







Module 1

Antarctica:the last continent


Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It’s also the driest. With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two. There are volcanoes too, but they are not very active. Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state, of course. 98% of the surface is covered permanently in the ice

cap. On average it is two kilometres thick, but in some places it reaches a depth of five

kilometres.Strong winds driven by gravity blow from the pole to the coastline, while other winds blow round the coast. It is difficult to imagine a more inhospitable place.


Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife, which has adapted to its extreme conditions.There are different types of penguins, flying birds, seals, and whales. But the long Antarctic winter night, which lasts for 182 days (the longest period of continuous darkness on earth), as well as the extreme cold and lack of rainfall, means that few types of plants can survive there. Only two types of flowering plants are found, while there are no trees on the large continent. The rest of the plants are made up of mosses, algae and lichen. Some forms of algae have adapted to grow on ice.


Most of the ice has been there for thousands of years. As a result, it has bee a window on the past, and can give researchers lots of useful information. Gases and minerals, in the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice, can tell us a lot about what the worlds climate was like in past ages. Antarctic rocks are also very important for research. Most of them are meteorites from outer space. One rock, known us the “Alien” rock, may contain evidence of extra-terrestrial life.

Since most Antarctic rocks arc dark in colour, they stand out against the while background and are easy to identify and collect.


Antarctica was the last continent to be discovered.

But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balanced the land in the north. They called it Anti-Arktikos, or Antarctica: the opposite of Arctic. When Europeans discovered the continent of America in the 15th century, the great age of exploration began. However, progress to the South Pole was slow. Not

until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland. The race to the pole had begun. It was finally reached on 11th December, 1911 by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen.


Today scientists from many countries travel to Antarctica to study its resources. A spirit of international friendship has replaced the rivalry that existed between many of the earlier explorers. In 1961, a treaty signed by 12 countries, including Britain, France, and the USA, made Antarctica the world's biggest nature reserve. The aim of the treaty is to prevent the mercial and military use of the continent.

In particular, it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste; to promote international scientific projects; and to end arguments about who owns the land. Today countries representing 80% of the world’s population have

signed the treaty. Antarctica has bee perhaps the most successful symbol of man’s effort s to work together

for progress and peace.

How Failure Became Success

On 8th August, 1914,27 men who had replied to an advertisement in The Times boarded a ship leaving for the Antarctic. The name of the ship was the Endurance and the captain was an Irishman called Ernest Shackleton.

The aim of the journey was to cross the frozen continent via the South Pole-a journey of 1,800 miles. Shackleton thought the journey would last six months. But when land came into sight, the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break up. Shackleton and his men watched the Endurance sink into the icy sea. They then headed north, pulling three lifeboats behind them.

After six days, bad weather forced them to give up and the men set up camp on a sheet of ice which began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle.

They survived on the ice for five months. Then, on

16th April, 1915,Shackleton saw land. It was Elephant Island-a large rock with nothing growing on it, but

much better than a floating piece of ice. When they reached the island, Shackleton came up with an idea-

it was a risk but he would have to take it. He and

five men would take one of the lifeboats, and sail 800 miles to South Georgia, where there was a permanent camp. They could then return to rescue the rest of the men.

It took Shackleton 17 days to reach South Georgia. Unfortunately he landed on the wrong side of the island, and had to walk 36 hours over mountains to reach the camp. The whale hunters at the camp

couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the si x men walking down from the mountains.

Shackleton kept his promise. More than three months later, he returned to Elephant

Island to rescue the crew he had been forced to abandon. He had failed to reach the pole-but he had saved the lives of all his men.

Wele to the South Poles!

South Poles? How many are there?

In fact, there are three South Poles: a ceremonial Pole ,which is on the moving glacier, a geographical or true Pole, and a magnetic Pole.which changes its position according to the movement of the Earth.

Is it safe?

Because the South Pole is a high altitude site, the glare of the sunlight here is very intense. It’s also reflected by the snow, so if you go outside, remember to wear sunglasses and use suncream.If you don’t, there’s a severe risk that you’ll damage your eyesight or get badly sunburnt.

