现代语言学 简答整理

现代语言学 简答整理
现代语言学 简答整理

3.What are the branches of linguistics? What does each of them study? (语言学的主要分支是什么。每个分支的研究对象是什么?)

Linguistics mainly involves the following branches:

1)General linguistics, which is the study of language as a whole and which deals with the basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study

2)Phonetics, which studies the sounds that are used in linguistic communication

3)Phonology, which studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication

4)Morphology, which studies the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words

5)Syntax, which studies how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences

6)Semantics, which is the study of meaning in language.

7)Pragmatics, which is the study of meaning not in isolation, but in the context of use

8)Sociolinguistics, which is the study of language with reference to society

9)Psycholinguistics, which is the study of language with reference to the workings of mind.

10)Applied linguistics, which is concerned about the application of linguistic findings in linguistic studies; in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.

11)Other related branches are anthropological linguistics(人类语言学), neurological linguistics(神经语言学), mathematical linguistics (数学语言学), and computational linguistics(计算机语言学). 4.What makes modern linguistics different from traditional grammar? (现代语言学与传统语法有什么区别?)

Traditional grammar is prescriptive(规定性); it is based on "high "(religious, literary) written language. It sets models for language users to follow. But Modern linguistics is descriptive(描述性); its investigations are based on authentic and mainly spoken language data. It is supposed to be scientific and objective and the task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is "correct" or not.

5.Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic(共时性)or diachronic(历时性)? Why?

(The description of language at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.)

Modern linguistics is mainly synchronic, focusing on the present-day language. Unless the various states of a language are successfully studied, it will not be possible to describe language from a diachronic point of view.

6.Which enjoys priority in modern linguistics, speech or writing? Why?在现代语言学里说话或写作哪一个有优先权?为什


Modern linguistics gives priority to the spoken language for the following reasons:

First, speech precedes writing. The writing system is always a later invention used to record the speech. There are still some languages that only have the spoken form.

Then, a larger amount of communication is carried out in speech than in writing.

Third, speech is the form in which infants acquire their native language.

7.Saussure 是如何区分语言langue和言语parole的?

(The distinction between langue and parole was made by the famous Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure early this century. Langue and parole are French words.)

Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to follow while parole is the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules. Langue is abstract; it is not the language people actually use, but parole is concrete; it refers to the naturally occurring language events. Langue is relatively stable, it does not change frequently; while parole varies from person to person, and from situation to situation.


(American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s proposed the distinction between competence and performance.)

Chomsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language. This internalized set of rules enables the language user to produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences and recognize sentences that are ungrammatical and ambiguous. According to Chomsky, performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. Although the speaker’s knowledge of his mother tongue is perfect, his performances may have mistakes because of social and psychological factors such as stress, embarrassment, etc… Chomsky believes that what linguists should study is the competence, which is systematic, not the performance, which is too haphazard (偶然的).

9.How is Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole similar to Chomsky’s distinction between competence and performance? And what is their difference?索绪尔是如何区分语言和言语类似乔姆斯基的区分能力和表现?和它们的区别是什么?

Both Saussure and Chomsky make the distinction between the abstract language system and the actual use of language. Their purpose is to single out one aspect of language for serious study. They differ in that Saussure takes a sociological view of language and his notion of langue is a matter of social conventions, and Chomsky looks at language from a psychological point of view and to him competence is a property of the mind of each individual. 10.What characteristics of language do you think should be included in a good, comprehensive definition of language?你认为应该怎样用一个良好的,全面的定义来总结语言的特征?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

First of all, language is a system, i.e. elements of language are combined according to rules.

Second, language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing it refers to.

Third, language is vocal because the primary medium is sound for all languages.

The term “human” is meant to specify that language is human-specific.

11.What features of human language have been specified by Charles Hockett to show that it is essentially different from any animal communication system? 人类语言的甄别性特征是什么?

1.Arbitrariness(任意性): (课本答案:a sign of sophistication only humans are capable of) It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. Although language is arbitrary by nature, it is not entirely arbitrary. Non-arbitrary words make up only a small percentage of the total number. The arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions.

2.Productivity(创造性): (课本答案:creativity: animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send)Language is productive or creative in that it makes possible the con?struction and interpretation of an infinitely large number of sentences, including those they have never said or heard before.

3.Duality(二重性): (课本答案:a feature totally lacking in any animal communication)It means that language is a system, which consists of two sets of structure, or two levels, one of sounds at the lower level and the other of meanings at the higher level. At the lower or the basic level, there is the structure of individual and meaningless sounds, which can be grouped into meaningful units at the higher level. This duality of structure or dou?ble articulation of language enables its users to talk about anything within their knowledge.

4.Displacement(移位性): (课本答案:no animal can “talk” about things removed from the immediate situation)Language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or far-away places. In other words, language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.

5. Cultural transmission(文化传递性):(课本答案:details of human language system are taught and learned while animals are born with the capacity to send out certain signals as a means of limited communication)While we are born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned.

12.Do you think human language is entirely arbitrary? Why?


Language is arbitrary in nature, it is not entirely arbitrary, because there are a limited number of words whose connections between forms and meanings can be logically explained to a certain extent, for example, the onomatopoeia, words which are coined on the basis of imitation of sounds by sounds such as bang, crash, etc.. Take compounds for another example. The two elements “photo” and “copy” in “photocopy” are non-motivated, but the compound is not arbitrary.

2.What are the two major media of communication? Of the two, which one is primary and why? 语言交际的两大媒介是什么?哪一个是基本的交际媒介?为什么?

