《Unit 8 At Christmas》(教案)-小学《英语》五年级上册-译林版(三起)

《Unit 8 At Christmas》教案

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Step1: Warm up

1.Let’s play

看到短语图片快速说出,看到,大声说: “boom, boom!”

2. Free talk

T:Today is December 25th.Christmas is coming soon. What do you do at Christmas? S: ...

T:We will have a party that day. Do you want to join us!But first you should finish 3 tasks.Then,you will get a ticket of the Christmas party.

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五年级英语上册Unit8 At Christmas赛课教案

五上Unit8 At Christmas(Grammar & Fun time)优质课课教案 教学内容:5上 U8 Grammar time & Fun time 二、教学目标 1.知识目标: 能听懂,会说,会读,会写顺序副词:first,next,then,finally,句子“Merry Christmas”。 2能力目标: ⑴能用First/Next/Then/Finally,…一系列表示先后顺序的副词描述一件事情。 ⑵能制作圣诞贺卡并谈论制作的过程。 3情感目标: ⑴培养学生了解西方节日文化的兴趣。 ⑵培养学生相互合作学习的意识。 三、教学重点: 在实践活动中理解First/Next/Then/Finally四个顺序副词的逻辑关系和功能。Step1 Lead-in 1. Enjoy Christmas song Enjoy a Christmas Song“极地快车主题曲” 2. Free talk T: I’m your new teacher. I’m Mr Tom. Nice to meet you, boys and girls. It’s Christmas today. What can we say to each other? Ss: Merry Christmas! T: Let’s say ‘Merry Christmas’ to our dear teachers. Ss: Merry Christmas, dear teachers. Step2 Review the story time by a rap 1. Do a model T: We know Mike has a lot of fun at Christmas. Listen, I can sing a rap about Mike’s Christmas. First, first, we go shopping. Presents, pretty things, Christmas tree. Father Christmas, go and see. Next, next, make the tree more pretty. Put pretty things on the tree. Put our presents under the tree. Then, then, Father Christmas is coming. We put a stocking on the beds. Wait for the presents for you and me. Finally, finally, open presents hurry to see. Robots, books and many many things. Have big lunch with family. 2. Sing together in groups T: Would you like to sing the rap? Each group sing one picture. Please practice in groups first. 学生小组练习。

五年级上册英语教案-Unit8 At Christmas Sound time |译林版(三起)

Unit8 At Christmas (fun time, sound time & song time)教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写圣诞祝福语Merry Christmas! 2、能听懂、会说、会读单词card,fold,message. 3、能了解字母j在单词中的读音. 4、能唱歌曲We wish you a Merry Christmas 二、教学重难点: 1.fold,card, message和Merry Christmas的听说认读 2.字母j在单词中的读音 3.歌曲的演唱 三、教学准备: 多媒体课件卡纸彩笔 四、教学过程: Step Ⅰ free talk (1) What’s your name? (2) Do you know something about Christmas? (3) Do you like Christmas? T: Wow, you like Christmas very much。Look,what are they doing? Yes, they are having a Christmas party. Do you want to join them? Ss: Yes.

T: Ok. But you should reach the three aims and then you can go. (show the three aims of this lesson,first,you… next…. Then… finally, you can come to my party) T: What do we need for a Christmas party? Ss: we need… StepⅡ Sound time: 1、T: So if you want to go to the party, you should know the host of the party——Yeah, it’s me! Try to know me through the questions. (show the questions on PPT) 2、show the keys “subject, jump, juice” and jacket on the ppt, then teach the pronunciation of the let ter “j”. 3、learn the rhyme . Learn the new words and rhyme concluding letter “j” Show the aim I can know the sound of“j” ,ask Ss to tick it by themselves. Step Ⅲ Fun time 1、Learn the four pictures T: Good, you`ve got the first aim. The second one, how to make a Christmas card? Do you know? Ss: …(say something about it) T: Thanks of your ideas. Now, I have something to share with


