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[unit 5]

1.Efforts have been made to wipe out poverty in the rural (countryside) areas.

2.The coastal areas are having a period of prosperity (success and wealth).

3.I bought this pair of shoes five years ago, and they are so durable (long-lasting) that I’m still

wearing them now.

4.The woolen clothes will shrink (become smaller) in the wash, so buy a large size when you

want them.

5.Some plastics are so tough (hard) as metal.

6.There is a variety of commodities (goods) on sale in the department store.

7.The trend (tendency) of prices is till upwards.

8.The idea of allowing the players to wear the company’s logo (symbol) my win approval. [unit 6]

1.The traffic crawled (moved slowly) long at ten miles an hour.

2.The fans were jubilant (filled with great joy) about the victory of their team.

3.Sydney made a successful bid (offer) to host the Olympic Games in the year 2000.

4.We went to Brazil for carnival (public festival) .

5.On the top of the mountain, I had a feeling of exhilaration (excitement and happiness) when

I saw the breath-taking views around me.

6.Lying on a sunny beach is my idea of pure bliss (perfect happiness).

7.Our football team has a group of loyal (faithful) supporters. No matter whether we win or

lose, they support us all the same.

8.She brandished (waved) a saucepan at me, so I ran out of the kitchen.

[unit 7]

1.Though a simple story, it has a profound (deep) effect.

2.Will the strike affect (influence) the price of coal?

3.We have seen the value of our house diminish (decrease) greatly over the last six months.

4.He had never had any experience, so he appeared timid (easily frightened) in the job


5.I spoke to him about it on numerous (many) occasions.

6.She interpreted (understood the meaning of ) his silence as anger.

7.Several villages have been isolated (seperated) by the floods.

8.He worked so hard that eventually (in the end) he made himself ill.

[unit 8]

1.On the journey, they encountered (met) an English couple.

2.Tom’s contribution (help) to our victory in his competition was very important. Without him,

it would be very difficult for us to win.

3.Is this your permanent(lasting forever) address, or are you only staying here for a short


4.After their independence, people on this island established an autonomous (self-governing)


5.His family can trace (find the origins of by going back) its history back to the 10th century.

6.The seasons follow each other in rotation (coming around one after another).

7.I was surprised at the extent (range) of his knowledge.

8.We are indebted (thankful) to our neighbors for their kind help when we were in trouble.