Speech and writing are the major media of communication. Speech is considered primary over writing. The reasons are: speech is prior to writing in language evolution, speech plays a greater role in daily communications, and speech is the way in which people acquire their native language.

3.What are the three branches of phonetics? How do they contribute to the study of speech sounds? 语音学的三个分支是什么。它们是如何研究语言学的?

1)Articulatory phonetics describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ.

2)Auditory phonetics studies the physical properties of the speech sounds, and reaches important conclusion that phonetic identity is only a theoretical ideal.

3)Acoustic phonetics studies the physical properties of the speech sounds, the way sounds travel from the speaker to the hearer; it deals with the sound waves through the use of such machines as a spectrograph(声谱仪).

4.Where are the articulatory apparatus of human being contained?人类的发声部位在哪?

Pharyngeal cavity , oral cavity and nasal cavity.

5.What is voicing and how is it caused? 什么叫浊音化?它是如何形成的?

V oicing is the result of the vibration of the vocal cords. When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting air go through without causing vibration, the sounds produced in such a way are voiceless. When vocal cords are held together tautly so that the air stream vibrates them, the sounds produced in this way are voiced.

6.What is the function of nasal cavity? How does it perform this function? 鼻腔功能是什么?它是怎样执行这个功能?

The function of nasal cavity is to nasalize the sounds that are produced. It does this by closing the air passage connecting the oral and nasal cavities so that the air stream can only go through the nasal cavity.

7.Describe the various parts in the oral cavity which are involved in the production of speech sounds?描述口腔中参与发声的部位

The various pats of the tongue: the tip, the front, the blade, and the back; the uvula; the soft palate; the hard palate; the teeth ridge (alveolar); the upper and lower teeth; the lips.

8.How broad transcription and narrow transcription differ? 宽式标音和严式标音有什么区别?

The broad transcription is the transcription of sounds by using one letter to represent one sound.

The narrow transcription is the transcription with diacritics 变音符号to show detailed articulatory features of sounds.

In broad transcription, the symbol [l] in used for the sound [l] in words like leaf [li:f], feel [fi:l], build [bild], and health [helθ]. The sound [l] in all these words is differ slightly. The [l] in [li:f], occurring before a vowel, is called a clear [l], and no diacritic is needed to indicate it; the [l] in [fi:l] and [bild], occurring before another consonant, is called dark [l], indicated in narrow transcription as [l]. Then in [helθ], the sound [l] is followed by the dental sound [θ], it is thus called a dental [l], and transcribed as [helθ](注:l下有一个向下的框,无法打印)in narrow transcription.

9.How are the English consonants classified? 英语的辅音是如何分类的?

1)by manner of articulation.

a. stops(plosive爆破音): [p],[b],[t],[d],[k],[g]

b. fricatives(磨擦音): [f],[v],[s],[z],[ θ],[ e], [∫ ], [?], [h]

c. affricates(破擦音): [ t∫], [d?]

d. liquids(lateral边音,流音): [l], [r]

e. nasals(鼻音): [m],[ n],[?]

f. glides (semivowels半元音): [w], [ j]

2) by place of articulation :

a. bilabial(双唇音): [p],[b],[m],[w]

b. labiodental (唇齿音): [f],[v]

c. dental(舌齿音): [θ],[ e]

d. alveolar(齿龈音): [t],[d],[s],[z],[n],[l],[r]

e. palatal(腭音): [∫], [?],[ t∫ ], [d?], [j]

f. velar(软腭音): [k], [g], [? ]

g. glottal(喉音,声门单): [h]

10.What criteria are used to classify the English vowels? 英语的元音是如何分类的?

1) Vowels may be distinguished as front vowels such as [i:]

[i] [e] [A] [a], central vowels such as [\:], [[],[Q]and back

vowels such as[u:] [J] [ C:] and [B:] in terms of the position of the tongue in the mouth.

2) According to how wide our mouth is opened, we classify

the vowels into four groups: close vowels such as [i:],[ i],[u:],[J], semi-close vowels such as[e], [з: ] , semi-open vowels such as [ [ ], [ C: ] , and open vowels such as [?], [a], [Λ] and [ɑ:].

3) According to the shape of the lips, vowels are divided

into rounded vowels and unrounded vowels.

4) The English vowels can also be classified into long vowels and short vowels according to the length of the sound. The long vowels include [i:] [\:] [ C: ] [u:] [ɑ:],while the rest are short vowels.

11.What is the difference between a monophthong and a diphthong?单元音和双元音之间的区别是什么?

A monophthong is one for which the organs of speech remain in a given position for a period of time. A diphthong is a vowel sound consisting of a deliberate glide. The organs of speech starting in the position of one vowel and immediately moving in the direction of another vowel, for example: [i:], [i] are monophthongs, and [a? ], [e? ] are diphthongs.

12.How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study? Who do you think will be more interested in the difference between [l]and [l], [p] and [ph], a phonetician or a phonologist? Why?语音学和音系学研究重点有何不同?你认为语音学家、音韵学家谁会更对[ 1 ]和[ 1 ],[ J ]和[ph]感兴趣,为什么呢?Phonetics: description of all speech sounds and their fine differences. It not necessarily distinguish meaning.

Phonology: description of sound systems of particular languages and how sounds function to distinguish meaning. It is realized as certain phone and it distinguish meaning.

A phonetician would be more interested in such differences because such differences will not cause differences in meaning, but can make finer distinctions of the sounds.

13.What is a phone? How is it different from a phoneme? How are allophones related to a phoneme?什么是phone?它是如何从不同的音素?如何与一个音位的音位变体?