Unit 8 At Christmas 教学内容:教科书78-87页 教材分析: 本单元谈论的话题是圣诞节,涉及的活动有购买圣诞树和圣诞礼物、圣诞老人讲圣诞心愿、装饰圣诞树、在床头放置长筒袜和享用圣诞大餐等。教师可以根据时间的先后顺序,将这些活动作一个有序的安排,从而将本单元的重点句型first/next/then/finally与之有机结合起来。 学情分析: 本单元可以根据课文设置的故事情节,拓展到学生的现实生活中去,以此来激励同学们的学习兴趣,增加他们的文化视野。另外,教师可以大量运用课件、照片等媒介,让学生亲自参与、体验、合作,对所学内容能主动练习和实践。 教学目标: 1.理解感知并会运用表示时间顺序的词语First, Next, Then, Finally. 2.会听,说,读写词汇present, buy, next, put, look, early. 3.会听,说,读词汇Christmas, present, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, finally, Christmas Day, turkey 4.了解西方圣诞文化,并运用First/Next/Then/Finally…等表示先后顺序的副词进行描述。 教学重点: 1. First/Next/Then/Finally…. . . 2. buy, next, then, put, early, song 3. 语音:字母j在单词中的读音。 教学难点: 1. 句型:First/Next/Then/Finally… 2. 词汇:能灵活运用buy, put等动词及短语描述圣诞节的有关活动与习俗 3. 语音:字母j在单词中的读音。 教学准备:多媒体、单词卡片、课件 课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学内容:Story time 教学目标: 1.会听,说,读日常用语与句型:First/Next/Then/Finally… 2.会听,说,读写词汇present, buy, next, put, look, early 3.会听,说,读词汇Christmas, present, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, finally, Christmas Day, turkey 4.了解西方圣诞文化,并运用First/Next/Then/Finally…等表示先后顺序的副词进行描述。 5.理解并熟读课文 教学重点: 1.会听,说,读日常用语与句型:First/Next/Then/Finally… 2.会听,说,读写词汇present, buy, next, put, look, early 3.会听,说,读词汇Christmas, present, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, finally, Christmas Day, turkey

Unit8 At Christmas教学设计-小学《英语》五年级上册-译林版(三起)

Unit8 At Christmas教学设计

T:What do people usually do at Christmas? PPT呈现: 1.尽可能得说出圣诞节的相关活动,以此一方面巩固旧知,另一方面为新知—顺序副词的学习作铺垫。 Pre-read ing 1. T: Today we will learn about Unit At Christmas. Are you ready? 2. T: First of all, let’s see the learning activities in this class. PPT: First/Next/Then/Finally… Ss: Yes! 引导学生感知时间 顺序副词,达成目 标3 While -reading 1. First, know something about Christmas. 1) When is Christmas day? T: If you know the answer, please put up your hand. 2) What’s on the 24th of December? Tips: Christmas is very important in western countries, like Spring Festival in China. 2. Next, learn words about Christmas. T: Do you know any words about Christmas? T: There are four important things: Present, stocking, Christmas tree Father Christmas. S: Christmas in on the 25th of December. S: Christmas Eve. Ss: Christmas tree/ Father Christmas/ present/stocking/card/ turkey/pudding…… Learn the words 通过设置问题来引 发学生对圣诞节的 兴趣,让他们了解 圣诞节的一些基本 信息,达成目标1. Christma

译林版五年级上英语Unit 8 At Christmas Story time教案(含教学反思)

五上Unit 8 At Christmas Story time 教学目标: 1.会读,会复述Story time的内容 2.了解圣诞节的相关知识,能用英语介绍圣诞节 3.会读,会说词汇:Christmas , present, always, turkey , pudding, pretty , wake up , stocking , finally 等 教学重点: 1.了解圣诞节的相关活动 2.了解并能简单复述课文 教学难点: 1.present, always , turkey , pretty的发音 教学准备: PPT ,短语字条,圣诞物品剪图 教学过程: Step 1. Listen to a song 《We wish you a Merry Christmas!》 1. Listen to the song 2. What holiday is it about ? (Christmas, the most important festival in Western countries ) 3. What do you know about Christmas ?(学生说自己所知道的圣诞节,适当展开描述) Step 2. Presentation 1. What else do you want to know about this festival ? (学生提问:When? What do people do / eat / play ? ) 2. 通过一张日历介绍圣诞节的时间(Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December , Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December) 3. 解决第二部分问题:What to do /eat/play ? (1) Mike is an English boy, he knows it very well . Let’s ask him .(学生提问:Hi, Mike. What do you do at Christmas?) (2) 看视频(课文)回答:What do they do at Christmas ? ( 学生根据所听,任意回答其相关活动)

