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Unit 3 Dragon Boat Festival

The 1st period

Teaching aims:

Language focus:

1 To learn some new vocabulary.

2 To review and learn the simple past tense.

Ability aims:

1 Learn to use the simple past tense to talk about past events.

2 Learn to ask Wh- / How questions to find out specific information.

3 To develop the students' ability of reading.

Emotion aims:

1 To develop the students' interest of learning English.

2 To instruct the students to know more about festivals.

Important and difficult points:

1 How to use the simple past tense to talk about past events.

2 How to ask Wh- / How questions to find out specific information. Teaching aids:

Cassette 6B, a cassette player and multi-media.

Teaching process:

Pre-task preparation:

1 Look and match:

1) Do you know these festivals? Look at the pictures and match the festivals. Chinese New Year

Mid-autumn Festival


Qingming Festival

Lantern Festival

Dragon Boat Festival

2) Which is not a Chinese festival?

3) Which festival is your favourite? Why?

2 Look and learn

1) What do people do on the Dragon Boat Festival?

To learn: the Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat races, a rice dumpling

2 )Why do people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival?

To elicit the topic: Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival.

While-task procedure:

1 Look and learn:

1) When is the Dragon Boat Festival?

To learn: the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

2) To learn other vocabulary in the passage.

2Listen and read:

Miss Guo’s students would like to know something about the Dragon Boat Festiva l.

3 Listen and read the passage one paragraph by one.

At the meantime, learn the new vocabulary in the passage.

4 Read the whole passage.

5Learn the simple past tense:

1) Read the passage about Qu Yuan again. Find out the past forms of the given verbs.

2) Complete the following sentences by using the past forms of the verbs.

•Qu Yuan ________ born about 2,000 years ago in China.

•Qu Yuan ________ his country very much.

•The old king always ________ his advice.

•The old king ________ and the new king ________ not listen to him.

•The new king ________ a battle and Qu Y uan ________ very sad.

•Qu Yuan ________ into a river and ________ .

•It ________ the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of that year.

6 Read and answer:

•What was Qu Yuan’s job?

•Why was he sad?

•When is the Dragon Boat Festival?

•How do people remember Qu Yuan today?

Post-task activity:

1 Read and write:

Read the passage and write some information about Qu Y uan.

Qu Yuan

•born in (1) __________ (where)

•born about (2) __________ years ago

•gave (3) __________ to the king

•was sad because the new king didn’t (4) _________ and his country (5) ____________•jumped into a (6) __________ and died

•died on the (7) ______ day of the (8) ______ lunar month

•people remember Qu Yuan on (9) __________ Festival

•people eat (10) ________________ on this festival and have (11) ________________

2 Write:

Kitty is writing a report about the story of Qu Yuan. Read the story on page 14 of Student’s Book 6B again and help her complete the report.


Oral work:

1 Listen and read the story.

2 Recite the contents in Read.