Phone: a speech sound, a phonetic unit. (It not necessarily distinguish meaning)

Phoneme: a collection of abstract sound features, a phonological unit. (realized as certain phone, distinguish meaning) Allophones: actual realization of a phoneme in different phonetic contexts.

14.What is a minimal pair and what is a minimal set? Why is it important to identify the minimal set in a language?什么是极小对,什么是极小集?为什么在一种语言里确定极小集是重要的?Minimal pair: two sound combinations identical in every way except in one sound element that occurs in the same position.

Minimal set: a group of sound combinations with the above feature. By identifying the minimal pairs or the minimal set of a language, a phonologist can identify its phonemes.

15. What are phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pair? 什么叫音位对立?什么叫互补分布?什么是极小对?(p34)

If two phonetically similar sounds can occur in the same environments and they distinguish meaning, they are in phonemic contrast. [p], [b]

If two phonetically similar sounds are two allophones of the same phoneme and they occur in different environments, they are said to be in complementary distribution. [p], [ph].

When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two words are said to form a minimal pair. For example, kill and bill.

16.Explain with examples the sequential rule, the assimilation rule and the deletion rule. (每条规则记一个例子)

Sequential rule: rule governing the combination of sounds in a particular language.

Assimilation rule: rule assimilating one sound similar to the following one by copying one of its phonetic features.

Deletion rule: rule governing the deletion of a sound in a certain phonetic context although it is represented in spelling.

18.What does sentence stress mean?什么是强调句

Sentence stress refers to the relative force which is given to the words in a sentence. Some words are more important than others, and the more important words are pronounced with greater force and made more prominent. The more important words in English are nouns, main verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and demonstrative pronouns, and the other categories of words (articles, personal pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, and conjunctions) are usually not stressed. To give special emphasis to a certain notion, a word in a sentence that is usually unstressed can be stressed. For example: He is driving my car. My may be stressed to emphasize the fact that the car is mine.


Orthographically a compound can be written as one word,

two separate words with or without a hyphen in between. Syntactically, the part of speech of a compound is

determined by the last element. Semantically, the meaning

of a compound is idiomatic, not calculable from the meanings of all its components. Phonetically, the word stress of a compound usually falls on the first element


X-bar theory is a general and highly abstract schem a

that collapses all phrasal structure rules into a single format:

X″→(Spec) X (Compl). In this format, Spec stands for specifier while Compl stands for complement. This theory is capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rules and may well capture certain basic properties shared by all phrasal categories, i.e. NP, VP, AP, PP, across the languages of the world.

14、Sense and reference所指与意义有什么关系?

Sense and reference are two terms in the study of

meaning. (1) Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning

of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextualized. It is the aspect of meaning that dictionary compilers are interested in. Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic elem ent and the non-linguistic world of experience. (2) Obviously, linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations. On the other hand, there are less frequent occasions when linguistic forms with the sam e reference might differ in sense, e.g. “morning star” and “evening star”.

16、在语义上,反义关系可以分为哪几个类别?各有什么特征?1) gradable antonys: Some antonyms are gradable because there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair such as old/young, hot/cold.

2) Complementary antonyms: a pair of complementary

antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of

one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other.

3) Relational opposites: pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items


The meaning of a sentence is not the sum total of the meanings of all its components. It cannot be worked out by adding up all the meanings of its constituent words. Eg; The dog bit the man. The man bit the dog.

The two sentences consist of exactly the same words, but they arc widely different in their meanings.

7、Pragmatics语用学和traditional semantics传统语义学有什么区别?

Pragmatics is the study of meaning in the context of use, while traditional semantics treats meaning as something intrinsic, abstract and de-contextualized.


A sentence is a grammatical unit. Its meaning is often studied as the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication. Utterance is what people actually utter in the course of communication. It should be considered in the situation in which it is actually uttered or used. Most utterances take the form of sentences, i.e. most utterances are complete sentences in terms of syntax; however, som e utterances are not, and some cannot even be restored to complete sentences.


The meaning of a sentence is abstract and de-contextualized, while the meaning of an utterance is concrete and context-dependent. Utterance meaning is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context.


1) Representatives: stating or describing, saying what the speaker believes to be true.

2) Directives: trying to get the hearer to do something.

3) Commissives: committing the speaker himself to som e future course of action.

4) Expressives: expressing feelings or attitude towards an existing state.

5) Declarations: bringing about immediate changes by saying something.

14、Sentence meaning & utterance meaning句子意义和话语意义

If we take it as a grammatical unit and consider it as a self-contained unit in isolation from context, then we are treating it as a sentence.

If we take it as something a speaker utters in a certain situation with a certain purpose, then we are treating it as an utterance.

The meaning of a sentence is abstract, and decontextualizd, that of an utterance is concrete, and context dependent. 22、Bilingualism双语和two varieties of language双言现象有什么区别?

Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used in a speech community; whereas in a diglossic community, two varieties of language are used for different situations , one being more standard and higher, and used for more formal matters, and the other less prestigious, and used for colloquial situations.


An excessive use of euphemism may have negative effects. As a m atter of fact, many euphemisms have become cliches that are to be avoided in formal speech and writing. They also tend to be wordy and to give writing a timid quality. In addition, euphemism can be evasive or even deceitful. Because they are often improperly used to obscure the intended meaning, many people find them offensive and prefer plain language


The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called lateralization. The process of lateralization is believed to be maturational.

