

to(7) __ ,since Ally had almost stopped breathing. In front of him he saw some traffic lights, with the red

"STOP" light shining. Mr. White knew that he had no time to (8)___,so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking to his left and right as he did so.

Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had windows (9) ,

since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not (10)

the ambulance.

Mr. White tried to stop his ambulance but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everybody was shaken but no one

was hurt. Mr. White looked to see how little Ally was. He was astonished to see relief instead of (11) ___ on the faces of the parents. “ Look! ” cried Mrs. Green. “ She is (12)__

“ It must been the crash. ” said her husband. “ lt (13) the food out of her throat.

(14) _ was turning to normal, and she was crying in a loud but healthy(15)___.

They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident, the taxi, and the lines of cars all around them.

1.A. worried B. angry C. happy D. surprised

2.A. little B. some C. no D. few

3.A. opened on B. turned on C. turned off D. sped up

4.A. police B. life C. lights D. time

5.A. empty street B. busy traffic

C. large


D. lonely


6.A. street B. cars C. traffic D. ambulance

7.A hurry B. slow C. stop D. drive

8. A. think B. notice C. lose D. miss

9. A open B. clean C. up D. down

10. A. hear B. see C. find D. notice

11. A. pleasure B. peace C. fear D. surprise

12.A. crying B. breathing C. smiling D. speaking

13. A. took B. picked C. knocked D. made

14. A feeling B. smell C. taste

D. color

15. A sound B. voice C. tone D. noise 答案:1-5ABBDB 6-10DACCA 11-15CBCDB again. ”


请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的 A 、 B 、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题



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1.what are these ads for?

A.Place to go on vacation.

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C.Special offers at a shopping center.

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A.you can receive a 6-hour parking ticket

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C.you can enter a music competition

D. a free book will belong to you

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ads?

A.To park at the shopping center, you need to buy some stamps.

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People associate colors with different objects, feelings, and holidays. Red, for example, is

the color of fire, heat, blood, and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate red with a strong feeling like anger, Red is used for signs of danger, such as STOP signs and fire engines. The holiday which is associated with red is Valentine ' s Day. On February

14th, Adm r e dri chaenasr t s e tno people they love.

Orange is the bright, warm color of leaves in autumn. People say orange is a lively, energetic color. They associate orange with happiness. The holidays which are associated with orange are Halloween in October and Thanksgiving Day in November. On October 3ist many Americans put large orange pumpkins in their windows for Halloween.

Yellow is the color of the sunlight. People say it is a cheerful and lively color. They associate yellow, too, with happiness. Because it is bright, it is used for signs of cautions.

Green is the color of grass in spring. People say it is refreshing and feelings of guilt, fear, and envy. Many people wear green on ST Patrick's Day, March 17 th.

Blue is the color of the sky, water, and ice, Police and navy uniforms are blue. When people

are sad, they say, I feel blue. They associate blue with feelings like unhappiness and fear.

Violet, or purple, is the deep, soft color of darkness or shadow. People consider violet a dignified color. They associate it with loneliness. On Easter Sunday people decorate baskets with purple ribbons.

White is the color of snow. People describe white as a pure, clean color. They associate white with a bright, clean feeling. Doctors, dentists, and nurses frequently wear white uniforms. On the

other hand, black is the color of night. People wear black clothes at serious ceremonies such as funerals and


1.According to the passage, if you see red when someone hits you without any reason, it means that

A.you are bleeding (流血)

B.you hit back

C.you become angry

D.your eyes are hurt

2.If an actor goes to the green room, during the interval of play in the theatre, what possibly could he do on it?

A.He goes to have a rest.

B.He goes to admire the flowers.

D.He is punished.

C.He goes to party.

3.We can infer that people who do not like to be with others often prefer___.





4.The presage is mainly written to tell

A why people use different colors to express different feelings

B.why people associate colors with different objects

C.how people associate colors with different objects, feelings, and holidays

D.how people use different colors on different holidays.


Turning the lights off or wearing a blindfold while eating could be a quick way to lose weight, according to scientists. The simple trick works because it stops diners eating for pleasure rather than for calories. It also triggers a part of the brain that is worried that unseen food may have gone bad without visual clues to show it is fresh.

An experiment by the University of Konstanz, in Germany, found that people who were blindfolded consumed nine percent fewer calories before they felt full, compared to those who could see. They also greatly overestimated how much they had eaten because they could not see how much was left on the plate, Blindfolded volunteers estimated they had eaten 88 percent more than they actually had.

Scientists believe that not seeing food on the table also allows the body to know when it is full in real time rather than remembering past experiences where it might have taken a full plate to feel full.

In the experiment, 50 people were blindfolded and 40 were allowed to see their food. All were told not to eat within two hours of the experiment. They were then given three 95g bowls of chocolate ice cream and invited to eat for 15 minutes. Their bowls were taken away and the remaining ice cream was weighed, while the participants were quizzed on how much they thought they had eaten.

On average the group who could see ate 116g while the blind folded groups ate 105g. However, the blindfolded group believed they had eaten 197g while compared with 159g for the non-blind volunteers. They were also asked how pleasant the ice-cream tasted and the blindfolded group rated the dessert lower than those who could see.

The experienced pleasure of eating was significantly lower in the blindfolded group. Not seeing the food might have decreased the appetite. Sight plays an important role in the eating experience and in the overall dining experience and in the overall dining experience.

Previous studies have shown that the visual influence of food plays a large part in the taste. While restaurants that allow diners to eat in the dark claim that it triggers other senses, in fact eating in darkness is likely to taste far milder than usual.

1.We can learn from the passage that the blindfolded group .

A.spent a much longer time. eating the same food

B.believed they ate more than they really did

C.depended on past experiences to feel full

D.thought the food tasted better than usual

2.According to the last two paragraphs, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Diners are likely to lose their appetite when eating in darkness.

B.Senses rather than sight play an important role in the taste.

C.Findings from this experiment are contrary to those from the previous studies.

D.Restaurants benefit a lot from allowing diners to eat in the dark.

3.The experiment by the University of Konstanz, in Germany was made to .

A.change eating habits

B.test the effect of sight on eating experience

C.trigger other senses

D.increase the amount of food eaten by diners

4.Why could turning lights off or wearing a blindfold while eating be a quick way to lose weight?

A.Because eating in darkness is likely to taste far milder than usual.

B.Because the visual impact of food plays a large part in the taste.

C.Because diners could not see how much was left on the plate.

D.Because it stops diners eating for pleasure rather than for calories.