五年级上册英语教案-Unit8 At Christmas Sound time |译林版(三起)

五年级上册英语教案-Unit8 At Christmas Sound time |译林 版(三起) 一、教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能够说出圣诞节的重要物品以及相关的词汇和句型。 2.学生能够听懂并理解关于圣诞节的基本信息。 3.学生能够用所学知识谈论圣诞节的文化和传统。 能力目标 1.提高学生的听力和口语交流能力。 2.培养学生的文化意识和跨文化交流能力。 二、教学重难点 教学重点 1.学生能够掌握unit8中的重点词汇和句型。 2.学生能够听懂并理解有关圣诞节的基本信息。 教学难点 1.学生能够正确运用所学知识谈论圣诞节的文化和传统。 2.学生能够理解年龄适当的圣诞节儿歌和故事。 三、教学过程 3.1 导入(5分钟) 1.通过制作一张圣诞节贺卡导入话题,用英语给同学们问候圣诞节。 2.引导学生展示各自制作的贺卡并分享做卡片的体验。 3.2 学习新知(30分钟) 1.听录音,学习重点单词,包括:sleigh, reindeer, present, candy, wreath等。 2.通过听录音、看图片等形式学习相关句型:What’s your favorite Christmas ? My favorite Christmas is _____. 3.阅读Unit8的课文并归纳重要信息,并进行答题练习。

3.3 巩固练习(15分钟) 1.通过表演练习,学生通过模拟参与圣诞节庆祝活动,加深对所学知识的理解。 2.分组活动,学生通过讨论可采用哪些方式为其他孩子制作圣诞节礼物。 3.4 拓展延伸(10分钟) 1.让学生观看经典的圣诞节动画片和唱经典的圣诞歌曲,如《Frosty The Snowman》等,培养学生的英语听力、语感和口语表达能力。 2.研究并讨论节日的文化内涵和传统,探讨跨文化交流的重要性。 四、板书设计 Unit 8 At Christmas Sound time 重点单词: 1. sleigh 2. reindeer 3. present 4. candy 5. wreath 重点句型: 1. What’s your favorite Christmas ? 2. My favorite Christmas is _____. 五、教学方法 1.通过多媒体语音、图像、文字等多种形式,提高学生的兴趣和吸引力。 2.通过分组和合作,增强学生的参与度和互动性。 3.通过多次练习和互动,加深学生对英语知识的理解和记忆。 六、教学评价 1.通过观察学生的听力和口语表达能力,以及对于课文和重点知识的掌握情况,来评价学生的英语水平。 2.通过讨论和交流,来评估学生的跨文化交流能力以及对于圣诞节文化的理解和思考。

Unit 8 At Christmas 第1课时(教案)-《英语》五年级上册-译林版(三起)

Unit 8 At Christmas 第1课时Story time(教案) ●教学目标 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:Christmas, present, pretty thing, Christmas Eve, Father Christmas, Christmas tree, buy, put, stocking, wait for, Christmas Day, wake up, early, turkey, pudding, next, then, finally, have a good time, have a lot of fun。 2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型First/Next/Then/Finally,…,并能初步运用。 3. 能理解和正确朗读Story time,并能尝试复述。 4. 能初步运用所学句型描述圣诞节的有关活动与习俗。 5. 了解西方的节日文化,培养跨文化交际的意识和能力。 ●教学重点 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:Christmas, present, pretty thing, Christmas Eve, Father Christmas, Christmas tree, buy, put, stocking, wait for, Christmas Day, wake up, early, turkey, pudding, next, then, finally, have a good time, have a lot of fun。 2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型First/Next/Then/Finally,…,并能初步运用。 3. 能理解和正确朗读Story time,并能尝试复述。 ●教学难点 1. 能正确朗读Story time,并能尝试复述。 2. 能初步运用所学句型描述圣诞节的有关活动与习俗。 ●教学具准备及辅助活动

