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Unit12 Text A

Importance重 要 性

Many important things that contribute to our overall objectives and give meaning to life don't tend to act upon us or press us.很多重要事情有助于实

现我们的总目标,使生活有意义,但是它们不作用于我们.They're not ''urgent",but they are the things that we must act upon.它们并不紧迫,但它们却是我们必须做的


In order to focus on the issues of urgency and importance more effectively,为了更有效地把精力集中在紧急和重要的事情上,let's look at the Time Management Table below.我们来看下面的时间管理分类表。As you can see it divide s our activities into four parts.该表将人的活动分为四部分,We spend time

in one of these four ways:我们以其中任何一种方式度日。

 Urgent紧迫Not Urgent不紧迫




Pressing Problems紧急问题Prevention预防工作

Dealine-driven projects, meetings, preparations有最


Values clarification价值分类


 Relationship building确立人际关系 True-creation真正的再创造

Not Important不重要

III IV Interruptions, some phone calls小插曲,某些电话Trivia ,busywork

Some mail, some reports某些信件、报告Some phone calls某些电话

Some meetings某些会议Time wasters消耗时间的事情

Many proximate, pressing matters许多迫在眉睫的


"Escape" activities“逃避现实”的活动Many popular activities许多大众活动Irrelevant mail不相关的信件

 Excessive TV过度看电视

Part I represents things that are both "urgent''and"important" .第1部

分表示既"紧迫"又"重要"的事情。Here's where we handle an angry client,meet a deadline,repair a broken-down machine,undergo a heart surgery,or help a crying child who has been hurt.接待一位怒气冲冲的顾客、在截止期限内完成任务、抢修一台坏了的机器、接受心脏手术、帮助一位因受伤而号啕大哭的孩子,这些都归于此类。We need to spend time in Part I.我们应该在这类事情上花一些时间。If we ignore it, we become buried alive.如果忽视这些事情,我们的生活就会乱做一团,终日忙碌地喘不过气来。But we also need to realize that many important activities become urgent through delay,or because we don't do enough prevention and planning.同时,应该意识到很多重要事情由于耽误、计划不周或者事前预防不力而变得紧迫。(注:今年4月汉译英刚刚考过这一句)

Part 1I includes activities that are "important,but not urgent".This is the Part of Quality.第1I部分包括"重要但不紧迫"的事情,又被称为质量部分。Here's where we do our long-range planning,anticipate and prevent problems,broaden our minds,and increase our skills through reading and continuous professional development,我们进行长期计划、预见和防治问题、开阔视野、通过阅读和专业方面的不断发展提高工作技巧。imagine how we're going to help a struggling Son or daughter,想像我们去帮助奋斗中的儿女, prepare for important meetings and presentations,准备很重要的会议发言,or invest in relationships through deep,honest listening.或者通过深入、真诚地倾听别人讲话增进人际关系。Increasing time spent in this part increases our ability to do.增加花费在该部分的时间会提高我们做事的能力。Ignoring this part feeds and enlarges Part I,creating stress and deeper crises for us.忽视该部分就会扩大第1部分的范围,增加压力和深层危机。On the other hand,另外,investing in this part shrinks Part I.加在该部分投入的时间会缩小第1部分。Planning,preparation,and prevention keep many things from becoming urgent.增计划、准备和预防能够避免许多事情变得紧迫。Part II does not act on us;we must act on it.属于第1I部分的事情不会催促着我们去行动,我们应该对这些事情采取行动。This is the Part of personal leadership.这一部分又被称为个人领导部分。

Part Ⅲis easily confused with (被动语态)Part I.第1II部分极易与第1部分混淆。It includes things that are "urgent,but not important."它包括那些"紧迫但是不重要"的事情。This is the Part of Deception.该部分被称作欺骗部分。The noise of urgency creates the illusion of importance.紧迫给人制