People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and personal to him. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual; they can paint them, and change them in any way they like. Most houses have a garden, even if it is a very small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private space of the individual.

People usually like to mark their space. Are you sitting now in your home or on a train? Have you marked the space around yourself as yours? If you are on the train you may put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you. If you share a flat you may have one corner or chair which is your own.

Once I was traveling on a train to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man on the opposite side to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no space on my side of the table at all. I was angry. Maybe he thought that he owned the whole table. I had read a book about nonverbal communication, so I took various papers out

of my bag and put them on his briefcase! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.I had invaded his space! A few minutes later I took my papers off his case in order to read them. He immediately

moved his case to his side of the table. Of course, It is possible that he just wanted to be helpful to me!

If you are visiting another country you may feel that you don' t have any private space. Hotel rooms look much the same in every country in the world.

All day long, you share public spaces with other people. You see the local people in their private spaces and you feel lonely and “ outside ” . Local people can create their private spaces by talking about things you

don't know about. And you even feel that they like you to be outside hem so that they will enjoy being inside even more! This is one of the difficulties of being a traveler! But if you understand it then it helps you. Haven ' t you enjoyed being part of a group and “ owning ” a big of space?

1.“?you feel lonely and ‘ outside ' ” in Paragraph 4 means that __ .

A.you are alone outside the house

B.you feel lonely because you travel on your own

C.you are alone and therefore you go outside to have some fun

D you feel lonely and you don't belong to that place or that group of people

2.In Paragraph4,the pronoun "them"refers to(所指).

A.public spaces

B.private spaces

C.local people

D.other countries

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.British people dislike marking their space

B.You always feel at home in another country

C.Most British people prefer living in houses to flats

D.You can't mark your private space in a foreign country

4.__________________________________________ The main purpose of the passage is to tell readers to

________________________________________________ .

A.own private spaces by living in houses

B.have one corner of their own in public places

C.realize the importance of “ space ” in communication

D.create their private spaces by talking with local people





1. Do you have any difficulty (解决)your problems ?

2.Carelessness is the main _(原因)of this serious traffic accident.

3.In ___ (古代的)China,people wore clothes like this.

4.There was no ___ (怀疑)that Danzeng Nima won the championship in the final of “ Sing! China on Oct 7.

5.The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was _(颁发)to the three scientists from America and England on

Oct 3.

答案: 1.solving 2.cause 3.ancient 4.doubt 5.presented


1. Mr Hu says Myra's _ (pronounce) is the best in our school.

2. People here can spend as much as they can (enjoy) their favourite water sports.

3.The noise in the street is so loud that it has almost (drive) us crazy.

4.China ___ (success )in dealing the difficult problems and won great respect around the world.

5.We basketball fans became even __ (excite) after Chinese Basketball Teams won the three

championships in the Asian Games.

答案: 1.pronunciation 2.enjoying 3.driven 4.succeeded 5.more excited


keep everything in order show off is divided into ancient case

(Li Hua and Peter are chatting in the students' dining room)

LI Hua: What ' s your animal sign, Peter?

Peter: My animal sign is Rabbit. It is said that people born in the Year of the Rabbit are modest. They never(1) __ .

Li Hua: I was born in the Year of the Dog. We are organized, We would like to (2) .

Peter: Yes. What it says about me may be true, but for my cousin Julie, that ' s not the (3) ___ sign is the Tiger, but in fact, he is afraid of chicken.

Li Hua: HAHAHA...I think we can read about these for fun. but we shouldn't believe in them.

Peter: In western countries, a year(4) 12 star signs. Do you know anything about it?

Li Hua: Not much. It has something to do with the (5) stories.

Perhaps Lucy knows. Let's go and ask her.

答案:show off keep everything in order case is divided into ancient

五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表



Things adults should learn from kids

Children can teach adults a lot. In other words, there are many things adults can learn from children. For example, kids tend to show love. Every action they do for parents, friends, pets, and people they like, is filled with love. They don't think twice before loving, and they just love. So adults can learn this: the best way to receive love is to first give it. Unfortunately, most of us have developed the

habit of questioning everything. We often try too hard with love, and connect it with weakness. Actually, the only way to experience love is to have the smallest expectations, and love your dear ones unconditionally (无条件地).

Kids never hide feelings. They cry when they hurt themselves, and express displeasure when things

don't go their way. On the contrary, we adults always try to hide our feelings, and never express ourselves sincerely. We often feel happy for others with negative( x 8)thoughts in our hearts. Crying or expressing oneself is what normal people do. Never hold back tears or happiness. If you want to cry, cry your eyes out, and if you are happy or pleased about something, don't be afraid to show or share it.

Kids are curious little beings, who always try to understand their surroundings by completely involving themselves in every task they do. They have a huge appetite for knowledge, and ask lots of questions every day. This curious nature guides their life, and often leads them to simple yet wonderful discoveries. Are adults as curious as kids? Well, most of us aren't. Also, they no longer have the thirst for knowledge, and don ' t even ask questions if they don ' t understand something. Adults often forget that it

isn't talent or skill but our curiosity and a huge appetite for knowledge that makes us worthy.

Kids live in the present, and give 100%o to any task they are doing. They never worry about the future, and since they are so busy enjoying their present, life is great today. However, with a job, money, and relationships, it does get hard for an adult to enjoy life. The best thing to do here is to change oneself, and if that isn't possible, we can live like a child. Just don't be worried about the future, because it isn't in your control. The only thing you can control is your present, so work hard toward it.

As kids treat everyone equally, they make friends soon and also play a lot with them. Through playing, they make a lot of astonishing discoveries about their friends and surroundings. They also learn a lot about life, because they are out in the open and are playing with all their hearts. So how long has it been since you played outdoors for fun as an adult? Not some serious sporting event or activity, just kicking a ball, running in the park, or any other silly game! Pla ying doesn ' t mean that you have to achieve a purpose. Sometimes, it is healthy to just have some fun.

答案:receiving expect brave avoid whether

curious asking difficulty controlled health


Everyone should visit a lighthouse at least once. The most important r (1) for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors fought nature with the basic tools they h(2) .They had only basic ways of creating light, and y (3) they found a way of using this simple technology in isolated (孤零零的) places to stop ships from h(4)__ _rocks. Secondly, visiting lighthouses will help us to understand the lives of lighthouse keepers. By their very nature, lighthouses were built on some rocks or cliffs. Thus, the lighthouse keepers often lived I(5) lives. To walk around their small home and imagine the angry storm outside beating a(6) the walls, is to take a step towards understanding the lives they had. The reasons for visiting a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking in time. It is t(7) that lighthouses were in out-of-the-way places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day, this very loneliness has a natural beauty that many people will love to e(8) .Therefore, with the gentle waves touching all round the

lighthouse, the visitor is likely to think it is a world preferable to the busy and noisy modem life.

