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of mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉Absence of mind in chemical experiments may cause

a serious accident.

全神贯注于…(近义词: be lost in ; be buried in; be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on )

Newton was so absorbed in his laboratory

work that he often forgot to eat. 牛顿全神贯注地在实验室工作,常常连吃饭也忘了。

abundant in (be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

Fish is abundant in the river.河里鱼很多。

不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了

There is no access to the street through that door.

穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。 赊账

If you buy something on account, you pay nothing or only part

of the cost at first, and pay the rest later. 因为

(because of)

You use on account of to introduce the reason or explanation for something. 不论什么原因也不

On no account

should the mixture come near boiling. 把……考虑进去 The direction of the prevailing

winds should be taken into account. 说明, 解释 (理由

) for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明

The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.

嫌疑犯不能说明那天晚上他的时间安排 sb of…(=charge sb with…; blame

sb for…; blame sth on sb ; complain about) 指控,控告

They were accused of unlawful assembly. habit of doing sth, be used to sth)习惯于

I am not accustomed

to being interrupted.

了解; 熟悉

He was

well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.


Both countries failed to

act on recent UN resolutions. 双方均未能履行联合国近期的决议。


Act as an agent to record the accounts. oneself to (=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

He adapted himself to the cold weather.


(=make sth suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要) A graded reader(年级课本, 分级读本)is a story which has been adapted for people learning to read or learning

a foreign language.

addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

There’s a postage and

packing fee in addition to the repair charge. 调节; 适应

They are unable to adjust themselves to their environment.


This custom-built kitchen has

many advantages over a standard one. advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from)欺骗、利用

She took advantage of him even after they were divorced. 同意, 允诺

She agreed to my idea 她同意我的想法。 对…意见一致

We agree on this count 这一点上,我们的意



I quite agree with what you say. 你所说的我很赞成。


I agree with you about the gun situation.

同意, 一致

Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.

在…之前, 超过

Our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane.


不肯定, 不具体, 悬而未决

2)在谣传中 3)到处弥漫

Excitement was in the air. 到处充满了兴奋之情

Rumors about the celebrity are still in the air.

关于那个明星的流言还在谣传。 all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的

Above all, do not be too proud to ask for advice. 总共, 总计

In all some 15 million people live in the selected areas. 毕竟,到底;

It has turned out to be a nice day after all.

天气终于转晴了。 一点也不


I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad! 我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。 突然

; I feel terribly sleepy all at once. 一劳永逸;

The problem can be solved once and for all,

if you do that.(如果你那样做,问题就可能一劳永逸地得到解决。) 最重要的

; 考虑到, 把…算进去

We must allow for his inexperience 我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。 总计、等同于 The banks have what amounts to a monopoly

(垄断). for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责、保证(guarantee)

I will answer for the truth of what he

has said.



I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.

我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。 对某人有吸引力

Does the film appeal to you? 申请

I want to apply for the job. 我想申请这项工作。

of doing(= be in favor of, favor, agree to)赞成

My parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes.


由…引起 Mistakes







安排…做… It has been arranged for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.



I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed

(of myself) now. 我昨天表现不好,我现在感到很惭愧。

向…保证, 使…确信 I assure you its quality. 保证质量

缚, 系 ,结

We should attach primary

importance to the development of economy.我们要把发展经济的工作放在第一位。


If you make an attempt

to do something, you try to do it, often without success. 关注;注意: We'll attend to that problem later.


believe sth to be the