牛津译林版英语5上牛津译林五年级上册(新版)Unit 8 At Christmas教案

小学英语学习材料 金戈铁骑整理制作 Unit8 At Christmas 教学目标: 1. learn the vocabulary: fold, message, card. 2. Learn the grammar of the time order. 3.Train Ss can use the sentences: What do you do at Christmas? 4. Review the words about Christmas. 教学重点难点: 1. learn the vocabulary: fold, message, card. 2. Learn the grammar of the time order. 3.Train Ss can use the sentences: What do you do at Christmas? 课前准备: cards, pictures, tape, recorder 教学步骤: Step1 Warming-up T: At first, let’s read the story together. T: Read this story in roles. T: Act this dialogue, please.

Step2 Presentation Look at the pictures and sentences. Talk about the pictures and sentences. Read and match. Check the answers: Read the sentences. Repeat this story. Read the sentences. Teach: What do you do at Christmas. Teach the words: first, next, then, finally. Teach the grammar of the time order. Look at these pictures. Talk about these pictures and repeat this story Read and write. Check the answers. Read and write the sentences. Look and talk about the pictures. Teach the new words: fold, card, message. Say the rules about it. Draw and say. Talk about the cards. Show the works.

译林版(三起)五年级上册英语教案:Unit8 At Christmas (story time )

译林版(三起)五年级上册英语教案:Unit8 At Christmas (story time) 教学背景 本节课是译林版(三起)五年级上册英语教材的第8单元,是story time,讲述了一个关于圣诞节的故事。 教学目标 •能够听懂、理解并模仿故事中的对话内容; •能够阅读故事并理解大意; •能够用学过的词汇和句型描述圣诞节。 教学重点 •学习并理解圣诞节的相关词汇; •学习并理解故事内容; •能够用学过的词汇和句型描述圣诞节。 教学难点 •能够用学过的词汇和句型描述圣诞节。 教学方法 阅读故事、听力训练、问答式教学。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1.与学生们打招呼:“Hello, boys and girls!” 2.帮助学生们回顾上一节课学过的内容。 Step 2: Pre-reading 1.导入圣诞节相关单词,帮助学生们理解故事中的内容。 2.让学生们预测故事内容。 Step 3: While-reading 1.告诉学生们这是一个关于圣诞节的故事。 2.播放故事的录音,并让学生们跟读。

3.根据故事内的问题进行问答,帮助学生提高听力和理解能力。 Step 4: Post-reading 1.给学生们5-10分钟的时间阅读故事,并提出问题,帮助学生们理解故事大意。 2.让学生们在小组内讨论圣诞节的传统和习俗,并把他们的讨论记录在白板上。 3.让学生们用自己的话描述故事中发生的事情,并用学过的词汇和句型来描述圣诞节。 Step 5: Homework 1.让学生们写一篇关于圣诞节的短文,并描述他们和家人朋友都会在圣诞节做些什么。 2.在下次课堂上收集学生们的作品,并组织一次短文朗读比赛。 小结 通过本节课的教学,学生们对圣诞节有了更深入的了解,并且掌握了描述圣诞节的基本语言和句型。同时,通过阅读、听力和口语练习,学生们的听说读写能力都得到了很好的提高。