Another reason for considering a visit is that the lighthouses t(9) can be very attractive buildings.

Mankind could often not be content just to put up a basic structure, but felt the need, even in such an isolated place, to build with an artistic touch.

F(10) ____ , lighthouses have a romantic attraction, summed up by the image of the oil-skin coaled keeper climbing his winding stairs to take care of the light to warn ships and save lives.

against true experience themselves Finally

六、书面表达(满分 15分)

请根据杂志 KIDVOICE 的内容,以 “ Kids and Learning 为”题,用英语写一篇短文,发表你的看法。


Hi! I'm Sigmund Friend, the editor of a new magazine KIDVOICE. We like hearing from kids. We know you ' ve got things to say. We want to hear from you.

Here is a topic you might have an opinion about: 1. What do you think of kids who are good at learning? 2. How can kids balance learning and playing


2.词数 90左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。


Kids and Learning

All kids want to be good at learning. __________________________________________ One possible version

答案: reason had yet



lonel y

All kids want to be good at learning. However, it's not easy. In my opinion, those kids who are good at learning are able to manage their time very well. They not only work hard at their subjects but also enjoy playing games. Playing also helps them learn better.

As to how kids balance earning and playing, the most important thing is to follow the rule-work while you work and play while you play. Moreover, kids should learn to work happily and relax totally.

I'm sure a good balance between learning and playing can make a great contribution to kids' growth.









第一档:(1-3 分)只能写出若干单词,无可读的句子。


2020-2021南京秦淮外国语学校八年级数学下期末第一次模拟试卷(带答案) 一、选择题 1.如图,将正方形OABC 放在平面直角坐标系中,O 是原点,点A 的坐标为(1,),则 点C 的坐标为( ) A .(-,1) B .(-1,) C .(,1) D .(- ,-1) 2.下列各命题的逆命题成立的是( ) A .全等三角形的对应角相等 B .如果两个数相等,那么它们的绝对值相等 C .两直线平行,同位角相等 D .如果两个角都是45°,那么这两个角相等 3.下列说法: ①四边相等的四边形一定是菱形 ②顺次连接矩形各边中点形成的四边形一定是正方形 ③对角线相等的四边形一定是矩形 ④经过平行四边形对角线交点的直线,一定能把平行四边形分成面积相等的两部分 其中正确的有( )个. A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 4.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,要使得四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,可添加的 条件不正确的是 ( ) A .AB=CD B .B C ∥A D C .BC=AD D .∠A=∠C 5.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,ABC ∠和BCD ∠的平分线交于AD 边上一点E ,且 4BE =,3CE =,则AB 的长是( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .2.5 6.下列有关一次函数y =﹣3x +2的说法中,错误的是( ) A .当x 值增大时,y 的值随着x 增大而减小 B .函数图象与y 轴的交点坐标为(0,2) C .函数图象经过第一、二、四象限

D.图象经过点(1,5) 7.若函数y=(m-1)x∣m∣-5是一次函数,则m的值为( ) A.±1B.-1C.1D.2 8.如图(1),四边形ABCD中,AB∥CD,∠ADC=90°,P从A点出发,以每秒1个单位长度的速度,按A→B→C→D的顺序在边上匀速运动,设P点的运动时间为t秒,△PAD的面积为S,S关于t的函数图象如图(2)所示,当P运动到BC中点时,△APD 的面积为() A.4B.5C.6D.7 9.如图,长方形纸片ABCD中,AB=4,BC=6,点E在AB边上,将纸片沿CE折叠,点B落在点F处,EF,CF分别交AD于点G,H,且EG=GH,则AE的长为( ) A.2 3 B.1C. 3 2 D.2 10.直角三角形中,有两条边长分别为3和4,则第三条边长是() A.1B.5C.7D.5或7 11.如图,在?ABCD中,AB=6,BC=8,∠BCD的平分线交AD于点E,交BA的延长线于点F,则AE+AF的值等于() A.2B.3C.4D.6 12.如图,已知△ABC中,AB=10 ,AC=8 ,BC = 6 ,DE是AC的垂直平分线,DE交


2019-2020学年江苏省南京市秦淮外国语学校七年级(上) 第一次月考语文试卷 一、基础与运用(23分) 1.(10分)默写。 (1)日月之行,,,若出其里。(《观沧海》曹操) (2),江春入旧年。(《》王湾) (3),随君直到夜郎西。(《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》李白号) (4)夕阳西下,。(《天净沙?秋思》马致远) (5)正是江南好风景,。(《江南逢李龟年》杜甫) (6),一夜征人尽望乡。(《夜上受降城闻笛》李益) (7),刚起头儿,有的是工夫,有的是希望。(《春》朱自清) 2.(4分)给下列语段填上适合的汉字或拼音。 (1)鸟儿将窠巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆 hóu 咙。(2)在南国,当冬雨在头顶上瓢落的时候,似乎又降临了一种特殊的温暖,那种清冷是柔和的,没有北风那样咄.咄逼人。 (3)四面都还是严冬的肃杀,而久经 jué别的故多的久经逝去的春天,却就在这天空中荡漾了。 (4)“少焉,月出于东山之上,徘.徊于于斗牛之间。白露横江,水光接天…”苏东坡笔下的月景清丽绝伦,引人入胜。 3.(3分)用正楷字抄写下面的句子。 少年正是读书时 4.(2分)下列词语分类正确的一项是() A.敬辞:令尊、高寿、奉还、尊君 B.谦辞:寒舍、舍妹、敝人、劳驾 C.名词:法律、水藻、过去、以上 D.名词:诀别、菊花、玻璃、衣裳 5.(2分)下列句子中没有语病的一项是() A.“珍惜生命,远离毒品”的校园宣传活动,有效地增强了中学生的自我保护。 B.一个人工作能力的高低,不在于他掌握了多少知识,关键是看他做出了突出的成绩。C.通过《秋天的怀念》的学习,使同学们领悟了母爱的伟大、生命的可贵。 D.深受人们喜爱的中国京剧脸谱艺术,是中华民族传统文化的标识之一。 6.(2分)下列句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是()


