






























11.荷兰吉尔特提出的跨文化维度有()① 不确定性规避② 权力距离③ 批判

性思维④ 事业成功与生活质量⑤ 个体主义与集体主义⑥ 长期-短期生活导向











pyramid diagram-金字塔图表





英语国家概况_江西师范大学2中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.Which is the largest city in Scotland? 答案: Glasgow 2.Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well known in the world for __________? 答案: Its endless political problems 3.According to the Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland today should be governed by the following jurisdiction except__________ 答案: the jurisdiction of loyalist minister 4.Which of the following statements is not correct? 答案: There are no legal restraints upon parliament

5.Which of the following is not based on the fact? 答案: Members of parliament elect the prime minister and the cabinet 6.Which of the following is not an effect of immigration on British society? 答案: There is no varied for people to choose from. 7.Which of the following is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare? 答案: Macbeth 8.Several gifted women played a significant part in the 19th century literature. Which of the following is an exception?


英汉语言对比_华中科技大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.“车位已满”的正确英译为______? 答案: Occupied 2.下列英语词汇中哪一个不是从汉语借入的? 答案: tornado 3.“True blue will never stain”一句话中“True blue”表示_______ 答案: 忠诚可靠的人 4.英语中的拟声词跟汉语的相比,数量______。 答案:

更多 5.下列哪一个植物词语在英语中象征春天? 答案: daisy 6.英语姓氏中的前缀O'代表什么含义? 答案: 某人的后裔 7.哪一个选项不是汉语姓氏的来源? 答案: 体型 8."Long time no see."属于哪种借词方式?

洋泾浜英语 9.下列选项中哪一个词表示“卑劣、胆怯的人”? 答案: yellow dog 10.“bird dog”一词的意思为_______。 答案: 寻找新人才的人、猎头 11.“white feather”一词的比喻意义是_______。 答案: 胆小 12.汉语的大多数的抑扬顿挫是通过_______来实现的。

声调 13.“我喜欢徒步,他也喜欢徒步”的正确译文是:_______? 答案: I like hiking, so does he. 14.We are told that he will come tonight, and if so, our meeting will be held tomorrow.该句中的替代形式是_______? 答案: 分句性替代 15.英语为______语言,因此需要______重复. 答案: 形合;避免


全新版大学进阶英语综合教程I_内蒙古大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.The verb“endure”in the sentence “Some friendshipsendurewhile others do not” means________________. 参考答案: last 2.Asubtitleis also known as a _____________. 参考答案: subheading 3."Legendhasit" usually means ___________ 参考答案: There is a popular belief people hold and not necessarily true. 4.Which of the following is a cleftsentence? 参考答案: It was My mother who taught me how to make cakes. 5.We can find the book we want though browsing library ______. 参考答案: catalogue 6.The policeman _____ the thief by his arm. 参考答案: grabbed

7.People usually make plan for their travel _________ before the holiday. 参考答案: destination 8.In the text, friendship is compared with _______________. 参考答案: a flower 9.The word “nevertheless” usually means the same as ____________. 参考答案: in spite of that 10.The word “high” in the sentence “One friend might forget the importance of the friendship due to the high of having a new pet” most probably means______. 参考答案: a feeling of great happiness or excitement 11.When youhonora plan, you_____________. 参考答案: carry it out 12.When someone says “Mymomcan'thelpbutmeddleinmylovelife”, he or she probably means____________.


大学英语综合教程4中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.No matter how successful he was as an entrepreneur, he was still ________ upon by his contemporaries because he turned a deaf ear to his employees' needs. 答案: looked down 2.Aggressive or violent patients can ________ the health and safety of practice staff, and a key way to manage the risk is to develop a security policy. 答案: pose a risk to 3.The advantages of biomass gasification (气化) are its ability to ________ relatively cheap stocks ________ fuel that will not produce as many emissions as the direct burning of organic solids will. 答案:

convert ... into 4.The summer travel season is ________ us, and I'm eager for its coming since there is no better time to enjoy the warm-weather break from life's daily grind. 答案: upon 5. I didn't want to _________ an excuse for coming late, so I told him the truth. 答案: fabricate 6.The pain medication left Claudia feeling rather dull and sleepy, and soon after dinner she apologized for being such poor company and ____ herself to bed. 答案: excused