五年级上册英语教案-Unit 8 At Christmas. 第一课时Story time. 译林版

五年级上册英语教案 - Unit 8 At Christmas 第一课时:Story Time 教学目标 1.听懂关于《The Christmas Story》的故事内容,并能够做到流利的朗读。 2.学习并掌握故事中出现的生词及其意思。 3.运用新学单词及句型,表达对圣诞节的喜爱和祝福。 教学重点 1.故事的内容及流畅的朗读方式。 2.新学单词及其意思。 3.运用新学单词及句型,表达对圣诞节的喜爱和祝福。 教学内容 1. 学生自主学习 请先让同学们自行阅读课本第39页,并找出以下生词的意思:manger, wise men, camel, gift。 2. 合作讨论 请同学们分为小组,以小组为单位进行讨论,回答以下问题: 1.Do you like Christmas? Why? 2.Do you know any stories about Christmas? Please share. 3. 教师讲解 1.讲解圣诞节及其起源; 2.让同学们朗读《The Christmas Story》故事,并耐心纠正发音及用词错误; 3.介绍生词manger, wise men, camel, gift的意思。 4. 合作分享 请同学们以小组为单位,分享以下问题: 1.What is your favorite part of the story? 2.Do you know any other Christmas stories? Please share.

5. 艺术创作 请同学们以自己的方式创作一张与圣诞节有关的卡片,并在上面用新学单词及句型,表达对圣诞节的喜爱与祝福。 教学反思 本课时主要是通过故事的形式,让同学们了解圣诞节及其文化含义,并学习一些与圣诞节相关的单词及句型。通过小组讨论与分享,使同学们能够在轻松愉悦的氛围中更好地表达自己的观点。最后,通过艺术创作的形式,巩固了学生对新学单词及句型的掌握。

五年级上册英语全英教案-Unit8 At Christmas Checkout time |译林版(三起)

Unit 8 At Christmas (Period 4) Teaching contents:Sound Time,Checkout time and Ticking time Teaching aims and demands: 1.Talk about Christmas fluently 2.Know the phonetic of the letter ‘j” https://www.360docs.net/doc/ad19215522.html,e ‘first, next, then, finally’fluently and correctly 4.Introduce yourself activities Teaching importance and difficulties: Introduce yourself activities with ‘first, next, then, finally’fluently and correctly Teaching aids:Some pictures. PPT. Teaching Steps Step 1 Free talk. 1.Today is 1 2.22,Christmas is coming. Look, Father Christmas is coming too. Let’s say”Hello” to him,and say”Hello” to teachers behind you. 2.First, Let’s play a game. “Pull the crackers”(It’s a colourful fiber container.) Choose a cracker to finish a task. Step 2 Presentation 1.Listen to Tim. Oh,we are puzzled. Hoe can we help him say better?/Maybe some words can help him. These words can make the sentences orderly. Noe you are Tim. Say sth about Tim’s Christmas. 2 They have a lot of fun at Christmas. After dinner, they have a big Christmas party. They invite their friends Yang Ling and Jack to the party. Think: What do they do at the Christmas party? Juice-drink some juice, jacket- wear the new jacket, jump-little dag and cat also like the juice too,they jump up and down. Listen and fill, what does Jack say to them? Read and say the sound of “j”. Know the new word:jam, jeep, joke. 3.What do Yang Ling and Helen do at the Christmas party? They talk about Helen’s Christmas. ①Put the pictures in order. ②用‘First, Next, …’说一说。 ③P86 Think and write


. 五上Unit8 At Christmas(Period1) Pre-reading 1.Enjoy a song about Christmas(We wish you a Merry Christmas) 2.Q: What do you know about Christmas? 3.Q: What do you want to know about Christmas? While-reading 1. know more about Christmas Date, Christmas symbols(Christmas tree, Father Christmas, turkey,...) 2.Q: Do you like Christmas? Why?(I like it becaus e…) T: They always have a lot of fun at Christmas. 3.Mike’s family(Learn the first sentence of the story) 4.Watch and order Watch the whole story and order the four pictures. A. B. C. D. (通过看卡通的活动,让学生整体感知故事,特别让学生要抓住关键词:first, next, then, finally。并让学生了解图C/D是发生在圣诞前,图B发生在平安夜,图A发生在圣诞节那天。) 4.Read and underline(Read p1、2) What do they do before Christmas? 5.Listen and answer What do children do on Christmas Eve? 6.Discuss in groups