2017-2018 六上期末考试答案与解析 秦淮区—英语 试卷分析 秦淮区英语试卷难度与往年相比有所提升,题型也有所变化。 听力部分题型多样,选图片和听词填空提升了听力难度; 语法部分多处涉及固定搭配、动词短语等; 情景匹配题选项多,易混淆; 作文考查不定式表目的用法,既考查基本功,又考查写作想象力。 作文 5 阅读10 听力30 单选10 情景配对16 词汇29 2017-2018 秦淮区期末考试英语试卷题型占比

答案 听力:略 五、根据句意,选择词汇 1 C:关键词为bees和bears。 2F:关键词为buy food和eat a meal。 3E: 4B:关键词为burns和lights and loud noises。 5A: 六、填空完成句子 A根据图片和首字母提示填入所缺单词 1shopping centre/center 2newspaper, office 3ground B选择所给单词的适形式填空 1first 2were 3bought 4climbing:go climbing为固定搭配 5us:show sb. sth.这里的sb.要用宾格 6is talking 7her 8to make:reuse sth. to do sth.用法与use相同。

9shouting 10rained 七、选择填空 1D:根据问句中的did可知是过去发生的事,应选择表示过去的时间。 2 B 3 C 4D:考察感叹句的结构:How+adj.+主语+be! 5 B 6B: 百科知识 7D:百科知识 8B:turn to开始做, turn into使变成,turn around使好转, turn off关掉。 9 C 10B 八、在Ⅱ栏中选择与Ⅰ栏问句相对应的答句 H E C A G B D F 九、选择合适的词组完成句子 1came from 2walked through 3picked up 4went well 5looked out of 6at first


南京外国语学校2020年小升初方案出炉 2015年南外小升初统招计划仍为320人,6月28日上午举行电脑派位!记者5月20日获悉,南京外国语学校2015年小升初方案出炉. 据了解,南外小升初招生范围为具有南京市玄武区、秦淮区、建邺区、鼓楼区、原浦口区、化工园区、栖霞区、雨花台区及江宁区 东山地区常住户口的应届小学毕业生.招生人数共计320人,其中英 语276名,德语16名,法语16名,日语12名,共计320名.男女生录 取比例为1:1.2015年本校招收的320名学生全部属于统招计划.本 校学生初三毕业时参加市统一升学考试,本校另加试外语.学校将依 据当年高中招生计划,按照学生的中考成绩和本校外语加试成绩,从 高分到低分择优录取.学校设有助学金和“周恩来奖学金”、“雅克琳法浯奖学金”.家庭经济困难的学生可申请助学金.全面发展的优 秀学生可获得奖学金. 南外小升初录取原则为根据英语能力测试成绩,按320名的招生计划,以男女1:1的比例分别划线录取.若出现尾数同分,考生上线人数突破320名指标的情况,优先录取第一志愿填报小语种的考生. 招生日程 1、6月11日-12日,自愿报考南外的应届小学毕业生在各自所在小学或区教育局指定地点填报电脑派位志愿. 2.、6月28日上午,对报名学生按招生计划数和参加英语能力测试人数1:8的比例进行电脑派位,并公布获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生名单. 3、6月28日下午,获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生携带户口簿、电脑派位志愿表和两张2寸同底免冠正面照片到南京外国语学 校办理报名手续并领取准考证. 4、7月4日,举行英语能力测试.



南京秦淮外国语学校二年级数学上册第五单元《观察物体(一)》单元测试卷 (有答案解析) 一、选择题 1.看到的是图()。 A. B. C. 2.从不同方向观察同一个物体,看到的形状()。 A. 可能不同 B. 一定相同 C. 一定不同 3.李霞给奶奶买的一个生日蛋糕,从上面看它的形状是() A. B. C. 4.是天天10岁的生日蛋糕,从前面看它的形状是( )。 A. B. C. 5. 上面一栋房子,四个同学从四个方向观察到的分别是: 判断一下,下面哪种说法是错误的?( ) A. 这座房子有3个窗户,1个门。 B. 这座房子的窗户都在屋子的正面和背面。 C. 门在屋子的正面。 D. 房子的背面有一个窗户。 6.下面的图形分别是从哪个方向看到的?( )

A. 从正面看 B. 从侧面看 C. 从上面看7.这两幅茶杯图哪一幅是从“侧面偏上“观察得到的?() A. B. 8.看看这两幅图: 哪一幅是远距离所看到的?() A. B. 9.这两幅凳子图中哪一幅是从“上面"观察得到的?() A. B. 10.这两幅冰箱图中哪一幅是小朋友从“侧面偏上”观察得到的?() A. B. 11.小辉看到的是哪张图片?()

A. B. 12.淘气看到的是哪副图?() A. B. 二、填空题 13.爸爸给淘气买了个新年礼物,外包装盒是个长方体,做得很漂亮,他想用手机拍张包装盒的照片发给笑笑,他拍照的时候发现一次最多只能拍到________个面。 14.右边三幅图分别是哪三个小朋友看到的? ________ ________ ________

15.是________号看到的; 是________号看到的; 是 ________号看到的; 是________号看到的。 16.下面三幅图分别是谁看到的?把他们的编号填在图片下面的横线上。 ________ ________ ________ 17.我的学校 下面这些图,分别是哪个小朋友看到的? ________


六年级上学期 背诵[20篇(段)] 1.泊秦淮 唐杜牧 烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。 商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。 注释 1.选自《樊川文集》。秦淮:即秦淮河,源出江苏溧水县东北,流经南京地区,入长江。相传为秦始皇南巡会稽时开凿的,用来疏通淮水,故称秦淮河。 2.笼:笼罩。 3.商女:一说商女即歌女,在酒楼或船舫中以卖唱为生的女子。 4.《后庭花》:即乐曲《玉树后庭花》,以此曲填歌词者,今存数种,而以南朝陈后主陈叔宝所作最为有名。因陈后主是亡国之君,所以后人又把他所喜爱的《玉树后庭花》曲、词当作亡国之音的代名词。 译文 秦淮河上的秋水荡漾,暮霭象轻纱般的舒卷飞翔。秋水披一身迷人的烟雾,两岸金沙随夜色沉入溶溶的月光。我在停泊的小船上静静眺望,对岸酒家的灯火一片辉煌。歌女如春,“游客”颠狂,《后庭花》的歌声弥漫江上,可有谁想到了国破家亡? 2.闻官军收河南河北 唐杜甫 剑外忽传收蓟北,初闻涕泪满衣裳。 却看妻子愁何在,漫卷诗书喜欲狂。 白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。 即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳。 注释 1.河南河北:唐代安史之乱时,叛军的根据地。公元763年被官军收复。 2.剑外:剑门关以外,这里指四川。当时杜甫流落在四川。 3. 蓟北:今河北北部一带,是叛军的老巢。 4.漫卷:胡乱卷起。 5.白日:白天。 6.青春:春天的景色。 7.巴峡:当在嘉陵江上游(长江三峡之一)。 8.襄阳:今属湖北。 9.妻子:妻子和儿女。 10.洛阳:今属河南。 11.却看:回过头来看。 12.纵酒:尽情的喝酒。 13.作伴:指春天可以陪伴我。 14.巫峡:长江三峡之一,在今四川湖北交界处。 15. 喜欲狂:高兴的要发狂。 16. 愁:忧愁。 17. 涕泪:流泪。 译文 剑门关以南的四川,忽然传来收复蓟北的消息,初听到这个消息惊喜得涕泪交流,沾湿了衣裳。回过头来再看妻子和儿女,平日的忧愁已不知跑到何处去了;我胡乱地卷起诗书高兴得几乎要发狂。白天里我要放声歌唱,纵情畅饮;美好的春景正好伴着我返回故乡。我