Is it cold?

Yes! Be very careful out in the open air! The temperature is between minus 21℃ in the summer and minus 78℃ in the winter, and you can bee numb with cold without realising. There’s heavy frost e ven on the warmest summer days, and if it’s quiet you can hear your breath freeze. So if you leave the station, dress warmly and carry dry clothing and a portable radio.

Is there anything good about the weather?

The air is very pure, and it doesn’t snow ve ry much-only about four millimetres a year. There’s very

little wind and the sky is usually clear. It’s possibly the calmest place on Earth.

What’s it like to live here?

Life is quite abnormal. Suise and sunset e once every six months, and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome, and for some, depressing. We’re totally isolated except for radio and

electronic munications, as no aircraft can fly here

for about eight months.

Where do we live?

The South Pole scientific station is situated on a platform of ice, 3,000-4,000 metres high, but under only a few millimetres of snow. We have a minimum of 28 people

living here in the winter and a maximum of 125 in the summer. The living quarters are modest with few luxuries,but cosy.There’s a forta ble dormitory for sleeping ,the canteen serves great food, and there's a well-stocked library of DVDs and videos. But showers and laundry are limited, because water is very valuable. We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas. Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency.

Any other advice?

Remember that conventional equipment doesn’t always work as it should do. If you use an electric drill, the power cord will snap. Photography is tricky too, as film is fragile and the camera batter y doesn’t work in the cold.

Don’t leave any rubbish, and don’t forget that the ecology of Antarctica is very delicate, so don’t take any souvenirs home with you, and be careful to leave nothing but footprints.

Finally, remember that we’re all visitors to t he South Pole. It’s a privilege, not a right to e to

this extraordinary place.

TheTravels of MarcoPolo

The year is 1271 AD. Imagine a 17- year-old boy from Venice, Italy, well- educated and trained for life as a rich trader. He sets off with his father and uncle on a 25-year journey to mysterious, distant lands that most people in Europe have never heard of. While on their journey buying and selling spices, silks and jewels, they befriend one of the most powerful men on Earth, Kubla Khan.

The boy’s name was Marco Polo and many years later a book about his travels was published which made him famous. Marco Polo told his fantastic stories to a writer named Rustichello who wrote them down for him. This man was well- known for his stories and romantic tales of the legendary English King Arthur, but so many people doubted the reliability of his book The Travels of Marco Polo. However, Chinese historians have found obscure names and facts in the book that could only have been known to someone intimate with the country.

Many of Marco’s stories were about China and its people. He told stories about the towns, cities and populations in great detail. He described the amazing things he saw in China such as paper money and black stone that burned (coal). With very little

contact between China and the West, it is not surprising that people in a rich powerful place like Venice could not believe his stories, nor in the idea

of huge, rich city states inhabited by millions of people. There could surely be no parison with Venice?

A general myth has grown up around Marco Polo that he introduced such things as spaghetti and ice cream from China to the West. There is no truth to any of these claims and actually they are not mentioned in Marco Polo’s book.

However, Marco Polo’s book is still a unique insight for its age. Most importantly it was a great influence for many future travellers.Christopher Columbus left behind a well- worn copy that he read as inspiration

on his own voyages to America.

Last Part of Journey for First Women to Cross Antarctica


The first two women to cross the Antarctic continent

on foot have begun the last part of their long journey. Liv Arnesen, who is 47 and es from Norway, and Ann Bancroft, who is a 45-year-old from the USA, have been skiing across the ice since 13th November. They have been using sails to help them pull their equipment, which weighs 110 kilos, behind them.


On Sunday they reached the Ross Ice Shelf, 90 days

after they first left home. The Ross Ice Shelf is a

flat piece of floating ice which is bigger than France. There are 750 kilometres of dangerous ice left to

cross before they reach McMurdo Station. They must arrive there by 22nd February in order to board the ship which will be waiting for them. If they are late, the ship risks being trapped in the ice.