牛津小学英语译林版五上Unit8AtChristmas教案 译林版小学英语五年级上册 Unit8AtChritma 一、单元教材分析 本单元重点讨论的话题是“圣诞节”,主要介绍了人们在圣诞节通常 做的一些事。重点学习叙述做某事的先后顺序的句型以及与圣诞节有关的 活动。其中,firt,ne某t,then,finally是表示顺序的副词。在英语中,我们可以在句首加这些词来表示时间或动作的先后顺序。(1)firt 意为“首先,第一”,可用于句首或句尾。(2)ne某t意为“其次,然后”,可用于句首,句中或句尾。 (3)then意为“然后”,着重表示“下一个动作在……之后”,常 与and连用。(4)finally意为“最后,终于”,相当于atlat,通常用 于句首。二、单元教学目标1.知识目标 (1)语音:了解字母j在单词中的发音。(2)词汇: 单词:Chritma,buy,preent,ne某 t,put,pretty,thing,look,tocking,finally,early,turkey,pudding,all ,card,children,fold,meage,him,u (1)能够了解与圣诞节有关的活动。(2)能够用所学语言叙述做某事的 先后顺序。(3)能够询问某人怎么了。3.情感目标 在各课时中了解与圣诞节有关的文化背景,感受节日的快乐氛围。三、单元教学重难点

1.能正确使用Firt…Ne某t…Then…Finally…叙述做某事的先后顺序。 2.能在真实的情景中正确运用本课词汇和日常交际用语。 3.了解与圣诞节有关的活动。 (一)教学目标知识目标: 1.能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。 3.初步尝试运用重点句式进行与语篇相关的表达。能力目标: 1.能了解有关圣诞节的活动。 2.能初步运用Firt…Ne某t…Then…Finally…句型来叙述圣诞节活动的先后顺序。情感目标: 使学生对西方国家文化与礼仪有一个初步的了解,培养学生中西方文化交际的能力。 (二)本节培养的能力点: 能用正确的句型叙述圣诞节活动的先后顺序。 重点:通过正确理解课文了解圣诞节的相关活动,初步表演对话,并能借助图片和关键词复 述课文; 难点:正确运用叙述做某事的先后顺序的句型。3.拟采用的教学方法:教师引导,自主探究 4.教学设计建议:Step1Warmingup 1.EnjoytheongaboutChritma. 2.TalkaboutChritma.

五年级上册英语教案Unit 8 At Christmas (Period 2 Grammar time

五上Unit 8 At Christmas (Period 2 Grammar time &fun time) 一、教学目标: 1.学生能熟练地用所学语言复述Story time内容。 2.学生能在情景中理解并正确运用first,next,then,finally来描述事情或讲故事。 3.学生能自主阅读fun time内容,能用英语描述怎样制作卡片并能互赠卡片。 4.学生能了解一些其它重要的节日,如Spring Festival。 二、教学重点: 1.学生能在情景中感知、理解语法知识并能初步地运用。 2.学生能自主阅读fun time,读懂内容,提高自主阅读能力和动手能力。 三、教学难点: 能熟练运用first,next,then,finally一系列表示先后顺序的词来描述事情。 四、教学准备: 1.第二课时PPT。 2.表演道具。 五、教学步骤: Before class,Sing a Christmas song together. Step1. Revision 1. talk about Mike’s Christmas. Christmas is a western holiday Last lesson we have learned a story about Mike’s Family Christmas. What do you think of Mike’s Christmas?Now,let’s talk about Mike’s Christmas,can you be Mike? (1)Discuss in groups. (2)talk about Mike’s Christmas. 2. talk about Helen’s Christmas. Mike has a wonderful time at Christmas,what about Helen?What does she do? (1)Let’s listen to her and number the pictures. (2)Talk about it in groups. (3)Act it Step 2 .Grammar time Mike and Helen are all very happy at Christmas. What about Tim? (1)Listen to Tim. What do you think of his introduction? What’s the problem? What did you hear about? (2)Can you help him talk about it better? Evaluate Tim’s introduction. (3)Conclusion. PPT呈现相关内容介绍。