That is, brain lateralization is genetically programmed, but

takes time to develop. During development, the two sides of the brain become specialized for different functions and

lateralization takes place. It is a commonly held view that

lateralization is an evolutionary precondition of the development of superior intelligence as well as a precondition of language acquisition .


Dichotic listening tests involve simultaneously presenting, through ear-phones, two different auditory signals, one to the right ear and the other to the left ear. The test shows that stimuli heard in the left ear are reported less accurately than those heard in the right ear. This proves the hypothesis that a signal coming in the right ear will go to the left hemisphere and a signal coming in the left ear will go to the right hemisphere.

The test also proves that the left hemisphere is not superior for processing all sounds, but only for those that are linguistic in nature, thus providing evidence in support of the view that the left side of the brain is specialized for language and that it is where language centers reside. 18、语言对思维的影响可能是什么?

Language does not so much determine the way we think as it influences the way we perceive the world and recall things, and affects the ease with which we perform mental tasks. That is, language may be used to provide new ideas, bring about a change in beliefs and values, solve problems, and keep track of things in memory.

It is evident that to the degree of success that language functions as an indispensable medium of information storage and retrieval, it can lead language users to be predisposed to act and perceive in certain ways rather than in others. In conclusion, language by no means determines the ways we perceive the objective world, but by its convenience, availability, and habitual use, does influence the perceptions, memory tasks, and other verbal and nonverbal behavior of human beings.


In principle, no human brain can store all the words and expressions of a language. What happens is that when processing the language they hear, children construct the grammar and make sense of the expressions according to the grammar. When producing utterances, they follow the internalized grammatical rules. Without the knowledge of the productive rules, it would be impossible for language users to produce and understand an unlimited number of sentences which they have never heard before.


For language to be eventually acquired, children must be provided with an appropriate linguistic environment in which they have access to language data and opportunities to interact with the input. 15、Krashen是如何区分习得和学习的?

According to Stephen Krashen, language acquisition is contrasted with language learning on the assumption that these are different processes.

According to Krashen, acquisition refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. Learning, however, is a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings. It is recognized that children acquire their native language without explicit learning. A second language, Krashen argues, is more commonly learned but to som e degree may also be acquired, depending on the environm ental setting and the input received by the L2 learner. A rule can be learned before it is internalized (i.e., acquired), but having learned a rule does not necessarily prevent having to acquire it later.


Linguistics: It is generally defined as the scientific study of language. General linguistics: The study of language as a whole is called general linguistics. Applied linguistics:In a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages. In a broad sense, it refers to the application of linguistic findings to the solution of practical problems such as the recovery of speech ability. Synchronic study: The study of a language at some point in time. e.g. A study of the features of the English used in Shakespear e’s time is a synchronic study. Diachronic study: The study of a language as it changes through time. A diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time. e.g. a study of the changes English has undergone since Shakespeare’s time is a diachronic study. Language competence: T he ideal user’s knowl edge of the rules of his language. A transformational-generative grammar(转化生成语法)is a model of language competence. Language performance: performance is the actual realization of the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules in linguistic communication. Langue: Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community; Langue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to follow; Langue is relatively stable, it does not change frequently. Parole:Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use; parole is the concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules; parole varies from person to person, and from situation to situation. Language: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Arbitrariness: It is one of the design features of language. It means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. A good example is the fact that different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages. Productivity: Language is productive or creative in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. Duality: Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structure, or two levels, one of sounds at the lower or basic level, and the other of meanings at the higher level. Displacement: language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places. In other words, language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. Cultural transmission: While we are born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned.

语言学概论 复习总结

英语语言学概论 期中作业 专业:英语(翻译)学号:20131311202 姓名:汤汪

第七章语言、文化与社会 1、语言与文化 (1)语言 语言有广义和狭义之分。 狭义的语言包括口头语言、书面语言和书面语的物质载体——文字。最狭义的语言不包括文字,只包括口语和书面语,口语和书面语是人类社会用来进行交际和思维的最重要、最常用、最发达、最严密的符号体系。 广义的语言不仅包括狭义语言,而且还包括准语言。准语言又称副语言、类语言,根据诉诸感官的不同,准语言又可分为听觉的(伴随声音、音乐语言、其他声响符号)、视觉的(表情、体态等;图表、公式等;绘画语言;舞蹈语言;蒙太奇语言;符号、标识语言;其他视觉符号)、触觉的(盲文等)三类。 广义的语言其实包括了人类用于交际的所有手段,因此可以将广义的语言定义为“人类使用的一切符号”。 (2)文化 文化是社会成员共同拥有的生活方式和为满足这些方式而共同创造的事事物物,以及基于这些方式而形成的心理和行为。 广义的文化可以分为物质文化、制度文化和心理文化三个层次。物质文化是一种可见的显性文化。制度文化和心理文化是不可见的隐性文化或曰潜在文化。 物质文化是指人类创造的种种物质文明。诸如生产和交通工具,武器,日用器具,服饰,居住、饮食和其他人类行为所需要的物品等等。 制度文化是指种种制度和理论体系。诸如饮食习惯、建筑工艺、卫生管理、娱乐方式等生活制度,婚姻形式、亲属关系、家庭财产分配等家庭制度,劳动管理、艺术生产、教育、道德、风俗、宗教、利益、法律、政治、警察、军队等社会制度,以及有关这些制度的各种理论体系。 心理文化包括思维方式、审美情趣、宗教信仰、价值观念等等,比之物质文化和制度文化,心理文化处于更深的层次上。 (3)语言与文化的关系 语言与文化相互依赖、相互影响.语言是文化的重要载体;文化对语言有制约作用.本文对语言的内在系统,从语言的形式和结构上作了分析,并对语言的社会功能和其它外在因素进行了探讨。 语言在人类的一切活动中都起着十分重要的作用,是人类社会生活不可缺少的一个部分。自古以来,语言学家们都试图从多方面对语言进行探讨,形成了许多语言学流派。归纳起来,现代语言学主要来源于两大传统:语文学传统和人类学传统。语文学传统从比较语言学和历史语言学开始,根据文学作品和书面文献的研究对语言进行分析和比较。19世纪语文学家的工作为现代语言学的独立研究奠定了基础,后来发展到布龙菲尔德的结构主义和乔姆斯基的转换生成语法。这一传统的继承者强调语言的自然属性,把语言看成是一个封闭的,独立的系统,把语言学看成是一门横跨人文科学和自然科学的独立的边缘科学。人类学传统指运用人类学方法去研究没有书写系统和文字传统的社会集团的语言。自20世纪初