外研版高中英语选修8单元语法 篇一:(人教版必修1-选修8)高中英语各单元知识点及占分比归纳 必修二 必修三 选修八 篇二:人教版高中英语必修一至选修八各单元的语法条目语法目录 篇三:高中外研版英语教材选修8课文 Module 1 Antarctica:the last continent 1______________________________ Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It’s also the driest. With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two. There are volcanoes too, but they are not very active. Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state, of course. 98% of the surface is covered permanently in the ice


Module 3 Section Ⅰ Ⅰ.根据句意和汉语提示写出下列单词 1.We ________(应给予)a lot to our teachers. 2.________(咀嚼)your food before you swallow it. 3.He is so hungry that he begins to eat________(贪婪地). 4.It is bad________(方式;方法)to stare at others. 5.Xiao Wang is doing his best to meet the________(要求)of his parents. 6.Some foreigners don't know how to eat dumplings, some of them throw the ________(馅)away. 7.Elm trees(榆树)are very________(常见的)in my hometown. 8.The students begin their classes at a ________(固定的)time. 答案:1.owe 2.Chew 3.greedily 4.manners 5.requirements https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d19486629.html,mon 8.fixed 2.David________a girl he has just met. 3.It________my principle. I don't want to do it. 4.The dish isn't________. 5.Tom, I think, has much________with Jack. 6.If Tom goes on driving like that, he'll________dead. 7.________,he met an old friend he hadn't seen for several years. 8.In the darkness I couldn't ________who it was. 答案:1.No wonder 2.is obsessed with 3.goes against 4.to her taste 5.in common 6.end up7.To his surprise 8.make out Ⅲ.单项填空 1.I think their success________more to careful management than to good luck. A.devotes B.relies C.owes D.belongs 答案:C句意:我认为他们的成功与其说归功于好的运气还不如说归功于精细的管理。owe to“归功于”;devote to“献身于,致力于”;rely on“依靠,依据”;belong to“属于”。 2.________this cake and tell me whether you like it. A.Tasting B.To taste C.Taste D.To have tasted 答案:C句意:尝尝这块蛋糕,然后告诉我你是否喜欢。祈使句+and+简单句,为固定表达方式。 3.After a 7-day visit to China, they________the delic ious Chinese food. A.are popular with B.are obsessed with C.are familiar with D.are stuck in 答案:B句意:在对中国进行七天访问之后,他们简直对中国食物着了迷。be popular with“受欢迎”;be obsessed with“对……着迷”;be familiar with“对……熟悉,通晓”;be stuck in“被困在……”。 4.He was always________for knowledge, and at last became an expert in the field of art. A.anxious B.greedy C.great D.grave


Module2 Section I Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Folk music is currently enjoying a________(复兴). 2.I read the d________ report that it's dangerous to live here. 3.I want you to choose the s________ of my picture. 4.It's too d________ to listen to professor Li's lessons. 5.________ (基本上) I agree with your proposals, but there are a few small points I'd like to discuss. 6.He was very proud of his w________. 7.The Olympic Games will have good and bad e________ on the host city, Beijing. 8.There is not enough light and s________ in your drawing. 答案:1.renaissance 2.disturbing 3.subject 4.dull 5.Basically 6.work7.effects 8.shade Ⅱ.用所给词的正确形式填空 1.The beautiful girl came from a very ________ (art) family. 2.It is a ________(traditional) that women get married in long white dresses in the Western countries. 3.Look! How beautiful a picture! What lovely ________ (brushes) strokes(一笔)! 4.My daughter likes ________ (colour) wallpaper. What about yours? 5.The woman over there is a ________(paint). I like her ________ (paint) in oils. 6.I like ________ (draw). But I can't ________(draw) anything. 7.The heart is ________ (compare) to a pump (水泵). 8.The United Kingdom ________ (include) Northern Ireland and Wales. 答案:1.artistic 2.tradition 3.brush 4.colorful 5.painter, paintings 6.drawing; draw https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d19486629.html,pared8.includes Ⅲ.单项填空 1.Please don't ________him; he is quite________about his girlfriend's words right now. A.disturb; disturbing B.disturbed; disturbing C.disturb; disturbed D.disturbing; disturbed 答案:C句意:请不要打扰他,他正为他女朋友的话感到不安呢。disturb打扰,干扰;disturbing表中心词或主语的特征,disturbed表中心词或主语的感受,故选C。 2.It is good to surf the Internet. But some contents in it may have a had effect________the youth. A.on B.to C.against D.with 答案:A句意:网上冲浪是好的,但是网上的一些内容有可能对年轻人有不好的影响。have an effect on为固定搭配,意为“有……的影响”,介词要用on。 3.I've worked with children before, so I know what________in my new job. A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expects 答案:B句意:我有同孩子们在一起工作的经历,我清楚地知道我从工作中渴望得到什么。作宾语的应为what+不定式结构。 4.I'm glad to say that he's already finished________50% of the book in these three days.

