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• The world’s largest family

m源自文库sic and dance
• People in India enjoy music and dance. • A dance told a story,Dancers used their bodies to tell the story.They used hand gestures,body movements,and facial expressions to tell stories about Hindu gods.
• • Man might wear a dhooti(缠腰布).This is a long piece of cloth wrapped around the thighs(大腿)and then pulled up between the lags.India man sometimes wear a turban(包头巾)on their head. • Both man and woman wear rings and armbands(臂环).They also wear earrings and nose rings. Today,In the cities,some man wear suits.woman sometimes wear dress or other business clothes
• 09本一班 董茜
• Could you tell a story through dance? • Could you carve a temple out of the side of a rock cliff? • These are some of the things that you might have done if you have lived in India • So,let’s take a look at the people,history • and traditions of India •
• Family • In most parts of India,Parents,children,and grandparents often lived together in one home.Grown sons took care of thier parents.So,most parents hoped to have sons,A grown son lived with his parents,brothers,and unmarried sisters.When a son married,he and his wife lived with his parents,Their children become part of this big family.In ancient India,parents choose husbands or wives for their children.Girls were usually married by the age of 16.Often they did not meet thier husbands until their wedding day. • Today,many people live in families.However,the number of small families just parents and children-is growing.Most parents still arrange their children's marriages.But some people choose their own husband and wife.
• India is a large country in South Asia.More than one billion people live in India.Only China has more people.
• INdia has many kinds of landforms.It has parts of the tallest mountain range in the world.It is called the Himalayas. Some of the highest mountains in the world are in the Himalayas.Mount Qomolangma is part of this range. • India also has rain forest,fertile plains,and a huge,hot desert.Water surrounds India on three sides.
Siddhartha Gautama(释迦摩尼)
• Entrance to the Great Stupa,a Buddhist holy place.
Today,another great religion is followed in India.This is Islam.Its believers follow the teachings of Muhammad.Islam began in Arabia and later spread to India.
• HheTaj Mahal,the tomb of Empress Mumtaz Mahal(蒙泰姬· 玛哈),built by her husband,ShahJehan(沙加罕)
• Clothes • The climate in most parts of India is hot.So,people wear loose,light clothes.Often the clothes are white.Other times they are bright colors.India have dressed for the heat of thousands of years. • Many woman wear a sari(莎丽),This is a long piece of cloth that is worn like a dress.One end of the cloth is wrapped around the waist of form a skirt.The other end of draped over one shoulder.Sometimes woman drape one end of a sari over thier head.
Thank you!

• • • •
Religion Clothes Family life Music and Dance
• Two of the world's great religions began in India.It is Hinduism and Buddhism
• .Hinduism helped people know their place in society.Everyone belonged to a caste or social group.You were born into your caste.Your caste might have been the rulers and warriors.It might have been the farmers.There were hundreds of castes.Today,many people worship the Hindu gods.But the caste system is less important than it once was.
• Heifengdong • the holy land of Hinduism
• Buddhists follow the teaching of a man from ancient India.He was Siddhartha Gautama.He is kown as the Buddha