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


名词解释 1、词汇 是一种语言中所有的词和成语等固定用语的总汇 2、音位的自由变体 有些音位在同一语言环境中,可以自由替换,而又不能区别词义,不受前面其他音位的影响,没有任何条件的限制 3,语言 语言是社会现象,是社会交际工具。同时是心里现象,是人类思维的工具 4,自源文字 是在某种语言的基础上自发产生并逐步完善的文字 5,同化和异化 同化现象是指,一个音位受相邻音位的影响儿而又在某个区别特征或音位整体上的趋同现象;异化现象,是指两个本来相同或相近的音位,如果连着发音有困难,则其中一个发生变化,变得跟邻近的音不同或不相近 6,黏着语 没有词的内部屈折,每一个语法范畴义都有一个粘附语素来表示,而一个粘附语素也只表示一种语法范畴义的语言类型 7,语音 即语言的声音,是语言符号系统的载体,人的发音器官发出,负载着一定的语言定义。语言依靠语音实现他的社会功能 8音质音位 以因素为材料,从音质的角度分析音位 9形态 同一个词与不同的词组合就有不同的变化。这些不同的变化形成一个聚合,叫做词形变化,或者叫做形态 10仿意词 是分别将外语中的构词材料按外语中的次序译成本民族语,使构词成分的选择和构词结构的选择与外语一一对应 12区别特征 具有区别音位的语音特征叫区别特征,也叫区别性特征 13符号 社会全体成员共同约定,用来表示某种意义的记号、标记、它包括形式和内容两个方面。它的作用是指称社会现实现象 14,小学 中国传统文学又称小学,包括分析字形的文字学,研究字音的音韵学,解释字义的训诂学,它们是围绕解释和解读先秦典籍展开研究的,因此又被称为经学的附庸 15,言内意外 用语言表达思想时留下的一些意义空白或将真实意义隐含在另一种说法中,或用一种意义采用不同说法以获取不同的效果 16文字 有两个意思,一个是指一个一个的字,一是指语言的视觉符号体系 17国际音标 是国际语音协会于1888年制定并开始使用的,不带民族特色。它的制定原则是:


现代语言学考试复习要点 1. Definition of language Language is a system of arbitrary(随意的) vocal symbols used for human communication. . 2. microlinguistics and macrolinguistics microlinguistics: is concerned with the study of language or languages per se, not concern other field of study such as sociology, psychology, literature, computer science, etc. Macrolinguistics:is concerned with the study of language which involves other discipline (interdisciplinary) sociolinguistics: Psycholinguistics: Applied linguistics: 3 langue and parole(语言和言语) 由Swiss linguist F. de Saussure 提出的Langue r efers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.(conventions and rules; abstract; relatively stable;) Parole refers to the realization of a langue in actual use.(the concrete use of the conventions and rules; concrete, refers to the naturally occurring language events; varies from person to person, situation to situation) 区别的目的:parole is simple a mass of linguistic facts, too varied and confusing for systematic investigation and what linguists should do is to abstract langue from parole(发现规律)。4.competence and performance(能力和运用): American linguist A. Chomsky proposed in the late 1950s. Competence: the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language Performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 犯错误的原因是:though internalized, but with social and psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and embarrassment. . 5.prescriptive VS descriptive(规定性和描述性): descriptive: describes and analyses the language people actually use, // descriptive is a distinctive feature in modern linguistic studies. prescriptive:aims to lay down rules for ‘correct’behaviour(what


第九章语言与文学 复习笔记 I.文体学 1.定义 文体学作为语言学的分支,主要研究特殊语境中语言的特征 (即语言的多样性),并试图建立一些规则,以解释个体和社团在语言使用过程中的特殊选择。2.文学文体学 文学文体学是研究语言与文学关系的学科,其研究焦点是与文学文体相关联的语言特征。 (1)前景化 前景化的概念来源于视觉艺术,与“背景”一词相对应,已经成为文体学的常用术语。俄国形式主义语言学家、布拉格学派学者和现代文体学家都曾在文体研究中使用这一术语。它被定义为“以艺术手法为动机的偏离”。这种偏离,或非常规用法,覆盖了语言的所有层面;词汇、语音、句法、语义,笔迹等。(2)字面语言和比喻语言 词典定义中所提供的一个词的第一个意义通常是它的字面意义。比喻语言是为了达到对比、强调、明确或标新的目的而使用的不同于日常常规语言的词句。 语言中表示比喻用法的另一个词是Trope (修辞、比喻)。它是指为了修辞目的而通过比喻途径来使用的语言。比喻在语言运用中频繁出现,并且采用许多不同形式。 明喻:明喻是把一种事物和另一种事物作比较,并通过展现一种事物如何与另一事物相似来解释这种事物是什么样子的方法。它用as或like等词在文本中作为明确标志。