2019-2020学年第二学期阶段学情调查样题 七年级语文试卷 (总分100分时间120分钟) 一(24分) 1.古诗文填空。(10分) (1)念天地之悠悠,。(陈子昂《登幽州台歌》)(2),一览众山小。(杜甫《望岳》)(3),夜泊秦淮近酒家。(杜牧《泊秦淮》)(4)落红不是无情物,。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》)(5)黄梅时节家家雨,。(赵师秀《约客》)(6)予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,。(《爱莲说》)(7)宋朝诗人的诗歌中往往蕴含哲理。利润同样以“山”为主题,苏轼《题西林壁》中“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,说明了当局者迷,旁观者清的道理;杨万里《过松源晨炊漆公店》的“政入万山围子里,”告诫人们人生路上多磨难;王安石《登飞来峰》中的“,”则表明站得高才能看得远。 2.对下面语段相关内容的理解正确的一项是()(2分) 他又面朝下①躺在地上,禁林的气味扑鼻而来。他感觉到了面颊下面冰冷、坚硬的土地,感觉到落地时被撞歪的眼镜扎着他的太阳穴。身上没有一处不疼,杀戮咒击中的地方就像被铁拳打伤了一样。②他没有动弹,完全③保持落地时的姿势,右臂以很别扭的角度④向外拐着,嘴巴长得大大的。 A.文中①是动宾短语,“躺”是动词,“在地上”是受“躺”支配的宾语。 B.文中②是主谓短语,“他”是主语,谓语“没有动弹”陈述“他”的行为。

C.文中③是偏正短语,用结构助词“的”字链接,“姿势”是中心语。 D.文中④是补充短语,“拐着”是补充性成分,说明“向外”的状态。 某班开展“畅享科幻之旅”主题读书活动,请你参加。 3.你所在的小组觉得向全班同学推荐《三体》《海底两万里》两本书,并制作手抄报。请在田字格内用正楷抄写手抄报报头上联,并修改下联使之与上联对仗工整。(3分+2分) 上联:四光年宇宙文明碰撞 下联:海底两万里迭生险象 修改: 4.这是组员小欣写的一段推介文字,请你根据拼音写汉字或给加点字注音。(4分) 《海底两万里》是法国著名科幻和探险小说家儒勒·凡尔纳所著。书中,阿龙纳斯教授随“诺第留斯号”潜水艇áo()游海底世界,一路饱览壮丽景观,明亮广阔的细沙平原、色泽艳丽的珊瑚王国、苍máng()荒凉的南极大陆;也经历惊心动魄.()的险情,搁浅、触礁、遇袭……书中英勇顽强的船长尼摩、知识渊博的阿龙纳斯、鲁莽.()暴躁的捕鲸手尼德·兰都令人喜爱。 5.活动中,同学们读到如下语段,请完成后面问题。(3分) 我怎样到平台上来,我不能说。或者说加拿大人把我抱上来的。但我呼吸、我细细尝到那大海的兴奋刺激的空气了。我的两个同伴在我旁边也尽情狂吸这新鲜的空气。不幸受苦的人们长久没有吃东西,是不能马上尽情乱吃人们第一次给他们的食物的;我们却正相反,我们用不着节制,我们可以尽各人的肺量吸取这海上的空气。而给我们送来这种快意迷醉的,正是那海风,正是那海风!

南京外国语学校小升初政策 小升初考南外.doc

2018年南京外国语学校小升初政策小升初 考南外 2018年南京外国语学校小升初政策小升初考南外 晨报开通“上学包打听”,关注南京晨报小记者微信,有啥求学疑问可来提 幼儿园入园有学区吗?小学入学户口要满几年?小升初时名校有哪些条件?中考今年还有扩招吗……家长们对入学有各种各样的疑问,为此南京晨报今起开通“上学包打听”栏目,为家长和学生第一时间联系权威部门、一线学校,解答大家各种疑问,提供最细致、最务实的上学资讯和参考,您可以每天关注南京晨报的新闻,也可以通过关注南京晨报小记者微信,直接微信留言提问。 南外试卷全英文,咋考? 准备:单词量800—1000个,均在小学课标范围内 每年小升初,南京不少家长和孩子的最高目标就是上南外,那南外的门槛到底有多高?全英文的考试,孩子到底要掌握多少词汇量?南京晨报记者连续多年接触南外考试,从考生反馈和南外出卷老师处得到权威答复:南外英语能力测试,所有词汇均在小学英语课标范围内,学生不需要大量记忆繁杂的单词,熟练掌

握800—1000个词汇量即可。 南京致远外国语小学英语老师陈诚告诉记者,按照苏教版小学英语的要求,学生在小学阶段要达到二级标准,初步建立英语语感,具备一定的写作能力,可以写简单的英语小作文。“南外的考试词汇量不超纲,孩子不必追求生涩的词汇,即使试卷中有生词,也会有中文注解。”陈诚老师说,英语学习是听说读写综合能力的培养,并非单词全会背了英语就学好了。“南外的考试难在用英语考数学、考百科知识、考时事热点,孩子需要在情境中理解英语单词的意思,这就考查孩子的英语阅读能力了。” 考试:词汇变形较简单可先做,阅读理解不会就蒙 南外考试是用英语考全科,就英语知识本身而言,词汇变形考查是一个难点。一位多年研究南外试题的专家告诉记者,词汇本身主要有三类题型:词形变换、首字母填空、完型填空。内容看起来很琐碎,但主要考查的是词汇的基本应用。“复习的时候,还是要立足小学课本词汇,卷子上的超纲词汇会有注解。词形变换与首字母填空大多数是填写名词,所以要注意单复数变化,也会有少量动词,要注意时态。完型填空多以词汇意思为辨析点,不会考很复杂的,一般知道单词意思就能选出来。”这位老师说,在南外的试卷中,考查英语本身知识的题目相对是容易的,所以考生应该先做英语,小学课本的英语知识和词汇要迅速拿分,阅读理解比较难,可以放在最后,实在不会就蒙。记者刘颖