中学英语教学法_广东外语外贸大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1. (Watch the video 00:00-05:45) What did the teacher write on the blackboard before class? 答案: Text title 2. (Watch the video 00:00-05:45) In the lead-in stage, which of the following did the teacher do exactly? 答案: She set up a real situation and asked students to help solve the difficulties. 3.(Watch the video 00:00-05:45) In the introduction stage, the teacher set up a real situation to guide students to solve problems by depicting the route from the school to the provincial museum. What are the values of doing so?

答案: It can arouse students' curiosity to solve problems. It can pave the way for the later tasks, i.e., marking the map and talking about the route after listening。 It can pave way for sharing ideas in groups and later presenting ideas in class. 4. (Watch the video 00:00-05:45) In the introduction, the teacher wrote several phrases on the blackboard. What could be the possible reasons for the teacher to do so? 答案: She may want to introduce language. 5.


英语演讲_上海外国语大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.This course will be fun! :) 答案: 正确 2.According to APS, the first step to take in preparing a speech is to ____. 答案: Make audience analysis. 3.如何联系APS team呢? 答案: 在APS慕课的“老师答疑区”提问,主讲老师和助教会经常查看讨论区并尽 早回复的。_加入APS微信群,然后联系助教同学。APS微信群二维码请见 1.0.4或讨论区“常见问题汇总”,二维码会每周更新。_参加直播课,与主讲 老师、助教线上云聚! 4.观看APS教学视频的时候,你有哪些字幕选择呢? 答案: 单独使用英语字幕_单独使用汉语字幕_同时使用英语与汉语字幕_不使用字 幕 5.多少分可以获得课程考核优秀呢? 答案: 85

6.Which of the following sentences would be typically found in a speech of presentation? 答案: And the (Name of prize) goes to (Name of prize winner). 7.Imagine a guest speaker is to give a lecture and you're to introduce the speaker to the audience. Which of the following normally goes first in a speech of introduction? 答案: Welcoming the audience 8.Someone says "Debating and public speaking are worlds apart. There's nothing in common." Your response, hopefully, is ___. 答案: "I personally tend to disagree. But, as I've learned this week, I should think critically. So please provide evidence and reasoning before we come to a final-for-now conclusion." 9.To successfully persuade, we must avoid airing our opponents' views in our speeches. Ours should be the only voice that the audience hears. 答案: 错误 10.Bush stated that "Diversity, like anything worth having, requires effort." The statement means roughly the same as _____. 答案: Things worth having never come easy. We need to earn diversity.


通用学术英语(技能篇)_西安交通大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.The following claim is against which dimension of the ARS triangle? Claim: The college entrance examination(高考) in China should be banned because my friend told me that the validity of the exam is weak. 答案: Acceptability 2.Which logic dose the following reasoning belong to? Fact 1: The victims of cyber bullying are emotionally upset. Fact 2: The victims of cyber bullying are likely to withdraw from family members and friends. Fact 3: The victims of cyber bullying may avoid school or group gathering. Conclusion: Cyber bullying is harmful.

答案: Induction. 3.We can use a startling fact, an emotional example and a quote from a reliable source to start a cause and effect essay.Do you think the statement is true or false? 答案: True. 4.Which of the following description is from the perspective of consequences ? 答案: Those who suffer from procrastination(拖延症)are likely to cram from a task. 5.Suppose that you are listening to a lecture. You heard that “In the previous lecture, we have talked about how mammals giving birth to babies. Today, we are going to discuss …” What functions do these sentences have? 答案: Review of the previous lecture and topic today.


综合英语_河南师范大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.Which of the following four scenic spots does NOT belong to the natural landscape? 答案: Loch Ness monster 2.The Milky Way was originally about the jealous love between ______. 答案: Zeus and Hera 3.National Trust is a ______ organization in charge of the special places for ever and for everyone in the UK. 答案: charity 4.In a British pub, which of the following things is NOT allowed? 答案: One can take his young boys to a pub and watch foot matches all day long.