高中英语 外研版 选修八词性转换

1._______ (v.) 使平衡(n.) 平衡→_______ (adj.) 平衡的 2._______(v.) 储存,留存→_______ (过去式)→_______ (过去分词) 3._______ (n.) 荣幸;特权 4._______(adj.) 极端的,极度的→_______ (ad v.) 极其 5._______ (n.) (乘船的)旅行,航行 6._______ (adj.) 艰难的,艰巨的→_______ (ad v.) 严重地 7._______ (n.) 状态;状况(v.) 陈述;声明→_______ (n.) 陈述,声明→_______ (n.) 政治家 8._______ (v.) 促进,增进→_______ (n.) 晋升;晋级→_______ (adj.) 增进的;提升的9._______ (v.) 阻止;打消…的念头→_______ (反义词)(v.) 鼓励→_______ (n.) 勇气→_______ (adj.) 灰心的,丧气的→_______ (adj.) 令人泄气的 10._______ (n.) 深度→deep (adj.) 深的→_____/_____(ad v.) 深深地→_______ (反义词)(adj.) 浅的 11._______ (adj.) 不正常的,反常的→_______(反义词) (adj.) 正常的 12._______ (n.) 缺乏;没有→_______ (adj.) 缺席的,不在场的→_______ (反义词) (adj.) 在场的,出席的→_______ (n.) 出席 13._______(adj.) 令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的→_______ (adj.) 忧伤的,沮丧的→_______ (v.) 使沮丧→_______ (n.) 沮丧,(意志)消沉 14._______ (n.) 可靠性→_______ (v.) 依靠,依赖→_______ (adj.) 可靠的;可信赖的 15._______ (n.) 鼓舞;启示;灵感→_______ (v.) 鼓舞,鼓励→_______ (adj.) 令人鼓舞的→_______ (adj.) 受鼓舞的;有灵感的 重点短语 1.____________进入,到达 2.____________ 突出 3.____________ 以…的形式 4.____________ 如果;假使 5.____________ (使)适应 6.____________ 结果,因此 7.________________________ 信守诺言 8.____________ 想出 9.____________ 冒险 10.____________ 特别,尤其


Module5 Section I Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Having lived in England for 20 years, he has got a______. 2.In 1969, the Americans made a h________step into space. 3.I was a w________to the accident. 4.I a________that the present situation will continue. 5.Caring the sick needs great p________. 6.A________technology is in great need. 7.As we turned the corner, a lake came into v________. 8.Several d________ago, a great nation was founded. 9.They a________that they know the crime. 10.You can choose any number at r________. 答案:1.accustomed 2.historic 3.witness 4.assume 5.patience 6.Advanced7.view 8.decades9.acknowledge10.random (7)enthusiastic(8)launched(9)success(10)start(11)wonder(12)ordinary(13)exploded (14)taking(15)shock Ⅲ.单项填空 1.He always did well at school________having to do part time jobs every now and then. A.instead of B.in case of C.in spite of D.in favour of 答案:C考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管不得不时常做些兼职工作,他的学业总是很好。instead of“代替,而不是”;in case of“假如,如果发生”;in spite of“不顾,尽管”;in favour of“赞成,支持”。 2.He is going to________the story where he left off yesterday. A.take in B.take up C.take off D.take over 答案:B考查take短语辨析。句意:他打算从昨天停止的地方继续那个故事。take in“接受,吸收,包括,领会,理解,欺骗”;take up“把……继续下去”;take off“脱下;起