2018-2019学年江苏省南京市秦淮外国语学校七年级下学期 期中考试英语试卷 第二部分英语知识综合运用 一、单项选择。从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并填在答题卡上,将该项涂黑。(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分) 1. -Do you know man over there? -Yes.he is artist.His name is Li Yundi. A.the;an B.a;the C.a;an D.the;the 【答案】A 2.-Where do you grandparents ? -They the town centre near a hospital. A.live;live B.Live in;live C.Live in;live in D.live ;live in 【答案】D 3.Would you like me this evening,Meimei? A.help;to wash clothes B .help ;cook supper C. to help;with the supper D.to help ;doing some washing 【答案】C 4.--Which he best of all the jobs? --He is going to be a teacher, his father. A is,like;likes B.does,like;like C.does,like;like D.is,like ;like 【答案】B 4.there two football matches in your school next week? A.Will;have B.Are;going to have C.Is;going to be D.Are;going to be 【答案】D 6.The students will go to the Summer Palace if it tomorrow. A.don’t rain B.Won’t C.doesn’t rain D.isn’t rain 【答案】C 7.Lily’s grandparents live in a town 15miles Shanghai.It’s very . A.away;far B.away from;far C.far away from ;far D.from;away 【答案】B 8. mother usually cooks for at the weekend. A.Lily and Nick;their B.Lily’s and Nick’s;them C.Lily and Nick’s;their D.Lily and Nick’s;them 【答案】D 9.How do you say the number 567,043? A.five hundred sixty-seven thousand forty-there B.five hundred sixty-seven thousand and forty-there C.five hundred and sixty-seven thousand forty-there D.five hundred and sixty-seven thousand and forty-there 【答案】D 10. go shopping tomorrow? A.What about B.Why don’t C.How about D.Why not 【答案】D 11.My aunt is getting fat,so she seldom has sweet snacks.


南京外国语学校小升初招生网上报名时间及政策及解读 南外7月2日小升初笔试招生计划数增至340人 学校首度回应2017年起小升初笔测改面测 南外2016年招生简章出炉了!昨天上午,南外发布小升初、初升高招生简章,今年南外小升初招生范围扩大到全市,招生计划数增至340人,但录取方式仍采用摇号加笔试的方式;普通高中对外招生50名,面向全南京市初中毕业生。针对此前发布的《南京市2016年义务教育阶段学校招生工作指导意见》中南外未来招生政策的新变化,相关负责人也首次进行了回应。 小升初 7月2日上午英语能力测试 南京外国语学校2016年初中招生,招生范围是具有南京市常住户口的应届小学毕业生,招生人数为340人,具体分为,英语语种296名,小语种44名(其中,德语16名,法语16名,日语12名)。男女生录取比例为1:1。记者看到,除了时间日程,今年和往年相比有两项变化,一是招生范围扩大为全市;二是招生人数从320名增加到340名。 6月7日~8日,凡自愿报考的应届小学毕业生,在各自所在小学填报电脑派位志愿。6月26日(周日)上午,如填报的学生人数超出招生计划数的8倍,将由南京市招生委员会办公室组织通过电脑派位确定获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生。派位结束后立即公布学生名单。6月26日(周日)下午,获得参加英语能力测试资格的学生携带户口簿、电脑派位志愿表和两张2寸同底免冠正面照片到南京外国语学校办理报名、交费等手续并领取准考证。7月2日(周六)上午,举行英语能力测试。测试范围为现行小学英语教材。测试地点在南京外国语学校本部(北京东路30号)。7月8日(周五)发榜公布录取名单。2016年长沙小升初提前批招生启动网上报名时间及所需材料 目前,长沙市小升初特长生、民办子弟学校招生正在进行报名和面试,近日长沙市教育局

南京秦淮外国语学校数学全等三角形单元测试卷 (word版,含解析)

南京秦淮外国语学校数学全等三角形单元测试卷(word版,含解 析) 一、八年级数学轴对称三角形填空题(难) 1.在等腰△ABC中,AD⊥BC交直线BC于点D,若AD=1 2 BC,则△ABC的顶角的度数为 _____. 【答案】30°或150°或90° 【解析】 试题分析:分两种情况;①BC为腰,②BC为底,根据直角三角形30°角所对的直角边等于斜边的一半判断出∠ACD=30°,然后分AD在△ABC内部和外部两种情况求解即可. 解:①BC为腰, ∵AD⊥BC于点D,AD=1 2 BC, ∴∠ACD=30°, 如图1,AD在△ABC内部时,顶角∠C=30°, 如图2,AD在△ABC外部时,顶角∠ACB=180°﹣30°=150°, ②BC为底,如图3,

∵AD⊥BC于点D,AD=1 2 BC, ∴AD=BD=CD, ∴∠B=∠BAD,∠C=∠CAD, ∴∠BAD+∠CAD=1 2 ×180°=90°, ∴顶角∠BAC=90°, 综上所述,等腰三角形ABC的顶角度数为30°或150°或90°. 故答案为30°或150°或90°. 点睛:本题考查了含30°交点直角三角形的性质,等腰三角形的性质,分类讨论是解题的关键. 2.如图,点A的坐标是(2,2),若点P在x轴上,且△APO是等腰三角形,则点P有_____个. 【答案】4 【解析】 【分析】 由A点坐标可得2,∠AOP=45°,分别讨论OA为腰和底边,求出点P在x轴正半轴和负半轴时,△APO是等腰三角形的P点坐标即可. 【详解】 (1)当点P在x轴正半轴上, ①如图,以OA为腰时, ∵A的坐标是(2,2), ∴∠AOP=45°,OA=2, 当∠AOP为顶角时,2, 当∠OAP为顶角时,AO=AP, ∴OPA=∠AOP=45°, ∴∠OAP=90°, ∴2OA=4, ∴P的坐标是(4,0)或(2,0).