暗喻:像明喻一样,暗喻也是对两个并不相像的要素作出对比,这种对比是隐含的而不是直接表达的。 转喻:一种一个词或词组被另一个与之有紧密联系的词或词组替换的修辞方法。 提喻:提喻是用事物的一部分名称来指代整个事物,反之亦然。 II.诗歌语言 1.语音模式 押韵 尾韵:每行结尾的押韵。 2.不同形式的语音模式 头韵:在头韵里,句首的辅音是一致的。 准押韵:准押韵通过一个共同的元音来描述音节。 辅音韵:以相同辅音结尾的音节 反韵:指音节拥有共同的元音和首辅音,而不是元音和末辅音押韵。 押副韵:当两个音节具有相同的首辅音和尾辅音。 反复:音节的重复。 3.韵律模式 当重读被组织成有规律的节奏时,就形成了韵律。抑扬格是韵律单位的一种。韵律单位叫做音步。pentameter (五音步诗行)是指诗句里有五个音步。 4.传统的韵律模式与语音模式 (1)对句:对句为两行诗句,一般由押韵联系在一起。 (2)四行诗:即四行为一节的诗,是英语诗歌中很常见的形式。


第十二章现代语言学理论与流派 复习笔记 I.索绪尔和现代语言学 现代语言学始于瑞士语言学家索绪尔,他被称为“现代语言学之父”和一位“使语言学走向现代的大师”。 索绪尔认为,语言是用声音表达交流思想的符号系统。符号是形式和意义的联合,是表示者和被表示者的结合。符号是语言事实的核心,研究语言必须从符号本身的特性人手。 索绪尔区分了几组重要的概念:能指和所指,语言和言语,共时研究和历时研究等。 II.布拉格学派 布拉格学派的形成可以追溯到马泰休斯领导召开的该学派的第一次会议。1.主要观点及贡献 布拉格学派的研究有三大重点: (1)强调共时研究的合理性,因为它可以提供完整且易掌控的研究材料。 (2)强调语言的系统性,指出任何语言单位都不能在孤立的的情况下得到令人满意的分析及评估。换句话说,语言单位处于功能对比、对立之中。 (3)它将语言看作是在所属语言群体中发挥一系列功能的工具。 2.功能句子观 功能句子观是一套语言学分析理论,它是指用信息论的原理来分析话语或文本。其基本原则就是一句话中各部分起的作用取决于它对全句意义的贡献。 一些捷克语言学家尝试从功能的角度来分析句子。他们相信一个句子包含话

语的出发点和话语的目的。话语的出发点叫做主位,它是说话人和听话人都知道的信息;话语的目的是说话人要向听话人传递的信息,叫做述位。从主位到述位的运动揭示了大脑本身的运动。 功能句子观旨在研究话语中新(未知)、旧 (已知)信息的分布问题。已知信息指那些对于听话人不再是新信息的部分;新信息是即将向听话人传达的信息。句子中主语一谓语的分布不总是与主位一述位的分布一致。 3.交际能力 另一种版本的分析法叫做交际能力,由费尔巴斯提出。他用交际动力表示句子成分对交际发展所起的作用。 费尔巴斯把功能句子观解释为不同程度的交际力的分布。他认为,句子前面部分承载的交际力最低,然后逐步增加,直到交际力最大的成分。 Ⅲ.伦敦学派 1.介绍 伦敦学派专门用来称呼独具英国特色的语言学研究。弗斯使语言学在英国完全成为一门公认的科学。弗斯主要受人类学家马林诺夫斯基影响,而后他又影响了他的学生韩礼德。三人都强调“语言环境”和语言“系统”的重要性。因此,伦敦学派也被称为系统语言学和功能语言学。 2.马林诺夫斯基的理论 (1)语言是一种行为模式,而不是什么与思想相对应的东西。 (2)话语意义并不来源于构成话语的词的意义,而是来源于话语发生的上下义之间的关系。其断言是根据两大观察结果得出的: ①在原始社会团体中,书写并不存在,语言只有一种使用方法。 在所有人类社会中,孩子以此种方法习得语言。