名词性从句 一:概念:连接带词和连接副词等引导的从句在句中充当名词的作用,称为名词性从句。名词性从句包括主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句和同位语从句。 1)主语从句 ①That she was chosen made us very happy. S V C that引导的从句充当主语,我们称在句中充当主语的从句为主语从句。 ②What cause the accident is a complete mystery. S 系表 What 引导的从句充当主语 ③Whoever comes to the party will receive a poresent. S V C ④ 注有时为了句子结构平衡,避免“头重脚轻”,常用it 做形式主语,而把从句放在后面。 二)表语从句(引导词有where, whether, who, that, which, whoever, whatever, whichever , when, ..)The fact is that they are cross with each other. 主语系表语 从上面中可以看出,that 引导的从句充当表语,我们称that引导的从句为表语从句 ② The reason is that you don’t trust her. 主语系表语 表原因时,我们用以下结构 the reason why +clause is that +clause 或the

reason for+n/ving is that +clause.在这两个句子结构中不用because,若要用because ,可以用下面的结构中 This is because / that is because. ③That’s how I look at it ④That’s why I object to the plan. ⑤The coat is where you left it. 三)宾语从句。(that, whether, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever, when , wherever, where, why , how, because) 主语谓语宾语 从上句可以看出that引导的从句充当l句子的宾语。我们称之为宾语从句。 She explained that she was late because of the heavy traffic. ③ He asked me how I was getting along with my studies. 直宾 注:1)有时要用it做形式宾语,而把宾语从句放在句子的后面。 ⑤ He has made it clear that he will not give in ⑥You may depend on it that they are valuable. 2) do you think /believe/suppose /expect / imagine 后接特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,疑问词要放在句首。 What do you think is going on outside? 四) 同位语从句 一般位于名词的后面(fact, news, idea ,truth, hope, problem, information, suggestion, advice.引导词一般用that, 少数情况下会用(whether, if,who,which, what, where………).

外研版高中英语选修8讲义Module 5 Section Ⅲ Grammar——名词性从句

Section ⅢGrammar——名词性从句 名词性从句分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。

考点一名词性从句的引导词 引导名词性从句的连接词分为三类: 1.连词:that,whether,if 2.连接代词:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which 3.连接副词:when,where,how,why That she became an artist was due to her father's influence. 她成为画家是受了她父亲的影响。 What we will do tomorrow depends on the weather. 明天我们做什么得看天气。 When we arrive doesn't matter. 我们什么时候到无关紧要。 [名师点津] (1)名词性从句中用陈述语序; (2)连词that,whether,if在句中只起连接作用,不充当句子成分; (3)连接代词和连接副词在句中充当句子成分。 [即时演练1]用适当的连接词填空 ①The village is where I was born. ②Whoever comes to the party will be welcome. ③What he said made me excited. 考点二主语从句 1.作句子主语的从句叫主语从句。 Where the English evening party will be held has not yet been announced. 还没有宣布英语晚会将在哪里举行。 2.主语从句可以放在主句谓语动词之前,但有时为避免句子头重脚轻,常用it作形式主语,而把主语从句置于句末。主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数形式。 It's a pity that he can't attend the meeting. 他不能参加会议,真是遗憾。 [即时演练2]用适当的连接词填空 ①What we actually need now is not a skirt but a new pair of shoes. ②Whether it is true remains a question.