南京市秦淮区2018年 第二学期期中质量检测卷 六年级英语

南京市秦淮区2018年第二学期期中质量检测卷 六年级英语 听力部分(47分) 一、听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(共10分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ()3、A: feel B: fine C: thank ()4、A: buy B: like C: bought ()5、A: bike B: night C: fly ()6、A: park B: car C: bag ()7、A:heavy B: heavier C: headache ()8、A: It’s sunny. B: It’s Sunday. C: It’s Saturday. ()9、A: have a cold B: has a sore throat C: has a fever ()10、A: the best B: the matter C: the weather 二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,在每小题的大图中圈出相符的小图片。(共12分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 160cm 163cm 5.157cm 6. 三、听录音,根据问句选出最合适的答句。(10分) ()1. A. He is happy. B. His leg hurts. C. He feel sick. ( ) 2. A. It’s 25cm. B. It’s 15 kg. C. It’s 25 years old. ( ) 3. A. They go to Beijing . B. They went fishing. C. They went to America. ( ) 4. A. Yes, he does . B. No, he did his homework . C. No , he isn’t. ( ) 5. A. They read books. B. I read a book. C. We read books. 四、听录音,在横线上写出你听到的单词,将句子补充完整。(7分) 1. You're taller and ________ than your father now.


小升初英语创新能力题预测解析 近年来小升初英语试题一个突出的特点就是体现了浓厚的时代气息,紧密联系社会热点和同学们的生活实际。下面就这类有关创新能力的中考试题做简单解析,以备同学们更好地应对明年的小升初英语能力测试。 预测一关注环境保护,增强环境意识 1. We believe scientists will ______ a way to solve the problem of air pollution. A. set off B. put off C. come up with D. catch up with 【解析】此题的句意是“我们相信科学家们将会想出解决空气污染的办法”。选项A是“出发”,B是“拖延、延期”,C是“想出、发现”,D是“赶上”。 预测二增强识图能力,注意联系生活实际 2. Which is the following is NOT a traffic sign(交通标志)? A. B. C. D. 【解析】此题考查的是交通标志与其他标志的区别。这就要求我们在平时多注意公共场所 的各种图示标志。 预测三渗透学科整合,注意学科内在联系 3. (用所给词的适当形式填空)The Yellow River, the world’s _____ (five)longest river, has a serious problem now. 【解析】此题考查到了地理知识,黄河是世界上第五条大河。地理知识是每个同学应该掌 握的内容,这也是素质教育的要求。 预测四关注奥运,激发爱国之情 4. Which of the following information is NOT true? A. The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America. B. The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe. C. Beijing is getting ready for the 29th Olympic Games. 【解析】第26届奥运会1996年在美国举行,第29届奥运会在北京举办,这两条信息是真 实的。第27届奥运会在悉尼举行,悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,不属于欧洲。 5. _______ 8:00 of August 8, 2008, Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games. A. At B. In C. On D. By 【解析】此题考查了奥运会的有关知识。即2008奥运会开幕式的时间;又考查了在钟点 前介词的应用。 预测五把握时代脉搏,注重时事热点 6. —What do you think of Fuwa(福娃)for the 2008 Olympic Games?

南京秦淮外国语学校物理物体的运动实验单元测试卷 (word版,含解析)

一、初二物理 物体的运动实验易错压轴题(难) 1.汽车上的机械式里程表是用安装在轮上的一组计数齿轮来实现计数的,它可以记录车轮转过的圈数。这些计数齿轮通过特定的传动装置被车轮的转动所驱动。同时车轮的转动还通过特定的传动装置,传递给由电磁感应原理制成的传感器,传感器再将反映车轮转动情况的电信号显示在速度表上,从而指示此时的车速。当轮胎用久了有明显的磨损后,就会使所计里程和指示的时速产生误差。若里程表记录的里程为12000km ,则汽车实际行驶的里程将_________(选填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)示数;若此车从北京驶往上海,以速度表上指示的时速为依据,对整个行程所估算的时间将__________(选填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”)实际行驶时间。若已知某辆汽车新车轮的直径为d ,使用2年后,由于磨损,该轮胎的半径已比全新时减少了a ,这辆汽车从和平门开到北京展览馆的过程中,里程表增加的数值为s ,那么此过程中这辆车实际行驶的路程为________(请用d 、s 、a 来表示)。 【来源】北京师大附中2017-2018学年上学期初中八年级期中考试物理试题 【答案】 小于 小于 () 2s d a d - 【解析】如果轮胎有了磨损,轮半径减小,行驶相同的路程,车轮转动的圈数偏大,所以根据圈数测得的里程数和时速都要偏大;即汽车实际行驶的里程将小于示数;∵v s t = ,∴t s v =,又因为从北京到上海的路程知道(准确),速度表上指示的时速偏大,所以估算的时间比实际用的时间要小;车轮直径为d 时,车轮转一圈走过的距离为车轮周长:πd,汽车从和平门开到北京展览馆的过程中,里程表增加的数值为s ,则车轮转过的圈数为:n s d π=, 轮胎的半径已比全新时减少了a ,故直径减少2a,此时车轮周长π(d -2a),因此这辆车实际行驶的路程为:s 实=nπ(d ()()22a)πd 2a .s d a s d d π--=?-= 点睛:当轮胎有了磨损后,行驶相同的路程,车轮转动的圈数偏大,据此得出的里程数和时速都要偏大;此车从北京驶往上海,整个路程知道,因为速度表上指示的时速偏大,根据速度公式判断估算的时间和实际用的时间的关系。 2.某探究小组为了探究小车在桌面上的直线运动,用自制“滴水计时器”计量时间。实验前,将该计时器固定在小车旁,如图(a)所示。实验时,保持桌面水平,用手轻推一下小车。在小车运动过程中,滴水计时器等时间间隔地滴下小水滴,图(b)记录了桌面上连续的6个水滴的位置(已知滴水计时器从第一个水滴滴下开始计时,30 s 内共滴下46个小水滴)。