英语专业四级作文常用单词、短语下面列出的是一些应试作文的常用单词、短语。其中的动词、名词和形容词都是应试作文尤其是议论文写作时应该熟练运用的单词,而适当地运用下面这些短语对提高作文的措辞水平、提高作文得分大有好处。常用的形容词和副词: absurd 荒唐的addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的 alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的artistic 艺术的authoritative 权威性的 awkward 尴尬的balanced 平衡的cogent 使人信服的cold-blooded 冷血的 cold-hearted 无情的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的compassionate 富有同情心的confident 自信的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的corrupt 腐败的 delicious.美味可口的demanding 要求高的detrimental 有害的devious 偏离正道的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的ccentric 古怪的economical 经济的 evil 邪恶的exotic 异国的enlightened 开明的;文明的fallacious 荒谬的 fashionable 时髦的feasible 可行的fictitious 虚假的flexile 灵活多样的 fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的humane 人道的 incompatible 不调和的;不相容的mpressive 令人印象探刻的ignorant (of) 无视的;无知的 inborn 天生的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的 infectious 传染性的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的inferior 低人一等的 infirm (身体)弱的influential 有影响力的inhumane 不人道的inquisitive 多管闲事的 initially 首先insalubrious 有害无益instructive 有教育意义的intellectual 智力的 interim 中间的;过渡的interpersonal 人际关系的intimate 密切的inviolable 不可侵犯的 inward 内在的Irreparable 不可挽回的irresistible 不可抵抗的irritating 恼人的 isolated (from) 隔绝的laudable 可赞誉的lavishly 大方的legitimate 合法的 loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的magnanimous 宽宏大量的mature 成熟的 misleading 误导的money-oriented 向钱看的multilateral 多方面的misrepresented 不如实叙述的nourished 有营养的obscure 晦涩的palatable 美味的old-fashioned/out of date 过时的perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的pernicious 有害无益的pornographic 色情的 potential 潜在的practical 实际的;务实的preferential:优惠的pressing 紧迫的 professional 专业的prosperous 繁荣昌盛的prudent 明智的prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的psychological 心理上rational 理性的resentful 愤怒的reverse 相反的 rewarding 值得的ridiculous 荒谬的rigid 严格的rough 粗略的 shabby 破旧不堪的sheltered 受保护的sociable 好交际的self-contemptuous 自卑的 sole 惟一的stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的stringent 严厉的 stylish 时髦的superficial 表面现象的tempting 吸引人的time-honored 久享盛名的traditional 传统的typical 典型的unadvised 轻率的uncompromising 不妥协的unconcerned 冷漠的uneasy 不自在的unethical 不道德的unfeeling 冷漠的 unhealthy 不健康的unified 同一标准的unwholesome 不健康的unjust 不公平的 utterly 完全;绝对地unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的unsociable 不善于社交的untimely 不和适宜的 unique 独特的vexing 令人烦恼的voluntary 自愿的vulnerable 易受伤害的 vivid 形象的well-grounded 有充足理由的abolishment 废除wholesome 健康的常用的名词absurdity 荒唐;谬论abuse 滥用achievement 成绩acquaintance 熟人 admiration 崇拜adaptation 改写;适应adventures/explorer 探险者adverse impact 负面影响adversity 逆境affection 友情/感情alienation 疏远ambition 志向 amusement 娱乐anecdote 轶事apathy冷漠无情approach 鼓掌 architecture 建筑association 联想;联系assault 攻击assessment 评估 athlete 运动员art 艺术availability 可得到的东西barrier 妨碍


题型:填空题10,20%;选择题10,20%;判断4,20%(3句话解释原因);简答3,18%(四句话作答);论述1,22%(1/4页纸作答)。 导论 1、中国、印度和希腊-罗马在传统语言文学的研究上都取得了辉煌的成就,是语言学的三大发源地。 2、中国传统语言研究主要抓住汉字,分析它的形体,探求它的古代读音和意义,形成了统称“小学”的文字、音韵和训诂之学,也就是中国传统的语文学。 3、历史比较语言学标志着语言学不再是其他学科的附庸,已经发展成为一门独立的学科。 4、20世纪初,瑞士语言学家索绪尔在《普通语言学教程》中提出观点,语言学从此成为一门现代学科。 5、理论语言学,也称普通语言学,是关于语言的一般规律的理论研究。 第一章语言的功能 1、语言是一种社会现象,和人类社会有着紧密联系。 2、语言的社会功能中最基本的是信息传递功能。 3、如果一个病人大脑左半球发生损伤,他尽管说不出医院的名称、病房、床号,却能找得到。相反,如果大脑右半球受损,尽管能找到医院的名称、病房、床号,却找不到,能说出家的位置却找不到,这说明语言功能存在大脑左边。 4、儿童学习语言的过程是考察语言与思维关系的一条很好途径。 5、儿童语言的习得一定具有先天生理基础,也离不开外界的社会条件。 6、儿童语言能力的开发还有时间的限制,最迟到十二三岁,如果在此之前没有机会学习语言,那么之后其语言习得和心智发展的潜能就失去了。十二三岁是语言习得的关键时期,之一临界期的分工时间也是一致的。 第二章语言是符号系统 1、符号包含形式和意义两个方面。(能指形式,形指意义,符号构成的两个方面,语言学上通常用形式和意义来表述。形式也叫能指,是符号的外壳,是可以被人的感觉器官感知的,因而形式具有物质性。意义也叫所指,是符号形式所代表的内容,也就是现实现象事物。) 2、符号的形式和意义之间是没有本质上、自然属性上的必要联系,在这一点上符号和隐含某种信息的自然的征候不同。 3、语言符号的任意性和线条性,是20世纪初瑞士的语言学家家得·索绪尔作为语言符号的基本性质提出来的。 4、语言符号的语音形式和意义之间没有自然属性上的必然联系,只有社会约定的关系 5、符号和符号组合起来,结构中各个成分的关系称为组合关系,符号在结构中就具有某种相同的作用,它们自然地聚集成群,彼此的关系叫做聚合关系。 第三章语音和音系 1、语音具有自然属性、社会属性的双重属性,从自然属性出发,针对所有人类语言的语音研究,属于语音学的研究;从社会属性出发,针对语音在某一个具体语言的系统中其什么作用的研究,属于音系学的研究。 2、音系学的出发点在于语音在语言系统中的组织方式,属于语言学的核心部分。 3、以语音的自然属性和人类语言共性为研究对象的语音学,把语音最小的线性单位叫做音素。以语音的社会属性和语音在具体语言中的作用为研究对象的音系学,把语音最小的线性单位叫做音位。