5.Dorothy’s Grasmere Journal Entry is not about ______. 答案: the National Trust 6.What is Mr. Boggis’ secret? 答案: He invented a clever way of searching for supply for his antique furniture business. 7.They bargained for half an hour, and of course in the end Mr. Boggis got the chairs and agreed to pay her something ______ a twentieth of their value. 答案: less than 8.Why did Mr. Boggis comb the countryside on Sundays? 答案: Because in that way, it wouldn’t interfere with his work at all.


学术英语写作_东南大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of nominalization? 答案: Express concrete concepts. 2.Which of the following statement is TRUE? 答案: The sentence nominalization formula consists of 4 steps, writing a simple sentence, nominalizing a main verb or adjective, adding a second verb and writing the additional information. 3.To avoid plagiarism, graduate students can________. 答案: not use exactly the same language when borrowing ideas 4.Which of the following statements is TRUE in terms of paraphrasing? 答案:

Lexical+syntactic paraphrasing is better than separate use of lexical or syntactic paraphrasing. 5.To begin the Discussion section, you may remind readers of your ______, preferably in a single sentence. 答案: goals 6.Discussion sections which do not have a Conclusion may end with _________. 答案: what the findings imply 7.Unlike the Abstract and Introduction, the Conclusions section does not _________. 答案: provide background details 8.One of the key elements of the Conclusion section is a final _________ on the significance of the findings in terms of their implications and impact, along with possible applications to other areas.


警务英语中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.What's the English equivalent for "警务联络官"? 参考答案: police liaison officers 2.What's the English equivalent for "国家中心局"? 参考答案: National Central Bureau 3.The federal police in USA mainly come from two departments: the Ministry of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. 参考答案: 正确 4.What's the Enlgish equivalent for "多边合作"? 参考答案: multilateral cooperation 5.What's the English equivalent for "双边合作"? 参考答案: bilateral cooperation 6.Moving the vehicle to the right shoulder of the road will prevent both the driver and the officer from the danger of being hit by oncoming traffic.

参考答案: 正确 7. A person who provides conditions for gambling for the purpose of making profits, or participates in gambling with a relatively big amount of money with relatively serious circumstances shall be detained for not less than ____ days but not more than ____ days and shall, in addition, be fined not less than ____ yuan but not more than _____ yuan. 参考答案: 10, 15, 500, 3000 8.Which article of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security regulates the behaviors of disturbing the public order? 参考答案: Article 26 9.According to Article 66 of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, a prostitute or a person who goes whoring shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 5,000 yuan. 参考答案: 正确 10.Different types of music may affect road safety. 参考答案: 正确


大学英语综合教程1_集美大学2中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.I ______ that he had gone for a stroll. 答案: assumed 2.When he was a small kid, he ________ from his peers because he could read fast and remember whatever he read. 答案: stood out 3.The second drawer contains all the documents and _____________ relating to our insurance. 答案: correspondence

4.The school has ________ many after-class activity groups for the pupils to make their spare time more colorful. 答案: set up 5.Youngsters who drink and smoke, and are often absent from school are far more likely to be ________ from school. 答案: expelled 6.After ________ research by the local government, officials confidently stated that this area of the sea was much safer than before. 答案: extensive


通用学术英语听说_云南大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.What are the three things carried in stressed words? 参考答案: This (as opposed to That)._Strong feelings._Changing the subject. 2.What can tone of voice do? 参考答案: Convey your moods._Convey your perspective._Convey your emotions. 3.In a _____ presentation, you are required to produce a visual summary of your research on a poster and talk about it. 参考答案: poster 4.Your poster should be mainly visual, meaning you should use graphs,maps,illustrations and photos. 参考答案: 正确 5.Inseminar or tutorial discussions, you are supposed to discuss a topic with a teacher and a small number of other students. 参考答案: 正确

6.What are you expected to do in a seminar? 参考答案: Present a summary of some readings you have done._Discuss the content of a lecture that you attended._Do problem-solving exercises._Discuss the assigned readings. 7.When asking a rhetorical quesiton, the speaker does expect an answer from the audience. 参考答案: 错误 8.______ before emphasizing an important word or concept is an effective way to improve tone of voice. 参考答案: Pausing 9.Which of the following is not a feature of a good opening? 参考答案: The presenter thanks the audience for their patience. 10.What are the requirements for preparing a presentation? 参考答案: Adjusting the content according to the given time._Planning delivery._Rehearsing your presentation._Considering your audience. 11.What techniques can you use to end your presentation naturally?