南京市白下区六年级2011—2012年度上学期期末试卷 听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,给下列图片排序。 (听两遍) (5分) ()()()()()二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍) (5分) ( ) 1. A. Thank you! B. Not at all. C. That’s right. ( ) 2. A. It’s the first of April. B. It’s Thursday. C. It’s the first day. ( ) 3. A. They’re under the table. B. It was mine. C. It’s on the table. ( ) 4. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I can’t. ( ) 5. A. It’s in May or June. B. It’s in January or February. C. It’s in September or October. 三、听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(听两遍) (5分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, we were. C. No, we weren’t. ( ) 2. A. It was in the bag. B. It was on the desk. C. It is on the desk. ( ) 3. A. He picks peaches and milks cows. B. I picked apples and milked cows on a farm. C. He picked apples and milked cows on a farm. ( ) 4. A. It was the fourteenth of September. B. It’s is the fifteenth of September. C. It’s the fourteenth o f September. ( ) 5. A. They mean different things. B. It’s means “Be quiet”. C. It means “Keep off the grass”. 四、听录音,判断下列句子,正确的写T,错误的写F。(听三遍)(5分)( ) 1. Mike is an Australian boy. ( ) 2.Mike’s parents were in New York two years ago. ( ) 3.Mike’s mother is a teacher in China now. ( ) 4.Mike’s grandparents are in China now. ( ) 5.Mary will come to China soon. 笔试部分 (80分) 五、根据首字母提示,填词完成句子。(3分) 1. There are many trees in f_____ of our house. 2. Is this skateboard y______? No, it’s not ours. It’s t_____. 3. He always has a lot of q____________ in class.


2020-2021南京秦淮外国语学校小学一年级数学下期末第一次模拟试卷(带答案) 一、选择题 1.如果4□-7的差是三十多,□里的数最大是几? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 2.“65-20○54”,比较大小,在○里应填的符号是() A. > B. < C. = D. + 3.70-30-40=() A. 0 B. 46 C. 60 D. 76 4.6+1+20=() A. 27 B. 55 C. 81 D. 90 5.3.50元相当于() A. 3元 B. 4元 C. 3元5角 6.百数表中58下面的一个数是()。 A. 48 B. 57 C. 68 7.下面的钱数最少的是()。 A. 5元7角 B. 7元5角 C. 6元6角 8.爷爷的年龄比68大,比73小,是一个双数,爷爷今年可能是()岁。 A. 69 B. 70 C. 71 9.从15里减去9,还剩下()。 A. 6 B. 7 10.“16-7 9”,比较大小,在里应填的符号是() A. > B. < C. = D. - 11.下面哪个图形与其他图形不是同一类。 A. B. C. 12.圆有()条对称轴。 A. 1 B. 4 C. 无数 二、填空题 13.两个加数都是8,和是________;被减数是14,减数是4,差是________。 14.37比9多________;20比62少________。 15.比30多20的数是________,86比________少3。 16.填表。

________ 17.一张1元的人民币可以换________张1角的人民币; 一张5角的人民币可以换________张2角和________张1角。 18.56<□7,□里最大可以填________,最小可以填________。 19.数一数,填一填。 有________个; 有________个; 有________个; 有________个。 20.填上合适的数。 14-________=5 17-________= 8 5+________=10 7+________=16 三、解答题 21.美术小组有30人,其中女生有20人,男生有多少人? 22.一头比一只平均每天多产多少瓶奶?


2019-2020南京东山外国语学校数学中考模拟试题附答案 一、选择题 1.在下面的四个几何体中,左视图与主视图不相同的几何体是() A . B . C . D . 2.在庆祝新中国成立70周年的校园歌唱比赛中,11名参赛同学的成绩各不相同,按照成绩取前5名进入决赛.如果小明知道了自己的比赛成绩,要判断能否进入决赛,小明需要知道这11名同学成绩的( ) A.平均数B.中位数C.众数D.方差 3.如图,在矩形ABCD中, AD=2AB,∠BAD的平分线交BC于点E,DH⊥AE于点H,连接BH并延长交CD于点F,连接DE交BF于点O,下列结论:①∠AED=∠CED; ②OE=OD;③BH=HF;④BC﹣CF=2HE;⑤AB=HF,其中正确的有() A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个 4.等腰三角形的两边长分别为3和6,则这个等腰三角形的周长为() A.12 B.15 C.12或15 D.18 5.肥皂泡的泡壁厚度大约是0.0007mm,0.0007用科学记数法表示为() A.0.7×10﹣3B.7×10﹣3C.7×10﹣4D.7×10﹣5 6.点 P(m + 3,m + 1)在x轴上,则P点坐标为() A.(0,﹣2)B.(0,﹣4)C .(4,0)D.(2,0) 7.不等式组 213 312 x x + ? ? +≥- ? < 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是() A.B. C. D. 8.10+1的值应在() A.3和4之间B.4和5之间C.5和6之间D.6和7之间 9.甲种蔬菜保鲜适宜的温度是1℃~5℃,乙种蔬菜保鲜适宜的温度是3℃~8℃,将这两种蔬菜放在一起同时保鲜,适宜的温度是()


南京秦淮外国语学校一年级数学下册第一单元《认识图形(二)》单元测试卷 (有答案解析) 一、选择题 1.下列图形不是一类的是()。 A. B. C. 2.教室黑板的表面是()。 A. 圆形 B. 长方形 C. 三角形 3.在纸上用下面哪个物体能画出?() A. B. C. 4.下列图形中不同类的是()。 A. B. C. 5.用一定不能画出()。 A. B. C. 6.如图是一个无盖正方体盒子的表面展开图,A、B、C为其上的三个点,则在正方形盒子中∠ABC等于() A. 45° B. 60° C. 90° D. 120° 7.这是一个四边形。 A. 对 B. 错 8.一副完整的七巧板由()种图形构成。 A. 3种 B. 4种 C. 1种 9.一个四边形的四条边分别是8厘米、6厘米、10厘米、6厘米.这个四边形,可能是() A. 长方形 B. 平行四边形 C. 梯形 D. 正方形10.下面的小棒能围成长方形的是( )。

A. B. C. 11.像这样先折后再沿着虚线剪下一个()图形。 A. 正方形 B. 长方形 C. 平行四边形 D. 圆12.下图是小男孩用手中的长方体和笔,最多可以画出()个不同的长方形。 A. 6 B. 4 C. 3 二、填空题 13.数一数。 个数________________________________________ 14.数一数,填一填。 长方形________个。 正方形________个。 三角形________个。

圆________个。 15. ①从左往右数第________个图形是圆,第________个图形是正方形。 ②一共有________个三角形。 16.下面是一幅由各种图形拼成的“坦克”图。先数一数,再填一填。 图形一共 个数________________________________________ 17.长方形________个,正方形________个,三角形________个,圆________个,平行四边形________个。 18.数一数。 有________个,有________个,有________个,有________个。 19.黑板的面是________形,地板砖的面是________形。 20.用________根相同的小棒可以摆一个正方形;用________根小棒可以摆一个三角形。 三、解答题 21.分类整理下面的图形。