Module4 Section I Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I d________the question with Mary. 2.The police found no t________of the man. 3.My a________come from China. 4.I like the r________of the music. 5.I come from the north and can't understand the southern d________. 6.Pay attention to your________(语调), please. 7.The police came to help me________(立即;马上). 8.It doesn't________(要紧)whether you come. 9.The building was easily________(能认出的)as a prison. 10.Every point in this game________(重要). 答案:1.debated 2.trace 3.ancestors 4.rhythm 5.dialect 6.intonation7.instantly 8.matter9.recognizable10.counts Ⅱ.短语翻译 1.把……与……区分开____________________ 2.只要____________________ 3.在于____________________ 4.以防;万一____________________ 5.特别;尤其____________________ 6.be known as ____________________ 7.the same as ____________________ 8.agree on ____________________ 9.or rather ____________________ 10.be different from ____________________ 答案:1.tell...apart 2.as long as 3.lie in 4.in case 5.in particular 6.作为……而著名7.与……一样8.同意;达成协议9.更确切地说10.与……不同 ⑤passed⑥lie⑦African⑧rhythm⑨second ⑩influenced Ⅳ.单项填空


外研版高中英语选修8全册教案 一、课程概述 外研版高中英语选修8是高中英语课程的重要部分,旨在进一步提高和深化学生的英语语言能力。本册教材涵盖了广泛的主题,包括科技、文化、社会问题等,通过深入探讨这些主题,教材帮助学生提升理解和表达能力。 二、教学目标 1、增强学生的词汇量和语法知识,提高阅读理解和写作能力。 2、培养学生的英语口语表达和听力理解能力,能在日常生活中运用英语进行交流。 3、引导学生了解和欣赏英语语言的美,培养其对英语文化的理解和尊重。 三、教学内容及方法 本册教材共分为六个单元,每个单元都有一个主题,包括"Body Language and Non-verbal Communication","Literature","Science and Technology","Society and Family","Culture"和"Travel"。

每个单元都包含了阅读、听力、口语练习、写作、语法学习等环节。教学方法包括: 1、激活学生的前知:通过提问和讨论的方式,了解学生对主题的熟悉程度和已有的知识。 2、教学策略:采用讲解、示范、小组讨论、角色扮演等多种教学方法,以提高学生的参与度和学习效果。 3、学生活动:组织学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,以增强他们的口语表达和听力理解能力。 4、评估与反馈:通过作业、测试和课堂表现等方式,评估学生的学习效果,并及时给予反馈和建议。 四、教学重点与难点 教学重点包括: 1、深入理解和探讨每个单元的主题。 2、提高学生的阅读理解和写作能力。 3、培养学生的英语口语表达和听力理解能力。

教学难点包括: 1、帮助学生克服在英语表达中的语法和词汇障碍。 2、引导学生了解和欣赏英语语言的美,培养其对英语文化的理解和尊重。 3、通过多样化的教学活动激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。 五、教学步骤与评估 1、导入:通过提问和讨论的方式,引导学生进入主题。 2、学习目标:明确本单元的学习目标,包括词汇、语法、阅读理解、口语表达等。 3、讲解与示范:对每个单元的主题进行讲解,并示范相关的语言表达方式。 4、学生活动:组织学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等活动,以增强他们的口语表达和听力理解能力。 5、评估与反馈:通过作业、测试和课堂表现等方式,评估学生的学习效果,并及时给予反馈和建议。


Section Ⅲ Grammar-复习非谓语动词 [语法剖析] 单句语法填空 ①To_increase (increase) levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. ②Do you mind being_interrupted (interrupt) while studying? ③Warned (warn) of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice. ④Not_having_seen (not see) her for a long time, I missed her very much. ⑤His first book to_be_published (publish) next month is based on a true story. ⑥The sun began to rise in th e sky, bathing (bathe) the mountain in golden light. 1.不定式和动词-ing 形式作主语、宾语以及表语时的区别