中级英语写作_广东外语外贸大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.Which of the following descriptions does not belong to the focus “being fashionable”? 答案: She looked tall, fair, and shapely. 2.What are the two basic elements in setting? 答案: Time and place 3.Please identify what type of evidence is used: Not only are non-English-speaking students in English-only schools unable to understand the information they are supposed to be learning, but also they are subject to frequent embarrassment and teasing from their classmates. Without the use of Spanish, unable to communicate with the teacher or students, for six weeks we guessed at everything we did. When we lined up to go anywhere, neither my sister nor I knew what to expect. Once, the teacher took the class on a bathroom break, and I mistakenly thought we were on our way to the cafeteria for lunch. Before we left, I grabbed our lunch money, and one of the girls in line began sneering and pointing. Somehow she figured out my mistake before I did. When I realized why she was laughing, I became embarrassed and threw the money into my sister’s desk as we walked outtheclassroom.


英语演讲技巧与实训_中南大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.Which one of the following topic is not an appropriate speech topic? 答案: On History 2.How to adjust your speech if you receive negative audience responses? 答案: Adding another vivid example 3.Which of the following statement about controlling nervousness is incorrect? 答案: Staying up late before you give a speech 4.How can good listening benefit us? 答案: A, B and C.

5.What is the second stage of the six stages of listening? 答案: Comprehend 6.When we are introducing objects, presenting options and facts, and distinguishing between points, ideas, and facts, what gesture can we use? 答案: The “Give”. 7.Which of the following choice of designing PPT for presentation is incorrect? 答案: Using too many visual effects 8.Which of the following choice of designing PPT for presentation is correct? 答案: Using contrasting colors like light on dark or dark on light


第一章测试 1.Demonstrative speeches are similar to informative speeches but informative speeches normally do not include actual demonstrations. A:对 B:错 答案:A 2.The proper idea for demonstrative speech is() A:My Favorite Misheard Song Lyric? B:Karate techniques C:What is the average salary in different countries and what causes the difference? D:Should there be stronger limits on immigration? 答案:B 3.Entertaining speeches are informal and usually very short; they are speeches that provide a lot of enjoyment and pleasure for the audience. A:对 B:错 答案:A 4.The TED speech “When do kids start to care about other people’s opinion?” belongs to ( ). A:Informative Speech B:Debate Speech C:Oratorical Speech D:Entertaining Speech 答案:A 5.The TED speech “Why noise is bad for you and what you can do about it” shows that solid facts such as research and statistics are ineffective to perusade listens. A:对 B:错 答案:B 第二章测试 1.以下两单词foot food中,oo的发音相同。 A:错 B:对 答案:A 2.一般情况下,句子中应重读的词是:()。 A:动词 B:冠词 C:名词


英语话中华_山东大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年 1.What’s the name of the summit of Mount Taishan? 答案: Yuhuang Summit. 2.What’s the original source of the Yangtze River? 答案: The Tanggula Range. 3.When was the present Great Wall mainly completed? 答案: During the Ming Dynasty. 4.What is the Liangzhu culture noted for?

答案: Jade. 5.What kind of invention did Bi Sheng make? 答案: The moveable-type printing. 6.Who had played a key role in exploring the trade route between east and west in the Western Han Dynasty? 答案: Zhang Qian. 7.Which of the following is true about the Maritime Silk Road?

答案: All of the above. 8.When has Chinese architecture had a major influence on the architectural styles of Korea, Vietnam, and Japan? 答案: Since the Tang Dynasty. 9.Which gardens in Suzhou are included in the “Four Famous Gardens” in China? 答案: The Humble Administrator’s Garden and the Lingering Garden. 10.Which of the following is true about Shanghai Tower? 答案: Shanghai Tower has curved façade and spiraling form which symbolizes the dynamic emergence of modern China.