语言学概论复习资料 1、人类的语言与动物的“语言”有何本质区别? 动物之间也有相互用来交际的信号,但这跟人类的语言有本质的区别,人类语言具有如下特点: 1、功能开放:米、分米、厘米、微米、纳米 2、构造灵巧:音位,音节语素,词,句子 3、需要学习 2、人类语言构造灵巧的三个条件: 任意性:保证任何事物都能用语言表达 离散性:保证了语言单位自由拆装 层次性:电+影电影彩+色彩色 电影+彩色彩色电影 3、荀子说:“名无固宜,约之以命。约定俗成谓之宜,异于约谓之不宜。”你如何 理解? 语言符号系统具有任意性,音义之间不具有内在的、本质的、必然的联系,而是一种人为约定的联系,音义在结合之初具有多动选择的可能性。因此说“名无固宜,约之以命”但命名一旦成立就具有强制性。因此说,“约定俗成谓之宜,异于约谓之不宜。” 4、什么是语言符号的任意性原则?你如何理解?请联系语言事实加以论述。 语言符号的任意性是指音义之间不具有内在的,本质的,必然的联系,而是一种认为约定的联系,音义在结合之初具有多种选择的可能性。索绪尔:任意性是语言符号的最高原则。1、形式内容的联系是非本质的,是人赋予的,具有约定性。如“马”“车”对这两个语素本身的例句,现代词源学还没有找到一致的认识,因此他们是任意约定的。2、一旦形成后对个人具有强制性。3、非本质的联系不意味

着没有联系,理据性是可以成立的,帮助记忆。人、鸡、鸭。布谷鸟。联系是成立的,但不是本质的。 5、关于幼儿是如何习得语言的有哪几种假说?试加评述。 1、模仿说:认为幼儿是通过摹仿听到的语句而学会说话的。通过成人的重复,更 正、赞许等反馈,正确的说法得到强化,由此而形成幼儿的说话习惯。 2、天赋说:以乔姆斯基为代表,认为有一种可遗传的“语言习得机制”,儿童在后 天具体语言输入刺激下,经过语言习得机制习得一种具体的语言。区分语言能力和语言行为,儿童习得母语学的是抽象的规则,即语言能力,虽然他们接触到的是具体的语言行为。 3、认知说:儿童的语言习得机制是伴随着认知能力而发展起来,语言习得能力仅 是认知能力的一部分。斯洛宾、皮亚杰认为,不能脱离智力发展的全局来考查语言习得。如先有判断事物大小的能力,然后才会有“狗比猫大”直螺纹ideas 语言表达。儿童学话的早期似有此种情况,但两者都比较发达后,关系就比较复杂,语言也可影响认知能力。 各学说局部真理,互相补充。 6、语言作为一个符号系统有哪些特性? 1、任意性:音义之间不具有内在的、本质的、必然的联系,而是一种认为约定的 联系,音义在结合之初具有多种选择的可能性。索绪尔:任意性是语言符号的最高准则。 1)形式内容的恋歌是非本质的,是人赋予的,具有约定性。 2)一旦形成后对个人具有强制性 3)非本质的联系不意味着没有联系,理据性是可以成立的,帮助记忆。 2、线条性 3、层次性:语言单位具有层层“套装”的性质。小的组成大的,大的组成更大的: 我们学习语法。 4、系统性:语言符号相互联系、相互制约形成一个整体的性质。其中聚合关系和 组合关系是两种最重要最基本的关系。 7、简述语言和言语的关系?


传播学专业英语词汇表第一部分:基本传播学理论词汇 传播Communication 内向/自我传播Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播Interpersonal Communication 群体传播Group Communication 组织传播Organization Communication 大众传播Mass Communication 单向传播One-Sided Communication 双向传播Two-Sided Communication 互动传播Interactive Communication 媒介Media 大众传播媒介Mass Media 新媒介New Media 新闻洞News Hold 新闻价值News Value 传播者Communicator 主动传播者Active Communicator 受传者/受众/阅听大众Audience 受众兴坤Audience Interest 受众行为Audience Activity 信息Information

信号Signal 讯息Message 信息熵Entropy 冗余/冗余信息Redundancy 传播单位Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式Osgood Model 编码Encoding 解码Decoding 信源Source 传播的数学理论Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道Communication Channel 有效传播Effective Communication 传播效果Effects 知识沟Knowledge-Gap 使用与满足模式Uses and Gratifications Model 使用与依从模式Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统System of Oral Communication 地球村Global Village 内爆Implosion 全球化Globalization 本土化Localization 电子空间Cyber Space 数字化Digitalization


自学考试《现代语言学》模拟试题及答案2017 2017 年自学备考正在开展中,考生们要扎扎实实地复习,一步一步地前进,以下是搜索整理的一份《现代语言学》模拟试题及答案,供参考练习,希望对大家有所帮助!想 了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们! I .Multiple Choice Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2% x 10=20%) 1. The pair of words “lend”and “borrow”are ___.( ) A. gradable opposites B.relational opposites C.co-hyponyms D.synonyms 2. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar .( ) A. Jacob Grimm B.Rasmus Rask C.Franz Bopp D.Sir William Jones 3. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( ) A.unusual B.something to be feared C.abnormal D.natural 4. __produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense,often as unintelligible.( ) A.Broca's aphasic B.The linguistic deprivation C.The damage on the angular gyrus D.Wernicke's aphasic 5.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night ” as “light ”.This shows: .( ) A. They cannot pronounce/n/ B. Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongue C. The teachers do not have a good teaching method D. They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds 6. A word with several meanings is called __word.( ) A.a polysemous B.a synonymous C.an abnormal D.a multiple 7. The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it? ” is __.( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0216001777.html,rmative B.phatic C.directive D.performative