(1)不定式作主语、宾语以及表语时通常表示具体的、特指一次性或将要发生的动作。 (2)动词-ing 形式作主语、宾语以及表语时通常表示抽象的、泛指经常的动作或一般情况。 Swimming is a very good sport in summer. 在夏天游泳是一项很好的运动。(动词-ing 形式 swimming 在句中作主语,表示泛指一般情况) They managed to escape from the burning building. 他们设法逃离了那座着火的大楼。(不定式短语 to escape from the burning building 在句中作宾语,表示一次性的动作) [巧学助记] (1)通常只能接不定式作宾语的动词(短语): 提出要求拒绝难:offer, ask/demand, refuse 同意答应会帮忙:agree, promise, help 设法做成决心坚:manage, decide/determine/choose 计划安排有希望:plan, arrange, desire, would like/love, expect/hope/wish/want/long 不能做到不假装:fail, pretend (2)通常只能接动名词作宾语的动词(短语): 允许考虑四建议:allow/permit, consider, suggest/advise/propose/recommend 忙于坚持多练习:be busy, insist on, practise 承认喜欢多盼望:admit, enjoy, look forward to 否认拖延可原谅:deny, delay/postpone/put off, excuse 避免错过莫放弃:avoid, miss, give up 完成冒险没逃避:finish, risk, escape 想象之后才感激:imagine, appreciate [名师点津] (1)有些动词后接动名词和不定式作宾语时,意义完全不同: forget ? ???? to do sth. 忘记去做某事doing sth. 忘记已经做过某事 remember ? ???? to do sth. 记住去做某事doing sth. 记得曾经做过某事 regret ????? to do sth. 遗憾去做某事doing sth. 后悔做过某事 stop ? ???? to do sth. 停下手头正在做的事而去做另一件事doing sth. 停止正在做的事 try ????? to do sth. 努力去做某事doing sth. 尝试着做某事 mean ????? to do sth. 意欲/想/打算做某事doing sth. 意味着做某事 go on ? ???? 做完某事接着做另一件事doing sth. 继续做同一件事 can't help ????? to do sth. 不能帮助做某事doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事 I'll never forget seeing my daughter dance in public for the first time. 我永远忘不了看着我女儿第一次当众跳舞的情景。(forget doing sth. 表示“忘记已做过某事”,动名词表示已经完成的动作) Don't forget to carry your camera with you.

外研版高中英语选修8 Module2 常用非谓语动词对比精讲

常用非谓语动词对比精讲 一、不定式与动名词作主语 如果作主语的不定式是固定的说法,或表示一种强烈的对比,或指具体的某次动作等时,通常不用动名词代替不定式。而动名词则表示一般的、抽象的行为。例如: To love others is to be loved.(表示对比) To learn a language in one month is impossible.(表示某次具体的动作) Saving money is a good habit.(表示一般性为) 二、不定式、动名词与分词作定语 1. 不定式作定语表示将要发生的动作。例如: That will be the only thing to do now. 2.动名词与分词做定语的区别: 动名词做定语说明所修饰名词的用途;现在分词作定语,表示所修饰名词进行的动作;过去分词做定语表示完成或被动的动作。例如: a walking stick(动名词作定语,意为a stick for walking) the changing world(现在分词作定语,意为the world which / that is changing) 三、不定式与分词作状语: 1.不定式作状语,只表示目的、结果或原因。例如: He hurried home only to find his money stolen.(结果状语) To make himself heard, he raised his voice.(目的状语) 2.分词作状语可表示时间、条件、原因、伴随、让步、方式:过去分词和现在分词作状语的区别,分词做状语时,其逻辑主语常为句子的主语。过去分词与其逻辑主语之间是被动关系;现在分词与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系。例如:Seen from the hill, our school looks more beautiful. (过去分词与其逻辑主语之间是被动关系) Walking in the street, I saw her. (现在分词与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系)


要点知识提炼 1. What is food to one man may be poison to another. 【重点知识】what引导主语从句,作may be 的主语。例如: What we should do first is to raise money. 【拓展知识】能够引导主语从句的除了what,还有who, whose, whether, whoever, whatever, which, whichever, when, where, wherever, why, how等。 2. To my surprise, more dishes arrived, plus soups, side dishes, and desserts. 【重点知识】to my surprise“令我吃惊的是”为介词短语作状语,也叫插入语,引起后面的话题,常用逗号分开。例如: To their surprise, the one they saw was not the actor, but her husband. 【拓展知识】用于该结构的名词除surprise外还有joy, delight, disappointment, sadness, horror, fright等。 3. The first time I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chicken’s head I had bad dreams for weeks. 【重点知识】chewing chicken’s head为现在分词短语作宾语补足语。在英语中感官动词后可以接现在分词作宾补,表示动作正在进行。这类动词有:see, watch, notice, observe, look at, listen to, hear, feel 等。例如: We heard her singing in her room. 【拓展知识】see, watch, notice, observe, look at, listen to, hear, feel 等感官动词后也可使用不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语,强调动作的结果,表示动作的全过程。 4. He must have thought I was joking. 【重点知识】must have done表示对过去动作的肯定推测,常译作“一定做了……”,只能用于肯定句中。其否定形式为can’t / couldn’t have done。例如: It must have rained last night, for the road was quite muddy. 5. It seemed to be just a bowl of grey liquid and it was only after I had tasted it that I knew it was actually cooked with mushrooms. 【重点知识】it was only after I had tasted it that ...为强调句型,其结构为:it is / was + 被强调部分+ that / who + 其它部分。被强调部分可以是句子的主语、宾语、状语,强调状语时,连接词用that,若强调部分是“人”作主语或宾语,连接

外研版高中英语选修8 Module6 知识总结

Module6 知识总结 1.part vi. 分手,分离;vt. 使分开;断绝(关系、联系);区别 相关短语: part from 离开part…with 和…分别;放弃 eg. I hope we can part (as) friends. 希望我们能像朋友般和气分手 The children were parted from their father. 孩子们和父亲分开了 The crowd parted to let them through. 人群分开好让他们通过. Despite his poverty, he refused to part with the family jewels. 他尽管贫穷, 却不肯变卖家中的珠宝. 2. acquaintance n. 相识,熟人;认识,相识 相关短语: make an acquaintance of sb. = make sb’s aquaintance 结识某人;接近某人 eg. I made acquaintance of Jenny through his introduction. 通过他的介绍,我认识了詹妮。 Mr. Smith is one of my acquaintances. 史密斯先生使我的一个熟人。 I only have a nodding acquaintance with Jack. 我和杰克只是点头之交。 3. approve vi. 赞成, 认可, 满意, 同意; vt.批准(某事物); 赞成 eg. I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣一些钱, 可是请不要误了功课. I told my husband I meant to go to America but he didn’t approve. 我告诉丈夫我想去美国,但是他不同意。 Your plan has been approved. 你的计划已经被通过了。 4. chorus n. 齐声,一齐;合唱队,唱诗班 相关短语: a chorus of 齐声,异口同声in chorus 一齐,共同 eg. The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval. 大家对该建议异口同声表示赞成. The crowd approved the decision in chorus. 大家齐声赞成该绝对。 5. suggest


Module1 Period Ⅵ参考教案 Every day English & cultural corner Step 1. Read the passage and answer the questions .(SB) Step 2. Decide True or False . 1. Marco polo sets off alone on a 25-year journey to China.(F) 2. The book about Marco polo’s travels was writ ten by Marco Polo.(F) 3. The book described the amazing things in china such as paper money and coal.(T) 4. Marco Polo’s book was a great influence for many future travelers .(T) Step 3. Language points . Everyday English 1. keep up (1)keep sb up 使某人不能去睡觉 I do hope we’re not keeping you up. 我希望我们没有耽误你睡觉。 (2)keep sth up 不让(精力等)衰退,维持,保持 They sang songs to keep their morale up. 他们唱着歌以保持高昂的士气。 2. run: (指陈述、叙述等)有某样言词、内容等 “Ten shot dead by gunmen”, ran the newspaper headline. 报纸标题为“枪手击毙十人”。 I suppose it runs in the family. 我认为家庭的其他成员也有同样的爱好。Points in cultural Corner 1.Imagine a 17-year-old boy from Venice, ltaly, well-educated(受过良好教育的)and trained for life as a rich trader(被培养成一个富有的商人). 2.He sets off(动身,出发)with his father and uncle on a 25-year journey to … On one’s journey /voyage to… 在某人去……的旅途中 归纳:①on one’s way to /on the way to 在某人去某地的路上 ②make one’s way to … 向……走去
